The Harsh Realities Of Life On The Front Line | Wonder

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[Music] we're looking to engage firing point with a 6/8 gluten good you can see the flash of the muzzle even out the filling to the chain gun engaged idea [Music] singing the Taliban will probably never get into their heads is the British Army don't give up [Music] these are the road warriors unsung heroes of the vicious fighting in Afghanistan without them operations would cease the army you can't really survive without the royal jester Corps like the Taliban are we've taken over based in Camp Bastion Helmand province they supply ammunition water rations whatever the troops need going without sleep they face hostile terrain dust storms energy sapping 50 degree heat and an enemy who will try anything to stop them during one 36-hour mission the road warriors faced two determined attacks this extra mile we look at how Apache helicopters turned the tables on the Taliban and follow a further mission into the insurgent stronghold of Nadi Ali this is what the Taliban called the mosquito the Apache attack helicopter taxis are a quantum leap forward it's got two cameras if they come and they camera lasers it's got weird eyes it's got a full force of weapon systems affect the Apache houses it's a really good robberies for the guys on the ground there another time when we turn up overhead for Taliban simply won't fight and if they do better gonna get a lot about stuff coming down in from this mess weapons they are available to us first thing is about to as the 30-millimeter cannon is very accurate as far as explosive rounds I'd be far between and after ten rounds second accurate is brilliant it's been an air parcel that the two big wheels Royce engines on the side is very maneuverable it's great fun to play where we've come back and annoyingly service the wives of the guys on the ground by the most amazing the Apaches were to come into their own in the operation to resupply the British base called Argyle the road warriors entered nutty alley under the cover of darkness at the rear of the convoy three trucks took the wrong turn leading deep into Taliban territory [Music] the road collapsed and one truck went in the canal what's your thread the second truck raced back to the convoy to raise the alarm we've got one in a canal it's in the canal and the Taliban took out the third with rocket-propelled grenades leaving four stranded soldiers under attack the road warriors sent in force protection and Apache helicopters but already I call that the patroller being hit we shot them as fast as we could we saw the smoking vehicles being hit by the RPG and we went looking for the enemy but there substates when we arrived on the station he was active and had a full grip on the situation you very quickly took the song to his location which is key through that engaged 30 forces and then very quickly put us onto the enemy location we could very rapidly through his control but that effective farm there may be those who say which is crucially the plan a widow a six eight at looting good you can see the flash of the muzzle of the enemy so we set up running there's a pair of aircrafts and with 30 minutes of the chain gun engaged [Music] once the fire calm down we've got about 100 rounds of innovative us that had to stop the fire those trucks that you put down are where exactly in around the areas that they were getting engaged from without the Apaches and force protection the four stranded soldiers could have been overrun by the insurgency please no one's fault right to the altar as the convoy left nerdy alley the Taliban struck a second time the Apaches were called in again later in the day there was a again somebody burned a Torah it gives us one it was fire coming from a tree line we didn't see the enemy through he just put that warning shots to suppress the enemy and make them too with the way clear the road warriors could head back to their base at Camp Bastion where we enjoy is helping them out so that you know crucially they can get on do their job as safely as possible and go home so that gives us a great room feeling that we're doing our job to provide them but this wasn't the road warriors only convoy to Nadi Ali [Music] these ops that we go on a really crucial for bringing Russians water and whatever they the longer Iraq veteran private Jason Hughes will be driving a load of rations mail and medical supplies once you've been in a few years you seem to grow off a lot more once you've been in the army but I always seem to be stuck at the same stage and dangerous area in fear we're at force protection it's all that combat logistics also and if there's a firefight moving ourselves in between the CLP and the enemy Sheepdog sandbags that sort of thing force protection is commanded by leftenant Jack Belfield Jack is on his second tour of Afghanistan and has dealt with some deadly situations lieutenant Chris butch butcher works with Jack he calls in the air power the Taliban fear we've lost pods with the ground full size and a 42 years old you know I should be sort of on a park bench sort of you know feeding the ducks or something like that sergeant-major percy thrower drives one of the heavily armed force protection vehicles that protect the convoy in nadi alley percy fought off the Taliban when two stranded trucks were ambushed percy uses a container as a garage for his vehicle it's a tight fit my age to clamber all weight over this vehicle it sort of doesn't cheer me up this time of day I've been in the army 21 years and six months it's just a rush it's a I suppose there's no other job like it this container is not hot and this is eventually it's a bit sick when you think about it looking forward to meeting the Taliban face-to-face so we all love it like so the aircon wait it's gonna be mega the greatest threat is from hidden Taliban bombs known as improvised explosive devices or IEDs they have got a class ie D capability they have nuke up new tactics where they actually put explosive devices into the side of the walls on trees if we do come under contact then we can light the insurgents up heavy rain fire down to suppress them so we can get out there to carry on doing our job get in there get out get home safely today the mission is once again to resupply the British base in Noddy alley called Argyle they'll be carrying water ammunition rations mail and medical supplies and a parcel from Operations Officer Jenny to her husband Rob most lucky bug girls notice a box of morale down from managed to get stem and April I don't know my thing I can't wait to see it okay Robbie's only 20 miles away but Jenny won't see him for four months looking good looking good everyone's lying dope ready to go nothing we're just waiting for the go-ahead now everyone's just in store [Music] just ten minutes before the convoys due to leave there's a problem with one of the trucks they cap the cap forward start working on the engine and due to all the extra weight in the cab it fell forward won't come back and special windscreen mortars we've had this fairway wagon on standby and we just cross deck and all of the equipment off of it many hands like what might even be late we kept moving with just a few minutes to go the road warriors must hurry [Music] this song's got some aircon just a bit of anticipation to roll out the gate mate that's why she says got the largest sundries we go into the present moment or what you say I'll call you that at 3 p.m. they leave by old time [Music] the convoy assumes speeding into the desert but not for long yeah we're stuck we bugged in the airport in mega page you come to a halt some soft sand and the vague has come bogged in halfway that get start this is a book and your record for quickest time boggling this is a personal record for game poked in as quickly as possible I blame the driver 100% a mile away behind 40 vehicles the holdup is about to reach Jason it's a nice clear sunny day for the weather we're having a laugh governor yes so many vehicles breaking down it's a male it's all good fun [Music] Thunder there some parts it's really hard the ground and there obviously you get really really soft parts like this I know pick your pore pressure part phone like an IV oh yeah Roger we've got the recovery I said in front of us now is she moving she surely ever we're gonna talk we're gonna talk window 6 8 comms check tapping [Music] the road warriors are moving again on their supply mission to the base at Argyle got some air over there near sky party over all heads that's why the Taliban is striking because they hate their parties [Music] the convoy has now traveled 13 miles to the desert outside Nadi Ali [Music] jack is looking for a secure area where they can wait until the route is cleared background you stover there Brisby highs near we got about K between the compounds yeah yes I think you push that further that way that's probably best saving the hotel mortgage [Music] where's Rosie going retards that guy's doing it as well [Music] we've reached occasionally cool forward on the kid lanes with Natalie well rain probably into about 45 minutes before last light and then we'll lead in and by the time we hit the malaria there we dog [Music] the road warriors have crossed the treacherous sands of the western desert and are now on the edge of the Green Zone the Afghan Badlands they're waiting for the signal that their route into the British base called Argyle in nadia Ali has been cleared of roadside bombs the desert is quiet in Noddy Ali the Taliban wait in ambush with IEDs improvised explosive devices there's been an ID find me as that on that route between tonight okay it might push us back a bit for the convoy there's nothing to do except wait until their route into nerdier Lee has been cleared of IEDs it's fairly high risk we get in there and the whole route has to be cleared by it but team with metal detectors and dogs cetera et cetera therefore we cannot wait nearby while they clear it we set ourselves up into two single lines about 5200 metres apart and then we ever send you to either end [Music] [Music] well Jason relaxes see tell us about your hobbies - done much here no not really just just drive not many fur fly fishing 3 miles away in natty Ali a bomb laid to ambush the convoy has been found and destroyed but while I'm moving it's just done a control explosion over there I know it's still clearing the lanes I know we're here the convoy must enter natty alley at night or risk exposure to relentless Taliban attack we're stopping at the moment because we're waiting for our dark we don't want to be on mint another ally up daylight [Music] but the road warriors are already delayed we wait for [Music] they should have left two hours ago [Music] we'll have to moved on by now sausages taking time [Music] but there have been more Taliban attacks in naughty alley apparently it's been a to contacts a small ad the threat to the convoy is increasing [Music] as we say it was so long yeah don't risk going up a long long we're here the longer they they now know we're definitely going in the threat of gain from the desert transitional phase into the Green Zone is still getting bigger yeah they are out there May and obviously they do not were coming around [Music] it's so exciting I love this job still the soldiers can only wait oh [Music] that's a night in Afghanistan absolutely that's what your join for this is what we're doing for show yourself Mason good news soldiers a allowed to apply if they're in a good mood they have been loving it and living the dream yeah I play 24/7 365 days a year you'll work 24/7 50 start they're here you join the army yeah we did not join you you should be married to the army yeah like me no mate no girls just a career three miles away in nerdy alley Apaches are supporting troops clearing the route in the desert Jack and Butch wait on the ideal place the funny girl you know what you should do send out your CV to the girls left-handed seem to be casting jebel field good salary seeking wealthy female fit girl you can cook anyhow has to be slightly dead yeah well-spoken put up with your mole skins and cords I was still here after o'clock and anonymous I think I'm gonna be here a bit longer I've been in enough about three four hours and they're still treating the root through nedly they foul off to the one ID they've found some more hot spots they've got investigate those and on top of that suicide bombers being spied moving from the southwest they are but we're gonna be looking to engage something just two Apaches up over it now yeah that's just trying to clear there is obviously they they we have the problems down there as well as good ii am it's now too late to get into natty alley by Dawn Jason's been on guard all night long we've got a compound and directly in front of us I'll be looking at is basically muzzle muzzle flashes of the end of rifles anyone out this time there's probably suspicious to be honest with 30 miles outside Bastion one when I got an any fair that let me girlfriend she's really proud couldn't ask for a bad girlfriend to be honest no she supports me all the way this is not a beautiful dawn for the convoy its pal zero five pay the morning now we're still exactly were 1700 last night due to the threat in the manly area's best river shown through at night that's only possible because all the IDS so now we are travel through during the daytime it's much easier for the enemy's Brazilian fire us more lightly they were now engages Josie is the ideal they must now enter Noddy alley by day when they're highly exposed to Taliban attack [Music] Jack waits to hear the route is clear Percy watches for Taliban activity [Music] Jorge packs his kitty [Music] and the Apaches watch a rule [Music] got the Apaches coming in now to give us a sure for a force around the air we've got potential Dicker's on their motorbikes come in and around to trying to get eyes on mortar teams they're looking to engage us in the door light the road warriors are surrounded by compounds from which the Taliban could attack with the Apaches in the air we get them to come down give it in their faces so that they know that they know they're here and there it puts them off doing it I will just say that saw 'some thanks very much for that it's obviously giving us a bit of time here as we've said many thanks they should have left for the base at Argyle before dusk but now it's after dawn nadia Ali still isn't clear and the threat to the convoy is rising by the minute clearance the routine Natalie which taken approximately two hours I've taken our well into our 14 hours they found five IDs some daisy chains to link together this is that the fact that we're still here over 13 hours after we initially arrived we're a range of mortars from the enemy and I'd be very surprised if we don't get some sort of contact I feel sorry for yourself I'm okay but butch is pretty scared the infantry banter just is the one thing that's killing me on this talk to be brutally honest it is absolutely horrendous I bet you shut the [ __ ] up nice obit Captain Jack's looking forward to promotion and the money it will bring exactly same job for an extra 7,000 pounds a year you ask me is tax payers money well spent I think taxpayer might have something to say about huh oh they want to come find me the FBI 7/9 Afghanistan in a dle the Taliban fight on the southeastern call sign is very come under RPG in small arms fire in a compound overlooking the convoy Taliban fighters have been identified civilians in the area 25 seconds till impact stores as impact saint a 500-pound bomb dropped from the air destroys the enemy position at last the road warriors can get on with their mission to resupply the base called our Kyle yeah I'm gonna take more on that snow we can be seen for miles hello here we are and we're on our way it's a bit more risky in dates on [Music] we just leave now after glorious 15 hours moving on towards the entrance into Natalie and the Green Zone Jack must choose the safest route [Music] this is why during the army it bounced around in a and a big old Mastiff we have to take these routes to avoid any kind of pattern setting or anything else like this so I don't mind getting banged around as long as we don't get in any roadside bombs ahead of them is the green zone of fresh water lush fields and insurgent fighters there's always the defensive straight line from desert degree those yes the green zone there's any one entry point but quite channels therefore is necessary quite careful there's only one way into nutty alley the Taliban know they're coming the threat is now massively high I basically we're moving into a high threat area we move back down the hatches in there and buckle up because then we've had a lot of injuries with the head off off the ceiling off the roof the only problem is that obviously when your estranged it's hard to get out [Music] the road warriors have waited in the desert while eight roadside bombs laid in their path have been cleared and Taliban attacks repelled us impact now the convoy must enter the Green Zone in the daytime and face further attacks it's quiet for now drop the GPU 500-pounder today on an enemy call simon and has given us this window to get through everything looks normal so hopefully the convoy will get in and get out Jason is at the rear of the convoy actually going to not the alley it hasn't got the best reputation I must have got about about an hour's sleep last night soon he'll be in Noddy alley where the tracks are so narrow that one wrong move and a truck could fall into the deep canal running right beside the road hopefully with my driving skills we won't go and see their canal at the front of the convoy Jack is on the edge of the Green Zone home of the Taliban animals cows sheep goats people Afghans I'm thinking once we start moving forward though they'll see move our way Jack and Butch take a tight bridge driving lots Ivory's narrow isn't it yeah very I want to drive over that in this thing followed by Jason thinking I wonder what kind of fish are in a canal and thinking I wonder if this is another bridge on the left that's really tight this is what I call let's hike bridge you know Claire Debray didn't fancy a swim today like okarin are coming opportune and the bottle moves time I haven't seen one bit of alcohol my assets off as part of the tour those six months without a drop and beer as force protection Butch and Jack are on constant watch [Music] very fast car moving west towards this canal track it is black and moving essentially quickly you may see it coming towards you although she shortly over [Music] you've got the end the dangers of people taking a convoy and you know they get on a mobile to the Taliban and tell us where we go on what we're doing in Monroe - partying oil well you see yeah [Music] he's asking for further unfortunately we can't give it to them because if we start giving it to them then they'll probably expect that every time we come through here [Music] yeah like I was saying we don't give it to the kid this is food pocket biscuits out of joy I've tried doing a few times where I get to hold off then I've got a nice umbrella I'm gonna go as well I'm gonna see the kids obviously asking well begging for food and water and it does make me feel sad in a way you know every mission that we do oh and it's all for these kids future that's what we're here today mainly like you know get them a better future and a safer country as well very sweet little village any sort of local activities of children women and fathers there's a good side the Taliban of war locals they're gonna start an attack before they do it a big telltale sign is you see a women and children leaving compounds leaving an area this is the most dangerous part of the mission Jason has now been on the go for 20 hours that's quite what keeps me going is that everything I do I'll see ya I know make a difference in the future fine against a determined enemy [Music] at the front of the convoy Jack and Butch have reached Argyle 20 minutes later Jason arrives welcomes a foul ball guile [Music] now that Jack has safely shepherded the convoy into Argyll he can deliver Jenny's parcel to her husband Rob most of iboga understand your box with morale down from your she walks great journey yeah I like this or break behind the middle to catch her breath yeah oh she's our theater scene yet Percy and force protection are on constant watch for enemy activity while Jason delivers the rations and it was supposed to be a short run goddess I actually took hours our job is to get the job done as quick as possible and get back down on the roads bussing we also are there male on this convoy as well that keeps them out a lot of keeps ongoing facilities here are basic there are just two telephones so letters are vital for morale British soldiers live rough for six months in compounds over 3,000 miles from home the living conditions are so great there the toilets are actually homemade they don't smell nice at all so where you don't get many luxuries out here same food every day well just leave PBR pile you know push on through Natalie and then out into the desert and then once the desert the threats really over and that's the homerun we are off a [ __ ] laugh after five hours in the comparative safety of the British base the convoy must once again run the enemy gauntlet [Music] really fingers crossed with no cash these or all citizens they're still not clear of a Taliban stronghold on a last stop three mortars landed within 15 feet of this vehicle this very vehicle in Athens and actually there are those so it's actually one of days that I'm happy in a weird way it's all fun and games so far every attempt the enemy have made to attack the convoy has failed this is their last chance five eight nine nine eight seven zero the Taliban have fired mortar bombs known as indirect fire or IDF at the rear of the convoy only this being IDF at the rear of the callsign it's mortar rounds from the enemy so you're looking at there then firing rounds in the air coming down on the convoy around the back Percy gets the trucks moving out of the killing zone 5 6 8 butch goes in a fast jet to help ward off the Taliban attack 60 seconds away from coming in I can do a sharp force down the entire length of the selfie ever blue jet should be coming from the east to the west this is to deter any more enemy mortar fire hopefully this will have the desired effect now it should be coming in around about 20 seconds here he comes at the rear of the convoy force protection or engaging the enemy Jack what's happening sir SLP has just been contacted by idea one round line underneath envious from whiskey seven the red master another round 400 meters to the east either cares any position and we along with whiskey six are they gonna engaged the enemy compound and there is a black vehicle in the city of the compound it's very difficult to exactly get positive identification on the enemy therefore what I do is I push the Jets or any aircraft we have into the area that round has been closed we have to keep rolling through it's just difficult cuz the enemy do shoot and scoot as they have now force protection and the jet fighter have stopped the Taliban attack no cash these do anything wire speed back home [Music] he's doing Sebastia now on the horizon and the grounds pretty flat I mean it's not a very cool size through that gate and it's not to the last vehicles back in come into the full station you can stand down I work on this one yeah good Apache drill this morning jigsaw they found these better to be like that let's go here I come question two [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] we're back in Bastian now overall Tom's gone well I'll say it ain't it's about 10 12 hours long they expected the route clearance took about 12 hours instead of two we had to be IDF on the way out on the rear cool sides but no couch t better contact on the way back I mean we chased back to help but then we realized the convoy was in today everyone's happy the puppy that the Russians have got the water next thing we've gotta look forward to in about my or nah so it says one step closer each day that goes by in the days every day because it required today a few days later Jack was promoted to captain [Music] [Applause] about to work and Jason got a well-deserved [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I'm gonna be favorable so I'll show just a bit one day you know your life's on the line you mind I was blind from the next minute you're at home it is really very strange and so I'm sure it takes a few days overall with to sink in so I'm just waiting to get them comfortable your air after the second where you go back out there again in just a fortnight's time Jason's life will be on the line once more next time on road warriors extra mile be careful but be aggressive as well look at us like how is the enemy I'd be here doesn't know [Applause]
Channel: Wonder
Views: 787,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wonder, army life, combat deployments, combat missions, combat readiness, combat skills, frontline, frontline duty, intense situations, military dedication, military life, military personnel, military valor, risking it all, risking life for country, soldier's perspective, war documentary, war efforts, war zone, war zone life, wartime
Id: 66aSHU-WMBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 5sec (2645 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 02 2020
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