The History Of Angel Jin & Angel - Tekken 8 Edition - Devil Gene Transformation, Retcon And Changes!

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[Music] hello everyone it's history behind the warrior and welcome back to another Tekken 8 video with us a week out from Tekken 8 release and The Saga between jyn and kazuya having concluded I figured that today it would be the perfect time to sit down and talk about a surprise reveal in the dark awakened story what one that I definitely didn't expect to see a remnant of a lost past a mysterious elusive character of the franchise angel or as we do see in Tekken 8's Story Angel Jin Now angel is an old and I mean very old character within the franchise one that actually has been as Elusive and mysterious as Jun Kazama but why has this so been the case especially for her somewhat narrative significant role in Tekken 8 story well that is what we will be exploring in today's video as well as her relationship with the devil Gene with that being said it is worth noting that one this video will be very spoiler heavy and two this will be a hybrid video of sorts as I will be strongly focusing on the angel character and then how she's implemented in eight story through Jin Kaz D so before we do begin I do in fact strongly recommend checking out the history of Jin June and Devil Jin video as it will paint a more full and complete picture of this tale filling in gaps in areas that I won't be mentioning here as like I said I will be strongly just focusing on Angel's character but just before we do kick off I do want to of course say thank you for all of the love and support on the most recent Raina video and if you guys are really enjoying this sort of content and wish to see more please don't forget to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe and HCK that Bell to stay up to dat with everything we have going on so without any further Ado let's just jump right into things now Angel makes her first appearance in the franchise via Tekken 2 and she is quite an interesting character in the multitude of ways as during this time for devil Jee or the concept of the devil was largely a fluctuating idea bouncing between being a genetic anomaly and something super natural in nature something that would in fact be later intertwined later down the line but early on in the Tekken franchise kazuya was depicted to have a duality of sides his devil form which represented his darker half who was at the time depicted to have full control of his body and then there was Angel interpreted as the physical manifestation of the good in his soul having manifested in an Angelic form and this is also largely reflected in battle as Angel's mve set is a carbon copy of devil kazuya despite her rather important role to that of kazuya's actual character it is not her that is responsible for attempting to cleanse kazuya's Soul instead it is that of jun Kazama of the f Kazam line who yearns to relieve him of his Darkness yet these efforts would be in vain as he would go on to continue his villainous Conquest now in some other iterations and translations of this there is quite a common interpretation that Jon's cleansing of kazuya's Soul would actually lead to the physical manifestation of Angel a physical counterpart that would attempt to take his body back yet UT ultimately much like Jun does fail in this endeavor so there are two different yet very similar Origins for this character what's very interesting though is that despite Angel's appearance she would actually be later reconed by Hera tekken's director whom disregarded the character's Cannon appearance and even severed her ties to that of Kaza and the devil Gene thus moving forward she was kind of removed from the main timeline and Cannon not truly being Revisited in the mainline series until Tekken 8 however this didn't actually prevent her from appearing in other installments as she would be playable in Tekken Tag 1 and Tekken Tag 2 but keep in mind that the tag series themselves exist completely outside the mainline series whilst they simultaneously run alongside the main Cannon they exist in their own parallel universe where where Cannon isn't prioritized hence the large roster and feature of characters whom are dead so with freedom in mind Angel would return in the tag games with her objective and Origins being largely the same as that of Tekken to because in her tag ending she is able to battle with a devil kazuya fully defeating him and seemingly Purge him of the devil's influence due to the retcon nature we don't actually know if this truly is the case such as if she was able to purge the devil form from his being or unite herself with him to balance out that Darkness as she does disappear when he awakens so due to the scarce nature this is largely left up to interpretation of course Angel would appear once again but this time in Tekken Tag 2 where not much has really changed about the character still lining up with her origins of teken 2 in this installment angel can be seen featured in two different arcade ladder endings one in unknowns where she's able to purge June Kazama of the dark spirit's influence tainting her and then of course in her own arcade ladder ending where she can be seen battling devil kazuya eradicating the devil Gene from his very being and leaving him to rest now this wouldn't be the only bit of non-canon expansive material she features in as she makes two appearances in two spin-off comic book series Tekken forever and Tekken by Titan Comics in Tekken forever she plays an extremely minor supporting role to that of John Kazama who at this point in time is somehow under the influence of unnown seeking to save her by removing its control now in terms of timeline and where this takes place we really don't know as it's never truly elaborated on but seeing as it was released in 2001 it can be believed that these events took place between Tekken 3 and four sadly this line is never truly explored as it would only have one issue before its cancellation moving on we do have Tekken by Titan Comics a spin-off series that serves as a sequel to Tekken 6 story whilst strongly deviating away from the isolated mhima Narrative of seven here we come to learn that after jyn's downfall the mashima zatsu is once again reclaimed by heihachi mashima and with access to all of his valuable assets he finds a captured Angel someone that jyn somehow acquired during his time as head of the zatu the details are never disclosed as to why or how this is Possible only that in heihachi's control he seeks to use her as bait to draw out Jin even you utilizing her power to try to end him eventually this connection is broken an angel is freed of heihachi's control yet still furious at Jin Kazama she would use her Angelic abilities to revive his dead allies infusing them with her power to fight Jinn kazuya and heihachi this insane battle draws out Devil Jin who is then forced to fight Angel which only ends in a stalemate as the explosion in their Clash leads to jyn disappearing once more so whilst Angel's role in this comic is quite important to the plot the conclusion of it doesn't at all impact the greater narrative as she's unable to cleanse neither Jinn nor kazuya and It ultimately ends in the same way that Tekken 6 does as Jin does disappear so this currently covers everything we know of this particular Angel but with Tekken h we do have a very new and reimagined interpretation of the character because instead of Angel being its own being it would instead become a part of JY playing of old existing ideas from Tekken to but first off how exactly is this all possible well during the course of the dark awakens Jin actually loses control of the devil Gene being restrained from using its abilities th because of this he is forced to travel out to yakushima his birthplace and ancestral home of the kazas in order to tap into its spiritual lands so he can finally confront his darker half and that he does through an arduous journey of self-reflection and acceptance so by the climax of the game jyn is finally able to utilize the Devil Jin fo yet it still isn't enough to go toeto Toe with kazuya who at this point had absorbed the progenitor of the devil Gene a zazil as the land of yakushima is almost destroyed with kazuya casting a death ball upon his son jyn is fortunately able to tap into those lands once more meeting his mother on the spiritual plane now whilst not verbally explained and if anything is more of a visual representation of what I can understand Jun is able to perform the purific ation cleanse and wipe out the Demonic features of the devil Gene allowing Jin to obtain the new form of Angel Jin it's never revealed if such a transformation was possible due to the power of the cleanse or jyn's control of the devil Jee or even for Kazama blood in his veins but either way Jin is able to fully obtain a new and significantly stronger form the scaring of the death ball as he battles kazuya once more and this is a fight of Epic Proportions so explosive that it literally takes them to the stratosphere where both sides can fully let loose only climaxing with both charging a punch that would eclipse the world beneath their wings it's a clash so mighty that it's able to fully eradicate the devil Gene from both allowing them to have an even bout as they plummet to Earth giving jyn the win he so desperately yearned for and some what fulfilling his mother's desire of cleansing kazuya of the devil Gene so the creation of Angel Jin is ultimately a culmination of longlasting ideas having taken form in their own unique way for the mainline Cannon whilst I can't say if Angel was ever that popular of a character as I was first introduced to her through Tag 2 her significance and importance to the main overarching narrative cannot be denied while admittedly it's a shame she's remained non-cannon for so long I'm still very glad that at the end of The mhima Saga her Legacy could live on through one way or another if anything it's just nice to see Angel be reintegrated here so with that said and everything in mind would you actually like to see The Return of such a form later down the line or would you like to see the angel of old actually make a true Cannon appearance here seeing as we have a new successor of the devil Gene in the form of Raina would you like to see its counterparts pass on to someone else or would you like to see JY retain it please do comments down below as I'd love to hear what you have to say especially in the aftermath of Tekken 8 story but with that said that has been it for me so as always everyone stay strong stay well and keep on fighting I'll catch you all in the next one
Channel: History Behind The Warrior
Views: 69,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tekken 8, Story Mode, Story, Trailer, Ogre, Jin Kazama, Jun Kazama, Devil Gene, Devil Jin, Azazel, Kazuya Mishima, Heihachi Mishima, Jinpachi Mishima, Ending, Arcade, Reina, Lars, Season Pass, Eddy Gordo, T8, Kazumi Hachijo, Tekken, Combos, Playthrough, Release Date, Zafina, Lee Chaolan, Devil Kazuya, Kuma, React, Lore, Claudio, Mishima Zaibatsu, G corporation, Unknown, Gameplay, Reveal, Tease, Villain, Raven, Devil Form, Angel Jin, Angel, Akuma, Demon, Stories, Mishima, Explained, Origins, Bio, New
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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