The History Of Reina - Tekken 8 Edition - Devil Gene, Mishima Heritage And New BloodLine?

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[Music] hello everyone it's history behind the warrior and welcome back to another Tekken 8 video with us in the off the maath of eight story which I may drop a review on as it is just that damn good one of the biggest questions going into this game was the mysterious purple lightning wielder Raina being not only a new comer to a front Frise but also a fellow practitioner of mhima style karate one that retains Echoes of the past with heihachi's move set so who really is Raina well that is what I will be exploring in today's video to understand who she actually is now mind you going in it will be part history of episode as well as part theoretical as the nature of raina's character hasn't been entirely explored in this game I think there's enough open-ended knowledge in the Tekken universe that we do get to paint an idea of just where she came from and who she really is as a character but of course going ahead here's just a quick spoiler warning as I will of course be talking about the contents of the game story but before we do begin if you like these videos and wish to see more please don't forget to subscribe as well as tick that Bell to stay up to dat with every think we do here anywh who let's just jump right into things now coming into Tekken 8 we do come to learn that Raina is indeed one of he's illegitimate children keep in mind that whilst this is a bit out the blue harada tekken's director has actually tweeted and confirmed that the mashima is father to at least 18 to 25 children with L being one of the more prominent ones to surface Raina is no exception in that respect yet unlike lar seems to be very aware of her Heritage at a young age looking up to him and even adopting their fighting style with that said we don't know if heihachi had an actual relationship with her but seeing as Raina idolizes him as well as her having alluded to this idea long predating Tekken 8 it is indeed very possible outside of her father though we have have absolutely no idea who raina's mother is but taking into account her ties and Heritage to that of the devil Gene we do have a multitude of different Avenues and paths to explore now yes of course for common denominator is heihachi Mishima being married to Kazumi Hao his line has been somewhat plagued by the devil Gene since matrimony but that's also the purpose behind lar as you see after learning of his wife's true nature as well as kazuya's he actually believed himself to be tainted by the devil jeene thus he would have a child with a Scandinavian woman to learn if this was truly so leading to the birth of L alexanderson someone who did lack the devil Gene so clearly heihachi is out of the picture here so this now takes us to her mother's side raising the question of is Raina the secret child of Kazumi and heihachi well whilst it would make sense it's not actually possible as the time of raina's appearance she's notably still in high school with it being documented that she attends the Mishima Poly Technical School and seeing as she refers to jyn as Senpai a Japanese custom designed to address Elders that really doesn't seem to be the case especially as jyn is 22 by the time of Tekken 8 this actually places her birth sometime around the dates of Tekken 2 to three meaning that Kazumi was long dead by then and that she is the youngest mhima to date so now we Ponder if heihachi bed another member of the haos and whilst I wouldn't entirely Ru that idea out a key part of heihachi's character is kind of rooted in his resentment against the devil Jee as it would taint his wife son and even his grandson all people he is either killed or attempted to kill but with the experimental nature of Lara's birth as well as the legacy of the Heros being very defiant against tyrants I do believe that something definitely happened here though as it does tie into the tapestry we see during the opening credits of Tekken 8 here we see recounts and tales of the devil Gene's progenitor a zazil exuberating his power as he bestows two different individuals with the devil Gene whilst this mural could prophesize Jinn and kazuya notably by the end of the game story with how it's laid out neither of the two Clash with aasil at the same time thus I have a seeking suspicion that raina's Mother's ancestry could very well derive from the other ancestral line here as by the end of the story The Mishima line is finally purged of the devil Gene thus on paper it would kind of make sense for another family to continue the longlasting legacy of the devil Gene as we've never met other wielders of such power in fact the only one that kind of Rivals it is actually Akuma himself who is notably absent during the events of eight another working theory is that Raina herself is actually a genetic clone of HEI spliced with a little bit of that devil Gene now I know this is a pretty out there idea idea but it's actually something softly explored as far back as teken free as heihachi looked to harvest the DNA of ogre to create extremely powerful super soldiers an Endeavor that he would ultimately fail in this idea would actually be later Revisited but this time by G Corporation in Tekken 4 where after successfully recovering the body of kazuya Mishima they would attempt to genetically Harvest his devil Gene now the these plans possibly could have fostered some success until it was raided by the zaibatsu so from four onwards this idea is kind of swept under the rug but taking into account raina's age and window it's hard to not draw the parallels with the ideas present plus seeing as she idolizes heihachi this very well could have been an idea he later Revisited as it's possible that rainer's genetic material is very loose most ly based off his and the devil Gene tying into yet another idea from Tekken 3 where he wished to graft ogre's DNA onto his own so in terms of Origins there are a lot of different ideas and variables but I could see making sense for the Tekken series especially with what we've covered of the mhima here so now let's actually talk a bit about Raina herself because she is quite the elusive mysterious figure in eight story as behind that sweet charm is something far more Sinister now Raina is very much like her father in a multitude of ways she is cunning sharp-minded and very well-versed in Mishima style karate of course also having her own Ambitions of world domination however unlike her father Reena is genetically spliced with that of the devil Gene actually being very much so so aware of its properties wishing to awaken it in the quickest way possible as you see in every instance of its Awakening it seems to only be triggered by a near death experience for kazuya it was being thrown off a cliff and for Jin it was a bullet between the eyes coming of age she wished to push herself to her limits yet wasn't quite able to get the results she wished this is ultimately where the rest of her bloodline comes into play as with heihachi's disappearance a seat of power is open at the zatu one that is left open from kazuya's Siege she would seek out Jin Kazama to learn more about herself and break that glass ceiling so once she does first encounter Jin she would put on this very naive and very sweet demeanor as it would catch him off guard and seeing as how he was struggling to tap into the devil Gene she would push him to his limits to see see what exactly was required of her by learning of this she would concede to him getting a rough idea of what needed to be done yet unsatisfied she would join his side in his war against kazuya aligning herself with LA yrel forces as well as that of violent systems she entered the king of Ein fist preparing to war against her sibling and during this conflict she is able to get a few good licks in head butting kazuya in his new form and going toe to- Toe with him for an extensive amount of time notably catching him off guard with her very mysterious mashima style it's very back and forth but understandably the power of a pure devil is simply too much for her as she is struck down by him but once again it is not enough to trigger the change but the damage she and clao inflicted on him does enough to force him to retreat this now takes us onto the final battle against G Corporation where their forces are dwindling especially after Raina is able to defeat nenina even offering her a place at her side because of this very desperate situation kazuya is forced interfere and cuts down L's forces from a massive laser realizing that this was her time and opportunity she would stand directly in front of it being left in a very critical state but this was exactly what she was looking for as here Rea is finally able to awaken her devil Gene swearing to make heihachi proud and take from masima zatu now narratively Raina is more of a side character in eight plot being integrated in a very smart manner as by having her elude in the background it makes her a prominent figure to later rise her very existence actually adds a lot of legacy to the series as it Taps into a lot of old existing ideas while simultaneously being able to carry the torch from a story perspective I thought that it was very smart to introduce her in this way as it never really detracted from The Game's main story as even with the Mishima Saga over the next Generation still Bears the scars of greatness thus I'm intrigued to see what's done with Rea moving forward especially that now she is the only only character in the series that have the devil Gene I personally really enjoyed raina's inclusion in this game and I'm super invested to see what becomes of her in future inst stormans I like that whilst we've strayed away from the cor mimas the legacy of that line still continues to live on in very new and very different ways so with that said and a new age upon us what do you believe will become of her character and do you think we will encounter cter any of hi Hut's other children please do comments down below as I'd love to hear what you have to say as there's just so many different possibilities on the table and of course which of these Origins do you think she falls into I'd love to hear what you have to say but anywh who everyone that has been it for me so as always stay strong stay well and keep on fighting I'll catch you all in the next [Music] one
Channel: History Behind The Warrior
Views: 80,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tekken 8, Story Mode, Story, Trailer, Ogre, Jin Kazama, Jun Kazama, Devil Gene, Devil Jin, Azazel, Kazuya Mishima, Heihachi Mishima, Jinpachi Mishima, Ending, Arcade, Reina, Lars, Season Pass, Eddy Gordo, T8, Kazumi Hachijo, Tekken, Combos, Playthrough, Release Date, Zafina, Lee Chaolan, Devil Kazuya, Kuma, React, Lore, Claudio, Mishima Zaibatsu, G corporation, Unknown, Gameplay, Reveal, Tease, Villain, Raven, Devil Form, Angel Jin, Angel, Akuma, Demon, Stories, Mishima, Explained, Origins, Bio, New
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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