How to Be Single But Not Alone | Sandals Church

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[Music] afternoon channels Church welcome welcome glad you guys are here I'm trying not to fall down up here welcome to sandals Church listen we're in this series called The Good Life how many of you guys want a good life yes okay more hands need to be up than that but I'm glad that you guys are here because God wants you to have a good life and God wants to bless you last week we talked about how to find true love this week we're gonna talk about how to be single but not alone how to be single and not alone so why are we talking to singles here's why because we're a church family and some of us are married but listen to me single people most of us are single did you understand that 54 54 percent of sandals churches single 54 percent so if you're single and you feel like you're the only one it's you and five thousand eight hundred and nineteen others you like where are they at hiding just like you are that's what they're doing so I'm glad that you here come tonight we're having a real conversation about being single we're can have a 20 year old a 30 year old a 4 year old a 50 year old and a 6 year old who are all single all the part of our church I'm gonna have a very very real conversation and I know singles are scared to death to come someone told me I don't want to come he's gonna be weird listen it's only weird if you're weird so just come we're gonna have a real conversation about how we can deal with this challenge and blessing in our church because God has a special plan for you so last week we talked about marriages this week we're gonna focus on singles but here's the issue at hand loneliness write this down on your notes loneliness always lies always lies when you feel lonely loneliness lies to you single people you think you wouldn't be lonely if you get married married people can I get an amen yeah right so listen to me single people marriage isn't gonna solve all of your problems matter of fact he can create some and create some new ones that you didn't even know about that's what it can do so listen God's will for your life single people is not to get married it's to follow him that's his will for your life so how to be single and not be alone first write this down you got to allow scripture to inspire you nobody's inspired anymore everybody bored everybody's bought listen get off those stupid games on your phone yeah you got all the fruit who cares who cares yeah you top score on game another game that does not matter listen to me start doing things that inspire you the Bible is inspired and it can and will inspire you now you don't have this first on your notes but it's up on the screen 2nd Timothy 3:16 all scripture how much of it all of it it's inspired by God it's inspired by God and it is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what's wrong with our lives you know why people don't like the Bible because the Bible teaches that God loves you but he doesn't love everything you do so that's the problem our world says we talked about last week how to find true love the world says I will love you and everything you do no matter what God says I will love you no matter what but I don't love everything you do God's called us to be different all Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives who it corrects us anybody love being corrected you love being corrected no you hate it you hate it that's why 93% of Americans have a Bible but only about 10% of them actually read it nobody likes correction but we all need correction it corrects us when we are wrong and it teaches us how to do right how to do right man a lot of you you look at the news and you say how on earth could a person do this you know why because they haven't been taught right from wrong some of you know this you were raised by wolves wolves don't treat teach you how to do right from wrong the Bible does look at this next verse up on the screen proverbs 4:10 my child listen to me and do as I say and you will have a long good life you want to live long you want to be blessed listen to God you want your life to be short and you want to act stupid do what you want that's the reality my child listen to me do I say and you will have a long good life listen to me you don't know what you don't know that was deep but God knows what you don't know so here's the inspiration here's what the Bible says about being single and about being married look at this first corinthians 7:8 i say to those this is on your notes to those who aren't married listen singles God singles you out he calls you out he challenges you he wants to inspire you I say to those who aren't married and listen to this because a lot of us don't consider this group as single I say to those who have never been married and to the group who was married but lost a spouse I say to those who aren't married and are widows think about that single people all the pressure that you have being single all the challenges you have being single imagine being married to someone for 40 50 60 years and now you find yourself as a single your kids are grown many of your family members are gone you need to church more than ever it's why God has a special heart not just for singles but for widows and widowers God cares for them he says I say to those who are married and/or so you are not married and are widows underline this it is better to stay unmarried single people God says being singles better than being married why single people you know what you're gonna do this afternoon whatever you want yeah you know where you're eating wherever you want you know where I mean wherever Tammy wants that's what we're doing man you get married you got kids here's a here's a recipe for disaster ask all your kids and your wife where they want to eat where do you want to eat where do you want to eat where do you want to eat we're all gonna be miserable and we're gonna ask God to bless the food that nobody wants see God we are completely ungrateful and we hate each other and don't appreciate this food amen single people you have an opportunity to do great things the Apostle Paul says it's better to mein single underlying this just as I what am listen to me single people the Apostle Paul remains single his entire life and he wrote half the Christian Bible half the Christian Bible comes from a single dude you know what the single dude writes about married people marriage you got a single guy writing to married people about what marriage is supposed to look like maybe that's why he was single he knew what he was getting into a single guy husbands says this husbands love your wife as Christ loved the church and he died for her hmm you know why that's powerful not because it came from a single guy but sick but but yeah there we go but because it came from God the Bible is not inspired because Paul was single the Bible is inspired because Paul was inspired by God listen to me ladies this is what Paul says to you don't marry a guy you can't follow you say well I ain't submitting to my husband why'd you marry him don't marry a guy you can't follow you need to change the way you pick the Bible challenges you Paul says husbands you need to be willing to die for your wives wives you need to follow your husbands and trust them you know I ain't never getting married that's why Paul says it's better to remain as I am but listen to me single people you don't get to stay single and get to have sex if you're a Christian let me say this very carefully some of you aren't Christians you know what you get to do with your body whatever you want it's your body do whatever you want if you're a Christian it's not your body if you're a Christian listen to me what the Bible says you've been bought with a price you've been purchased you've been redeemed by God a couple of months ago a painting get this a painting by Leonardo da Vinci sold for a record four hundred and sixty million dollars one painting you know what it was of jesus christ the savior of the world one painting one painting for 50 million dollars you know why it's old for that because of who made the painting do you know why you're worth it you are because of who painted you now get this not only are you valuable because God painted you but you're also valuable as a Christian because God bought you how much money did you cost there wasn't enough in all the universe what did it cost God to buy you back the blood of His only Son that's why John 3:16 is so powerful for God so loved you so much that He gave His one and only Son for you that's why as Christians if you call yourself a Christian we don't do whatever we want with our bodies do you know why because the Bible says listen look at this building look all around this God does not inhabit this building this building is not sacred but you are here's what the Bible says you are the temple of God he resides and lives in you and so what you do with your body single people you make Jesus do with you think about that it's why the Apostle Paul says this can Christ be one with a prostitute you know what his question is so then why are you one with one because when you sleep with a prostitute you make God who lives inside you participate in that and that break should bring horror to every Christian your body is sacred you are beautiful special and unique and God has called you not to live like trash because you are his treasure so act like it live like it so I say to those who aren't married and to widows it is better to stay unmarried just as I am but if they can't control themselves they should go ahead and marry why because it's better to marry than to burn with lust here's the problem Catholics if you grew up Catholic you guys get all crazy and excited about remain --single all the Pope's so single all that's so amazing the Pope is not any more holy because he's single but listen to me if you grew up in a church like sandals you're not any more holy because you're married here's what the Bible says one way or another your purpose in life is not to get married your purpose is to follow God that's your purpose that's what you're supposed to do so listen to me single people whether you want to get married or not whether you enjoy being single or not Matthew 6:33 says this seek first the kingdom of God and then all these things will be added unto you put God first and you'll be blessed put your desires first and you'll be cursed that's what Jesus teaches the Apostle Paul remains single for his whole life because he was inspired look up on the board it says this I once thought these things were valuable what's he talking about education career marriage kids family if the Apostle Paul was alive today he would have gone to Harvard he's one of the most brilliant minds of his day he would have graduated from Harvard in three years he would have been on a full-ride scholarship at MIT he was one of the most brilliant people in the history of the world and he abandoned every career desire he had he abandoned marriage he abandoned all things why listen to what he says I once thought these things were valuable but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done yes everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord for his sake I have discarded everything else counting it all his garbage so that I could gain Christ and become one with him listen to me if you're single you won't be forever a lot of you don't realize this but the last chapter in your Bibles Revelation chapter 22 you know what it is it's a wedding it's a wedding some of you single people hate going to weddings hate weddings hate love listen to me you're not gonna be single forever revelation 22 is a wedding where he calls the church the bride and Jesus is the groom and we will be together forever with God and we will be whole and complete and we will never be lonely in any way again in any way again and I Got News to you for you single people it's not just single people that feel lonely so two married people can I get an amen married people yeah and you could be married and have a thousand kids and still feel alone those are moms laughing I should read the Bible sooner see that's a mom over there hey man all right here's Jesus what does he say about singleness I love how he starts this sermon not everyone can accept this statement this is not a way like in speech class that you want to begin you don't want to hear what I have to say most of you should leave right now this is how Jesus starts a pep talk not everyone should accept this statement jesus said only those whom God helps he says some choose not to marry for the sake of the kingdom of heaven let anyone accept this who can see one of the reasons people say Jesus can't be real is because he wasn't married in order to be considered a rabbi you had to be married you see an ancient Judaism most Jews believe that the purpose of life was to get married and have kids and unfortunately that's how we treat singles in the church we're constantly pestering him so you date anybody you date anybody or you see anybody young Christian mingle or no harmony or young farmers calm what are you doing what's going on are you single are you single are you single are you dating are you dating or you think you're dating you're dating how they go are you engaged are you engaged are you engaged did you get engaged or you get married you get married you married are you married - married mmmmmm married you can't have kids you can have kids how many kids you gonna have you can have kids can have kids any good oh you had kids that's great what are you gonna die are you gonna die are you dying right now stop pestering single people you worship a single dude his name is Jesus Jesus and I know some of you all I wants this special on Netflix where Jesus was met dude let me tell you why the History Channel let me tell you why Netflix let me tell you what National Geographic you know why they keep searching for the real Jesus because they don't like the one that came that's why that's it's ridiculous who cares what some dude 400 years after the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ wrote about Jesus why don't we pay attention to the guys who knew him walked with him watched him die and saw him when he was risen why are we listen to those guys Jesus was single he said some choose not to marry for the sake of the kingdom of heaven the Apostle Paul said I'm not gonna get married I'm not gonna have kids because I met the Risen Jesus and that's the most important thing and let me say this many people that are married today are miserable because they rushed into something God was saying no to listen to me single people God says don't date a non-christian don't do it how on earth are you gonna be able to serve God if your spouse doesn't love God it's gonna be challenging don't do it over he's so cute he's so cute I love him the Bible doesn't say you can't love an unbeliever it says don't don't it makes marriage more challenging married people does marriage need to be any more challenging do you need to add some weight you're like this is not enough add more those are married people single boot here that it's challenging here's the problem second Timothy 4:3 for a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching they will follow their own desires why would God make me this way and not want me to pursue my desires have you read the Bible not everything you desire is good Eve look at the fruit and saw that it was desirable and screwed up the world for everyone thank you Eve it's so good I want a piece I don't know why I have a list when I say that they follow their own desires and look at this they will look for teachers who will tell them whatever they're itching ears want to hear you know how most people pick religion they pick a religion that agrees with what they already think look God loves you but he doesn't care what you think he wants you to care what he thinks that's why we go to church oh I didn't know that that's like one of the most often Commandments you find in the Bible says don't why is that because people were doing it don't don't do that we got to trust God don't pick a teacher who tells you what you want to hear pick a teacher who tells you what you need to hear it says they will reject the truth and chase after myths next how to be single not alone invite God to be with you God says this in Genesis chapter 2 the Lord God said it is not good for the man to be alone if you're a man and you're single would you circle that you know what is it with guys I'm just gonna do I was gonna hang out with me it's been some time with me listen to me guys you know when you're the most dangerous to yourself is when you're by yourself you are you need to be in community you need to be with people you need to surround yourself with community you don't need to be married but you need to not be alone proverbs 18:1 this one's up on the Green whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire and breaks out against all sound judgment anybody is anybody in here talk to yourself like when you're alone this is just me come on this is a safe place my kids my wife they make fun of me because I talk to myself when I talk to myself I'm always right anybody else I'm like I'm like always right and then I said and that's right and then yeah like we all get a little weird when we're by ourselves like we preach our own sermon and then we're our own congregation amen look at we can come up with all kinds of reasons why sinning is okay when we're by ourselves what God wants me to be happy God wants me to have these feelings God wants me God wouldn't give me these desires if he didn't want me to act on him you need people in your life said he it's why he gave you his word don't live your life according to how you feel live your life according to your faith that's what we're supposed to be driven by look what Jesus says John 18 16 this just tripped out his audience so he's being attacked he's all by himself and nobody will stand up with him and corroborate what he's saying because in the ancient world what you needed when you had an opinion was two or three leaders to agree with you and Jesus says this I'm not alone which is a little weird he's like I'm not alone the Father who sent me is with me and they didn't understand this how can you say you're not alone you're standing alone he says I've never been alone for all eternity God has been Father Son and Holy Spirit we worship a God who exists eternally in three persons God has never been lonely for a single moment in the history of all that is I can't even say time because God existed before that began God's not lonely and he doesn't want you to be lonely revelation 3:20 Jesus says this look I stand at the door and knock underlying these words if you hear my voice I don't know if any of you followed on the news this week but there's a television program called the view which they need to change my recommendation call it lack of sight lack of vision the blind leading the blind is what they should call it but here's what one of the gals on the view said people who hear the voice of Jesus are crazy that's what she said well then I'm crazy because I've heard God to speak to me and this is what he said to me why are you living that life I did not call you to live like trash you are my treasure change your life Matt I heard God speak to me and it wasn't just with words it was from the power of God's voice to my soul and God is speaking to some of you as single people what are you doing sleeping around engaging with people this is not what I've called you to do I've called you for me I've set you apart for me you're to be different you're special to me you matter to me Jesus saying look I stand at the door and knock if you hear my voice open the door he says and I will come in and we will share a meal together as what friends you don't have to be alone Jesus wants to be with you for ever he says I will never forsake you I will never leave you even if heaven and hell pass away Jesus says you and I will be together one of his many names is Emmanuel which means God with us listen Jesus didn't come to the earth to get married he came to the earth to get you he came for you you matter to God you matter man this week on the debrief I was listening to one of the questions that came in and it was a young lady in our church she said this man my parents said that I was an accident from day one I wasn't a part of their plans and they reminded me my entire life that I didn't matter that I screwed up their plans that I was a mistake that I was a burden and it broke my heart because God loves every child every single child he loves and he's created you with a purpose and that purpose is to be loved by him and to share others with other people about his love for them you matter let me tell you something we love you at Santos you matter to us we believe that you are a gift from God we believe that you matter to God you matter to us and God wants to use you to be a very very special light in this very very dark world God doesn't just want a relationship with you thank you for the golf clap was good you knew that was coming God doesn't just want a relationship with you he wants a right relationship with you anybody in your end and if you're with this person now please don't point to them is anybody in here ever been in a bad relationship like don't like don't do one of these like don't do that has anybody ever been in a bad relationship okay roommates anybody min or like a crazy roommate you didn't know they were crazy till you moved in like whoa what just happened I think my roommate is a serial killer right anybody at school you ever get in connection it's a little crazy maybe some of you were married to someone that was crazy like this team cute but they were the devil relatives friends you meet somebody and it's not a healthy relationship it's not a reliance listen to me you don't like unhealthy relationships you don't like wrong relationships why would God want one you know what God wants with you a healthy good right and true relationship and the only way for that to happen with you and God is for you to apologize do you know why God didn't screw up the relationship you did the first commandment of the Ten Commandments is this thou shalt have no other gods but by me every single one of you including myself violates this every day when we worship our selves our desires our happiness over God's commands every single day we violate that commandment so here's how you begin a right relationship with God the Bible calls for repentance and this is what it means you apologize god I'm sorry I'm sorry you repent and you believe in Jesus people say this all the time why don't you understand why I have to accept Jesus to be right with God here's why it doesn't matter what you think it matters what God thinks you don't get to pick how you make your relationship right with God can you imagine if somebody killed one of your loved ones friend family member and in their prison cell they decide on their own how to make things right with you humanity killed God's one and only Son we don't get to decide how we make that right God decides here's what God said repent of your sins and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved God will be with me so how is God with me Jesus is with me personally through his church Ephesians 2:19 you are members of God's family every single one of you if you're a Christian you're a member of this church you're a member of God's family you're a part of the family of God listen to me ladies every single one of you that's a Christians my sister I love you I care for you and I look after you every single one of you guys you're my brother in Christ if you're a Christian we're family and we're not supposed to be dysfunctional there's no fun and dysfunctional look some of you guys came from some horrific families some of you were raised by wolves some of you were not raised at all God wants to raise us your members of God's family it's why in 2nd John 5 it says this I'm writing to remind you dear friends that we should love one another some of you grew up in very unloving families with moms that didn't love you with dads that didn't love you with brothers and sisters that mistreated you and family members potentially that abused you the church is supposed to be different here's what we're supposed to do we're supposed to love one another listen to what he says I am writing to remind you dear friends that we should love one another this is not a new commandment but one that you've heard from the beginning from the very beginning this is what Jesus says we're gonna be a loving family one time his mom and his brothers show up to stop him from preaching the gospel and they come up to him they say Jesus your mom and your brothers are outside you know what Jesus said he said who is my family this is what Jesus said those who do the will of God are my family sometimes we say this blood is thicker than water the Bible says the Spirit is thicker than blood we are to love each other forever weird to be here for one another for ever second Timothy 2:22 run from anything that stimulates youthful lusts instead pursue righteous living faithfulness love and peace if you're single would you please underline this passage enjoy the companionship that's what I hear a lot of single people say I just want to companion I want someone to be with me God wants the same thing for you but that may or may not be a husband or a wife enjoy the companionship of those who call upon the Lord with pure hearts here's what you need you need people that will help you run away from youthful lusts you know what that means single people when we get sexually attracted we get stupid ladies I believe you your IQ drops in half the moment you get attracted oh my god she's so cute it has to be God's will guys your IQ doesn't drop in half he goes zero me man you woman I like you run from anything that stimulates youthful lusts instead pursue righteous living faithfulness love and peace enjoy the companionship of those who call upon the Lord some of you don't like hanging around Christians maybe that means you don't like Christ if you don't like his family you probably don't like him look I don't mean to be offensive I just don't want you to go to hell I want you to be real you know not every week but most services I in by saying this I love you guys you know why I say that because I do the favorite part of my job is not preaching that part kind of scares me to death it really does most Saturday nights I don't sleep because I'm freaked out I'm gonna stand up here and feel like you're all staring at me you know why I feel that way yeah here's the favorite part of my ministry hugging you guys in the lobby praying for you meeting you and your kids I love you guys this church has been a family to me and I love this family and I would die for this family and this is what God wants for all of us for all of us first Corinthians 15:33 this is up on the screen don't be deceived bad company ruins good morals oh I'm gonna win him to Jesus no he's probably gonna win you to hell the most important decision in life is whether or not you accept Jesus do you know what the second most important decision in your life is who you date and who you marry don't screw up either of those don't do it a marriage can be a blessing or it can be a curse choose wisely here's the challenge if you're single the Apostle Paul remember single guy 2,000 years ago he wrote this singles he writes this letter to a young single dude named Timothy he says you should know this single guy Timothy doesn't say single guy but I'm just putting that in there he says that in the last days there will be very difficult times if you're single it's harder now than it's ever been it's more challenging now than it's ever been why because people will love only themselves here's what's gonna make marriage impossible for some of you you're gonna fall in love with someone who loves themselves and you know why they are so excited because you love the person that they love themselves we live in a narcissistic self-centered culture we do not live in a culture that values anything more than self anybody been watching the Olympics nobody in the Olympics all the Koreans every single Korean when you asked him their name they list their last name first I remember the first Koreans I met in the 1980s they moved in next door to us it was Han oh honey Han Qi and Han Jung I was like why you guys don't get the same name they didn't have all the same name they just say their last name first because family comes first but our culture is self-centered can you imagine if I ran around saying my name is brown Mathew which is weird cuz I'm white where's that brown Matthew where do you go but we live in a self-centered culture for people who love only themselves this is why it's hard to find a good guy cuz they're all in love with him selves did you hear that whoo it's the weirdest thing I go work out of the gym I walk into the bathroom of the gym dudes are in the mirror taking pictures of himself boom and they don't even have shame like if you came into my bathroom and I was taking a selfie I'll be like they don't even flinch oh yeah I'm gonna go to the gym and take some pictures of me all right some of you guys your website or your your Facebook I'm all about God but it's filled of pictures of you well that was too close to home the last days will be very difficult times for people will love only themselves and their money they will be boastful and proud scoffing at God underlying the single people disobedient to their parents if you want to know how a guy will treat you look at how he treats his parents yeah I'm breaking up in the parking lot there's it's what I tell my son all the time the way you treat your mother is the way you're going to treat your wife they will be disobedient to their parents ungrateful underline this they will consider nothing sacred including sex if you're a Christian sex is sacred sacred it's either blessed by God or cursed by God they will be unloving and unforgiving does that sound like Facebook or what they will slander others and have no self-control they will be cruel and hate what is good look I don't want to be political but here's why I think there are so many shootings I think we're in the last days the love of others has grown cold you better get ready they will betray their friends they will be reckless they will be puffed up with pride look at this one they will love pleasure rather than God stay away from people like that listen to me Church you got to love everybody you don't have to hang with everybody and for some of you guys this is what you need to do - some of your friends slide to the left boom keep some distance and when your friends don't get it say this I understand I'm trying to get in heaven and you're not last fill your life with purpose the Apostle Paul goes on to say in 1st Corinthians chapter 7 I want you to be free from the concerns of this life an unmarried man can spend his time doing the Lord's work and thinking how to please him but a married man has to think about his earthly responsibilities and how to please his wife his interests are divided in the same way a woman who's no longer married nor has never been married can be devoted to the Lord and wholly in body and in spirit but a married woman has to think about her earthly responsibilities and how to please her husband underline this I am saying this for your benefit not to place restrictions on you he's not saying don't get married he's just being honest about marriage and so many people rushed into marriage and they never thought it would be difficult this is being with the same person every day he says I'm saying this for your benefit not to place restrictions on you underline this I want you to do whatever will help you to serve the Lord the best so if you're gonna date somebody if you're gonna marry somebody is this gonna help you or hinder you in your service to the Lord if it's not gonna help you then they're not gonna help you you don't have to marry to have a full life but if you don't have Jesus you'll always have an empty life he says I want you to do too late too late too late I want you to do whatever will help you to serve the Lord the best underline this with as few distractions as possible why because whatever distracts you gets you people always ask me what television programs do you watch you know what the answer is not many the one that always gets asked about is that this is us do you watch this is us to watch this is us to watch this is us and I say no why this is us this is us I don't I don't know if you know this but I'm not lacking drama in my life I'm not lacking stress I don't have a lack of people making bad decisions I have you I don't need TV I have Church we have each other this is us this is enough but listen to me don't just go to church be the church the church is not a building it's a family man would you go to your home and not talk to people not serve people oh I don't feel like taking out the trash as my responsibility I don't feel like that's my gift I'm gonna pray about whether or not God's called me to help with the dishes I'm gonna pray about whether or not God's calling me to whack you over the head with this dish don't just go to church serve on a team get involved join a group start a group and if you're in a married group don't stay there forever get healthy and then invite some singles to show them what it should look like if you're single don't just be with single people get with married people so you can see what you might be getting into join a group with kids that helps you you need to see what real life looks like I mean marriage is ridiculous nowadays I would like to marry you let's pretend as though you have a kingdom and I have a kingdom and we will bring our kingdoms together in a holy ceremony where we will rent clothing that we cannot afford we will gather together and going debt and then take a trip that we have not earned and cannot pay for and we will live happily ever forever no you're gonna be in debt and fighting that's what you're gonna be doing look let's get real well my grandma got married she borrowed a dress borrowed a dress they made it they made it loved her husband until they both died listen to me the world screws you up God wants to set you straight whatever distracts you gets you when people lose their focus they often lose their faith marriage is not the end God is listen to me single people you are blessed with a thing called time you are you are a couple of months ago I had to have surgery on my face the moneymaker my wife because of scheduling with something with our kids couldn't drive me to the hospital the surgery was gonna take about a half a day and I was gonna be drugged out of my mind and not able to drive home you know who took me to the doctors single person from our church drove me to the hospital waited in surgery for five hours put me in the car drove me home from Orange County did not post any images on Instagram or Facebook or Twitter while I'm drunk out of my mind saying stupid things I wasn't drunk but I was on something I don't know what it was a lot of drugs yeah it was but you know what they were able to do that and they blessed my family married people we should be able to do that with singles you know that single person's been on family vacation with us do you know why their family they mattered to us we do birthdays together we do events together they go to this church and we care about them they matter that's what the church is that's what the church is where people who were strangers become family because of Jesus that's the church that's the church all right let's pray Heavenly Father I pray over us God let us all repent Lord if we vitalized marriage and put it in a place that it does not belong marriage is not the goal of life you are God also let us repent Lord of how we've treated singles looked at singles or talked to singles god help us to see them as you do full complete and with purpose father bless us all to be focused on doing your will we pray this in Jesus name Amen [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Sandals Church
Views: 15,765
Rating: 4.8385091 out of 5
Keywords: how to be single, single life, pastor matt brown, sandals church, socal church, baptist church, love, God, how to love others, how to be happy and single
Id: YxhyonjeY3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 57sec (2757 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2018
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