Are You Being Abused? - Omar Suleiman - Quran Weekly

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sanam re come welcome to library cat sir your brothers and sisters of Quran weekly this is your brother Omar Suleiman you know a lot of the discussions that we have about abuse and domestic abuses the misunderstanding the misinterpretation of the ayat of look of the eye of the Quran which supposedly gives people the justification but what I've noticed is that a lot of times we don't address people that have been abused women that have been abused in a marriage sometimes even husbands and children that have abused been abused by their parents may be physically sexually abused emotionally and what I really wanted to do is I wanted to make a video for people that are in an abusive relationship for people that have suffered abuse and what they should think to do one thing is that understand that allah subhanahu wata'ala does not let these things go unpunished and allah subhanaw taala will not allow your your patients to go unrewarded you know Allah Spano tata tells us that on the day of judgement yo cool or casual yeah late and in come to table that the disbeliever would say that I wish that I was dirt I was dust and the prophets like Simon gave us the context of this ayah saying that on the day of judgment allah subhanho wa taala before dealing with human beings and their proceedings Allah Spanish Allah will bring the animals and he'll bring the goat that had horns and the goat that did not have horns and if that goat that had horns oppressed the goat that did not have horns allah subhanaw taala would be you know the day of judgment you know would provide an opportunity for that goat that was harmed to get their payback to get their revenge and this is just as human being sometimes we need to understand that justice will prevail and unfortunately in dunya we don't always get our way and that's why we understand that al Qaeda is indeed compensation and the first rule of the Day of Judgment is idling time knob load money on that it's perfect justice and there's no transgression today and it's and it's natural human beings you know if a child is hit by an object many times the child will not be satisfied until you hit that object to show them that justice has been served so it's important for us to understand that belief in the day of judgment that a lost man in sada will allow things to come full-circle can truly provide comfort that nothing in the world can and understand that allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala understands your pain and your and and and how you've suffered and in fact the prophet sallallaahu rd was that i'm said that a loss of hannah toilet will compensate for the rights of every servant hat a ottoman abdul and yoda allah duniya the akuna minal muslimeen so that a person would wish the servant would wish on the day of judgment to return to the dunya to be amongst those who returns grasped and oppressed because when allah subhanaw taala takes up your cause and allah subhanallah de supports you then nothing else can can interfere with that and nothing else can be more satisfying than that now what about the dunya as far as the dunya is concerned there are a few things that I wanted to share number one do not feel like you should not tell other people about that abuse that you should not report that abuse whether it's whether it's spousal abuse or whether it's child abuse it is extremely important why because numerous studies have shown that this is indeed a cycle okay that people that are abused are likely to become abusers so it's important to stop that cycle if you're a wife that's being beaten by your husband don't let your culture or your community guilt you into silence and so thinking that by being quiet you're doing a favor you're not doing a favor to yourself and you're not doing a favor to your children your children would be turned off from the from the Deen turned off from the culture and they might even grow up to be abusers too because they've witnessed that their entire lives you also might be risking their their lives in the process and risking your life because if someone is guilty of continuous abuse then what's going to stop them right and it might be something that triggers a stronger emotion that leads to an even greater transgression and an even greater incident so it's important for you to understand that you know that no matter what people say and no matter what your culture you know suggests there's you're not doing a favor to anybody by staying in an abusive relationship and it is important despite the hit that your reputation might take to go ahead and to take steps to stop that abuse and this is something that is well documented in our Dean that even backbiting at this point you know some people say well I don't want to ruin that person's reputation you shouldn't care but with that person they didn't care enough about you to not harm you and abuse you you should not care about their reputation and in those moments in fact the profit slicing them taught us that when you when you're averting harm from another person it's not backbiting as faulty mob in place and Behati and Muslim or the allotted honor she asked the Prophet I saw them she said that I received the proposal from Walia not Mohammed Abu Sufyan another more area and from Abuja and was so lost I said I'm sad about Abuja he says that up with John doesn't put his stick down right meaning what he's an abuser so Rasool all I said was was talking ill of that companion but that was to avert a greater harm so don't feel guilty and don't think that you're doing anything honest Lama Kuenn you report an abuser another thing that I would like to share with you that I hope that you'll take into consideration you know a lot of times you're left with a lot of questions and I can't even imagine and I would be a fool to sit here and to assume that I can feel all of your pain and and the pain of the people that I come across that have been abused in our communities whether it's spousal abuse or been abused by their parents but one thing that you need to understand is that you can feel sorry for yourself and not do anything about it and allow yourself to to fail in all other aspects of life to fail spiritually to fail in your career and that would only make the abuser happier that would only make the saipan happier what are you going to accomplish as a result of that what you're going to accomplish as a result of that self-pity rather take it as a mission for yourself to not only climb out of that hole and not only overcome that distress but to stop other people from from doing the same thing to others to stop other abusers and to make that a mission perhaps you can counsel other Muslim children or non Muslim children that I've suffered with abuse by showing them that this is something that can be overcome so take it as a mission take it as a challenge because a loss of Hanuman Idol will certainly give you your justice on the day of judgment but don't allow yourself to fail in all other aspects you know allow this to be your mission allow this to be you cause take it up because this is certainly an issue in the Muslim community that hasn't been spoken about enough and we need to have more brothers and sisters rising up to to help solve this problem and to provide support to those that are suffering in silence also so remember that a loss of Hannah Tata is your comforter remember that allah subhanaw taala does not expect you to suffer in silence and remember that you can help other people that are suffering in silence because you have a platform if you climb out of this and if you work hard you have a platform that no imam or sheikh or a preacher that hasn't been in that situation has so i ask allah subhanaw taala to be with you ask allah subhanho time to bless you i ask allah sponsor to heal you and to take care of your pain and i ask allah subhanaw taala to grant you paradise as a result of your hardship and i ask allah subhanaw taala to allow you to achieve greatness not just in the acura because that is guaranteed for the patient one but rather also in the dunya by overcoming self-pity and by overcoming all of the obstacles that have been placed in front of you Mohammed Amin jazakomallahu khayran was the domani come what happened to live with a captain
Channel: Quran Weekly
Views: 144,415
Rating: 4.9433002 out of 5
Keywords: Quran, Muhammad, Islam, Allah, Quran Weekly, Quranweekly, Omar Suleiman, Prophet, Koran
Id: SwKP9Rk--7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2013
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