ALL WILL BE ONE "COMPLEAT" STORY | Magic: The Gathering Lore

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the Skies over neufarexia crackled with otherworldly energy the scheming of a power from before The Mending with endless roots and countless lives threatens everything and everyone with Harmony the pharexians wish nothing but peace and unity for all lies throughout the Multiverse all we must do is see the truth succumb to the one still there are those malicious enough to stop this benevolent future selfish individuals Planeswalkers they Edict of Ella schnorn will come to pass this is forexia and all will be won [Music] hey everyone and welcome back to the either Hub I'm Simon bringing you more Magic the Gathering lore today we celebrate forexia all will be won with the complete story that takes place in this set from the cards depicting the gut-wrenching fates of some of our favorite heroic Planeswalkers to the machinations realized by the most terrifying villains in MTG this is everything that happens in forexia all will be one's lore this is a recap of all my videos relating to this set story combined in a single video so that you can get all the lore in one place before we begin I just want to give credit to the authors who wrote the stories for Wizards of the Coast the material is produced across several side and Main stories of forexia all will be won as well as the brothers War so shout outs to Shauna McGuire Reinhardt Suarez Langley Hyde and Laura gray if you enjoy our videos here at the either Hub be sure to click that like button become a subscriber and of course share it with your friends now the complete story of forexia all will be won foreign [Music] table at ursa's Tower where Chandra was informing everyone that innistrad and amanket were Shoring up their defenses and sending the civilians into hiding the Multiverse Was preparing for war preparing for the coming for axians Jace bellerin had been recruiting more to help their cause and tyvarkel a prince of elves on the plane of caldheim who seemed to be allergic to shirts had answered his call when Jason company were all gathered they would come to the Tower and rendezvous with tafiri and then make their way to new forexia while Chandra nalar would wait at the tower with Liliana vess as backup the mirins on new faraxia those mortal Souls resisting the forexians had allied with urabrasque against Elish norn and would launch their offensive soon Ellis norn's plan was to use the seeds of caldheim's world tree to bind all the planes of the Multiverse to neuferexia as they argued over the implications of what destroying that world tree would do to new farexia tafiri appeared in the doorway Chandra wanted the entire plane to be wiped out with the tree disregarding the lives of the mirans who were the original inhabitants of the plane and were fighting for their home and survival she wanted them all to suffer but Nissa had to remind her that not everything on the plane was lost Kaya and sahili went back to the workshop with the fury leaving Nissa and Chandra to argue amongst themselves tafiri had been testing for a month with saheli and Kaya they would plant secret phrases for him to find gradually going back in time farther and farther making sure nothing was changed by the presence of a spirit Kaia was his medium she was in his head able to transmit information to her without returning to his physical body or current time urza had been the one to discover that silver could travel physically back in time but sahili had found a clever way around that restriction tafiri didn't need to go back himself he just needed to see what happened he traveled as a spark able to observe without interacting with the events of the past Kaya asked if he is ready after he nodded tafiri felt the coffin the pod in which his body sat grow hot he never got used to the feeling of the temporal anchor ripping his spirit and his spark from his body the group had conflicting accounts and information about the golgothian silent Khan had thought that the one Ajani destroyed was the true artifact but to Fury had uncovered several stories of it being destroyed in multiple ways in the past no one could be certain of which Silex was the one that urza used to end the brothers War so they would have to make do with the replica that sahili had created tafiri felt his physical body slip away and found himself looking over a number of Scrolls etchings papers and manuscripts on a table in front of him among them was the Antiquities War written by Earth's wife Kyla bin Krug there were many translations and versions of Kayla's accounts but they all told to Fury he needed to go to argoth where urza had activated the Silex back at 63 AR a black Sky oil slick waves crashing on the beach pulling dead bodies onto the sand two giant constructs were collapsed across each other littered around them metal ruins twitched this was the last battle on the island of argoth moments before the Silex Blast for axionized Mishra laughed urzo laughed and the Silex flashed time froze tafiri knew that commanding time was a dangerous power one he was careful to wield but he still didn't know how urza activated the Silex they simply took notes and made guesses there were far too many variables to duplicate he would have to align his time with urzas though it carried with it a terrible risk tafiri knew that urza did not die when the Silex detonated but that didn't necessarily mean to Fury spirit would survive the blast the Silex was more than just a bomb every important event came after this moment to Fury's family came after this moment stopped Holding Back Time the Multiverse tore open everything came after what remained of urza's tattered body still sat cross-legged on argoth the Silex on his lap was filling with light Frozen In Bloom then blank nothingness in all directions tafiri walked over and sat across from urza I need to tell you something about the future tafiri said your future my present it concerns everything the two mentor and student though not here not now to urza he was nothing more than a stranger in the void a spirit a guide to the afterlife or at least he thought urza asked for his name tafiri brushed off the questions he had his own to ask tafiri didn't know if talking to urza would change anything or Worse change everything he had to take that chance tafiri told urza that the pharexians were back in his time threatening the Multiverse about how sahili had remade the Silex they just needed to know how to use it or is a setback down picking the Silex up again his body began to fall away once more then the lattice of light rebuilt him to Fury remembered the power that Planeswalkers had before they gave it up to men dominaria a power that urza would possess now the body was only a vessel for the spark tafiri understood there was no spell no ritual or secret mechanism the trigger to detonate the Silex was a person back on present-day dominaria Ren and Nissa reached sahili's Workshop finding the stone wall around the door torn down in a thick black smoke filling the chamber Nissa could see two figures standing around the temporal anchor and summon wind to blow away the smoke she was ready to summon gaia's Elementals but as the smoke cleared she saw the core lithomancer nahiri and Jace bellerin the Mind Mage the machine had suffered considerable damage its power Stone core had failed and imploded causing debris to cover the coffin in which tofiri laid in stasis Jays asked if tafiri was able to figure out how the Silex worked Kaya had seen and felt everything to fear he had she was his medium into the past the one tethering his soul to the Anchor but the events were cryptic she heard hers or speak and could recall the conversation but was there more she wondered tafiri was still inside the stasis capsule that he referred to as a coffin so they all cleared the path of wreckage to make it to him Kaya knocked on the capsule then cupped her hand chance to peer inside the small window tafiri was inside with his eyes closed and a distressed expression on his face at first they thought he was pale and sickly but that wasn't it he was disappearing Wren noted that the Fury's song his very being was tied to this machine he could not leave it or he could be lost forever until he was fully restored this is where he would stay alsbeth Tyrell appeared in the doorway with an injured Joda slung over her shoulder she sat him down in a chair and handed him a small flask he was still reeling from the strike of Rona whose glaive had cut deep into his midsection luckily elspeth's magic had ensured it was Immortal the Miron tackle neophorexia was almost underway so most of the planswalkers would leave Joda and ren to try and figure out how to free to Fury now others began to planeswalk into the tower vraska the golgari queen of Ravnica The Wanderer the Empress of kamagawa accompanied her childhood friend Kato Suzuki the militant man Luca from ikoria and of course the shirtless taivar Chandra had left earlier that day for kaladash to visit her mother Nissa wished to speak to her again before marching into nephorexia but that would have to wait Nissa watched all the others with her in the room friends and strangers from multiple planes assembled just as the desperate people of dominaria had come together overcoming their differences and forging a united front there was something beautiful in that something Nissa had not considered the struggle against the pharexians was not only for the gatewatch to undertake all beings that hoped for a future had to decide to fight alongside those who would have been enemies or let forexia turn the Multiverse into a bleak Wasteland this is what Nissa sought as she looked at nahiri someone who she had thus fought on her home of zendikar they disputed on the best way to heal their broken World Nissa had come out on that conflict and still nahiri had arrived all the same looking to protect the Multiverse everyone going to neufarexia gathered around Jace for the life of every plane they would all keep watch to Fury awoke on a beach laying in the sand feeling it sting his eyes a crab scuttled across his left hand he felt it tafiri sprang to his feet he was no longer a spirit he felt rested but confused he wasn't in the temporal anchor tafiri looked across the coast stretched out over the horizon to his left Rose a rocky Cliff to his right the beat stretched on he tried but he couldn't connect to Kaya or the temporal anchor he couldn't go home he could only hope that they had gotten what they needed from his conversation with urza he struggled to remember he had already begun to forget this was no time to panic this was just another obstacle he looked across the sand and saw Footprints where people had treaded if there were people here there was hope to fear he stood up and started to follow the footprints inland foreign [Music] 's design she threw guile and strength had become Regent the mother of machines her machine Orthodoxy now Reigns Supreme a twisted religion that held forexia's glorious purpose as its sole belief and glistening oil as its Soul holy Relic she walks across the Pharaoh Basilica the courtyard where she commands the endless thralls of the forexian faithful beings once unpure by flesh and individuality now perfected In Her Image machines who synthesized voices cry out in unity under her Direction it was Perfection anadias clad in her armor milky white like porcelain she addresses the masses their Consciousness their will tied to her own it's a display of vanity more so than one of leadership she had made these forexians adopted them from the moment they emerge from their birthing pods while her splicers sliced away their fleeting strands of humanity she indoctrinated them into her order today would be another glorious day on display were mirin prisoners subjects who refused the blessing of perfection in favor of their curse of Flesh a Blasphemous act that couldn't go unpunished but Elish norn was anything but merciful she would show that to her congregation these mirrins would be folded into their flock by norn's own hand given a second chance at Perfection glistening oil was the sacred ingredient that would perfect the Multiverse from Elish norn's own being it was the purest most potent source of this substance she stabbed into her own wrist and holds it above the struggly mirin the oil bubbles forth viscous and covers the human from head down she gurgles as it enters her throat she screams as it pours to her eyes nose and ears every possible entry point soon those very mortal screams would be replaced by the harmony of scraping metal this oil would replace their free will their individual mind their fears desires everything that made them human or an Elish norns terms made them disgusting and it's replaced by the one later her body would be transformed by the splicers who would rip flesh from bone and replace it with perfect metal but this the glistening oil was the first step of the process as Ellis norn expected Perfection she was taken off guard when the mirin's body trembled and convulsed the oil was blessed it did many things but not this it wasn't the normal reaction there was no sign of change of Machinery only corruption the body bursts from within long Tangled Roots made of congealed blood sprouted down and into the ground it was as if a tree had exploded from a compressed vessel Elish norn had prepared for a multitude of contingencies even the unbelievable scenario where her oil did not complete the subject but this this was impossible as the mirin continued to plant itself through the stone of the metallic therap Basilica her prized Temple the Predator could feel her subjects begin to wane they felt doubt just as she had Eller schnorn ended the display with a swift strike to the miron's throat leaving her body lifeless and pierced by these roots in Her speech she attempted to salvage the ceremony explaining how the creature was so Unholy unpure corrupted that even the oil could not save her in truth Ellis schnorn was unease by this display how could the glistening oil the holiest of substance fail her oil from her very veins was she was she somehow corrupted for the first time a predator felt doubt later that night walking back to the place of this botched procedure Ellis norn thinks back on the possibilities of such a reaction certainly no human was strong enough to resist her oil let alone respond in such a biological and blasphemous way perhaps there were Clues at the ritual site something she may have missed amongst the confusion there where the Marin's blood had spilled a small plant had taken root an insignificant thing but a tarnished stain on all which he had built an organic thing was corrupting her Palace of stone and metal she grabs the stem with her cold clawed hand and pulls hard she's met with uncanny resistance from such a small thing using all her strength with both arms she Yanks and frees the Abomination where she expected to find Roots she found something else connected to the plant was a human arm growing from the tendrils of the stem and lattice with the muscle and flesh it was truly the most disgusting thing she had ever witnessed flesh had cursed her perfect world in a rage she shreds the organic matter in a masterful display of precision satisfied that it would no longer taint new forexia but as she looks across the courtyard every drop of mirror and blood had sprouted another plant they littered the area a field of Green from plant to plant she disposed of this corruption a plant tied to a thigh a lung a heart teeth and ears all pieces of a disgusting biological life form an uneasy unfamiliar feeling coiled through Alice norn's chest the darkness that plagued her sky coalesced and took form horns whisp with a shadow that draped down into a slender form a planeswalker one who Elish norn had heard of from reports gathered from the mirin resistance the fleshlings reported a humanoid who plagued their dreams twisting them into nightmares a mage no doubt but one who at the time seemed to only threaten the mirrors Ellis norin was also familiar with Planeswalkers having faced several in a failed assault on their Citadel some time ago and again it appeared a planeswalker had come to challenge her Supremacy ashyak lands in front of the Regent leaving enough space as they disengage from an attack they looked over their Masterpiece one woven over a great deal of time after studying the pharexians and their unique Minds this nightmare was their art and Elish norn was a most unique canvas to work upon the Planeswalker explains that at first they didn't believe faraxians would be suitable for their magic but this test exceeded their expectations it was indeed a test and what better test subject than the greatest phyxian of all the mother of machines herself still the forexian mind didn't process fear quite like a humans did fear she was Regent she was not weak she was not human she was free of fear or so she thought but the fact remained if she did not experience fear then why had ashyak come what was fueling their magic though Ellis norn couldn't process it she did feel fear from this nightmare LS norn didn't take kindly to this Amusement it was nothing more than an illusion a mere trifle a trick using her connection to their people Alice norn willed and Phantoms of her own to this dream world Shadows took the form of forexian Agents her agents as ashyok looked on in disbelief this was their spell their magic their art how could this faraxian implant her own nightmares within it ashyak smirk left their face Elish norn sent out a command We Are One this Planeswalker had underestimated them jumping and floating through the sky ashyak managed to dodge the incoming Spears and Claws of the Phantom forexians as Ellis known herself threw out a wave of porcelain blades like a flash of light the Planeswalker just managing to fly up leaving only traces of their robe in the dagger's path ashiak counters with a final spell their last Masterpiece Shadows thick as molasses puddle at the feet of ellishnorn and Take Shape it forms else Beth Tyrell but wearing armor that mocked her own perfect shape it was like a human version of herself an image that filled the Predator's gut with disgust as ashyak floated away Elish norn cut down the sad imitation of her with a single strike its face looked up at her with sympathy and pity as if this human scum felt bad for their Superior that face its expression was imprinted on Ellis norn's mind and it sickened her the words of the Planeswalker echoed through the sky you are quite the canvas indeed mother of machines the nightmare Fades from reality her perfect world returned to her no more plants or biological life corrupting her Stone and metal Palace only Elish norn standing there fully experiencing a new emotion that she had never felt before this else Beth they filled her with fear and uncertainty a true sin Against the Machine Orthodoxy there Ellis norn or to free the Multiverse of this else Beth Tyrell and hopefully free herself of this fear at the same time [Music] no one still living had ever witnessed a plane fully completed Kato Suzuki a human ninja Planeswalker from kamigawa did not expect to arrive on new faraxia and find pristine beaches there was no sign that anything more dangerous than sunbathing had happened here but he had to remember new forexia would soon notice his presence and quickly they would turn Paradise to peril small strong hands punched him in the face making him open his eyes Cato realized that what he'd taken for the sound of waves was metal clashing on metal people grunting and screaming his equipment was gone including his sword and his Kami spirit himodo that often accompanied him in the form of a mechanical Tanuki the Hannah had punched him belonged to The Wanderer a planeswalker and Cato's childhood friend from kamigawa now grown into a formidable Warrior herself however her spark was unstable making it difficult to stay on one plane for very long she started to phase from existence as she told Cato that they had hit a barrier of electrostatic wind that was somehow affecting all of them it was hard for her to speak and concentrate on controlling her spark near him was nahiri a core lithomancer and Planeswalker from zendikar animating the metallic grains of sand on the beach into a swirling attack aimed at strange forexian creatures made of liquid metal as The Wanderer tried to keep herself from Fading Into The Blind eternity she called nahiri over to explain what happened to kaido nahiri told him that the planar Shield of new forexia had scattered their team leaving only kaido The Wanderer and herself on the beach the sand had affected them lulling them into a false sense of security but would kill them in time nahiri's lithomancy is the only thing that saved them and though the liquid pharexian she fought was also lethal her ability to control metal made the creature no real challenge it had scratched her on the back of the neck and her blood was still red no oil she had not been a sleeper agent they need to get to the furnace layer the domain of the Predator urabrasque where they had initially intended to land it was the place where they had all agreed with Jace bellerin to meet the mirin resistance The Wanderer focused all of her energy trying to stay on the plane as they walked through the gleaming landscape miradin's five Sons still Shone through the fog giant orbs of Mana one of each color that had once been hurled from the lucani when when the plane still had been mirrored in the Luke and I were gravity warping tunnels that led through the layers of the plane down to its core they approached a stone statue suspended by Iron pillars and steel cables it depicted a short and muscular elf wearing unique clothes and holding weapons nihiri recognized it as a zendikarihedron monoliths she had made that could bind enemies of her plane in a prison namely the eldrazi Titans it seems the farexians and their world tree were already creeping onto other planes they walked closer with caution as the cable suspending the statue writhed into motion coiling as if ready to strike the cables tracked nahiri's motion and Drew tighter around its captive who opened his eyes and started a struggle they leapt forward attacking the cable to free the elf once the cable was withered and dumped him on the ground the stone drained from his body he introduced himself as tyvarkel a planeswalker from the plane of caldheim an ally in their fight against new faraxia they had to keep moving though The Wanderer was flickering in and out of the plane if she were to leave they would have to wait for her to planeswalk back kaido couldn't leave her alone in this treacherous place they made it to a sea of tents inhabited by humans and leonins these truly organic beings were a welcoming sight The Wanderer finally lost her grip on the plane and vanished at least it happened in a safe place a human woman with short red hair came out to meet them and introduced herself as malira a Healer who was immune to forexian oil she led them through the encampment telling them that this was the Monumental facade the outermost sphere of the plane dotted with temples and monuments celebrating the forexians Hideous things blotting out the five Sons for the layers below malira LED them to a spot where a 10-foot square of ground dropped from under their feet nahiri had to take control of the square as they fell through the earth into the next layer they descended into what the phyxians called mirix all that remained of miradin before it became neophorexia malira LED them through what remained a dark Wasteland to the mirin Camp of low light where they could then get to the furnace layer they used the gravity-defying tunnels to make their way to the next layer down as they Strode ahead malira noticed the bandage on the back of the Harry's neck and though she was a Healer she didn't ask how she got it not yet nahiri hung back to let malira go ahead of her so that she could check the bandage over the scratch on her neck it was small but it was very irritating she peeled the bandage back to find no injury just smooth skin but it Formed into a small protrusion nihiri pulled her hand away seeing not blood but black glistening oil on her fingertip she was infected she was already lost she should tell her companions but what good would it do they couldn't kill her she was too strong she placed the bandage back over the wound deciding she had to get away from her friends before she became the enemy The Wanderer gained purchase on the plane of new faraxia once again around her the Miran Camp was raised and gone this had been the place that she left Cato just moments ago she called for Cato but no answer just Stillness and silence she wished it didn't take all of her Focus to stay on one place all she could do was hope for their safety if they were alive she would see them again for now that had to be enough it was all she had [Music] as Luca looked around his surroundings after having been blown off course as he planeswalked to new faraxia he's surprised to find just how Full of Life this so-called corrupted plane was when the Planeswalker Jace bellerin first approached Luca he was Defensive believing the my Mage had come because of his actions only choria or at the school of strix Haven however Jace came to offer him a position on a mission a mission that would protect ikoria from a terrible fate despite his mistakes Luca cared for his world regardless how his people felt towards him Jace believed his military experience would prove useful in this infiltration Mission and here he found himself separated from his troops judging from his surroundings Luca believed he landed in the hunter maze a sphere Loosely described by Jace before they traveled his first order of business was to reconnect with his team this wasn't going to be a successful solo Mission Luca thinks to himself if you can find a creature of this world he could perhaps dominate it use its knowledge of this place to find a way out he climbed up a mechanical tree for a better Vantage as he reaches the top he hears cries of battle and beasts winged forexians swooping down on prey desperately fighting for survival the prey a willowy elf and a pale woman whose Sword Play flowed like water he had met them before this was Nissa and the one known as The Wanderer allies they were holding their own the wanderer's graceful strikes removing limbs with ease as Nissa sprouted shiny metallic leaves from the surrounding foliage using their razor edges in a swirling Gale of death to the faraxians gathered around them still they were in danger from a foe unseen Luca unsheathed his Harpoon he sees a Hawking forexian Centaur skulking the trees watching the battle waiting for the opportune moment to strike from the canopy The Wanderer below flickered from existence odd timing the planeswalk Luca thought as he turns his attention to the Beast another creature for him to dominate his magic reached out to the farexian's mind grabbing onto the little remaining biological Parts left within its skull it was enough for Luca to find purchase and squeeze the pharexian's will until it was broken Luca had dominated aphoraxian bonded with it Nissa had ended the rest of the enemies as Luca jumped down riding atop his captured monster Nissa was at first happy to see an ally but upon recognizing the militaristic Luca her expression changed she didn't know much about the man but what she did she didn't like still it was a semi-friendly face Luca's plan was to use the knowledge of this bond to find the surface of this layer get the lay of the land then find his way to Elish norn's domain to meet up with the others Nissa begrudgingly agrees but makes it known that bonding with aphoraxian is a terrible idea there's no saying who controls who in this type of relationship Luca simply believes his will is stronger he is stronger and can handle it but reassures Nissa that if he feels even so much as a stomachache he'll end the pharexian the hunter maze lived up to its name its winding tree lines made it nearly impossible to get your bearings Luca had once been a tactical star on ikoria leading the copper coats against Monsters twice as imposing as his new forexian partner but here he felt lost the years of feeling like an outcast a failure he felt so much stronger than others perceived him to be but not now he hadn't always been as tall as strong as he was now once before he'd hit his growth in adolescence a group of older boys had cornered him already he'd known he was different though he hadn't understood how on some level the other boys had sensed it too and invisible barrier that prevented him from being one of them they cornered him five to one he decided to retreat but they tripped him he had to choose while curled up against the blows raining down his head or his ribs he'd wrapped his arms over his skull and he endured he'd show them later of course they'd regret it the trees hid many forexian creatures they seem to murmur to him imagine the power they would say over and over but just then a flash of light a woman screaming watch out as a leathery forexian swoops down to remove their heads it grabs at Nissa and pins her arm down preventing her magic or even from her drawing her sword as they fell over Luca's mind melds with the forexian partner asking for it to secure him which it does in a very invasive way viney wires sprung from the Beast and plunged into Luca's chest there was no pain only the feeling of security and power Luca's body and his forexian became one as it braces the planeswalker's fall and lifts them up in a defensive stance pulling his Harpoon out and slinging it at the attacking enemies killing it with a decisive strike smaller Scavenging for axians jump on the corpse Whispering words only Luca hears only the fittest deserve to survive they were right he thought Luca was still there mentally still One mission in and with no other option besides planes walk away and give up Nissa continues on the words grow stronger louder you deserve power you are strong here strength is rewarded the weak are called they wander into a metallic Paradise full of oozing berries pulsing with black oil a cave lined by fleshy intestinal walls seemed to beckon them in Luca hadn't realized how beautiful this place was until now their own surroundings seemed to fight against them as the cave releases a swarm of grub-like forexians that clawed and bit at the Planeswalkers like leeches a simple scratch could cost them their lives then a bright light The Wanderer had reappeared to jump into action despite seeming a bit confused her blade worked in tandem with nissa's magic and the brute strength of Luca's bonded monster the cave walls began to shudder around them this was no cave but another forexian horror looking to consume its prey they all left out just in time thanks in part to the speed of Luca's new body while the three Planeswalkers made it out Lucas bonded centar forexian was caught in the maw its pain became Lucas pain how wrong he was thinking initially it was a Mindless mechanical and emotionless creature with superhuman strength and speed Luca left to free His companion these changes don't seem so bad to me Nissa they're useful more than anything else he thinks to himself his fingers become sharp cutting like steel as his monster frees itself and rejoins its Master they continue on Lucas says they're almost near The Mazes Center Mr corrects him they're trying to get out right Luca remembered yes they wanted to escape and not move inward when did his mission change in his mind he wondered they turned to The Wanderer asking if she's seen the others in her sporadic travels what should they do she says she only spotted Warren Clacks the green Predator who stalks this realm she knows where he is Nissa and Luca both agree that attacking voranks is off Mission they need to regroup with the others but The Wanderer convinces them that this is a unique opportunity to remove a powerful Ally of Elish norns from the board they shouldn't squander it Nissa and Luca find their own reasons to agree and so the mission changes now they turn to kill voranks who sits at the mazes Center as Luca's companion leads him inwards they hear the sounds of a fight they look out to see the giant beast voranks fighting one-on-one against a completed elf Nessa recognizes the figure from Jace's briefings it was glissa a powerful forexian commander who was first completed by Warren Clacks the Predator met the elf's attack blow for blow pairing with his stiffened appendages and countering as glissa stumbled back Luca saw this as a dance a struggle for power it made sense to him now The Wanderer again wanders leaving just Nissa and Luca the three may have been able to take glissa and Warren clicks but now it seemed hopeless they should abandon this Mission and continue to the others Nissa may feel this way but Luca is surging with strength along with the desire to prove that strength they can take them besides has she already forgotten his pharexian Abomination it was still technically three on two Luca threw himself at glissa while Nissa took on voran clax glissa spun with a hiss and threw up her clawed hands in defense Luca didn't need a weapon to attack her he too had his own claws he exchanged blows with glissa and she grinned they were perfectly matched he hadn't felt like this in years not since his last great sparring match with the copper coats Alyssa seemed to feel the same and he could hear himself laughing laughing with pure happiness but then Luca stumbled he called out for his companion who answered perfectly it protected Luca without question offering him power beyond his understanding they fused even more its spine became his spine its lungs breathed for Luca its drank was added to his own he was now fully combined with his forexian with a final snap their minds merged Luca now saw the beauty of this fear and how Warren Clacks dominated everything his strength was the only law a law Luca now respected the Predator turned towards his new thrall commanding Luca to attack Nissa Only the Strong Survive and Luca was now strong Nissa is shocked and horrified at the sight a newly farexianized Luca finally she feared him finally she respected him this was how it's meant to be the voices grow louder this is how it's supposed to be the strong triumphing over the week this is what it means to live there are those who take it then there are those who deal it Nissa guarded with her sword Luca didn't need a weapon he was the weapon The Wanderer flickered back in watching a struggling Nissa retreating from the forexian Planeswalker she only held her place on new Forex you for a moment yelling at Nissa to run before planes walking away Nissa broke away from the fight and dashed for safety glissa reached out to her new ally commanding Luca to hunt Nissa and bring her back to vornclex Alive she would be useful in the war to come on neufraxia beside him he heard warrenclex low growling laughter he felt the vicarious pleasure that glissa took in his confidence and he felt himself smile the hunter maze was expansive and beautiful and terrible and it was time to go hunting foreign [Music] like the other Planeswalkers of the Strike Team encountered rough travels while planes walking to neophorexia the impact of this magical barrier left her battered and unconscious on the surface of this corrupted world when she awakes a feeling of dread overtakes her she knew fear would be an obstacle but being here again was almost too much for her her allies were nowhere to be seen maybe they had been captured already lost to forexia elspeth didn't have much time to mourn that possibility as she spots a group of half-metal monstrosities approaching her with Luxio in hand the skilled Warrior cut down three of the six ferocious beasts but was finally starting to lose ground fear gripped her a purple incorporeal blade cuts through another forexian Kaya an ally the rest of the enemies are dispatched easily Kaya says that someone else's gear had somehow traveled with her including ornate blades in a strange animatronic Tanuki elspeth knew this device was isn't mirin or forexian she guessed kamagawan elsebeth believed Kaya didn't fully grasp the danger of fighting forexience even a small exposure could mean death and exposure was all around them still Kaya's levity and positivity was refreshing to elspeth's pessimistic thoughts together they moved towards the mirin Camp following Jace bellerin's plan using elspeth's familiarity with the landscape to their advantage they made their way to Amir and dig site with a troll thrawn had discovered a way to peel through the multiple spheres that made up the plane of nepharaxia each sphere was like another world unto itself and climbing down one was like climbing up through another the pair used these gravity-defying tunnels to venture into the quiet furnace the fiery hell of nephorexia and the final Bastion of the mirin resistance floating between spheres they spot tents a good sign forexience don't set up camps it was the mirin resistance and possibly their lost allies assuming they were still alive they're greeted by beans coated in metal but still full of life a rebellious lot the native mirans a deep voice calls out to elspeth to her gleeful surprise it's cough her former Ally and a dear friend together they had once fought for a free Meriden only to fail she presumed he had died in their failure but was happy to find him just as resilient as ever as they embraced with their reunion Kaya 2 spotted a familiar face or rather a familiar bear chest it was Ty varkel they quickly regrouped to discuss the status of their plan whom among them were still fighting Jace then appeared behind them he had made it to the camp alone having been separated when they originally planes walked the Mind Mage explained that the barrier they passed had severed their mind link making communication across the plane impossible he also explained that vraska and Luca weren't with them when they woke up The Wanderer seemed to have planes walked away because of her unstable spark while Jace says that Nissa 2 players walked away but it seemed forced nahiri and kaido were in the camp with them and appeared to join the others Kaya reunited kaido with his gear including the commy field Mech who chittered as if he had returned home scurrying up to kaido's shoulders Jace takes charge putting the group back on track they had no time to Dazzle regardless of their numbers they needed to attack now the plan hadn't changed make it to the Sea core sphere of neufarexia find their corrupted world tree called realm breaker set off the Silex at its roots and end the forexian threat to the Multiverse they had all the pieces in play face victory was still possible but what exactly would that Victory cost the mere and human malira koth's dear friend and a bean who can heal those infected with glistening oil steps forward to hear more of their plan plainly she asked Jace if this bomb the psilex would destroy all of their plane in an attempt to eradicate the pharexians though protecting the Multiverse from the faraxians was deeply important protecting her world was important as well she fought to restore miradin she wouldn't willingly sacrifice it Jays had calculated the blast radius it shouldn't do much more than destroy the sphere of Realm breaker but he does admit he didn't fully understand the makeup of nephrexia Milira educates her new allies on the structure of her home its spheres she uses nahiri's lithomancy to create a display as a visual aid at the center is the seed core their target realm breaker taivar was visually uncomfortable the thought of a corrupted version of called heim's world tree above that are the microsynth gardens the original fungus Fields used to spread the pharexian corruption across Meriden above that the fair Basilica the Throne of Elish norn this is where Ura brask and his rebellious forexians would attack to provide a distraction above that is the dros pits the domain of Shield red next up is the surgical Bay the Laboratories of jingataxius and further up the hunter maze the realm of warrenclacks next was the quiet furnace the molten hell they currently resided and still there was another sphere above them formally called lyrics the last remnants of old miradin which was now slowly being taken over by the pharexians with this lesson Jace recalculates not knowing how hollow these spheres were or how much the pharexians had altered them the Silex could very well tear the entire plane apart malira thanks Jace for his honesty while she doesn't relish the thought of losing miradin and all her loved ones in truth they had been fighting over ashes and Graves for years this was their final chance a slim hope of a mirrored in Victory they would press forward malira and koth introduced the group to a new weapon they've been using in this war a medal they call Hex gold it was created from the old glimmer void of old miradin treating the plates with blinkmoth serum it was very rare but proved powerful against the pharexians blades made of hex gold seemed to cut easily through those infected while its dust also seemed to slow or even prevent the spread of glistening oil although this still was majorly just a theory Tyler used his unique Magic to incorporate the hex gold into his own armor and weapons while kaido had some of the hex Gold Dust added to his Tanuki drone Friend cough and else Beth ventured together just outside the camp for a more private discussion they expressed how they felt after their failed fight on mirin years ago ausbeth believed cough had died while koth was always relieved that he was at least able to save her life cough tells elspeth that he looks forward to fighting with her again and maybe this time dying alongside her as well else Beth is surprised kaf is joining them but of course welcomes it as she now feels their chances with him are much better the friends Embrace nahiri was also preparing to depart with the others reddering herself for what would surely be a challenging fight she checks the wound she suffered when she first arrived a blunt Spike had grown under the bandage she was infected there was no doubt but should she tell the others they indeed needed her help they were already down too many what would they do kill her malira appeared behind behind nahiri noticing this bike malira had seen countless infected she could practically smell the disease she knew the lithomancer had been corrupted she could heal nahiri she was still very early on and it was very likely to be cured however the treatment would take them both out of commission for days Days their mission couldn't wait nihiri herself was needed as well melira tosses her a pouch of hex gold powder instructing her to place it on the wound doing so covered it in a flesh-like bandage which nihiri again covered in cloth she even felt slightly better it was a stop Gap but it bought them time she could possibly be fully healed after their mission but they shouldn't dally and here he felt invigorated already being infected freed her to fight without regard for her health new forexia would see the full force of a daughter of zendikar together the group gathered into carts along with the mere and resistance in a demolition crew led by cough they would travel through the Spheres and set off the Silex they had to win they had to [Music] other carts were ahead of else baths Gathering gear and disembarking cop's demolition team was scouting a safe path through the toxic pools to the fair Basilica where Elish noran controlled neufarexia they were joined by nahiri Jace and Kaya the last of which had faced her lower legs into translucency to avoid the necklace in a smart tactic if only everyone else was so lucky they would use the chaos of the dross pits to sneak past the seven steel Thames powerful forexians in their own right fought for Universal power over the sphere rarely ever uniting the black aligned Predator geodred had come out on top but no one ever expected her rule to last that long Shield red had in fact aligned with the red Predator urubrask against Elish norn along with other thanes such as rocksith the Thane of rot Geth the lord of the Vault and vran Thane of blood Geth who went under a new title Lord of contracts had unfortunately already been killed by Ella schnorn's minions the voice of the Predators atraxa and her daughter exhale the remaining three not making up this war ban against Elish norn were likely to be distracted in their efforts to grab territory and power expecting the other thanes to betray them so they wouldn't pose much of a threat to this mission kaido arrived in a cart with tivar one wishing to sneak through the sphere overlooked and the other unable to Fathom the desire to ever be overlooked elsbeth passed around bottles of Halo that would protect them from the nekrogen fumes at least for a little while after swallowing the Halo Jace dropped the bottle gasping for breath he Began to Twitch his pulse was going haywire Halo couldn't hurt people and this wasn't faresis but Jace was clearly in pain Jace leapt from his cart attempting to take off across the deadly landscape taivar caught him by the arm as he began to murmur the Halo actually cleared his head and now he heard Raska calling for help Braska the Gorgon Planeswalker assassin and the Guild Master of the gagari Swarm on the plane of Ravnica she was everything to Jace he wanted to go to her he needed to go to her and promised telepathically that they would meet up with the rest of the resistance later it was rash Jace had the silence and as he ran off the rest of the Planeswalkers abandoned their plans and ran after him they saw warring figures blackened metal shells of the dross pit inhabitants fighting against urobrask's molten minions luckily the red aligned Predator was firmly on their side as they ran past undetected elspeth realized that Jace was protecting them using the spell to make them invisible to the battling forexions looming ahead was the decay of Shield dreads Coliseum where pharexians or those deemed Unworthy of perfection were forced to fight it was a monument to their tyranny as they ran through the Coliseum Gates kaido suggested to elspath that they should take the Silex and leave Jace to his Rescue Mission else Beth however wouldn't do it what was the point of fighting if they couldn't even make an effort to save one of their own inside the Coliseum was a vast black floor with a giant bubbling dross pit in the middle surrounded by rows of chairs so steep that Spectators could easily Tumble from it if they weren't careful standing in the middle was rasca afflicted with hundreds of bleeding wounds surrounded by pharexians the rest of the area was littered with dead mirins and petrified frexian bodies clearly vraska fought hard using her glaring Vision to defeat many opponents they all Drew their weapons and shouted for miradin charging in to save Raska Jace was still veiled by his magic but the forexians turned to fight the other Planeswalkers taivar rushed in to help kaido block an attacking pharexian whose sword crunched into the elf's metal plated back kaido used telekinesis to peel the glistening oil left on tivar's skin and throw a ball of the oil at the farexian's eyes blinded it just long enough for taivar to land a fatal blow cough had fought in this Coliseum before alone but now he was with friends he and elsbeth attacked a crustacean like forexian cutting off a claw and flinging it at the line of enemies that advanced nahiri was a true dealer of Destruction a cloud of molten whirly knives the pharexians were hardly a match for her Jace reached vraska but she raised a hand to Ward him off Jace told her that else Beth was here with Halo a magical substance from her home world that could possibly protect them and so was malira who could even outright caraphoresis it wasn't nearly as bad as she thought rasca declines she didn't mean to call Jace to her but they were mentally linked and in her pain she let her emotions make that terrible decision Jace willed that Raska understood that she was saved Braska told him she wasn't saved at all the poison was already inside her and she could no longer fight it off it was too late nihiri and her cloud of knives moved forward this passionately offering to end rasca when she was still mentally herself better to die as a planeswalker than to be killed as a forexian Jace spat a threat to nahiri they had to at least try to save her Braska told them to run she told Jace that she loved him and not to let their love be the thing that destroys him she wanted them to save the Multiverse and live that would make her happy Jace wouldn't leave her but the others would he couldn't believe they were giving up on her he couldn't let brasca die at least die alone Jace and vraska were lost in their own world not noticing the other Planeswalkers leaving the others ran out of the Coliseum emerging in the middle of a war without Jace there was nothing concealing them from the ranks of pharexians outside the Coliseum walls they were exhausted from their fight to get to vraska but they couldn't press forward without clearing the field elspeth reached for koth's hand and squeezed his fingers they had done everything they could they might fail right here but they had indeed tried for miradan she asked cough echoed her with a Roar and the Planeswalkers surged forward Jace took raska's hand and asked her to close her eyes when she opened him the Coliseum was gone they were on the streets of Ravnica the plane where they met dressed for an afternoon stroll if Jace couldn't save her from forexia he would spend one more day with her she could almost believe his wonderful illusion as they wandered the streets of the city this was his dream of their future together had the Multiverse and fate only been a little Kinder Braska thanked Jace but told him it was time to go before she was totally completed and tried to attack Jace always needed to be the hero who finds the answer but sometimes there just isn't one they moved close sharing one last kiss in the shadow of the end in that moment vraska stabbed Jace in the palm and his illusion shattered around them Raska smiled holding him as he tried to pull away for the glory of forexia she hissed Braska had stabbed Jace with a long curving scorpion tail delivering a dose of glistening oil she Unleashed her gaze her true gaze upon him for the first time Jace covering his face with his burning arm running away braska's laugh haunted him as he ran through the gates meeting the other Planeswalkers in battle nahiri was fighting fiercely her bandage ripped free exposing a bony protrusion from the back of of her neck her own corruption thanks to pharexia her magic Rose like a burning tide seemingly inexhaustible Relentless as she dropped her floaty knives instead her sword glowed brighter and the Colosseum began to warp and crack the Bony growth on her neck began to spread revealing veins of deep burning red where blood should have been her eyes turned black as she told Jace to finish the job her sacrifice here can't be for nothing in that moment she was a figure of Legend in that moment she cleaved neufarexia there was a vast terrible shattering and everything fell into darkness dust clogged the air and else Beth pushed a large piece of debris off her torso and began to look for the others the impact had smashed her pack shattering their remaining bottles of Halo cough pushed himself up from the rubble and looked up into the sky there was a vast hole dark against the silver atmosphere like someone had smashed their way through nahiri had dropped the entire Coliseum into the fair Basilica the others were picking their way out of the rubble they had survived along with the Silex forexians began to pour from the hole not falling but clinging to the silver surface of the sky the pharexians of the fair Basilica caked in red sinew and white porcelain climbed up the hollow metallic walls to meet uribraska's forces then right against the Horizon flew the forexian angel atraxa Jace showed his friends the wound Raska had given him but malira couldn't heal him here where it was so dangerous that process could take several days and they were far too vulnerable to do it now the Halo in his system would slow the oil but it wouldn't stop it they had to make their way toward Elish norn's altar so that they could accomplish their mission the loss of Raska and his own future seemed to have broken Jace and else Beth couldn't stand to look at him like that for very long long they were trapped here in the heart of neufarexia they had lost three in total if you counted Jace along with the Halo how much did they have left to lose [Music] cough told the group they had to keep moving to honor nahiri's sacrifice she had been infected elspeth thought there was no way she didn't know but she never said anything to the group malira spoke up admitting that nihiri had told her when they were back in the furnace layer malira could have healed her but she would have been incapacitated for days faresis reached through the body like a hundred roots and when you dig one out you'd find a hundred more its treatment was an arduous process they would have had to stay behind while the Harry's body repaired itself she saw that as wasting time they didn't have Kaya asks malira if she can heal Jace Jace walked along behind them still carrying the Silex close but now wire and metal Shone through the wound on his arm the flesh that remained was raw and wet blackening as it transmuted into fibrous cables malira was willing to heal him but she was unsure if Jace would let her using telepathy Jace told her that he would not risk them all to save his his own life not when he had already lost Raska his mental voice fell silent he had to spend all of his energy on moving forward taivar in an attempt to brighten their Spirits told them that they must honor nahiri's story and the end she wrote for it by walking away Victorious kaido on the other hand just hoped that nahiri was actually dead she was probably more powerful than all of them he doubted that even two of them together could take her on they hadn't found a body in the debris though nahiri sacrificed herself for them she might still return as an inexhaustible enemy this wasn't the place for pretty Illusions or what-ifs it would just get them hurt here in neufarexia they must Focus only here and now and keep moving forward suddenly Kaya Drew their attention to a still Colossus red and white to blend in with the landscape neither insectile reptilian nor humanoid cough informed them that Elish norn didn't like to give up what belonged to her these were the Warriors that served her best ossified into monuments he had seen some of these become animated to kill mirans before so they had to be cautious they couldn't pick a safe route there wasn't one they had to cross this bridge to get to ellersthorne's altar which would lead them down to the mycosynth gardens there they would have access to the seed core where realm breaker was planted realm breaker was sprouted from the stolen seed of the world tree on the plain of caldheim the home of taivar the elf he explained that the world tree grows within the cosmos itself linking all the Realms existing inside and outside of reality he didn't understand how it didn't split the plane in two when it sprouted it was both a miracle and a horror realm breaker was planted below the seed core where Ella snorn imprisoned Carn its Roots Run Deep and the branches reached through the mycosynth gardens malira told them that on these branches Omen paths have been created portals between Realms portals they had to close as soon as possible they passed under the empty gaze of the Goliath frexian Monument Jace solemnly bringing up the rear the doors of the altar gaped open like the terrible Maul of an all-consuming Beast Frozen somewhere between life and death they walked into the empty foyer alert embraced for trouble frozen pharexians studded the walls Elish norn's loyal subjects they were in all likelihood walking into a trap first they were scattered along the surface as they arrived then they found rasca left barely alive to call for Jace it all must have been planned new forexia had a Johnny gold Mane on their side and Ellis norn was smart enough to use him against his friends still Elish norn was not all-knowing and her forces were distracted by the Rebellion the combined forces of mirins as well as urabrasques and shieldreds pharexians were proving a suitable distraction they pressed deeper into the building passing more motionless bodies of farexian nightmares Ellis norn's Throne was unguarded beneath it was a chamber with winding stairs leading down to the Mico synth Gardens once they reached the end of the stairs they saw the whites of the fair Basilica give way to a Steely bluish gray pebbled texture malira warned him not to touch it it was the mycosynth that took miradan in the first place sending their infectious spores throughout the plane behind them Jace groaned his stomach splitting as writhing metallic cords fought for dominion over the tissue of his body they needed to go deeper to the Sea Corps malira LED them through the metal laced landscape avoiding the mycosan they approached the Gateway which was just a pile of Twisted fungal strands malira tells them that it infects anything it touches it was a good good thing that she was immune to Pharisees but the others couldn't boast such fortunes as she moved close the pile pulsed before opening into a hole of Darkness ringed with waving tendrils the tendrils reached out to caress malira leaving some glistening oil that she was able to just wipe away the rest of them didn't have her resistance there had to be another way in taivar remembered how kaido peeled the glistening oil off his skin before it made its way inside of his body while they were fighting in the Coliseum if he could do that again kaivar might be able to spread his transmutation magic across all of the group once they got into the seed core this would give them all the same hex gold armor that hugged his skin it offered at least some resistance he wouldn't be able to hold the spell for long and the glistening oil resisted kaido's telekinesis but they had to try none of them would be able to use their magic while tivar's own was affecting them so they had to use the remaining Halo to Stave off the oil until kaido could use his magic again taivar transmitted his skin into glimmer void metal then it spread covering the rest of them glimmer void metal was native to Meriden and could resist pharysis the group walked past the tendrils which left streaks of oil behind on their hardened skin they filed through a narrow Hall and onto an open Bridge taking in the horrific landscape more disturbing than other visions of nephraxia because it was alive and growing taivar released his spell and their skin flesh once more glistened with black oil kaido was able to lift the oil off of them balling it up and lobbing it to the side of the bridge they turned to behold the forexian world Tree Realm breaker Ellis norn had cultivated nurtured and corrupted it its bark was the same white porcelain medal of the fair Basilica Vivid red showing through the fissures that had opened up on its surface it bled glistening oil instead of sap the branches reached up towards the blind eternities on the branches hung in Invasion ships almost ready to infect the Multiverse in the highest branches of the tree light poured out spreading into a hauntingly symmetrical lattice they ran across the narrow bridge that connected the gardens to the core making for a dark opening in the Tangled roots of the tree they were almost there when the sky flashed explosions filled the air with rainbow distortions and then the bright impossibility of the blind eternities they were too late it was all for nothing realm breaker had connected to the Multiverse Elish norn has access to every plane they could still do their best to try and undo this we have to hurry Jace said breathless as he collapsed taivar transmuted his skin into glimmer void metal again and scooped Jace into his arms making sure Jace's old infection doesn't spread to him they continued into the dark opening of Realm breaker's Roots inside the cavity of the tree the walls were woven Roots there were passages split off from the chamber with a large one seeming to be the main Channel at the center on the low dies was Karn the silver Golem had been vivisected and spread across the platform Karn turned his unattached head and croaked telling them that they shouldn't have come new forexia had rejected their former father of machines elspeth told Carnet they had made a replica of the Silex they might still be able to save some of the planes out there Carn would take the burden from them if he could but he couldn't even move Jace showed Carn his injury it was too late for both of them he hobbled to the doorway on the other side of the room followed by taivar and Kaya malira attempted to shift karn's head to make him more comfortable wiping away glistening oil cough and his explosives team began setting charges to free Khan from his restraints elspeth asked if Karn wanted her to stay out of selfishness he did but urged her to follow Jace cough and his team would stay to help Karen once he was free else Beth promised she would see him again and turn to walk through the doorway the final Bridge was long white and riddled with red on the other side there was a replica of norn's altar but made from Twisted roots of the realm breaker Chase was back on his own feet listening to the chorus of voices that hum through the air forexions could harmonize he just realized intrigued him they were able to look up the inside of the trunk seeing flashes of other planes through the haze near the upper branches they could see the forexians shuffling along the gangways of the invasion vessels millions of the white vessels spewed red contagious smoke they'd been here preparing for the real fight all along they heard steady and confident footsteps behind them on the bridge Jace backed away with the Silex as the rest of the group turned ready unsheathing their weapons it was a Johnny and tibult but not as they had known them Ajani wore red and white armor that seemingly Grew From his body marking him as one of Elish norns he carried a double-headed ax blades reserved for her honor he well welcome them in his familiar voice expressing his happiness that else Beth made it here to join him else Beth Drew her sword luxior she wasn't here to join him she was here to stop him Ajani asks why with honest curiosity they would be together forever harmonious no more conflict no more pain all will be won beside him tibult was a nightmare of bony plates and protrusions connected by raw braided sinew recognizable only through the smirk on the remaining fleshy parts of his face his tail had split at the base ending in two Wicked Stingers that dripped glistening oil the half devil Planeswalker was first infected back on callheim by vornclax apparently the seed the Predator promised to remove was left to Fester until this demented sadist now inflicted pain for Elish norn tibult always knew tavar would see the End by his hand tivar told kaido to take the others and run he and elsbeth were predestined to win this fight against Johnny and Tybalt pivar watched kaido and Kaya help Jace through the doorway into the back of the room then they turned to engage their enemy Ajani roared as elspeth leapt toward him and tibbled lunged for taivar as glimmer void metal rippled across his skin the screaming followed soon after [Music] Kaya thought it a bad sign that Jace let them see how far gone he was rather than casting a soothing illusion over himself himoto a spirit appearing as a Tanuki drone was cooing at kaido's side rubbing his cheek and trying to sue them Kaya thought about cracking a joke about needing a teddy bear but honestly she wished she had brought a friend with her as well though he was a stranger to her kaido shared in his hatred of this place on his home plane of kamigawa existed bosaiju the great tree that lived in harmony with everything around it it was filled with Spirits called Kami but in this place the spirits must have been consumed along with everything else or they would be screaming Without End the Kami were not like the spirits Kyle was used to dealing with the Kami were born Immortal Kaia was used to spirits that were born from death but with as much death as this plane had seen there were no Spirits there was nothing forexia didn't release its victims not even in death the halls around them were empty which fell out less like luck and more like a trap Jace hadn't turned quite yet and he still had the Silex still their hope seemed more helpless after leaving else Beth behind something about her made it easy to believe the impossible else Beth was left to duel with her lost friend anjani who had been completed and enthralled by Elish norn the ceiling gave way to clear panels mimicking a fly's wings but split with dark veins pulsing with glistening oil through the panels they could see Bridges filled with endless ranks of frexian warriors in the red and white of Elish norn's factions marching to the waiting Invasion ships kaido spotted a hole in the floor that looked like it was meant to be an entrance to a Stairway except whoever had made it forgot to build the actual stairs roughly a 10-foot drop led to a hovering disc of white metal with no walls surrounding it there was another hole in the disc below exposing realm breaker's trunk until it vanished into mist this was as close to the core root of the tree as they were going to come Kaya phased herself intangible and dropped onto the disc below now smelling ozone might go synth and a perversion of coldheim Sweet Air Jace teetered on the edge of the hole and finally jumped to be caught by Kaya who desperately tried to avoid the writhing cords coming from his body Jace unpacked the Silex revealing it to the forexian air for the first time as kaido jumped down nimbly kaino asked if it was safe for them to be this close Kaya explained that urza detonated the original Silex in his lap and he survived they'd be fine probably assuming the plane survived and the shock wave traveling up the tree didn't rip neufarexia apart from Court across it could still send the last of the mirins into Oblivion if nahiri had survived her fall and not yet turned she would be blooded out in an instant of the blast so would they Kaya felt uneasy as Jace moved into a cross-legged position with the Silex in his lap The Invasion tree had connected the Silex could damage or destroy every plane in contact with realm breaker they had no way of knowing which planes they were but they would be casualties the Silex obliterates everything it touches even time was fractured when urza set the original off if the blast could travel through the omen Paths of the tree it could destroy everything they could even blow up the blind eternities Jace was dying and he didn't blame Kaya and kaido if they killed him before he could turn his powers against them he had spent so much time and effort trying not to destroy the minds of others just because he could or moving in Multiverse so simply without causing endless damage he would become an incredible weapon for nepharaxia now they were starting to speak through him and his eyes flashed inhuman blue bright and unusual Jace tries to compose himself they weren't going to destroy anything with the Silex they would only be preventing greater deaths there was no other way than to bring the ending to renew it all Jace was willing to sacrifice countless planes possibly even the entire Multiverse in order to stop the pharexians Kaya knew what was rattling through Jace's slipping mind forexia had to be stopped but not at the cost of the Multiverse itself Kaya lunged forward grabbing Jace's wrist before he could pick the Silex up again she pulled a dagger from her belt as Jace's eyes began to Glow kaido was confused for a moment and then realized that he should draw his sword also on the bridge over the void ajani's ax clashed against elsbeth's sword pushing her back even as she dug her heels into the sinui surface and tried to stand her ground Ajani willed her to join him to be ideal to be one if he had sounded any less like himself else Beth might have been able to undercut his ankles and send him toppling Into the Depths instead his voice was calm carrying only genuine affection and concern Ajani tried to convince her that forexia was no one's enemy that they only wanted to bring peace and Perfection else Beth retorted that neophorexia was everyone's enemy Ajani resolved to say that she didn't have to be alive to join them finally attacking without holding back he narrowly missed elsbeth's head swinging his ax with a blast of destructive Magical Force not far from else Beth and Ajani taivar used his blades to keep the twin barbs of tybalt's tail at Bay taivar's skin was still metallic and gleaming his entire body Heaven converted into glimmer void metal for the protection it could offer him a against the glistening oil that dripped from tibble's body tibbled taunted tyvar telling him there would be no heroic sagas in his name only Tales of failure tibult whipped his Tails as taivar blocked him with his glimmer void arms taivar hist in pain tibbled piston pleasure the two United for the first and perhaps only time in their acquaintance taivar was resistant to dibolt's Magic a cloud of doubt that infected all around him because taivar was too confident to understand why he should doubt his convictions tibble told him most were not so devoid of concerns turning towards elspeth as smoke leaked from his mouth doubt was the greatest weapon of them all a wave of misery and doubt washed over elsepath this was her fault if she had been a better student less distracted with her own problems strong enough to save miradin from falling to forexia then Ajani wouldn't have been infected Ajani landed a blow that knocked the weapon from her hand and elsbeth could only back away tibbled cackled stabbing a tivar who was horrified to see elsbeth Retreat seeing her lose her faith made him feel like all was lost elspeth fell back under waves of Despair and doubt she had failed they had all failed Ajani was lost and her home was lost it ripped at her tearing away the veils of virtue and compassion she had worked for until only her core was exposed Ajani seen his opening swung his ax at the exposed back of her neck else Beth blocked the blow from Ajani fighting against tibble's lies tibble turned his attention back to tivar stabbing with the barbs of his tail taivar grabbed one behind the Stinger as the glimmer void metal spread from taivar's body to tibult In the Flesh that was left on the planeswalker's body seemed to almost pull away taivar's magic suppressed whatever it touched and tibbles manufactured doubts couldn't touch what it couldn't reach elspeth's stance grew in confidence by the moment and as tibble's body was engulfed by the glimmer void metal a pulse of hope strong enough that it felt like it should have burned the infection entirely from farexia surged from her body to elspeth doubt was nothing doubt didn't change what was right light blasted out from her Blade luxiar with swirling Halo and capsuled in the hilt else Beth slammed the health of her sword across the back of ajani's neck knocking him to the ground unconscious she looked over to taivar who assured her he could handle tibbles else Beth ran to help with the Silex and glancing back she saw taivar catch tibbled's second tail and stab him where his heart should have been tibbled let out an agonizing scream and then she heard a sickening crunch after taivar sent the devil over the edge of the bridge Kaya lunch for Jay's but she just stumbled through the telepath's projected image Jace pleaded with her detonating the Silex might destroy the Multiverse but it also might just shake him a little bit Kaya couldn't know that Jace was reading her mind but it certainly felt like he was the Jace she had known was always careful not to invade made the privacy of the minds of others abruptly there were three of him between Kaya and the Silex kayak couldn't read minds but she could read Spirit energy and two of the jaces didn't have Spirits she pointed out the real Jace to kaido who flung a handful of shuriken to stop him as kaido's telekinesis drove the projectiles into Jace's injured arm the two Illusions flickered and died the waving wires on his arm resembled the tendrils of raska's hair and those strands started to light up at the tips kaido shuriken had severed several strands leaving them to ride and die on the floor and cut shallow bloodless lines into Jace's skin the speed of rexine completion was a nightmare they knew they had to save the Multiverse to remove the Silex from the completed Jace all the planes forexia hasn't touched are connected to the blind eternities as well if they blow up the tree now they could wipe out everything kaido suddenly remembered The Wanderer who was probably traveling through the blind eternities any Planeswalker in transit might Parish Kaya grabbed Silex but she'd fallen for another of Jace's Illusions Jace looked at her from across the rim of the real Silex still in his hands then he disappeared on the other side of his illusion Jace parted the skin of his forehead with his thumbnail what dripped from the wound into the Silex was not blood it was glistening oil Jace forced his grief and fury the suffering and sorrow drenched Agony of miradin into the bowl regret for the Multiverse and the love of rasca the words didn't matter Jace knew that but they felt right anyway urza had said them long ago tafiri had seen it and Kaya threw him and jaced through her wipe the land clear bring the ending he murmured I'm sorry his voice echoed in the enclosed space and possibly loud as lights bloomed inside the bowl of the Silex crawling upwards to the rim neither kaido or Kaya saw elsbeth drop through the hole in the ceiling and race across the room towards Jace elf's Beth was confused used at the scene she was witnessing kaido and Kaia looked concerned beyond measure while Jace was racked with guilt she understood the situation and acted decisively without hesitation elspath drove her sword through Jace and shoved him aside his body took look CR with him as he fell and else Beth grabbed for the Silex as light crested over the lip of the Silex she planes walked Bound for some unknown destination past the blind eternities taivar dropped through the hole to join kaido Kaya and Jace's slumped form instead of his footfall they heard massive booms consuming all of the sound realm Breakers trunk pulse with light each pulse lit the air with an oily slick array of colors yanking the world around them through a cycle of nights and days the tree had been fully activated and was transmitting through the Multiverse the shock knocked kaido Kaya and taivar to the floor and in the rapidly pulsing light none of them saw the moment when the wall Iris opened like an eye allowing the smell of Aether to fill the previously sealed room forexians now walk the omen path carrying disaster with them each vessel with its heavy burden of frexian Invaders reached another plane where they would spread their infection an opening in the wall of the tree got larger footsteps coming from the other side they were about to have company a figure almost skeletally thin made of red tissue and gleaming porcelain white metal stepped into the room Ellis norn turned to them and smiled as a squadron of forexing warrior slipped in after her kaido gasped at the sight of tamio the companion he had once fought alongside on kamigawa moving among them Elish norn welcomed them to forexia as Jace's body shuddered and stood then moved to join his new master luxur fell from his body and kaido grabbed it up quickly Ellis norn laughed offering them her idea of peace and Harmony why resist their friends were already with her all will be won her subordinates parted letting the Fury through she had clearly not survived her fall the spikes that had grown out of her neck were more pronounced now mimicking The Cloud of Blade she often summoned her hands were gone replaced at the elbow by metal blades cracks in her skin showed molten metal inside her body and her eyes glowed with that same terrible heat another figure followed her on a bundle of cables using the root-like formation of her lower body like tentacles as she settled by the other forexian side extra appendages sprouted from the Woody protrusions covering her flesh her face like tamios was marked with glistening oil it was Nissa ravane but the soft-spoken animist kyanu was gone Ellis norn explained in her own rationality that nahiri fought them but was able to find peace and a better way in the one she and Nissa came from the same place but they were never friends now they're sisters United finally on the same side in every way they are one 1. kaido Kaya and taivar could all be won each of them declined and Ellis norn resigned to call them enemies she raised her hand clicking her perfect claws together and The Invasion began [Music] tafiri tried to planeswalk but nothing happened he tried to speed up time but the sun didn't bend to his will eventually night fell on its own accord and to Fury slept he dreamed of things he wouldn't remember but still carried with him when he wakes he dreamed of Krug muddy trenches filled with corpses some fresh some rotting some reanimated then of argoth burning streaked in oil elves and humans crushed under the feet of metal beasts he would remember some of his dreams the cold pressure when the forexian stabbed him the dark Halls of urza's tower under siege fire lit and chorused with agonies his wife sabira didn't wander anymore that was now his solemn Duty tafiri awoke to see the tide had come in though there was no moon to pull them the landscape was illuminated in a pale blue tafiri had started to follow Footprints leading away from the beach to a path Inland he had to find people people must eat people must sleep people must laugh all things to Fury was desperate to find tafiri followed the path through a dune Forest until it became a scrubland dominated by low wide canopy trees the Sandy path gave way to packed Earth showing tracks of carts and more Footprints to Fury bent down to use his magic to extract history from the dust people came here once to the beach beyond the Dune Forest parents would bring their children to spend long afternoons relaxing near the surf tafiri cast his mental net wider and the Visions came to him like dreams fishing boats lined the beach some of the sailors lay resting while the others headed Inland to sell their catch making a looping gesture he brought the past closer fewer families came here now those that did stayed close and carried weapons no Sailors took their boats to Sea they were all afraid of it Afraid of the Dark afraid of what they couldn't see another rotation in the past became closer fear waves crashing and then horrible screams cataclysm the ground reached up lurching moving another rotation and the beach was empty only rain washing over the waves that Rose to the dunes another rotation the beach returned the water now still is glass another rotation at the end of this path to Fury's recall failed and Mist gave way to Absolute Darkness it was a void severed from time it was Zafir nearly 400 years later tafiri was back in his home the one he had phased out of time and reality zolfir tafiri followed the path until it became a cobblestone Road and hid in the bushes to watch a train of wagons pass he was tired hungry thirsty and lost he needed to risk trust tefiri emerged greeting one of the caravanners she screamed and the rest cried to Halt and attack to Fury was surrounded by spear points within a minute tafiri was a naked traveler he lied and said he was attacked by Bandits one of the Caravan guards passed him a cloak assuring him they dealt with those Bandits last night the leader of the Caravan looked at him solemnly telling him that they hadn't found his party that none had survived their bodies were in the last cart as they were taking them to kingal tafiri was permitted to go along and speak for them his Fallen false colleagues the leader introduced herself as ashay and the fear he lied again introducing himself as a traitor named sifu though the woman thought he looked familiar she pointed out that he had not asked about the dead supposedly his comrades and then questioned him how many there were working quickly he scribed to pull the answer from her memory tafiri found reading someone's mind wrong and invasive but there was a need he was able to see ten dead and that satisfied eshe who promised to take care of him the next morning the Caravan halted a day's travel from kingal guards were urging the caravaners to line up a woman beside tafiri explained these were the bandits that had killed their guards and took their place and that eshe was their leader as she hushed them as she made a slow review of the Bandit's prisoners as she reached the end of the Caravan eshay announced that there was a snake among them she said zofir was at War and had been at War for Generations first The Mirage War then the kelden war and now this long wait preparing for the forexian war she was referring to the first Forex scene War to defend dominaria against yagmov it never came because tefiri had phased out the kingdom before that catastrophic event they had all lost so many everyone there Bandit or caravanner was linked in grief she gestured toward to Fury saying that there was one alone who didn't suffer and announced him by his true name there was shouting and gasping as guards Drew their swords and when they grabbed him to Fury didn't resist ashay lifted a spear and thrust for his heart but to Fury commanded time to stop confused her movement was still slower than time normally elapsed tafiri took his time to sit down and talk to her he told her that he had loved the caravanner once subira who would later become his wife sabira listened to him when he didn't deserve to be listened to and that they loved each other and made a family together she grew up on the road and didn't lose anyone when he had sent zofir away in an attempt to protect it from the first forexian Invasion he let subira's love absolve him from the hurt he calls zofir a love like that could save a soul but it didn't fix the mess he made she had passed before he could find a way to fix it he couldn't be forgiven he can only do what was right he had to fix this tafiri let time resume as normal asking ashay to let him go now at normal speed she told him to go away as the Caravans at all together he walked the other direction alone months later tafiri worked as a fisherman in the river pulling a wide net across the bank with his comrades labor shared timeshared the young woman next to him introduced herself as oyana she already knew who tafiri was this work had made her strong and she was eager to fight for her home against forexia tafiri told her that no one was ready for forexia no one could stop them Ohana was taken aback moved away and they both returned to their work at the end of the day tafiri headed into the Creed Hall of the small village a temple to the five Creeds of magic there were five guilds that served each Creed for each color of Magic the shaper Guild served blue Mana tafiri moved towards a stone Bowl in the middle of the room stopping before the Ark of the shaper Creed he knelt and pressed his forehead to the edge of the ball the hum of Mana resonated through him and thrummed up through this well and collected into the wide Stone Basin somewhere below him was a leyline he called out for Kaya but no answer to Fury was interrupted by Adia A Healer of the Civic Creed she told him soldiers came looking for him when adiya brought them soldiers was a gross understatement it was more like a war council General Jabari walked forward roaring a welcome to tafiri happy that he had found the Planeswalker tafiri corrected him he was just to Fury acosa now not a planeswalker apparently the two men embraced it had been so long since the friends had seen each other tafiri was back but the sailors of their people still said there was nothing beyond the shore Zafir was still on its own tafiri began to apologize but General Jabari stopped him he was the archmage of zolfir and Zafir needed him but tafiri wasn't sure he could do anything he didn't know how he'd gotten here he shouldn't have been able to Jabari told him that his ascari Warriors only knew they were supposed to retrieve him but to Fury was not the only one from the outside to arrive Jabari wanted to take him to the city of a coup where they had a woman of Regal bearing secured an Amber before they did the woman had asked specifically for tefiri maybe it was one of his friends time outside this place moved differently than within it maybe they had fixed the temporal anchor and come to find him Jabari described her as a young woman with white hair wearing a golden wide-brimmed hat tafiri knew who it was The Wanderer as they ready to leave in the morning Ida brought him Robes of the shaper Creed so that he would look appropriate before the queen even if she wanted him dead for what he had done to her kingdom Ada expressed her fear that zolfir would either lose the war with farexia or win and become a kingdom that only knew War tafiri explained that some things were so big that no one could stop them he couldn't save them all like he wanted but he could at least stand beside them Ada begged him to protect zolfir he had done it before but before he was a different lesser person he assured her the kingdom wasn't just about war they weren't Bound by Fate only their past they couldn't stop what was coming but tafiri couldn't save Zafir alone but he could stand with them and help them in the aftermath weeks later they arrived in Aku the city that held the tombs of the past dissolve your royalty the queen had come here to seek peace and spiritual guidance from her ancestors though the Amber tombs of the ancestors bristled with unsettling energy rather than peace they walked through the corridors of aku's main District surrounded by patrolling Queen's guard they were often accompanied by someone from the shaper Creed or an armored cleric of the white aligned civil Creed this wasn't normal maybe something had happened in the tombs tafiri and Jabari reached the Amber tombs to find the entrance crowded with soldiers and clerics weapons drawn two officers Askari of some high seniority argued with each other in harsh Whispers Jabari asked what happened and the Askari Soldier told him that carvak escaped carvak was a warlock who had tried to take over the kingdom of zolfir through manipulation eventually caught and imprisoned for his crimes his prison had shattered wounding General megita who was standing below it the guards parted to let them travel to the central chamber of the Amber tombs this chamber was ancient Whispering of dark magics and rituals zulf Air's ancestors risked employing to ensure those who needed to stay locked away did the pendulum that held karvak had fallen on the ground and shattered its tip still embedded into the floor Queen wenza stood off to the side aged only a decade since the fury last saw her she declared that 360 years had passed and that it Stills off ear against fraxia she turned to defiri telling him there was no punishment great enough for the acts that he had committed if she killed tafiri feraxia would win and that was enough to keep him alive she addressed Jabari telling him he was to lead the Army until General magita recovered the queen reached into her robes revealing a small Amber Bobble and tossed it across the floor tafiri picked up the small prison and peered inside it was The Wanderer her face going for from determination to confusion the queen told him to put the prison back on the floor and he obeyed one of the Creed leaders stepped forward with Purina spell and the prison began to Glow it burst open The Wanderers exhale echoed around the room tafiri filled her in while she recovered she had been there for over a month but for her tafiri had only disappeared days ago The Wanderers form flickered she was losing her hold on the plane she warned them that new forexia's invasion was upon them Nissa was gone others had fallen The Wanderer rushed to tell tafiri about the battle at urza's Tower the raid on new faraxia about realm breaker and their desperate plan but her voice hiccuped and stuttered as she flickered in and out she faded her unstable spark pulling her away it's not too late to Fury said a fierce grin spreading across his face the pharexians had awoken something that their machine Minds would soon learn to fear to Fury who would show them all that the Sun rises in Zafir [Music] with our heroes failing in their mission to stop eilish norn and new forexia are reaching the greater Multiverse we must now turn towards the future what happens next we can actually go back to the first part of our recap of the all will be one storyline the end of the brother's War story for a little hint the Planeswalkers of the gatewatch realize that failure was possible and tried to take steps to prepare for that outcome we hear it from characters like Chandra nalar who reports that various planes are building up their defenses against a possible forexian Invasion an invasion that's now very well underway so at least we know a few planes won't be caught completely off guard our attention in the story now must turn to those Planeswalkers not yet completed and serving Elish Nord the likes of the before mentioned Chandra the last standing original Planeswalker of the gatewatch to Fury elspeth Kaya taivar Ren sahili Ray tesseret and others not really involved in the story but that we know are out there like Garrick it'll be up to the these individuals to come together and formulate a way not only to stop The multiversal Invasion but to possibly reverse the effects the pharexians have on its conquered planes the future of Magic's story will be fundamentally different from those in the recent past when we used to just follow the actions of Planeswalkers as they're the only ones who can travel to wherever the threat is Elish norn has opened the path for every non-spark character to Traverse the Multiverse the corrupted World Tree Realm breaker not only opened the doors for the forexians but everyone Gods dragons students and even deadly compliance officers yeah we see Uber all of these characters will have a stake in the war to come and now they can fight together on any plane where the enemy strikes how they will fight an enemy that seems inexhaustible is anyone's guess reversing those completed and possibly reversing Planeswalkers completed and possibly planes lost seems even more tricky if it's possible at all and this is where I open it up to you guys watching this video what do you think is the solution for the forexian Menace let me know in the comment section below and that's going to do it for the forexia all will be one story guys if you enjoyed it consider supporting the channel by leaving it a like becoming a subscriber and sharing it with friends as always thank you all so much for watching and until next time see ya
Channel: Aether Hub
Views: 127,920
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Keywords: magic lore, magic story, magic the gathering, magic the gathering lore, magic the gathering story, all will be one, all will be one spoiler, all will be one lore, all will be one story, compleated planeswalkers, phyrexia planeswalker, phyrexia all will be one, phyrexia trailer, phyrexia all will be one trailer, mtg cinematic trailer, atraxa, atraxa lore, ixhel, ixhel lore, vishgraz, yawgmoth lore, compleat, compleat story, what happens in phyrexia all will be one, magic arcanum
Id: -qb4nTug0Po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 49sec (5749 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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