2 Michelin Star Restaurant Bozar, Brussels - FULL REVIEW

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welcome to beautiful Brussels the city known for its french fries waffles and M today we're visiting two star Michelin restaurant busar that is run and operated by Karen toisan while respecting tradition he has developed his own unique cooking style and I'm very much interested in seeing what it's all [Music] about so please sit back and enjoy while I take you through this gastronomic evening in Brussels the dining room feels very classical with its dark wood interior but when you look at the table settings everything is fresh and clean and everything on the table has a purpose of being there the menu offers a seven and a five course menu and there's also an alak cart option tonight I went with a five course menu and that was built up with three different Savory courses one pre-desert and a final dessert we started up with a beautiful bread serving here containing a warm Brios bun and some french butter also on the side we had some bread crackers that was also very [Music] nice before our menu started we were offered a few different snacks the first one here was a ve Tatar in a tartlet with some Gorgon Sola and some Capers was beautiful with a lot of textural elements going on here with a crispy layer on top and a lot of earthy flavors going on following that was a jambon pil that is a very classical dish from the burgundy region in France here in a smaller version topped with a horse radish cream nice and vibrant but it wasn't the best jum Bon pril I've ever tasted and finally we were offered a gillad oyster dish with some daon radish and a Dashi pu I like the flavors of this dish and I like that the service staff were pouring the broth table side however it was a little bit difficult to eat with only the spoon offered here next came the first dish of the five course menu and this was the sea crab from Britany with some sorl and cavier and this was one of the highlights of the evening a beautiful dish to look at and the flavors were absolutely Divine a lot of different textures and the balance of this dish was spot on after that we got some more bread and this time it was a classical sourdough baguette and it was served with a humus baguette was of decent quality and the humus also it wasn't anything exciting for me to eat this and I would actually have preferred just some more butter to have with the baguette here from one of the highlights of the meal to one of the weaker courses here we had some eggplant from Sicily together with some miso alol and also some clams now there were some technical issues with this dish the clams were quite Sandy and that's a huge problem when you're eating like this right you don't want to have small stones in your mouth while chewing on a two Missin star dish besides that the flavor combination didn't really work for me here to have the more Seafood flavor here with the clams and the AL salce together with the eggplant caviar it didn't work for me it wasn't a good marriage so I was a little bit surprised of the quality of this dish next came in the main course and here we had a wild turbo together with some potatoes and asparagus and a quite heavy sauce with moral mushrooms inside it this was a beautiful dish to look at and I absolutely love when the serving staff are pouring the sauce table side here and making a little bit feater of the [Music] dish digging into the actual flavors of the Dish everything here was perfectly cooked I mean at the fish and the asparagus and the execution there on the potatoes that were baked in a puff pastry type of a pie and then cut into that nice wedge flavors from the moral mushroom sauce were deep and nice and it was a really strong dish here what I maybe was missing a little bit was to have a little bit of a surprising element to the dish just to lift it to that next level that you often see in a restaurant with two Michelin stars like this one next we were offered a pre-desert here consisting of raw fennel that was Finly shaved and then we had some almonds in form of a sorbet and it was topped with olive oil and a crispy layer on top now this was a very fresh dish but it didn't really deliver on Flavor that much and I was a little bit let down by this experience [Music] luckily things changed when the main dessert entered the table this was a beautiful composition of strawberries with cottage cheese and vanilla the garette strawberries that were just coming into season were of a very high quality and had a such a clean strawberry taste that I haven't had in a very long time the cotage she is in form of a MSE underneath the strawberries in the tartlet just lifted the whole experience it made a really smooth texture in your mouth and it didn't take away anything from the actual strawberries the vanilla tones were just in the background in just the right way this was truly a beautiful [Music] dish after that fantastic final dessert we were offered a few minad disas to end our meal with one was a fruit gel made up with blood orange and then we had a small Bergamot pie with a mering topping and then we had a small bite of tiramisu flavors all of them were very pleasant to eat and my favorite among them were the blood orange jelly it had a very clean flavor it wasn't too sweet it had a nice balance throughout it a perfect ending to this [Music] meal so what did I think then about my visit here at restaurant buar it was a little bit of a roller coaster throughout the dinner here with some dishes being absolutely great but also some dishes that really didn't deliver the expectation that I had on them the highlights for me were the c crab from Britany with the Sorel and caviar and the dessert with strawberry that we had in the end both of those dishes delivered on a high quality note that I was expecting to have in a two star establishment we're going to put the food rating here at 90 points and that I think is a pretty fair score for the food that I was offered [Music] today for the service rating I'm going to place that one point below the food there at 89 points and that is due to some smaller mistakes that happened through the evening with some plate left on the table a little bit too long and saying with some glasses I think there was some miscommunication that happened through the very young service staff that was working this evening and maybe if you would have a more senior person overseeing the service that wouldn't have been a problem and last but not least we're coming to the value scoring of this restaurant and I'm placing that at 85 point it's good value but it's not great based on the ingredients and how much you got off them on the place that was served tonight all right that sums up this review from Brussels and restaurant Bazar I hope you like this content and if you did please like And subscribe and I hope to see you next time bye-bye
Channel: a food critics monolog
Views: 2,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: w0Bd4sXxKCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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