The Hidden Purpose Behind Human Values & Judgement That Causes SUFFERING | Dr. John Demartini

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the magnificence of who you are is far greater than any fantasies you'll ever put on yourself I've heard you speak to how the Journey of the matured intellect is being able to hold Paradox simultaneously simultaneously if you're addicted to pleasure you're going to be hurt by pain anything that you have an infatuation with the opposite is going to be something you resent I had a lady in London she was traumatized at 16 I said good go to that moment what did you perceive and when she got through she was not traumatized she didn't have a label the suffering is the inability to see both sides simultaneously we're trying to get rid of the side that we think is the shadow side but the shadow is just as essential as the other it's an event and if you buy into the event and put a label on it you'll be trapped as a victim of History instead of a master of Destiny if you ask new sets of questions I can take that same event transform it into something you're grateful for and get on with your life master of Destiny some people are familiar with you from your work initially being in the film The Secret what do you feel like the Law of Attraction truly is being able to consciously create life in the way that you want it so the secret behind the secret left out of the secret is wow that was so powerful I believe that we're here to wake up our genius and contribute Innovative creative original thinking to the planet I believe that we're here to be of contribution and service I believe that you're here to master finances not be a slave to it I'm a firm believer that you can do whatever you set your mind to this might have been one of my favorite podcasts I've ever done hello beautiful beings welcome back to the know thyself podcast where every single week we get the honor and privilege to sit down with a brilliant mind to learn more about the true nature of self and the world around us every single week now our guest today is a polymath a world-renowned human behavior expert and internationally bestselling author and speaker and he's helped millions of people around the world break past their own limiting beliefs and reach their full potential this episode is going to be dense so just a note in advance um if you're going to listen and commit to the length of this podcast um bust out a pen and a pad we're going to be exploring the intersection of human values quantum physics the hidden order behind it all human judgment and a lot of things that I think can really support us all as humans live a more liberated experience so Dr John D martini thank you for being here thank you for having me well we are on the know thyself podcast and I would love for you to share a little bit about what that means to you the magnificence of Who You Are is far greater than any fantasies you'll ever put on yourself so giving yourself permission to be yourself is the most liberating most fulfilling most meaningful most productive and inspiring thing a human being can do it's been stated for centuries if not Millennia to know thyself be thyself love thyself and it's true and being honest with who we are and not having having vicissitudes of fluctuation about the facades that we wear liberates us from the bondage of the distractions that most people are trapped in so being true to yourself is the essence of our existence when you look at the words the self the part that's self in there what do you uh what's the extent of self well I think it was schopenhauer even though I've not found the exact quote a quote about a quote it says that we become our true self to the degree that we you know reflect and identify ourselves through all things so really there's no boundary on the real self we tend to um have this illusion of our form but as Plato says there's an ideal form that transcends there's a nominal World beyond the transends and you know the transcendental World beyond the phenomenal world so we become our true self to the degree that we make every everything else oursel and that's the subatomic to the astronomic the old yogic cities were were the uh idea that we're the subatomic world and we're the astronomic world and anywhere in between so I don't know if there's any boundary that we've found at the our microscopes and our telescopes are our boundary the mathematician stepen Wolfram says that we have a bounded awareness and then as we expand that boundary our awareness of ourselves continues to expand I love that so someone ask you who are you when you internalize that question what do you feel like is the most aligned accurate truthful answer of the question who am I well I look at what your life demonstrates and uh if if we if we were to take the Earth and it spins in 86,400 seconds in a day and go one astronomical unit to the Sun and look at the Earth whatever we identify ourselves it becomes an infantes to the sun looking back without a telescope we don't even we're not even perceptible if we go about 26,000 Lighty years 27,000 light years to the Milky Way Center to Sagittarius A and look back at the Sun and then our planet which is nond discernible we're even more infantes if we go to the Lan K supercluster and look at our galaxy or Milky Way which is undiscernible and an infantes smal we're now an infantes smal of an infantes of an infant tessal and then we realize that we're absolutely uh nothingness but yet if we go inside by powers of 10 into the plank dimensional world the the subatomic Quantum world then we become massive so we're everything so we're everything and nothing it's interesting that on the macro scale we're nothing and on the micro scale we're everything we're everything so so uh that's why the paradoxes of language and philosophy and you know compared to philosophy and religion have used all different types of languages and it depends on the perspective so I don't know if there's any boundary micro or macro um we could say we're in the Continuum we're living in a Continuum So within this relative Human Experience a lot of your work has been helping people discover the intersection of human values and identity and so I'd love for you to share a little bit of your framework of why that's such an important topic to unravel right now well when I was 23 and I was starting professional school I was very fascinated by why some people walk their talk and others limp their life why some did what they said and why many didn't and I was trying to discern what was the key in that because I wanted to obviously achieve more and um fill my life more and I distilled it down to human values things that they value and there is a hierarchy of values for people things that are more important to least important in their life things that are higher priority lower priority in my case I have a high value on researching and learning and teaching I have a low value on cooking and driving I haven't cooked since I was 24 and I haven't driven a car in over 30 something years so I learned that if you do things that are high in your value your selfworth goes up if you do things low in your value your self worth Goes Down And if you do things that are high in your value you spontaneously act because you're inspired spontaneously to do it it's uh intrinsically driven and if you do something low on your Valu you need extrinsic motivation and reward to do it and Punishment if you don't do it to get you to do it so obviously identifying what the hierarchy of one's values are it dictates how they perceive decide and act and therefore their Destiny and prioritizing your life liberates you I learned what were the highest priorities for me which is teach research right and travel the world everything else is delegated I have Specialists that take care of everything else I jokingly say even if if I have a girlfriend I tell her I said look I've delegated George Clooney to take care of lovemaking and would you still love me if I delegated that she said I'd love you even more so I delegate everything and do only what I'm really inspired to do which is teach research right and travel the world so that switch from most people perceiving that I need to live a motivated life to I can live an Inspired Life and I can discover what is my calling and then you by discovering that prioritization of values can become uh most effective with how you're using your human energy in this Meats suit for the lifetime that you are in it well your highest value um that is most important highest in priority Aristotle called the Telos and the Telos is the end in mind and the study of the tus was teleology the study of meaning and purpose so the most meaningful the most purposeful the most inspiring the most fulfilling thing a human being can do is to prioritize our life and fill it with the very highest priority thing that's most meaningful so why do anything else why be second why not be first why not live in the highest priority possible so finding out what that is now that could be raising a beautiful child it could be some social cause it could be Fitness it could be exercise education nobody's right or wrong for their hierarchy of values but they're unique and identifying that as liberating and the second you live by the very highest value that's your identity revolves around that your ontological identity your teleological purpose your epistemological pursuit of expertise is around the highest value so finding that is one of the things I specialize in helping people identify what they are intrinsically called to do that highest value is also the purpose and the for that moment and that can evolve but the purpose is the most efficient and effective Pathway to fulfill the greatest amount of voids with the greatest amount of value and the voids are all the things you're too proud or too humbl to admit that you see in the world around you that you're not willing to own own that's why you become yourself to the degree that you own everything at the level of the essence of the Soul nothing's missing in you you've had fulfillment ploma at the level of the existence you have things missing the things that are missing are all the things you've judged in other people that you are too proud or too humbled to admit that you own that you've deflected instead of reflected and so I'm very inspired by helping people identify what they value most where they have the most objectivity the most neutrality the most reflective awareness the most presence and the most empowered state of conscious awareness that's where we have the most as as uh Hegel said it's where the dialectic comes and synthesizes where we have the most spiritual P Pursuit is there an overlap I'm curious what you think about virtue but in terms of how whatever everybody's highest value might be that they discover in life what would you say are the qualities that lead to the most well-being to to the planet because I feel like that's going to be the highest expression of ourselves whether it's teaching or Fitness if we're doing it in the pursuit of service I feel like we get Amplified by the universe and so I'm curious what you feel like that is well each is individually described uh if your mother and your highest value is children and raising a family you'll be dedicated to raising beautiful children uh Rose Kennedy her mission statement I actually had a book given by the Kendy family to an individual that was given to me and it had her handwritten mission statement in it and I it said I dedicate my life to raising a family of world leaders so she was dedicated to being a mother raising family of world leaders other people that may be Fitness or exercise or Building Wealth or building business or serving people socially or whatever I don't judge what it is I don't consider any value system right or wrong everybody projects onto others what they think is right according to their values whatever supports it and whatever challenges they think is wrong but ultimately that's murky because in the in the world there's complete pairs of opposites just like in our body we have the sympathetic and parasympathetic that play complim opposite it so too in the human value systems for every person that's trying to build something there's somebody trying to undermine that to balance it there's a law of aristic escalation the more you get righteous about yours and proud about your Pursuit an equal and opposite Force comes in to keep it balance to keep you back into authenticity because when you're proud you're not your authentic self when you're ashamed you're not your authentic self when you find a balance between those you're authentic when you when you are judging somebody and putting them down and putting yourself up and puffing yourself up and looking down and you're too proud to admit what you see in them inside you that's not your authentic self and when you're shamed and looking up to somebody and minimizing yourself and too humble to admit what you see in them inside you again you're not your authentic self it's only when you see that whatever you see in them the see or the seeing and the scene are the same and you have pure reflective awareness that you have real intimacy that you own everything you see and it's you and nothing's missing in you and now you have fulfillment loving somebody else the Divine in me H honors the Divine in you like Nam Mike drop moment I love that because I I've heard you speak to how when we pedestal somebody up obviously we're going to minimize oursel when we look down we're going to inflate ourself so how in the process of actually integrating that and making that a reality where we catch ourselves when we're admiring somebody or we're feeling Superior to somebody what is the process in real time of integrating that so we can uh you know stop uh living in an illusion well I've been working on that for a while 51 years um the first thing is identify what specific trait physical trait or action or inaction do you perceive this individual displaying or demonstrating that you admire most or despise must and really narrow it down make sure it's not hearsay make sure it's not vague generalities make sure it's not something about how you felt but it's actually their actions make sure it's not transcendental because there's no polar I ation and judgment there and then once you identify what the trait action inaction is then you go inside yourself and you go okay John go to a moment where in when you perceive yourself displaying or demonstrating the same specific trait action in action that you admire to despise in them inside yourself and where are you when you do it when are you when you do it to hold yourself accountably so you activate an episodic memory and then exactly uh who you're doing it to and who is perceiving you doing that so you can lock in with reflection of awareness and also transparency where you do it you can't deny it when you lock that in and you do it again and again and again until the quantity and the quality of what you see in them you own 100% with certainty you've now have reflective awareness and realize that who am I to judge them I'm doing the same thing it was uh Romans 2:1 that basically said in a in a in the New Testament it said to beware of judging because the thing you judge in them is you do the same things and I've been doing that going through reflective awareness like that for many many years and I have yet to find somebody that couldn't find that behavior that they judge because we only judge things on the outside that represent parts of the inside that we haven't loved can you speak into how it's self-judgment really because when you know we could bring a couple examples if somebody feels like they admire how somebody's generous or how somebody's creative and they don't feel like they see that so you're saying have the reflective awareness to where you can see where in the past that you have where and when in time you've demonstrated that same quality um and and that can show you how you do you do have that within you uh but I feel like when it comes to judgment it's a It's tricky because we're it's often happening in an unconscious State well there there is no judgment without unconsciousness right can't if you're fully conscious there's nothing but love you have to be blind and ignorant and unconscious of some part of yourself in order to even have a button to be judging so would you say then all Jud judgment is rooted in self judgment to a degree if life is a miror they Inseparable we only have resentment on something on the outside that represents something we feel ashamed of on the inside that we've dissociated from and gone into a cover up called pride in order to not deny it and then they're the one we're judging and pointing our finger at got three back at ourselves to make us realize that we're judging oursel but we're you projecting it onto them with a false attribution bias and a false causality we blame them for what we're actually feeling when we finally own that and then find the benefits of what they're doing and the benit so we've done it and clear our shame we don't have any resentment to them I've had people that have been resentful to people gone in identified where they've done the same thing to same degree then gone and find out how it served people in the process and they're they went over there and hugged the individual when they're done they didn't even have to go through and find the benefits of the trade because it's just a reflection of themselves how how do you navigate when people feel grief in relation to how they have been judgmental or something that they've done how do you help them them collapse that well if they have the fish that going they're going to be Beyond judgment and they're not going to grow and they're not going to have judgment well then that's their delusion and anytime you compare your current reality to a fantasy and a delusion you're going to beat yourself up because you're having an expectation that you're not going to do that but we all are going to do that because that's what lets us know what we haven't loved and it gives us another opportunity to love some more so we're going to grow if we think that we're beyond that and don't have that then that's another Pride that we just got trapped in and we're doing it at that moment right I I went through the Oxford English Dictionary 39 almost 40 years ago uh cuz I realized that what I was seeing in other people what I was saying to them and particularly emphasizing was for me as much as them so I decided to do a preemptive strike by going into the Oxford dictionary and I went through and I underlined every possible human behavioral trait that I found 4,628 individual traits and I went underlined it and then I went outside on the margins and I thought of who is it that I know that is the most extreme example of that behavior and I wrote their initial and then I started doing the exercise now John go to a moment where in when you perceive yourself displaying or demonstrating that trait until I see that it's 100% equal to all those people that I thought were extreme and I went knowed all 4,628 traits and I realized that no matter what you say about me it's true I'm nice I'm mean I'm kind I'm cruel I'm honest I'm dishonest I'm all the above I'm judging I'm non-judging and then I realized that if I if I meet somebody that has similar values uh they'll call me determined and perseverant and focused and dedicated if I meet somebody with similar values they'll see me pigheaded rigid and and stuck and unwilling to to to alter the same behavior so I'm all those based on the perceptions of people around the world and that's what you're dealing with you're dealing with all those perceptions so when you own all those traits you realize that everybody's just projecting their their own Illusions onto you and all of them are valued and all of them are useful there's that quote I think from coie that says that I'm not what I think I am I'm not what you think I am I am what I think you think I am and I feel like we often times live in this Hall of Mirrors which is the relative Human Experience that we come here in this in this realm of Duality to be able to experience the reflection of others when you kind of zoom out and see the the reflective nature of the human consciousness in relationship uh how do you see that as a process of evolution well as long as we don't dissociate it it's one thing to dissociate and just observe it you know like a transcendental meditation and observe it but you can also use that as an escape instead of growth because instead of going in there and owning it all and being part of it you're just witnessing it and then you say you're not judging it but the second you go back into it you judge it again so you haven't really accomplished anything except the temporary dissociation so I'm a firm believer in transcending it by going in there and finding out how it serves everything is serving ultimately or it would have gone extinct if you look at the way things work if they if it doesn't serve somehow life it goes extinct so if these behaviors that we may have a moral hypocrisy about that we may judge it actually still serves and my job is to go find it I'm a believer that there's a hidden order in the in the world and my job is to find it that's that's my you know when you study uh chaos theory and you study disorder and Order and entropy and neg entropy you'll see that entropy is basically missing information Claude Shannon called it missing information two Nobel Prize winners got their work on information Theory so whenever we are judging we're missing information and we have entropy and we have disorder and we're creating an Impulse towards something or an Instinct away from it so we're extrinsically driven by this perception but the second we go in there and find both sides simultaneously Balan the equation put the yyang symbol together and have a Dows perspective we are automatically seeing that there was nothing but love all else was an illusion and the mind will automatically if it perceives something that challenges it it will automatically dissociate create an anti- memory to counterbalance it to keep it in equilibrium and if we have something that's ecstatic it will create a paranoia in order to come in to balance it out the brain is constantly looking for homeostasis amongst the perturbed world and it's constantly trying to U make us aware that there is a full expression of love when we're fully awakened so I'm a I'm a believer that love is the synthesis and synchronicity of all comprom opposites and we go and judge and the only part of it instead of the whole and therefore we have emotional reactions and let our Miga run our life instead of letting our Executive Center see things objectively and that's where we're human beings on a mission instead of a passionate avoidant seeking mechanism the download is heavy there is so much to unpack there I feel it's like the Journey of the matur intellect is being able to hold Paradox simultaneously simultaneously and the law of polarity which I love in hermeticism speaks to how and also you refer to many times how relief and grief for example are on the same poles of the same magnet that is love that's it and so I would love for you to share a little bit more how paying attention to the polarity and the opposite of something can help you collapse it down into Unicity well if you're addicted to pleasure you're going to be hurt by pain if you're addicted to support you're going to be hurt by challenge anything that you have an infatuation with the opposite is going to be something you resent and you're trying to separate the inseparables divide the indivisibles label the UN lables polarize the unpolarized perspective and what you're doing is you're creating a causality of Separation instead of an acausal state of synchronicity when you see that they're simultaneous you've liberated yourself willhelm want in 1895 in his book and the principles of pschology who a he was basically the father of experimental psychology along with William James but he did it in a different area he basically said that simultaneous contrast liberates and sequential contrast uh polarizes us and makes us in bondage to our misperceptions see what most people do is they get caught in in the law of contrast and he mentioned this so if you take a beaker of water and let's say this Beaker over here is U 40° it's cold and another Beaker of water that's 70 two degre tepid and another beak of water that's 140° hot um if you put a thermometer in each one they give you an objective reading but if you put your hand in there and you hold it there you'll go okay that's about 40° take your hand out let it normalize again put it in this one that's about 72 degre take it out and put it in this one oh that's about 140° you you'll measure it pretty accurately but if you put your hand into the cold water 40° and take it immediately out and stick it into 72 you're swear that it's 90° because you now have a subjective bias because of a contrast if you stick in the 140 and you now stick at the 72 right away you'll think it's 50 degrees you'll think it's colder than it actually is so the second you contrast and judge somebody else relative to you your perspective of yourself just got skewed and now you exaggerate minimize yourself you've lost your thyself you're no longer thyself you now distorted yourself that's why if we compare ourselves to other people and put them on pedestals pits and don't put them in our heart and have equinity and Equity we're automatically going to have a skewed view of who we are and we're going to over we're going to set goals that are too big and Too Short a time frame when we puff oursel up or set two goals goals that are too small and too long a time frame when we beat ourselves up and each one of those are going to give us feedback to set real goals and real time frames that are real objectives so nature is going to force us even if we do judge back into our authentic self by the signs and symptoms of our Psychology and Physiology and sociology and our business feedback it's going to guide us back to the authenticity everything is guiding people to maximize their potential because of the law of efficiency that everything that's going on in life is actually maximizing efficiency but people aren't aware of it and so they're basically keeping imposing moral hypocrisies and expectations that are delusive to try to get them to to live in this ideal fantasy world instead of actually honor the way the magnificence is so it feels like the difference between responding and reacting is just that like and H how are you do you feel like it is our evolutionary path to close that gap between our subjective perspective and objective reality to be able to whether for example the different water temperatures is an example to how we perceive relationships how we perceive any any circumstance that's unfolding in our life to be able to see it fully just for what it is and not distorting it for how we want it to be or how we don't want it to be well our fulfillment is proportional because any time we exaggerate ourselves and minimize somebody that's not accurate that's not accurate the p tion that occurs by the seeking and avoiding responses are not allowing us to be stable stable and present and certain and poised and productive and prioritized and fulfilled so all of those are perturbations that are giving us feedback to let us know we're not seeing things as they are we're seeing things as we have projected some people are familiar with you from your work initially being in the film The Secret which is interesting so the Law of Attraction and how it was kind of distorted and some things I like about the movie and what it opened up for people obviously a lot of other things that I think weren't just accurate representations of how reality really works what do you feel like the Law of Attraction truly is if there is such a thing and the qualities of being able to consciously create life in the way that you want it well I'm uh I've been fascinated by perceptions I wrote a book on perceptual Illusions and how they affected health and wellness back in 1978 and uh fascinated by we have an area of our brain which is called the relay center it's the thalamus the thalamus takes in sensory information from spinal input and also from the brain stem and it passes through this relay station called the pulvinar nuclear which is the front part of the thalmus and then it goes into this uh Corona radiata and internal capsu and goes up into the cortex as it goes up in the cortex it basically filtered and gated information that's selected and that's based on whatever our hierarchy of values are so let's take a 30 5y old woman that's got three children under the age of five and let's walk in a mall and her highest value is those children and she identifies herself teleologically as a as a mother and so she's going to spot in that mall children's education items Children's Health items Children's Entertainment items children's clothes children's uh educ you know anything to do with the child she's going to filter things out she's going to spot that her husband if she's married um let's say he's business oriented because somebody's going to be working and making money to take care of the kids and he's now going to walk in that same Mall he's not going to see all that children stuff he's going to see a computer store he's going to see a book store he's going to see a suit store or whatever that helps him build his business so we filter our reality according to our hierarchy of values and our Thalamus is part of that gating system we'd be overwhelmed by infinitude if we didn't filter it out and get down to the things that are priority so the hierarchy of our values dictates our perceptions by prioritizing things and filtering things up to get us now if we live by our very highest value and we know ourself because our identity revolves around it we have the most efficient filtering and we see the highest probability of synchronicities and things that seem to match our intentions so the secret behind the secret left out of the secret is don't waste your time pursuing something that's not really truly highest on your value which is authentic that means knowing yourself so if you waste your time on those lower party things you're going to think the secret doesn't work you're going to think that I don't see all these synchronicities it's everything's in the way not on the way but if you're living by your highest values you amazingly filter out things and you see the world on the way instead of in the way so that's part of it and then there's no doubt that we have subtle senses that we're learning as the decades go on I mean I've been studying neurology I just finished a new textbook on neurology this week in fact and um what's interesting on neurology is we didn't know about certain senses 50 years ago when I started putting effort into the study of that we didn't even know that we had certain subtle senses and and phonic uh influences and aromatic responses we didn't know we had Quantum entanglements going on inside the brain it looks like there's a lot of knowledge about sensory systems that we now know and I'm sure in another decade in another decade another decade 100 years from now we'll have even more understanding so the subtleties of what we can perceive in our environment the subtleties of our communication systems are getting more profound and so I'm no doubt that we have a res a process also by what our innermost dominant thought is it does become our outermost tangible reality when we prioritize our motor actions and live by highest priority and prioritize our Sentry perceptions and see things no matter what happens how it's helping our highest priority then we are in the flow and we start to see opportunities and take advantage of opportunities and run into the people places things ideas and events in our life to help us manifest our innermost dominant thought so we also have our thoughts almost everybody we did a study back in the 80s in I did did a thousand doctor's offices you know I was Consulting for him back in the 80s and we would go in there and we'd have the patient files we go through all their patient files that have been inactive for six months or longer haven't been in and we'd pull them out and we'd divy them up between the staff members and we'd then read their file look at their primary complaint look about their their family members names look at everything and just study their file 20% within one week would show back up in the office consistently I mean consistently whatever think about we didn't tend to have some sort of connection with they so and so ran into them they called and all of a sudden they something happened and they showed back in the office so there's no doubt that there's a resonation going on we I have my theories about it in Quantum in the quantum world I have my theories about how we telecommunicate in that way but some of them are still murky it happens frequent enough to not ignore but not frequent enough to bet money on but it's it's definitely there but 20% is a pretty high percentage and we definitely watched 20% and we had what they called file day every quarter we' get a bunch of files out we just focus on it to reestablish a relationship with the clients and it works in business that works there so and the same thing almost everybody has you know thought of somebody and go oh they called all of a sudden you know you have these synchronicities in my breakthrough experience program I see this every week I had people I had that was just in Istanbul yesterday and on the weekend this last weekend I had it in Istanbul and uh people said I just finished this exercise to love this individual and overcome any judgments on them and and I haven't talked to them in 11 years they just called me or so and so just I haven't talked to them and I've we broken up we're not talking to each other and then they we're now they they contacted and said let's get together so this happens consistently and it's more than just probability so I mean I've studied probabilistic yeah and it's more than probability I'm excited to dive deeper into those energetic subtleties that you're curious about and that are still maybe a little murky we can speculate on those but I think it's really powerful how you just broke that down and kind of taking away this Law of Attraction from this Mystical Force that brings you what you want just by thinking about it to the tax brass no like I've heard you say that our innermost dominant thought is going to then be our external most tangible reality and that if we go on that pursuit of clarifying what our values are and how that shapes our selective bias attention we're going to continue to see what we want to see and we're going to see more of what we value most and what we're thinking about most so that just I think you wrap that up really beautifully uh because it really becomes an important uh reminder to guard what you allow in your Consciousness what you allow the impressions of your subconscious mind to accumulate because then you're going to start to continually to attract more of that well whatever it is out there I'm a firm believer that there's there's seven questions a person can ask what is it I would absolutely love to do in life uh how can I get handsom and beautifully paid to do it so my vocation vacation are the same what obstacles might I run into and how do I solve them in advance how can I get handsome and beautifully paid to do it in other words and then what are the action steps I can do to make it happen and what worked and what didn't work today how do I do it more effectively and efficiently tomorrow and how did no matter what happened today how did it get me one step closer those are very profound questions to help you increase the probability of achieving what your innermost dominant thought is that's a great reminder just to pause and go back and write those down for the listeners as well those are seven good questions yeah but I'm a firm believer that uh if you get really clear about what you want you're going to increase the probability of achieving it I I'm sometimes when I write out objectives I will spend sometimes hours on that objective that one paragraph of exactly how I want it and I have I have a master planning for life system that I do that I I'm very concise about the wording and um yeah and I'm amazed at how the people places things ideas and events surface to make it happen I mean amazingly and some people go well that's crazy I had a gentleman from Stanford University that heard me speak one time in San Francisco and he says I'd like to he flew all the way to Houston just to meet with me I'd like to help you on your endeavors and and then I told him here's my master plan book uh you better get to know who what I'm up to and what I'm committed to that may not be as in inspiring you just met me at a one talk that's just a small piece of who I am and afterwards he says it's this is not for me this is this is crazy stuff you're you're you're will to do stuff that I mean it's not not realistic what's what's the top thing well he was you I told him that I wanted to do enough of a contribution to have a thousand books write about to what I'm doing I want to write so many hundreds of books I want to do these things and they're happening they're all manifesting you know I've done 300 books so I'm I'm a firm believer that you can do whatever you set your mind to but most people don't want to believe that you can do it because they they limit themselves and then immediately if they can't see themselves doing it they'll try to bring you back to their level to to make it comfortable but you know to be great is to be misunderstood said deerson so just I just say no matter what anybody says to me I'm winning I always know when somebody's criticizing I know somebody's praising if I'm addicted to the praise the criticism is there to get me back into the equilibrium so I know that how to how to center that and um so it doesn't matter what anybody says that the world on the outside is not what matters it's the perception of the world on the outside that matters for those that are listening right now there's going to be some individuals that feel the calling to be the very best that they can in their particular field whether it's basketball or swimming or it's business or it's writing what do you feel like is the I mean we kind of just spoke into it but the qualities of what really allows those individuals because they're so inspired that's going to enable them into such Massive Action to actually be able to attain being the top in their field in the world well you you define what it is you want to be Master at minds and human behavior I want to have the broadest and most in-depth knowledge on the planet ever in history on that field and so I've devoured 30,000 books just for that objective but the purpose of that is because I wanted to find the one thing as Gary Keller says the one thing that I wanted to master and mine happens to be the teaching and researching of human behavior now that may not be of interest to anybody body else but not it doesn't matter to me this is what inspires me so I go and focus on what inspires me what do you think about the shift because I felt into this as well earli on in my journey I've kind of asked what do I want from life and then I feel like it's evolved more and more over the years to what does life want of me and so what do you feel like because you as if teaching is your highest value in some ways do you attribute that to conditioning do you attribute that to a deeper Soul energy that was uh that like life is being able to express itself most effectively through you and your numerology and biology and how you were set up I'm curious how you think our values kind of choose us in a way well uh a little amoeba has endocytosis for food and exocytosis for Waste it's seeking and avoiding so in a sense it has a judgment this is good this is bad this seek this is the void when multicellular systems developed colonies and sponges and Cates and things and then uh you started getting more tissues and organs and eventually EMB iCal development of a human all of those single cells from the zygote through differentiation are basically developing and they're seeking an avoiding mechanism so there's an inherent avoidance and seeking value support challenging system right from the beginning so you're born with it then you're accumulating things as you go along based on bit of conditions that you subordinate to and you don't take on everybody's if you don't subordinate to somebody you don't take in their values if you superordinate you project your values so you're Gathering things in the environment based on who you subordinate to and who you give in to and who you look up to and you take in information so those are accumulating in my particular situation it was a combination I was born with a arm and leg deformity pushed in and I was had to wear braces until I was for so I wanted to be free I want to be out of the braces I was also had a speech impediment so a year and a half I was going to a speech pathologist and I had by the time I was in kindergarten first grade I was told I would never be able to read or write or communicate in never Mount thing go very far in life so I had a void with learning and then I I when I got out of my braces I just wanted to run and I wanted to do some sort of sport so I excelled in in baseball and then also in surfing and so I just I eventually left home when I was 13 years old 14 i h Tri to California 15 I made it to Hawaii and I rode big waves I nearly died at 17 and then I met this teacher Paul C brag who one night in one hour inspired me and made me believe that I could overcome my learning problems someday become intelligent enough to read and write and speak and so that was a void that became a realization that maybe I could overcome that I had to I was convinced I could do it and then with the help of my uh learning to go and read a dictionary I memorized 30 words a day in a dictionary until the dictionary was memorized and I did 20,000 words by memorizing words after day that my mom helped me with I would eventually overcome my my learning processes and I learned how to speak by practicing speaking you learn to play the flute by playing the flute and I just all of a sudden just kept doing it and since I was 18 I've been doing everything I can to to travel the world and to speak so those are all the voids that led to the value that I have that is inspires me today that brings tears to my eyes get to do it every day yeah this is what I this is what I love doing you know yeah me too this is it I'm right there with you yeah I can do this 12 12 uh 12 days a week it's a lot of days um but anything's possible in the quantum world so um yeah it it's I feel the Gratitude and the emotion that comes up when you're you're sharing your story and it feels like whatever people believe karmically or energetically like life gives us challenges that then become the way into us living a most purpose-driven life yeah well everything is a feedback system and and a challenge is perceptual anyway I've had people that thought they had challenges I can I share a story please so I had this this guy and this is just about a year and a half ago yeah something like a year and a half he's driving down the highway in South Africa he owns a major company very wealthy guy and he's driving his fancy car and four cars come up around him stop him on the freeway get out bang out his window with guns and machine guns pulled him out put a thing over his head stuck him in a trunk and drove off left his car on the highway uh said that uh he need to come up with a large sum of money millions of doar in order to see his family alive and him alive so he had a a ransom and uh so he finally raised the money to get that cuz he resisted got beaten a bit family threatened finally got released and had to walk a long way and finally make it back home and gave him a large sum of money and I I um he'd been going to some therapist for a while you know post-traumatic stress disorder they gave it all those are titles and labels that people because they don't know what they're doing most of the case so I basically said I asked him a simple question so go to the moment when you were traumatized and you were challenged well the moment they came and knocked out the window I said okay and then they put in the trunk I said great go to that moment I said what did you experience go to that moment and what did you actually let's look at your senses and all your modalities sub modality distinctions let's look at the senses well I was in a fumed back back trunk I was constrained I was had to barely breathe and that smelled terrible and um I didn't know if I was going to live and I felt tightened and I couldn't move and I wanted to urinate and UND defecate and I couldn't do anything and I was just trapped there for 5 and a half hours I said great so go to the actual Moment One by moment the first moment that happens your mind will never have trauma or tragedy or turmoil or terrible or torture without dissociating in a freeze response and creating ecstasy and Utopia and Euphoria and other thing excitement Elation so at that moment in order to balance out the brain for homo stasis the EI ratio comes to balance how did what what was in the mind at that moment so go to that moment let's go and let's find out what the Mind did and it dissociated and he was running through a field holding his children and wife's hands fresh air butterflies free liberated every psychological iconic symbol that he had accumulated from his life that was the opposite of what he was doing his brain brought in as an anti-memory simultaneously to liberate him from this so he could integrate the pairs of oppos so we could have a moment of Love even in that moment so in that moment he thought was trauma in that moment I brought him to a tear of gratitude he goes wow that was the moment I made a decision that I really Lov My Wife and Kids I've been so focused on my business so dramatically you know intense on my business I've neglected my wife haven't put focus on her didn't to hardly see the kids at that moment I realized that I had been sitting on the The Edge and my wife was almost ready for a divorce I was having hypertension and I was basically not taking care of my health I'd gained weight because I was eating crap and I and I and at that moment I got to see how much they were meant to me and it brought me a tear of gratitude the moment I saw that I said okay and let's go frame by frame by frame I took frame by frame in the Stream of Consciousness I took frame by frame by frame and found out the opposite of whatever was perceiving when he was through he he goes I didn't have torture I had torture and ecstasy trauma and Elation both of them were there simultaneous I said exactly your mind has systems of homeostasis that most people don't realize they're unconscious of the other side and they label it that and they think it's a trauma and they change it and they run the story and become victim of History instead of Master Of Destiny so at that moment what was the benefits of that now he says I got my family back he cried I got to know I love my children like I've never loved before during the time I was away from my office my team which I've been trying to push uphill to try to take command which I kept interfering with I got out of the way they Rose the occasion and during that time my business made more money than the ransom and now my business is running itself I have part-time with my family I'm going places doing things with them and my business is making me more income if it hadn't been for that experience I wouldn't have got those things I would have been probably divorced undermine the thing had a absolute crazy time with the with my company dividing it up this was actually a gift I said exactly I said can you see you were unconsciously sensing intuitively that they were you were on the edge he goes I was it says I got my health back I've lost a bunch of weight CU that happened I'm now doing yoga and meditation I'm now with my wife we're we're like peas and a pod I said how much would you have paid to have that he says more could you have gotten that with a consultant otherwise no so this is one of the greatest Consultants you ever had yes he says I feel like I want to go and find those guys and thank them I said now you're seeing things as they are not as Society has labeled damn because moral hypocrisies tend to impose fantasy idealisms about how we're supposed to be one-sided you know we're but we don't need to get of any part of oursel to love oursel but we're trying to get rid of the side that we think is the shadow side but the shadow is just as essential as the other and we I'm trying to teach people how to love their wholeness and realize that you're all things you know you're a hero and a villain and a saint and a sinner and a all polarities woven together and and that's what love is it's a synthesis synchronous of all possible behavioral experiences and I want people to understand that to help them Empower their life because as long as they're trying to get rid of some part of themselves that's going to be the thing that's going to undermine and the very thing that they're going to point their finger at other people to push their buttons to keep them playing small wow that was that was so powerful and I can I can just feel all the listeners right now relating to their own trauma or challenges and how they could feel into that and go through that same method and be able to see how it was actually get don't don't let some psych psycho Babble get get in the way of your your your power I had a young boy this boy is is told by his therapist and his counselor his teacher and his mother um and all the Specialists and things like that that he's because he was an adopted child and because he was sort of an orphan for a while and is you know abandoned and all they put all these labels on that and they said well the reason why he's having problems because of this and they had a dysfunctional family and all that I said that's so trivial it's so dark age I said to the I said can I have your you're young boy here and I yeah I said you know how to use the internet yep you know how to get on the phone and look stuff up yep I said ' let go look something up together I look on there I said' go look up the celebrities the people have made a massive difference in the world that start out as orphans like Sir Isaac Newton his father died on when he was born his mother left him for a while he was he was left an apothecary place with this guy to to and and raised that way so he didn't have a father and he didn't really have a mother for a long period of time and Sir Isaac Newton was born in prin cppi was done one of the greatest scientific treaties on gravitational forces so but went through there and we found 700 celebrities and I then I said looked up some of these guys and gals and see I said you're in this category and he completely shifted from being a victim of History to a master of Destiny just shifted he said I am special I've been gifted with an exact starting point that I needed to do something amazing like these people so you know we we can be victims of history or master of Destiny I'm a firm believer when people come to my program and they come to the Breakthrough experience they want to run their story I stop them in the story stop the story let's reframe it I guarantee you when their story is over this weekend you're not going to have that original story it's over with because it's bull it's all bull it's just that we we've been caught in moral hypocrisies there's a great little video online that's by a priest and it basically says that U you know that religion is in the control business it's in the guilt producing control business by creating a moral hypocrisy that some people are supposed to live by but nobody can and they're trying to be a one ided individual oh get rid of the negativity and only be positive get rid of the the war and get only peace but the Global Peace Index it's monitoring Global Peace and War around the planet if you look at it very carefully it's always balanced but people live in a fantasy they're going to get a one-sided world and that addiction to one side makes the other side the subdiction and they're splitting themselves apart trying to get as the Buddhist says a desire for that which is unobtainable and the desire to avoid that which is unavoidable is a source of human suffering so our passionate pursuit of a one-sided world is a source of our suffering and the moral hypocrisies breeded and it's a way that political and Theological systems can control people so they have control and power and if you don't Empower your life you're going to be overpowered by the external world so I'm I'm interested in helping people reclaim their their integration of opposites and own all parts of themselves and not try to get rid of any part of themselves and love all of it because if you do you can be yourself you can't be yourself if you're trying to get rid of half of yourself yeah embracing the full spectrum why what you just shared to me feels like the epitome of like the ultimate expression of love and of course still making space for the humanity in us and the the suffering that is our relative experience in the moments of the trauma of course but then when it's decades removed years remov and even you can go to moments removed and and where it happens in real time yeah but but even the you know they say that um if you the wisdom of the ages without the aging process is what I'm interested in I'm I'm not interested in entropy and having causality in aging process when people I had a a lady that was in in one of my programs in Houston and she was on the phone with her father and um it was during a break in one of my seminars and all of a sudden the father shot himself killed himself we heard the gun go off just shocked everybody she just sat there and turned white and just started just couldn't even move oh and she then finally said my father just shot himself and the whole room is looking at me what do we do I said bring her up here there's a process we do on how to deal with grief take care of it this is a a fresh opportunity to do this and people say well doesn't she need to mourn I said absolutely not wow I said the only reason people mourn is because they don't know they don't know how to process and we were doing people only grieve the loss of the parts they were infatuated with they never grieve the loss of the parts they resented when if you I've done 5,000 death processes and grief processes and when somebody comes and so I'm grieving the loss of somebody I said yeah let's make a list of what you're grieving the loss of it's always the smiles their their conversations their hugs their cooking their sense of humor you know all the things that supported your values you they don't say I'm missing their farts I'm missing their screaming I'm missing their hair in the sink I miss they don't miss that they only miss the things that supported their values that made dopamine and oxytocin and vasopressin and the en endorphins and endorphins so the second you make them aware of the other side and balance the equation then they see the whole person and then you find out what's the downside of that because every you admire also has a downside you meet this guy and you think he's oh he's highly intelligent or something but then you find out he's argumentive he knows it all he doesn't listen there's downsides he's very goodlook but now when you're making love with him he's looking at himself in the mirror and he thinks he's you know a stud or something like that and all the girls are doing he's looking at them distracted and he's got plenty of girlfriends everything has two sides and so if you choose to be addicted to a fantasy and hold on to it it's your fantasy that's being broken and that's what your grief is and so when you actually love somebody for both sides they become present and you feel there and you Grace with them and they're not gone and I can prove that I've done that in settings in Christ Church earthquake I've done that in in ishn namaki tunami I did that in another earthquake in Japan I've done it at kale University they did research and they we showed this I mean I've been doing this for since 1976 I started working on this and I am certain that that can be dissolved and people don't have to have grief nobody has to have grief more than 3 hours on this planet even right now I'm working right now in Palestinian and and Israeli people they're contacting and I'm showing them how to dissolve the grief of the loss of loved ones and stuff like that and people don't know that's possible they're so used to the program that you do you grieve over the loss but I first in 1976 when I was in El Salvador surfing in El Salvador I saw a celebration of 300 people celebrating the death of the mayor and I went well in in Greece they wear black for two years and They Mourn over here they're celebrating and they go in the freeing of the spirit they're having a party and I thought hm this is a social construct so I've started working on what exactly is this grief and relief polarity back in 76 by 1984 I had a model for that and it's been working ever since it's very powerful yeah there's so much there what you one thing that you said that really stuck out is that grief is our fantasy being broken yeah and I think it's a withdrawal Sy from internal drugs yeah and it can be it can be sad to realize that especially in relationships and romantic Partnerships we often what we think is love is infatuation and that we're in love with uh the perception that we have of somebody and we're not actually relating to them as a being yeah most people are having affairs with a fantasy and then punishing the individual and then wonder why they W have an affair because they want to be L for they are a lot of fantasies out there and some people will start out with the fantasies and gradually work their way to finally love somebody if they're smart yeah but if they're not they just go off to the next fantasy and then then think that all men are this way or all women are this way instead of actually realiz it it's their delusion that they're being smacked they're getting you know nature is B basically breaking fantasies all fantasies are designed to be broken and you you think they're broken hearts they're not they're broken fantasies we're so programmed to think that love is a fatuation and I'm just curious for you is it just a process of of rewiring to be able to whenever you come into relation with another being to have it be an expression of love and not trying to extract love essentially I was just with two girls having dinner the other night um well girls they're I'm 69 years old so girls are now 50s yeah but girls and uh and so it's interesting um they were having a boyfriend issues you look great for 69 by the way holy oh yeah 69 that's my best year I think 69 is the best year so so anyway so this um these two girls are there and they're talking about their boyfriends and how they you know brokenhearted about about these boyfriends and that they're infatuated and stuff and I I said let's go to a moment when you're infatuated you're admiring some trait what specific trait actually in action do you perceive this individual displaying or demonstrating that you admire most good okay got it at that moment you got the vision now go to a moment when they're just opposite of that because when you're looking for a mate you're not going to get a one-sided mate you're going to get nice and mean and kind and cruel and positive and negative and support and Challenge and honest and dishonest and loyal and betrayal you're going to get all if you think you're going to get one and then you're not ready for the other then you're immature and you're not really you're SE searching for a fantasy instead of a true objective that's love so I basically showed her go to the moment when he does this the opposite and she goes okay go the next moment that did this we calm down their infatuation because when she's infatuated she's going to start sacrificing what's most important to her in order to be with him for fear of loss because whatever you infatuate you fear the loss of whatever you resent you fear the gain of and you're living in fear of your own creation so if you go in there and find out where he's the other side you calm down the infatuation you reclaim your power you start allowing yourself to have a fair exchange and a sustainable Fair exchange is what people want in a relationship so I made them crack their Fantasy on the spot and they go I'm not so infatuate with him I said I know she goes and I'm not frighten or losing him I know now you're able to be objective when you're in this relationship because you were sacrificing your say yeah I was I I mean I basically gave into him on a whole bunch of things I really didn't want to do and I said exactly cuz you're in fatuated and the infatuation isn't him it's the fantasy you made him he's he's both of those but you're blind you're unconscious of the downside when you're infatuate you're unconscious of The Upside when you're resentful again just so powerful so much to reflect on there I I'm paraphrasing but I heard Romas once say something to the lines of self-righteousness is one of the last gates to the inner heaven and I feel like we tend to cling on to our own inadequacies and we feel sense of of righteousness around them and so I'm curious what you feel about self-righteousness this inner urge to be right and how you relate to that well it's an Amiga response the Amiga wants to avoid pain and seek pleasure so it avoid it wants to avoid predator and seek prey so anything that challenges values it wants to avoid anything that it supports its values it wants to seek so it has the fear of loss of Pride that's why it cover our face if we do something shameful and we you know cover our face and show off our face if we were proud so it's the Amiga that's addicted to Pride and subed from shame and it's the Amiga that's addicted to fantasies and subed from nightmares so it's our Amiga that traps us and because we're ungoverned but the forbrain whenever we live by our highest priorities the blood glucose noxin goes into the forebrain activates the medial prefrontal cortex that area of the brain has little nerve fibers that go down into the Amiga the nucleus acumin and the habenula and basically with GL glutamate and Gaba they go in there and neutralize the impulses and instincts and so we're self-governed and we're not impulsive searching for a fantasy and you know instinctual to avoid pain so if we live By Priority we have less probability of Pride and shame we're more humble we we understand both side we're we realize we're a hero and villain we're not denying ourselves we have more reflective awareness I when I went through the dictionary many years ago almost 40 years ago and I saw that I had all the above I go so who am I to rise above or below I've got it all and that's fulfillment but our society wants you to get rid of half of it you're supposed to be nice not mean not cruel your grandmother goes along and tells you as a child right now be nice don't be mean be kind Don't Be Cruel be positive don't be negative be generous don't be stingy and then she goes and beats Grandpa up 5 seconds later and says where's the money you know it's hypocrisy so the moral hypocrisies are what most people are trapped by and they usually come from politicians and Theological background because if you're not governing yourself psychologically and physiologically and having autotel which is an internal feedback system realizing that everything that's going on in your physiology psychology is teaching you your mission in life and having a homeostatic Focus you're going to be governed by the external World anything that's not governed from within gets governed from without so anytime you're basically in judging somebody you're going to be outside governed politics and religion going to run you yeah that's mass media social media instead of Master media the master media is the perennial philosophy that stood the test of time which is symmetry proportion and Order and P elegant mathematical expression of the perfect balance of life yeah I want to go into negentropy in a second here uh but I I do want to touch on one thing which is when we were talking about this in The Human Experience how we relate with other individuals and then we also look on the macro scale it's interesting that you brought up the Peace Index that that's roughly been balanced because it feels definitely especially if you tune in online like it's World War III is upon us things are getting extremely heated and understandably so what do you feel about as Awakening and the awareness on this planet is growing the light of the awareness is growing so too does the opportunity for the shadow that that casts and so it kind of has to R grow on both poles right um so how do you see that balance a particle of light has no real antiparticle other than light it's the particle and antiparticles as Paul Direct in his principles of economics 1947 he basically described that if you take a a photon and put it in a cloud chamber you get a positron electron the world of pairs of opposites is in the the firon world not the Bon world as they say in physics so in that area that's where the polarities are so peace and War U there's external peace and War and then there's internal peace internal peace is when you Embrace both external peace and War when you see that there there's an order to them see right now you had recently you had I think a 10,000 or 20,000 rabbis sitting at the whing wall all joined together and the biggest thing all working towards peace and there's groups of people over the world you know meditating on peace around the world as Wars going on but if you look if you really look carefully you're going to see peace and War always balanced and the Global Peace Index measures 99.7% out of 23 parameters and every 997 99.7% of the population is governed by 23 parameters that are determined whether there's peace and War in a country and it measures it and every year it reports what's going on and it's always fluctuating around a mean of perfect balance of balance of peace and War and if you go to look at Europe in the last 1,000 years there's a video online you can go on and it shows the Border walls changing through Europe over the last thousand years it's you can get one on different parts of the world but just a European one and you'll show that there's about 5,000 different little Wars going on during that time and a thousand of them there's Wars going on in peace and war going on all times you have a sympathetic nervous system for cont for for breaking things down catabolism you've got a parasympathetic for building things up anabolism build and destroy we're designed for both and maximum growth and development occurs at the border of it if we get anabolism and we get support we become juvenile dependent imagine if you give somebody support support support and they have no accountabilities no responsibilities no challenges they become juven dependent and they're not ready to handle life and what happens they have gluttony and they overeat and they you know they get parasympathetic over overload and if you get sympathetic you get you know the parasym is the Predator that's now attacking you break things down you get eaten you get emaciated starve you you need both and maximum growth occurs at the board of support and challenge the peace and War so love is the synthesis of that that's why the person you love if you look at it sometimes you think they're killing you and sometimes you think they're saving your life they're building you up and baiting you up if you come home cocky they're going to bring you down if you come home humble they're going to lift you up they're going to do whatever it takes to keep you authentic and everything on the planet is teaching people how to be authentic when a culture gets proud and thinks it's Superior it gets nailed when it goes down it gets humbled it gets lifted up and right now you're seeing Global Dynamics escalating on showing peace and War on ever greater scales so so we we we're going to have peace and war going on regardless and in our own life I was speaking at a peace conference in Austria and there were 200 leaders there and I asked um this question this is a peace conference everybody's living in a fantasy of one side and I basically said I said um how many of you here at this peace conference and there's there's media there the D Lamas there there's a lot of interesting characters there and I said how many of you have moments of inner peace all put their hand up peacefully the whole room had their hand up I said how many of you have moments of inner turmoil and conflict and people were looking around to see if that was okay to do that in a social setting okay social pressure and they kind of was like this and I said I certainly do and the second I did that people start put in up and then the whole room put up I said so you have moments of calm and moments of turmoil they go yes I said okay isn't that true yes can you admit that you're living in a fantasy here because we're a bunch of people trying to promote this one-sided world and you and this is a conference you don't want to show them that you have conflict is that what it is you're to facade right now you're repressing a part and suppressing it yeah I said now when you get married and you find your mate you get total fin finally get total peace don't you and of course they start laughing and they go but you have moments of peace and then moments of turmoil I said how many of you have a mate and have moments of peace and moments of turmoil I'll go um yes I said when you have moments of Peace you sometimes go humpy pumpy and you end up having a child and when you have a child would you agree you have total peace then and everybody started laughing go no I said no you have moments of calm and moments of turmoil moments of Peace moments of of inner conflict and Challenge and agreements and disagreements I said good now when you get with your family and your sisters or brother's family at a family reunion is there total peace no that you have a comary opposite values in a family the summation of all the values in a family cancel each other so you have a brother or sister that's like your anti particle I said they have a different value and what you think is important they don't think is important they think it's silly and so these are all pairs of opposites I said now can you see there's both times of calm and Times of turmoil in the family and they go yes and at work you have times of calm and Times of turmoil and clicks and groups that have support and challenge yes where is World Peace supposed to happen come on get real it's necessary for us to grow and have most support and Challenge on ever greater scales and the people that have internal conflict are the ones that want outer peace and the people that have internal peace like to stir up things and be tricksters to people they like to joke and and stir things up so these are two pairs of the human nature why we have a sympathetic and parasympathetic why we have mitosis and apoptosis why we have anabolic and catabolic why we have reduction in oxidation all pairs of opposites are necessary and the synthesis that is what love is and love demands transformation in order for us to to evolve in a world that that's transforming in an astronomical environment as we go around the Milky Way we must have build and destroy peace and War mechanisms in order to evolve and that's what evolving is evolution is transformative not one-sided it can't have Bill without destroy you can't have a building built without destroying some part of nature in order to build that building so renovation and and Rejuvenation and Innovation all come from a build and destroy mechanism it feels like uh this perspective that we've been exploring is incredibly liberating and it can be held simultaneously while honoring the suffering of uh somebody's experience right it can well the Suffering The Suffering is is the inability to see both sides simultaneously you know I have people that have been uh gone through all kind of things like the guy in the the trauma or whatever person that's been beaten or whatever I take them and I go into that moment I had a lady in London who was 16 years old uh well she was 19 when I met her but she was traumatized at 16 she's standing on the corner with four of her friends and um one of them was a boy that she kind of had a crush on and the other just friends and there and it's on a kind of a a sidewalk where there's a little bit of a null and then it goes down to the street there a there's a curb there and they're smoking pot and they're just sitting there and they're teenagers 16 years old doing you know getting high or whatever and all of a sudden a car comes up and a guy rolls down a window and he says we're look we're lost can you help us find the street so the girl walks down this null down and when the she gets down close she gets really close can you say that again and he grabs her opens up the door and grabs her and tries to pull her in the thing the tall guy that she had a crush on reached and lunged for and grabbed her legs and they were dragged literally down the street and finally they let go of her and she scraped on the high on the sidewalk and I said so she's traumatized she's got three years of anxiety s her taking medication put a label on it victim of History trauma I said good go to that moment when you had that what did you perceive I was being held down good at that exact moment who was trying to lift you up the boy that I had a crush on okay good and they were yelling and screaming at you and pulling you forcing you and constraining you yeah who's trying to set you free my friends and my boyfriend I went in and put the pair of opposites in her perception in balance and put him until each moment got a tear gratitude which is a moment of authenticity when you have a Eureka moment of aha the gamma synchronicities in the brain fire up and there's a synchronicity that goes on in the brain it's a balance of the autonomics it's a autonomic regulation and it's a sign of authenticity knowing yourself and I basically went through each of those frames just like I did the guy that was traumatized supposedly by this attack and when she got through she was not traumatized she didn't have a label she realized that she had an unconscious motive to get the guy as she wanted and she got it and these people helped her get her goal and she realized that and she wasn't even angry at him now cuz she's realized that she got her objective that guy stayed the entire night right took her to the hospital was there for her went home with her stayed there at the house made sure she was safe they've been together and they haven't been a part since that time for three years and she goes I got my boyfriend so she she's she started out that that was trauma everybody labeled it trauma everybody labeled that's a challenging terrible event no it's an event it's an event and if you buy into the event and put a label on it you'll be trapped as a victim of History instead of a master of Destiny I can ask new sets of questions the quality of your life space and the qu the questions you ask if you ask new sets of questions I can take that same event transform it into something you're grateful for and get on with your life master of Destiny so I don't want to label something suffering if you look at the word passion it comes from Pati or Paia and it's a Latin term and it means to suffer right most people don't realize it so find your passion get passionate have compassion what it means is to have suffering and have suffer with somebody but the only people that suffer with somebody are people who have also been wounded that haven't neutralized and balanc their own experience so they're sympathizing with the person go oh I understand because I'm still suffering but that's not masterful life going in there and finding out the order to it and liberating yourself from it and finding how it's a moment of love and then helping people objectively come to reason in their in their own experience is transforming the suffering and helping people actually get on and be fulfilled and that's why Emerson said in one of his quotes and says I I like to hit them with rough electric shocks and break their delusion of suffering and help them see the Magnificent the hidden order that's in the apparent chaos beautiful what I got from that is and I would love to hear if you agree that suffering is our inability to perceive the balance of opposites that's it at the same time and that's what the brain is doing the brain we we've been taught so much misinformation it's not that we don't know so much we know so much that isn't so Paul dra said that and that started me on a New Journey back way back when I was 18 what exactly is the hidden order in our apparent chaos you know Einstein did a great thing and liess did something amazing uh he had 20 of his students uh in his class and he said now here's a a piece of paper I want you to write 20 random Dot on it just 20 random dots but know the sequence of the dots so put them in sequence and make them as random as you can and then he hand turned in the piece of paper and he put a cartisian grid on an X and Y axis on it and then he looked at all the dots and the sequence of it and he wrote a formula the function of X ver relative to Y and then hand it back and let him chart out the thing and they came up with that sequence and they go how did you take our random event and found a hidden order and he says well I'm a mathematician that's my job that really stuck in my brain at 18 years old reading his book on discourse on metaphysics then I started to look at Einstein's his work on browni and movement and that if you take ditch water and you find this little debris in it it moves around in these Brownian movements these random movements and if you only get it down and filter it out and you only have one movement you can actually Trace that movement to figure it out you put two in there it's harder to discern but you can trace it out but there's factorials when you have two you have it's two times more complex you have three particles you have six times complex four it's 24 times complex five it's 120 times complex six it's got 720 times complex by factorials so the mathematical idea of entropy is a mathematical progression so the complexity is so overwhelming that most of our algorithms don't know how to do it but step wol from and the mathematician said that it's the boundary of our comprehension that's labeling something entropic and labeling it and actually there may be neg entropy but we call it entropy because we don't know the algorithms yet but we look back in the last 60 years since since I've been doing this 51 years and studying the number of algorithms have taken things we once thought were random are no longer random and so another 10 years and 20 years and 100 years things we think are random may not be random and my mission has been how to find the hidden order in the apparent chaos since I was 18 so 51 years of research on that so let's dive a little bit deeper here since we're we're here there is the second law of Thermodynamics which is entropy that across the era of time things will continually progress into more and more chaos and the all alternative copy or negentropy is going to be the arrow of time going backwards from future to past and so how do you see that there is a an intelligence you can perceive it that way and there's an intelligent mind in all things that is orchestrating not just from order to chaos but chaos to order because obviously we we're all here and it took a lot of order and intelligence to get to this point well fapi Luigi fapi talk about this many decades ago he believed that there was a balance of those and that we just don't see it and uh when they first started coming up with entropy back in colaus and and thermodynamics uh the second law they thought that life was negentropic you know Urban schinger in 1935 wrote a book on that on what is life it's negentropic it's the opposite of entropy but they assumed that we were going neg entropy temporarily in a system run by the Sun that we're getting energy from but the sun is going through entropy so therefore the overall thing is going through entropy but we tend to be far from equilibrium thermodynamics and going temporarily into neg entropy so they just ruled it out and said it's still entropy that's the ruling law but then they started to find out that the solar system had order and they start well where's that coming from well that comes from the Galaxy well then the Galaxy they found out had hidden order in it they were self-organizing systems so then where is that coming from well that comes from the Galaxy clusters and the Super Galaxy clusters okay where's that come from well that comes from the Big Bang okay where's do the Big Bang come from well it was just order and it runs out of a little it kind of dead ends and we don't we just a mystery we don't understand we don't know the origin of it because there's something that has no time right that's the theory anyway but this is a copout and now as you saw two and a half weeks ago they announced a new law they just acknowledged a new law in biology now it's basically challenging entropy just two weeks ago so I've never been satisfied with entropy I do not believe that that's the final story and wolfrom also says it's basically computational boundaries and it's our computational boundaries that's keeping us in the belief that there's entropy and we are basically in a mechanistic materialistic basically physicalist view uh a reductionistic view that's making us think that we're afraid of the other because it's it's almost teleological and teleology because it's been associated with pseudo religion has been a negation from science because we have to make it empirical but empirical has all kind of Illusions there's over 18 biases that affect empirical studies but we still have this U bias towards that the empirical bias so we use that we assume that's it and that's the best we got uh but I don't think that's the full answer and I and feel certain that in another Century we'll have even more uh a higher boundary where we are on computation and we'll see hidden order in more and more of the chaos so I'm a firm believer that in as the centuries go on that law will be eventually kind of changed and modified into a balance of entropy and negentropy and that life and death you might because one's Called Death physics entropy is death physics neg entropy is life physics those two have to have a balancing act and they will I think they will I think our model right now of cosmology the so-called Big Bang is absolutely incomplete I've been I wrote a big textbook two volume textbook on cosmology and debunked it with 10 79 reputations on The Big Bang Theory but that's what's popular and it's like a religion it's what's popular in science mhm so what is your view on like the The panus View uh that there's an intelligent living mind within all things and also goes hand inand with hermetic philosophy in the first principle um of mentalism mind yeah all is mind there's it's there's challenges when you get down to the quantum level but even Freeman Dyson at who used to be at the Institute of advanced studies at Princeton who I've spent time with uh he he believed in a pan psychic Universe the list of people who are in pan psychics are pretty impressive there's a good thousand names I could rattle off on the pan psychic world so we can't prove it or disprove it yet but we we certainly can't completely rule it out I really believe that there's something there and I believe that uh the the farther we go even nuk mon monu whatever his name was the guy the Nobel Prize winner for found the the virus HIV virus you know he was doing work on memory of water water memory and they thought it was crazy and thought it was wild but he found out that some sort of fields around DNA were giving off fields and it was stored in water and that maybe maybe that's occurring I'm finishing up a textbook right now on the origin of life again and um another one and I I'm when we look at the hydrothermal vents and the compartments of sulfur hydrogen and iron compounds in order to create the first RNA and this and that all those models if you take Luke's work and put water in there there's a common denominator water maybe there's a field in there and maybe that field is more Universal than we realize and so then there may be a pan psychic field that's that's there so I can't rule it out yet I can't say that's what it is I can't rule it out but I do believe that it's the our materialistic view is basically curtailed right now and it's got a boundary on it we we have to keep open so what do you see is the cross-section because you studied so many of theologies right and what is the correlation between the potential hidden order in in cosmology and the hidden order in human behavior because I know you studied the inter they're the same principles same thing you know I would say that we live in in a universe with an infinite number of pairs of opposites at all scales of existence for eternity and there's no beginning or an end on it the idea of a beginning or an end is is partly our own projection of our own finite thinking of our Amiga our cosmology is limited by our own thinking just like religion if you study religion if you you look at it it start out a geomorphic went to zoomorphic went to anthromorphic and goes on and on and on and it's basically our phobias and our Filas and our dis associations from what's frightened us to creating these artificial systems of religion but ultimately it goes through the development of the brain until it reached the most abstract level of the highest IQ which is pure mathematics of expression and even the mathematics it's a symmetry of all pairs of opposites that's the highest religious construct if love is a synthesis secret of opposites that's the ultimate religious experience but that's also the ultimate science experience the symmetry of opposites is which the particle accelerators are helping us realize True Religion and true science I don't believe fight it's a pseud of religion and the bias Sciences they fight that's a powerful reminder because you you're applying the scientific approach to human behavior in many ways as you do on the cosmological scale as well and um I I feel and I feel like many people do in the next coming decades and Century that there will be somewhat of a more uni unified understanding of Science and spirit and they're that they're the same same thing I don't think there's any real difference uh you know when you meet somebody and you resent them and you puff yourself up and proud and you project your values on them and try to live in your values you have futility and so the futility humbles you to come out of the pride and go back into authenticity when you look up to somebody and put them on a pedestal and infatuate with him and you're conscious of their upsides unconscious of their downsides and conscious of your downsides unconscious your upside and too humble to admit what you see in them is inside you you're blind and ignorant of both when the process of doing it when you look up you eventually get resentful to them because you've sacrificed feudly to them and built up resentment to eventually go I want my life back so nature automatically has built in systems to make sure we're brought back to the true self and knowledge when you're in fat with you don't know somebody when you're resentful you don't know somebody you only know somebody when you really love somebody and see both sides simultaneous L and are poised and present and productive and powerful and prioritized and really present and purposeful at that moment with them that's when you know somebody so you don't know somebody until you love them so I I'm a firm believer that that's the ultimate omnipresence omniessence and omnipotence is love that's the ultimate objective the journey from Judge to lement lement the journey from why not it's the integration in the mind to make it happen it's a the transcendental spiritual experience is is still a mental equinity it's equinity of the mind it's objectivity of the mind it's a synthesis and synchronous of the mind it's a it's the dialectic and it's and it's simultaneous dialectic no matter what we call it no matter what our language is it's still the synthesis of the mind because it's our mind that's giving us our experience the journey from judgment to love I've heard you speak to the kind of three qualities that make it even possible for us to judge for example an action and an action or a trait you want to speak into anything there as well cuz that's a very powerful reminder yeah I after going through millions of people taking them through the the Judgment process um we've narrowed down to those three things it's a physical trait I I admire or despise their big nose or their ears or their butt or their boobs or they're this there's physical traits that they go when when a guy and a girl meet each other they're ruling people in and or out based on these physical traits that's a judgment and we I I like those teeth I don't like those teeth I like those eyes I don't like those eyes there's are physical traits then there's also some action they did with their motor actions and inactions too much or too little of some motor action or inaction commission Omission we judge in law commission Omission so it's traits actions inactions those are things physical and characterological traits as well right well character breakdown character it's one of those three your behavior is your behavior is a movement right it's a behavior when you judge people you have a false anytime you're proud you have a false causality that you assume that with your actions you have caused through somebody else's perception more advantage and disadvantage more positive and negative more gain and loss more you know advantage to them than disadvantage the second you do you have a false causality because they actually had both pain and pleasure in your action and they may not have seen it you may not have seen it you're both under illusion you're going to they're going to blame oh I'm so happy when I'm around that person these people oh I'm I'm so good I'm and these are delusions and the same thing when you're shamed you're assuming that you caused them with your actions more pain and pleasure more loss and gain more negative and positive more disadvantage and advantage and if those people buy into it and you buy into it you feel ashamed and they feel resentful and these are all Illusions and all those can be neutralized by asking quality questions that hold you accountable accountability is being able to ask the questions that allow you to liberate yourself from those emotional bondages those false causalities false attribution bias which was called the karmic wheel in in Buddhism that's all the karmic will is it's the causalities that we falsely attribute to ourselves or from other people people and and uh so when we actually see them simultaneously and there's nothing but love there and they're perfectly balanced we're on the dharmic path that's the path of of uh the bodh SATA yeah the light the path of wisdom path of wisdom what is wisdom in your eyes it can obviously be cultivated irrespective of age I feel like of course experience will give us opportunities to reflect and cultivate that wisdom you may be you may not be distorted by the raising being raised you may be as a young child be more aware yeah and then you get taught that which isn't so yeah as long as you touch that Timeless place within you then you have access to wisdom right and so is there anything else you want to share in how wisdom can be cultivated irrespective it's the same as what I'm describing wisdom and love are inseparable if you look at my my cuff Lings they say wisdom and love love it I was told when I was 14 years old I met Howard Hughes and Howard Hughes told me that there's the only two things they can never take away from you is your love and wisdom so dedicate your life to love the love of wisdom and the wisdom of love and he told me to learn how to read because I I had learning problems and so that's I'm love and wisdom are what I'm up to philosophia I love it yeah love or wisdom philosophy beautiful whoa there's so much to unpack in this episode that I'm just like I'm so excited to go back and watch it myself um some other questions though I do want to I do want to ask before we wrap up what is what is God when somebody asks you that what does the word God mean to you well that's an interpretation based on the level of the brain function that people are in if they're in their Amiga it's going to be probably geomorphic zoomorphic which could be plant or animal based or uh anthropomorphic animal to human based and there's a gradation there because when we were frightening one time the Thunder you know frightened us and we had gods for the Thunder and gods for the lightning and gods for the rain and gods for the desert and dry and we had gods for everything there are thousands of gods that are extinct today we went from all these pantheistic poly the istic and eventually down to a few so-called monotheistic so these are just brain developments and they're basically associations some things that frightened us and seeking for the things that we think are going to appease that so we're going to pray for that which is unobtainable and try to avoid that which is unavoidable and these are stages of awareness when we actually are fully aware in the brain and we see both sides of things we see that we need the predator and the prey in order to evolve so we find the benefits of the predator and we keep that in check and that's I learned from a martial artist a martial artist in Cardiff California I was staying in Cardiff for a while and um this guy said I'd like to study philosophy unto you and I'll teach you martial arts I said let's have a good swap so he said the here's the first class and he stood in front of me we bowed to each other and he said I want you to try to kill me and I said I have no desire to kill you and he says then you have no desire to be my student and I said well I have to kill you to be your students he said well you have to try and I said okay and so I didn't really want to hurt the guy but I was under the illusion I could so I decided to punch him real punch and when he when I punched it's like the whole world went into slow motion he grabbed my hand turned it threw me off balance pulled me up on my tippy toes and pulled me forward and kissed me on the cheek and then put me back on my feet I was going okay now the at first I didn't really want to hurt him but after that I had a tiny bit of like to get him you know so then I just decided I'd do a forward kick right and when I did he grabbed my foot turned to the side grabbed it pulled it off balance made me hop grabbed me kissed me on the cheek I thought well maybe it's a gay martial artist so so he pulls me forward like that puts me back on my feet now I decided to do a back kick and the same thing no matter what I did he just maneuvered me and kissed me on the cheek and put me back on my feet and then I and I was getting more determined to want to try to get this guy right and um he said first lesson in martial arts he says to neoy you perceive attack to a Master you see an invitation to dance so when you're prepared there is no predator or prey you've transcended the pair of opposites for a moment MH so can we obtain that yes can we sustain it no is it is there somebody that thinks they've obtained it no don't don't buy into people that are gurus thinking that they've obtained it that's an illusion yeah they're just human beings people get trapped in that but I I sto to think about it on the planet no matter how much you know it's an infantes yeah and whatever you know that's why socr was considered wise because he knew that he didn't know if you zoom out enough you're just nothing so you you realize that you don't know and what you don't know is vastly more than what you know and so when you go to the center of the the sun you realize that what that little planet is insignificant whatever you know there is not a whole lot yeah into the Super Galaxy cluster L and even beyond the great attractor that's nothing so you know nothing so that's why Einstein said live with holy curiosity and continue to keep humbling yourself and keep learning and keep growing so I'm thirsty for wanting to continue to tomorrow every day is an opportunity to learn some more and you it's never ending and I don't have a desire to be done or be enlightened or any of that stuff I'm I'm relatively aware that's it and a whole lot of ignorance yeah so I I say anything I don't love is still my ignorance and so my job is to learn how to love that and find the love in every event because we go around and we put all these little morals and structures on it which are all manmade and we put things that this is bad and good the devil and good and all that none of that's there that's just an illusion of the mind it's a it's a Maya but actually taking the time to ask quality questions to see both sides simultaneously as liberating and it keeps us at the Forefront of continually wanting to expand our Consciousness and I'm interested in that the evolvement of human consciousness not the definition of here's what's right and wrong none of that it feels like as our Circle of Knowledge grows so too does that perimeter of ignorance and that actually brings humility to the pursuit of you can still grow and learn a lot and still realize how much you don't know yeah have had had a guy interviewed me one time he says when did you become enlightened I said did I become enlightened where did you get the illusion I was enlightened I said I have a relative awareness based on what I know and I'm an absolute idiot when it comes to technology how to do a cell phone fix you know there's something cars I haven't driven a car in 31 years I don't even know how to I couldn't even tell you what cars are on the road and how to drive them today I'm completely ignorant in things that are lower in my values and I have Specialists that I delegate everything to I only teach research right and travel everything else is delegated away I don't cook I don't clean I don't do anything I've I've surrounded myself with people who love to do the things I'd like to delegate anything that requires an external motivation to get me to do something I delegate anything that's intrinsically an inspiration to me I fulfill my life with that's powerful because that area of fulfillment it feels like the more that we develop Mastery in what in that which we value most will equate to how fulfilled our life is so any well whenever you do that you you can't wait to be philanthropic it's it's really interesting when you when money without meaning leads to debauchery money with meaning leads to philanthropy you have a desire to want to contribute and in Inspire other people and and and invest in inspiration and contribution instead of rescuing desperations I have no interest in rescuing desperations I'm interested in inspiring Inspirations so good man thank you I'm just digesting integrating a lot of this I feel like we'll have to continue to run this back because I could literally sit here and speak for you with you for 12 days also this is like my my highest excitement to be exploring these areas of of conversation and it seems and it just resonates so true to me that this is the life path that you've chosen to live is an extreme alignment with what life wants of you and therefore you're getting the reflection for so much more philanthropic work and impact and service and uh it's just so cool to see the continual evolution of that um is there is there something that you want to that you've claimed for your life that you want to create at a bigger scale while you're still in this life what's like your biggest vision for Humanity well uh I I just have a desire to teach research and write you know chop wood carry water teach research and write and travel the world I I've I've been to 194 countries speaking I've still got a few more to go I set that as a goal when I was 17 I'm still working on that I'm going to keep researching and writing and and teaching and writing books and doing presentations and interviews and whatever way I can disseminate knowledge every possible way to disseminate information I've identified it and I'm movies radio television podcast whatever it takes I will share information I spend doing that seven days a week I hope to do that at least until I'm 100 yeah it feels like and it would be good note to end on as well which will also be valuable for the audiences I know you uh keep very clear metrics about every area of your life and how that's very powerful when you know the score of where you're at in your life you can actually take aligned action to increase it so what are those areas of life that are important for us to well I believe that I've broken life into seven areas I believe we have an inspired Mission which is a spiritual quest uh whatever that is it's highest on your value I believe that we're here to wake up our genius and contribute Innovative creative you know original thinking to the planet from the something from the core of your own being I I believe that we're here to be of contribution and service and have a sustainable Fair exchange and some sort of transaction with people so you can give and take and have uh realize that you're contributing uh I believe that you're here to master finances not be a slave to it and have money working for you so I learned a long time ago to take whatever I earn and put half of it into Investments and then put it into things that contribute to Quality people not I don't gamble with things I just put it into high quality companies that serve people and I believe that we're here to have a global family Dynamic I don't see myself in Little House little place yeah I live on a ship that goes around the world as you know and so I'm go to every country the universe is my playground the world is my home every country is a room in the house every City's a platform to share my heart and soul I I have a global family I'm never away from anybody people go well so and so's left me and and I'm all by myself no we're living on a planet it's a big house they're in the other room of the house instead of walking and talking I I zoom and I you know communicate through other means it's just a it's just a relative perspective on space and time and social I believe that you know you want to be able to make a contribution I at the end of your life did you do everything you could with everything you were given you want to be able to say absolutely and so I wanted to make a contribution meet amazing people do amazing Place go to amazing places do amazing things with amazing people and so that was mapped out and if you don't map up your life you're going to live by Duty not design and I think you most people are sitting there disempowered basically taking drugs and you know removing organs and I'm I'm a firm believer that your your body is designed to do something amazing if you're living authentically it it rallies so I'm a firm believer that those spiritual mental career or vocational Financial Family Social and physical all areas any area of life you don't Empower people over power so I'm a firm believer in empowering I want to exemplify that on planet Earth powerful so just to recap that was the seven if can you riff them off again just the spiritual Pursuit yeah mental vocational Financial familial social physical beautiful powerful to to track where you're at within all of those uh a couple quick questions I know you could probably unpack these at length and at nauseum but uh your relationship with psychedelics can you share uh your your journey earlier on and the shift that happened with that well I had a psychedelic experience when I was in my teens I haven't touched any psychics or drugs since since I was 17 I once I learned what I could do with my own mind and uh I in you know just exploring them with my mind I had no desire for any more psychedelics but it was an experience I'm glad I was getting I got that experience in the 60s but I have no desire today yeah I just remember hearing a rough story which people we can say maybe for another time but you uh meeting an individual that taught you the power of meditation or introduced you to that yeah I was sitting I was sitting at at haliva north shahu um we were stoned and uh you were a teenager oh a teenager and I was sitting there with a guy um we were chatting and there's a little dog named root dog there and we we looked out over the null at the beach and we uh on this beach we saw this guy doing a yoga headstand but the null was in the way so all we could see is from the chest up yeah and in our state of consciousness we thought did that guy come from space and dof into the ground we thought wow that must have hurt you we're in altered state and this this guy's just doing that and and we're looking and we're going like that guy's upside down he's stuck in the ground his head's in the ground you know what do we do and we're just kind of freaking out by this and all of a sudden we see his feet curled down from a yoga position and he came up and he put his hands up like this and he was facing directly at us and he walked directly to us and sat right before us and we're like you know if we put our hand like this he disappears you know and uh he goes you guys hi and we're like yeah he goes re really high he go yeah you know he's like an ego I'm higher than you that kind of stuff and he goes you guys want to get high and they go okay he says meditation man meditation is higher than anything else and so that stuck in my head I thought that's interesting and it wasn't very short after of that that almost died and then I got sent to a meditation class and so I once I learned about the power of my mind and the power of the questions I ask had no desire for drugs after that never have touched the drug since wow the last thing I want to ask is because you're somebody that I'm perceiving as just like bursting with life force energy and I feel like when you live a life of alignment and you devote yourself to it you get that Universal energy to support you in that process as you raise your vibration I feel like life reveals to you what is also on that plane of existence have you had any wild mystical experiences with extraterrestrial or energetic visuals or something that you haven't shared before I'd be curious to see I've I've had um synchronicities I was medit ating in Pasadena Texas while I was going to professional school and I was just in this meditative state with tears in my eyes and all the sudden I got this strange multi-car crash I mean like whoa just took me right out of the meditation like whoa what's that and I thought that's weird I'm into meditation why would my brain resonate with that I thought that's strange and it kind of shook me and then um you had the experience of like a car crash or like a yeah like I saw this saw these cars that big pile up of this multi car crash and I thought what a strange thing to have during a meditation I never would have imagine that as a medit never happened before and so I broke my meditation and I thought okay I'm sitting here it's probably around 6:30 7:00 at night it's just dark and I decided to go and get a bag of peanuts at this little store around the corner now where my apartment was at the time you couldn't see the road it was in the middle of a complex as I walked down there and I walked in and I came back out to eat the peanuts and down the down the road about 400 yards was sirens and red lights and stuff and something about it lured me to want to go down there and I walked back down there and I walked right to the position that I saw in the meditation and I thought wow that must have occurred right at that time that pile up must have occurred right at that time and that must have somehow a sound from the impacts or something must have gotten to me or something I and I I came up with this idea that there was a multi-car pilot and there it was literally 400 yards or 450 yards away was this car pilot so I've had these synchronous awarenesses you know people are going to have things happen I think most everybody's had some that are so Associated so closely associated makes you pause and wonder how did you know that how did you get that a premonition of whatever but I can't say that that runs all the time and I have any you know super psychic experiences or yeah you know and I haven't had any experience of terrestrials I had a a guy that said he hadn't a terrestrial experience and and he had a bunch of friends that had these experiences but I felt like I was left out and so I thought maybe I need to go out in a field and bend over and put my butt in there and and hope to get probed or something you know but nothing ever worked so I didn't I can't say I've had that I've been studying exobiology for years I was actually tried to be a special Mission astronaut at Nasa for that at one time but I haven't seen anything other than possible bacterial exobiology so far the rest of it is questionable I I'm open to it I just haven't seen anything that's solid yeah and I'm waiting for something solid yeah I love that I I definitely feel like those extra sentory perceptions can open up as we cultivate our journey and yeah deeper even energetic subtle who knows how they they manifest but yeah I I just don't exaggerate totally I I you know that I'm I'm too dense I guess to have those really amazing experiences but I have I have definitely had some synchronicities that are pretty you know mind-blowing and something that keeps me in pause of thought I mean I've had few and I've written them doubt in a document I keep records of them just in case there's some pattern that shows up over time but they're far in between that are more authentic for me well I I definitely think that the most miraculous thing is recognizing the Magic in the mundane and everyday life and finding you know find finding the beauty and everything that uh isn't necessarily those extra terrestrial extrasensory perceptual um things is there anything else you want to share with the audience before we wrap up just whoever's listening out there hi everybody um give yourself permission to be yourself why be second at being somebody else why not be first to being you the magnificence of who you are is far greater than any fantasies that you will inject or impose on yourself from outside infatuations with others so just know that whatever you perceive in other people you have within yourself don't play small play authentic Don't Play Big just play authentic the moment you do you automatically spontaneously tend to expand your space and time Horizons and the magnitude of space and time and your innermost dominant thought will determine the level of conscious evolution you've obtained and so you'll continue to expand and once it's outside your day a week a month a year you know a decade a generation and a life Welcome to an moral Legacy that you have offered the world you can bring to the world so give yourself permission to be the most magnificent you and a legacy will be born this might have been one of my favorite podcasts I've ever done honestly thank you so much for sharing yourself today this has been so profound and it's such a pleasure to get to know you and share this energy so no thank you appreciate the questions I don't get these questions all the time so great yeah wonderful well everybody that's been tuning into this episode of the know thyself podcast please let us know what resonated most you can find Dr John the DM T Martini on is it Dr John D just drd great so people can find you guys can all find uh more about him there and we'll leave links for things in the description below I appreciate you for coming on this journey let us know in the description in the comments on the Q&A on Spotify what most resonated with you what was most impactful we love hearing those stories when you reach out and until next time be [Music] well [Music]
Channel: André Duqum
Views: 131,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: know thyself, podcast, spirituality, personal growth, transformation, andre duqum, interviews, philosophy, meditation
Id: H0mg7FxiFt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 26sec (6266 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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