The Haunting Of... Diane Farr (Season 3, Episode 12) | Full Episode | LMN

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[whispered] On<i> The Haunting Of...</i> (woman) I don't want to be at war with something that is in the house. It's making my life uncomfortable. There's somebody or something stuck with me. It feels like a black hole. (Kim) I can feel an electrically charged energy coming right at me. (Diane) I'm standing in the room, and it's like, "krrcch!" (Kim) I feel she is following you-- very strongly. You're the way to get this message back to her family. You're the conduit. (Kim) Is this from the outside? It's nowhere. It's in between. (Kim) That light just went on and off. - It happens all the time. - What? [loud bang] [screams] (Kim) Oh, my God, that just scared the life out of me. [eerie music] ♪ ♪ (Kim) My name is Kim Russo, and I am a psychic medium. When I was nine, I was visited by the first of many dead people who wanted to communicate with the living through me. Realizing that I couldn't ignore my abilities, I chose to embrace them. Many people are haunted by traumatic paranormal events buried in their past. Some of these people have faces you might recognize. You've heard about their paranormal experiences. Now you're about to witness the moment they take me back to the place of the haunting in the hopes of uncovering the truth. This is... (Diane) We've been here in this house for 2 1/2 years. I don't want to be at war with something that is in the house. I feel like I'm threatened a little bit. And it's making my life uncomfortable. (Kim) I'm in Los Angeles, 15 minutes outside of Hollywood, California, and I'm on my way to meet with Diane Farr. She's a wonderful actress, and she played in the TV series<i> Numb3rs,</i> and she played in<i> Rescue Me.</i> She previously lived in another home, and she started having some sort of paranormal sightings, and she felt this energy there that she actually thinks followed her to her current home where she lives. So Diane wants to see if there's anything I pick up or if it's just her imagination. It may not be something like a poltergeist, but it can be. It can be something dangerous. I don't think, especially with a young woman with children, that we should take any chances. I bought my first house as a single lady. It was a cute little Spanish house. The first thing I did was put in a giant security system so this would be a safe place that I could live by myself. Or so I thought. I think I'd been in the house about three or four months, and there was one day where I was sitting in the living room watching TV... [low rumbling] And I could hear something in my office. There's no way somebody could get in here without a chime going off. If somebody walked into the house, I would know. So what could the noise be? So I run towards the office. And I get in the office and there's nothing there. So other than thinking maybe I've lost my mind, I go back down the hallway. You know when you have that feeling, sort of on the back of your neck, that somebody's behind you and somebody's watching you? So I looked back... Standing in the hallway, there's a little old lady with a bun sort of tied back, a bit of a house dress... And then I saw her vanish into thin air. I'm not crazy. What's going on? Then I started to see her all the time. I'm constantly aware that we're both living in the same house. I sort of see her like we are two ships passing in the night in my house. And then I met my husband. We got married and he moved into the house, and then almost immediately got pregnant with our first child, and then I had two more children only one year later, and it was getting a little cramped. So we decided to sell the house and move into something bigger. I listed the house with an agent on a Tuesday, and the first open house would be on Saturday. There was a speaker system built into the entire house, and I turned on some sort of classical music. ♪ ♪ Just as the Realtors were coming and I'm walking out the door... [loud bang] I hear the speakers in the living room explode... Into, like, an arena-level volume. Every single speaker in the house exploded. One at a time, they were going off in a violent array of noise. A moment later... [water rushing] In the middle of the hallway, a shaft of water started gushing down from an air vent that's not connected to any water. So the water's pouring out, and I'm thinking, "I know exactly what this is." "That lady is pissed." She was taking back her space. Eventually, a nice couple comes along and they want to buy my house. So I have to sit down with my little old lady before the last walkthrough of the house. One night when my husband was at work late, I decided it was time to let the spirit go so new people could come in unimpeded. I took every bit of advice I'd ever heard about a ghost and lit a candle, shut off all of the electricity, and burned all kinds of incense, and I say to her, "I have to go, "and if you don't let me go, "I'm going to be a very angry girl. "So I trust these people. "I need these people to buy this house. "You need to let this happen and work it out with them." And we got through the last walkthrough and sold the house. (Diane) I don't know if it's the old lady from my last house or if it's somebody or something just attached to this house. It feels like there's something in the house that's uncomfortable, and as long as the thing in my house is uncomfortable, it's making my life uncomfortable. It's leaving me in a stuck place. This house started to have some weird stuff almost immediately. There's window panes in my office that are sort of smoked in, as if someone blew into them. I mean, you can't see in, you can't see out. Then there are mirrors that crack when there's nothing for them to crack on. You sort of wake up in the morning in my house and things are just broken. The morning when we woke up and the back doors to the house were shattered-- that was the most uncomfortable. The ante keeps going up. I'm hoping Kim's gonna come in and have a really clear answer of whoever is sort of stalking around in my house. (Kim) I feel like there's this energy going on in the atmosphere that's somewhat amped up. Like, charged, like electrically charged energy. And I'm not sure if that's connected directly to Diane, but I can feel an electrically charged energy coming right at me. I feel this woman. She seems bitter but aggressive. I don't know who she is, but she's someone pretty strong. And then there is also a very sweet energy that I'm picking up. I'm sensing a little girl energy too. I can kind of see her. She has, like, this pretty lace dress on and her hair has curls. She looks like an angel is what she looks like to me. I don't know who she is. I wish I had my grounding crystal with me, because I feel like the amount of energy I'm going to absorb today is going to just knock me for a loop. And here it is. [sighs] Oh, this is pretty. Kind of still seeing that older lady. I just got a better vision of her. She's nasty, and she's aggressive, and I have a problem with that. You know? I'm sensing that little girl again. She's so sweet. [distorted speech] And she keeps talking about her sister. She says, "I have a sister." I have no idea, but I hope Diane's ready for this, because my heart's about to just pump right out of my chest. What is all this energy? I just have to warn you that this lady could do a lot of damage. [knocking on door] - Hi, Diane. - Hi, Kim. - How are you? - I'm good. - So nice to meet you. - Same here. Wow. (Kim) This is nice. This is really pretty. I've been feeling this high energy the whole time on my way here. - You did? - I did. - Okay. - I did. You know I'm a little nervous. Okay, but it's not particularly nerves. It's more this-- like, if you put this energy inside of a rocket, it would take off. Yes. - Yes. - Is that how it is? Yes, that's me you were feeling. [laughs] For sure. - Whoa. - Can we both blow it out? Whoa. Yeah, let's blow it out. [both exhale] Tell me a little bit about why you called me here without telling me too much, though. Okay. What I do know is you think perhaps something followed you here from another place you lived. Yes, and there's a bunch of physical things that keep happening in the house, which make me feel nervous that somebody or something is stuck, and they may be the reason why I feel so stuck. When you say you feel stuck, in what way do you feel stuck? I feel stuck as a parent, I feel stuck at work, I feel like I'm at a crossroads in my life, and I'm not moving on either direction of the crossroads. Oh, all right, that's interesting, but I was already sensing a lot of things on the way here so I want to tell you a little bit about some of them. Why don't we move into, I guess, the kitchen? (Diane) The kitchen? So lovely. Thank you. (Kim) I don't know if you're a spirit magnet or what, but I've been sensing so many energies... But there's one in particular... [exhales] and I think it may be why you're feeling this high energy, nerves, whatever you want to call it, and it may be why I'm feeling it, but there is this, like, aggressive old lady with me. - Mm. - Like... Like, the only thing I know about her so far is she's dressed in black, and that's usually my symbol for, she's in mourning. She may have lost her husband, I believe. I feel that. I don't know who she connects to, but she's very, like, aggressive, like, a little bit bitter and nasty. I don't know if that relates to-- Wait, don't say too much. I like to let the energy guide me. Mm-hmm. There was also a very adorable little girl around you. The only thing I know about her is she looks like an angel, the way she showed up to me. She had, like, these-- almost like an angel would wear, like, flowers in their hair. Like, almost like a headband thing. Yeah. On the day she died, she was wearing one. Did you lose a child? No. My friend lost a child, though. Okay. Okay. It'll tell me. Oh, that was the little girl when I was walking up to your door. She kept talking about her sister. She has a sister, and she said that, from the spirit world, she plays with her sister. She's so strong and intense. She says--if you don't mind, I have to, like, move a little bit, 'cause I get-- I'm getting anxious. [distorted speech] Her energy's so excited to come through. She also told me that... [distorted speech] This is a very important message for your friend, or her family. She's thanking her mother for all the foundations that she set up in her name and her honor. Stuff with the school. There's been plaques donated and benches donated in her honor, and this little garden. I think it's by a school or in a schoolyard. Do you know about that? Yes. Awesome. Awesome. I went to that school too. You went to that school too? Really? [distorted speech] She also said that she drew something while she was alive, maybe in school, or maybe just at home, and this drawing has been reproduced several times. Do you know what she means? In the mass at her funeral, one of her drawings was on the back of the program from the mass. Oh, of course that's what it is. Yeah. 'Cause she said it's been reproduced many times. Yes. So there's many copies made of that to give out. That's just her proof to show you she was there watching her mom-- you have to tell her mom. [distorted speech] I could swear she just gave me the name Grace. Is that her name? It started from a death. As soon as you said that, I got, like, a tap. I feel like something just tried to come in. [distorted speech] I could swear she just gave me the name Grace. Is that her name? That's the sister. That's her sister? Oh, okay. Then that's-- between the drawing-- she's just trying to show you it's her, and she said you're the way to get this message back to her family. - Yeah. - You're the conduit. - You're the person. - Yeah. And she's very appreciative of that. Okay. (Diane) All right, I'm gonna tell you something weird. So, if I am a spirit magnet, I feel like I get a bit of information, and I just pass it. Sometimes I'm not even aware that I'm getting the information, but I know I'm giving someone information that I shouldn't be aware of. Mm. But I don't know how to utilize it. Okay, well, thank you for that information. I think that'll help me as we go along our day. But we didn't figure out the bitter old lady. And is there any possibility that old lady is from my last house or someone connected to this house? She could be someone from your last house, or she could be someone that you picked up along--in your path. Which is part of what I feel sometimes-- that there's somebody or something stuck with me. It feels like me and somebody are bumping something. I want to know from you, first and foremost-- do you do anything to keep yourself balanced and grounded? No. - Really? - No, and I need to. No spiritual practices? Yes, I have them. I just don't do them as much as I should since I had all the kids. I took yoga for 25 years. Okay, so, you know what? Based on what you're telling me, I think there's some<i> one</i> that's keeping you planted in your current zone, in your current living situation, and it could be this older woman. I feel like whatever this older woman is, I've been feeling her for a long time. All right, well, why don't we move along the house, and I'll-- believe me, Everything I'm seeing, feeling, hearing, and sensing, I will share it with you. - Okay. - All right? So is that, like, the dining room? Why don't we go in there? That lady-- that older lady-- she's not, like, really talking to me. She's just showing herself to me. But I just-- like, every time I turn my head, there she is. And I'm wondering-- you know, you said that you picked up an energy of a lady a long time ago, you said. Yeah. In my old house. Does it sound like she was aggressive like this, and, like, she has, like, this bitter, angry demeanor, like, "Oh, woe is me," and-- do you know that? Yes. That's exactly what her feeling was like. Do you feel that, in this house, your mood changes on a dime? Yes. I'm--I feel she is following you. I'm not really loving her demeanor. You know? This lady is just like-- like a--like a-- you know what an energy vampire is? No, but I can tell from the name. It's, like, gonna suck everything out of you. That's a real term, "Energy vampires." You know, there's some-- some people have friends that-- you kind of hang out with them all day and you feel so drained. Yes. Yes. And that's how I feel in this house a lot. Okay. You know, this is definitely something to take very, very seriously, because I've seen things happen to people that have had energy vampires attached to them, and it can really compromise your health, and to be honest with you, it can really make your husband say to you, "Where's the girl I married? This is not her." So I just have to warn you that this lady could do a lot of damage. There's something, though, about you that--what--I don't think you understand how powerful your energy is. Like-- like, I know... a similar person to me when I see one. Like, you have this energy in you that I feel, at some point in your life, you tapped into it. Mm-hmm. What happened in your last house shortly before you saw the vision of this woman? Because I feel as if you were at your lowest point in your life. Yes. Okay. We're talking about ten years ago? Yeah. 10, 12 years ago. That's what I'm feeling. It started from a death. From another death. Hold on. Don't say anything. As soon as you said that, I got, like, a tap. I feel like something just tried to come in. (Kim) That light just went on and off. I don't know what the heck it is. [loud bang] [screams] (Kim) As soon as you said that, I got, like, a tap. I feel like something just tried to come in. I need to go with that. [distorted speech] There's a woman-- she told me you were soul mates, soul sisters. Not real sisters, but soul sisters. You know, like a... [laughs] a sister from a different mister? - Yeah. - Like that kind of thing? Right. [distorted speech] She just told me she died before the age of 30. So she was in her 20s. One of you was away when she died. - Me. - Okay. That's why she's bringing it up. She--is she Kristen? I just heard her so clear. She said, "It's okay," like, "We didn't say good-bye. We didn't say good-bye." [distorted speech] She said that one thing you need to know above all else-- she didn't suffer. I could just see her clenching her chest and just, like, her heart gave out. - Right. - That's what happened. Like this. No pain, no suffering. I don't know if you know that. She just wants you to know that. Okay. You know what she just said? She goes, "You made it big." [laughs] She says, "So, you made it!" And she's watched you, and you know-- you know when she's around. Like, I feel like--like, that something flies around you, like a butterfly or a bird. She says, "You know when I'm there." 'Cause she-- like, there's, like, something that comes around you, and I hear you say, "Oh, thank you. I know you're there." Are you aware of this? I just figured it out last week. - What? - Yeah. A bird flew in the house, and the bird had been hanging around all day. So it was, like, you know, ten of us trying to get the bird out of the house before it went into the rest of it, and all I was thinking was, "This is my friend." - You did think that? - Yes. And she was always so helpful to me with work. You know, and she was always cheering me on. That's why she said, "You made it! You made it!" Yes. (Kim) I want to get back to what might be going on in this house. Have you had any kind of, like, things moving or tables flying up in the air or-- Glass breaking. Glass breaking is one for sure. We go through a lot of lightbulbs. They--do they explode? Yeah. The glass doesn't break, but you hear-- I'm standing in the room, and it's like, "krrcch!" It pops and goes out. And then the glass has broken in three different rooms in the house. You have to show me. Do you mind? Okay. Let's go see. There's two sets of windows that are fogged up. It's almost like somebody blew into them, and they've become opaque. And then there's a mirror in this room that cracked virtually by itself. So if you look in here... (Kim) Is this on the outside? It's nowhere. It's in between, and it's the same thing on those six, ten panes over there. I see. And then this mirror-- it was the same thing. One day we woke up and the mirror was cracked. (Kim) Go back to that day. Can you remember a little bit about what was going on? It was right in the middle of this change. I was gonna change my kids' schools. We were all super stressed out at the time. [laughs] It's my energy? I didn't even say that. How do you know what I was thinking? How do you know what I was thinking? I don't know how. Do you have that gift of hearing other people's thoughts? I don't hear them, but I know what they are. Wow. But I can't just go based on this, because-- No, there's a much worse one in the house of glass breaking that I can show you. Oh, I want to see that. I just felt like my attention was drawn right over there. What is that? There's a note in here from Kristen that is at least 20 years old. And it says, "Don't give up." - It's a fax she sent me. - Oh, wait a minute. I have to go towards the light. The frame is broke, that's why I'm trying to-- it's a fax she sent me 20 years ago. It's a poem about not giving up when things go wrong, as they sometimes will, kind of thing. Really? Well, that's why she was so excited to say, "You made it! You made it!" Anyway... Kristen said that there's-- what is this? - That's the first book I wrote. - Okay. [loud bang] [screams] (Kim) I can read you like a map. You're your own worst enemy in a lot of ways. (Kim) What is this? That's the first book I wrote. [loud bang] [screams] - [laughs] - That... I'm telling you, she throws things off the walls all the time. That just, like, happened out of nowhere. Yes. I know. Kristen wanted me to point to the red book. Okay. Wait, wait, don't touch. Don't touch. Oh, my God, that just scared the life out of me. - Sorry. - You didn't get scared? No, because it happens all the time. [exhales loudly] All right, anyway. Your energy's making me jump. It's very jumpy. And I don't know how to pull that in. Do you live in this fight or flight energy daily? Yes. But first of all, you don't look it. - I know. - You look calm. How are you pulling this off? Because this isn't a real day in my life. My kids are out, my husband's at work, I'm not working today, I'm just here with you. And this is who I am, but when I bring in even one of those four things... Those elements. It goes. Because I think that energy lives in me all the time. So if I add any stress to it, then I behave like what you're feeling. (Kim) That light just went on and off. But this is the light thing. That happens too? Yeah. And then sometimes-- like, see the canister on the light? About three days ago, one of them shot out of the ceiling. They're screwed in, because the screws were on the floor. And to me, that's that energy that keeps moving through all the glass, but you're saying it's my energy. Did you think it was this woman? I don't know what the heck it is, and it's unclear, and you know in my last house I was really clear on what that energy was. I could see her, I could feel her, I could talk to her. In this house, I can't tell what it is. It feels like a black hole. So it does sort of make sense that it's my energy, because I can't see it. You told me you think whatever was in that house followed you here. I don't know. I thought maybe. I thought maybe if-- the thing from the other house or that there was something in this house or that there's something new. The energy here feels different than the other house. I got it. I got it. Okay. I got you. I want to see the rest of the glass that breaks in this house. I'm taking mental notes and I'm hearing things and I'm--I don't want to let it out just yet until I see more. Okay. Let me show you the living room. Oh, for God's sakes. (Diane) Okay, so, the living room has these four glass-paneled doors, and then we woke up one day and this one is shattered on the inside. It's the same thing as the opaque, and if you look at it, there's kind of no starting point. (Diane) I mean, an eagle would have had to have flown, and any other animal isn't gonna get up this high. But even if it did, where would-- the outside glass is not affected at all. Nothing. It's the exact same as this. Like... Wait a minute. There's another woman that just joined us. Who's Rose? I have an Aunt Rose. Rose, my... Rose is big in your life? Yeah. Rose was my favorite aunt. Most influential. She died when I was away, and missed the funeral and missed everything. She just showed up to say hello, and I think it's similar to your friend-- that you were also away when she died. You're carrying guilt mixed in with all this energy; that's part of why you're not balanced. You don't let go-- you're your own worst enemy in a lot of ways, 'cause that's what Aunt Rose just said. She said, "Like her friend"-- Kristen. You have this guilt that--it's a part, like it's-- there was no closure. So it's like-- it's all these open ends, and you're carrying them all around with you like baggage. I can read you like a map, and I can see, over here is a relationship hurt, over here is Aunt Rose, over there is Kristen, and in the middle of your heart is the person you miss the most, and that's you. That's your soul. That's your higher self. That is Diane. So, based on everything and how you're making me feel, there's an easy explanation. A lot of the times it's this overabundance of energy within you that hasn't been grounded out. It could be psychic in nature, it could be powerful, it can bend spoons. There's so much emotional buildup with you, the energy is just short-circuiting, and it's causing glass to break, it's causing light bulbs to go out, it's causing all kinds of, I'm sure, electrical shortages. Yes. But... I feel that older lady here too. (Kim) I feel like she's waiting, like, "What's next?" This represents the energy. What would you say to her to send her on her way? (Kim) I feel that older lady here too. She's huge in influencing you, and we need to get rid of her. She feels that the doctors killed her husband. She has all this anger and this bitterness, because she feels they didn't tend to him in time. And she came with me here? Well, there was something about you that she could identify with. Okay. I almost feel like whatever you were going through in that house, I feel like she merged with you at one of your lowest points, because that was her lowest point. And as you started tapping into this spiritual practice, your yoga, your... I just heard your therapy sessions. Mm-hmm. You really were, like, helping this woman in her journey, and I kind of feel like she's waiting, and, like, "What's our next lesson? What's next?" And she's still with you because she's hopeful. She's hopeful that you are the one that's gonna get her to this road to enlightenment or to actually help her go to the light. We need to give her her own space, and she can't feed off of your energy any longer. Okay. You're living the energy for two people. You're carrying this woman around with you. And you're also trying to raise a family. You're also, you know, juggling a career. You have a lot of balls in the air. I would love to go maybe sit down somewhere, and I can explain to you how you can release this woman and how you could start to hone your energy and ground it out. Come on, please. Let's go do that. - Let's go do that right away. - Okay. I know. (Kim) I know. It's time. - Oh, this is lovely. - Thank you. This is your outdoor little sanctuary. (Diane) It is. What a day, huh? This is crazy. I feel so much lighter already. - Really? - Yes. You're really, really good at your job. Aw, thank you. You have a lot of people in the spirit world that are looking out for you: your friends, the little girl, who is your friend's daughter. But we have to really take charge of unblocking your system, your--this energy that's causing havoc, and you know what I'm being told is your biggest problem? Control. Having to have everything perfect and in order... Is not--you're not living in a flow. You're trying to manipulate the energy. Yes. One time you asked the universe to guide you, and show you the way, and not make it hurt so badly. You remember that? Yeah. When Kristen died. I think that's when you saw how much little control we really have. And it's almost like swimming against a huge wave in the ocean. You can never fight that wave. You have to just go with the wave and go over it gently. You know all the right things to do. You just have to take the time and do them, but at the same time, this woman is somehow relying on you. You're carrying around this older lady's energy. I feel her name is Kate. And I think we need to send Kate packing. Oh, please, let's send Kate packing. So what I did was I asked one of the crew members to get me a rope. So you may think-- you may have let go of that woman at that house; she didn't let go of you. So there's still this energy cord connected. - I need you to hold this. - Okay. Now, before you cut the cord, I want you to close your eyes. Okay? Good. Take a deep breath. This represents Kate. And what would you say to her to send her on her way? Kate, if you got this far and you managed to find me, you're gonna be okay by yourself. If you go find my friend Kristen, she'll look after you. She's really good at it. And then find your husband and your people, and do your thing, 'cause you'll be okay over there. Perfect. And we shall set her free. Wow. [laughs] - We did it. - We did it. - You're awesome. - How do you feel? Exhausted. So, now that we just freed that spirit, you want to go get a different type of spirit? Yes! [both laughing] You're awesome. Thank you, thank you, thank you. That's great. Okay. (Diane) I feel 100% lighter. Knowing that it's my energy leaves it back to me to just be responsible for myself. She's also given me a lot more faith, you know, that all these people that I sort of know so well, 'cause I've had so many losses in my life, are still there, and they're still present, which is the thing that calms me the most. So I think that's the gift inside the gift. (Kim voice-over) Looking back, Diane thought that the emotional block that she had been feeling and the unexplained occurrences at her house were the work of a spirit who may have followed her from her previous home. We found out that while the ghost of this woman was indeed attached to her, Diane also needed to look inward to find the source of the chaos in her own life. Today, we were not only able to release this negative energy, but Diane now has a clear understanding of what she needs to do to get a handle on her own energy and how to channel it. Helping Diane revisit painful events from her past was very healing and serves as a reminder to all of us that the past is behind us, the future has not happened yet, so all we really have is the present, and that is the true gift.
Channel: LMN
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Keywords: lmn, lifetime movie network, lmn shows, lmn channel, lifetime movie shows, lmn full episodes, lmn clips, the haunting of, the haunting of full episodes, the haunting of clips, kim russo, haunted, paranormal, psychic, medium, diane farr, The Haunting Of season 3 episode 12, The Haunting Of s3 e12, The Haunting Of s03 e12, The Haunting Of 3X12, watch The Haunting Of full episode, The Haunting Of season 3, Watch The Haunting Of season 3, Actress Diane Farr, havoc, California, Russo
Id: aZbe5N3kDmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 39sec (2559 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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