The Ideal Husband

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[Music] [Music] friend of mine he became a friend actually on a short trip told me about how he was raised in a Muslim family these Guyanese origin and in Guyana there's Muslims that are committed the middle sons that have mixed their religion with Hinduism and some Muslims that are just Wilson by name and they've completely almost lost everything of the religion they almost know nothing of the religion and he was of the latter type he almost knew nothing about the religious so as he was growing up in New York she almost completely just wasn't even practically Muslim and he used to you know get into fights with his mother you went to jail a couple of times and some gangs all kinds of stuff later on in life he decides he wants to you know he's looking for God and he knows by at least my name is Muslim I think his name was Mohammed something right so you should look into what religion first mom so he starts looking into Islam started going to though much it starts learning how to pray again becomes more serious at the time he was you know he had married his girlfriend who was Christian or whatever and he started becoming more serious about the religion and then his wife notices that he's praying and the beer has gone from the fridge and he's not going out with his drinking buddies and he doesn't go to Atlantic City on the weekend he's a different guy something's changed you know and he doesn't say anything to her just on his own you didn't yell at her didn't tell her to you know put a job on or whatever he went to a scholar who he didn't tell me his name but he said I went to my scholar and I told him look I'm becoming more and more aware of Islam but my wife of course is a Christian and she's not even a practicing Christian she's just kind of what I was before she's exactly like I was before how do I help her he said don't tell her a thing about Islam just be the best person you can be and to do that to study what kind of a husband the Prophet was for me don't worry about what you need to tell her worry about being the best possible husband and that is the son of the messenger are subtle Salaam so he starts doing these things with his wife and in the beginning used to argue with her sometimes about Islam and tell her how Christianity doesn't make sense and none of those would work with his wife none of them he's like no I'm a Christian man that said uses in my heart leave me alone Tom's debating with her he's just being what he can be as the best husband and one day he's making motive and his wife joins him in Salah and he's in salat it messes up his salon like right what's is what's happening here after salat people telling me what happened nothing and he goes no you have to tell me what happened and of course she says what pretty much any wife would say it's complicated our heads but eventually she tells him and she tells him look I've never seen a husband like you my dad wasn't like that I've never seen a father license the way you are with our child I've never seen a father me like that it's so beautiful if this religion can't be wrong now how are you living your life people can see that you're calling people to the top father was beware you told a man be way to the lady of suspicion of envy of evil thoughts do not blame each other live within modesty and abeyance with each other do not spread each other secrets me romantic tall the man be romantic dear lady the problem was romantic in even arose $2 $1 $15 take a nap today $20 and take a home to your darling wife and Teresa's four year old darling believe me what llahi that would change her whole day now I will change the whole day and you have the best mood at night the best new something you've never tasted [Music] and I'm pretty sure a lot of us romantic men have tried this if you cannot afford the Rose get a candle what for put it underneath switch with the lights off switch water lights off and have dinner together and their candle light oh you want to be more romantic get to the moon underneath the light of the moon it's not a joke it's serious the problem was romantic he was romantic for example you had you come home and she makes a meal for you you might not even like that meal but say masha'Allah how beautiful how tasty a scrumptious this mu is inside you know how we're gonna get rid of it but well la he should change your day but damn boy the same through to where the veggies that you won't make it again you know little things play a big role of big affecting your life a big and faithful lying the purpose of a long while he was sitting he had a great time with his wife as I said with the Elana she says that before the purpose of a long while he was sitting would leave the house many times before he would leave he would kiss me on the cheek and then for at least he used to sit next to each other the along with a Lana and he would eat from the same plate as her where in our society that was considered as something bad for a husband a man she doesn't eat on the same plate as a lady he would sit down and eat with his wife and not only with them he would sit next to them and eat and he went for the morsel in their mouth and they would have put a motion in his mouth and a high shot at the Elana says that one day I was eating with the purpose of a long line ago said him and while I was eating with him the purpose of the long holiday was on him he gave me a cup of water and I drank from there and after I drink from that I put the cup down the Popish had allowed us and picked up that very same cup and he began to spin it he was looking for my lip marks and then he drank from the exact same place for I drink from he was a perfect well-rounded man and the purpose that allows it wasn't harsh and mean with his women the province had a lot of sons having a dinner with two of his wives and they're both eating and one says to the other you eat first the second says no you eat first she says to her you eat first she says I don't care no you're gonna eat first so this one says if you don't need first I'm gonna put food on your face and the pop still awesome is sitting right where he's sitting in the middle and they're going off at each other like firing each other down typical women so one of them fix up some food and puts it on her face she did it in front of the problems that allowed us um and the purpose of a lot some what did he do he just moved his chest back and she took food and put it back on her face someone that's wrong to you you have the right to do it back to them but that was the humor of the progress of our Hollywood scene that's how he was with his family he was always smiling and laughing and joking he's racing with ice out of the Aloha on huh what how old is he at that time he's over 55 years old wit 55 year old man today can race his wife without falling over with a heart attack who can do that today no one can but obviously the LA one he was so it was so humbled and he lets her win and then after a few years later he says do I show this race again and they race again and the progress that allowed him beats I accept the Alanna and then he says to her the first time I let you into don't think you beat me he was so humble his wife I shall do - is the message of all others they're playing sports in the streets I want to go watch it I'm gonna watch the game the Papa said aloud sit him he stands at the door and I excited a lot of she gets on her tippy-toes and she's peeking over the shoulder of the Papa settled on him imagine how beautiful that sea knows what a husband he was the purpose of awesome says that I had no interest in that game at all but he's only standing there because his wife wants to watch it as I salad Alana's watching the purpose of ahadees understanding we can give so many examples so many examples of how the purpose of a long body was summed up with his wife and how he was a perfect husband the wives of the prophet sallallaahu idea was sitting were amazed by him they were amazed by his sublime character our sisters should guard themselves and control themselves and understand that they are the flowers of Islam they are also the handmaidens of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala the sisters have the right inside the home they are in charge don't come home with your chest poked out where's the food what's going on bla bla go get this why you didn't be quiet leave the sister alone don't tell her what to do she don't have to do nothing for you no you have responsibility to them she don't even have to work she don't have to lift a cup she don't have to do any work she don't have to clean your clothes she don't have to iron your clothes she don't have to wash no dishes she don't have to cook no food for you she don't have to do anything this is not her job if you want your money to do that go hire a servant but if she does that this would be a blessing for her in front of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala if she does it for you this is a nothing for her this is good for her she should do that too want to serve her husband to obtain his pleasure because the pleasure of the husband is next to what the pleasure of Allah the displeasure of the husband is next to the displeasure of Allah but it is not her obligation because of the marriage to annual pose to wash your clothes to fix your food to sew your clothes because the Messenger of Allah saw us and what did he do did he do those things himself so the man when he comes to the house he should be grateful if his wife she fixed the food for him she cleaned the house for him she's taking care of the children she's taking care of herself she's taking care of the house she's taking care of your honor your reputation this is not an easy job so brothers don't put more responsibility on her by your demands and at the same token be grateful from time to time give her a relief buy her gifts say nice things to her complement her show your gratitude towards her because she's also the mother of your children you
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 192,045
Rating: 4.9658117 out of 5
Keywords: marriage series, marriage documentary, the wedding, love before marriage, premarital problems, divorce, ideal husband, ideal wife
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2018
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