The Hardest to Master Aphelios Mechanic - Aphelios Guide

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a cycle becoming ever more popular on a felios is one that centers itself on the green blue or infernum calibrum combination the cycle exchanges green purple for green blue and blue red for purple red it does so to take advantage of a sweet interaction between DUS wave and calibrum where Landing dusk wave on an opponent allows you to Land Two basic attacks from it instead of one the real exciting thing about this combination however is the potential attack resets it enables with proper execution right before DUS wave hit your target with a caliber Mark the basic attack lockout ends and you can already throw out the manual basic attack you can throw out this manual basic attack right as the caliber Mark is about to hit and then attack reset off of the caliber Mark creating a rapid fire flurry of three basic attacks this combo proc press the attack and Kraken Slayer all by itself yielding a crazy amount of burst and massively amplifying your DPS additionally typically two out of three basic attacks are infernum attacks which means the whole flurry does 320% of your ad instead of just 300% this combo depends on both your attack speed and distance from your target DUS wave naturally locks you out of basic attacking for a time while it does its own automatic basic attack but this lockout ends fast enough to sneak in a basic attack right before the caliber Mark procs just so long as you are far enough from your target for the caliber Mark to not proc too quickly and that you have enough attack speed that your basic attack comes out before the caliber Mark is applied since the basic attack lockout has a minimum time frame there is a minimum distance you must be for this combo to work and no amount of attack speed will help you get it from closer distances than that since the caliber Mark will proc faster than the basic attack lockout ends up until that minimum distance however attack speed helps you get the attack reset from closer and closer if I've tested it correctly you can achieve it from the minimum distance with approximately 1.73 attack speed and the minimum distance looks something like this basically your infernum max range minus something like teemo's G to achieve this attack reset consistently the key is active positioning when you cost dusk wave you will be locked into place for about5 seconds and then there is about A4 second window where you can move but can't basic attack you must take advantage of this window to position yourself within the correct distance for the attack reset to work if your opponent is moving towards you and would get too close for the attack reset to work then you must spend those 4 seconds moving away from them if running away from you then you must move towards them then you time your right click spam to be right around the time when the lockout ends rather than spamming it the whole time when you could be adjusting your positioning when your opponents are moving away from you and manage to get out of your basic attack range there's a trick you can use to still get the attack reset anyway during the basic attack lockout you're not locked out of using phase so you can press W to swap the calium and when the lockout ends you use calibrum instead of infernum to execute the basic attack before the reset this allows you to execute the attack reset combo from plus 150 range further just make sure not to make it a habit to swap the calium if you don't need the extra range because you do lose out on infernum plus 10% damage for that auto if it's cutting it close though and you can't tell whether they're out of infernum range or not you can just feel free to swap the calibrum because losing out on 10% damage is not as bad as potentially losing out on 100% damage if you don't get the reset at all one more thing to take into consideration is whether or not you can squeeze in a basic attack before a dusk wave for a four basic attack combo rather than three basic attacks if your attack speed is too low then it's impossible to perfectly weave in a basic attack before the combo because you won't be ready to attack again when it's time to squeeze in another one between your dusk wave and your caliber Mark however fortunately the breako for this to happen is actually very low something around 0.9 attack speed if you have berserker's gaves you are definitely past this break point if you have n cover and a dagger then you would also probably have it if you do not have enough attack speed though then you might ask yourself is it better to go for weaving in the attack at the start or to try and achieve the attack reset it's the same number of attacks either way so what's the priority well it can depend on a few factors weaving in the basic attack at the start is a more guaranteed way of Landing the same damage but is a slower way of Landing the same damage compared to achieving the attack reset that being said the attack reset is harder to execute and partially dependent on the enemy's movement rather than just your own actions so it's less guaranteed so typically I would advise to prioritize weaving in the basic attack at the start the exception is if you're beginning the combo from outside of max range since DUS wave has a higher range than your basic attacks if you have a chance to hit an enemy from outside both of your basic attack ranges you can just focus on spacing them and either hit them with a max range INF Frum attack reset or switching the calar Brum to attack reset with that depending on which one you go for you will either achieve the three hits considerably faster than with the basic attack before thus wave or you will achieve the three hits without needing to enter infernum basic attack range all right and that was my guide for the calium infernum attack reset combo as you can see there's a lot that goes into optimizing this particular combo and I hope you found the tips helpful make sure to check out my guide the book of ailos in the description for more obscenely in-depth ailos tips and like And subscribe if you want to see more videos like this
Channel: Vapora Dark
Views: 2,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aphelios, aphelios guide, league of legends
Id: xiyPE7Sy43k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 43sec (343 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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