Ranking All 16 Elden Ring Crucible Knights From Worst To Best...

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all right we got about 6 weeks left in limbo until we can finally start quenching our boredom and staving off our ever growing existential apprehension by Min maxing our favorite Power staned hird builds for 30 minutes and then watching a YouTube video that tells us how broken the new katas are or getting lost in content rabbit holes until it's 5:00 a.m. and we end up on challenge run videos like Elden ring but my roommate is physically assaulting me with an actual Twin Blade IRL can I beat the game before my eviction date you know the classics I've ranked just about everything that isn't meme and I honestly don't have the stamina for another all weapons video right now so that definitive boss ranking like five people are asking for might be a little ways down the pipeline but the rule book didn't say anything about ranking groups of bosses at a time as a means of slowly rising to the challenge confronting the rising Stakes Rising the tension a little this video is sponsored by V Rising V Rising is a vampire Survival action RPG where you arise from your centuries of Slumber and gain strength by literally drinking the blood of your enemies craft weapons and learn spells to take down bosses that give you even better spells gather resources to build and maintain a castle recruit servants to do your bidding or just lock them up in your prison cells and feast on them too the base building mechanics unlock gradually and allow you to slowly take your standard shelter and turn it into a Gothic Palace that spans half the forest despite being so massive the game's environment actually looks like it was built with genuine care which just Blends itself to the base building aspect even more and just makes it that much more fun most survival crafting games have a Time cycle that makes nighttime much more dangerous ous but V Rising flips the script by turning sunlight into a fatal Hazard that you can avoid by either staying in shaded areas or just by sleeping in a coffin and skipping the daytime period like you would nighttime in other games the art style is gritty and dark but it's also like just cartoonish enough to let you know you shouldn't take it too seriously it's got exceptional combat and music not a single part of the game feels incomplete or unfinished you can hunt and build alone but it gets way more fun when you gather a clan of friends to help you guard your Castle from holy soldiers or dick you over by stealing all your [ __ ] V Rising is out now on Steam but it's also coming to the PlayStation 5 very soon you can download the game now by using my link in the description and pinned comment number 16 oris's right hand I didn't know what else to call this guy because the game itself didn't even care enough to give him a standout name they couldn't even give him an alias that suggested a possible relationship to ovas at all it's just another Crucible night might as well have just named him Mr dual fight necessitation man so I've just decided to Cod name him ova's right hand Knight despite there being a decently High chance his existence has satisfied less people in life than ova's actual right hand this guy has no significance at least none that I can find the ordovas great sore description refers to two knights foremost among the others but that second Knight is definitely silor since the two descriptions match their weapons he's one of the few Crucible Knights that don't use any primordial incantations except for that weird claw attack he does that would probably have trouble slicing ham at a deli let alone hitting the player his flying AOE is easily punishable and he covers more with his attacks and is more aggressive meaning he's almost always going to get killed first the game does nothing to facilitate his existence and I'm thoroughly convinced this was the night added in just because someone liked the number 16 and wanted it to be significant and then it gets retconned anyway so who gives a [ __ ] number 15 and 14 the two spirit Coler Crucible Knights I'm not completely familiar with how the afterlife Works in Elden ring but I'm familiar enough with it to know that the spirit caller snail summoning two Crucible Knights heavily implies that they have been dead for a long time get the snail down to low enough health and it can also summon both at the same time and I know for sure almost nobody knows that because if I don't even have the attention span to stick around long enough for it to ever happen except when I need the footage then you sure as [ __ ] don't either this is when I retroactively comment on the whole 16 Crucible nights detail and that it was actually only in the network test and was likely retcon I guess to leave room for more thrilling sparring matches with the ones in the DLC I have a head cannon that someone just had a really good couple of ideas for aspects of The Crucible incantations but needed more Crucible night bosses to make it work and now we just have a dude that can turn himself into like a porcupine like what we saw in the DLC trailer how would this even work like does it go through their armor or like who who cares who [ __ ] gives a [ __ ] two Crucible knights in the roads and catacombs they suck they're boring and the fact that they're dead before you even start the game facilitates their uselessness [ __ ] him next number 13 the crumbling uh phula Knight the one beneath the dragon not not the one on the not the one on the rooftop I was thinking about naming him the animal abuse Knight or something cuz you see him beating the [ __ ] out of a bunch of beastmen but like I don't know if I can put that in without getting demonetized it's been 16 years it's been 16 [ __ ] years and we're still fighting caer demons in studio apartments this is but a small bit of insight into how fromsoft amplifies difficulty in later stages of the game that have nothing to do with HP or damage this is a group of developers who understand that you can make the most basic encounters downright oppressive by just placing the player in a crowded New York Subway and watching them try to swing a sword the wide open scenes and surplus Breathing Room you had in kid and shra are but memories of the past you aren't a true night and unless you can have a proper battle inside someone's fridge and we're going to throw in a few beastmen to act as swordfighter so you can't even [ __ ] what you need even more help this ain't no game for [ __ ] you want a kids game you get bullied too much during dodgeball in the third grade or something maybe you had someone yell in your face and and smack you and then and then when you tried to tell the gym teacher he didn't believe you and you had to spend the next 6 weeks getting bullied by that same piece of sh I'm going to move on number 12 the Avenue balcony night this Crucible night is the one lonely dude turning 30 and looking through his high school yearbook for old classmates he thinks he can still [ __ ] you find this guy Reminiscing on old times looking at a metal engraving of the UR tree like it's an old prom photo or something look man Jessica doesn't want you anymore okay you [ __ ] that up people change just not in the way you want them to sometimes you know the arena is a mind-numbingly unstimulating combination of boring and exploitative because it's just a perfectly circular room with a pair of wall extrusions right behind you that he just doesn't know how to counter beginning the fight by greeting you with his ass means you can take all the Time in the World to buff cast throw on a grease or something and be prepared to shave off 90% of his health while he's standing there daydreaming about Juliet or whatever the [ __ ] I said her name was uninteresting Arena easily chees doesn't drop anything a triple layered burrito of unnecessary tedium that does nothing but make me wish I spent my energy fighting the UR Trey Avatar outside cuz at least that guy gives me a Lord's Rune number 11 the rampart Tower Knight you know what credit where it's due I [ __ ] a godamn brick when I saw this guy walking out around the corner I heard the obvious clanking of his armor took a quick look around and dismissed the thought of fighting a crucible Knight in such a cramped environment so quickly that I just convinced myself it was the sound of a a giant armored turtle or something he drops the horns incantation which just makes absolutely no goddamn sense firstly because the sword and shield Crucible Knights usually cast the breath and tail incantations while the great spear Knights have the horn spell and secondly because none of that [ __ ] matters anyways because he never even casts anything to begin with he's a surprisingly forgivable fight that doesn't do anything fancy or unexpected I guess his compensation for the inconvenience of having nope that that's tail swipe never mind he he just cast a tail swipe this isn't a crucible Knight this is a bodybuilder that happened to be a perfect fit for The Crucible Knight armor the single noteworthy thing about him is what he drops and him having the incantation that he has doesn't even make sense [ __ ] I'm glad I didn't know this guy existed for eight months number 10 the shra aqueduct Knight the the the horn Shield one the horn Shield Knight the guy that drops the horn Shield I think they really lost an opportunity with this one not a single person has ever properly defeated this guy due to his proc it to jettison himself through one of the dome's mini archways and crash dive into lower Sher so they could have just had his head explode Allah ruptured Crystal tier upon his second phase just strictly for the shock value like imagine what an unforgettable moment that would have been like he Stomps on the ground or something to activate his second phase and then just [ __ ] explodes and just gives you the shield I'll be way more memorable than seeing him fling himself into the greater Beyond like he's getting sucked into the ghost Dimension Danny Phantom ass [ __ ] and and like the horn Shield isn't even that good anyways [ __ ] no Pierce damage having ass would have taken you like 15 seconds to dup The Shield bash ID and just change the attack type to pierce but I guess we're saving that [ __ ] for the DLC or something number nine the Sher for aqueduct waterfall night really nothing not even an incantation just absolutely I mean I'm not asking for the great spear I know that comes later but your [ __ ] vertically challenged brother over there gave me a shield at least I like the setup to this encounter because Crucible Knights are weak to lightning attacks which the game sort of hints at by having it to where you're surrounded by water which also improves lightning damage lightning bullets o spread when used in water which gives you a somewhat reliable way to deal with the cubicle of Resident Evil zombies next door that eventually hear the commotion and send their business relations team up your ass the Knight itself isn't anything special it's just another encounter that sets you up to think you'll get a second drop out of it since the horn Shield dropped from the other guy but the visual presentation of the night looking out from the waterfall is pretty cinematically badass if nothing else number eight the noon belfrey KN which is exactly why this next night here is one of my personal favorites speaking strictly on presentation middle of the road is really the only descriptor that's appropriate for this Crucible night perfectly average fight the open space is mundane yet unpr problematic invisible barriers prevent him from sailing over the edge with his flying tackle [ __ ] but too much chees is bad for your health anyway so shut the [ __ ] up he has probably one of the greatest visual introductions in the game since you can even see him from other sections of nocon where actually reaching him seems impossible but you would think that would just be done to tease a particular item drop that would be really useful or something and it it's just you just get nothing again [ __ ] man even the Stray her tree avatars usually drop Lords runes or something you took a full suit of Crucible armor and stuffed it in a chest half of us didn't even think to go back for until we looked it up spread that [ __ ] amongst the locals man like give us an incentive at least number s the far Missoula rooftop Knight now this Knight may not be a completely one toone fully accurate representation of havl standing before the giant dragon an arch Dragon Peak but it's a close enough portrayal for me to feel a wave of nostalgia whenever I get to this part of faram moula it doesn't evoke the same thrill of ass blasting someone who very likely just murdered a dragon like in the former example since the night just AGG grows way too quickly onto you but the presentation is a solid effort it gives you a nice open space to dance around in with a few small pillars to lessen the distance he covers with his long reaching attacks and hopefully give you a small pocket of breathing room in the process doesn't change the fact that we're still in the game's penultimate biome so you could easily get your ball speed bagged by a crowd of dedicated bunnies if you're unlucky enough and if we're this far into the game and and you don't give me like an incantation or even just a spare knee guard or something I'm probably not paying attention to you number six the ER tree Sanctuary night I've come to realize something about boss fight reveals no matter how anticlimactic or uninteresting they are to fight in the moment and no matter how many notches I've carved into my metaphorical hunting rifle for each of the same boss having him suddenly step out from around a corner and start walking towards me like a WWE wrestler is at least going to Peak my interest I'm still going to kick the [ __ ] out of his ass and I'm going to forget it ever happened in like the next 20 seconds but it'll impress me ever so slightly to when I eventually begin making lists like this one it's something I'll at least probably remember at some point maybe the game also teases you with an invisible Scarab which are usually hidden in safer spots in the game but if you don't give Chase you can easily stay outside of The Crucible Knights aggro range giving you an opportunity to buff heal or do whatever it's a classic bait most of us fell for on the first playthrough and for that alone I'm willing to give this guy a little slack number five the storm Hill ever jail Knight if ordovas was the branch manager and syura the administrator this [ __ ] was the welcoming committee this guy stood as a proper introduction to The Crucible Knights for most players and fighting him upfront with a level 13 brainlet Mage like most of us did served us our very first piece of humble pie that slowly taught us the lesson of choosing the right encounters he can fly he can tail whip he hits like an abusive big brother he loses a massive portion of his appeal once you learn there are 15 other golden chuckle [ __ ] idling around tripping over their primordial shoelaces or some [ __ ] however first and impressions are important and maybe first impressions are why we expect every single Crucible night to drop something of value maybe we found the tail incantation and just blindly assumed this was going to be normal or maybe it's not our fault because [ __ ] that stupid [ __ ] number four ovas having one of the most renowned highest status Crucible nights share a boss fight with his dimwitted Giga virgin step cousin is such a creatively bankrupt decision that I've been telling myself for 2 years that they just needed to Rush the game out for launch to justify such a missed opportunity I'm really hoping they thought of the idea to give ordovas and syura their own unique boss fights like like it obviously didn't happen but I'm hoping the thought at least crossed their minds like it had to have there's no way it didn't I have no idea what ordovas deserves but it's more than fourth [ __ ] place if I were just a commenter and I saw someone rank The Crucible Knights and put ovas in fourth without hearing them out I just assume you have a degradation fetish or something I'm not happy about this what little enjoyment I would ever receive from fighting yet another Crucible Knight or dois or not is spat on by the appearance of the second incredibly more annoying Crucible Knight I don't care how many pieces of armor fall out his ass when I kill him one of the two most noteworthy Crucible knights in the whole game and he gets stuck in a [ __ ] tomb somewhere number three the red main Castle Knight so when capturing footage for this particular fight I accidentally taught myself something new the appearance of The Crucible Knight isn't a second phase that triggers when you've taken enough shits on the Mis begotten HP bar I just kind of idled around making sure all my settings were correct and after a few seconds I guess the Knight just got tired of waiting on my slow ass and swooped in on a own without any trigger I didn't know this guy's appearance was triggered by a timer or maybe I don't know maybe it's one of those Resident Evil 4 timers where it's like technically a timer but the amount of damage you do to the misbegotten speeds up the timer in some way making both variables important well I think that's how it works that's how it works in the remake at least hey remember that one Rusty video where he suddenly goes off on a Resident Evil tangent nobody gives a [ __ ] about no I don't son go back to sleep the wide open fighting space is pretty nice there's some bonus decorations you get to smash during the brawl and finishing the fight drops you the ruins great sword a crucible Knight is still a crucible Knight so I'm not going to waste time fishing half-hearted compliments out of my ass like I just scored a date on hinge or something but as far as repeat bosses go this is one of the less tedious ones number two siluria you want that great spear I don't care if there were 32 knights in the game and Godfrey taught them all how to Pilot fighter jets getting your hands on this great spear is worth turning the entire planet over no discussion needed defeating scoria gives you the great spear scorus tree and easy access to the chest she was guarding that contains an entire set of Crucible tree armor and just a quick aside The Crucible armor sets might be some of the greatest sets in the game when it comes down to the numbers exceptional Poise with manageable weight and just a little less than 34% physical damage negation when wearing the full set I have no idea when the inevitable armor tier list is going to come out cuz I I just can't be [ __ ] truthfully but whenever it does these two sets will probably be near top 10 siluria gives you the best rewards of any Crucible night in the game second only to ovas and his [ __ ] training buddy or whatever number one Tani's Knight I don't know what this guy's major malfunction is I'm just glad I found my first subtle implication in the game that Mara banishing Godfree from the lands between had actual consequences these meat Shields didn't serve the urge tree or some [ __ ] they served under Godfrey specifically and it's just very comforting to know that when Godfrey wrongfully got exiled by Mr girl boss over here at least one Crucible Knight had enough self-respect to not take that [ __ ] lying down this is the only Crucible night we've seen so far that got so fed up with this treatment of under the Earth tree that he consciously decided to break his oath and fight against it instead meaning he probably would duel and kill other Crucible Knights if given the chance the only thing this guy was missing was some sort of like bastardized blasphemi magma armor that properly detached him from the standard Crucible Knight identity he uses the breath incantation pretty frequently so I'm sure it wouldn't have been too big a stretch to have him exhale magma instead I won't venture too deep into any Theory crafting rabbit holes but that wouldn't be the first time they've explored how magic can be corrupted into something else I mean that was kind of the whole point of dark sorceries in the Dark Souls games he also drops my personal favorite of the three aspect incantations which is breath not really an important drop by itself but hiding his encounter behind the killing of a major character and then watching him face shift into rikard's Lair like a [ __ ] risk of rain boss makes him way too cool to ignore now I'm a little motivated [Music]
Channel: Rusty.
Views: 211,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: N5ZerbBiEjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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