The Hard Truth About FouseyTube! (Part 3)

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what's going on this is really creepy someone calls a bomb threat it's why they evacuated the building is so Drake and get in so you've seen part 1 part 2 what do you think's right off the RIP dude when after you guys talked in the office I talked to him for five and I said I saw his eyes his eyes were a real shifty and like wide and like he dab me up and I'm not gonna lie like I was like dude he's [ __ ] crit is he [ __ ] yeah that's what you said right away that's what I said right away cuz I don't realize the severity of the situation I do think it's kind of [ __ ] up to just point and laugh at somebody and be like haha they're [ __ ] crazy you know what I mean wanted to do I feel like it's do you think that's do you think that's what my documentary is doing that no I think a little to be fair aiding in that [ __ ] the main thing you have to [ __ ] like really drive home to him and I think would be the best for him is if you really [ __ ] nail him with like hey dude you got to work on yourself you got to save yourself put the saving the world [ __ ] aside like you should work on yourself right now hey King actually escaped into reality for a little bit after I posted that PewDiePie video because I don't want to I just want that to do what it does and let the conversation happen across YouTube but um if you want to stay in touch and everything I'm gonna give you my girlfriend a number oh yes okay so you can contact me anytime brother I love you please tell the boys I love them and thanks for helping me through all those hey what's up I got you a rose my love hey Los Angeles she's selling roses all by olive oil on all of them we just walked in I didn't no [ __ ] no this is what we're gonna talk about we came here this is all real and that's why I appreciate Kim's documentary know why I wanted to be a part of part three I hope that you guys can see that I'm making a massive massive massive effort starting today to practice what I preach fugitives been trying to get a bunch of big celebrities to come to his event he's been trying to get LeBron James he also tweeted out saying that Drake was actually going to be at his event Drake was in New York during this event by the way I like I said need 2 million viewers for Drake even the thumbnail of his stream was Drake's face here okay actually I think we have footage of Drake's reaction to I'm so upset that we even came here now right now I'm just like this this makes no sense you talked to ovo Johnny right when you were in Australia yeah and you already talked about having this event and potentially having Trek there I didn't mention Drake's name I've mentioned the names of the artists I knew that I could get at that time Drake happened when I got to LA and realize Drake is in LA that tells me this ain't no mistake you're gonna did you see the news out there that you know Drake is confirming that he was never planning to perform and I was an artist like Drake and there was this lunatic who people didn't understand yet and there was a bomb threat attached to it I would be smart enough with the businessmen that I am being one of the highest-paid you know artists right I'm not associated with this wouldn't he also be smart enough just to not to be associated in the first place because if he had come that night that would have been the biggest event any youtuber would have ever pulled off but weren't you saying that he was coming yes you were saying that he was coming confirmed but he just he didn't have a plan he was not going to show up when I mean when I doesn't it doesn't have responsibilities fall on you though but what did I in what ways did I do something wrong when the bomb stop him from coming was it the bomb threat because there wasn't that many people there and I don't think Drake would have showed up with like 1500 people and if he wouldn't have you would have on the second one do you feel like you owe like people an apology for for all these people not coming or not being there or the event shutting down coming to the event shut down that was out of my hand why did the event shut down like there was a bomb threat but who's who's responsible is Sam is Sam pepper responsible I don't agree with anything you do anything you stand by how you live your life we are not the same I'm a [ __ ] champion your betta [ __ ] I'm an alpha I hear that Sam pepper text you before anything went down I and I heard in that conversation it was like you know he was warning you that something was gonna happen he didn't text me at all and I watched his documentary of you and he was look I'm not here to talk about him I'm gonna be so successful in life I'm gonna be one of the world's most famous motivational speakers I'm gonna be one of the world's most notable best-selling author for self-help books and relationship advice but the problem is when you make those claims real quick I gotta cut you off when you make those claims it's like you made claims that the song was gonna get 350 million views that you were gonna be on telling it's gonna happen okay but you said you're gonna be on Allen next week are you still gonna be on Allen before we recorded that I not tell you how I was gonna get on Helen this Friday but I told you I chose not to do that I'm spreading love I'm asking you how was your day I'm laughing so that you not ever good why should a P not every questions happy but the questions you're asking game it almost feels like you're not trying to make you're not trying to make it seem like I can come out of this at all you're no you can I think you can does you've already asked me Drake was thank you said Drake wasn't coming I said Drake was so to continue to break that over and over it's not gonna make me come out with a different story you know what I want my next manifestation is how about I share that with you and I'm reporting and I'ma release this video on YouTube next week okay J Cole is in the Staples Center next month on August 23rd and 24th okay it's a sold-out show I'm not gonna post a single thing on any social media any tweets I'm not gonna make any confirmations I'm not gonna say anything outside what I'm dropping here right now for this right here okay you guys are gonna see me okay after I post this video next month next week I'm posting a video this Sunday which is what happened at the beach it's a motivational speech next week I'm dropping one video and it's a message to Jay Cole and if I am not on stage on August 23rd or 24th and before Jay Cole comes out I give this speech I intended to give on July 15th okay if I am NOT on that stage and he's on my side and I have my dog dollar because my dog dollar passed away this week last year so I'm doing this for him to fulfill the dream I promised him if I am NOT on that stage I promise you to walk away from YouTube my whole acting career me do wanting to do what I want to do in life I'll live in isolation and no one will hear from me ever again that's the craziest statement anybody has ever heard but I just I'm just so why put that out there like why does I have to be that serious because of how much what if you get sick and you can't be there something get out look this is a personal choice of mine right yeah want me to do something crazy people are calling me crazy is it already confirmed that you are doing this no he has no idea of it no one does we I just got this idea when I was with my girlfriend telling her cuz it hit me today and I didn't say that I sleep until we drove we all get crazy ideas we all try to do crazy stuff every once in a while have to try to achieve them because here's why that's true but some of us do and we just fail and we learned that we oh well this ain't gonna work and we got to do something else your purpose 100% but if you're living in your purpose I feel I'm not telling kids still go home right now and be like if I don't hate this test on the job right now it's not I'm doing here I want them to be patient with me cuz I promise you can I'm looking at you in my eye make I feel connected with you because I'm we are I know deep down through all this [ __ ] I know deep down if I get on that stage that night I know deep down you're gonna be like this [ __ ] you even come to me and just we're gonna have that moment where it's like deep down I believe but I think I would be impressed here's the best part about it I'm not tweeting no one's gonna see me no after that video just no Twitter and still what if this comes out right and people start bombarding Jay Cole and they're like don't let food you know what I mean then that's that's I don't get the reason that's not gonna affect me is the reason I'm getting rid of my phone and you upload it see that so all I'm gonna do all day is meditate for a full month without lifting a finger I'm not gonna make any effort we're gonna make a documentary on it that shows me everyday sitting down not lifting a finger and all I'm gonna do is tell myself in my head on August 23rd and 24th I will deliver my speech in the Staples Center Arena to a sold-out crowd why do you think so many people online are not connecting with your message because it hasn't been done yet I'm thinking in a consciousness that hasn't happened yet and that's why it's like we don't like to do this so if you told me right now I know a way to make world peace I would look at you like you right of course if you saw that for yourself you saw a consciousness that I couldn't see yet but once you did it you unlocked and I greater giant has any of your friends are anyone close to you your girlfriend your family Adam anyone here said you need to slow down Tyler Perry this morning and that's why I decided to give up my phone so I called Tyler venting that's right because I call my mom first thing mama I say this with love we've already fixed this issue this is serious so your family also felt like you were going to look crazy okay when my dad got on my hotel room to call Tyler I said hey Tyler my dad is here can you talk to him I let them have a private conversation Tyler tells me what he says afterwards he goes I am no I know what it looks like but I promise you your son just doesn't know how to harness the energy yet so the only thing you can do for right now here to do for him right now is trust him and I will protect it whatever what if Tyler Perry's crazy - I don't know I don't know which is actor in the world now which is black actor which is actor in the world man more than like Will Smith yes I didn't even know that yes my mom has been seeing what's being said on the internet and just broke my heart my mom goes Yusuf are you hallucinating or do you have three meetings I hung up on my own mother I called my dad Obama I told mama I had three meetings today and I listed exactly where the meetings were what time and what they were for right I was like my own mother called me crazy and all he did was he was like you said please just pre and try to understand right after that I called Tyler I'm going off Tyler like oh I can't even convince my own mother that I'm not crazy and he goes you said here's why she's right it wasn't saying you're crazier hallucinating he goes that this the problem that everyone's having with you right now is you're doing things and you're saying things but your energy is not where it needs to be it's way too high you're going way too fast you need to live in your real life put on the brakes stop trying to do things by a day is that the same thing as like you know a manic episode like if you're manic aren't you gonna be like way higher than you should be and maybe that like maybe there's some truth maybe maybe there is truth to me being manic what made me finally want to come back to fouseytube was to introduce them to me and announce and cry and say I'm getting off medication when I get off the medication it's like I'm thinking for the first time again right and I'm like what the [ __ ] are you doing in your basement [ __ ] it's like I didn't know I was there medication is a [ __ ] trip man lexapro and lithium really takes you out of your body and it really stops you from being who you are oh my god I'm gonna give you a clip you don't have your phone no I'd better have that clip because I smashed my original iPhone when I thought I realize the songs didn't come out oh my [ __ ] god I'm outside of the club right when I get out I'm holding my phone I'm crying in the middle of the street screaming I'm sending a video to Drake and the person who gave me his number who gave me the nod that he was gonna come okay and I'm screaming and I'm like I'm talking to drain I go great I love you as a brother this is bigger than me this is bigger than you and I love you and when we see each other again I'm gonna tell you I love you because of God I sent that so if I show that to the world I'm not sure that to prove anything I guarantee you people are gonna say didn't you post that video okay that was what I was trying to meet Drake when I was having fun I have a video where I'm crying and I'm thinking Drake for coming to a number that I saved under my phone as God's plan from Drake's so how does that what is that supposed to prove that you met him no I'm personally talking brave how I came up to you because I tell the story in that video I go brought it up like I didn't have I even told the full story really right I mean you told the full story on the when you were on no job so everyone leaves the club no one's there except for Drake's like own crew you understand Jason Cruise like 60 people I look back into the crowd Drake's team moves I get my first vision of Drake face-to-face from like 20 feet next thing I know Drake's coming closer and closer and closer he hugs I believe it was Joe LMB two inches away from me I'm staring at him in his eyes like this hungry knowing that I left my house that night saying I'm gonna meet Drake like a crazy person and literally Adam I'm this close to Drake but instead of taking that moment to be like Drake can I get a picture this is gonna prove all my haters wrong I accepted that it already was done as soon as Drake moves and makes eye contact with me and I stare at him I see that his second right-hand man and he nods at me like this I walk out with him I go what's next he goes brother take my number I'll tell you all the details tomorrow I did I was high I didn't meet Drake he just looked at you what does this make us as youtubers look like to the outside world do you want me to answer that yeah what am I trying to prove credibility for to everyone but what does that say about me what are somebody else's opinion say about me I know my truth I know I was face to face with Drake I know I pulled this off I know I'm gonna be in the Staples Center and if not only I just I know [ __ ] is to become the richest person to ever live on this earth the reason why I want that money is because I want to devote my entire existence and life's purpose to getting money and giving it to other people around me are you trying to like show everyone that you're a good guy like why not just do good stuff without posting it on social media that's what I'm announcing right now because you got a lot of criticism over you know a sick kid with a cancer right oh oh my god that one still pisses me off to this day because I'm still in touch with his father and he's the one who kept me strong and say don't you ever listen to these toxic [ __ ] people who think that you came to meet my son who loves you who I sat on his bedside crying with as we watched you don't ever allow them to think that you weren't my son's angel that's why I don't give a [ __ ] what anybody says about that - it drove me crazy shame on all y'all I'm not scared to say that rest in peace - Efrain Ortiz don't sweat the small stuff a kid [ __ ] dies from cancer but you're so [ __ ] negative and toxin that you try to spin it to make it seem that I used him to protect my image I want awaken the giant within each and every single one of you to the point that even if they say there's an illness on this earth that doesn't have a cure because of your belief in yourself God will grant you that cure that's it that's my mission statement from this point forward you're not gonna see me doing that [ __ ] you're not gonna see me on social media all my moves outside of this one that's gonna kind of cause a catastrophic effect for my all of them are gonna be made in silence through my friends and family even my mom is gonna reach us up a number that of a phone that my girl has I'm gonna protect my mental health for one scheme they comments ruin me I wouldn't waste any of your guys's finds but boy I know you're a businessman I know you are and I had the proposition of a lifetime July 15th oh I gotta tell you how I met Floyd Mayweather what's with all the name dropping because it's happening can we get to it it's like every time you talk on social media recently it's like this this famous person this famous person this famous person just how that was gonna happen but even if had the boss tweet about it brah look but if I tweeted and I said all right done this before AJ Cole I want to meet you AJ Cole I want a picture the reason people don't mind that I say that is because I ain't dreaming they a cake oh I'm gonna be on a song with you hey J Cole on your kale detour I'm opening up for you and delivering my speech the first dream that was just me and get a picture and a dream about doing it's the same exact thing if we understand that in our thoughts we tell ourselves there's no limits however high you so know what you just said is that like my message to J Coke something's gonna happen that right there it's gonna happen so my manifestation I'm declaring it to the world people are gonna give this thought energy people who want to see happen are gonna think about it they're not gonna see me for 2030 three days and there's only time they're gonna see me is if I walk out on that stage I won't even tweet and say I'll be there I won't even tweet us he'll be there if I make it onto that stage game I'm not gonna say hey guys I did it and say come here poses [ __ ] y'all I did it I'm gonna literally is that a camera I'm gonna literally dead-ass the day of the show go to the show I'm gonna be wearing a shirt that has dollar space on it Oh custom piece I'm gonna be barefoot i'ma walk out on that stage and I'm gonna say on July 15 I had a dream and I'm gonna deliver the speech I wanted to give on July 15 well let's say you don't get none of this happens but why would I allow that to be my reality why would your fear be my reality so I'm trying to wake up but what if your reality oh my god but what if your reality is in reality you're not scared to share what you wanna do in life what's the big ego any [ __ ] hat or go for it go for it tell you what I'm gonna do let me show you what I'm gonna go on my closet Liber percent what's your name AJ AJ way from I'm from Florida what's your family situation like they're Florida I just moved here recently for this job what were you desiring to do I wanted to make movies eventually you know so you can yourself you want to make movies yeah so where is in life the life of the movie is here it's like this so you grew up loving to make movies let me give you stuff so in your thoughts you would be like I wanna make movies and you thought that you would get there probably three years ago two years ago or you know what you were gonna do but it gonna happen to happen on God's time you know but real quick if I could I gotta interrupt here you can't look at the at the finish line and then go back and say you know he had a dream he's already here I'm gonna sign up he just doesn't get the law of attraction he doesn't get wildest why I am so successful I'm gonna use this voice that you're hearing me right now and you got my brother the best seek of standing at you in the eye because my words are gonna be worth money one day my books are gonna be bought by millions my pores are gonna be worldwide my speeches are gonna be trending on TED talk they're gonna translate my speeches in every single language across the country I'm gonna have many of the [ __ ] ass I'm not gonna make 100 million a trillion there [ __ ] happening in my life people are meaning every celebrity I've met all the connections are making heir of investors working with me now so you think I'm gonna let somebody talk me out of this dream my team is filming documentary they're doing two-person crew on the night of July 15th at the Staples Center I don't I'll pay you whatever class house wants me to pay you I want you to be a part of my crew to document this journey because you sat here with me and I did it if Kim allows that was awful I allow it I'll out if he wants to do it how much do you want me to pay you to be in this to help this documentary ask for a million it's two hours of work two hours of work unluckily anything explodes of Jake oh you got a believe dream wait you sing right then is there limitations in life I just don't want to take advantage you're not taping on advantage of a position got to even wash that down life blessing I was making $350,000 on my mom just from YouTube that's before my brand deals us before my movie that's before my investment another I did I tweeted to the world and I said oh my god we make so much money why are they giving us so much God took all of it away the only money I made during the last year was from twitch and I was donated from the people because they were keeping my dream alive everything my train name your price me isn't sounding telling you set a limitation you are why are you limiting yourself is a virus it's very bad sistas movie name your price must price is say say I mean they say to make a movie you know buddy why do you let me I'll fund your entire movie oh I don't let you have a dissonant with you I want you to write in paper so I can go to my lawyers after I'm on stage and make the money I have I'm gonna fund your entire movie now I want me nothing out of it I'm going to change the world tonight you might use of solid art thought the world's most famous and renowned and best-selling motivational speaker I will be on The Ellen Show I will be on stage Jay Cole I will be having dinner with DJ Khaled I will be ended his house I will do everything I said I will throw an event called hate divert of arrives - and Drake will headline I love you so much [Applause] are you really gonna fund his movie I swear to God on my life you put in writing I'll get a lawyer and I'll sign it listen okay I'm gonna do it just listen yeah okay let's say you go and talk to the therapist what's your hundred-percent doing right it's or let's say let's say you are having a manic episode you're over promising things you're overselling stuff yeah should you still fund his movie yeah even though a millionaire yeah but you're not saying leghul you're now hundred normal but right it doesn't matter I'm not gonna regret giving him money team I swear to God I don't care about money dawg like I've made millions logon didn't make me happy if when I learned when I got to the point cuz I did care about money bro of course of course fifty thousand dollars a month I'm walking into Rolex buying whatever I want whatever I want I got sucked into that life you know when I realized money [ __ ] it's when I had millions of dollars in my bank account but I was still sitting alone in my house suicidal so look I had trouble explaining my message tonight I win a thousand different ways yeah but I told you in the beginning if you just hang out with me I really feel like we'll get to the crux of what this is all about and thanks to you who Arden who was now in my life and I'm gonna find your movie and I'm gonna pray for it to be the biggest success and I hope you invite me to the red carpet I feel like we reach the purpose of this I'm looking crazy right now why and I might be but if what I'm saying comes true y'all just for one second in this room because I believe in energy and I need your mind to believe in this the craziest thing is that half of the [ __ ] really kinda did come true but you still sound [ __ ] crazy as hell do you want me to get crazy erm I'm going to end your documentary with this okay when part four comes out and me and you are like talking about it before I announced Greek theater when I was in Australia I told my crew I have a documentary that I'm gonna give you they think I'm crazy now there are scenes of me in my bathrobe walking around looking for energy manifesting [ __ ] I look like a mad man I don't dare release that clip until I actually do I wanna give that to you are you actually crazy during that time how do you register that you were crazy poppin yeah I was I had all the energy hit me at once and it's all happening so fast I'm creating this song I'm setting up this event I had to go somewhere I'm in that room and I say I'm gonna sell out the Staples Center I get to LA I get the Greek theater I'm hype the diet of the Greek Theatre happens there's a bomb threat I'm crying the next morning I wake up and the second I told myself wait that happened because you prayed for Staples Center why are you happy about the Greek theater all of a sudden Ticketmaster in Live Nation feel bad about what happened and all of a sudden Arab investors come to me an Arab investor came to me you know Arab money and he said beebee it was if you want the Greek theater its he I mean if you want still sort of it's yours meaning even if I have to take my own money from him to fund my dream people are gonna help me all because it failed so this moment of failure I had to accept I told my crew everyone's gonna call me crazy until I do it because I've already done it hate dies love arrives - at the Staples Center part for coming soon cuz Kim is gonna come with this crew right here and document it for part 4 Thank You Keith [Music] I personally think fouseytube is going through a manic episode I think he's a bit crazy but maybe I'm wrong and maybe he's right because one thing I know for sure is he manifested all of this what a funny and they did know with this [ __ ] so you know but he just quit me got a bad [ __ ] ready mommy with a backbeat tell me this wanna [ __ ] tell me this wanna suck tell me that see one of the above enough love Oh Jake get it right get it right every time you write you know did it tight you know I'm a nerd right get it get it right and then see eyes sending beasts eyes go so it got it there we go so together that didn't last forever so he's been at it forever baby you two had some Dakotas [ __ ] but whether I know [ __ ] so you know but he just quit
Channel: DramaAlert
Views: 3,471,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #DramaAlert, Drama, Alert, DramaAlert, keemstar, youtube news, fouseytube, fousey, tyler perry, drake, july 15th, banks, faze banks, interview, fouseytube interview, lit papi, j cole, staples center, ellen
Id: uqfw79PTwTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 9sec (1809 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 21 2018
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