The History of the Seattle Mariners: Supercut Edition
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Secret Base
Views: 1,362,274
Rating: 4.8293681 out of 5
Keywords: sb nation, sbnation, dorktown, seattle mariners, the history of the seattle mariners, dorktown mariners, jon bois, alex rubenstein, ken griffey, mlb, basketball, ken griffey jr, randy johnson, ichiro suzuki, felix hernandez, alex rodriguez
Id: TIgK56cAjfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 220min 7sec (13207 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
It is the very best documentary I have ever seen.
I loved it. I learned quite a bit. I was born in the late 80's so most of the events prior to 1995 were completely unknown to me.
Oh man. This hit in the middle of quarantine earlier in the year and I got instantly huge wood. A MUST watch for any Mariner fan. Unbelievably thorough, entertaining, and quirky
I am from germany and a Mariners fan because I watched it!
I just finished that the other day! Not gonna lie, I teared up a few times lol. Great documentary.
It’s the reason why I’m here
I didn't become a Mariner fan until 2003 when I played MVP baseball 2003 and Ichiro was a GOD there. All I know is pain..
But one thing for sure is that this was the best damn documentary I have ever seen & although I dont have memories of success, some of the moments shown and described brought a tear to my eye!
This documentary got me into baseball, straight-up. Beyond just making me choose what team for root for, it also got me into the sport to begin with.
"The Mariners aren't competitors, they're protagonists" That line always gets me