The Hardest Grinds in World of Warcraft - Episode 1

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[Music] hey guys what's up man season here back with another video for you a criticism you hear about lijing quite often is that it's very grindy with titan forging artifact power and legendaries to name just a few well in response I thought it would make for a fun series to take a look at the hardest grinds throughout the game's history mainly reputation but also some more unconventional stuff thrown in there as well and before we begin here when I say hardest I really mean the most time-consuming for the most part a lot of the grinds in the game aren't really hard in the sense of killing tough enemies but rather they're hard in the sense that they're hard to complete because they take so long as many of you may have guessed I think the most appropriate place to start are the reputations tied to the insane title for this one you originally had to raise your reputation to exalted with seven factions and another one to honored for the most part I'll try to stick to the pre nerf stuff since this is a video about the hardest crimes after all a lot of this has been made easier over time so note that this isn't a guide by any means if that's what you're looking for you're in the wrong place there might be some useful bits of information here and there but like I said I'll be talking about the pre nerfed state Ally itself a lot of this information will be out of date from the current game so the original achievement had booty Bay gadget Zen ever look ratchet Raven hold the Darkmoon Faire and the shondrel are factions at exalted and the blood sell Buccaneers at honored so we got eight total to start off Episode one the shangri-la was removed with the Cataclysm expansion so we'll start with that this is the group of Nigel's that can be found inside at the library of the dire Maul dungeon the same place where he got the closer our quest to raise the reputation to exalted the best method was to get these items called libres you got these as drops in the dermal dungeon and they came in different forms the lead from a focus protection and rapidity these were quest items and when turned in along with other trade materials you would get an item that enchanted your gear with bonus stats along with shondrel our reputation 500 to be exact not counting the human racial bonus you started neutral with them so to get to exalted you needed 84 of these libras along with 84 black diamonds and depending on what labrum she had a bunch of enchanting materials and other stuff you had the blood of Heroes which was a rare material you could only get in the Eastern Plaguelands own you picked these up off the ground and it would spawn a few elites that she had to kill or run away from you also had the freight abomination stitch Ling's which dropped from abominations in Stratholme and skins of shadow which dropped from elites in skolem ants and the worst part was that the liberals were unique so you could only bring one of each at a time before the portable mailbox and mobile guilt Bank you'd have to get your labrum 's head - dire Maul turn in the quest hearth back get Morley brooms and go back to dire Maul 28 times minimum and 84 max have mercy well I guess they did show mercy because this reputation was removed with the Cataclysm expansion and was no longer part of the insane title but we still have seven others let's tackle the Raven halt first this is a ninja faction located in the hills Brad Foothill Zone in the Raven Holt Manor they spend their time getting anime haircuts and collecting heavy junk boxes you could only get these if you were a rogue but anyone could do the quest so if you didn't have a rogue you'd need to straight-up buy these you pick pocketed them off of level 50-ish enemies and you turn in five at a time 475 reputation typically you did this just for the revered level so that's fourteen hundred boxes total for neutral two revered it was faster to kill low level enemies there's an enemy rogue faction called The Syndicate and if you killed them you got five rep per kill so that was around forty two hundred kills total generally it was faster but it really depended if others were farming there as well regardless though very time-consuming next we have the blood sale Buccaneers this is the enemy pirate faction found in the stranglethorn bale zone how did you raise the reputation well you killed your allies of course the strategy was to basically murder everything in the booty Bay questing hub and they would give you some reputation with the Buccaneers the amount of kills did vary the minimum amount of work was starting at 0 of 3,000 as hostile with the Buccaneers but it was pretty common for people to start this grind after doing all of the quests in the zone which would give you reputation with booty Bay but decrease your rep with the Pirates so for most people they actually started way in the negative at the hated reputation level which needed 36,000 points to get out of and you would not only be hated by the faction but also the player since people have a hard time getting quest for him dead NPCs but as long as you persevered and committed some goblin genocide you would eventually reach honored after in some cases thousands and thousands of kills as a reward you got progress towards the title a nifty set of clothes and even a quest that gives you a pirate hat the reason why the achievements stopped and honored and not exalted was because up until a patch most of the NPC stopped giving reputations at that point so realistically that was the cap there was however a single goblin in the entire game that gave your reputation past honored his name was Jes Rick and you could find him in the Badlands zone he actually gave one reputation per kill and had a seven-minute respond timer probably making the reputation the most hardcore to max out although there was no real point in going past honored now you might say that it doesn't count since no one actually did it right let's be real here come on this is the Internet someone actually did it Wigwam on the dentox server on us killed poor jeserac 20,000 999 times to become exalted and he was followed by some others now that's insane it was later changed to give 5 reputation though but there was a catch to this the insane title also needed exalted with the steam wheedle cartel which consisted of the four goblin factions everlook gadgets and ratchet and booty bay but at this point your hated with these factions because the only way to raise that blood-cell reputation was to lower your rep with the cartel so now you're in a pickle initially I believe correct me if I'm wrong you could farm this rep back up by killing pirates outside of booty Bay but this would also of course decrease that blood cell reputation and you got a very small amount of reputation per kill so it would take thousands maybe even tens of thousands although it's not record for the achievement to have all of the reps at the same time if you wanted to keep your blood cell reputation intact you would instead head back to the dire Maul instance in the northern wing near the end of the dungeon there is a quest to free a goblin you had to get a key that had a chance to drop from the many bosses in the instance turning it in give you 350 reputation he also gave a quest asking for an ogre Tannen which could be found upstairs or in a crate he leaves behind when you free em you'd also need some trade materials this was repeatable infinitely and to give you another 75 rep returnin and the best part of these it doesn't affect your blood sail Buccaneers Rapp and another bonus was through the process of clearing to him and killing these bosses you would also get those libros needed for the shangri-la rep I mentioned earlier so you could knock out two birds with one stone here anyways lastly we have the Darkmoon Faire at exalted nowadays this isn't too bad with the reworked fair you just do the daily quests and the rep comes pretty fast but before the fairs revamp in patch 4.3 things were much harder and in fact this one was the hardest out of all of the reps required for the insane title you didn't have those daily quests where you play the carnival games for some quick wrap instead the main form of rep grinding was tied to the card decks also the Faire is only in town for one week out of the month so the accessibility is also a problem so you of course started at neutral and from that point to 2002 friendly you would do a repeatable quest turn and that required drops called the glowing scorpion blood you got this from the silithus own and you turned in ten at a time for 250 rep each from neutral to 2000 into friendly and from this point on until exalted you started what's known as the card grinding this was the worst part of the whole achievement so there are a handful of card dicks in the game that you can turn in to the fair for trinkets and other gear but to make these decks you need cards they drop throughout the world and if you're an inscribed you can make them they varied in quality and to getting all of the cards for the deck give you a turning quest that gave you a trinket or an amulet and some reputation 350 for the epic quality decks and 25 for the blue and green ones so if you had inscription you could craft your own cards requiring a mountain of materials you got from milling herbs into inks or alternatively you could just buy them off of the auction house and sell the gear if it was bind on equip some smart players would actually trade the item for other people's completed deck along with a bit of gold as an incentive basically paying for the turn in and the reputation you got from it the amount of decks you needed to turn in of course varied depending on what quality you are doing the max was around 1500 turn-ins if you focused on the low-level decks and a hundred ish for the purple ones but those were very expensive and of course throwing different rep bonuses such as the human racial and you could do it with less but with that you got the insane title like I said much easier these days with shondrel are being removed the revamped dark moon and so on even still the reputations tied to this title ranked at the top as the most grindy in the game so that's about it that's a pretty good start to this series I think I was thinking of keeping these on the short side and doing five grinds at a time I started with eight because I think would be wrong to start the series with anything other than the insane title since as you saw the grinding is well insane in future episodes though I'll be going into more unconventional stuff not just reputations since I think that's a little boring I got quite the long list already but if you have any in particular that you'd like to suggest let me know as always I hope you find the video interesting or entertaining like it if you liked it and thanks for watching peace farewell for now mortals hope you enjoyed today's video see you again soon
Channel: MadSeasonShow
Views: 794,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow legion, wow, world of warcraft, 7.3, 7.3.5, madseasonshow, World of Warcraft, guide, legion, World Of Warcraft: Legion (Video Game), World Of Warcraft (Video Game), Legion, wow hardest grinds, world of warcraft hardest grinds, world of warcraft grinding, wow the insane title, reputation, bloodsail buccaneers, shen'dralar, booty bay, ratchet, everlook, gadgetzan, ravenholdt, darkmoon faire, wow rep grinding, wow insane in the membrane
Id: zZ6hSQzt2y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2017
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