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hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and we're playing some more stardew valley today now if you watched the last episode let's just check what's here uh i've lost my favorite axe if you find it please return asap i think i know where this is so we're gonna accept that um so what was i about to say what was i saying if you watched the last episode you will have seen that well we we got in a bit of trouble in the mines and we died i like saying we when there's a problem because it's not it's not just me that messed up it was you too because we're in this together you know that that absolves me a bit no uh we were down in the mines we we died and we lost 11 levels which isn't actually that bad but when you spend a lot of time trying to get down there it's pretty frustrating but that's that's okay we can we can go do that again but what i will do for that part is keep pressing the wrong button uh i will skip past it because you've already seen those levels there's not much to see in the first 20 levels or so so we can just uh play on as we are but the parrots where i'm in there we'll just fast forward just to just to keep it easy what what is this oh it's just saying they're the snacks i know it's around here somewhere i think it might be over here we can also look to see if there's any food around we're gonna we're gonna try and make some money get some food here anyway this this will help just to keep us alive in the mines actually it might be a better idea to just hold on to it rather than sell it okay we actually got quite a lot here that's good because i went there oh there's the axe yes i went there a few times already and we found nothing and i'm sure i even said before and it was like i know you can get food over here and then there was nothing so that was a bit frustrating but that's okay it just made me look like a liar's all but that's all right don't worry about it i wouldn't lie to you okay now we just got to bring this axe back and we can be on our way we're trying to robin which one is robin again trying to picture there's actually quite a lot of villagers so it's hard to remember let's take a look uh social robin oh we do know her i thought we didn't know her and then she she had put that in our mailbox oh she's the carpenter lady okay yeah just sometimes it takes a second like i need to look at them and i'm like oh yes then of course okay they live up here they actually live up toward the mines so oh i've got a bit too much in my inventory to be doing this but it's all right whatever why can't i pick it up oh there we go what we'll do is we'll go give her her axe back just motor on through the mines i mean a lot of the stuff i'll find is like coal it'll just or copper and stuff it'll just stack on the things i've already found i think my inventory will be fine so let's let's get our back racks i don't actually know how much he was giving me for this i think it was like 250 but it's uh pretty good yay we're done and we get 250 gold that's good that's good and now let's let's head to the mines you see we can drop a few of these things like fiber and stuff like that if if we have to like fiber i don't even know what it's used for i can't imagine it it would be a big loss it's not that hard to get anyway all right so at this point i will probably skip forward so i'll see you momentarily okay through the magic of video editing we're back how great is that huh unfortunately for me while you were sitting there relaxing for all of three seconds i was in fact in hell yeah that area is still infested oh what is this oh jesus you look terrified oh george he's a grumpy fella sounds like those raccoons are back again filthy varmints and jim just wanders along ah you turned up at the right moment son son i look i look just as old as you to be honest could you do an old man a favor could you go around the corner and scare off those raccoons for me yeah of course i'll i'll scare off those raccoons raccoon oh he's crying he's sad it was me i'm sorry i can't remember what voice i did for him i find a lot of hot fresh food in these cans stuff that will go to waste if i don't take it he's a pirate he's a homeless pirate do you think there's something wrong with what i'm doing no but you should get a job and stop leeching off others uh no it's a shame for food to go to waste i think that's fair thanks jim i knew you were an open-minded person i feel good about what i'm doing i'm not hiring anyone like i'm pretty neutral about it but i don't know why he feels feels good about it you know but okay that's fine he was wondering now where did my guy go he just went into a bush some sort of peeping tom oh you've been caught again wait oh he's shaking i know what you are doing lioness he's thinking if you need food just ask i don't want anyone in pelican town to go home i i need food can you give me some uh he's getting a basket of zucchini fritters and i'm i i thought it said make sure you dip them in my spicy marijuana but no that's not it that's okay with our special topping oh my god okay now what do we need to do we need to head back i suppose it's a bit it's a bit late may as well be heading back there was a bar yes this was what i saw this this is one we need to attend to uh no that's not it sorry i'm getting confused i'm craving for bream okay i'll accept i probably won't be able to get it to you but i'll accept by the way i ate all of the spring onions and everything we found in that forest i ate just just so you're aware that's where it's gone uh it didn't help much i uh i got down to the infested area again and i just i really wanted to get past it so i ate everything but there was a lot more than i expected so it is what it is uh let's get rid of all these quartz bug meat fiber topaz uh earth crystal yeah we found one of those actually no we'll we'll keep that i think we need that for a silo i think it is which will be handy um oh i haven't given that to country yet we have some geodes there as well an ancient seed we need to go to gunther tomorrow feck i never watered my plants this morning did i i forgot i'm so used to having freaking sprinklers i can't even tell what i've watered now but jim pickens is a strange man watering his plants at night oh fake it's getting really dark i can't see i think i think i've got everything there that should do it and i watered my door just for good measure as well always clicking the wrong flicking button all right so 700 gold that's pretty damn good i'm pretty happy with that jesus that's a lot of money for this point in one night like that's uh that's pretty good all right we got some mail again tomorrow we'll be how we're holding the egg festival in the town square you should arrive between nine and two if you'd like to attend okay all right let's get these water first i suppose we need freaking sprinklers i forgot that was kind of the point of me being in the mine okay we'll probably need food to get much further though because there's a lot of enemies on that assuming enemies appear on that level every time which i'm assuming they do effect stop wasting i'm wasting so much energy by just trying to freaking water things and i'm missing god it takes a lot of energy to lift this can what the hell is it made out of okie doke let's make some freaking copper bears i should probably make another furnace what does it take to make them [Music] effectively i will make one more it'll just speed things up a lot oh um i noticed there was a comment last time like i was really annoyed you didn't place it here i don't know what this is for but it's reserved for something you can't place anything on it or in front of it so i'm not sure what it is but i guess we'll find out in time okay we're going to go to gunter so our we're going to go to the blacksmith first and then we're going to go to gunther because when i have the geodes they may have artifacts in them and such so if we go to oh wait we have flower here if we go to the blacksmith first then at least we're we're cutting our traveling time rather than having to go back there again the egg hunt tomorrow will be a challenging one you've got to get quite a few eggs to actually win i don't know how much but the on my uh previous play through this game um which i haven't got very fair mind you but i did it's not open yet but i did get a bit further than this and i i got quite a few eggs i thought i i was in with a good chance but i still i still came second so for for a game that's so relaxed and chilled all the like mini games and stuff are super hard in it like they're really hard i don't know i i find it a challenge anyway because they it's kind of good they don't hand you anything like you have to kind of earn everything which is nice okay hello these also cost money it's 25 per geode but generally like selling one of those will get me more than this right look we got another uh mineral there like coal that's worth as well and we get another new thing there so you you get your money's worth is what i'm saying like occasionally you'll get like stone this was a good haul we got a lot of new items and we got some resources that are quite handy so i ain't complaining we'll go to gunter and we will get rid of some of this almost have a new reward i think we're gonna get it here yeah new reward what you gonna give me buddy nine melon seeds those are really freaking good they're worth a lot of money all right we need to plant those we need sprinklers is what we need that's what we need to do the problem is we're going to use so much energy from just watering these plants that's what's bothering me nothing up on the board um all right let's let's go back home we're not actually yeah let's just go back home what i might try and do is just get these planted and we'll just we'll deal with it we'll water them whatever uh you guys gave me a good tip of watching tv as well i just have to bloody remember to do it now um right so what we've done here with this is like made space for the sprinklers for when we get them but we haven't gotten them yet so i didn't give him the bloody seed it was so small it's like i i totally forgot to give it to him oh well it doesn't really matter i need to give him that too we can get rid of these why why did i put these away who knows at this point because i there's quite a lot of stuff that i could bring to you know what i'll i'll just sell this stuff and i'll i'll leave that in there and i'll bring it to him another time that's probably what i said about this stuff last time but oh well sell that that and sell those too i'm just trying to make some cash you know just trying to make a living okay so i'm just trying to figure out what layout we need here uh what we want to do is just make it nice and easy so that if we do get sprinklers which we will just need to get down a bit further in the mines that we can we can make good use of them and we don't have to be taking up our crops or anything okay this this should kind of do i i think [Music] come on get out of my way there we go now okay that that is confusing as anything i've ever seen in my life but wait wait are they summer seeds they actually may be summer seeds all plants in summer okay well you know what that might be a blessing in disguise because it's uh it's halfway to summer anyway and i think it may have overwhelmed us a bit to have that many plants down journal update wait what delivery is that i don't understand i don't have anything to give him or did i just not look at that already that must be it deeper in the mind reach level 40 in the minds we'll go to some goals uh make a scarecrow i think we should be able to do that wooden fiber let's let's do that so you get various challenges as i'm sure you've noticed let's see if we have any wooden fiber in here actually and it's quite good for getting a bit of cash how much wood did i need i think it was 50 yeah 50. we have everything else we need all right just trying to clear off some of this area as well okay i didn't even get my axe god's sake i should probably clear a bit more around this immediate area but oh my god it's so messy let's clear out some of it so we're going to need this land eventually so this will make it a bit easier god this land went to hell didn't it it was just left over just overgrown right so we'll get some of these trees we shouldn't need to chop down that many actually to get enough come on come on no no no no no no no come here there we go and i'd say one or two more trees will do it it should do anyway sometimes we'll get rid of the ones that are close to the house because they'll be kind of in the way anyway there should be more wood there oh yeah that's hiding behind another tree and yeah we'll have enough after this one cool it's just some easy gold to do those um and i think it's like it's one of those games that you shouldn't really be just grinding for money but um at the start i feel like you kind of need money to be able to do stuff so screw it i'll just do it now look at him who's a good scarecrow nice um let's put these away again and we'll put what else do we not need we don't really need those or fiber trying to just keep my inventory a bit you know clear if i can all right let's go to sleep it's it's 2 20 p.m it's very late can we check the weather uh water forecast for tomorrow it's gonna be clear and sunny oh yeah it's the egg festival tomorrow okay we'll we'll do oh that we can actually get something that'd be nice 390. i don't really care about their egg festival i just want rewards that's all i want 3.90 yeah that's okay oh yeah i never took the freaking money for the scarecrow i've still got 10 people to greet in the town i don't think greeting them in here counts so i don't know will i bother even talking to people now it won't be set up till about nine so we can water the plants now and then we'll go to the egg festival what a lovely little life to have see if these were all sprinkles then we wouldn't even have to worry about that but uh iron is level 40 in the mines i believe actually not that bad to get there i feel like the first 20 are actually slower than 20 to 40. oh there we go um i don't know it just tends to be a bit slower for some reason it's everything watered we still got a bit of time i'll clear a bit of space here oh i got a geode i don't even know you can get that from just stones on land uh why didn't i just keep my axe on me that's fine i'll just clear some of this i don't even know what i need this land for yet i don't know what we're going to be doing with it but i just wanted to be clear because it was just a bit messy to be honest it was annoying me okay nice clear bit of land all right i think we're good i'm annoyed i messed up all this land now but it doesn't really matter i suppose now i can get around a bit easier some mixed seeds it let me as well plan to share will i there we go uh okay let's let's get going i suppose will i take wait yeah that's fine i'll put the sap away actually there we go i just i think you need the sap for something i can't really remember what but it doesn't really matter for now i just don't want to sell it it's not worth anything anyway so there's no point we gotta wait a few seconds for it to go to nine it is now eight fifty [Music] come on come on come on come on i'm waiting there we go now i wanna i want i wanna run some eggs strawberry hmm eight days to mature that seems like a good investment i could buy ten of them but it keeps producing strawberries after that and like now there's no point where we we'd only get one harvest out of them is it i think wait i don't know wait adam old man and table please i need to look at the board just please get out of my way jesus christ i don't think i can look at the calendar i think it's like the 13th or 14th though so no i won't bother maybe that's a mistake but i don't want to buy them and save them next year because i don't have that much freaking money okay i'm gonna do i'm gonna do a loop around from the right that's what i'm gonna do yes let's get started i'm gonna go around this this upper right and and hopefully i can get enough eggs like yeah come on i cam down now kiddos and i'm like an old man i'm dude i'm like 50. and these are all children playing now is everyone ready yes let's go why are you jumping yeah all right go go go go go go go go all right i'm not i'm not seeing any i'm gonna freaking miss them i know i am and then you guys are gonna get mad at me because i've missed the eggs but that's okay because i i will hopefully find enough but who knows oh there's one over there i don't know if i'm going too far out of my way and i don't know how many eggs i even have to get oh that was probably too far out of the way wasn't it see one there oh sneaky eggs hiding in the graveyard and one down here i see them in the wake up pick up it's freaking stressing me out all right this one why they all have to be in such awkward places come on we're on we're on the constant hunt where what i believe no i don't care about the dead people jesus i i'm hunting eggs here man vic i saw another one right there i was about to grab it it was right behind the bush come on i did good when a gym does good you should reward him wow look at all these eggs come on come on come on give it to me the winner is it is jim jim jim pick check yeah take that you bratz i'm sure this prize would have meant more to you straw hat i don't even i just i just beat some kids at a an egg hunt and stole a hat from them basically does it at least suit me will i will i try it on it literally does nothing i look i look like an idiot look at it even my dog is gonna laugh at me when he sees me in this thing like oh my god i look so dumb i look so freaking stupid well you know what i want it it's staying on for the rest of the episode uh weather report please it's going to be clear no i wanted tomorrow's weather tomorrow's right these are looking good these are all cauliflowers so they'll get me a lot of money when they're actually done okay what we're gonna do i'm gonna we're gonna freaking do it all right we're gonna go into the mine and we're gonna get further this time i'm eager to get past this level i it's gonna be freaking hard realistically i need some food i might walk by the little foresty area and see if i can find any food before we go so we'll just do a big loop around i need to make like a freaking path all the way down here because i'm already stuck i know i had a bit of a path but there we go there there we go we're finding our way slowly but surely okay then around this way yeah i guess if i just made around the edge it would be easier to kind of follow not the best kind of path [Music] hmm we could also stop by the no you know what i'm about to go into the blacksmith you can't be bothered because i already um through some of the stuff with gunther into the box and i don't really want to waste my time going down there twice when i could just do one trip to both of them come on yes all right there's there's a bit of food it's not much they won't do much for me honestly but you know what it's it's freaking better than nothing anything else around here i don't see it as i said it's better than nothing so we'll have to make do with that i suppose still get me 15 health 39 energy overall and only energy is really the problem i think it'll be health on this one which is strange because it is mainly energy especially earlier on when you get to the later ones it seems to be held but at this stage i should be worried about energy not health it's just this infested little level that's a bloody nightmare i wonder can i buy some food because i think it would be worth it it's not open till 12. feck all right you know what it we're going to go to the engineer then i keep calling an engineer well i think that's actually the first time i did but i keep going to call him the engineer i should say but he's the blacksmith and he'll open our geodes for us hey man how's it going do you like my hat please don't talk about it just not not even a freaking word okay copper nice oh man that's just sad we'll go into the saloon as soon as that opens and then we'll head up like going to pierre's and see what he has i should work on getting a wife that would be a good idea or a husband who knows who even knows what jim likes at this point just definitely not murder let's see no not nothing that i really want um yeah nothing all right let's take a walk oh look it's wheels how are you we could go up and take a look around here actually same area but um sometimes has some pickups not as much as the other area oh there we go there's a daffodil at least one minute won't freaking sell it we're just scrounging for anything at this point bears almost open now so we may as well head back i'll have to wait a little bit we can check in here as well nothing god i haven't been really lucky with the pickups even if it's just flowers like i don't mind i'll just i'll freaking sell them i don't i don't care do i know you uh the weather's interesting today oh she seemed awkward was that because of my hat i don't think the the hat is landing here i don't think people appreciate it not good okay he's the mayor for over 20 years no need to brag dude just because i have freaking nothing you don't have to rub it in my face do i know you i'm just trying to introduce hey wow why does no one like me like is it the hat what you want to talk to me i'm busy jesus christ everyone hates me no one cared who i was until i put on the hat it's open now where is everyone are you are you back there yo come out hurry up i just want some freaking food i bet he's not even gonna have anything is he i'm waiting here come on i want to go on the sauce give me some whiskey he looks tired and i'm happy to be here wait just why won't you let me interact with you i'm i'm gonna gift him some seeds that'll cheer him up no no no he just said no no no until when i gave him a gift man come on all right you know what i'm i'm going to walk out of here i'm going to take off this hat i'm going to walk back in no he still doesn't want to serve me i hate you i'm leaving forever and i'm never coming back i hate that place now there's no way we're going to do that level without more food there's no freaking way oh a flower yes no it's going to be a struggle it's going to be a big struggle i just don't think it's possible well it is possible but it would take me freaking ages to actually do it because i'd have to be super careful it's level 13 i believe so we'll have to go in we can fast track to 10 and we go straight down to 11. okay we can actually pass this i thought we weren't able to get past these rocks for a second and that would that would have been a bummer okay we'll take a quick look around get some copper ow already hit i should be more careful because i can't really afford to be taking damage oh that's nice i think these are amethyst i like those monsters because they die easily i'd only have ever actually been hit by one because they just die in one hit which is pretty damn nice all right we'll do our best to find the door without losing too much energy but again i don't from reading your comments the last time i don't think there is a pattern so it's just kind of random isn't it you just got to keep on digging and hope for the best no nothing come on come on there we go oh that's a monster we'll kill him in hopes that come on i'll get off me please no no door i've wasted too much health already i don't like that i should have been more careful come on give me a door what we could do hmm i don't know when it gets unlocked but at some stage you can use uh a 100 stone to build your own steps down a level and if it comes to it we could always do that to get past this level screw you dude oh my god i'm already hurt again i don't know maybe it won't be infested i just i thought it was 13 last time and oh my god where is it we're gonna hit that it's gotta be here somewhere i seem to have a lot of luck actually near the ladder for some reason so let's try up there but like i don't even think that it's actually under any rock i think it's just you have a certain percent chance of getting it when you break a rock and the odds don't seem to be in my favor because my energy is freaking gone okay now it's 12. last time it was 13. okay i don't know if we can get past this not because of our health this time it's because of our energy like even if we get past this can we make it further we'll try i mean that's all we can do right scream dude come on there we go [Music] i mean i'm not doing very good to be honest but like the fact that it's a narrower place is much easier the other one was kind of an open room and it's never easy oh the ladder's right there you all i'm going home all right we made it we made it past the overgrown parrot or the overrun part i should say i like to just do a little scan in the area before doing anything if i can because sometimes the ladder is just on the freaking surface we're going to try and kill the things first because we're more short on energy than we are health so if we can sacrifice a bit of health by fighting these things to get the door i'm totally up for that there we go and we got a dwarf scroll okay one more level that's all we need it looks like it's a particularly big one we're not even going to waste energy by getting the copper even though i want it we're just going to take a little sconce and is that a common saying i don't think it is oh yes take a quick sconce and we found it oh jesus oh jesus no we'll just leave thank you um yeah i don't know i think that's that sounds like a very irish thing if you're taking a sconce around you're taking a little look you're taking a little look-see so we just took a little sconce around and we found it okay that is a successful day we got to the first part of the mine which granted still isn't very fair but i'm confident once i get to 20 that i'll start to speed up and we'll we'll start flying through the place actually is no i won't bother i was going to say is the adventure or store guy open because i might just upgrade my sword a little bit i think it's like 500 gold and you just buy a new one so it might be a good investment i wonder when our cauliflowers will be done i'd say it's only a day or two left i'm not really sure but i'm sure we'll find out soon because i think yeah they look they look pretty ready uh what we'll do is get rid of some of these get rid of that we get rid of that daffodil fiber fekit daffodil again and we'll load up our inventory with stuff for gunter for the morning so gunther we need to get open that geode oh i thought we'd more oh yes we did i almost forgot the freaking seat again okay off to bed [Music] yes new recipe staircase that'll come in handy life elixir how do i make that i gotta i gotta check i didn't even know that was in the game 261 15th of spring all right what was i gonna do oh yes crafting 200 energy plus 80 health one red mushroom one purple mushroom one more one that's what i'm going to call that because i have no idea how to say that hello dear i know you can oh well the grannies just said be careful you don't plant stuff because if it goes into the next season they'll die but i've already got that in mind and that's why i didn't buy the strawberries if i didn't make that clearer earlier okay we'll get these nice and watered you know what we'll just head to gunther and then nice okay that was a nice successful watering if i do say so myself as sad as that is what's a really fun element of the game as well is that once we i think past even it should be pretty soon the community center will be opened by lewis the mayor and you'll have to collect certain items to unlock certain rewards it's it's really good i'm looking for someone to bring me 20 copper ores to see if any rare gems are inside you can keep the oars after you get them i think with this one yeah it doesn't count for ones you have so let's just go to the freaking mines get the 20 ores and get our 250 gold or 40 gold whatever it is because that that doesn't take too long and we're going to the the guy anyway and they won't be open yet so it's a good way to kind of break the time in between as well we need to go to the adventurer too though so i don't know when i try and do that on the way out he doesn't open till two oh there's a bit of food up there with a homeless guy it's probably like his only crap he's grown i'll just go up and steal it poor fella all right there we go i'm feeling i'm feeling freaking lucky now oh no i don't like these guys well they're they're fine it's just look at him he's trying to turn into one of those freaking flies get out of here and there he is they're just annoying okay die die die there you go more copper anywhere we'll try and just multitask and get down five more levels while also uh looking for copper and i think it'll be a very productive day if we could do both screw you screw you screw you screw you screw you screw you screw you screw you screw you screw you screw you there you go just gotta insult him enough and then he'll be like oh he'll just die from being sad come on i just want i want a freaking ladder don't make me work for this i want everything handed to me simple as yes there we go more copper there from this side i don't really want to waste in fact i need to look for the ladder anyway so it doesn't really matter does it as i said i just like to have a little sconce around the place i want to keep saying that now um teach you some irish lingo at least i think it's i think it's irish i don't think i've ever heard anyone else say it with an irish person ah there you go okay sweet more copper here should be getting fairly close maybe even halfway you see that the best thing to do with slimes is just to get them backed up against something if you get them backed up against something there's no recoil and you can just constantly hit them okay it's nice i'm up to level 18 already see now we're having a good little run oh no no you don't a little rock on legs i think he goes in when you like swish your sword i'm not sure no get off me it's when he like sits on you is the problem because he does a lot of damage let's see where we are 13 out of 20. pretty good got more over there i don't even know what those things in the ground like those those patches here the little different color it's uh some kind of monsters in there oh we got a lot of bugs there if you kill a lot of bugs you get a good sword so i wanna i wanna kill a good oh another dwarf scroll get all up close and personal i don't want them to turn into the flies there you go nice i am lord of the flies that was lame okay hopefully we can find one here somewhere a ladder i mean we're on level 18 almost a 20. come on come on i know you're hiding here i can smell you common ladder tracks all around here he's definitely here somewhere there we go i'm the best ladder tracker around [Music] okay there we go round 19. we got a geode quartz we're doing freaking good and the time might sync up because i got to uh i get to go to the adventurer store at 2 that's when he opens so it's 110 right now would you please just just stop like they're nothing but a nuisance how much copper do we have we 14 i thought we picked up a bit more than that to be honest with 13 last time i checked i don't i don't even see any on this level this level seems quite large though i think we get a new reward at level 22. okay i'm not even trying any more of the combat just i can sit there and leave him walk into it or fly into it depending we might get some good loot in there there's quite a big room i don't know it could like save the ladder spawn there i just have to take it because the thing is too narrow i wouldn't be able to get through i don't know if it's possible that'd be kind of an oh dear okay phew because i want to go to that main room first to just get all that loot i thought exactly what i was saying had happened i would have sucked some cave carrots geodes amethyst more cake carrots more geodes that was a pretty good haul that was really worth it no no you know what you you i'm not fl fly away i don't i don't want to deal with you steal small sword cool we have something to replace our weapon with for the moment so it does four to eight damage plus two speed and ours does two to five so it's a pretty major increase um and i know what you're thinking that means we didn't have to stay until two but we need the copper anyway and also we can sell the sword to him the old one so not the end of the world uh we oh no i need to check the copper in here because for some reason he'll only accept new copper not old copper has to be new so you have to get all new copper form you know what that's that's not worth there's too much to too many monsters and all i'm trying to do is get some copper so we're just going to reset that there we go get some more copper a red mushroom for that energy thing oh my inventory is full uh we'll get rid of this just a bit of sap we'll take that what i will do is kill these bugs because we need the um we need the bug kills for that sword so how much am i up to now i keep checking there but i need to check here i only need two more geode i'll just do the same thing again because i don't really have the energy to be uh going around trying to look for the actual ladder and stuff to go down there we go and i don't even freaking need the rest of the copper to be honest look at this one because it's just right next to me now we are good to leave because my energy is so low i didn't want to be wasting that you know let's go oh i don't think i'll even make it to the blacksmith i didn't even think about the fact that yeah he does in fact clothes you know or clothes clothes so i won't be able to go to him oh that was freaking dumb no i won't make it to him but you know what it was still a good day i i don't know where he goes after it closes because even if i don't get my geos opened and stuff i want to just go give him that the copper so that i can get my money hmm it could just be going to the saloon or something i mean i think he closed at five i might give it a quick look see oh some berries yay salmonberry i don't know if i've seen those yet maybe i have okay the people are mobilizing i think who knows he might just be locked away in his house now and i might not be able to give it to him which would kind of suck because that that would have cleared things up nicely it's locked yeah he closed it for why can i just give stuff to gunter just to free up my inventory a bit it's locked he closed 10 minutes ago ah i'm getting unfortunate here i'll check the saloon real quick because they haven't closed a while he could have made it to the saloon in that time if he went straight out and he just he seems like the type that would be in here no he's not can i buy anything from you no you still don't want to serve my kind okay that's fine okay i guess we'll freaking leave it at that then i i really wanted to just kind of wrap everything up nicely for this episode we could have just brought everything to them and kind of started out everything but i guess we'll just leave it at the end of day kind of thing and we can do it in the next episode where we go on a bit of a run to get all our valuables uh i got two of those so i'll just get rid of one get rid of the slight actually no you know what i want those slimes for something i'm sure i need them at a later point so i'll actually be keeping most of this stuff i think uh mixed seeds fecature i may as well keep it slimes cave carrots you know what i'm i'm keeping like everything um i'll need that hard wood i'll keep my freaking hat even i hate it well i just sell it i freaking sell it i don't want it it's an ugly hat yeah that's uh that's kind of about everything in fact i'll put the bears in there as well i don't need those and then we'll sell off some of our crap there we go and we'll do our little run the next time i suppose so let's just check how much money we get hopefully it's something decent should be okay one gold for that are you serious is it because i don't know what it is that could be the case like i have no idea what it is so i'm just like here's this paper one gold please you know it's worth a lot more i wonder if anyone knows let me know anyway i guess we'll leave it at that um may have been a bit longer than the other ones i apologize i do apologize i just wanted to wrap things up nicely but it just didn't happen so i'm sorry about that uh but you guys don't seem to mind the length of the videos which is quite nice to be honest uh it's quite relaxing to do these videos but yeah i'll be quite busy for the next week or so i'll be explaining more of that on friday and then i'll have a bit more time to actually devote to videos and stuff like that i just i'm so busy with stuff right now it's hard to kind of keep a steady stream of content out and i'll need to finish resident evil again just really bad timing i'm super busy and uh i i do want to live stream that so i'll work on it and i'll try and do one early in the week if i can so you have to keep an eye out for that i stream on youtube so you should get a notification just put notifications on the channel and then you'll see it uh so yeah i guess i'll leave it at that if you enjoy the video please please do leave a like comment for for any feedback you may have and i will surely read it and and take that into account and if you haven't subscribed already you definitely should i'll see you next time guys bye bye
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 612,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call, of, duty, modern, warfare, annoying, funny, noob, acting, idiot, blocking, lol, nice, mw2, cod, call of duty, first, stupid, awesome, good, machinima, easy, tutorial, how, to, be, zXNoregretzzXz, montage, happy, hour, callmekevin, kevin annoys, how to be a noob, trolling, troll, kevin, roleplay, rp, harry potter, garrys mod, garys mod, classes, hufflepuff, jim pickens, server, multiplayr rp, voice rp, army rp, army, stardew valley, farming, minecraft, indie, stardew, playthrough, let's play, guide, beginners
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 15sec (3075 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2017
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