oh It getting harder now isn't it. the old
staying inside job. but we've got to do it. we're gonna stay at home so I'm lucky I've got
this shed I've got you lot to try and entertain and make projects for but even I'm finding myself
kind of little bit weird I'm calling it lockdown breakdown and it does affect me. so currently
we're allowed to go out for some exercise and that's all keeping us sane at the minute, but
we are still huddling together a little bit too much and they might take that away. so I've
got a little device in mind which means we can get this exercise and not physically get close to
anyone, so I'm thinking I'm gonna make a bicycle that is really tall so you can go out for a ride
because you're much higher nobody can get close to you because you're in the sky. I'm not gonna go
ridiculously high with this because we all have kind of a obligation to not hurt ourselves at
the moment and need any Hospital treatment and therefore stretch the NHS any more than they are
being stretched at the moment. so we're gonna calm it down but there's gonna be a little surprise
at the end of the video so if you think I'm being a chicken oh no that's somewhere up there what's
the see yeah two metres. Bosh! right so I need to work out what bits of bike I need, how it's gonna
work. I think this one of the.... I don't know! I think I need this bit,
don't think I need this bit! right got a bit of a plan, got this down there
as like a steering tube got another one for the headstock it's gonna sit there. now the rest
of it I'm struggling with because the only tube I've got is this big stuff, like 2 1/2
inches, way too big gonna weigh a ton. so I'm gonna have to go and get some more stuff to kind
of remake the rest of it. I don't think I'm gonna need this at all. you don't need pedals down the
bottom. all of its gonna be wrong so may as well just chuck that and start again,
right Colin need to make a bit of a shopping list. that's pretty good. I'm pretty pleased. it's
actually quite straight considering I've not jigged it or got a massive workbench. it's not all
twisted. now it's made of stainless steel because all the steel shops are shut, so had to just
get stainless steel, which is quite good cuz I'm not gonna have to paint it now am I? now next bit
need to do the rear triangle, mount the back wheel and then well it's bike in it, not much more else
to do. just gonna work out how to get on it Colin. It's finished! yes I give you the
high-cycle, the social distance bike! now in current circumstances this is the
perfect mode of transport, with a seat height of exactly two meters which is the recommended
distance we're supposed to be keeping away from each other. it's perfect so then can I go on with
my essential journeys using the High-cycle? Well, I'm gonna have to go on one! lets have a go! It
only just fits in the shed! it's a bit of a ... It's going to be a tricky video to make on my own! this thing's actually really easy to ride. not only am i keeping my social distance, causing a lot of smiles.
everyone's got the phones out. what now cuz this thing's made of stainless
steel it's kind of like the DeLorean of bikes. I suppose I should go do
some shopping shouldn't I? now of course if you go do some
shopping for like an elderly person rather than dropping it off on their doorstep
you can cop it through the upstairs window job done! Pretty pleased with this. now the
name high-cycle was actually made up by my channel members thank
you very much channel members! I like to keep you involved. At the start of the video I said I wasn't gonna
go too high on this but I wasn't being a chicken. that's cuz about six years ago I made a
four possibly four and a half meter bicycle. now it was a lot trickier to ride bit scarier be
harder to steer so this thing actually a doddle! I hope your all healthy physically and mentally I've been using the social media
numbers to try and source materials, because the School have been cutting out
face masks and PPE for the hospitals. so you know whatever you can do you
gotta try and do it help each other out. now then see in the next video
and the next thing is probably gonna be about the shed cuz the
shed is actually ten years old, and I'm also creeping up to another
ten milestone all right yeah! I'll just leave you with this, I'm
just gonna leave you with this!