The Hunt for the Next Champion Begins | MasterChef UK | S08 EP01

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[Music] over the years Master Chef has discovered   seven exceptional Champions  the hunt for the next one begins let's see what we discover this  year but they're going to have to get   through it as we know cooking does  not get tougher than this Bring It On last summer Master Chef sifted through  thousands of applications to find the   country's most talented amateur Cooks  the short list were invited to audition   by creating just one dish for John and  Greg what on Earth is that for me yuck next from this blind tasting they selected their  top 24 Cooks M that is seriously delicious they're in now the competition begins over the  next three shows the 24 will fight for   just 12 Master Chef aons today the  first eight commence [Music] battle   this could be life-changing for me if I  didn't believe I could do it I wouldn't   be here I have never experienced  this level of nerves in my [Music] life welcome to Master Chef we've tasted  your food we think you've got real   promise now is your chance to prove it  this test is an invention test and you   can cook whatever you like from this  wonderful set of ingredients behind us [Music] the contestants now have 10  minutes to choose from a huge array of ingredients from Dover soul and  surf clams to Rabbit and rump steak confident but nervous as well as a  selection of vegetables ler Foods herbs and spices I'm not 100% sure yet I just need another couple   of minutes to figure it out  just one minute left guys one [Music] [Music] minute I can see it's going to be a tough fight  but at the end of this two of you are leaving us   you know the rules one plate of food 1 hour 15  minutes ladies and Gentlemen let's [Music] cook   you can't practice an invention test you've  either got it or you ain't [Music] 29-year-old   Shelina got through the auditions with her  maian street food I love it love it love it   for me it's about changing my career now I've  given up my job some people say I've lost the   plot maybe but I just know that if you're  passionate about something it will work out   I've got a good feeling about this Shelina  why are you here I want to try and um bring   some my Marian influences into the cooking here  today I honeymooned in marcius really did you   like the food there I love the food there it's  French it's dutch it's Spanish they call it a   melting part of flavors because it covers so many  different continents okay you're going to bring a   little bit of the sunshine of the Indian Ocean  into the mely yeah she's got chilies over there   she's got saffron over there if that girl can  handle those big flavors I'm in for a big yum lunch father of two aan just failed to get through last  year's auditions but his taragan chicken with a   bread and muscle sauce has now secured him a place  there's some classic form to it and a big bold Flavor I'm going to be cooking food I  love and Crossing everything that uh   John and Greg agree with me hello Baldi I  recognize you now Baldi I recognize you I   mean how does it feel to be cooking in the  master chef kitchen it's a real thrill what   are you going to cook for us pan fried fish  with a a fennel sauce with chantrell muscles   and cockal clams very simple doesn't  sound at all simple to me Chef sounds lovely he's got a very very thin piece of  bream very strong and sweet sauce I think that   Balancing Act is something he has to make sure  he gets at absolutely right got 1 hour [Music] left Tom from yorkshire's chicken served  three ways was a standout dish of the   auditions I think this is one of those  rare occasions where we have a natural   cook someone with a natural touch cuz  all three of those bits of chicken are perfect uh Tom can you define your sty as  to cook I get a lot of my um inspiration   and different skills from traditional French  cooking so you saying you have aspirations   to be a fine French chef I have aspirations  to be a fine chef full stop what do you do   at the moment mate I'm a plasterer so you're a  Yorkshire plaster with a taste for fine French   food that's true yeah Tom do you know I have  no idea what it is you're cooking I really I   can't work it out it's a garlic crustini with G  cheese mushrooms and roast sweet potato mushroom   Christini M delicious but with goats cheese  and sweet potato and a white wine sauce [Music] really 29-year-old Emma impressed in  the audition with her unusual lamb   dish making a eucalyptus foam in place of  mint sauce decent design Clarity technique   yeah I think you got to see more cook  like that I think I'm good at cooking   I just need some other people to  see it rather than just me and my mom where have you learned to cook Emma my dad  wasn't a very good cook in fact I still remember   the frozen fish fingers even though they'd been  in the oven so he encouraged me in the kitchen   and uh together we learned to cook what do he make  you for us a lemon tart that's Brave it is brave   isn't it are you confident in in your cooking  can I answer that later on today sure you can   Emma I think is the bravest cook in the room she  is giving herself a classic lemon tart and she's   only got 1 hour and 10 minutes that's pushing her  ladies and gentlemen you have got half an hour left Alec from stevenage showed promise in  the auditions with a roast rack of lamb and   a risoto made from potatoes and vegetables  it's all the flavor of a roast dinner just   delivered in a different texture I'm really  like it hopefully it's the start of something   bigger first thing I've got to do is get  a hold of of my nerves Keep Calm and Carry On like what sort of cook are you besides right  now being a very nervous cook um I was born in   Switzerland my mom was English I was born C  up on meat cabbage and potatoes brilliant so   Alec what are you going to cook for us I've  got a steak p and wild mushroom sauce in a   very simple uh plate of food I just got to  make sure I don't murder it I'm not worried   about it if he does it well and it's season  really well fantastic but he's worried about [Music] it Christine from Durham impressed in  the auditions with her goats cheese ravioli   served with a Basel foam on a chili tomato  salsa it's beautiful and technically it's   wonderful I so would love to see this cook  [Music] again I've got a slight obsession   with food kind of eating and feeding people is  the thing that I I want to do for the rest of my life what are you going to cooked for  us to make a smile it's pan fried place   I hope it's place anyway with um crushed  potatoes with a parsley and butter sauce   Christine is cooking a soul she thinks  it's Place she's never filled a flatfish   before she got to so two bits of fish  off there and they're very very thin   indeed I just hope she doesn't overcook  them you have just 15 minutes left 15 minutes London based akie sha in the auditions  hey with her Japanese Bento Box including   caramelized oine with miso and five  spice that Obe may be the best thing   I've tasted today tell you what if  there's not room for this cook I'm leaving being in experimental physics every time   I cook I calculate what I do and  it's all very premeditated so I   don't know what's going to happen on an  invention test I think it's going to go Bonkers um AI amongst this Terror of a bench  of yours this absolutely frightening mess you   have everywhere you haven't seen my room I I'm  probably never going to that is not going to   get you into the next round it is definitely not  going to get you any anywh near the final that   was worth a try ay um what are you cooking  for us I'm doing a trifle usually I cooked   very traditional Japanese because that's what  my mom taught me how to cook however I think   British puddings are the best puddings in  the world so I thought I'd give it a try   and show that I can do something different  ay I've got to go I'm feeling dizzy see you later [Music] finally it's Ross from East  Lothian in Scotland he survived the audition   process with roast loin of pork served with  sweet and sour toffee apple sauce I see food   like that and I get really excited I think  that's clever cooking I I just adore it's a   bit showy offy just seeing to people taada this  is what I've done just seeing the reaction it's   a huge eego thing it's brilliant what are  you going to cook for us Ross to impress   us it's uh Riff on fish and ratou but I'm  terrified I don't think for one minute you   cook this nervously at home no no no I I've  got ACDC cracked up to the background and   um just rocking on this obviously means  quite a bit to you oh yeah lifechanging hopefully I think Ross knows exactly what he's  doing it sounds really really good as long as   you can taste every individual part it's  all about Flavor for that dish guys last 2 minutes no I pressure guys you got just 60 seconds [Music] left stop time's [Music] up first to face the judges is Shelina she chose the chicken  and stuck to her maian Roots   by making a spicy Lop with saffron  and coriander rice and a pineapple salsa M I do like the little bit of Heat  and the frutin that you get from   the salsa it's not very smart looking but I I like it I think it tastes good I think it's got  sophisticated spicing to it doing street   food is a wonderful thing but of course it  always looks a little bit shambolic because   that's what it is I want this I want this  more than you can imagine the challenge for   me is going to be making my food look like  restaurant standard [Music] food [Music] Aman used the sea bream and pan fried it with wild   mushrooms and clams served  with a masala and fennel sauce for me very tasty well  cooked well thought out well   delivered and a very pretty plate of food thank you that tastes every bit as good as it looks and   that's a good looking dish wow  where were you hiding last year Aman you bit choked up aan yeah [Music] I mean   there's a man who's worked very very  hard for the last 12 months and it shows Yorkshire plasterer Tom has invented  a goat's cheese garlic and mushroom crostini   served with roasted sweet potatoes Panetta  and a white wine sauce let's have a look at this when you first told me what you going to cook   I thought really shouldn't work  but it does it's very very very clever after this nervous plasta explained to  me what it was he was cooking I came away from   there and I thought that's it he's out I am  gobsmacked at the dish I've got in front of   me Tom this is fantastic thank you very much  I don't know what to say so as you're sort   of plastering away is is this what you think  about well yeah exactly there's no creativity   in what I do many hours of many days to think  of what I'm going to call plaster in's loss eh hopefully he is very very exciting oh yeah Emma has made a lemon Cur tart served  with a raspberry [ __ ] it's a pretty looking thing you have crisp pastry and you have a nice texture   with the filling however it's not quite  brilliant because it doesn't give you the it's not a classic lemon tart but  in the amount of time you had good on [Music] you John she could oh yeah unfortunately  so does everybody use food we've eaten so [Music] far engineer Alec has pan  fried rump steak and served it with   carrots new potatoes and a port and wild mushroom sauce you've cooked that large piece  of steak very very well it's as as   tender as you like however we could do  with a little more fruity flavor in the sauce it's a good dish it's a comforting dish  it makes you feel really at home it is quite basic tried to be honest and and do something  that I like I uh I don't normally even quite   funeral so I don't know why I'm cing for a  bit of food but um it means a little bit to   me sure Alec well you've done it a lot  better than most people do at home mate   sure you do it a lot better than most people  do in restaurants absolutely true now Alec do   you have the repertoire to produce food  which is more more sophisticated [Music] yes Christine chose the soul thinking  it was place and served it on crushed   new potatoes with roasted  cherry tomatoes and parsley sauce the fish because of the way it's been  filtered is dry and overcooked very highly   seasoned very strong on herbs and that means  that I've lost the fish I think the potatoes   with butter and spring onions and Sweet Tomatoes  is a lovely thing unfortunately not with that fish yes Quantum physicist akie has  was veered away from her Japanese   style to make a fig and orange Jam  trifle layered with a ginger infused   custard and Brandy syrup served with  cinnamon dark chocolate and cinnamon bark what we have here Aki is not a classic  trifle but what we do have is promise of a   very good cook you made your own sponge you made  fig Jam you made orange Jam then you made your   own cremon glaze you're intriguing as a cook your  mind is obviously all over the place and there is   definitely skill in your [Music] hands she has  the making of a brilliant cook finally it's Ross   he chose to pan fry the sea bream and serve it  with Ratatouille surf clams and a caper white wine reduction I like it it's moist flavorsome  slightly fruity well-cooked fish I like it   Ross thank you your fish is nicely cooked I like  the saltiness of the clams with the sweetness of   your pepper sauce it's tasty it just it's it  seems to be a little bit flat next time I'll   make get tapad and dress it with that you're  getting a next time are you certainly hope so you've done your bit we've got  our bit of judging to do need to   remind you that two of you will be leaving us today thank you very [Music] much I don't like waiting no it's the worst bit if today is The Benchmark of Master Chef in  the first round we are in for a great competition   true that 12 months ago we could see that aan  had issues he's come back in here he's fought   his way to make sure he's got a place on MF I  mean a proper grownup sophisticated dish look   like a restaurant dish it's not language that a  47y old uses but I'm psyched Aon in for me the   dish today that made my heart th was Tom's Yeah  because I didn't expect it to work and it did   that was heart stopping stuff it's everything to  me and I just hope that I've done enough today to   take it further good lad little lacky I can't  think that anybody else actually went through   more processes than AI she is one well worth  having another look at I desperately want to   go to the next stage I can't you know I really  really want to it's so much fun I really don't   want this to stop yet technically Ross is  very very competent indeed and the way the   dish looked was Modern it was exciting it was  thought-provoking it can't stop here it can't   I've got too much to prove Shelina we both agree  it tastes good but just don't think it look very   smart she doesn't have the Finesse I agree  but her seasoning perfect the way her food   tastes for me delicious considering what I had in  front of me I was able to stay to my roots really   but it's still nerve-wracking now that leaves us  with Christine Alec and Emma Christine had some   nice flavors on that dish but question mark  over her palette it was all a little bit over   the top not come on this competition thinking I  know everything cuz I really I really don't but   I want to learn and improve and do better Alec  Cooks a beautiful piece of meat is a piece of   steak enough to get you through Master ship  oh that steak was superb just didn't expect   to be emotional about it Emma promised me  a lemon tart tart or Citron the danger of   promising a classic dish if it's not delivered  as a classic then it becomes very difficult to   judge it's just whether John and Greg give me the  chance to do that again the reason we're debating   these three like we are is because there's been  five very good Cooks before them we have to lose [Music] to I have to say if this is  the quality of food that we're going   to see throughout this competition  we are in for an absolute be you [Music] see hon [Music] Tom akie you're [Music] staying Alec  [Music] Unfortunately today Alec   just this wasn't enough I'm really  sorry mate thank you really [Music] sorry Ross [Music] Shelina you [Music] through that leaves Christine or [Music] Emma  the second person to leave the [Music] competition it's Christine I'm [Music] sorry congratulations well [Music] then you might have thought that was tough  you've got no idea it's going to get tougher   a lot tougher now we are sending you to the  absolute pressure of a professional kitchen   at lunchtime service nothing more ferocious  you've ever ever seen you're going to have   to go and work with people like him learn listen  because when you come back in here next time it   has to be fault [Music] free how would you  feel if someone said like sent your plate [Music] back [Music] Shelina Tom and Emma will  be working at the living room where head chef   Mark dransfield has been honing his modern  British menu for the last 10 years you need   a cool head a level of concentration attention  to detail and very good time management okay Tom   see you're doing our hadic dish today yorha  plaster at Tom will be in charge of the pan   roasted hadock with clams in a cider parsley  ham broth the had it needs the really crisp   skin on the one side if it goes overcooked then  you'll have to start again 29-year-old Shelina   is responsible for the roast rump of lamb with  a carrot puree fondant potato and a port and red   currant Jew Emma will be cooking the spiced  pork fillet with turmeric risato Apple puree   and crispy crackling it'll be hard to get the  timings right and not getting it all messed up   so fingers crossed a couple of miles north in  Camden Ross akie and aan are about to discover   their culinary destination Gilgamesh oh my God  Gilgamesh no way we're going to get our ass kicked this 300 cover restaurant is owned  by Infamous head chef Ian penelli whose menu   reflects his fiery passion for the very best  of Southeast Asian dishes put it like this   they com into my kitchen okay they're going  to be cooking for my guests I want them to   do exactly what I tell them to do they don't  do it they can buger off okay so here we go   right stir stir stir stir today Ross will be  cooking spiced lamb served with new potatoes   creamed spinach chaki mushrooms and a kabi puree  this is the one of my favorite dishes actually   and also one on the tastes right so if you if  you don't do it right I'll be Downing a ton of   bricks I swear to God W ay will be in charge  of the tea smoked trout and sour green mango   salad make sure there's no fingerprints on  the bowl all right okay and you'll be right   but fingerprints I hate fingerprints Amon will  be getting to grips with the beef Bogi with a   sweet soy glaze and served with chive Mash or  chips I'm trying very hard just to remain calm   I really don't want to let Chef [Music] down  it's midday and both restaurants are booked   to capacity bloody how do you see number of  people out there the six amateurs are about   to get their first taste of what life is a pro  is really like I've just heard that we're doing   between 18 and 100 covers today so I'm absolutely  petrified are we ready yes sir are we ready sir   first check on two hadock special yes chef the  lamby trout second course yes chef pressure   pressure my friend ak's trout starter will be  the first dish to go out aie trout salad come in Oh aie Come here finger PS look at your hands  look at your hands now listen the plates must be   clean yes sir all right go and wash your hands now  so you ever come to the pass again hands like that   otherwise you'll be out you understand I can't  believe I'm telling a grown woman to wash her hands on the opposite side of the  kitchen Ross is struggling to juggle   speed and Perfection okay how on for the  land please coming now sir okay hurry up come on quickly coming now Chef right okay listen looks like some B on the  plate right redress it go back neat neat in a   nice line huh made a bit of a mess redress it now  to Chef standards both akie and Ross have failed   to impress now it's aon's turn one be on the pass  please yes chef well you you got to get it right   if you don't get it right you're toast beef Chef  okay where's the salt where's the salt Salt's   on the beef chef service here please service aan  seems to been talk bit nervous though he he scares   me in central London service is ramping up at the  living room one pork one doin was yes chef Emma's   feeling the pressure to get all three elements of  her pork dish cooked perfectly and ready at the   same time thinking know what I'm doing it's just  getting the right consist of the Roto so guys we   need that next pork fillet up to the window now  yes please where's my crackling where's my CRA all right okay there's far too much liquid  on that plate so we need to get a new   plate and start again if you're not happy  then then don't serve it new check on one   lamb medium yes chef you've got a lamb well  done on order yeah and two pink on order yes chef how long on that first L the first L is  1 minute left okay third lamb is in the oven now cting up on the lamb beautiful  just a little bit more around the   edges that's enough thank you thank  you so same again for the next yeah   okay it seems to be holding it but  uh we'll see how we go if a few more coming thank you okay 72 go 72 back in Camden the heat is  well and truly on at Gilgamesh how long for   2 minutes come on move those little legs I  have to do two in like 10 seconds AI come on sweetheart why is that one big and  that one's not that looks bigger   than that right yes sure okay we'll  fix that one but it's so obvious when   I go to him they're different SI but  looks a little bit more Majestic I'd say ai ay at least the plates are clean  okay waiting on that land please Ross Ross sh come on Boss come on the customer waiting  walking with one L behind what look at it   it's supposed to be a nice line and neat and  tidy it's embarrassing I'm have to help you man okay see how neat that is it's not that  difficult right it's got to slow down calm   down and Focus door Carnage it's great though  isn't it okay listen one two 3 four be five be   pick up now heon I need five beef right  uh I've got some under the heater there   listen if you need under there it's going  to overcook so put it underneath the shelf   right table 64 been on 20 minutes goes on  like this and have to take off the section   yes sir customers are waiting I don't want  complaints in my restaurant [Applause] oh   uh help Chef the stakes are well done  totally my fault School bre under the heat you you marked up you overcut the beef I  didn't right I have to go out now and   and apologize to the customer just get them  on aan get them on come on so the be we're   going to use is going to take another  20 minutes so the customers will wait 40 minutes table 29 they said if the main cours  are not ready they preper to cancel they   okay guys listen up cancel the be cancel  the land the customer W doesn't want it what a nightmare these are your last plates okay so let's  finish on a good note make it nice all right yes   sir yes let's go yeah the last two salads are  the best salads you made well done thank you   thank you let's have a look eventually you got  there thank you Chef it's not easy is it no Chef   keep on the pass Chef listen look at that it's  beautiful lovely why could you done all of them   like that another two or three services you'll be  right I look forward to it back in the heart of   London lunch service at the living room is no  less frantic as M's away on the four pork yes Che I'm trying to get the resort  just perfect this time [Music] is that all right all four perfect yeah okay  guys the next table is Main's away two hadock yes [Music] Che me a little bit quicker on  these fish really well cooked   brilliantly presented just a little  bit more speed on the actual plate Che new check on seven lamb pink Shelina has already had more orders  than any other contestant today this is   pretty much as frany as I thought it would  be but I wasn't expecting seven Lambs all   in one go all pink now seven that we're  looking to get up now um and she's still   got another four on order so uh if she gets  these seven up she' have done really well I'm Hing up on the c l right Chef they ready to go  okay that's really well done yeah to be honest with you I don't really know  how I've managed to Plate up the food time and   maybe it was a miraculous moment of Madness  or is actually part of my character which is   quite surprising so s professional Kitchen  in this environment it's exhilarating what   I've learned today is never ever ever  Take Your Eye Off the vat as you get   kicked for it I ripped my hands to shred but  bizarrely I think this has made me hungry for [Music] more [Music] right now this test is about your own food  we have last 12 Master Chef aprons to fight   for and we will only take the best cooks  with us ladies and gentlemen 1 hour and   10 minutes one plate of food and it's  going to have to be brilliant let's [Music] [Music] cook if I was given a Master Chef apron today  it's mine to lose so once I've got that   apron it'll be getting tied on and tied  on [Music] tight I'm going to do a spiced   salmon filet Mash made from kidney beans  green pesto an avocado mousse lime jelly   and a treeso butter sauce that's a bit nuts  all that Tom isn't it a little yeah my whole   future is resting on and now that I've got  this opportunity I don't intend letting it   go guacamole fried beans and a margarita  with a fish yes hot cold sweet sour so [Music] exciting I've never cared more  about something I really want the apron   really [Music] do and I'm going to show you today  that I can cook well really really classic elegant   restaurant Japanese food how should it taste it  should taste complicated but fresh and healthy   and clean even when there's so many things  going on that's a beauty in Zen of Japanese food 35 minutes [Music] left if I'm sent home now it's going to be holy  down to my food that's terrifying but it's also so exhilarating got Canon of lamb that I'm cooking  Sid comfy pumpkin pickled Asian pear pea and pear   puree a roasted garlic puree and some barley Roto  why why all this all this trickery basically I   want you to look at the plate I give you and  say yeah I'd be happy paying for that in a [Music] restaurant I've worked for a long time to get to this stage  and I'm not going to blow it by letting emotions   get in the way I'm going to let my emotion come  out on the plate Aman A year in the waiting to go   into a professional kitchen what was it like  it was just full on I really did want to see   if I could hack it at 47 and never having been  in a a professional kitchen before there was a   worry that I may may well have gone my word I  can't do it but I can nice stuff tell me what   your dish is a Lincolnshire red fet of beef  with a horseradish pom puree and bone marrow dumpling just 12 minutes [Music] left I'm going to try and please you and wow  you with presentation so I'm really having to   think about about how it's going to look on a  plate thinking about colors I'm really thinking   differently about this now I'm trying to  be a bit more creative you're obviously   thinking about this competition a lot I am  being in the professional kitchen was one of   the most amazing experiences I've ever had I've  never felt anything like it so it's completely   confirmed to me that this is what I want and  um I'm going to do whatever I can to impress   you and make sure that my food is damn good  I think it's impressive that she's pushing   herself but I'm worried that the presentations  the concentration and actually not the dish [Music] itself you invest so much into  it that your emotions go all over the   place excited nervous scared all rolled into  one right in my gut Emma what are you making   for us scallops cauliflower py spicy caramel  and a cumin sauce do you have a really sweet   tooth Emma I know I wouldn't say I have a  sweet tooth but I just maybe I do I think   what Em's doing is actually really dangerous  that dish is going to be really sweet there   has to be an edge somewhere and I can't  see where that edge is 2 and 1/2 minutes [Music] left [Music] this is your final 60 [Music]  seconds that's it guys [Music] stop Shelina is hoping to impress with another  dish influenced by her maian Roots pan   fried yellowtail Snapper served with  drops of coconut curry coriander foam   and a mango culture or pickle I'm really  really really disappointed that I didn't   put enough curry sauce on there I wish  I could just get my pot and bring you   my coconut curry but obviously I can't  I actually really like the way your dish looks the flavors of that dish I think are simply   stunning it is Rich and it's vibrant  but I want Maui sauce that's in your pot m m those flavors are lovely I would like some   more but you've got rid of them  in trying to dainty your plate up Tom has cooked a spicy salmon fillet  served on a red kidney bean and potato   Mas Ash with avocado mousse a lime  jelly green pesto and tomato salsa   he failed to serve his chizo  butter because he ran out of time I like the skill you've demonstrated  I think it's really interesting as a dish I   think your mind works in a really interesting  way but for me the dish is missing something   which should be joining it up and that  has to be that ttho and the but sauce bugger Tom this is good cooking I don't  want you to stop experimenting but today   you failed to deliver all the flavors  you said you were going to if I go back   to the day job tomorrow that'll be it for the  next you know 15 years all rid on the judge's decision do you want to unstack Pandora's  Box for us sure Aki is offering a Bento   Box filled with tempura karagi or fried  beef a dashy poached egg handmade udon   noodles and a selection of Japanese herbs  and pickles served with a jug of dashy sauce listen I think this is wonderful it's so   precise it's so clean it's so elegant  look at it lovely you could sleep in it the flavors are quite Sensational  it's like a beef consumate like an   oxtail soup but but cleaner sharper with  some Eastern spicing what I do love is the   detail and the Precision of everything  that you're doing akie you can [Music] cook Ross has made Canon of lamb served with  pickled Asian pear breaded sweet breads pearl   barley risoto a green pea and pear puree Sid  comy pumpkin and a mano and onion cheese crisp you know lamb and lamb sweet breads they just need   a one or two other little things for it  to be beautiful they don't need seven surely those breaded sweet breads they're  quite chewy and tough the pumpkins not   quite cooked enough but for me the big issue  is the pearl barley is still really crunchy was I a bit ambitious trying to do something  like that in such a pressurized environment possibly aan has made pan fried fillet of  lincolshire red beef horseradish pom puree   a bone marrow dumpling and cabbage  and bacon served with a red wine sauce I love the beef really enjoy the  power and fruitiness of your sauce   my one disappointment is I don't get any  of that bow marrow flavor from The Dumpling okay I actually really like it that sauce is  really really strong your cabbage and bacon   is salty and Rich but that piece of beef is not  strong enough for the other flavors on the plate   okay oh um I'm not too sure I don't know whether  that went well or otherwise I I really have no [Music] idea Emma has made seared scallops  served with pureed cauliflower a   cumin froth Apple shavings and a caramel dressing perfectly delightful it's not one of the  more complex dishes here but it tastes perfectly delicious for me it's all too sweet because I  want to taste the sea as well as the sweetness   and the vibrancy of those scallops  is completely lost in all that sweet stickiness I didn't think I had the  Sweet Tooth but it turns out that I do I think for us now we have a really tough  decision for two of you it will mean goodbye thank [Music] [Music] you our six have come back in here with real  energy real determination and their own individual   Styles akie lover that beautiful food John it's  certainly not something you see very often a   Master Chef A's got to stay brilliant brilliant  brilliant I don't think Tom quite pulled it off   today but there is no doubting that guy's skill  we don't need safe Cooks we need daring cooks and   that's what Tom is there was one cook in this  room who who is starting to change but has an   essence of a great cook already and that's Shelina  John in trying to make the dish look smart she got   rid of a beautiful coconut curry sauce but I  want to see if she can get there I think she   should stay in the competition that means we've  got to choose one person to go through from Emma   Ross and Aon well Ross today gave himself a huge  amount of work to do he was trying to cook two   three star michellin food and he is not ready to  walk I mean he no half measures he really did go   for it John this is such a great opportunity  for me to live the dream I've got to do it I'm   I can't go home I think that aon's flavors were  really big and really bold but it needed a punk   of well flavored beef sitting in the middle of  the plate how much do I want to go through to   the next stage the the room's not wide enough  enough my arms aren't long enough I just hope   I don't get judged on a dumpling Emma completely  split you and I oh yeah I love the sweetness with   the scholar but I've got a sweeter palette  than you have it just didn't taste enough of   the sea for me it was just lots of sweet things  I just hope that Greg wins the argument on this one we can only take the best cooks through but  who's it going to be that is the big question [Music] we said right at the start we we can't take you all Aki your food today was stunning you've  burnt yourself from Master Chef apron thank you   congratulations well [Music] done [Music]  Shelina you too have got a m Chef open congratulations does it feel nice  feel [Music] amazing [Music] Ross   I'm sorry but you're leaving us  thank you very much thank [Music] you Tom Tomy staying in the competition  you're an exciting cook Tom you right [Music] em Aon Greg and I saw weaknesses in your   cooking but we also saw real  [Music] potential so we've decided you're both stay  in the competition [Music] no all right you okay you right big fell yeah cheers I'm ecstatic at the moment I really am  I just last two again I've got to sort that congratulations I'm up for anything Bring It On make me cry  come on the first heat is over only seven aprons remain next time a new group take  on the battle what who will have   what it takes to join the five who've already made [Music] [Music] it [Music]
Channel: MasterChef World TV
Views: 27,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amateur cooks, cooking competition, cooking show, cooking vidoes, full episode, gregg wallace, invention test, john torode, master chef, masterchef, masterchef full episodes, masterchef invention test, masterchef tv, masterchef uk, masterchef world, pressure cooker challenge, uk
Id: G3XGv4vzCrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 18sec (3558 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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