The iconic Oodnadatta Track! Travelling Australia in our Y62 Patrol

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starting the so sad once again the flaws but anyway $320 a lader oh yeah Place lives up to its name we made it Mari well we made it to the start yeah we got to get to the end sorry got to pull my pants down for a second and um put this nozzle we're getting fuel at Mari our first stop well technically the first stop on the yeah yeah this is right and it is $290 thankfully we only have to fill out what quarter of a tank so that's right but then I know the next two stops for fuel are just as expensive so that's okay you know we're going to be spending a little bit on the next two fuel UPS at least oh I'm going to say the next few cuz we got ooo and everything yeah but eroo goes back to it's still $2 like 13 or $2 20 or something like that and I could be wrong 27 L just cost $80 $80 for a squir oh my God all right I'll go and um offer my services morning un dat day so I've just gone over everything on the car just these are a couple of things that I would recommend everybody checks when you know you're going to be going Offroad or heaps of corrugations and stuff like that so checked all the terminals on the battery actually found two that were loose so tighten on those obviously oils cooling all that sort of stuff um what else did I check pulled the air Fields out gave that a blowout wasn't too bad checked my boat made sure that was on loose um what I've done is I've zip tied all my trailer plugs together so they can't come undone so that way driving down the road they don't R loose or come loose and they fall out um what else air boards tied down check the straps gas bottle straps make sure that's all done under the van I just got under the van then actually I'll show you I just checked all the checked all the for the cables make sure nothing's falling out but as you can see that stone guard on that tank has copped a flogging so is this one like look at all the all the dents and stuff like that like they're proper punched the thing so um I've noodled everything as you can see did that at home before we left but so far so good everything under the van's looking all right um um I have straightened all that back out there was a rock probably the size of a golf ball wedged in between the tank and the and the bash plate um but as I said everything's looking all good no suspension components to come loose so these are just things that oh and what I've done actually I've gone through the whole van anything that's got a Philips head screwdriver or F head screw I've tightened them all up there was a few that were loose um made sure there tape on my water fill Point I've actually taped it up around my drain point because that was um the pool noodle is probably a little bit deteriorated now and I don't have a spare to put over it but these are things you should just check anytime before going Offroad and stuff like that cuz you don't want silly things like that to cause a 5 or 6 hour issue later on down the track so anyway just a quick little feedback from all my experience doing F driving and stuff like that that just simple quick checks can prevent dramas later so Tristan is acting like a kid in a candy store because we are starting the udad yeah baby it says fully open at this stage so that's a positive we do know rain is coming so we may have to we may have to cut our trip one day short yeah we might have to just get off it but yeah the day we meant to be leaving the Roadhouse at un dat is Saturday and it's meant to rain on Saturday and apparently they get a stiffer rain out here they close the roads down yeah so we don't want that no um so yeah we will take you along I'm sending up the Drone to show you the SES and we'll see what it's like fingers crossed it's not even as bad as what we've done already and then let's get after it y [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] no I don't know what to say metonia metonia Sculpture Park oh a sticker bonnet look at that which is cool we've seen a few people we know again so we're following along all right let's go have a look they're naked they are naked first up we have these planes planes are they real do I don't know I said are they real planes like why why is that a bad thing that I said that they're real planes how do you know though they're real planes now they we're up close I would say yes I asked that ages away listen to the sound it's making in the wind this is cool Rust in Peace Three Corner Jacks yeah the um the big pickle things are going through my Croc getting me jeez they're vicious these things let me see I so I when I lived in Adelaide we used to play a game with my two brothers that we used to run across our backyard and they had three Corner Jacks everywhere and we did it in bare feet that's what we called them and I think that's what they called but if anybody else has a name for them let us know but we I call them three Corner Jacks and they're full on like they go through your Croc and stab you in the [Music] toe take a photo what is it so yes our weird daughter is in a woody right now any chance she can throw on heri she'll do it cuz she loves it there you go what's that her Rie yeah it's look this is what Paisley's in and this is what I'm in yeah like it's not cold it is windy today though it's windy but it's beautiful it's like a is that a pendulum I guess you could I just don't want to go all the I don't want to just go on like that thing is going to fall down do you like this one Paisley I love it it's a windmill flower I feel like it's got to fall down pretty blowy it is blowy see this is Art do yeah so is the rest yeah yeah I guess so try to block the wind that's cool the musical the musical section yeah whatever it's called This is Where I say day say started oh yeah it's actually good with the wind cuz we can hear it all yeah making noise made a couple of running repairs it got some drums here good job do you think you can play a song no try try I can't just try you try I can't play music you try he come on D how good are you [Music] hey don't give it too much you get a big head it's not the right sounds but that's fine another one on the other side this probably say Hey you [Music] guy hey it's not that hard though I don't have a music I've got I've got a voice try I got a singing voice but I can't play music try I'm okay [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we've pulled up a place called Margaret siding now about this place this is where what do they call them a gang of men lived who maintain the railway used to run through here and apparently the living conditions were absolutely atrocious and they had to live close because um anytime there was an issue with the railway they had to be able to get to it ASAP so I'm not sure what's got the name Mark or sing but I'll have a quick look and I'll let you know I don't think the um the undies are from from then but yeah so the Old Railway is actually on that side of the road but um it doesn't look too bad like it's actually held up over time really really well but we're about 30 km N I think we're closer I about 15ks out of um coward Springs which we're staying for the night so I'll do a quick pan of this but yeah so the fettlers are the people who maintained the road 579 Mi of the Great Northern rway they used to look after but yeah not much out of here God you you really need to be a man is still living out in these conditions I'll tell you so anybody who does it you got bigger kahunas than that's for sure wow okay I was expecting it to be just a dried up nothing but it all bubbles up yeah this is called the bub bub yeah and I don't know maybe we need to go back and read the board yeah obviously it's a natural spring yeah but we're very close to coward spring so that probably Springs is over there somewhere but it makes sense look look look at this like massive Bubbles and it goes down like a little stream don't go too close girl out to this like sort of wetland area but you can can see how much it bubbles from here like that's cool that's cool I'm glad we pulled in here the road in garbage garbage like really really really really rough but that's okay if you watched episode one you know we nearly died from a brown snake we ain't getting done this time shaking me out right there yeah I'm watching you mate yeah we're watching you what's that girl we're watching him yeah we're watching him that's why you're side of the path he's alive too he's just had a dip he's a slithery slimy snake hey do now he's yeah but funny fact oh here we go that's the only snake we've seen in the outback yes the place you see heaps and heaps of snakes is the beach how random you would assume you was see them in the outback right oh we have we've seen one one maybe they're just I don't know maybe they're like coming out at the beach if they hide at the outb cuz of the Heat or something maybe but it's a pretty cool little spot here like it's all like a big Salt Flat oh I don't even know I'm so uneducated [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] where at coward Springs about to have our turn in the spring in the spring and we got out the fly Nets I don't know why I haven't worn it already cuz it is amazing yeah it's pretty good like seriously I don't care what I look like now it's coming out every day cuz I'm a little bit over the FL I think that's a little bit over the top that they haven't been that bad I keep thinking of that surely they're going to get worse but um no I'm getting it out now all right let's see what this looks like I don't know if I'm going to get e depends I don't know W it looks like a spar pool actually bubbles like at bubbles wow look it's actually like bubbling like a like a spa CU there's a pump going is that yeah a pump okay so it's 1.3 M deep would I be out reach let's not put our faces under Hy and this is what it looks like so we are in the middle of nowhere just so really good J in case you didn't realize we're in the middle of nowhere and there's this here should we have our shoes off like this is all natural hey your jeans on yeah all right d you in first yes make sure it's safe it's cold is it yeah yeah dang so scared I'm so scared okay what was that my [Music] God my the first one in touch the bot touch the bot H am I touching the bottomley can you get mommy stay in so can I go in with an daddy you need to come in I will what filming the bottom you touch the bottom come on go hurry up so I can get in hurry up so we can [Music] get she didn't catch me walking over the shoulder just at the right those little All I Need You only all little well maybe it was fade or a part of his plan ging me you was like [Applause] me I was way too sh what haveed Me By Night ready everyone say cheese cheese all right so day two of our UD data track Journey we stayed at cow Springs last night as you would have seen us pull up there um which was great it was really nice there yeah I Al what birds were they oh there was Co holy moly that is a bird sanctuary there and Dawn and dusk they are oh so intense but that's fine it was too bad no they were intense I didn't complain they it was fine but they're intense like the noise like they're really intense if you stayed at BAM heads camp where the rosellas are the rosellas are worse but that the coach were still up there yeah so um yeah great night there um so now today we've got up early and we are our first stop is William Creek to get fuel which we know that's going to be a killer I don't want to talk about it I'm hoping it's not too bad but it's fine because I think it's only William Creek and udad data that are the top expensive ones and then we go back down to a reasonable $2 what I'll do is when we when we get to dat I'll put our fuel in that we brought in ad on the way up here which was cheap we just filled two Jerry cans just to be safe but we won't actually need it so we're just going to use it to save the money at these really expensive ones officially halfway D halfway across oh are we yeah our was this halfway point I'm pretty sure it is William Creek so we just put a all in half a tank just cost us $170 was $1 170 I didn't even look $320 a liter oh well you need it to go somewhere don't you so donation dump point which is cool um the plan is today is to punch it through to the pink Roadhouse at UD data to um get us a udad dat burger for dinner but cool spot well there's not much here um nothing's gone wrong I started the car this morning and uh I noticed I had an exhaust leak just the rear um exhaust section had come loose from all the corrugation so nip that up with the rattle gun umart from that like we're going really well the tires are coping a bit of a flogging like if I'm honest but you can see they're all chipping away and stuff like that I had the tire pressures up a little bit I dropped them again then I dropped them again but that's pretty much where they're staying now cuz I can't go too much lower I think we're running at about 38 on the rear of the car which is enough I don't want to go much more than that cuz we're still doing you know 60k an hour but apart from that we're all good wife he emptying the um what they what Devil's esy is that what everyone calls it oh that one is it's my job don't feel me do it but it's my job every time you're not actually showing it no it's only we isn't it but anyways we'll um keep motoring on and get to the next destination we got about 21 km I think so that's probably going to take us the best part of 3 or 4 hours [Music] oh all right so I just looked out the window and noticed an issue our Boat Loader snapped off so there's like two metal bracket things that hold on the Boat Loader they're not meant to be there like to be honest that's that's been put there aftermarket but and um yeah this one snapped off so we've just got to try and strap it in like strap it on and yeah get off the track the Flies are ridiculous oh once again the Flies but anyway so yeah we'll just strap that on and get us to udad data cuz we haven't made it there yet so um we just hit some rough part of the track so maybe it it's been you know maybe worn and it just snapped off there all good we made a do so 5 hours to travel how long 275 CS filming me trying to feed us what's the time 2:00 2:00 I fig I might as well I got a thump and headache I figured I might as well just P punch Tre ho the windows I'll show you what we're done about 800 k of dirt road has done so far to the van um the shower head just like St his PE shower head all under their pepp vacationer I think I'm going to need a new Step once I'm done here or done with the trip but um so far so good you seen the Boat Loader was broken but that's that's really easy to fix so I'm not going to put on the that on the list of broken things the way that we came how you going boy he's all good but time vers Lune and a rest for 5 minutes how cool is that that's the Yuba girl so funny so that's where we come in and that's where we go out so this place lives up to its name it's pink of course and everything's pink yeah literally everything sticker pink badg is Pink pink everything's pink yeah so down that way is the pub so we're going to head that way I think this is what the town of uden dat looks like a playground coming up here and like most Outback towns there's a lot of stuff laying around and a lot of old stuff hanging on and it's hot very hot and sunny and the FES are and the FES are hectic so dry look at that old pretty typical for a Outback town we did it we did it what couple of UD Burgers UD dat [Music] Burgers I'll go first off oh my God it's a big burger a oh God yeah cuz he going to take some finesse this is better it's good just get you just get your chops around it though not even get that yeah not the first time that's happened [Music] did you get any Patty I'm watch it's really good I can't even pick it up oh you could it with not before you going to do that well I need well I need another plate at least you don't I do oh all right we're going to get stuck into this and um we'll probably see you tomorrow for day three of our trip yep and the final day the final day seriously I think they're more annoying in the car than what they are outside there's always one fly that keeps sitting in the corner of the the wind screen the wind screen and it harasses him every now and then he just can't get it out anyway day three of our udad data adventure and the last day so so I think there's really no need to take any longer to do this um unless we get to the end of this part where it's meant to be pretty crap and we break something okay which won't happen great thanks for saying that but as in like you might be someone that likes to just really sit for 2 days and sit in the outback and enjoy it but there's nothing to do once you've been to where you are and you've seen everything that's it that's right you know so there are things to see obviously but it doesn't require more than just visiting it if that makes sense that's right we w we rolled in about 1:00 yesterday and we went to museum we went had beer at the pub we went and had dinner and we were in bed you sleep by 7:30 I think it was it was later than that but anyway um yeah so we we are just getting this last bit done today so from udad dat to MAA and then we'll be back on sealed roads um and this little track is less C than what we did yesterday but a longer driving time yeah like we've heard it can be a bit worse but we'll see so far in my own personal opinion I don't think the road has been that bad no I think the the the biggest pain in the bus is you you get up to your 60 or your 70 80 K an hour whatever you choose to do you get to that speed and then all of a sudden you get another flood wave you go through that at like 5Ks an hour then you come back out you back up to speed and you slow down again yeah so it's just it's constant stop and start and then you'll get a patch of Road that's just incredible so you're like yes like we are right now you start driving in the next minute you're like crap and he grabs the steering wheel cuz like it's really Rocky and rough and that's dirt roads I guess for you yeah but um like yesterday the journey my map told me 3 and2 hours we were like sweet that's going to be fine and it took us five so that's the difference in being on these roads um they're just long days I don't think it's it's not the driving no the long we're not sitting here going the whole time it's not that at all um it's just long nothing to see and yeah it's constant stopping starting in a sense you're constantly scanning the road for big rocks and all that sort of stuff so you don't do damage to the car so I think for the driver it's like a mentally draining drive because he is looking out for a lot um it's just boring for the passengers I guess we come up with a game and I don't get to participate because I always miss out on seeing it but we called it kazoo and every time you see an euu you got to Yellow at kazoo and as as you can imagine I'm not winning cuz I don't see anything but we have not seen one emu on the udad uh no we seen a couple at the start no they're all in the blenders they're all hanging out in the blenders yeah anyway um I also just wanted to throw in how incredible our kid and dog are we literally say hi we have literally been driving on these shitty dirt roads for it's our eighth day in a row now and the trip we did to arara was way worse than this in my opinion and we just have not stopped driving each day on these horrible roads and she just sits there she has not said a peep as long as you keep feeding her stomach she's good and then Archie he just lays there like he they're just both so good I just needed to throw that in like we're very very lucky in that sense anyway we'll see what today brings and then we will finish our udad trip [Music] [Music] he [Music] we're Mara so we made it to Mara we finished the ud dat Hi Five team we made it and that last bit Bliss oh so ug dat Tamala I just graded it obviously yeah it's been gred but just like a highway it was great wasn't it it was Bliss we got here hours yeah but way earlier than we thought it was meant to take five um anyway each day when we start driving noticed this noise in the Caravan tires so we I might have to rip that wheel off we've decided we're going to blow out all that dust because we think it's like sort of setting overnight the bul dust like was so thick you would hit it and you couldn't see the van behind the car like even from like right behind the car was ridiculous so she is filthy like you cannot see out of the windows from inside at all um but oh no they're warning things broken there we go our A's ripped look oh okay so we do have a damaged item I must have hit a tree our awning so you witness this in live action right now so we've got a broken orning and the Boat Loader yeah the and that is all the damage we got from the udad data when the awning probably shouldn't have been damaged from the data but um anywh who all right car's clean Van's clean everything's greased tires are back up we're done done with the dirt yep cleaned everything we feel normal again and happy to be off the dirt roads the corrugations the rockiness all of that stuff so obviously it's an experience but would we do it again nah no probably not not because it was horrendous because it's just you wouldn't do it twice yeah that's right that's right once you're done it you're done it yeah um but yeah so on that note that'll wrap up this episode I think yeah so um we will see you on the next one yep what does that mean d we will be at the big rock ooo hey so we'll see what it's like there yeah all right make sure you like And subscribe and we'll see you next week bye go on then go say hello like you said there's a resident Goose here at Mara and geese aren't really the most friendliest animal go on Gerald give him a nip give him a nip go on he Des deserves [Music] it it that looks very nippy doesn't it [Music] [Music]
Channel: Chasing an Adventure
Views: 11,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: j6J3EmZYVTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 50sec (2270 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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