The History Of The Original Benders (Feat. @AvatarCritic )

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history of the original benders part one hello and welcome to the amagi we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring that bell to be notified about our latest videos today we'll be talking about the history of the original benders the badger moles the dragons the flying bison and the moon one of these things is not like the others i'm sorry i just had to put that there today i'm joined by avatar critic he has a great channel that's about all things avatar the last airbender so make sure you head over to his channel and give him a sub as well unlike the other three bending arts the original waterbender was not an animal but the moon itself or perhaps more specifically the moon's spirit twi the moon spirit along with the ocean spirit la crossed over from the spirit world to the natural world very near the beginning at least that's what coe said they manifested themselves in the form of koi fish and took up residence in an oasis in the spiritual center of the capital of the northern water tribe and then they just danced in circles for thousands of years and they never seemed to get tired thousands of years later in the northern water tribe a baby was born to chief arnook and his wife she was born very sick like she was asleep her parents pleaded with the spirits to save her and placed her in the pond then the moon spirit saved her life by passing some of its own life onto her it's basically like horcruxes in harry potter her mother then named her uae which means moon in mandarin sixteen years after that the fire nation launched a massive invasion of the northern water tribe led by admiral choi it's admiral's jaw all right joe had previously visited the library of juan xitang where he learned of the moon spirit's mortal form he then decided it was his destiny to kill the moon spirit and eliminate water bending so zhao found the spirit oasis during the siege of the north and after some discouragement by team avatar and general iro he still decided to kill the moon spirit causing the moon to vanish and water bending to cease function geez imagine if he killed the ocean spirit this didn't sit well with the ocean spirit who combined its power with angs and released a crazy amazing spirit attack on the fire nation meanwhile eng's friends and princess yue were all losing hope when iro noticed that ue had some of the moon spirit's life in her ua then knew she had to give up her life so the moon spirit could live ua transferred her life energy to the moon spirit and then she died her own spirit combining with the moon spirit the ocean spirit saw that its buddy had returned and ceased its rampage it then dropped off aang before killing admiral zhao once and for all the moon then continued its role of sitting in the sky and orbiting the earth and causing tides and stuff you could say it played in the invasion of the fire nation because technically it caused the eclipse to happen there is also an image of the moon and ocean spirits shown in legend of korra on a stone wall in tarlock's office now the interesting thing here is that the moon and ocean spirit koi fish were obviously based off the yin yang symbol but what's weird is that in taoism the white side of the yin yang traditionally represents the sun and fire while the dark part represents the moon and water and they made the white fish the moon spirit so yeah they kind of messed up didn't they they had one job oh well now let's talk about badger moles the original earthbenders badger moles are large blind creatures resembling a hybrid of badgers and moles yeah who'd have thought since they're blind they use seismic sense to perceive the world that is they perceive the world through vibrations in the earth via earth bending thousands of years ago the first human earthbenders oma and shu learned earthbending from the badger moles being forbidden lovers they then used their earthbending to create a labyrinth of tunnels under the mountain between their two warring villages shu was killed in the war between their villages and oma was enraged and ended the war creating the city of omashu badger moles became a common symbol in earth kingdom culture being represented in statues tattoos and even the earth kingdom's royal throne they also seem to be domesticatable or at least tameable being used as zambonis to clear earth chunks during earth rumble tournaments when toff beifong was a little girl she once ran away and hid in a cave where she encountered badger moles she felt like she could relate to them because they were both blind and learned many earth bending techniques from them including seismic sense several years later when a pre-tough team avatar was traveling to omashu some nomads told them about oma and shu's cave system they decided to travel through it to avoid being spotted by the fire nation they eventually got lost in the labyrinth and a cave collapse separated saka and the nomads from aang and katara saka and the nomads hey that sounds like a band name saka in the gnome they should have done that they should have started a band no saka would have hated that anyway saka and the nomads encountered some badger moles that were hunting wolf bats saka inadvertently discovered that the badger moles enjoy music so he and the nomad started playing music to befriend them while aang and katara found their way out of the caves by following glow-in-the-dark crystals saka and the nomads were given a ride out of the caves by the badger moles decades later during korra's time all right that's enough what it's the amagi's turn to speak now you've been speaking sorry i just thought you know i finished this part i felt like i was on a roll no we're on his channel you've been speaking too long his turn now fine fine okay it's his turn you're right go ahead um thanks anyway during avatar core's lifetime when kuvera invaded republic city two badger moles from the city zoo were freed by prince wu who befriended them with singing they guided him to the city's central station then they tunneled underneath the city and took down three mecha suits from kivira's army when they threatened prince wu and other evacuees alright let's move on to the original firebenders dragons what the oh sorry that's my pet bearded dragon she always likes to be present whenever we talk about dragons do you mind if we finish the rest of this on my channel not at all let's head over to avatar critics channel for part two [Music] you
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 415,165
Rating: 4.8785071 out of 5
Keywords: original benders, avatar, badgermole, badger mole, moon, spirit, the amagi, avatar critic, flying bison, bison, dragon, fire nation, earth kingdom, pakku, water tribe, air nomads, air temple, aang, series, YouTube, free, online, part, scene, clip, atla, life of, history of, backstory, korra, earth, element, bending, katara, history, waterbending, culture, colony, temple, tlok, powerful, clips, back story, episode, teaching, sokka, war, battle, show, entire, full, youtube, fire, first
Id: uhpdH4UwLuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 32sec (392 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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