21 Firebending Abilities (Avatar)
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 861,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fire, firebending, abilities, avatar, Sun Warriors, Republic, Raava, element, nation, roku, zuko, iroh, sozin, ozai, aang, temple, earth, atla, tlok, korra, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, back story, episode, the amagi, teaching, Republic City, sokka, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, bolin, lin, suyin, white lotus, red lotus, sub, sub skill, flying, first, amon, lightning, Dancing Dragon, combustion, lava, Fire Daggers, fire nation, azula
Id: V0IdKWKt5dM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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