The Highway of Holiness – Isaiah 34-35

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Well good evening and welcome. Sorry again for the late start. We are tonight going to be in the book of Isaiah where we're currently in our verse by verse study on Thursday nights. And tonight, two chapters, Lord willing, I should say, chapters 34 and 35. We finished chapter 33 last week. Only going to do two chapters tonight. I was going to try to get through and to Chapter 36, but I think you'll see why here in a moment. These kind of go together and for good reason. Really looking forward to what the Lord has for us. So why don't we just go to the throne and pray and ask God's blessing on our time together in His Word. If you would, please join with me? Loving Heavenly Father, thank You so much for Your Word and for this Bible study tonight. This beautiful place that we can come to and just kind of put all the cares and the affairs of our busy lives aside and just give You our undivided attention. Lord, the world is getting crazier seemingly by the day. And Lord, we just are desperate for You. And Lord, this is for us, a sanctuary, and a respite; and a time where we can just hear You speak into our lives as You minister to us, reveal Yourself to us afresh and anew. Lord, we need You, and we need for You to speak clearly tonight in and through these chapters that we have before us here in Isaiah. Lord, it's obvious, it's abundantly clear that we've overstayed our welcome in this world, not our home. And Lord Bible studies like this and times like this are just a much needed reminder that this world is not our home, and heaven's our home. Now, we're going to get a little taste of that tonight; and we're really looking forward to it, Lord; and thankYou in advance for what You're going to do, in Jesus' name, Amen and Amen. All right, so I'm going to once again this week do what we did last week and that's begin with the takeaway, right out of the chute from these two chapters, chiefly chapter 35. But it's that of the Highway of Holiness, as we're about to see. We're going to talk about and see what it is, and how it is that we can get on this highway until it finds its fulfillment in the Kingdom Age; that millennial period, that millennial reign of 1000 years here on Earth after the Second Coming; which is after the seven year tribulation; which is after the rapture in that order. And we're going to see that tonight. In fact, we have to deal with the horror, for lack of a better word, of Chapter 34 first. And I say horror because Chapter 34 is about the judgment of the nations in the 7-year tribulation. So, you ready? Let's jump in, verse one, 'Come near, you nations, to hear; And heed, (notice that delineation, not just hear, but) take heed, you people! Let the earth hear, and all that is in it - The world and all things that come forth from it. For the indignation of the LORD is against all nations, And His fury against all their armies; He has utterly destroyed them, He has given them over to the slaughter. Also (verse 3) their slain shall be thrown out; Their stench shall rise from their corpses, And the mountains shall be melted with their blood.' Ah, that's what I mean by horror. So here again, we have a dual prophecy first fulfilled in Isaiah's Day with the Assyrian army, and their invasion. But more importantly, at least for our application today, this is also a prophecy that will be fulfilled yet future, in the seven year tribulation. And more specifically at the end of the seven year tribulation in what's known as, in the Book of Revelation refers to as, the Battle of Armageddon, Har Megiddo. Now, for those of you that have been with us to Israel, you'll remember there on Mount Caramel overlooking the valley of Jezreel, another name for the Valley of Megiddo, or Armageddon. And it is a valley that stretches, get this, 153 miles, for as far as the eye can see. And we're told in the Book of Revelation, at the end of the seven year tribulation, that all of the armies, of all of the nations are going to converge in this very place, in this valley. And it will be a battle, not really, but it's referred to as the Battle of Armageddon. But here's the thing, the blood, it's going to be so bloody, so horrific. The blood we're told will reach the horse's bridle, but God. This is what I mean by, it's not really much of a battle, because they're going to battle each other. But then the Lord comes, and He just speaks the word, and that kind of ends the battle. And that is foretold again in the Book of Revelation. Now, whenever you talk about the Battle of Armageddon, it's kind of sad. It's not kind of sad. It's really sad actually, because what comes to mind is Bruce Willis and the movie where an asteroid hits the Earth, Armageddon. I think the movies even titled that. I'm sorry, that's not Armageddon. That's not what happens. What happens is what we're told is going to happen in the Book of Revelation. And the Prophet Isaiah is referencing it here. And can you imagine the graphic nature, and the graphic description of how the corpses will pile up; the stench from the corpses, and the mountains shall be melted with their blood? I know for us here in Hawaii it's maybe a harder do, to paint this picture on the canvas of your mind. But on the mainland, picture it like this, snow on a mountain melting. Except according to Isaiah's description, it's not snow melting, it's like blood. That's how voluminous the blood is going to be when this judgment comes. It gets worse, verse four, 'All the host (by the way, this ends well. When we get to 35) All the host of heaven shall be dissolved, And the heavens shall be rolled up like a scroll; All their host shall fall down As the leaf falls from the vine, And as fruit falling from a fig tree. "For My sword (verse 5) shall be bathed in heaven; Indeed it shall come down on Edom, (hang on to that) And on the people of My curse, for judgment.' Now Edom in this context is a type of the world, and here's how I get there. Edom is the area known today as modern day Jordan. The Edomites, these are the descendants of Esau, and they were the arch enemy of the Israelites, and as such cursed. In fact, you know the account of Esau selling his birthright, and he was cursed; and the blessing went to his fraternal twin brother. Now Edom is, in this case, a type or a picture of a people who are cursed, because they cursed God's people. Let me say the same thing in a different way. You have to understand that in the seven year tribulation, all the nations of the Earth are coming against Israel. No nation stands for Israel, in defense of Israel. They will all turn against Israel, and this is the judgment that will come upon all the nations of the earth. And this is the picture that Isaiah is painting in this prophecy concerning Edom. Verse 6, 'The sword of the LORD is filled with blood, It is made overflowing with fatness, With the blood of lambs and goats, With the fat of the kidneys of rams. For the LORD has a sacrifice in Bozrah, (that's actually in modern day Jordan) And a great slaughter in the land of Edom. The wild oxen (verse 7) shall come down with them and the young bulls with the mighty bulls; (And here we go again.) Their land shall be soaked with blood, And their dust saturated with fatness.' Okay, hang in there with me on this, because there's a reason for the wording in this graphic description and prophecy. Notice the use of an imagery of animal sacrifices. There's a reason for that. Why? Because, this is God's judgment. Now again, stay with me. It's been said, that judgment is simply holiness coming into contact with unrighteousness. In other words, there has to be the shedding of blood. Unrighteousness has now come into contact with holiness. And what will ensue is the righteous judgment of God. Make no mistake about it, this is just judgment. God is a just God. God is a holy God. And this judgment is this holiness coming into contact with unrighteousness. But here's the thing, we won't come into contact with it. Why? Because we're righteous. Oh, not in our own righteousness, that's as filthy rags as we're going to see later on in Isaiah; but Christ's imputed righteousness. So we are on this highway of holiness. So this judgment will not come upon us, because we are righteous. We are right with God because of Christ, Christ's righteousness. Verse 8, 'For it is the day of the LORD's vengeance, The year of recompense for the cause of Zion. Its streams (verse 9) shall be turned into pitch, And its dust into brimstone; Its land shall become burning pitch. It shall not be quenched night or day; Its smoke shall ascend forever. From generation to generation it shall lie waste; No one shall pass through it forever and ever.' Ah, does this sound familiar? It should. This again, speaks to the unthinkable horror of God's judgment on a Christ rejecting world, in and during the tribulation, which is the purpose of the tribulation. And by the way, let me parenthetically say ,that here again, woven into the fabric of this obscure chapter here in Isaiah, we have yet another picture of a pre tribulation rapture. Why? Because, we are not appointed to wrath. We will not be subject to judgment. What is the purpose of this judgment? I know this is deeply profound. It's for judgment. We're not going to be judged, because we have not rejected Christ. We've accepted Christ. And let me, let me tie it together with next Thursday. By the way, Lord willing, we're going to partake together of the communion table; the first Thursday of the month. But in the Passover, how was it that the Israelites were able to escape the judgment when those plagues came down on the Egyptians? They had the blood of a lamb that was spotless, without blemish or wrinkle; that had been inspected for four days before it was slain, and its blood shed; the number of days that Jesus was on trial, and found to be without sin without blame; spotless like that lamb, as a fulfillment of the passover lamb. So then the Israelites would take that blood, and they would put it on the day door of their house, in the shape of a cross; the top, the bottom was a basin, the side, and the side. So that when that 10th plague, the death of the firstborn, you make that connection, right? The first begotten son, the only begotten son of God who would die so we could live. And this plague was the death of the firstborn. But that angel of death, that judgment would pass over them. Why? Because they had the blood of the lamb. This horrific judgment here, I'm not going to be here. And neither are you. You'd better not be. This is not for us. 2nd Thessalonians. Why not? Might as well. Again, just bear with me. I love this. It's actually First Thessalonians 5:3 first, where Paul says that, while they are saying, two words, peace and security, sudden destruction will come upon them as a woman in labor, travailing in labor. And they will not escape. One verse packed full and very telling. Keywords: 'Them, They'. Contrasted with when Paul writes his second letter, and even in his first letter, chapter four, it's not them and they it's we. You know the difference, right? We are not they. They are not we. They will not escape. We will. We who are alive and remain will be caught up. The rapture has been affectionately referred to as the great escape. And I take great offense when well intentioned Christians will take issue with us referring to (oh really, the apostle Paul was the first one to do it) the rapture as the escape. We're going to escape all of this. Actually Jesus, and this gets Christians kind of messed up, because, He says pray that you're counted worthy to escape all of this. Like, what? What if I am not worthy? No, you are worth. He's worthy. And if you are in Christ, you will be found worthy, and you will escape. And Paul says they won't. This judgment will come upon them as a woman travailing in labor. They will not escape, but we will. We will not be here for this. Because think about it this way, it's I know this is again going to... I just, I have a gift for taking something so simple and making it so complicated. It's truly a gift. My wife tells me you have the gift of complication. And I keep telling her that's not one of the gifts, honey. So it doesn't matter. You have it anyway. It's really simple. I'll try not to complicate it, okay. Judgment is judgment, we are not under judgment. We are saved from the judgment. We're going to escape from the judgment. Because the judgment is for those who have rejected Christ. It's a Christ rejecting world that this unthinkable, unspeakable horror of God's judgment comes upon. And when Jesus says, pray that you're worthy to escape this coming judgment, what He's saying is, He is worthy, and if we're in Him, we are found righteous with His imputed righteousness, Christ's righteousness. I like it this way. I heard it said this way, and it's stuck with me for many years. When God sees us, (I want you to listen very carefully) He does not see us in our sin. He sees us through His Son, Who paid for that sin. In fact on Sunday, by the way, well I'm kind of getting ahead of myself, Hebrews chapter seven. Um, have you read this yet, this chapter? We're going to be there on Sunday morning. Okay, don't, wait. Because, I mean wow, wow. It's all about Jesus. And I have to confess that in preparing to teach Hebrews chapter seven, I was very intimidated. Like, oh my goodness, Lord help me. And He did. He always does. And again, I was looking at this thing going, man, this is a doctoral dissertation all the way from chapter seven through chapter 10 verse 18, and Melchizedek the High Priest. I got to get into all of the nuances and the typology. And He's our high priest, and He's greater than Abraham. And and I've got to get into all this. And it's like the Lord's going, stop. What are you doing? It's about Me. You don't have to get into all of that. Besides that, if you have 38 points in Chapter seven, you'll lose them at point number 2. Keep it simple, because that's what it is. It's just simple. And the title of the sermon on Sunday, spoiler Alert is a two word title, 'Only Jesus'. That's the title of Hebrews Chapter seven. So, hope you'll come. If you don't come, we'll know. We'll notice because. Before we move on, one last thing on this. Please, and we'll talk more about this in a moment, but the anger, the wrath of God is not on us, because of Jesus. It's not on us because we're in Him, period. Verse 11, 'But (Now this gets interesting.) the pelican and the porcupine shall possess it - Also the owl and the raven shall dwell in it. - And he shall stretch out over it, The line of confusion and the stones of emptiness. They (verse 12) shall call its nobles to the kingdom, But none shall be there, and all its princes shall be nothing. And thorns shall come up in its palaces, Nettles and brambles and its fortresses; It shall be a habitation of jackals, A courtyard for ostriches. The wild beasts (verse 14) of the desert shall also meet with the jackals, And the wild goat shall bleat to its companion; Also, the night creature (I don't want to know what this is.) shall rest there, And (interesting, it's referred to as a her.) And find for herself a place of rest. (There was a couple of interesting commentaries on this, and I'm not going to digress on that, but very interesting. Verse 15) There the arrow snake shall make her nest and lay eggs And hatch, and gather them under her shadow; There also shall the hawks be gathered, Every one with her mate.' What? Well, think about it. Here again, a graphic picture of the devastation in this destruction. And now all of these wild animals will dwell in the places where people used to be. That's how devastating it is going to be, when God's judgment is meted out. Verse 16, (I love this.) ' "Search from the book of the LORD, and read: Not one of these shall fail; Not one shall lack her mate. For my mouth has commanded it, and His Spirit has gathered them. He has cast the lot for them, And His hand has divided it among them with a measuring line. They shall possess it forever; From generation to generation they shall dwell in it." ' Now, the chapter ends with Isaiah emphatically stating, and when I say emphatic, that's almost an understatement. He's basically saying this, his words are God’s word. And he's saying, in a sanctified way, mark my words, it's going to happen, it's going to happen. You can search the book, read not one thing that I've said will fail. God said it, that settled it. Now why is this important? Because, especially in the day in which we are living today, there's this dismissing, for lack of a better word, of passages like this, chapters like this in God’s Word, and the many others like them. When it comes to the wrath of God, the judgment of God, there's this tacit dismissal of it; because, I'm going to have to use this description for lack of a better one; but it's a cognitive dissonance in the realm of the spirit. And I'll try to explain that. You know what I mean by cognitive dis sonance? It's like you can't, as we say today, wrap your mind around it. No, that's not going to happen. I would suggest that what is happening in the world today is the epitome of cognitive dissonance. It's this, this dismissing of, disconnection from, disenfranchising from the reality of what's happening; and what's coming, under the banner of that's just too far out, to borrow a 70s and the 60s phrase. That is, that's out there, man. But no, that's... And there's even this attempt... By the way, this presupposes that this is even taught anymore. I mean, you'd be hard pressed to find a church that is taking, and going through a verse by verse study of God’s Word, especially in the old testament. And oh how sad, because they rob themselves of the richness. I mean this is God’s Word we're talking about. And it is in some ways more applicable and relevant to us today than it was in Isaiah's day. Do you realize that when this was written some, what, 2500 plus years ago, and here we are in the year 2021. Wow! You know August first is Sunday. This year has evaporated. I think the last time I checked it was still January and it's already August on Sunday. Anyway, enough of my problems. Things are happening so fast and things are moving so fast. And here we are in the year 2021, and this is talking about now, because this is about to happen. And Isaiah is saying, mark my words, 'Everything I have just said will come to pass.' It will come to pass. I want you to hang on to those words because as we get in to chapter 35, it is like a, 'Oh, thank you God for Chapter 35 after chapter 34.' You know as Christians, we all have a chapter 34 in our lives. Right? Those trials, those tribulations, those fiery trials, those those seasons of just difficulty and hardship. And I love this saying that as one said, my favorite words in the Bible are, 'and it came to pass.' Not and it came to stay. In other words that trail you're in, that chapter 34 that you're in, and it came to pass. And the chapter 34 is going to give way to the Chapter 35. What's at the end of that trial is a Chapter 35. What's chapter 35? Oh, so glad you asked. Verse 1, 'The wilderness and the wasteland shall be glad for them, And the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose; It shall blossom abundantly and rejoice, Even with joy in singing. The glory of Lebanon shall be given to it, The excellence of Carmel and Sharon. (This is all types.) They shall see the glory of the LORD, The excellency of our God.' And not a moment too soon. So Isaiah, now in this chapter turns this prophetic corner, as it were. And he's now describing the beauty in the Kingdom Age. Oh, how glorious it will be. Man when you think about it, and I do think about it often, quite often, especially as of late. I mean, you know how it is when you have something to look forward to. You know what we have to look forward to right?The rapture, and then the second coming. And then before heaven, before eternity future, before the new heavens and the new earth, you know what we have to look forward to? 1000 years on Earth and the Earth will be like it was before sin entered the world. I cannot wait to see what it's going to be like. And we're going to be ruling and reigning with Christ. And it's an enforced righteousness. And, by the way, I and this is a, I don't want to get off on this, but we'll have work to do, we're going to be working in heaven too, but it's not like work as we know it now. You have to understand that work was blessed before it was cursed, at the fall. God made us to work and enjoy the work of our hands. And so we're going to be working, we're going to be given areas to oversee. I've already put in for Kailua, so you don't have to bother, just so you know. I did ask for Lanikai too, so just because they're together. And then you know, you can take some other areas, but that's the area that I'm going to be ruling and reigning with. But I digress. So 1000 years, we have to look forward to that, and we haven't even started the new heavens and the new earth yet. 1000 years. Okay, how old are you? Don't, don't answer. Think about that and try to put that into perspective. Talk about wrapping your mind around it, a thousand years in our glorified bodies, by the way, that alone, that alone. Whoa, I'm going to have hair again in the millennium man. I'm sorry. I digress again. Verse 3, back to our Bible study already in progress, 'Strengthen the weak hands, And make firm the feeble knees. Say to those who are fearful-hearted, "Be strong, do not fear! Behold! your God will come with vengeance, With the recompense of God; He will come and save you." ' Wow. You know verse three is quoted by the apostle Paul, o r actually the writer of Hebrews in chapter 12 verse 12. And interesting. Why would Isaiah say this by the Spirit of God if it weren't for God's people being weak and having feeble knees? I mean after studying chapter 34, that alone right there, I'm like, I'm like this (weak and bent over). And oh, say to those who are fearful hearted. Here's another spoiler alert for you. I've chosen the title for Sunday's prophecy update this: "Do Not Be Afraid", do not be afraid. That's the update this Sunday. I'll tell you, a lot of people reach out to us. It's really quite heartbreaking. They are just full of anxiety, full of fear, with the uncertainty, with everything that's happening. And here it's a much needed reminder for us today, you strengthen those weak hands, you make firm those feeble knees. And if you're fearful hearted, I struggle with that, I've been very open with you about that. I struggle very much with anxiety and fear and worry. I'm walking in victory but it's still a struggle. I'm still just as prone as anyone to find myself riddled with fear and filled with anxiety. Well, if you're full of fear and anxiety, you be strong. Do not fear. Do you want to know why? Because your God, He's coming with vengeance. Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord. And He's going to recompense and He will come and save you. He's going to save you. He's going to deliver you. Yeah, but it's getting really bad. Yeah, I'm coming. I'm coming. You see what they're doing now. You see what they're going to require next. You see what the deadline is now. I know, don't be afraid. Make firm the feeble knees and strengthen the weak hands. And you be strong; and you be encouraged. I'm coming man, watch Me now. And I'm going to come and I'm going to save you. This goes back to, if you want, chapter 34. Gods a just God. God has to judge. God has to judge the world. So His vengeance, His judgment, HCis wrath is coming upon this world. But He will save us out of this world. Verse five, 'Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, And the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then (verse 6) the lame shall leap like a deer, And (This is very encouraging.) The tongue of the dumb sing.' I'm going to be able to sing, finally in the... You know, now it's just make a joyful noise. That's not an easy do. I'm trying to make it, it's a noise, trying to make a joyful. Well, in the Kingdom Age man I'm, whoo. 'the dumb (raise his hand) sing. For waters shall burst forth in the wilderness, And streams in the desert. The parched ground (verse 7) shall become a pool, And the thirsty land springs of water; In the habitation of jackals, where each lay, There shall be grass with reeds and rushes.' What a glorious description of the healing and restoration during the Kingdom Age. You know when the apostle Paul said, no eye has seen, no ear has heard; you know, we see through a glass darkly, it's blurry. There's no way. It would be almost criminal to try to describe the glory that awaits. There's no way. There's no way this side of heaven you could ever understand or grasp what awaits us in glory. Can you imagine what it's going to be like during the Kingdom Age? Ah, Can't wait. Verse 8, here we go, 'A highway shall be there, and a road, And it shall be called The Highway of Holiness.' This is different than AC/DC's Highway to Hell. Just so you know. This is not the highway to hell. This is the Highway of Holiness. Big difference. 'The unclean shall not pass over it. But it shall be for others. Whoever walks the road, although a fool, Shall not go astray. (Good news.) No lions shall be there, (verse 9) Nor shall any ravenous beast go up on it; It shall not be found there. But the redeemed (You know who that is. Right? Raise your hand. You're the redeemed! We're saved. We're the Redeem. We're the ones that are going) to walk there, (on that highway of holiness.) And the ransomed of the LORD shall return, And come to Zion with singing, (There's the singing again. Can't wait.) With everlasting joy on their heads. They shall obtain joy and gladness. And (this is very important.) sorrow and sighing shall flee away.' Ah, whoa, if it were just that, where do I sign? No more sorrow. No more pain. No more grief or death. No more tears. No more cockroaches either. I'm sorry. I just had to... Would you kindly allow me to take just the remainder of our time together tonight and talk a little bit about this Highway of Holiness. I think it will bless you. I, at least hope so as much as it blessed me. First, I actually have seven of these. That wasn't deliberate. It just happened that way. I'm not that clever. So, first, there's only one on ramp to get on this Highway of Holiness. And there's only one way to stay on this Highway of Holiness. You know what that way is, right? Jesus. Who is the way, the truth, and the life. And no one gets to the Father except through Him. I want to get on this highway. Well, that's how. I want to stay on this highway. Well, that's how. Second, this is interesting, think about this, there are no toll booths on this highway. We didn't pay for it. We didn't pay for the asphalt. Of course it's not going to be asphalt there, but I think it's going to be gold. Reminds me of that humorous story that's told. A guy shows up in heaven. He's got all of his gold bars. And the Lord is like, "Dude, what are you doing? What's this? What? Why are you bringing asphalt up here?" The streets are paved with gold. You don't need that. There's no potholes either. You don't have to fix anything. You have to fill them up. No, there's no toll booths on this highway, because Jesus already paid in full, the price for us and instead of us. Third, there are no off ramps. There are no exits. Once you're on this highway. Verse 8, whoever walks the road, whoever is on this highway, although a fool shall not go astray. Once you're saved, you're saved. You cannot... There's there's guardrails on here. Even if you tried, you're not getting off of this highway. Says, I love it, although a fool, yeah that's me, you too. Don't look at me all spiritual. Fourth, this is a biggie. There is no danger of attacks from the enemy on this highway. Did you catch verse 9? No lion shall be there. Nor shall any ravenous beast go up on it. It shall not be found there. Oh where is the enemy? Oh, It's so cool because God just has this no name angel, one angel. Not a heavenly host and not even an archangel. It's just an angel, like, you come here. Go down there and chain the devil and throw him into the bottomless pit for 1000 years. Me? Yeah. The devil. Yeah. Let me just explain this just real quick. We're going to be shocked, and that's an understatement too, when we see the devil. And we will see him. And again I just, so you're not too surprised, he's not red, with horns and a pitchfork, and pajamas, you know, tail, whatever that is. I don't know what it is. A one suit, red, you know, pantsuit with a tail on it. That's not what he's going to look like. He's going to be absolutely stunning in his beauty, by the way. And we're told that when we see him, we're just going to be so astonished. And we're going to be like, 'Is this the one who deceive the nations? No way.' Now why do I point that out, because we do err greatly when we fancy the devil as being more powerful than he is. He's not all powerful. He is not omniscient, or omnipresent, or omnipotent. He is not God's opposite. He is a created being. The devil is God's devil. He cannot do anything unless God allows him. And God will never allow him to do anything unless it's for our good and His glory. And we're going to see that, and it's going to hit us. Yeah, wow. Man did I, did I picture you wrong. Man, you made it like you were this ominous, you know, powerful devil. And you're just a little...You're beautiful, I'll give you that. But you're nothing, man. I mean, you're so nothing that this angel has to, I mean, just, see he's in training. He can take you, and cast you into the bottomless pit. Have a nice millennium, 1000 years. He's not there. For 1000 years, the devil will not be there. He will not be found there. Fifth, I wanted to include this because again, it's mentioned twice. There's going to be a lot of singing on the highway. And not just any singing, It's going to be worshipping. There's a difference between singing and worshiping. Right? I mean you can sing a song, but it's a difference between worshipping. I mean, we're going to be praising Him, and thanking Him, and worshipping Him. We're not even in heaven yet. It's still the millennium. Practice, we get practice, rehearsal. Sixth, all sorrow, and sighing, grief will fly out the window on this highway. And not only will it fly out the window, you know what's going to come in Instead? The gentle breeze of joy and gladness, the fullness of joy. I'm thinking about Psalm, I think it's 16:11. The psalmist says, Lord, in your presence is found fullness of joy, fullness of joy. By the way, that's holiness to you know. Let me let me explain that. Holiness is wholeness, wholeness, completeness, not half-ness. We're going to be full, whole, holy on this highway of holiness. Fullness! Fullness! Holiness. I can't wait. And seventh lastly, and this is the best for last. Right? We don't have to wait until the Kingdom Age to get on this highway of holiness. We can get on it right now. We can get on it tonight. If you're not already on this highway, you need to get on it tonight. And you get on it now, and don't wait. Because if you're not on this highway, and you're not experiencing the joy, I mean, the blessing. You're missing out. You're missing out. Why don't you stand. We'll have the worship team come up. I hope I divided the word rightly. And I hope it has been a blessing to you. I know that it was a huge blessing to me preparing this teaching tonight. Man, I love God’s Word. It happens every week, you know; you get to the, and it's kind of like, I don't want it to end. And you're like, no you need to end, because I need to get home, and go to bed to go to work in the morning, man. Well there's coming a time where it's not, it won't end, be without end. Father in Heaven, thank You. Thank You so much for this. Lord, thank You for this assurance of what awaits us in Your Kingdom when this is fulfilled. Lord thank You that we can experience this now. We can be on this highway of holiness now, and experience that fullness of joy, that holiness that comes as a result. Lord, I pray especially for anyone that's just really going through a difficult time; and it seems to be getting worse with each passing day. Lord, I pray that You'll replace the fear with a peace that surpasses human understanding. I pray Lord, that You will give them that joy, that only You can give, that peace, Jesus, that You said You came to give, not as the world gives. Lord thank You. Thank You that You're coming to save us. Thank You that You will mete out judgement. on this wicked fallen evil world. Lord thank You that this world is not our home. And Lord thank You that we are soon going home. Lord come quickly, in Jesus' name, Amen.
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Keywords: Coronavirus, End of the Word, Jesus, Covid19, Flu, Second Coming, Hope, Encouragement, Suffering, Unemployed, Pain, Trials, Lonely, Alone, Joy, Bible, Love, Help, Depressed, Life, Strength, Peace, Truth, Happy, Rest, Freedom, Salvation, Forgiveness, Gospel, Holy Spirit, Lord, Grace, Mercy, Ministry, Messiah, Heavenly Father, Church, Loving, Spiritual Warfare, Satanic Attack, Devil, Pray, Warning, Danger, Hard Times, Faith, Illness, Affliction, Humility, Fear, Death, Future, Problems, Weary, Discouraged, Compassion, Brokenness, Gentleness
Id: 5yAlIdwpFfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 55sec (3415 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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