The HONEST Truth about The NEW 2024 TaylorMade Driver...

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with most of the talk in 2024 surrounding the brand new tailor made Qi 10 driver I pose the question just how good really is it compared to last year's tailor made stealth 2 drive you see the brand new Qi 10 will set you back 499 that's an astronomical amount of money I was looking at our friends at golf club for cash and I can get a tailor made stealth to in very good condition in your specs for £259 so how much difference do you want to see for that value we're going to test them today both out here in the golf course and in the studio now we're talking and we'll kick things off with the QI 10 some very difficult driver holes coming up as well so we need to hit some Fairways and we need to get things going so big fan of the qr10 I like The Branding around it I do prefer the blue and I much prefer this Infinity crown and that felt absolutely gorgeous that's one of the best drives I've hit a very very long time that's straight down the center of the Fairway as you can imagine guys we're using exactly the same golf balls today as well and as I look at these shelf for po wise they look very similar we've got inertia generator on the bottom we've got that speed pocket we even have waiting in the same place as you'll see these are the same lofted drivers both set on Lower cuz that just suits my swing a little bit bit more if we start to look at the top of these clubs we have that Infinity crown that I mentioned I think that looks way better way sleeker than that multimaterial that we do get on the stealth 2 the stealth 2 also has that red ring around the back which I don't know it almost looks a little bit like it's just stuck on realistically at the time it was so that people knew you were playing the stealth 2 but now you don't want to know you find the S to do you so obviously the big difference is the red face and the blue face made have slightly improved the carbon face on the new qi1 they made it a little bit tougher a little bit um tougher is the right word I suppose right looking at me like I'm an alien I don't know what I've been wrong we talking too loud I don't think it I'm talking to my friend Bobby all right same swing again it's a little bit low left it's going to be interesting to see the difference in distance there that's going to be in the left hand roof so having pre-recorded the indoor section to this video I must say one thing I think Taylor have done exceptionally well throughout the whole carbon wood era through the stealth the stealth to the qi1 the carbon face doesn't feel like a carbon face when you hit it when you hear it it sounds just like a normal driver face like a titanium face so how they managed to do that I don't really know to be honest because I remember hitting the old Callaway C4 driver do remember that Bobby is that before your time no way before Bobby's time that was a full carbon head and it sounded awful it sounded dull it just didn't it didn't go out that well the stealth 2s and the QI 10s I think you're doing really well for sound and feel they sound totally different to anything else on the market which I think is what tailor Ma's Mo was with that and I think the qi1 just feels a little bit firmer which I quite like personally but you guys might like the feel of the stealth to better it's totally subjective if you like it firmer or softer depending on probably what golf ball you use as well realistically let's see which ones won round one and we have the stealth 2 in the left hand roof that was pilot error to be honest slightly worse go swing than the first one in the QI the QI 10 nicely aboard the Fairway there that's a big drive for me as well to get to that corner to be able to leave yourself probably a pitching wedge in on this hole is a good drive that's 1 n to the QI 10 let's open the shoulders up on the next hole then we're going to talk numericals numers above that so this could prove to be quite an interesting test because I'm a firm believer that actually the tailor made Sim is still a fantastic drive if you'd like to see me test the tailor made Sim amongst this lineup and get in the comments below and let me know also guys hit that subscribe button while you're here we are well on the way to 300,000 subscribers I'd love you to be a part of it no Bobby not you you behind the lens let's go stealth 2 first this time thank you Bobby and we'll see if we can get a better golf swing on it now I didn't gain the stealth to I gain the initial stealth and then when the stealth too had its time I felt like it wasn't an amazing upgrade on the stealth I felt like it was a little bit of a refurb so that year I used the Paradigm triple diamond and absolutely loved it the qi1 I think is a nice move away when we were at PJ TOUR Superstore in America we saw the my qi 10s it's locked it's locked go go go look at that why don't we get cool stuff like this at home it's like a black and look at that Crown Bobby that is possibly the cool thing I've ever seen there's the oxymore on there isn't there a stealth out qr10 all black black on black on black and that I could see myself with that and they look fantastic the all blacked out version the version with the green face absolutely delightful and not too much more money either so the fact they're available I think is quite nice come on straight down it maybe a touch of draw would be delightful that felt lovely and certainly a higher pitch as well that's a a really nice strike with the qi1 that one so if we can recreate that with the qi1 because I've just hit the stealth 2 and not the qi1 confusing myself but you can see how centered that was that was lovely and out of the middle so realistically how much difference are you going to see with these clubs for the price because the price is the big thing and as I mentioned golf clubs for cash are an amazing place where you can go and get secondhand golf clubs you could probably get yourself a secondhand qi 10 for cheaper than you would get it from American golf or Scottsdale or Clubhouse golf or Dick Sporting Goods if you're in the USA you need to be able to make sure you get the right specs if you're spending this amount of money specs are vital if you're spending that amount of money specs are guess what Bobby vital because money is money and golf clubs are golf clubs it's only a good deal if it works if not it's cheap it doesn't work James Robinson 2024 right same swing please would be nice oh yeah carbon copies look at that for a ball flight Bobby where's that been and I'll tell you what they're neck and neck aren't they see how close together they are in the Fairway I actually feel like a proper golfer now my game's been down the toilet for a couple of weeks it's been a long couple of weeks it's been emotional a couple of weeks I'm just trying to get the game back a little bit which one's further down there comment below let me know what you think just call me Center Line Robinson Bobby can we talk about how consistent they were really really happy with those and as you can see really we're not splitting those you could say one's a little bit further I think actually the stealth 2 is a little bit further than the qi1 the stealth 2 is the one further on the right but I was really pleased with how the Bel both held their line they were both pretty straight golf shots and realistically all you're looking at there is what different bounce did it get was it a bit firmer on one bit of the Fairway than the other but we're going to give it the stealth to that's 1 one guys let's jump inside let's talk numbers for these two clubs how much difference is there going to be is it going to be 10 15 yards difference for your money or is it going to be quite a close call then we're going to finish up on the 18th hole we're going to really open the shoulders up look how close they are I think they're actually bang can I even give that the steal bang next to each other what do you reckon close at V what do we think Bobby uh the stealth too isn't it one just the either side I'd say that's half a yard 3/4 of a yard that is so when it comes to numbers for these two golf clubs how much difference is there going to be and I'm really really intrigued by this CU these drivers are pretty much identically specked just one generation after another and when I saw Bobby's fit in for the QI 10 I couldn't quite believe the differences that you could see in ball speed and spin rate and everything else so we'll go stealth to first we'll see what numbers we can put on the board having tested them both outside I'm amazed how different they feel actually for them both to have a very similar carbon face that's just been tiated a little bit and of course change color very very different feel so hat soft tailor made for slightly improving that and the look on top I mean look on top we've spoken about outside I don't need to go into it anymore but I did quite like that red ring initially when I first saw it in California two and a half years ago now but that in Infinity Crown I think it's called if I've got that right I can't believe it looks phenomenal so just want to get that in there right numbers now straight away check that out the you know the stealth to there's something about it that I think 270 carry 293 tow back spins low around 2,000 which this carbon face I always found did offer how far can we get and how low can we go by you could say cuz I'm really impressed with that 160 ball speed and that's even better that's a 164 ball speed and that's pitching at 282 and that's 305 yards the QI 10s got a lot to beat hasn't it I mean when you look at what you can get these for at like golf CLS for cash as well that qi1 is going to have to send some now very consistent similar ball lights that's the one you do worry about a little bit that's cutting off to the ey is it the Forgiveness element potentially that is the big deal here or is it how far can it go 265 that time so just the 35 40 yards less that's obviously P pilot error that one's over to the left high ball speed though somehow I've managed to hit the rough here and I don't know how cuz the roof's a Long Way to the left 273 accurac is for the golf course though isn't it Bobby right come on keep that spin down that's the key that felt really solid 163 ball 280 carat another 300 just 306 right how far's this got to go now to be better I suppose we will say like I said looks miles better to me feels better out on the course and check this out that's 163.5 ball and that Center go on get up there get up there you that's the first swing with it it's all I'll say why haven't I got this in the bag by the way that well at all I've Chas I've hit the roof again I've hit the roof again [Music] 277 keep it in play you donut right come on 35 to beat that's a 166 ball speed ball speed that's Insanity spin was a little bit higher but that's a really controllable ball flight 291 with a 3,000 spin a 166 again Bobby we're peeling out 166 ball speeds here and that's in the middle oh it's on the line excellent I quite like them getting more spin rate with this you know cuz that's on the line again is it is that two in a row on the line oh my God excellent two in a row on on the center line with a bit of fade now we're talking this is long this is like the longest by far could be a 285 carry 281 Megs I must admit I'm finding it hard to apart from this being way more accurate for me personally I'm struggling to change them or or separate them really in here but I'm really enjoying look at this go now 164 sub two spin it's a 283 carry and it's the longest of the day at 36.5 call me an ambulance cuz my back is just gone okay this is it bottom of the ninth bases are loaded and the scores are tied they got that right think so I think it's pretty close realistically and we have blue versus red good versus evil City versus United I'm just trying to think of all the cliches we can go with I'm going to go qi1 first we'll keep the order going as you can see numbers wise we're not really splitting it inside um maybe forgiveness you could say a touch that's what Taylor Made would say when it comes to the tech in this club so I B that good and that's a lovely fade I am really enjoying the shapes I'm getting with these clubs to be honest I think not going to lie I've practiced a little bit I'm starting to hit it better that's the be on end all realistically of the shape here but certainly the feel that we get with these clubs is quite different and you'd be amazed how different it is a lot of people might think oh it's just a different colored face I certainly feel like there's a a different feel when it comes to hitting these clubs and I personally prefer the qi1 is that CU it's the new one I always think if someone were to hand you something and you didn't know what was what and you didn't know that the stealth 2 was the old generation qi1 was the new generation if those were reversed and you still handed them to you would you still like what you perceived was the newer one because that's how we kind of wired as humans isn't it so right same again same shot that stayed bang straight that is going to be interesting see I don't mind that shot if I can trust it and if I can actually try and do it that's twice I've done that with the stealth too isn't it and the QI 10's just moved into Fairway for me every time that's going to the qr1 is going going to take that cuz that might even be a lost ball still better value I think realistically
Channel: James Robinson Golf
Views: 24,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nbf5639NKBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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