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so we got a call for a Suburban that is way up on the mountain stuck in the deep snow up by Lowa Fish Lake Area somewhere up there it's also disabled which is going to be fun we called Robbie we said hey man we need some help on this so he's got whiskers he's going to be meeting us in Loa in 3 hours we got to get on the road right now I'm coming too today it runs a lot better when it goes in the closed loop salami Gatorade and a beef jerky got a pizza and a beef thing I have Lumberjack bowls for me and my dad and beef jerky get enough snacks so you don't get honory I want Muddy Buddies then okay I'm [Music] ready maybe these ones oh yeah just a really long receipt for a Maverick all right we are finally on the road I got my sunglasses so I don't go snow blind now let me introduce you to the team Jake Communications Kobe reconnaissance Colin pyot techic TomTom Counter Intelligence Caitlyn classified and I'm the dread pirate Roberts I just talked to Robbie and verified we are meeting in Loa so that's still the plan and that reminds me of a song well we're driving down the road in my blue steel truck with the Bombi on the back and we're having good luck in L all right that's enough this is kind of what we do on trips sometimes this one's pretty fun you should turn up the [Music] music hey just checking on your status um I think the last thing said low was like 20 mil okay we're just slightly ahead of you then we're about 5 miles out of Lowa is is there a store there or something um hopefully I don't remember I'll wait for you at the first best store okay sounds good okay thanks that was Robbie I should have sang him part of my song we're almost to low LOL welcome to L welcome to low L actually so this is the town where Ed was born he was born pretty mature and they kept him in a shoe box in the wood burning cook stove like to keep him warm they weren't going to eat him no you got to clarify that's crazy it was a thing to be nice that was Ed's incubator and he was born right over there yeah so Robbie is a few minutes behind us so we're going to take the opportunity to fuel up for our ride home hey so we need to go over how you take care of one of these cuz this was very expensive all right it did not so always grab by the top or you hold it like like this doesn't fit it will we're going to have to steam it oh boy what did you guys do for Wednesdays yes it's for Wednesdays on Wednesdays she wears pink Hello there a unit now this is the unit this isn't pretty bombie is got you okay we're going to go hit the slopes hopefully there's snow on the slopes we've both got all season tracks on well mine are certified All Season Robbie's are all seon okay let's go do [Music] this so the snow is looking a little scant out there the customer described it as a lot of snow and snowing when they left it and there was no way anybody could get there without a snow cat the weather report is three feet of Sage Brush but here's the here's the deal here's why I'm still happy I put all season tracks on the Bombi so it's not going to matter if there's no snow or not I just wish there was snow Tom brought his snow shoes I have my snow pants my snow shoes my snow my snow socks on goggles I do have my goggles not only that I'm brought his snow survival pack and I want to use it bad doing a little ice fish in i b no I think the road's closed what do you want to do here do you want to break the law break the law break it the law let me talk to Robbie so it looks like we're about 4 miles out do you want to just break the law or do you want to unload here cuz the road is closed breaking the law breaking the law I knew that was coming I'm okay with whatever if it has snow on it driving up there and back is fine but I don't want to drive it on pavement I say we go until we have enough know that it's worth it okay you hear that officer it was his fault oh I know a song about this around the road close sign they go a Mountain Road of ice and snow they'll probably blame their GPS but still they'll make that [Music] call so unless things take a turn for the worse like greatly we are just going to drive up to this Suburban loaded on the trailer and leave this is not the snow recovery I was promised how are you even going to load it on the trailer we have ramps I mean you have a bombie on the trailer bombie is going to have to drive home I'm hoping the pin is right but I'm also kind of hoping the pin is wrong and the Suburban is actually stuck somewhere here's the thing if we drive to it at least our snow cats got to hang out that's true that is true Robbie's always looking On the Sunny Side of Life say over over that is true over copy over out over who's our Communications expert that's that's Jake's on I got hang on to my hat mt's driving crazy you're SC me over Counter Intelligence is finding none [Music] all right we have passed the pin it's not here so we are going to pull our knowledge and see if we can figure out what's going on there's no cell phone service here I think that pin was pretty approximate I think he just went on a map and picked a DOT on this road so you want to just keep going on this road say just keep going going up yeah I think that's okay tell them that we're just going to keep going up all right I'm pulling over well I let off the gas and that was a bad idea don't worry about us we're just going past you real quick maybe real quick eh yeah real quick like okay I don't know what to do except for go exploring the best part about today's adventure is if I get stuck the person I would call is already here ditto yeah so snowcat life that's right I didn't choose the snow cat life the snow cat life chose [Music] me oh yeah oh she's back baby she's back we cut this had all these like lateral tractions we yesterday we cut them all off like 25 or 30 lb of them we there like 200 of those things on here this is my first time in a bomi oh really never ridden in this thing until today how we doing Tom fantastic we're in whiskers and this thing is cool inside it's super big back here which is a little different than the bombie oh yeah whiskers is coming I'm going to do my job and do some reconnaissance thing sweet we need one this big bomb's tiny Let's Race over we're racing oh we're racing be prepared to be humiliated you're over go oh oh see holy crap I'm not sure what the race was but I feel like we won something you did that thing is like a missile we grab second gear it's gone all right well let's just Mose you up here looking for a Suburban okay it was [Music] [Music] awesome that's like a B17 bomber and this is a P-51 Mustang absolutely um Matt we got some wires melting so we have an issue We're stopped what's the issue fire no we're we're in the pre-fire stages everybody calm down all right we're going to come back and watch the fire oh at least we're all here that's what matters this is the turnaround that I'm used to having flashbacks it's still turnning better did you out well I see I see what's they're pre-melting but I wonder if something's wrong with the alternator let it cool down for a minute hey you know what Christmas that was a fun little good Christmas one block [Music] ride is that just feeding your dash how dumb we're not dead yet this wire right here I think it's pulling too much see right here just got hot yeah we stopped before we had a fire okay but yeah C here well why don't we just load everybody up at the bomi and go I agree I think that's a great idea and then we can mother this one back yeah I think I think it's a terrible idea but I think it's our only idea it's our it's our only we'll have fun either way we went from the comfiest best ride to the worst ride cuz now we're going to be hanging on to the back of the Bombi yes we are what's the most people youve put in and on Bombi I think today we're going to break whatever record it was this is ridiculous we can fit four people on the back seat and we can fit one in the front where there's no seat and then the rest on the back well let's load up find a seat that's all I'm saying I think this is going to be too many people to steer so we're all in the back of the Bombi this is getting dumb but that's we're going to be safe we're fine this is why I wor my snow ready oh that means I think I think the beating on the window means they're good you look like that's the brakes oh that's cold you guys are like a big windshield thank you oh I got good here oh I just got a check oh got to undo your wires okay so let's come colon and I on the back of that thing we're soaked has one option in the back if your feet are cold just stick your feet in front of the exhaust oh yeah quirks and features 7 miles past mil Meadow mil Meadow was the one we just passed what do you think we are like four or five just keep going couple more miles okay who yep we're good good enough look at this [Music] gu it's getting deep oh oh that was a little scary oh man he's up against the guard rail holy crap it's not working very good is it what if you put it in reverse and hold this track well that one and try to Pivot the the top side then you can hold on they're banging on the roof tell them to stop banging he's rubbing it ain't going to hurt that guard it might hurt the track though it might hurt the track I'm not worried about the guard dude Matt stop out let's shed some weight jump out just jump clear of the tracks yeah I want to see somebody do a flip off of there we got ourselves in a situation [Music] [Music] here your track off thank you sir let's winch let's winch over to a tree okay go forward so this is recovery number one yeah oh that's the problem your Bo we have actual yeah we have actual snow here things just got exciting all right well that was did it slide off or well I sucked him we're just way overloaded I think that's where this those guard rails come in handy for this oh yeah that's kept us out of the tree okay all right tighten up okay go easy [Music] all right over I'm just a beginner I'm just a beginner we should place two driver magnet on this [Music] are you kidding [Music] me all right he better back up there's 10 of us I'm going he's oh hey oh what a gentleman we're not we're not getting I knew he'd come back for me hey it hasn't died yet no it hasn't that's a good thing if you get rid of everybody you could get out of here alive yeah all right let's try this again we learned something hopefully and that was to stay out of the powder when we're loaded this heavy and I don't know what we learned avoid the guard rail yeah avoid the guard rail Robbie is rewarding me with a snack because we got [Music] out well things are working out right now and that's about all we need at the [Music] moment now we're past all the jokes cuz we're kind of getting cold and wet and we're kind of just trying to make it through it we're in survival mode we found it our top to found yeah right here get ahead Iceberg wow that thing ised workout for us don't worry I got all my snow socks oh this is going to be some work I think we should just pull it backwards I'm just going to drive back and forth and pack this we don't want to start it yet it's got no belt on because it's got no belt here you go Tom so I'm going to drive back and forth for a second pack this down do you want us to do some digging in here or you think you'll pop them out I think we'll pop them out let me drive forward really quick okay stop Tom you were dressed for this I don't know yes I anticipated this I hoped for this play jump rope in yeah kindergarten you see the belt belt's right there power steering pump is still hillbilly why don't we put their belt back on let's do it that looks like it's ready to go okay go back side on the water pump I'll go around power steering oh power steering's broke okay so yeah yeah yeah let's get it on that'll at least give us like a a few minutes of being able to do something yeah that's not going to last long but it might last a second so I want to get past this deep snow and up there on that corner it was really shallow and that's where I wanted to turn it around how's it looking in here all tled up not promising power steering pump is broken right so we're just going to put the belt on for a minute we won't need it once we turn it around it's all downhill isn't it I think so all right well let's see if it starts okay key right there on the dash see it you're wearing goggles it's making your life difficult oh it's behind the steering wheel for me you mean behind the goggles it got gas that P stalled that pulley's binding the belt so let's just take the belt off and run it without a pump just for a minute all right no Bel hey go ahead and start it hold on up to L you said pass pass okay start it up just put it in reverse we're going to see if we can bump you out of here okay I want all the strong boys on the front pushing that was close don't stop till you pass um you want to straighten your tires oh [Music] God Hey Jake supposed to walk with it on this keep it going Robbie got it work just working oh he's drifting he's drifting yeah oh that'll come right around now stop turn back a little bit while you roll forward leg nobody I'm leaving okay kill it thought about leaving all you guys for a minute but I stopped how's your temperature I'm a little hot right now cuz all that pulling you did but no the it hasn't hit the gauge like I haven't hit 100 degrees right now okay I'm wondering if this should just Scout down till you the gauge is like normal and then shut it off the and then shut it off and then we can pull you through there it it should stay pretty cool Robbie painted me one heck of a pulling machine hey thanks Robbie the yellow is the engine yellow is strong the tracks and it looks good doing it pain job just adds horsepower we should load a bunch of people in this hey all the people that were in the back ride with me I got you guys come with me all of you that are Outsiders emotional support team feel like you don't have a place that you belong right here these are your people I have your place GA up awesome F that Caitlyn oh nice huh wait didn't people say the fan Pusher fan would not work yeah I don't know if it's working or not we don't have any gauges running it just carried 10 people 6 miles yeah good I know that we need more shrouding the thing about all of my cooling systems I design I never finished the shrouding on them do we all feel good about life great uh I don't know about tomtom's driving buckle up man hey Robbie you smell that that's the smell of wires not burning oh ouch I'm going to scratch it now you guys smell that that's the smell of Robbie burned oh there goes the Suburban you got it come on girl I feel luxurious now we're heading to the drag races hang on your hats F's driving oh this does handle letter come on just got to make it up this hill I'm to the floor come on girl lock her into second trust me oh come on eat eat I okay I'm backing up hang on how hot are we we're going to make one more run and then we're going to have to wait for him out anyway cuz we're at we're at temp I'm about 210 yeah you're just past operating temp it's not going to crawl this hill saw saw it saw it we're giving her all she's got that's it oh come on okay we're going to overheat anyway all right shut her off neutral we're down I'm glad we did finally find some snow it was not looking too good there for most of the trip here just put this on the end of it I'll make it all the weakness of an open hook but none of the convenience okay Tom I think you might I might want your help how we get going fire it up until we get to the top of the hill then I'm going to stay in neutral and just turn the key off yeah straighten your wheels out and back up like 3 or 4 feet okay everybody got to get in cuz we're going did the thing uhoh time out it hasn't died yet everything's fine everybody calm down than I don't know what that glitch is but we got to get it fixed yeah we just got to wait for it to clear out so this intermittent break has brought to you by the offroad games if you have not gotten your tickets head to Offroad games.com and get yourself some tickets and come hang out and you can see bombie in real life and you oh and me too I'll be there that is true we're going into troubleshoot mode by the time we take this off we'll lose it'll be clear yeah does it clear that fast yeah do you want to leave it off in case it happens again could it' be nice to know which coat it's throwing okay Tom look for the number I just want to point out you're all green it should fire no it's too yellow well there's no Reds do you think the moisture might be doing it could be we don't know there's definitely some there's definitely some moisture on there I mean all those terminals should be like watertight we've had them way wetter than that and it was giving us trouble if it dies again you need to jump out and see which one it is okay let's go hey y we're good and we're off okay it's red and then blue oh I see it barely yep my goggles aren helping it's break time again this intermission is brought to you by Robbie L and Nation you scratch it they'll patch it I like that one red is the lower number okay so you've got 8 s six eight is blank blue is seven red is six so you got to wait till Red's gone right so but is there anything we can do for the routing of our cam sensor cam position is the easier one to change yeah so so I'm thinking it's just a bad sensor so you think it'll limp us home yeah okay it'll it's very you know you've done more limping than any of us yeah so it's looking like we just have a bad cam sensor we were thinking it might be shielding and we added some shielding kind of like your tin foil hat you put on on your head to stop you from getting your mind read by aliens but it's not working it it helped it's running better than it was so let me tell you the aliens are still getting in when I rerouted it that helped that there was a there was a marked change okay and then we added shielding shielding and that was a marked change so we keep moving in the right direction but it's still but I still think it's fundamentally broken we are going to start this thing up and just tear out of here as far as we can then he'll limp along and reach us and pull us the rest of the way okay we're just going to drive right by and get as far as we can before we heat up again hey do we have a radio see you Tom the best we've just got to let it rest we just not letting it rest oh he's going he's going hey I getting it everything butd I hope come on buddy I'm shut down mod aren't [Music] I we're done that's a as far as we made it oh no no we're coming don't worry at least we're within walking distance to Blue Steel yeah that's a long ways though this is a really long walk I see your one eye come on and that gives me [Music] hope he's moving nobody's on this radio I'm just talking to myself oh by I do this a lot oh that's that backfire is what happens when his engine just shuts off and goes lean really fast well it's never done this this is new this is new F whiskers hey I got duct tape that's what we were just talking about we could go bypass those burnt wires and get it to go we could go go go go someone CL that door everybody just calm [Music] down I'm back baby my big toe on the left fo I'm not going to get hangry this trip I brought a lot of snacks dude we've been snacking like crazy why yes are they in hopefully you're my rearview mirror [Music] bab that's second or third second I'm back in I got no power come on am I on no they're dead okay hang on should I go jump it and get it started oh they've been running oh it hasn't been charging can jump it get as far as you can get it okay is there a place to tuck this I guess the belt's not running so it could just lay right there okay AR we've lost our four-wheel drive fuses in those right I think cuz they're electrically actuated well it's not lighting up into let's check the let's check a fuse kill it for a second that's good sadly look fine that's good sadly it's fine what's your plan here we're just going to try to get this thing straightened out so we lost the four-wheel drive in the Suburban for some reason and it's not a fuse every giggle for one more step you make oh and it's over this is recovery three now of the day yeah I lost track Bombi Suburban bomi I think that's enough is it yeah there's a red there's a red and green you've got a red code I'm just looking at terminals make sure they're not getting green green red soon as you crank it goes red all right so since we don't need everybody here to watch this thing break down Robbie's going to take a crew to whiskers and see if they can get whiskers fixed good enough to come and maybe do some good we're going to keep doing what we're doing I don't know why we didn't grab a spare cam sensor we just should have done it I think it's just a stupid bad new cam sensor oh Tom Tom doesn't want to go help Robbie Tom wants to this is a recreational opportunity hey you know what whatever work Works he's our emotional support and he's going to Snowshoe while we all struggle I've been wanting to use while that feel weird I got to get my snacks before I leave oh yeah Tom cooking bye Tom bye listen all you have to watch for if the bomb's running you need to be in neutral yep got it and just try to get this straightened back out on the road we have a few miles to go we are hiking out of here so that we can get to whiskers try and fix whiskers get back in here drag these guys out of here it's a uphill and got a long way to go we're doing it what are the odds we can get whiskers going I think pretty good we stopped before there was a catastrophic failure the wire was just kind of smoldering yeah it was hot all right so we can maybe put two wires in that leg or something I think so if we just load okay we just got to get there do we keep it running or yeah turn it off if it's running I say send it and we're just going to keep doing this this is working I don't have an awful lot of faith that whiskers is going to really help us at time all right I'm making pretty good progress just trying to keep a nice steady Pace I think uh Robbie and the Gang are back in pretty good ways I'm just going to push through get to whiskers this is where the bombie slid into the side rail I'm guessing I got another half hour to go not too bad Bad come on old girl show me what you got okay I'm ready to be up this hill already yeah all right I found it whiskers is right up here I'm going to jump in there see what's going on try to figure out what we can do get ready for Robbie and his to arrive I'm guessing they might be about another half hour so I got a little bit of [Music] time make sure the winds doesn't Bunch up all right I'm eating my Apple it's a little tart and I'm trying to figure out what wires down here are burning up there's a red yellow one that looks really melted and it looks like it heated up some other ones and melted a bunch of stuff so I'm wondering how long I could drive if I put this together and do I even know how to drive this plan is this get out we're going to start that I'm going to get a run we're going to go as far as we can and then see if we can get that next delineator up there can we do it I don't know hey boy how long you been here few minutes I got an idea I was hoping you had an idea we've been pondering what if we just bypass all that and we hot wire it we could do that hot wire straight the coil if we can do the engine and alternator I think we'd be we' be sitting pretty it's okay hey that is 10 times the progress it is already 4:30 I think now and so that distance is huge even though it didn't seem like much that is going to be the difference between us getting home in a few hours or the next morning let's do it again but this time let's not get sucked off the road me and Jake couldn't see nothing The Shield was [Music] covered you're making call nervous why is this not going Robbie's going to fire this up and see if it'll go fingers crossed nothing whatever that wire was that we unhooked it was important was quite important all right well now we're either going to jump the coil try something else let's Okay so I've lost steering for a different reason my front axle is locked it just stops both sides equally when I was pulling you up the hill was one track spinning and the other one wasn't one was spinning it got spinning enough it welded I want to check the oil in there I've been a little bit suspect about how much oil made it into that differential and I never double checked it I looked at it a couple times to do so I don't know if anything's melting right now but it's running so I think we got to get up the trail fast is it heating up are you feeling good it's not heating up let's go a little way see let's see what we can do okay we're going to jump in the back is everybody in yes sir all right hey let's go save the day do anything stupid I'll shut it [Music] off there's plenty of oil in there yeah let full well that wasn't the problem so while we do have plenty of traction to go forward we are we're just going straight definitely just overcharging so this yellow wire is now getting hot can you see the voltage spiking on your gauges oh yeah it's going to 16 okay um we can either unhook or cut the wire that goes to the alternator yeah how long will you run without an alternator oo quite a while and then we can hook it back up let it charge yeah just let it yeah yeah yeah yeah that's that's good we only made it like one minute up the road and it's already overheating I've got a lot to learn about Bombi Drive axles we've got we've got to do better lubrication if we're going to use one that makes sense I mean I still can't believe it sees like that how far till the top of the hill see the H that's where I took off from that's us yeah where's the road right here okay and that's still Hill still Hill still Hill oh we got a lot of twists and turns for bombie that won't steer M but if we could get the Suburban up to a little bit flatter spot we could drive drive it down I'm going to see what's going to happen here okay hop in there he goes not not oh no go that way bom come on [Music] Bobby okay the alternator was overcharged we unhooked it we're just running on the battery it'll only do that for so long if we make it to mat we can use the jump box to get ourselves out they're telling me that this whole thing doesn't have a lot of electrical load so it should run a long time on just the battery what you got nothing great really yep oh don't know is it skitting the other track too no okay we have one kind of track we're going to try to get you in the middle of the road and then shut it off if I stop you shut it off okay let's [Music] go come on [Music] doing great C down 104 10 [Music] 4 oh are we still running did you shut it down when I said shut it down it's fine fine can I open this up yeah just let it cool down what is that just yeah that's just cooling it's it's hot is there any coolant in the back of this uhuh we've got water we can so let's just let it complet completely cool down um let me just keep bumping you in neutral let's just keep making it up this [Music] hill well this is why the right Brake's not working this fell right out no there's nothing that can hit it okay we can drive the bombie back I hate giving up man I'm like Joe Dirt I don't have no in my heart okay let's um just go tear that down let's get in the bombie and drive it let's get let's regroup it is currently 5:23 and we left the yard at 9:30 so if Whiskers was here we would have been working this so hard well I flew too close to the sun go ahead and call me Icarus I thought I built a good bombie and I did I did build a good bombie it's just got a couple bad parts I don't think that Ford 9 in is going to work for a drive axle we might have to get a man I don't know you want to go to hydrostatic okay load up this is how we steer this is how we were doing it last time too [Music] is this what defeat feels like yes means at least we can still do it right suppos to still next week we just came around the corner and saw the bombie coming right at us there they are he's Ching along is it worth going back and getting it yes yes it is with whiskers i' Park yeah I would leave this no I don't do you think whiskers has enough scoop to pull it in low range I think I'll pull it I think this will pull it up the hill this barely won't so here's where we're at we are on borrow time our alternators overcharging that's what our issue was so we have the alternator disconnected we have 12 volts still but we'll pull until we can't and then we'll use the jump box to keep going our jump box yes that's what we'll need okay so is your sensor okay it's running great now we just met two local kids that are headed to a Napa to get another sensor okay let's go get this thing we're feeling pretty defeated man am I happy to see whiskers hold on whiskers G oh boy ready ready I'm hitting [Music] it like me and him when we driving back he was in the bus I was so let's just keep going he'll follow us if something happens we'll come back back yeah all right let's saddle up and go now we're going to really catch some speed I love speed doing a pretty good job tracking so 5,000 RPM is we just made it back to Blue Steel we're going to go find a spot where there's no snow so Robbie can hook this thing up with his wheel lift thingy on his Wrecker see look [Music] [Applause] what the Robbie and just pull your nose around yeah are you stilling gear okay we're on okay lock it engage can you drive yet why don't we just go grab whiskers and P yeah yeah let's do that oh yeah watch out right there straight back yeah yeah it's beautiful it's like you've done this before pretty good all right that's good roll forward roll in perfect there there you go you got to full drive shaft yeah so we have to take the a automatic transmission when you're pulling them not on a trailer you you have to pull the rear drive shaft or else your transmission on TR case will be garbage by the time you get where you need to go we're sitting here at the black bird Diner in Richfield and I don't I don't know if we said anything about this but it was about to close like we came in like 20 minutes before it closed at 10 top so they have been super gracious we took care of the waitresses already before the the service and we took yeah and we took care of the cooks so we got food coming everybody's excited about it Robbie finally picked what he was going to eat I almost had to call Robbie's mom to ask what he likes because he didn't know there was no pictures on the menu how am I supposed to choose but he persevered he figured it out like he ordered something well we're going to eat some food then we're going to high-five each other and then we're going to drive home you look exhausted well I'm just feeling really bad about the bombie breaking into tiny pieces that that hurts my I've got some ideas though so what I'm realizing is the side gear thrust surface is just not robust enough to handle those kind of speeds with the amount of lubrication that it gets so we're either going to have to re-engineer that or completely come up with a different drive system and that's what I'm thinking about right now and that's why I look so well I'm sad my bomie broke you think Robbie's going to forget about this no every phone call is going to be like hey Matt remember that time up on the mountain when whiskers rescued and saved your bacon that's what I'm going to have to listen to the rest of my life we are almost at the end of this day we've got three hours to drive these guys have an hour plus you've got to drop the vehicle off tomorrow classic Robbie always finishing what I started but that's why we keep them around thanks for watching I got sick of having wet feet and they're jammed in the back like a Kipper snack and we don't even know if we'll make it back from l lol
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 1,495,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 37sec (2857 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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