The Guilt Trip | Derren Brown's The Experiment FULL EPISODE

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[Music] tonight's experiment is about how easily we can be manipulated can an innocent person be persuaded to confess to a murder that he hasn't committed [Music] [Music] we all fall prey to unnecessary guilt guilt has been used as a tool to manipulate us throughout history the church has encouraged all manner of damaging guilt around the notion of sex and feelings of guilt and shame are the primary modern causes of depression to break free from it we need to first see how it can take us in its grip to do so tonight we need an innocent person a really nice guy well our innocent person is called Jody is on his way here now we've invited him to a completely fabricated conference he has no idea it's anything to do with me and no idea that everybody who's going to meet here is an actor and I'm going to use them to trigger a series of events which will hopefully compel him to confess to a murder that hasn't even happened so this is Jody as we first met him a few weeks ago when we auditioned various people to be in my shows without telling any of them what it was going to be about I work with children I work in a short art center for children under five do I enjoy it oh yeah I wouldn't do it if I didn't enjoy it we also secretly contacted his friends and family to find out more about him everyone that meets him instantly loved him Jody is the kind of brother who you can turn to in a time of need and he'll always be there he just he just loves being with people and he likes making people happy it's clear that Jody is the least likely person to ever commit a murder now he has seen my shows and is aware of what he might be getting himself into he's also been screened to make sure he would be psychologically robust enough to take part so working with his family and friends we told him that it failed the audition and in weeks later we posed as organizers of a special weekend seminar and invited him to this historic country house hotel now Jody will be here soon so I've got to go and hide myself to enjoy tonight's experiment [Music] over the next few days this house will host student futures a seminar about getting students successfully into the workplace we've invited Jody to give a talk on life as a recent graduate and so far he believes every word during his stay he'll be filmed by 21 covert cameras and one crew on the ground that Jody will be told is filming a promotional video of the event from my control room behind the stable block I'll be able to observe an army of actors who I've spent days training in the guilt mongering techniques necessary to manipulate Jody into confessing to a crime that he hasn't even committed welcome to Bradley House my name is Daniel and the house manager Steve white I've created a cast of characters to speak at the fake event there's the entrepreneur Steve white the river and Jenny green professor Alice Plummer miss Scarlett Evans the retired colonel Sir Robert Coleman and not forgetting our future murder victim dr. Patrick black [Music] here he comes here he comes peace good luck everyone anyway Jodi goes could I take your name please we're sorry mr. Sam there we go and you are staying with us tonight buddy house itself okay if there's anything I can help you with don't hesitate to ask and I'll just take you through the library here John and Mark who the conference organizers are here that's John standing up there hi how are you hi Jodi Jonas nice to meet ya ya already nervous so what you did I did do a social well welcome again everyone is it's lovely to have you all here it's a couple of quick short parish notices basically first of all there were a couple of areas that are out of bounds I'm afraid we've got a few offices that are working out of the stable block so basically the the anything at the rear of the house is pretty much out of bounds local amenities if you go into the village itself made in Bradley all that's there is a post office and a police station so if you need anything the best idea is to come and see us and we'll provide everything that you need okay so let's begin the experiment so there are three things that I need to do in order to make Jodi confess to that most horrible of crimes a murder and one that he didn't commit and the first one is to create some triggers that I can fire to make him feel guilty whenever I want him to so the way we're gonna do that is to create some situations where he will feel guilty and then whenever he's at the peak of that guilt the actors are going to squeeze him on the shoulder or I'm gonna fire a sound of a bell off through the hotel which I can do by pressing pressing the button on here that creates a bells sound that will play through the hotel now what will happen is he'll begin to associate the feeling of guilt with the squeeze on the shoulder and with the bell sound and then I'll be able to fire those off to make him feel guilty and that's just like when you hear a song that you first heard when you broke up with somebody and then whenever you hear it again it just makes you feel awful because again I'm not sure what's required of me so what's gonna happen next is the course organisers are gonna take Jodie out into the corridor and then they're gonna make him feel guilty they're gonna start that off so we just need to play the bells sound in the hotel I feel awful about this so hopefully we've started to get Jodie to associate the feelings of guilt with the squeeze on the shoulder and the sound of the Bell now normally those feelings of needless guilts have become because we transgressed some rule lay down by a an authority figure whether it's a parent or God or whoever it is so we need an authority figure somebody that Joey really admires we know that is a big fan of the Australian comedian and musician Tim Minchin so Tim is here to provide some entertainment of the conference that will also play a major part in Jonah's conditioning Jodi has no knowledge that his hero is coming tonight okay so the plan tonight is to make Jodi feel that is really offended somebody that he massively admires and that will create a very powerful feeling of guilt and further embed those guilt triggers we've been studying so hard in the last year of my funnier University I was disappointed so I wanted to come and see London recently and when are you gonna be eating probably be a while before I do another tour I okay so although Jodi's done nothing wrong the actors are now going to make him feel really guilty his face changed a bit it's like is it sounded almost like we said that's when his face changed it did it really did you know I mean I find that really quite offensive I mean it is what I'm sure you called me I didn't even mean to say that I didn't say I didn't know anything you might have said I'm a hunter or or I don't know why you'd say hon but it might have been feeling bad I'm invisible only me mr. meet him yes yeah he's just popped out for a few minutes outside I think so I'm not sure yeah I'm not sure which way don't go out oh that's right honey Nicky's left we don't in coming around here Nick get him back inside the house he might head round to where we are guys keep an eye on those cameras see if he's coming around the front you aren't me mister we were just having a conversation and I thought it was all casual and pleasant xed Holly whose girlfriend is going to give him a call and we'll be able to find out now how is how is really feeling Holly is in on this by the way um yeah okay a little bit weird um that's kind of good things and bad things we've we've got some comedy Tim Minchin he just kind of appeared out of nowhere and I was like oh my god he's beating him alright and then Tim just kind of wandered off he just walked off what did I say and they said well it it sounded like you called him I was like I said I said what I would never say such a thing well it is it is that's the point it is a big misunderstanding whatever I said I never meant to say anything offensive poor ol Jodi and he has no idea just how much worse his weekend is going to get so with phase one now complete we can make Jodi feel guilty whenever we wanted to with our triggers and the second phase is now to make him doubt his own memory so the later on he can be confused as to earth and what he might have done something to feel guilty about and the way we're going to do it is by creating a series of inexplicable changes around him beginning with dr. blacks red tie so don't underestimate the power of networking so don't start talking doesn't networking and then start having an application forms then you're looking at a situation where 50 people in that group become five hundred contacts scuse me camera four is gonna transfer cover as it doesn't so we'll need to be on that I started going to this guy's meetings started listening to what he had to say about employing younger college graduate you understand exactly what he was looking for Oh give me your attention for just one second what is you don't notice it's just to make ISM I think if any of you start the questions so I'm actually a warm welcome I'm not sure it's deserved yet but I'm Alice Palmer and I am a professor of theatre in the University of Glasgow this season this is what alice is wearing she's been wearing this apropos everything as well um interview techniques we got preparation here we go we all know commit the other [Music] appearance is what I'm wearing presenting me well relaxation they want you could even meet them with confident it's the one thing that students don't [Music] [Music] there's no point in going in and not be able to complete your education I think they're doing brilliant work and I'm absolutely honored to be here Thank You [Applause] JD if you want to come up see you on the screen while Jodi's giving his talk I'm gonna sneak into the house and mess around with one of the rooms he's become most familiar with [Music] tomorrow [Music] so most of the changes have been quite subtle up to this point but we're gonna see how he reacts or something that happens right under his nose [Music] [Music] it's great thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so we now need a dry run for the murder itself just to make sure that everything's working so down the house manager is going to come in and say that the Duchess's priceless pearl necklace has been stolen and Jack's gonna say that he saw Jody with it earlier on which course isn't true and it's to see now whether a combination of Jody doubting his own memory to the extent that he might question whether or not he could have had it and the guilt that I'm gonna trigger by setting off the bell sound will be enough to make Jody believe that he could have actually stolen it and then go and confess to it ladies and gentlemen I'm sorry to interrupt but uh an item of jewelry has gone missing it's a pearl necklace normally it's kept in a in a display cabinet behind locked doors but for some reason that particular cabinet has been unlocked for the last few days so if anybody has found anything Jenny was that the one you had last night in the class you're just holding it by there by the window in the drawing room you're definitely definitely holding it not saying is you remoting it last night you know three three sets of pearls and kind of kind of a kind of clasp on it you do say it them please come and find me I'll probably be around with this I'm glad my shirt I'm gonna go yeah that's right [Music] [Music] look he's hitting it we know he's feeling guilty is hidden it he's given the sure to John that's how he was getting is on you were okay on yeah you don't look okay let's get tight to shun camera six that's no that's why just gonna get them so many flowers gifts didn't change manager gives me feel like I'll say I thought no no I should do it was me yeah really he's questioning it isn't doubting his own memory it looks like the dry run to get Jodi to confess to something he hasn't done is working he's responded well to the guilt trigger we've managed to make him doubt his own memory and is starting to believe he took the pearls which we know he didn't do it because he's confused by events young compliant and exposed to fake information he fits exactly the profile of the thousands of people who make false confessions to the police every year okay so phases 1 & 2 are now complete we can make him feel guilty whenever we want by using the triggers and he's doubting his own memory third phase is to now give him a sense of a motive nothing nothing serious but just enough that would play on his mind later on so I've asked dr. black to be pretty rude and obnoxious to people within Joe disease shot he's been doing that since he arrived what was it about you that made you think you didn't need a suit for this weekend see what I mean you behave like this to your family to sort of guerilla push family out of it get a hold yourself you've had a little too much really Phyllis relax now we're going to create a further possible motive in Jody's mind over a game of croquet two giants of croquet let's go whip his ass [Music] so grab your weapons somebody's headed minute you got a wallet win you got 20 quid in there I'll put the 20 against everything in my wallet [Music] good work aren't you in that laughter room over there anyway kid [Music] you know he was cheating it anyone but I was looking at him and he was you know I didn't even say it was cheating why he took your money he's added that that you felt like he had to cheat on her game of croquet let me go no need for that as a [Music] yeah there's no limit to what they can order is there I've told the actors to get Jodie drunk it's important on the champagne I was five and he was six you were black and I wore white swimming the bank he shot me down [Applause] I hit the ground bang bang oh that awful sound [Music] you [Music] it's five o'clock in the morning and for the next stage to work I need to talk to Jody remotely while his asleep now that would normally wake him up or what I'll be telling him are instructions to remain asleep and because I know that is an open and compliant and therefore fairly suggestible person this should keep him in a sort of a mid state between wake and sleep a dreamy state of inertia called a hypnopompic state and I need him to be there because I need him to remain asleep while we get him into position Jody had a lot to drink last night as well which makes it easier we've wired up the television in his room so that we can play in a recording of my voice Jody you can hear my voice but you can continue to sleep you can sleep Julie sleep nice and deeply I want you to remain nice and deeply asleep just a dream and my voice you will remain asleep and sleep with your eyes closed deeply asleep [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay yeah he's coming down this is where we want him to start doubting his own memory as to what happened early this morning he comes to breakfast you slammed your door like 5:00 in the morning I picked my head out because it was really loud I was like you were right and you said like yeah yeah I'm fine you were stood at the stewards at the front in a dressing gown and I thought I'm going back to bed it's 5 a.m. you don't remember you know you were outside yeah you started to buy it isn't he it was good did you see Patrick is he goes to work he seemed missing Patrick no all right morning everyone very rounded this morning welcome and thank you for yesterday guys are we ready to spring our bombshell okay this conference he thinks is here for it's about to become rather nasty yesterday [Music] I just wanted to sort of go to finish with contrary [Music] [Music] sorry ladies and gentlemen I've got important announcement to make well you all just a lot of Kearney RC to remain in the building please please don't leave following an incident last night the police would like to come and talk to you I can't currently give any more details than that I'm afraid what you mean you mean like a robbery I can't I can't really get iconic body there was there was a body found that there was a body found on the ground so last night can't really go to details of that but please do remain in the American guy it's Patrick black we can't be sure the police the police will confirm and the police will give you all the information that you need that at least remain in the building preferably in this room if I could Cornelia's gentlemen I'm detective Inspector Palmer this is my colleague DS Sykes as you appreciate I understand you just being told the news that there is a has been a death overnight here and we have to be treating this as suspicious we need to speak to everyone and we will be speaking to you individually we will have a duty solicitor present just in case you want to speak to them [Music] although conditioning stages at the plan are coming together you can see the the guilt and the memory doubt and then the motor will servicing in his mind but I want to see what the actors thinks of while they go in for their interviews I'm gonna go talk to us it's looking quite stressed like in there it's all quite emotional isn't it see it's just totally real for it he's definitely just in you know that kind of shock yeah you're right Jody he's just very very quiet see the Godstone again no they're not trying to trick you it's you out by belly please he was reassured by Jenny saying or they don't ask you any her questions and Alice was saying don't make anything up just tell them what you know if you don't know don't say anything dude no we got up at like 5 or something cherry just suddenly lost all this lost or discolored yeah man I'm Jodi Jodi is really beginning to jigsaw pieces together from last yeah yeah I see how he gets on with the detectives come on through Suffolk this was it for a second disease this is a parent who's the duty solicitor are you okay yeah we're all we're trying to do is to find out exactly what happened to her - you know proms black how did you actually get on with with them dr. black we work we work Hey yeah sometimes he could be quite blunt sometimes he was a bit rude right do you do drink a great deal are you in the pew no no no no thought about last night - do you know I had a few I had a few drinks - yeah and the night before yeah how did you sleep last night there was that okay the best I've ever slept in my life I'm really not he's not mentioning it like a light and they had to knock on my door in the mornings well since a breakfast was being served but yet people say they'd saw you walking around face what was that all about I don't know dude do you suffer with memory loss normally sometimes we're not drunk champagne in the park yes I have had some memory loss okay so let's perhaps put our cards on the table here what happened this morning where did you wake up I woke up outside and yet you said just now that they had to knock on your door for breakfast at 9 o'clock yeah well I went back to bed right and you woke up I saw but you how did you get there Jim do you know [Music] okay a mistress again a very grateful for you to come in and we'll work our way through all the others and have a cup of them and are you sure you're right you look like maybe you want to say something [Music] that's all right your date okay all right thank you think I'll walk back through yeah thank you very much all right [Music] Nikki hasn't confessed can we can we get the police out of there thank you can we get the police out he just needs a bit more time I think [Music] [Music] [Music] I believe he's leaving the front door there cameras outside we see through a window where's he at the window stop we go through window please we can't see a minute storm is burning off sighs [Music] is gone to the police station village [Music] so what's worth having yeah friend of ours Leif was killed I woke up in the middle of the grounds and why or how I got there but okay I wasn't kind of coming together and so what makes you think you've been involved a two-hour gap between 5:00 and 7:00 o'clock where I was here asleep or know whether I was conscious or not who loves me aware of what's bigger ant up at the house and we had these come off the printer a short while ago and this is where this this is how it's been played out I don't know if these jog your memory at all this is how the doctor was found with blood spatter on the walls okay this has gone far enough [Music] do you think you might like done something I think I think I might I think okay all right there's an obvious quite a serious situation now and before we go any further I need to make a couple of phone calls all right and then we can take off from there all right [Music] we're doing here um admitting to a murder okay how you feeling at the moment what's um confused a bit I met you a while back you applied to be on all my TV shows yes yeah you didn't kill dr. black you didn't kill dr. black because he isn't dead and he isn't dead because there wasn't no murder and there was no murder because the whole thing was staged it was acted it was an experiment about how we could be manipulated by guilt and whether you would confess whether you would hand yourself in for murder that you didn't commit [Music] everybody in that house was an actor no there's no student futures it was just made up he's not real police we couldn't film her we couldn't take a Cameron hearing this isn't even a real police station look it's not even a real building it's made of paper [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] lovely to see one of the reasons why I chose you for this because you're basically the nicest guy in the world and all these guys are just falling in love with you and that's why you'd be the last person to ever do anything like this which is why I wanted to use you would you like a drink champagne yeah I convinced myself that I'd done it I thought I just can't believe I've done something like this what have I done I've actually killed somebody Wow I remembered the hotel manager had said there's only a police station and a planning a post office down the road so I walked down the road and time for yourself are you feeling now at the moment what's done if I'm relieved I didn't kill anybody I couldn't stop laughing at the end affair is hilarious that I've been drawn in so far and I just accepted it Tim Minchin obviously in on it too yeah and he was going to cancel everything so that he could be here today but he couldn't he just ended up not being at a counselor but senses that I've learned that I can be easily led certainly if there's a big enough group of people do you forgive this right now it's in luleå for you I was just such a great experience you know it was wonderful magnificent no words can't describe it you
Channel: Derren Brown
Views: 613,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: derren, brown, Derren, Brown, (TV, Actor), illusionist, mind, control, influence, channel, trick, treat, scary, amazing, Derren Brown, Darren Brown, Magic, physic, mind control, mental, medium, psychology, illusion, tv, actor, British, stephen fry, The Experiment, The Experiment FULL EPISODE, derren brown full episode, the assassin, derren brown the assassin
Id: -AzTLw0Xwok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 30sec (2670 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2017
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