Yellow Jacket SUPER NEST | Wasp Nest Removal | Wasp INFESTATION

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hey guys thanks so much for tuning in the check out this video this the removal of a Yellow Jacket nest from inside of a customer's house in the ceiling of their garage it turned out to be a super nest this nest was absolutely humongous and it had been up there for at least two years German Yellow Jacket which make big nests anyway if you haven't subscribed ready for my channel please consider doing so and hit that Bell notification down below that way you guys can get updated at any time I do post a video so here's the nest removal guys plus my chickens and the squirrel squirrel here's the video check it out alright so this is where the Yellowjackets were coming in they were coming in through the siding right above the garage and rape below the nursery bedroom so this is inside the nursery and you can see that there were Yellowjackets consolidated or all around the windows there's new Queens and new males right there there's one worker looks like there's a couple new Queens there so the homeowner was thinking they were coming in through the window jamb but I told her that 99% of the time they're not coming into the window jamb they're coming in through a hole in the wall or hole in the floor so we're coming up through this register and I found by looking all the way down in there see the activity down in that crack there's a nest down in there they come up through here so they're actually in the floor and which is actually the ceiling of the garage so we cut into that and get them out for them it's always the first thing that I do is I listen very very closely to where the sounds are coming from from this nest now I couldn't really hear anything in the ceiling because this was a double drywalled so I really just had to rely on my visual acuity is what I could see through that register and I cut in right below the nest but this nest is absolutely humongous this thing was about four and a half feet long it was about 22 inches wide and probably another 20 inches tall it was so big the the comb inside of it was buried in to about probably 10 inches layer of envelope so what you're seeing here is just literally just the bottom surface so there's a few Yellowjackets walking around it but 90% of them are inside right near the comb so I as I started kind of like crunching in with my fingers you started to see someone coming out but not not nearly as many as you would think so I knew I wasn't raped at the comb pretty much any time you even during the busiest part of the season you'll see some coming out of there but you're not gonna see a lot until you hit the combs and there's the comb and then this is where the activity starts again this is elite and late in the season nests so this isn't max capacity so there's probably maybe a third of the population and thus nest of what there was in the middle of the season but you still see that there's a lot of activity in this nest there's still a lot of larva in there and just taking my time too because I didn't want what I didn't want to have happen was I didn't want to just start just assuming that everything was slowing down for the season and I start crunching into it and then having be completely engulfed in Yellowjackets even though these are German Yellowjackets they don't really latch on but towards the end of the season you really just don't know how they're gonna behave because they might be hungry they might be you know there might be really defensive for one reason or another so I'm really just cautious anytime I'm going into a nest I never go into there into a removal overly-confident other than the fact that you know I know what I'm doing so just a little bit of vacuuming this is a prime example of what I mentioned in my other videos about vacuuming and why I choose the vacuum I choose this vacuum since it does not have a super suction like a mega vacuum it doesn't completely ruin all the the envelope and all the and all the comb I don't want this thing sucking off pieces of chem at a time because I guess you know you guys know I want to feed these to my chicken so I don't want a bunch of it getting sucked up into the vacuum so just kind of getting a few shots here of the process [Music] you can see how many are just coming pouring out of this this bit of comb that's left up in there I haven't even started tearing the comb out I have literally just been tearing out the envelope so I'd probably gone through about 10 inches of envelope just to get to the comb given the opportunity this thing would have been even bigger next year with all the larvae that's inside there that have been plenty of larvae to keep them keep the adults fed and happy until until the following spring when they start venturing out and foraging [Music] and knowing what I know now back in the day when I would see Yellowjackets flying around that weren't queens in the beginning of spring I always wondered where they come from because if there was no queen to found a new nest in time to start laying new eggs and then hatching you wouldn't be seeing young adults flying around outside until you know probably later than the spring early summer and I never understood that well knowing that there's such nests like this that are actually growing in the middle of the winter and you're still still female workers inside the nest alive it makes sense now that they'd be going out and foraging in the beginning of spring and you'd be seeing those active sterile females there's a couple shots showing the amount of envelope they just came out of this hole that's only just a part of what it looked like excited for you guys to see the pile at the end the pile is almost like like sweet like breaking up a pile of leaves it was so big you can see look at all the workers in between those combs so there's still a lot of activity in this nest and again even though I know what I'm doing I just very cautious about just reaching in and reaching your arm into the unknown and pulling out a massive nest you just I don't know what's behind it I just gotta be keep all my bases covered look at the size of that thing and that's just a part of it it's not even the whole thing that's about 1/3 1/3 to 2/3 so in my last video when you guys were seeing me take care of the Eastern Yellowjackets you can see how this envelope and this comb is so strong in comparison the Eastern Yellowjackets comb is very brittle and you'll notice that the when I touch this stuff it doesn't just fall apart and the envelope kind of behaves a lot very similar to the bald-faced hornet or the daily covet spiel Immaculata species where it's really strong paper and really strong he's getting the last little bit of comb it was in there a little bit the workers and the new Queens and males will stay with the comb they're not gonna really try to swarm out past me now at this time of year so it looks more like they float around they're not like super aggressive but this species isn't a good tail for that anyway because the species isn't super aggressive to begin with they would swarm heavier than this normally in the middle of the season though so just scrape it out as much as I can getting as much of the envelope out of the cavity before I spray in there just like it's just crazy the amount of envelope that was in this house just blown away it was a very daunting task because when you have to clean off the all this space and you don't want to leave a bunch of stuff in there because there might be adults inside of there as well so if you leave it in the cavity space they're gonna find their way into the nursery and that's kind of the whole reason why we're getting this out for the most part because they were coming up through into the nursery and the home there's obviously didn't want their baby getting stung you can see as they say they're all coming out of the woodwork so as I'm clearing out the envelope there's a heck of a lot more appearing to me just because they're all through this cavity space there's not they're not just in that one rafter gap like they're in there crawling around all over up inside that crawlspace so trying to vacuum up these stragglers is like pina in the ocean because you just you know that you're not gonna get another one so I've just happened to spray up in there and then just ceiling the ceiling the drywall well you know pile that envelope that's just I was just boiling away I started raking that up at the end like man is is like Reagan leaves that nest filled up that frickin Rubbermaid Ben that just blows my mind alright so getting the nest home you know me I'd like to take them apart and show you guys the the differences in the structures and the adults males male male worker these males are a lot longer they have longer antennae female workers are shorter and shorter antennae male worker male worker worker this is worker cell with Queen cells attached to the side so there's a male so this is worker cells to about here and then these are all Queen cells okay there's a queen there's a male so you can see them side-by-side male Queen Queen worker male male Queen female worker there's still some larvae in this film so this is all as you can see there's little fringes on this comb so these were already hatched once now there's new larvae inside so they're being reused [Music] moving day Humphrey I gotta get you out of my piano here and get the nest out a squirrel removal try to reuse the same materials he uses and that way he'll accept the new him a little better got peanuts in here and everything sunflower seeds down alright so this is me putting together Humphreys new house so there was a hole through the barn wall it was a hole it was cut in for a pipe and I just mounted this platform to it cut the hole a little bit wider so he could get in there and then on the other side goes into my barn and I wanted to build him a box so I used this old drawer that I had from an old cabinet that I had built and decided to cut it down doing like a quick release mounting on there with a wire in there and just attaching it there so that way anytime I need to get in there clean it out or whatever then I can just undo that wire and then pull the Box down and clean out this box [Music] how is it gonna work they screw screw when we screw [Music] the squirrel baby squirrel baby squirrel ah the Sun beating on your face isn't this nice yes I got some peanuts but you gotta wait these wings grew already got one how'd you get one already hey goes good in school oh look at you make yourself at home already it's a good squirrely squirrel oh you wanna eat that night you gonna eat that nut thanks poor nice girl Hey yes it my puberty squirrel yeah you go I hope that holds big enough for you then look like it will space crew are you liking this new home already there's a lot of places to roam hey screw these blue is blue Oh yawning squirrel you just take naps Cory squirrel hey guys thanks for much tuning in the check out this video if you guys enjoyed this content drop in the comments let me know what you think if you have suggestions for future videos or any kind of content you guys like to see me cover in the future also drop in the comments let me know if you guys haven't subscribed already please consider doing so and hit the bell notification so you guys can get some updates every time I should I do post a video if you guys like to support my crowdfunding campaign the link will be in the description for you guys can get to donate to my channel to help me improve the quality that I have been doing over the course of the last couple of months I also just launched my new Instagram and Twitter account so if you guys like to follow me on there for any kind of little tidbits and updates and things like that you guys can join and follow me there and that way you guys can get some like behind-the-scenes content that I don't really post in my videos alright guys thanks again for tuning in to check out my videos and supporting my channel I'll catch you guys on the next video [Music]
Channel: Hornet King
Views: 2,008,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wasp nest removals, Infestation, Yellow Jacket Nest removals, Wasp, Hornet, Hornet King, Hornet Nest, Nature, Bugs, Insects, Nests, Paper Wasp, Exterminator
Id: I_gxzlO7Fow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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