The effects of sin creates weakness in the body, in the heart and humiliation. Ustadh Abu Suhaib.

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so uh we need to know what the sin can do to the person if that person knows what the sin can do then alhamdulillah he will be happy insha allah that's those are things that you please as well you yourself um you need to as well to know them because it could really help you into it so the the effect of a sins those effects which will demolish your heart which will demolish your body and which will doom your dunya and your they do regardless how small but the small will not be small if it's been insisted to be done number one you'll be deprived from the knowledge because the knowledge and talking about the knowledge of the demon is a light the larger throws it in the heart of the person and the sin what it does is extinguishes that light puts it off and that's when wakir he had been sought by imam shafi regarding his memorization of the ayat the hadith and the mutun so he said to him to illawa in i have complained to akira that my memory has gone really bad khalfa al-shaddani he told me and he guided me to leave and abandon the sins look at that so if you want the memory to get better leave and abandon the sins and that's what by the way refer to the poetry this paper is more than that so shakeout so i have the i have complained to wakeea my bad memory for arshad any letter kill master and he told me to abandon the sins that's how so when you abandon the sins then you're not you know your your light in the heart will stay there from the effects of the sin upon the person is that he will be deprived from his even risk just like the taco of allah gives you risk also the bad men of taqwa will bring you poverty okay so no one can bring the risk better than abandoning the sins abandon the sin allah give you subhanallah also uh when the person is a sinner he he finds in him in himself okay some sort of grudge and hatred uh uh and then there's the sinner subhanallah he finds in his heart something between him and is allah and wallahi if he's to and if he stops the sin and depends he'll find some sort of sweetness okay that sweetness can never be compared to any sweet thing on the face of the earth so if you uh sensible person you will know that the sin brings you disaster and depression that's the word i'm looking for depression he'll be depressed that's the depression depression with yourself depression even which would reflect onto your and that's another fact another effect between you and the people especially the ones who are good people they'll find that they are since distancing you with you that something's wrong so the more sin the more isolated you are between you and your lord between you and yourself between you and the people as well and that's a fact also you get into more difficulty you go to every gate you'll find that gate is locked onto you it's closed from sources that he never thought of what might talk about when he who does just put his trust in allah and allah will suffice him so just like the taqwa will give you a way of risk and a way of ease through the calamity then the sin will make you a way of difficulty making it more difficult upon you okay it's a depression and difficulty and you'll find the doors are closed when you make abandon the sin you'll be the door is open and also darkness in the heart that would leave a darkness in the heart just like you know you know you have a darkness in the night and you don't like it exactly the same thing the heart will start imagine there's a heart it's got lights each sin will extinguish one light one light and so this person who goes into sinning and then he goes to bidar then he goes to shirk he became a person is not a muslim also the massaya uh weakens the heart and weakens even the body as weaken as the heart for you know that it's very obvious because uh uh yani uh you'll find that this person is subhanallah is open for any suggestion of haram as weakening to the body the body for verily you know that the believer takes his strength from his heart the more stronger his heart is the more stronger his body is as for the kafir even if he's stronger in his body okay well when he's in need he is just so weak subhanallah and that's why you're finding even is strong but he commits suicide because he's weak in his iman weak in his heart and if you look at for example the strength of the body of the romans and the persians pharisorum their strength had betrayed them in the time when they were in need of it why because their strength is taking it from the hearts yet they had the artery yet they had the number yet they had all the equipments in the army gear they were defeated by a bunch of people who are for them there's a bunch of people who got not even the army dressed they just got like like helmets a bit of helmet with them okay but because of the iman of those people reflected up to their bodies they became stronger see look this is the the link between the heart and the body also from abandoning the sin is that you'll find that this person will be deprived from the obedience if there's to be nothing no punishment for the sin except that it blocks the person from obeying allah and blocking him from to be doing another obedience then it will be this is enough this is enough for the sin he said the sin is a as a cutoff for the person to go to a halal or a righteousness or a good thing and believe me that the sin will remove the baraka so if you have devoured the wealth of you have raised your wealth invested it in haram allah removed the barakah you've got millions but you fire them like a person who got no money millions baraka is no barakah well i know people who teaches quran mashallah and they don't ask for money but people they give them because they've got nothing to work and i'm talking about program which is uh i can't remember the name of it one person who had this person basically he's gonna give him money but he's hiding himself and see the camera and basically met this person and this person is what do you do he said that i might teach quran you take money oh and some of them they give someone they don't give i just teach he said you know he said this very little but allah gives baraka in it he said i like his vodka he's little he hasn't got anything nothing not no motorcycle no tuk tuk no nothing it was in pakistan they call it what they call it nothing he shows his foot and he said what are you teaching he said how far is very far is to walk for it and this guy's already brought him a motorbike but he doesn't know he said okay well i've got this motorbike i don't know how to drive i knew how to drive it i said well you could try it so when you put it this is yours and he gave him the money as well and he was so allah gave him subhanallah but i'm just saying to you that the sin takes off the barakah mallahi even to shelters the age and it's prolonging it prolongs the the it shortens the age just like the obedience prolong the age so we know that the prophet salallahu said uh joining them in which is a good act what it does to your age prolongs your lifespan so the opposite which is the sin by cutting and severing shorten the lifespan okay just stop it we'll do that so remember that the sin has a bad effect on the person okay uh and as we said it is the sin will weaken the heart it definitely weakens the body and it will shorten the life and huge it is the case it's another bad effect the sin will bring another sin you know it will give birth to the sin subhanallah just like the good deed will bring another good deed be careful you'll start with a small one you're gonna end up with another one and another one and another one until you become a lot that's why fire starts from a spark and the worst thing is it when you have for example that the sin is so overwhelming that you don't have power in you who will stronger will than the will of the master so the will of the master became stronger than you and you cannot defeat it it's defeating you all the time so that's how we say that the will of your tawba repent it starts going you know weaker and weaker and weaker until you're going to be doing the sin and you don't repent because he said khalas why should i repent that's how it is sin after sin after sin after a sin and then there will be no you know power of will inside your heart to repel it or even to make repentance to allah because you see allah will remove from your heart for the sin it's uh it's ugliness you'll find it okay no problem before he was ugly for you that's why you repent to allah you've been fornicated fornicated for against independently but you keep fornicating all of that and then you say fornication is no problem for you and because of that it will make you to inherit the worst scenario which is that you will lose the eagerness the zealous that you had regarding your family before if you see your daughter or something like this showing a bit of hair your color off should cover your hair but now because of the sin too many scissors of that thing you're not bothered so the the strength of forbidding evil it will weaken because of the sin now lots of it i mean humiliation is a result of the sin humiliation personally humiliated also the person will be deprived from the supplication of the prophet sallallahu alaihi sallam and the supplication of the angels for allah he said and he commanded his prophet to seek forgiveness to the believing females and the believing males the one who are holding the throne woman and also the ones who are around him so around the throne so the ones who are holding the throne and the ones who around the throne from the angels use the glorifying the praise of the lord and they believe in him for those who have repented what and they have followed your path and save them from the punishment of the hell rabbin [Music] lord make them to enter the gardens of eden that you have promised them um and whatever who has been good from their parents from their spouses and from their offsprings in hakeem you are the one who is almighty all wise so this is now regarding those people who are repenting to allah and also allah he said as well and also make them to avoid the sins and he whom you have made him to avoid the sins that you have mercy upon him and this is the supreme success verse 7 tonight so alhamdulillah by this will come to the end of our talk and as i said please forgive me brothers and sisters for the lack of the time for me i can't ask any questions or any answers today for tonight i
Channel: Luton Islamic Centre
Views: 3,039
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Keywords: Allah, Islam, Muslim, Video, Videos, Youtubers, Youtube, Love, Time, Work, God, Christianity, Judaism, Belief, Existence, Lecture, Lectures, Talks, Jummah, Khutbah, Ramadan, Eid, Hajj, Salah, Prayer, Heaven, Hell, Paradise, How
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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