The Final Abode: Jannah by Shaykh Ahmed Ali: Al Buruj Press

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alhamdulillah alhamdulillah he and Ahmed Abu Anas Daria who honest all phenomena be here when I taught karate when I was urban let him in cerulean for senior women see iti marina maja the Himalayan fillet Melinda Romanian hoof ilaha il-allah wa nashua la ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika de la nación de dinero no Elena muhammadan abduhu wa la solo son la la puta babaca wa ta'ala alayhi wa alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in wal mentor BMX and aluminum about Allah subhana WA Ta'ala in la hawla wala ukw saloon Arlen Navy Yahoo latina Manuel sallu alayhi wa salamu Taslima allahumma salli ala muhammad wa ala muhammad came a Sunday July brahim water early below him in the comida Majid allahumma barik ala muhammad wa ala muhammad came a boxer lie below him water below him in the comida married collar subhanho wa taala in le dinner menu emile zola heart Kenneth Leung Janette Wilfredo sin Azula local a subhana WA Ta'ala in na la Hache terminal menina and pasar malam bien la emulsion vocalist subhana WA Ta'ala Horniman - Oconomowoc bahijon return o allah subhanho wa taala silikal generality new resume in re bird in Amman Kenneth Isaiah vocal Adela Walla Walla Deena Managua emiru Solidarity Synod Ohio home Jeanette in theory mentality and how horrid in Fe her ibadah Oh Collin abuse on allahu alayhi wasalam mention ElBaradei in the Hallelujah na ma : abuse on allahu alayhi wasalam monument lima bayonetta hear you beneficial a alumina halogen oh Gordon abusin allahu alayhi wasallam man kana yakulani gila ilaha illaallah the halal Jenna Oh : abuse and allahu alayhi wasalam of shoe salon automata ram rasool ullah khan well son Luba Leila when a soon-young third hulu gender to be solemn vow : abusin allahu alayhi wasalam cacao allahu taala are the truly body slowly hain murder a nun a lot while a pseudonym sammy art well a hotter ala kulli by bhishan respected well amar my respected elders and my brothers and my sisters a minor ones Salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu after praising the almighty allah subhanho wa taala and sending salutations and abia Crimson Allahu alayhi wa seldom I begin as always by first thanking you my hosts were giving me this opportunity to convey the message of Allah and is a resource and allahu alayhi wasalam and i pray to the almighty allah subhanho wa taala that allah accept these efforts of yours in listening to this message as i pray to the almighty allah subhanho wa taala that'll accept these efforts of mine in delivering this message my young friends Allah subhana Allah says in the Quran in alladhina amanu aminu solahart those who believe and do good deeds calahonda natural paradise in Azula they will receive genital Firdos for their entertainment in surah Tauba loss upon what Allah says in a la Hache nominal meaning Allah has purchased from the believers and for whom their lives one one whom their wealth their properties and what would allah subhanho wa taala give these believers in return for their lives and the properties allah subhanho wa taala will give me another hormone Jenna allah subhanho wa taala will give him Jenna in return in surah Rahman Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says what a man half a microRNA would be he gen return for the true believer who feared standing before his Lord refrain from evil and sin fulfilled his purpose in life fulfil the rights of Allah and the rights of Malou creation he will receive two gardens in paradise in surah Maryam Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says technical generality no resume in a body Naaman kana Tatia such is the jannah that we shall give as inheritance to those of our servants who entertain who were god-fearing who were righteous in surah nisa allah subhanho wa taala says one ladina MN wah middle Sala heart those who believe and after believing perform good deeds saludo hello hoonjae not in Tajiri minta TL and Hal Harley the unifier Buddha we will give them Gardens under which rivers flow and they will remain in these Gardens forever and ever and ever my young friends the Quran is full of verses like this in which the true believers who believe in Allah and his resource and allahu alayhi wasalam and fulfill their purpose in life by being obedient to allah and his Susan Allah party was a long time after time in the Quran Allah promises these believers that they will receive genital Firdos for their entertainment open the books of a hadith and you will find the exact same pattern navi crimson Allah weary wasalam said man sandal birthday in the hollow Jana whoever offers his father prayer and Asura he will enter paradise Navy crimson Allah you son and said my yelman lima by Nelly hey you wanna be Nevada die Elmen the whole Jenna whoever gives me a guarantee of the thing between his cheeks and the thing between his thighs then I Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam give him guarantee that he will receive Jenna in return maybe crimson Allah weary wasalam said man can a fear academy nila era in the law the hotel jenna whoever's last words before he leaves this world are la ilaha in the law there is no God worthy of worship but Allah the Halal Jenna he will also enter paradise Muslim a know of shoe Salam spread Salam What evil Tom feed the poor and needy was little or harm keep ties what's a noble anyone else when I am prayed during the night while the people are sleeping does whole gender to be Salam you will also enter the general laws of han wa taala with peace my young friends the Quran and the hadith of rasool allah salallahu alayhi wasalam they keep on promising the believers that they will receive general fear adults as their entertainment in which they will remain forever and ever as long as they believe and after believing they fulfill their obligation to Allah and his results and allahu ala was a lamp by performing good deeds and refraining from evil allah subhanho wa taala has promised these believers that they will receive genital for those as their entertainment the question that I'd like to answer today my young friends is what is so special about the general loss of Hana vittala and what is so special about the blessings of Allah that Allah says this is the ultimate reward and insha'Allah what blessings will you and I received inside the gender of a lots of Han with Allah it's a very easy question but I assure you the answer to this question is very difficult and the reason the answer to this question is very difficult because the rasul allah salallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the almighty allah said our debt truly a body solely in murder anal our wallet was noon Samia what a hot rock alibi Bashar that I have prepared for my pious servants such blessings in paradise Kamala you know what no human being has ever seen such blessings and such animals when I was alone Sami had no ear has ever heard with regards to these blessings what a hot rodder can be bashar and the thought of these blessings has never crossed the mind of any human being no eye has seen no ear has heard and the thought hasn't crossed the mind of any human being if this is what the Lord of the ocean could see the maker of these blessings is saying then how can I explain the true nature of these blessings how can i this is why I can only do my utmost best and give you a rough idea about the blessings of paradise why because the true nature of the blessings of paradise is inconceivable it is beyond the comprehension of the human mind no eye has seen no ear has heard the thought hasn't crossed the mind of a human being let me give you an example you know a child when he's in his mother's womb he cannot conceive anything beyond this he cannot conceive of the blessings of the dunya yet the blessings of the dunya are a reality we're seeing them we're living here we can see them but when a child's inside his mother's womb he cannot conceive of these blessings no matter how hard you try to explain and you can say to that child while she's in the stomach of his mother in the womb of his mother your son very soon you're going to leave this world and you're going to come to another world and this other world is a million million million times bigger than the world which you're in at this moment moment in time and this world is got all types of blessings all types of fruits from bananas to give ours to mangoes to pomegranates the leeches to peaches to grapes there are beautiful houses bungalows palaces mansions detached semi-detached there are beautiful tall of the buildings there are mountains beautiful landscape all types of drink from mango juice to milkshakes while that child is inside his mother's womb no matter how much you explain that child cannot conceive of the blessings of this dunya however when this child is born and with his child comes into the duniya and with his own eyes he sees the peaches the mangoes the leeches and he sees the mango juice on the milkshakes and he sees the Bentleys under Rolls Royces and he sees the tall of the buildings the hidden realities of the blessings of this dunya comes a perfect light likewise my young friends at this moment in time you and I were also in the womb within the womb of the duniya and no matter how much I explained you will not be able to conceive the true nature of the blessings of paradise yet when you leave this world and you enter the next world you enter Jannah and you see the blessings of Jannah with your own eyes and you experience the blessings of Jannah this is when the true nature of the blessings of paradise welcome to perfect light but having said this inshallah I will try my utmost best to bring Jannah as as as close to you as I possibly come through the light of the through the light of the Quran and the hadith of rasool allah salallahu alayhi wasalam let us just begin first with the last person coming out of the fire of hell and the last person going into paradise let us just see what Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has in store for the last person to come out of Jahannam and as a result the last person to go into paradise now in order to understand this hadith of Rasul Allah illallah wa sallam you will have to understand the belief of the Allison awal Jima here is the belief of the al Sunnah wal Jamaa that aku far irrespective of all the good that they may have done in the dunya because they didn't believe in the Almighty Allah and they rejected Allah and his Rasul sallallahu alayhi wa sallam it is our belief that the belief of the ala Sunnah wal Jamaa that they will be deprived of jannah and the blessings of jannah and as for the believers the meaning there will be of two groups there will be those who fulfill their right towards the Creator they never did any wrong all the obligations all the things that were ordained they did them just as Allah subhana WA Ta'ala asked just like the prophets of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and those people who had sinned well after that sin they repented Papa Tunde suit sincere it is which was accepted by the Almighty Allah this is the first group of people and these people with their Grace and Fuzzle on the mercy of allah subhanho wa taala they will enter the general of allah subhanaw taala straight away and the second group of people will be people like you and me the general believers those who have done good but sometimes the Shaitaan gets the better of us and we are weak and we do wrong now this second group of people will be under battle mushiya the will of allah subhanho wa taala if allah subhanho wa taala wishes to forgive these people then he is the Arak man and he is the eloheem the most merciful and the most kind and these people will enter general just like the first group however if allah subhanho wa taala wishes to holdest account for all our sins for all for any one thing that we've committed then he is the old just and he will make us pay for the wrong that we did and he will throw us inside the fire of hell and you will remain in hell paying the price of sin and disobedience as long as allah subhanho wa taala has decided but because you declared the Kalima la ilaha in the law such is the value of this iman and the Kalima la ilaha in the law now once you have paid the price of sin insha allah you will also join the former group and with the grace and mercy of allah you will also enter paradise so this last person coming out of the fire of hell an entering paradise is from the second group Allah has held him to account for the wrongs that he did and as a result of which Allah threw him inside hell and he's been in hell paying the price of sin in the price of disobedience paying the price of neglect paying the price of training against the teachings of Allah and his Rasul and then one day allah subhanho wa taala will allow him to leave Jahannam and Allah will allow him to enter paradise so with regards to this individual say that abdullah bin Mascoutah the allahu taala and who believes he relates that our beloved prophet muhammad salallahu alaihe wasalam said our main yahoo janessa raja Luna for who I am Shima wotton vagyok boomer Lawton rata Sphero hunama rotten for is homage I was Elsa Festa le havoc on Tabarrok a lady in a journeyman left cut up our knee Allah who she and Maha domina Pauline will offer in saving up the lab in Missoula the allahu taala new release now the last person that come out of hell and the last person to come out of hell and enter paradise will be that person who will crawl out of the fire of hell he will crawl he will walk he will stumble he will fall crawling walking stumbling he will leave the fire of hell and he will enter paradise now my young friends see if you can picture this in your mind's eye and remember this is the last person coming out of hell and the last person to enter paradise he's been in the depths of hell probably for millions and millions and millions and millions of years in the depths of hell paying the price of sin paying the price of disobedience paying the price of neglect my friends he's been punished in a manner like never before he's been tortured in a manner that the human mind cannot even comprehend scorpions would sting him snakes would bites him my friends he was given blood to drink inside Jahannam he was given poster drink he was given boiling water and when he would drink this water every organ in his body would melt and the water would come out from the other side his head would boil and bubble like boiling water in a kettle he was given the corn to eat the fire of Hell would burn him coal nominated a Jew Luda humba de l'homme Jew Luda and every time his flesh and his skin would burn allah subhanho wa taala would replace the skin and Allah would replace the flesh and his punishment and this process would continue and continue and every time the pain would increase he could never get used to the pain and he would cry and he would scream and he would yell and he would beg for help my young friends there was no less fight so he's been in this condition in the depths of hell for millions and millions of years playing the price of sin and disobedience my friends now the Lord of the arson Corsi is having mercy upon him the time has come for him to be set free so allah subhanho wa taala opens the gates of hell this last person to come out of the fire of hell today he can see the gates of Hell open and when he looks at the gates of Hell open my young friends he will muster the courage to leave Jahannam he will begin to crawl on his belly he will begin to crawl for a few yards and after a few yards he will make the effort to stand he now stands and he begins to walk a few yards he's walking falteringly just like a child when he learns how to walk a child takes one step two steps he falls to the ground the child gets up again text1 types two steps he falls to the ground here he's walking falteringly the fire of hell will scorch him he will stumble he will fall but again he can see the gates of Hell open today and he will begin to crawl on his belly he will crawl for a few yards he will make the effort to stand and walk with difficulty he will stun he will take a few steps he will walk falteringly the fire of hell will scorch him as he's leaving again the Allah will stumble he will fall but today my young friends he's been there for millions and millions of years he can no longer tolerate the punishment and torture he can see the gates of Hell open he can see freedom with his eyes he is thinking freedom today there will be nothing that can stop him from leaving Jahannam unlike this he will what crawl he will walk he will stumble he will fall he'll crawl he will walk he will stumble and he will fall unlike this he will leave the fire of hell and get up side you Hannah and now he's come out he can't believe his own eyes but he's come out of Jahannam and when he comes out of Jahannam he'll turn baka Jahannam and he will glorify Allah and he will praise the Lord of the arson kursi and he will be thinking the allah subhanho wa taala never ever has blessed anyone in the manner that allah subhanho wa taala has blessed him he will think Allah has never allowed anyone to leave jahannum and remember this is the last one coming out of Jahannam these are the thoughts that is crossing his mind he'll turn onto gentlemen say tabarak 11 a journeyman look at Al Thani Allah was shaken Mahadevan and over lean will offer him is Allah an all praise is to Allah who has saved me from you today Allah has given me something which Allah has never given to anyone no from amongst the former and no from amongst a lot a he's out and all of a sudden some matter father who shed urato allah subhanho wa taala will bring at sea before him and he will have never ever seen a tree so beautiful and he can see this tree and he's amazing it's out of this world this is how beautiful it is and below the street he can see water flowing remember he's been in jóhanna for millions and millions of years do you think the angels gave him respite do you think he had a five-minute break a 10-minute break he is now out he can see this tree he can see the water flowing beneath he was forced to drink blood and pus and venom of snake when he would take the pot that the flesh of his face would melt inside the pot before he actually put it down inside his mouth and here he can see the water you know the last time he drunk water was in the dunya millions and millions and millions of years ago he'll turn onto of the almighty allah subhanho wa taala and say adenine even had he said Allah for us Davila Bedelia what a shaman Maya he wants to get to that tree but he can't the trees are a great distance you know with difficulty how'd he not been with the mercy of Allah with difficulty he's just left you hanim and when he sees this tree and he sees the beautiful water flowing beneath it he'll beg the Almighty Allah o Allah I beg you adenine him in her the achiara make me closer to this tree so Allah I can rest and take rest under its shade and drink from its sweet water allah subhanho wa taala will turn around and say to him Yamina adam lillian arte to quaternion aha Oh every atom is so possible that if I make you close to this tree you will ask for something else you'll ask for another blessing and he will turn on to the Almighty alarms one without unsecured dialogue no my lord oh Allah this is the only thing I want I beg you make me close to this tree so I can shelter from its shade and drink from its water for Allah he will promise for you or he do Allah and obey Allah and he will take customers oath go Allah Allah Nick doesn't I'm not going to ask you for anything else just this one thing make me close to this tree so I can rest and enjoy the sweet water voila boohoo tada yeah zero Leno yay Ramallah Saburo Ali when Allah looks like his weakness and his impatience the Almighty Allah will make him close to this tree and he will come and he will arrest for the first time millions of years look how big of a blessing this is you Londoners will know this more than me because everyone's working 24/7 we don't even get to see our children and here he's resting for the first time he's drunk the sweet water he's enjoying it Aram kiss out there enjoying himself when all of a sudden some food father who Sheraton here a salut min allah allah subhanho wa taala will bring before him another tree and the second tree that allah subhanho wa taala brings before him is millions and millions of times more beautiful than the first he can see it and as soon as he sees it he will become impatient again he's just enjoyed the rest he's enjoyed the sweet water this taste is still inside his mouth and when he sees the second tree more beautiful than the first millions and millions of times again he will turn to almighty allah subhanho wa taala and say o allah Danine even had a scheduled for yesterday lebanon leha my huh let's look at hey girl ha oh Allah I beg you make me close to this tree oh Allah so I can shelter under its shade and drink from me sweet water allah subhanho wa taala we'll turn on and say to him Keanu Adam I learned to are easily I let us a linear era you know just a minute ago I show while ago you promised and you took customs get customary I'm not going to do this again I'm not going to ask you anything you took custom and you promise and pledge that you are not going to ask for anything whatsoever it's so possible again that if I answer this fulfill this request of yours and I make you close to this tree after a short while you will forget your customs and you'll begin to ask for other things again he'll promise the almighty allah subhanho wa taala for you are who Elias Aloha Aloha he'll promise the Almighty Allah he'll take custom again give a lot the second tree I beg you I'm not going to ask for anything else I beg you just get me there the second tree again it's at a distance he can't get there the Almighty Allah has mercy upon him and allah subhanho wa taala brings him close to the second tree again he drinks from the sweet water and you know what the water flowing beneath this tree is millions and million times better than the water flowing beneath the first and the guys enjoying it you know this is a hell of a day for him and he's sitting under the tree you know like a king enjoy himself no lots of hana wa taala begins to play with him some matter father who shall atone in the Bible Jannetty here Oxana many annoying Allah brings before him a tree next to the gates of paradise and this tree next to the gates of paradise is millions and millions of times better than the first two trees put together and within a zillion of a second he'll forget you know when he sees this you know when he sees this tree and he sees the beauty of this tree he'll forget his cousin's his promises everything he will forget unlike a child he'll begin to beg again he turned to a lower law this tree is millions of times better than the other two oh Allah I beg you make me close to this tree so I can shelter under a shed and drink from it sweet water again allow the sick it was what's with this guy you know he's just promises breaks promises promises break promises Allah will say kilo you just said that you're not going to you know ask for anything else two minutes down the line and you're asking again it's so possible again if I fulfill your promise and fulfill your desire you'll begin to ask for something else and this time you know what he'll literally beg like a child you know a child when you're when a parent has sweets in his hand the father has sweets you know four-year-old five-year-old child you know how you know how they begin to circle the father for the sweets and you give him one he will eat that one and you said him good but this is the last one now off you go you've got too much for today will that child go no after he's eaten that one he'll come and he'll try to open your fingers your hand and you'll say and you'll close it again let's say about beg you about please just give me this one if you give me this one about I'm going I'm not going to ask you again so this is what a child does so when allah subhanho wa taala says to him Cohiba Adam did you not just promise that you're not going to ask for this after anything else here Sableye Arab or lion did or line indeed I promise why I beg you hardly he just this once Harvey healer as a Luca regular ha all I beg you just this once just make me closer to this tree and I swear by your name again I will not ask for anything else now allah subhanaw taala will make him close to paradise make him close to this tree this tree is right next to the gates of paradise now my young friends he's so close to paradise so close to Jannah get a hadith stays for yes-mo a slaughter a real general that he will be able to literally here the people of Jannah inside Jannah rejoicing inside the dinner he'll be able to hear the sweet voices of the people of Jannah he would be able to hear the sounds of his friend up the line of the Rahman they used to hang around with those that used to invite for pray and he never came they're already in Paradise they rejoicing he can hear them inside paradise he can hear them happy and rejoicing he'll be able to hear the sweet voices of the audience of Jannah singing for their husbands and when he hears this his heart will melt he will forget all the customs he will forget all the promises and again he will turn to the Lord of the arson he will turn to the Almighty Allah the most merciful and the most kind and he'll say cue Allah or the honey ha oh Allah I beg you let me look inside your paradise well I beg you let me enter your paradise oh Allah I've come a long way today oh Allah I was in their depths of health for millions and millions of years Allah I was paying the price of disobedience I was paying the price of neglect oh Allah I was paying the price of going against your teachings going against the teachings of allah and his rasul allah wa sallam o allah i was tortured like never before like no human being was tortured oh Allah I was punished like no human being has ever been punished oh Allah I was forced to drink pus I was forced to drink blood I was forced to drink venom of snakes Oh a lot of the features on my face would melt in the pot when I just touched the pot o Allah my head would boil like boiling water in the kettle or a lot of snow scorpions would sting and the snakes would bite oh Allah everytime my flesh was burnt oh Allah you would replace it and the pain would intensify oh Allah this was my condition in the depths of health and I would scream and there was no one that I could hear me and I would cry and tears a blood would flow from my eyes again oh Allah nobody would respond you were the other hammer allah i mean that you had upon me and one day you open the gates of paradise and you allowed me to leave Allah I was so weak that I didn't even know how to leave that I was crawling o Allah then I made the effort to stand and walk and I would stumble and the fire of hell would scorch me and I would fall oh Allah walking stumbling falling I left the fire of hell with your help oh Allah prior to this I never rested I never drank water before you were the one that brought a tree before me I had never seen anything so beautiful as this in my entire life oh Allah I was tired with difficulty I left you hanim I couldn't get there I was very impatient oh Allah you were the one that gave me the strength and made me close to this tree and I drunk water for the first time I rested under I shared for the first time and I enjoyed this oh Allah oh Allah then you brought before me another tree this tree was more beautiful than the first millions and millions of times oh Allah I couldn't get that I turned to you again you had mercy upon me and I go to the second tree oh Allah then you brought me but then you brought before me another tree it was millions of times more beautiful than the first two it was right next to the gardens of paradise I couldn't get there again I turned to you and you had mercy upon me o Allah now I am so close to paradise coming from the depths of Hell that I can hear the people of paradise rejoicing inside paradise I can hear the whirring of the paradise singing for their husbands oh Allah I can no longer bear this or like tolerate this it is too much for me oh Allah you showed mercy upon me I beg you show me this mercy just once more and allow me to enter your paradise allow me to enter your paradise he is the Alhambra I mean he introduces himself in the Quran bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim in the name of Allah the most compassionate the most merciful alhamdulillah wa praise allah rabbul aalameen the lord of the entire universe al rahman al rahim the most compassionate the most merciful and when the servant of his tends to him in this manner and begs him go Allah order ho Neha I regularly to go inside Allah subhana wa we'll turn him and say Maya's renaming webinar them you cannot when are all this questioning and begging going to come to an end AUD Kanodia cadonia well miss Rama ha will you be happy if I give you a place inside paradise twice bigger than the dunya that you came from will you be happy if I give you a place in paradise remember this is the last person to come out of Jahannam and the last to enter paradise what is he in comparison to the Saba keen and oweneen those that spend their entire lives doing good and allah subhanho wa taala is saying to him he will you be happy if i give you a place in paradise twice bigger than the dunya that you came from this guy will not know what has hit him he would be thinking God loves playing about with me and he'll turn on and say to the almighty allah the lord of the arts and cozy at esta has your mini one terrible allah me Oh al are you joking with me Allah am i the joke yet you are the Lord of the heavens and the earth you are the lord of the artisan courtesy you are the lord of the entire universe and you're joking with this weak servant of yours that you're going to give me really a place in paradise twice bigger than the dunya that I came from say then of the love in my scooter of the allahu ta'ala anhu began to laugh he began to laugh who's a narrating this high DC began Tala and those that were sitting in front of him he said to them let us I know any member of hockey do you know ask me as to why I'm laughing so they said of the lobby Masood why you laughing he said because it was soon a loss and Allah he was under when he was relating this hadith this is when the rasool allah Sinagua Selim also began to laugh and we the Companions of Rasul Allah scenario said I'm asked maybe a Korean scenario SNMP Arizona law what makes you laugh and rasool allah scenario sallam said Camille a curable Allah mean that the lord of the arson course he began to laugh when this mamooli this weak servant of his is saying to the Lord of the universe a tester has your mini one terrible I mean you're joking with me yet you are the Lord of the heavens and the earth this even the Lord of the arson could see began to laugh and allah subhanho wa taala said team can aim by you not the job today when aki-nee allah masha arcadia i am the lord of the earth and could see I have the power to do whatever I want if I've said that you get get in a place inside paradise twice bigger than the dunya that you've come from that in spite of the fact that you are the last of the Gentiles and the last to come out from the fire of hell you will have a place inside paradise twice bigger the dunya that you have come from another hadith which Imam Muslim has recorded in say hey when allah subhanho wa taala will tell him to go into paradise he'll go to paradise for your high year in a year and nirmala when he goes you look inside paradise and he'll think he's full to him he will seem as if it's full and he will come to back at all hours behind with an SLR you told me to go paradise but there's no space for little me a lousy kept apologize so he's gone again and he's opened the door you know I guess must have been an inferiority complex type thing you know when he gatherings like this you see 3040 people everyone feels the same so he's gone in again and again it seemed that it's full so he's come back a lot you telling me to go inside paradise but there's no place for me allah subhanho wa taala will say to him no place for you let me tell me let me tell you how much place that is for you for you there is place in paradise 10 times bigger than the dunya that you have come from 10 times bigger than the dunya that is come from this is for the lowest of the Gentiles in one hadith in a big crimson are you a sinner with regards to the same individual allah subhanho wa taala will say Tim domina ask for whatever you like that's what you call winning the lottery my young friend that is indeed winning the lottery yes can you imagine you're standing before the Lord of the Worlds the being that has the power to do anything he just says gon be and within a zillion of a second for your it's there you're thinking something in your head and the thing is already there this is the being that you're standing before and he's saying to you know what the man now asks for whatever you like I'll give it to you the guy's not gonna know was him say standing there before the almighty alone Allah saying ask go on ask for ever you like so he's probably thinking you know what when I was in the dunya like Range Rover wasn't too bad was it which one I'm not you know that discovered it which color I like the green one you want to Range Rover Discovery here is he'll get it and you know what it's not you know you've heard the story three wishes now there's no three wishes here Allah will say again tamanna asked whatever you like so obviously he's seen the discovery right in front of him and he thinking you know I get bettin this connect or can it so he's thinking you know Allah you know what I went to the bay in LA when I was in the dunya and I saw the sheiks a lot can you give me a car like the shakes with shakes well you know the other shakes not the milkshakes so the Adam shakes what car did they drive then koala you know what they used to drive these Bentley's and these you know Rolls Royces with the engines made from England so what you want here you know right in front of him and you know you thinking this is my lucky day I love seeing again termina ask for whatever you like you know he's thinking you know what let me move up a few gears here and he's thinking you know what Nigel Mansell a Ferrari a Lamborghini a Porsche is the only one here is no three wishes allah subhanho wa taala will keep on saying termina ask for what you like he will ask Allah will say here it is again tamanna ask for whatever you like he will ask Allah will give allah subhanho wa taala will keep on saying tamanna hamana hamana he will keep on asking allah subhanho wa taala will keep and giving and when he's asked for whatever he can think of you know what's going to happen after this allah subhanho wa taala is going to say son gather what gather you didn't ask for this you forgot to ask for this particular item ask for it yeah he'll ask allah will give but you forgot to ask for this one last one as well he'll ask Allah will give Allah subhana WA Ta'ala will keep on reminding him he will keep on asking Allah will keep on giving for Aydin cutter at big hill Amani when he's asked for everything that he can think of and remembered allah subhanho wa taala will say who alakay why share - am sorry all that and ten times as much it's all yours this is the lowest of the genetics copy body enough for a day's work my friend this heart be bought now this guy's now looking pretty good why he's got a place in paradise ten times bigger than the dunya you know how big is this geun-young now there's already about how many million how many billions that we got so far hey Allah knows best and I still forget this you know is it 2.5 families by the grace of a lion is dunya there's plenty of space for another ten billion yeah so don't go down that line he's got a place in Paradise ten times bigger than the dunya and he's got all the you know the Ferraris are there the Lamborghinis are there the discoveries are there and now he's feeling good about himself and you know what he want to go and meet his friends we like doing that way once way looking good what do we do go show our friends so people do young lads hire cars good-looking cars and what do we do drive round the block again yeah just making sure that we have been seen yeah and we check off the hood of the car yeah put on the music and go round and round and you come back you're leaving and they still going round if everyone's asleep two o'clock at night and they still going they'll go with the restaurants are thinking those people still there or either they make the most of the money that they paid on the car so you know we like you today we're looking good it's no different for the women especially when they're wearing nice dress is they want to be appreciated that's putting it in really nice words so this guy you know the guys that he used to hang around with because obviously he's thinking Allah has never given anyone a blessing like this yeah so he's thing you know he is the guy so sick a lot you know what I've got everything that I want I'll hit nip in us well I let me go meet the people you know let me go meet my boys I say you know what go on hell has been us Allah make his day so the guy now is walking like a king you know important for young paliku yamamoto fill Jenna and he'll roll around in paradise admiring the beauty of paradise Hector is that then I mean an ass a whoopee ila who cos women don't wat in forehead rajala he's walking on roaming around in paradise when all of a sudden a palace made out of a diamond will be brought before him can you imagine the other palace out of a diamond when he his eyes fall upon this palace there will be so much nude and so much light and sparkle coming from this palace that you know what he'll fall into prostration for your hero solid ah it'll be said to him Oh what you doing here in the dunya is just enough time for it idiot and here in paradise all you're doing is prostrate get out such that you know you offer an excuse of unites go out he'll offer you know where they say is it right don't be I saw Allah no because he's though so much new room the palace beautiful diamond your sake you know what I just seen a LAN I would need a prostrate before my lord it kara via you've seen Allah have a good look it's a palace you can't blame the guy ah first day in paradise and it'll be said to him in the who immense in luminosity this is just one out of the policies that policies that you've inherited and Allah is God for you this is just one there are so many others he's walking along some al-khawaja Lane he'll meet a guy forget the hi olli sujood Allah and you know when he sees this guy this guy will be so handsome so handsome you know what men can be good-looking yeah men can be good-looking this guy is that good-looking that you know what he'll be on the word you're prostrating before him again it was a k-hole euros you know before he gets down the old eros stop here it offer the excuse again you know what am i a 2-under camel a criminal melodica I thought you were one of the Angels of allah subhanaw taala are the only reason i we're gonna you know prostrate before you since never mind angels me on a husband women who sonic abdomen IBD doctor al okarin an ulema annihilate me i'm just one of your servants I'm here to serve you I'm in charge of your servants I have a thousand servants which work under me they're just waiting to serve you now he'll walk in front of him and he will open the door to his palace believe me you'll forget booking him palace I know you Londoners to understand you're very much a la pasión about buckingham palace booking Impala you know I got a problem with it it's a good palace but believe me it's nothing in comparison to this guy's so he's open this palace and you know what everything in this palace will be of Diamond here the biggest diamond that you and I forget in our lives we will even see a diamond yeah but you know those are fortunate how big of a diamond about as big as this if you're looking yeah if you're looking as big as this and here the roof is of diamond all the doors are of diamond the keys are of diamond everything is of the same diamond the stuff below who Joe hunt and Hodari in front of this there will be a green jewel and this green jewel will be concealed in a red one and there will be 70 doors and every door will lead to a separate room a different room you know no you know these semi-detached is here where you've got to you know box rooms and that's about it that's the reason why you can only have two point five but he'll be living on the street the day after 70 rooms my veranda and every room will be made out of a gem and the color of every gem will be different and in every room you will find couches you you know just the king you are really a king couches carpets who wins so beautiful so beautiful that the Hadean stays at na hoona the lowest of the who wins the lowest RA has sub una Layton yah moo-hoo sake I mean why holiday ha she is so beautiful that she will have 70 pairs of dress hula means a complete garment top garment and bot egami she will have 70 70 of those and still in spite of all this the beauty of her thigh will be visible through this this is her initial beauty you know when he just turns his face away the hadees' this is another unhurried all button is that'd be a nice a tie in a different when he just turns his face away she will become more beautiful seventy times more beautiful seventy times more beautiful my young friend here we set him you know what look outside the window so he looked outside the window if we said to him Oh Luca mercy a lot to me at the arm you know the distance that be that can be covered in a hundred years the distance that you can cover when you're on a journey in a hundred years that's where your kingdom comes to an end now you have the lab in Missoula reallyl Turner who was earlier in this Hadees and I brought many different versions and narrations say they're not only allowed on I know said to say than a cob yeah God have you not heard what I blew me up any of the Libyan Massoud has just related with regards to the lowest of the generalities for FIFA BR level if this is the lowest that's receiving all this then what about those greater in rank in another narration in the Hadees of even your honor which they put on he has narrated with regards to the same individual it is mentioned when he reaches his throne in his kingdom the guy's gonna sit on his throne like a king and then for us are L a heavy sub eNOS a lay Sofia suffer Maloney up to her yet you do less that are here e hakama yet you do less data over leha you know this guy used to enjoy his food he had a tough time in the dunya he really did have a tough time in the dunya it was married to a girl called Jamila no life if anyone called Jamila here I'm going against Jimena but Jumeirah was a tough cookie ambikada was cooking all the time do you understand hard day's work looking there get out the beans open the can put in the microwave and that's as far as it went now he's sitting there like a king and you know what 70 trays of gold the trays will be of gold 70 trees and his Harding's are bringing them and every one will contain a dish which is not in the other one for this guy's going to be out of it you know kebabs tikka bodies yeah chicken tikka yeah very honest prawn biryani fish biryani yeah I'm only giving you these names because we just don't know what the cold in paradise June the Sun and you know what tends to happen in the dunya is you normally bring the best stuff at the beginning and you pull that down and afterwards it's just the average stop in paradise no we're from the first dish to the last dish everyone will be exceptional you know what he will taste and he will enjoy the first just as he will taste and he will enjoy the last he'll of Amelia you thinking you know what how long I waited for this how long I waited for this and if only had I done more good he's got a nice bite to eat now the servants will bring the drinks they'll go are the juices and the mango juice is no with 10% using you know this is 100% guaranteed all the shakes you know and he'll choose from amongst them whatever he wants to drink and once his ian and once mashallah he's had a nice wash down of the food his servants will say you know what Oh through who was water let him be now with his wife let him be at home so now the Hadees States Faden how long and oral injuries at an Alaska really Mallika there will be a hurry in sitting on her throne this is the queen and when he should be wearing 70 dresses again the same at least it's or something and the beauty of a fire will be visible and you know what when he looks at her when he looks at her she is so beautiful so beautiful that the hadees' states here you've heard love up for a silent yet it doesn't really work in the dunya in the arkarow this is real you know how long he'll look after he won't know what's hit him you know a woman so beautiful can it be he will look at her for 40 years 40 years you know you won't know what's hit him he will you know his eyes you know that is if he's in coma hey Lisa look one direction and I'm assuming his mouth will be open what's this what's this now this is what I want my sister's just to put the headphones on because this part of the band when I tell them I take the headphones off that's when they listen to the next part of the band but this part of the beyond is only for the men now you're thinking you know what hope you how beautiful can she be you know how come on yet how beautiful kind of woman be yeah you know what you've got to look at the maker for tabarak Allah absolutely blessed Allah the best of creators you know when Allah makes something then believe me he can make something and these who dreams are so beautiful so beautiful that also Las Vegas NM in one had he said LuAnn about the banany her better love I never know who though which emcee welcome Allah that you know just her fingertip if it was ever they become visible in this dunya you know the nude the light the gleam call it what you want of her fingertip it's so bright so beautiful that would overpower the light of the Sun and Moon put together this is just her fingertip you need to get that to believe it don't you guys you know so I've seen subhanAllah here get there it's gonna get better believe me don't be disappointed no undershirt haha but that lamella admob al-maliki well not very minty Barry here you know if some of her hair were to become visible was all a something was sunset you know the fragrance the sweet smell coming from her hair would fill the entire dunya with a sweet smell better than your head and shoulders yeah or your timotei yeah they in tell me this is what you call shampoo the entire dunya from the east and west would begin to smell it beautiful because of the fragrance just coming from their hair rasool allah sallallahu wasallam said you know they're sweet they don't give you a hard time so sweet the Rasul asana go cents a kilo and ahora bus applaud v sub at the other end there you see Beth will be Holloman or Zumba day for me huh if she were to spit once inside the salty water of the seven oceans then the water of the seven oceans what becomes sweet as a result of the sweetness of a mouth you know when she glorifies the Almighty Allah here you know when Tina Tina ten is glorifying the Shaitaan what happens all of a sudden your bodies begin to move it simply is the best you know when she glorifies the Almighty Allah not only will your bodies be moving the Heidi states Lemmy Epcot field generally in Lamia path will generally schedule from Allah WA of that the even the trees in Jannah will begin to move and shake and when she smiles though of you some of you have probably never received milah horn you know it's unfair because you've probably never given anything in return either when she smiled nude comes out of her mouth when she smiles at a husband nor comes out of the mouth and this new new life is in paradise and everyone sees him you know once our mother my son melody Aloha Tirana allah elevates her ranks in paradise our staff you questions with regards to the ODN are you know from this hadith of Rasul Allah seriously you can tell how much patience she had so she asked in the became said I was simply know Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says in the Quran with regards to this creation of Allah get hunan in dot this is the term that Allah uses to describe them what does it mean hold on in Sona be crimson a logical syllabus etiquette means that these women have big white beautiful lustrous eyes she says yellow suit allah allah subhanho wa taala in the quran says with regards to them gonna win a yahoo to one margin that they're like the Ruby and Colin stone what is a lot of hearing tip so no big dream scenario SNM Celica you know in purity these women and in beauty I like those precious stones which are inside the shells which are untouched nobody's ever touched them how pure and how beautiful those stones are this is how beautiful and pure the Hadean are hidden Askia rasul allah scenario Selim Allah says in the Quran Allah from Hassan he describes them Kairat and Hasan what does this mean so no big dream scenario sanam circle high or not high allahu allah that their character is very good you know they're not throwing pans and place at the husband's by nature they're beautiful and their faces are absolutely beautiful so the victory missile arsenal was then a skier isola allah says in the quran gonna basel McNown they are like as if they were delicate closely-guarded what does this mean Sona be a cream scenario SNM explain de in softness and gentleness the skin inside of an egg right next to the show how delicate that piece of skin is this is how delicate tender and soft the hoodie in our inside paradise you know what after this she asked the million-dollar question now is the time my sister can take a check of their headphones she asked que eres una las navas alum Anissa duniya of the I mean oral in other women of dunya superior or the women of paradise more superior and you would think you know what you've got it you sad guys what London's a sad place the Brad for years would never think like that weep a tear I about pee carry our wives so you know what she asked the million dollar question obviously the suit last night he wasn't appraising the Audion in you know verse after verse after verse so she wants to ask the million dollar question michelle rasool allah who is most superior so no Vikram scenario Sodom said Nessa Oh dunya abdominal coral in calf ability halla tll batana the women of the dunya will be more superior than the hood in just like the upper garment of a quilt is better than the inner gummy of the quilt so now she's got the answer that she was looking for by the grace of a life saved many heart attacks today many heart attacks you know from this my sisters need to learn look how how much they God Allah has for them how much he regard Allah as for the believing women when Rose before rasul allah wa salam came what was a woman you know in the entire world even in the western world they were still debating whether she's a human being they were still debating whether she was a human being and in the land of arabia they were burying them alive and this is when Allah messenger declared Allah said in the Quran voila mr. lazy alienable Marouf just as men have rights the women have also rights and he elevated their ranks in the dunya and you know what in spite of the fact that Allah is the best of creators and Allah has created this creation to hurry in he didn't let them down in the all-hearer the even in the arkarow in spite of this great creation of Allah this Bundy are these servants of Allah will be far superior to this creation of allah subhanho wa taala even in general are elevated them so now she's got the answer that she was looking for she wanted to hear more house women like to do they they love it when you tell them how beauty there and so you should that's the least that you can do so she jealous oooh Lala woman mother how will they be more superior how is it that the woman women of Jena are more superior to the women of paradise so no variance and allah allah wa sallam said busalacchi hidden was the army and whatever deity in the law because of their fasting because of their worshipping and prostrating before allah because of their reciting the quran because of their giving the circuit and sadaqa it is as a result of this they are far superior to the women of paradise and don't be disappointed my young friend they will Jamila will not be like she is here no you're thinking oh my god I don't have a choice in the MA I've been doing all this and I've still got Jamila here the meal is not going to be like this my young friend Oliver Salah who would you have know her face that looks will disappear would you oh no no Allah will place nude on her face this is how beautiful she will be new on her face what's under her ear the bodies will be covered with silk the body that faces will be beautiful and white and their bodies will be covered with jewelry this is why our mother's an eye shadow the allowed laranja may Allah also elevate her ranks she said to when the women of when the routines of Jenna sing for the husbands and they will sing and you will be entertained and they will sing with the words natural Holly that Falana beer wanna do now a mad fellow I never asked one after world yard foreign ask for two valley man Carolyn our Khun Ella cannot know Holly that we're immortal we're going to live forever and ever for Lana B's we're never going to die well not new now Matt we live in peace and comfort voila never we will never turn needy we're not little of the art we're always happy with our husbands we don't give them a hard time we will never become unhappy with them to Bali mankind and I what to say of those who offer us and we offer them so when this is how the women of the houdin's of Jing general sing for their husbands a woman is the eye shadow the 11 and I said that the women of dunya will respond and they will sing in these words and they will say national masala yet will oscillate una why not you say MA - ma some tuna wanna el mozo siddiqa drama the seductive nah we are the ones that used to pray you've never prayed you've never prostrated we are the ones that used to fast for the sake of Allah you've never fasted for the sake of Allah we are the ones that use the perform will do you never perform although we are the ones that used to give our jewelry a sadhaka in the part of allah subhanho wa taala you never give any tzedakah as a result of which our mother says that the women of the dunya will overpower the hood inc they will overpower the hoodie you know the last question she asked a million-dollar question you can see how much the love she had for Osuna last night in salem and she said yellow so allah you know sometimes a woman in the dunya is Molly - more than one man either because she was the worst re or either because her husband died and then she ended up marrying another person sushi Asiata soon lossen ago Salam if she was to enter paradise and at the same time you know all the husbands were to enter paradise there were all good people and they entered paradise who will she be with and whose wife will she be is all about that or missile melodia la Orana though it was a general question she was asking for herself because before this she was married to abu Salima and say that i was some already allahu taala no passed away and then I became Muslim took her as his wife and I was as our mother so she in Daraa if she was asking for herself and I became so like was not I made her day by saying that when she goes into paradise from miss Alma she will choose the best from amongst them with character whoever was the best in character this is the one that she will choose and he will be a husband so indirectly never came Selig Weston was saying to miss Alma you will choose me and you will be my wife in general just as you are my wife in the dunya so I was saying but you know when he looks at this woman for 40 years his eyes will be fixed you know after this period he'll take his eyes away and he's still in his palace he's gone into another room you're not gonna believe this you tell me seen another one he's seen another one and you know what she's millions of times more beautiful than the first and again he doesn't know what's him forty years and he's just looking one direction and after this he will receive all the blessings from Allah subhana WA Ta'ala just a final hadith I know I've only told you what the the lowest of the dignity is going to get say dinner in your honor of the eleven or less Hadees recorded by Mama Timothy the on top of this that the lowest Jannetty he will be able to see allah subhana wa ta'ala twice every day every morning and every evening he will be able to see his creator and there is no blessing bigger and better than seeing Allah and acquiring the pleasure of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala in paradise there is nothing bigger than this my young friends if this is what the lowest of Gentiles is going to receive you and I Allah willing inshallah we'll not be from amongst the last people to enter paradise why because we're going to spend our life after this we will make dobar we will ask Allah for forgiveness and we will try our utmost best to fulfill our purpose in life our purpose in creation by being good human beings by being good Muslims and as a result of which inshallah we will not be from amongst the latter we will be from amongst the former amongst the sabbatino alene if this is what person to enter paradise last was going to receive then what do you think those that are above women drunk and that'd be millions and millions and millions and millions of people above him in rank and insha'Allah you and I will also be there what do you think that allah subhanaw taala has got in store for us and i conclude on this note my young friends it's pointless dreaming it's pointless dreaming dreams mean nothing live the dream you know the dream that you're dreaming and these blessings that you're going to receive live the dream how you going to acquire it there needs to be a plan what you're going to do us from today to receive this elevated ranks in paradise you have a short life you know after I've gone from here maybe now I may be no more you may be no more we may leave our this room may be no more tomorrow we may be noble after that my finish it will be too late in my agenda to email and now we'll be either towards heaven and help you know it's all about understanding you've attended this lecture today and I thank you for sharing so patiently for so long and you've attended many lectures in the past and you will attend many lectures in the future for my friends these lectures mean nothing if you don't bring into your lives the messages that are being conveyed in the form of the Quran and the hadith of rasool allah wa sallam this is the most important thing and you know what it's all about tow feet ask allah auto fee and allah subhanho wa taala will give you the trophy i ask allah to give me the trophy allah give me the trophy to act upon what I've said Allah give you the trophy walk through Diwan and alhamdulillah below to me
Channel: alburujpress
Views: 47,914
Rating: 4.8959351 out of 5
Keywords: Paradise
Id: jpB0mFPzxnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 8sec (4508 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2012
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