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hello everyone my name is Nomas and welcome back to another episode Another series of project zomboid this is going to be our extraction Hunter series if you'd like to know a bit more about what the series is all about I'll try and do my best to explain things as we go uh but I'll also have some more details down in the description okay so this is Travis Callahan our protagonist for this run Travis is a truck driver susceptible meaning that we need to wear face coverings while around zombies excessive sweating commercial driver fast reader auto mechanic dextrous electrical technician metal welder driver cruel fast learner out of shape and overweight sounds like a pretty typical truck driver to me if you ask what our goal in this series is going to be extract out of Knox County via the wolf extraction Quest mod in conjunction with Rick's mlcs treasure hunt mod so we're going to be using the treasure hunt mod system to acquire treasure maps that'll lead us around uh pretty much the entirety of the map there are a number of treasure maps that we can get throughout this adventure look at that battle rifle already and uh those treasure maps will lead us to various safe houses actually no we we can't fight zombies yet we have to make a a mask covering let's grab these window curtains here so the treasure maps will lead us to barricaded buildings around the map that'll hopefully provide us with supplies that'll help us in our journey to acquire the positions of four antenna relays that we need to deploy to make contact with the helicopter to get us out of here we have 10 days until the radio signal becomes active then we have another 90 days to actually extract off the map so 100 days total to complete this task let's see if Travis Callahan the truck driver can do it we're going to make ourselves a couple spare masks maybe one spare will do let's take on our first zombie and our first zombie will have our first treasure map uh here we go anot map extraction items number one let's go ahead and put in our pocket and read that looks like we have a map of Rosewood Rosewood is where we have spawned and our first note from Wayne still have my backup radio hair if needed over by the school Let's uh take a look at our extraction tracker down here in the bottom right signal strength Z of four radio signal is two we more antennas operating in repeater mode needed I was mentioning we will need to make and deploy four different antenna relays in repeater mode and that's what that's referring to there collect more map fragments of repeater locations to find out where you need to activate antenna in repeater mode we have now uncovered Rosewood thanks to the treasure hunt map there is the entirety of the map though the antenna locations could be anywhere we don't really know where they're going to be until we are able to assemble the map fragments together oh and look at that we've already discovered one of the other mods that we are going to be using the trip and fall have to be careful going over zombie corpses cuz there is a chance for us to trip higher chance uh when we're running and sprinting lower chance when we're crouching what else our spawn house has to offer us nothing else in there uh we do have a pencil okay good let's take that we will need that for marking our map and speaking of let's go to our map and let's throw our old crosshairs on our first location we're going to right over there refer back to our treasure map the radio some sort of radio is over here and if we refer back to our tracker we will need a military walkie-talkie in our inventory in order to establish contact with the helicopter so hopefully there's a um military radio in that first safe house um you know what we don't need a fork quite yet grab this chocolate though those we have some food and let's head out and while we're heading out we can talk about uh some of the other things we're going to have to deal with in this series we are playing on random zombies which means we will have 3% sprinters sprinters are going to be able to climb fences we also have a sprinter Zone there have been rumors of fullon sprinters between Rosewood and Greenport and as far east as MRA entering that zone is going to be very precarious that does include erron or fallis lake as others call it as it's officially named right we have our first Sprinter encounter here so for those who may not be familiar with the susceptible trait mod which is where this little icon up here comes from we're getting out of hand here let's get back inside you can see the condition on our face mask has gone down the lower the tier of face covering face the cloth face mask being the lowest the faster they will degrade the more zombies are around so we got to be careful that this thing doesn't go to 0% we want to avoid large groups we want to get a weapon as sap we are actually very close to our location we only have to go a few more houses up so so is actually a uh a fortunate start I mentioned at the very start the treasure maps are random to be in any of the uh the major towns there was that battle rifle back in the first house but I don't think I want a battle rifle to start off with there is a guitar up here let's grab that we are playing with the inventory Tetris mod have a bit more inventory management to deal with butter uh we got firefighter pants on the ground here where are they they're floating somewhere where am I seeing that oh up here it yeah there we go uh let's go ahead and wear those that's barricaded we have the barricaded world mod on and we are playing 2 months after the apoc clipse so we'll come across a fair number of barricaded homes oh and there is a surgical mask which I believe will be better than our cloth mask let's grab that push out already a little thirsty maybe we should get some water before we go up no bottle yet there's a backpack got a lot of uh zombies moving off to the West throw on the back quickly there these two and there goes our guitar that down to the fists not the ideal weapon for a zombie apocalypse that's all I got guess I could have picked up like the bread knife watch letter opener what we're still here back grab that just so we have something right so it should be that house with the charcoal barbecue check this one along the way though though zombies also have random hearing and sight more things for us to contend with we actually took a look at the uh skill set for this guy here there we go driving plus three being a truck driver makes sense ni mechanics 2 metal working one electrical one and maintenance one in order to make the antennas that we need we are going to need middle working electrical experience so we're going to be focusing on leveling those up and mechanics in conjunction with metal working will come in handy for upgrading Vehicles we'll be able to throw on armor vehicles using night skills standardized vehicle upgrades mod I might grab this mug where's that mug over there so we can carry some water on us we're also going to be playing with a uh lower Zombie Pop than we usually do on this run cuz we've got a few other things to worry about so we'll be hovering around the normal not a little bit higher than normal okay here we go we're in the uh annotated house we've got a briefcase on the ground we've got a satchel on the ground there got a duffel bag with US Army walkie-talkie that takes care of that requirement we also have two repeater location map fragments grab those and there we go electri volume one that will come in very handy and a screwdriver well Wayne has left us some good gifts and on this zombie we should have our next treasure map okay take a look at this map number two where are we headed to now oh this is Greenport this is looking like the Town Square of Greenport most likely one of the vendor stalls overheard talk of a way out need to contact the heli pilot John our mission is now to get to Greenport which which means we're going to have to cross the Sprinter Zone I was hoping we wouldn't have to tackle that right away but here we go need to get a car all right let's uh drink that we have a bottle now every time we drink or have food we are going to have to remove our face covering so we want to make sure that we're in somewhat safe uh safety from nearby zombies oh and we got um some ammo and stuff in here too what we got 22 rounds 4 4 308 I don't think we're going to make use of that stuff I'd rather a um an M38 or a lower caliber pistol oh a gas mask filter now that will be handy the second highest tier of face protection just behind the Hazmat suit this first anotated location providing some goodies for us I'm picking up the watches just so we can dismantle those and start working on our electrical skill oh more walkie-talkies okay Wayne was all about his electronics ding for beginners foraging four tailoring two we need any of that I think we are good to push on yeah we already checked that so yeah we don't need to rush to get to Greenport but we do want to try and secure a vehicle 10 days until we can actually make contact with the helicopter uh but we we need to get four antennas uh regardless weapons [Music] got in here there a key by chance don't uh we got a dust mask filter though that's or not filter but a mask let's swear that I think that's probably better than the uh surgical mask and another annotated map one's in Riverside whoever finds this do not go here the [ __ ] killed Frank and bit me okay so we have activities for tonight rooting ourc book and dismantling um let's mark off some of these houses that we've been to now hit up all those and to drop the base uh first eight kit on the back it wouldn't hurt to try and check out the school see if we can find more mechanics metal working driving books oh another attitude map oh [ __ ] can they hear that that means that the trunk's open so any of the uh zombies we kill we'll have a chance to spawn those uh map fragments we need four map fragments make a map one of the repeater locations hope going to need propane let's mark this one on the map um we will put we usually use our fire symbol hey check this house food no food Hammer up there though make use of that that's almost broken but at least we have a hammer now I'll help getting into barricaded houses if we need if anything oh yeah let's drop this uh water since we have the water bottle will'll fill up vest let's take the hoodie mc45 carbine 1911 mag I'm scope interesting 45 Auto R take that oh and a scarf let's where that schol parking lot might have a that we could hot wire oh wait there's this one right here grab that for dismantling let's check out the school though see if there's anything there um I'm going to eat though Hide Away chocolate we get our first bit of exertion leather gloves here and some military boots let's where [Music] those and try and avoid walking over top of the corpses much as I can probably rest quick peek around the corner [Music] oh there are cars there that's alarm though crap actually doesn't look that bad this way so back this way yeah let's um let's break this back window ow Ms maps maps be great if we could we go [Music] over uh let's take a blue pen too and let's check on the hood grab his hat too any gas in there oh yeah there is okay have a vehicle loud is this thing not bad 42 on the higher end of what I would like quality 55 on the lower end of what we would like but we have a vehicle a green car to go to green now one of the nice things about uh one of the mods we're using nested containers actually put bags in the back of trunks like this and then still access them without actually having to pull them out but we're going to we're going to utilize that um let's go back to the annotated house back here so there was the duffel bag the suitcase that Satchel yeah we didn't actually search this poed me let's get the bags first we'll get our loot dropped off in the car and we'll go back and search that one there's our first level up sneaking okay so let's empty this out let's grab this guy here secondary okay let's run I don't think there's anyone around us anyone that was in the woods to our East would have been pulled by that alarm so we got suitcase we'll throw in Satchel okay so let's put everything we want to dismantle into the suitcase for now oh we are getting quite tired sleep in here tonight all right in here let's put extra weapons actually let's put those in the um Satchel now where to sleep looks like it has intact Windows let's try down there watch oh and an M9 pistol none of these bedrooms have barricades on them but we'll just sleep in here okay let's uh read this till we get to ridiculously tired we are also playing with the pass out mod so once we get to ridiculously tired we will have a chance of passing out and we will see you in the morning there we go woken up to the softly falling snow outside one day down nine days until the radio frequency becomes active and then another 90 days to get on that helicopter a bit more reading on this um do we want to catch any shows read till the carpentry show you get some extra skills why not carentry isn't going to be a big one for us this season unless we want to use more Spears have some of the peanut butter finish that book faster than I thought we would let's uh just fast forward a bit until we get past noon oh but you know what we are two months later right so no more TV shows well one less thing to worry about I guess dismantle our other items in the trunk got one two walkie-talkies dismantle those or four watches okay so out of all these materials that we're getting from this dismantling we hop in here just to be on the safe safe side take a quick look at the recipe for making those antennas that we need to make so open up our crafting book over to electrical craft Advanced antenna we need electrical 3 and metal working 2 and we need scrap Electronics radio receivers and transmitters electrical wire aluminum screws metal bars metal pipes mle sheets propane screwdriver and a welding mask I didn't see the amplifier on there so I don't I think we can drop that one don't need to keep that other stuff we can make use of light bubble keep for um headlights let's drive over to the school and see if we can get more books oh trunk's open hold on tracks un needed [Music] attention that's like police officer isn't it might we get a vest stealth this guy and there is a vest is it good shape it is okay oh and we got ear protectors too that will come in handy later on once we start firing guns we suffer the uh temporary hearing loss see what we got in here it's all one head off in this direction let's go straight to the library now this would be a great place to get uh Metal Sheets from we don't have a paint torch have to wait but something we won't have to wait on is getting our first Tuning Magazine for advanced models this will be for upgrading our vehicles and we have driving for intermediates as well Advanced driving let's that as well we're going to be a Pro driver by the end of this series guys this is going to be retribution for you might lackluster driving skills over P series uh this one is definitely going to be a good one to get uh allow us to make metal sheets and small Metal Sheets cuz we're going to need those get back to the car okay um what we going to put in oh [ __ ] just had a a blackout or was that the power going up for good we'll see we are playing with the the blackouts mod as well there will be periodic blackouts if not the final blackout there final power outage see if it comes back within the day get the rest of this dropped off and then we'll head up the road see if we can get to the one of the two story houses and of course we're going to have to deal with our next Sprinter reorganize this a bit [Music] better okay they're starting to move back this way okay well maybe we will leave finding the next place to hunker down uh for the next episode that's going to do it for our Premier episode of extraction Hunter with our protagonist Travis Callahan and there we go it was just a a blackout power is back up another thing for us to worry about we've got temporary blackouts we've got sprinters we got Sprinter zones we've got treasure maps to hunt down we have green ports to head towards through the Sprinter Zone masks to worry about let me know your thoughts on how this one is set up leave me those comments down below hit that like button subscribe if you're are new to the channel welcome to all the new subscribers I hope you enjoy this series and until next time I'll talk to you all later
Channel: NoMiS Plays
Views: 1,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 49sec (1489 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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