Extreme Home Renovation | Before And After

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Today, I have something special for you. So that hoarder house that I purchased over six months ago is finally renovated and ready to be sold. We got a little bit delayed with permits and bigger projects can always take longer than you're expecting, but hey, finally we have the opportunity to view the full before walkthrough as well as the full renovated after walkthrough. So you're definitely going to want to stay all the way to the end of this video and enjoy. Okay. So I just got to the property. Here you can see it behind me, or maybe you can't see it because it's completely covered in trees and shrubs and things like that. Actually, when I saw it on Google Images, I couldn't even tell it was a house because just on Google Images, on Google Street View, it just looks like it's completely covered just the same way it does now. So I was pretty happy when I found out it was a brick colonial, traditional style of house. In this neighborhood in particular, these larger brick colonial type of houses sell pretty well. So I was much happier than if it had been like a rambler or split level or something like that. So behind me is actually a pretty large brick house, believe it or not. So let's go take a tour of it. So the neighbors have really nice large houses. So this is really just the one eyesore of the neighborhood. Let me get a better view of this. So here's the property. I'm really going to try to knock down as many trees as possible. I mean, I want to keep some, people like trees, but the ones that are too close to the house, a home inspector would have a field day with this house. Look at the windows. There's just stuff hanging out of the windows. Here's the front yard. The front yard, I guess, it's pretty large. You could put a fence up, have some a dog or kids or someone running around. But anyways, here's the side of the house. So it's a very solid brick structure and as you can see, there's no central AC, so I need to put in central AC. The windows need to be replaced. So one thing I like about this house, it's got a huge driveway. So let me just... Very long driveway. You could probably fit like 20 cars in here. And it's also got a two car garage. Now the garage is completely packed with stuff, as you can see. We're going to start to see some hoarding type of stuff going on. That's just a woodpile, but I got to call one of those car, junk removal places. So here's just the backyard and obviously, there's just so much stuff and there's stuff that's built in. These are just structures that are permanent, so I don't even know what I'm going to do with those. I mean, look at this. It's almost half a... Oh, there's another cat that just walked over there. It's almost like half of a garage over here and there's a storage bin. Just all types of junk. And here's the back of the house. I mean you see, you could tell it could be a really nice property, once it's fixed up and cleaned out and everything. And we got stuff in here too. I can't even see inside this door, but this one is completely packed with stuff. I mean, it's going to be a lot of money. And obviously, we haven't even gone inside yet. Someone's still feeding these cats. Hello. Anybody home? So I actually have two junk removal companies coming today to give me an estimate. I could get three. I think two will probably get the job done. You always want to get multiple estimates, obviously. As you can see, this kitchen, it's got stainless steel appliances. So I'm going to actually keep those. But everything else is pretty... Downstairs is where most of the junk is. They removed some of the stuff that was up here. So here's the dining room, I guess. And this property actually smells pretty bad. It doesn't smell bad, like a dead animal bad, but it doesn't have a good smell to it. So I think once all this stuff gets out, once I open up some windows, do some painting, refinishing, we're going to have to do something about the smell. So here is the living room and this is actually pretty large. You got a fireplace. Let me go out here as well. This might be too hard. So you do have a little porch, which is going to be nice for somebody. So let's go upstairs and upstairs is actually not that bad as far as junk goes. There's the backyard again. And I'm just going to refinish these wood floors. People like some of these... Hey, people like wood floors. So here's the bathroom. Bathroom is not too bad, probably just going to touch it up a little bit. I don't know if this is going to be a full renovation. I think this is going to be more of like a, get it up to nice livable condition. So here is one room. You can see the radiator heat. So we'll probably keep the radiator heat, probably have to replace the heating system, but we'll keep the radiators. Here's another room. This room's a good size actually. So there's the third room. So there's three bedrooms right here. Three bedrooms and one bath. And then what's cool about this property, especially because it's right next to a university, College Park... Here we go. And yeah, what's cool about this is that this is tall. You could actually have almost two bedrooms up here. I mean, this is big enough to be one bedroom. And then maybe you could use this as a closet or maybe even a second bedroom. I mean, if you're feeling pretty ambitious. I'm probably just going to obviously get everything out, make sure everything is good as far as the condition goes and then leave that up to the person that purchases it eventually, what they want to do with it. So one more look. All right. Okay. You got a knife there. Here's the backyard again. Yeah. I might have to keep that structure. I don't know. I guess I could just jack hammer it, but... So let's go to the basement. And so the basement's pretty bad. Brought my trusty flashlight, which might double as a weapon if needed, just in case anyone's down there. I don't think anyone's down there. So, let's go. Hello. Anyone down here? Hopefully not. I have a flashlight with me. It's very intimidating, I know. So, that's the exit door right there. It's completely boarded up. And this basement, what's actually good about this basement, it has tall ceilings. So I can actually walk around a little bit. I don't want to spend too much time down here. There's the washer, dryer right there. And there's actually a full bathroom in here. So you can see. There is a full bath, so that's good. So here's one room. And again, this doesn't have an exit, however, someone could probably just still use it as a bedroom. So it's big enough to be a bedroom. I mean, you could use it, they've obviously used as storage or who knows what? So I wish I knew what valuable things look like. I mean, there's probably, of all this crap in here, there's got to be something valuable. So here's another bedroom and this actually, it's kind of split. So I might actually just knock this wall down, open up this bedroom a bit. There's the electrical panel. Closet. And this window is a little bit too small, so might do more of an egress window or we might just keep it the same and just not really call it a bedroom. Because it already has three traditional bedrooms, so we can let the future buyer decide. Back here is almost like a little kitchen. So I don't know even what I'm going to do back here, because we already have washer, dryer over here. Man. This house is kind of nasty. This house has so much potential though because it's so big, has so many rooms. Here's the kitchen. I love that they have these stainless steel appliances and then the rest of the house is completely in need of repairs. So I'm going to come to the exterior and I'm just going to tell you what I'm going to do with the property. So this property obviously needs a lot of work. The very first thing I'm going to do is just trash out everything. It's going to look, and there's a helicopter flying above me right now, it's going to look a lot different once the property has all the junk removed, even once the landscaping is done, I think it's going to look a lot different. So let me flip the camera around so you can see the property from the front again. I mean I think it can be a really nice property. I might get rid of that sunroof, whatever you call that. I always forget the name of those things because those are notorious for leaking and that roof looks like it might be older, so we're probably going to do something with that. So we're going to do junk removal, then probably get some landscaping in here. And then I'm going to... The big project I think are going to be the kitchen, the roof needs some work, floors. I don't know if I'm going to fully renovate the bathrooms, but I'm definitely going to touch up the bathrooms. I'm going to make it a nice, livable, updated, I don't know if it's going to be full gut renovation, but it's going to be one of the nicer properties in the neighborhood. And one of the best things I like to do when it comes to doing work on properties is just to see what the highest comp sold for and look at the pictures and get ideas from similar properties in the same neighborhood that have already sold for a premium price and then get the best, cherry pick the best two or three ideas from that and then put it into your project. What's going on everybody? So I'm going to be giving you a tour of the property. I just finally completely renovated. So this used to be a hoarder house. I did a complete, massive six-figure renovation on this and I think it looks amazing now. We're getting pictures done in a few days, then we're going to list it. And whoever buys this property, they're purchasing the property. It's about two blocks away from the Metro. There's a Whole Foods within about a mile away. University of Maryland, College Park campus is walking distance from here and there's also a $150 million development going on about five or six blocks down the street from me. So in terms of potential appreciation, this property literally checks all the boxes. I mean Metro, Whole Foods, $100 million developments, big name campus, and there's actually a park, a massive scenic park just a couple blocks from here. And the thing is, with all this going on, this neighborhood is still very scenic and almost quiet. I mean, if you go five blocks down there, you've got frat row and everything, but I'll show you the street real quick and you'll see what I'm talking about. Okay. So here's the street and I know I mentioned all this development, but it's actually on a very quiet type of street. I mean, lots of trees. And this neighborhood is actually known as being fairly quiet and just a great place for a lot of things. I mean, you're so convenient. So let's start with this. If you see the video of me purchasing a hoarder house, there was trees. I don't exactly remember where the trees were, but there was a lot of trees in this front yard. And so we removed the trees, we put in new grass, we redid the driveway. And on the outside, we redid the roof. We did new windows. We repainted the shutters and we painted the door red. We also did the paint on the sidewalk. So let me know what you think about that. I probably should have just done it all the same color, but I think it looks pretty good. All right. So here we are in the finished living room and we have it staged and anytime you're renovating a property, you always want to stage it because it just looks better. A vacant property just looks cold and uninviting and small. So we have staging furniture in here. I'll show you the entire living room and the fire replace we painted and I had a chimney sweep. And then we had to reline the chimney, which was about $3,000. So in an older house, you're probably going to have to reline the chimney and that usually costs about 3,000 bucks. So here is the living room. And as you can see, we redid the drywall, new lights, the floors are actually original floors. So what we did, they were just about salvageable. Usually what I like to do with renovated properties is do a lighter floor, but for this, for the budget, it just made more sense for us to stain it a darker color. So, let me know what you think about dark versus light floors. I prefer light, I mean, everyone prefers light, but dark can look good too when you have the nice contrast. So here is the kitchen. And we kept the same layout in the kitchen. We just did new cabinets, new back backsplash. New appliances. So, I think the kitchen came out pretty well. And then it goes out to the back. I'll just show you, we'll go into the backyard in a second here, but just to get an idea. There's a two car garage, large yard, and it's fairly private as well. So it's a really cool property, but let's take a look down in the basement. And the basement, I think is going to be one of the big selling points for this property because you're really close to the campus, so we created two bedrooms down here. Actually, there were kind of two bedrooms already, but we just made egress windows. And my contractor, he still has to finish one thing up over there, that's why you see that. So my stager actually thought this could be a living room right here. I was never really planning on that, but maybe you could put a TV there and hang out just right here. I don't know. But here's the first bedroom, a little bit small, but you have the egress. We installed those. Those cost about $6,000 per egress window. So we had two of those done. We pulled permits, everything. And then we got new laundry and then here's the larger bedroom. So you have the egress window, gets pretty good light. And we have closets in both bedrooms. So it came out really well. Let me just give you... I'll show you the bathroom. The one thing about this house, we tried to... I'll show you the laundry real quick. We tried to get a third or a half bathroom, there's only two full bathrooms. So that was the one downside. The nice tile work here. We were going for two and a half or three. There's me. So the bathroom came out nice. We have the sun pump over in that room and we actually have a waterproofing system around the house. So that is going to... And waterproofing systems have a lifetime warranty, so that's something that's going to be helpful for the new homeowner. They won't have to worry about that type of stuff. Let's go upstairs. But what I was saying about the basement, so the two bedrooms, if someone wanted to eventually rent those out to college kids or whoever it may be, since you're close to a campus with the egress windows, it could be really good selling point. So here's the porch. And there was a bee out here, so I need to be careful. I don't like bees. We painted the top of the ceiling, I think it's called haint blue. And if you look in a lot of Southern porches, Southern style homes, they have the light blue and it's really nice. I think it came out well. So kind of like a sunroom. We were actually thinking of putting an extra bathroom here, but I think it just makes more sense to have the sunroom. Put plants out here. You could put a couch out there. Lots of different things. So let's go upstairs. So we have three bedrooms, one, two, three. And then we have an attic as well, which is really cool. I'll show you that. And then here's the bathroom. We went with a white subway tile, which is fairly popular and gray floor tiles. Nice light, vanity. So we didn't go over the top, $10 million house, but we definitely got upgraded materials. And as you can see, the staging here, this is the master. So there's only one bathroom on this level, which some buyers might have an issue with, some might not. We will find out. It's about to be listed. And the closet, hey, by DC standards, that's a decent closet. So here we are. I'll show you the other two rooms. And other two rooms, so there's three bedrooms on this level, they're legitimate sized bedrooms. People might use them as an office. They might use them as a bedroom, but this one's definitely a good size. You have the closet there. And then this room, my stager set up as an office. So we did a new fan, we got a modern fan light there. We got the office set up going on. And I think the biggest selling point of this entire house, I mean the basement I think is going to help a lot, but this attic, did new carpet, is really cool and it's really large. And it's not even that hot because we have a dual zone AC system. So stager put the bed right there, I don't know. So anyways, here's the attic. Really good size. I can walk around, probably six and a half, seven foot ceilings, maybe seven and a half. Have a closet right here. And then we have a second room which could be an office, it could be a bedroom. You can almost have two bedrooms up here. I think it'd probably be better as one, but there's a lot of space up here, a lot of potential. So I'm going to go downstairs now and show you the outside because, in addition to all the bedrooms we have in here, I think one of the best selling points is actually the backyard. So let's go take a look at that. And here's just another look at the living room. I think the living room came out really nice. Nowadays, people don't want 10,000 square foot McMansions. This house, it's not massive, but it has all the essentials, has everything you need. All right. So we are going out to the back. We'll take a look at the garage too. So let me just show you the driveway. So we resealed the driveway, so it looks much better. You can see the egress windows. And here's the backyard. Between the backyard and the two car garage, I think that's going to help it sell quite, hopefully, quickly. Like I said, you never know, but... So it offers a lot of privacy. I mean, look around, it's just trees. If you go, like I said, five or six blocks down there, you'll... It's closer to the campus, but if you had a dog or just want to have a nice flat yard, this place is perfect. So let me just show you a quick... Let me give you a quick tour of the garage. I got to get the opener for the garage. It's in the kitchen. And you know myself, I'm not much of a garage person. As you can see, I have a Prius. And if you have a Prius, comment below and tell me how much you love that car. But no, seriously, a lot of people do love garages. It just offers privacy, you don't even have to use them for cars. You can use them for working on projects. And here you can see the dual HVAC. So we have one system for the bottom two levels and then one system for the top two levels. All right, opening the garage up. My contractors still have to move a couple things out. They were actually here about 30 minutes ago, so just missed them. But this is a big garage. And they built these stairs, we built it, it cost quite a bit. It cost almost $5,000 to paint this garage. We got rid of some crummy drywall. We did new windows. We did new doors. And up here, we just left it for the future potential buyer. Wow. It's like 500 degrees right now. So somebody could use this as storage, somebody potentially could upgrade this into something. But as of right now, we're just leaving it unfinished. This garage is big enough, right? So that's the property tour for you. And let me know what you think of the renovation. Let me know if you would've done something different, just what your thoughts are. And actually, if you can guess the price of the renovation for this property, and I went way over my budget, if you can guess the price of the renovation, I will Venmo you $50. So definitely comment below and I'll see you on the next video. All right. Bye.
Channel: Jeff Leighton
Views: 526,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: house flipping, home flipping, complete home flip, how to flip a house, house flipper show, flipping houses, home flip, house flipper, first time flippers, home remodeling, home staging, fixer upper, house flip, fireplace redo, before and after house flip, farmhouse decor, flip house, complete house flip, new kitchen layout, home renovation, before and after, then and now, matt leighton, jeff leighton, extreme renovation, hard money
Id: 3Dugh-MoN2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 14sec (1574 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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