The Hardest Possible Climbing Fall - P.1

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I have some new toys today which reminded me this famous physics lecture. [Music] Well, more on toys later. But now here is a quiz for you. Which fall do you think is harder for the climber: this one [Music] or this one? That was sick. So a really hard indoors fall where we intentionally created a lot of drag by zigzagging the rope. And then belaying in the hardest way we could. Or a massive outdoors whipper? Which do you think was harder for the climber? [Music] So if you're one of these 99 percents of the people who think that you know the answer wait for it. Because it's not that simple and I've been there and I'm gonna explain throughout this video. But actually the main motivation for me for this video was not to just compare these two falls but to measure what are the forces on really really hard real climbing falls. And now you might ask: Who cares? Like... numbers... whatever... Rope... A fuzzy rope... happens. We keep falling and falling and falling. And the rope gets more and more damaged, more and more fuzzy, and in some extreme cases very damaged. Like this one got really really really erect yum yum yum yum And now the real question is how dangerous this is. Could i break this rope on real climbing fall? If I would have taken a couple of more falls would it have snapped or no? So the first idea how to test this was very simple. Just go outside and make a bunch of falls and see if it's gonna snap. Obviously by having some backup - rope or something. But yeah nobody would want to take a bunch of really really hard falls again and again and again and again and then to make it to hit that spot at the same spot and again and again and again. It would be pretty difficult. So instead I decided to reach out to Mammut and ask if I could come and play with their drop tower. So this is where the rope testing magic happens. Basically every rope manufacturer has a facility for testing ropes. Unfortunately so-called standard test is really really hard. What are the forces on standard tests? Um... like around for a single rope it's around like 8 to 9 KN... Pretty much impossible to reach in real life scenarios... And my guess it would just snap this rope instantly. And that's not what i wanted to do. I wanted to reduce to modify that test to be more or less like really really hard realistic fall. And for that I needed to know what are the real forces on really hard falls. Ha-hah, hard is easy... And to do so it was a good time for me to visit Andy from LineGrip And get myself a couple of these. It's basically a device that can measure forces. It's the only device you can have logging for a specific amount of time without connecting any other device to it. Like there's scales or load cells. But you have to attach a notebook... a laptop... And that would be quite complicated especially for him to take a laptop with him... And no this video is not sponsored. I bought this and the other one myself. Well, so technically it's sponsored by my curiosity and by good people who support me by visiting my website So what's your estimate? Oh I have to estimate the peak force? Yes, of course. Ah that'll be 2.95 2.95? Yeah! Well, um as a developer you have to be precise It's 2.95 OK 2.95 Right. Uh 3.1 2.5 What's your guess? 2.7 2.7 And what do you wish for? What's you wish for? Zero... 1.5 please 1.5 So obviously to get real data we needed to do real falls. And doing really really hard falls with real humans is sketchy. So if for whatever reason you will decide to repeat this - don't! 2.56 2.5 already How does 2.5 feel? Soft. Soft? Yeah. OK let's try harder. So our plan was to start soft and then keep making harder and harder falls where the belayer would do basically the opposite of the soft catch. Basically as hard as he can. Yeah but that looked like a hard catch. This time 2.89 2.89 Yeah. That's close to three kilonewtons already. But the fall this time... How was the fall? It felt much more harder than before. Yeah I would say it was okay... It doesn't feel hard? No it was not hard. But it wasn't soft so. That's a sacrifice for the experiment. I feel sorry for you. No problem. No problem, no problem? His hands are bleeding... No problem... 'For science!' as Ryan says 'For science!' For science! What's your weight by the way? 72. And yours, susan? 78. So we swapped. At some point we realized that making really hard falls just by belayer efforts is not gonna be enough so we decided to introduce extra friction in the system. Ah that's a nice workout :) Advanced course So how does it feel to fall on your own equipment? That feels cool. But let's see how it feels falling at all. Because I'm such a good climber I never fall. Aah. So maybe you should watch my videos about fear of falling. And to play safe since we switched the system a little bit we started with a soft catch. So how did it felt for you? 1.6 KN. It was... The fall was cool. But the swing was enormous. Don't jump backwards when you fall Jump forward? So i have to... No-no, just let go... Um yeah! This is actually a very common mistake by beginner fallers is to push or jump away from the wall during the fall. Obviously the harder you push away from the wall the bigger the pendulum into the wall gonna be. And your legs are not gonna be happy. So don't jump to the outside. Yeah! just let go straight down. Don't touch the rope! One, two, three. So you got only 2.1 How does that felt? Uh I couldn't tell the difference to before. Except that the wall contact wasn't there. No difference. Hard one. Hard one. But in this time when you fell straight down you did not touch the wall at all. Great! It'll be hard but it won't hurt. Come on! Three, two, one. Oh! 2.6 Oh my god, that was crazy. That was crazy and it's... and it's only 2.6 KN. So how was this fall for you? Again it was perfectly okay except for the wall contact. That was... That was pretty hard this time So even harder without me jumping out. So, dummy. Yeah? As hard as possible. So don't jump out! One, two, three. 2.8 At this point we had a ton of drag. The belayer belay as hard as he can. And we reached 2.8 KN of force to the climber. But Andy really wanted to reach his 2.95 estimate. So we decided to increase the distance of the fall a little bit Yeah, that's the drag. Yeah, that's enough, I think. That's enough, just start with that. And don't forget to let go. One, two, three. 2.9 2.9, it's very close to your guesstimate. You said 2.95 is your guess. I gotta go again. Take this much more rope. Yeah, no. We actually maxed out what we can do in that climbing gym and trying to make even bigger fall would result into the fall which is too close to the ground. But we had another test candidate. And what's your weight? 65kg One, two, three. 2.9 2.9? And quiz number two. How can a lighter climber generate the same force as the heavier one? Well let's take a look again. Whoa Do you notice the difference? So the lighter climber fell more straight down resulting into pretty much all the force going into the rope. While the heavier climber jumped out a little bit. That increased the pendulum. So there is less force into the rope. And more force into the pendulum. Or into the wall... Or into your ankles. So here is a mini model to demonstrate that. If i take a 10 kilogram of mass and drop it next to the anchor I get 2.67KN Now if i do this again but i step a meter back I get 2.1 KN Because a bunch of force went into the swing. If I would try to even increase the swing more... Now the force was only 1KN. So how was that last fall? Oh it was hard... Have you ever got a fall that hard on real rock? No, never Almost or not close? Yeah there was one that was close, but not as hard as this one. So still your estimate is off... By 0.03 Shame on me! That was close. That was very close. Do you know that our max was exactly the same? He had 2.92 and I had 2.92. We... Ah so maybe that's the universal limit of the hard fall? It is! We found it! Yeah! So a couple of takeaways from this. First obviously it's really hard to design a real life experiments to be very precise. Because it not only depends on how high the fall was, how heavy the climber was, how hard the catch was. But also how much the climber jumped out from the wall. So that's another thing to consider. And obviously a practical takeaway is that the harder you push yourself away from the wall or jump away from the wall the harder you will smack back into the wall. We have a game. If you squeeze it it reads a number. Can you explain why? Oh, yeah! It's a material deformation. Uh, there's two uh wow you call it cut. There's two strips that measure the material deformation. When you pull this you can't see but the material stretches. And these strips measure that. And the electronics convert that through a voltage that changes through the stretch of the strips. And so if you press you also deform the material. Just in a different way but the strips just register material deformation. So you can go like this or you can go like this It's the same. So basically long story short. What are we gonna do with this now? Oh, we're just gonna play a game with who gets the highest number. Number is irrelevant, doesn't mean anything... But... Oh yeah it does. If it's the highest you're the best. Okay let's see. Go! Me? Of course! Uh, zero. All right. So don't show my hand behind... A scream at 0.4 You can do better, do this. Yeah but I use only three fingers, so um... No, do it again... No let's give it fair. I'll try a left hand. No-no, just do the strongest best. Give it your best No way, no chance. This is for two. Yeah, but it wasn't me... Who was it? Look at the big guy. Look at this guy. Once again. Wait, wait! We haven't even seen the result. Well, at least you're getting red. 0.68 That's for a right-hander who works in the office. Yeah. But he just did with left hand. Yeah, but he's right now the right hand... 76 Oh, no! Oh, no-no. What does it mean: 'Oh, no!'? 64 We'll try again. We'll try again. Oh. Oh, no. 59 59 That's not possible. Once again, once again, once again What was yours, I forgot? 76 So who is going to beat his record? Try again, try again, beat him. Oh no, it's not getting any... You should either try passad I didn't scream like 'a-a-ah'. Go, go with scream, let's see if it helps. No, it's not getting any higher. No, it has got lower. And don't put that in the video! No, I won't. This is not in the video that you're watching now... No, no, no. Let me try. Wait, wait! It says 0.01 already. So I'm winning already by... karma. Let's see, it's already... He's scared of it. Let's see how should I go like full hand or just the finger. Yeah maybe it's a technique thing. He's not really strong. He's just got the best technique. OK. It was a bigger scream than the result. Yeah. OK. 71. I still need 0.3 to match him. How hard do you climb? Sorry? How hard do you climb? Very hard... Very hard?! I've found the trick. Oh, no. Oh, no. Wait, you did it behind your back. What was it? No way! What? No, I feel that i'm cheating. So the trick is that before what i was trying was this. Yeah, right. So what else? But now I did this. And that gives me way. Wait, oh... Yeah... I am, thanks... But what if you twist it even more? So you go from corner to corner. So basically my grip is strongest in this position. That's why i get more. Yeah. Yeah, he's getting seven something already. OK, let's go. Are you ready? Zero... OK, so... This.. let me... Let me just show mine. No. That's good compared to before. You were talking about challenge. And, uh, we could do that challenge. And LineGrip corporation would sponsor two thousand dollars for the challenge winner. Can i get it? I've won already. No? So let me get this straight. Like if I travel around and give this to people? Yeah. Does that count or no? Yes. It counts? Yes, it counts. OK. Because so far i'm winning... Most of all, you're like the guinness book juror. You check that they don't cheat. So, so far i'm winning. Right? If nobody presses harder than this I get 2 000 euros. True. Nice. OK, I know that you want to try. Do you want to try double? That's not gonna work. I like his power sсream. What's your power scream! Tsss Adam Ondra was my coach. Alright, now I have to go and edit the part two of this video. So I'm just gonna leave you with this link here.
Channel: Hard Is Easy
Views: 89,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rock Climbing, Climbing, Climbing falling, Climbing fall forces, climbing fall training, climbing falling fear, climbing falling practice, Hardest climbing fall, big whipper, rock climbing physics, Hardest rock climbing fall, Rock climbing fails, Rock climbing falling compilation, climbing falling compilation, slam vs whip, climbing whipper, climbing whippers, climbing soft catch, lead climbing soft catch, dynamic belay, belay masterclass
Id: uoDN6SQog9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 31 2022
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