Derren Brown - The Heist | FULL EPISODE

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He’s also convinced people to commit murder

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/TheMostBoringStory 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

This was a niche thing not that long ago, that kind of went mainstreamish: hypnotism and suggestive control...’then it just disappeared from the spotlight

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Poopydoopy84 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
this is Gresham Street in the City of London that's the Bank of England they're behind us this is a fake security van and these are security boxes containing real money each box contains 50,000 pounds this is Mark Marcus our fake security guard and that mark is a stunt actor but he has been briefed to act and behave exactly as a real security guard would this whole area is being protected and surrounded by the police they are surrounding here from a radius of about 200 yards their job is to keep the public away and to intervene if anything gets out of hand so this is the venue this is the set for the challenge that I've set myself and have been working on secretly for the last couple of weeks which is this under the guise of a motivational seminar in which I teach my skills to a group of middle management business men and women can I get any of them to steal 100,000 pounds in what they believe is a genuine armed robbery that's the show this is the heist [Music] history is littered with examples of normal people being persuaded to act in deviant criminal or irrational ways how do you persuade someone to do something they would not normally be prepared to do some people might think of hypnosis however hypnosis isn't really what it appears to be it's only a kind of play acting and no one would carry out an instruction to really commit a robbery any more than they'd murder someone if they were told to some our real task is to insidiously massage certain ideas and mental states into these people without ever mentioning a robbery so that hopefully when the time comes they were just spontaneously of their own free will just decide to do it and that journey starts at a rather comfortable hotel in Hartford sure 13 delegates were invited to an intimate seminar apparently learned some of my skills they were amongst the first to answer ads placed in the press and also to fulfilled certain criteria they had to be open responsive types who I felt would respond reasonably to my techniques have no criminal record and fall into a typical middle-management income bracket or above they also had to be deemed psychologically robust enough by an independent psychologist to take part in the show and at the end of the show the opportunity to commit the robbery will be offered separately and individually to just four of the delegates so I have to decide which four will be the most likely to take the bait I have done motivational seminars before in the past I delivered them myself and been to them I hope I'll be able to pick up something from being in close proximity to somebody so talented I'm intrigued by him and very intrigued as to how he does what he does the way he most has influenced people and use the power of suggestion to get people to do what he wants to be very useful in my job absolutely now they've arrived the evening before the seminar to have time to relax and have dinner they are aware that everything is being filmed but they're unaware that I'm also present watching from an upstairs room to see how they interact to kick off the process of getting to know them and to amplify their behaviors a little I introduced a couple of elements to see how they react to Authority firstly an actor playing an irritating security guard hassles on their way into dinner the antagonism that some of these people will feel towards this security guard dressed in green will become an important part of the jigsaw puzzle right at the end of the journey as they enjoy their lavish meal and start to really relax they're unaware that another actor playing the maitre d will present them with an unexpected bill after dinner and drinks I want to see how they react who complies who gets angry and who emerges is the alpha male or female of the group and takes charge tonight I'm sorry a few people don't seem to have not been aware of the fact that the accommodation is the accommodation is paid for said at the time they have to pay for what you've consumed oh sorry have you got your pain if you've got your card in your bedroom or have you got no send it to mountains well I'd love you to get your card that would be a lot easier as it was embarrassing I understand it's a surprise to some of you if you can our 13 business men and women have been told little about the show other than they will be taking part in a seminar to learn my skills and that there will be follow-up filming for some of them I'm gonna teach them some genuine skills that I use peppered with some spurious pop psychology and quite a lot of [ __ ] very green it's green it's here my real aim is to start to focus them unconsciously on the idea of stealing while convincing them that they're learning real skills to keep them responsive and hungry morning and this is a first for me so I hope you will get a lot out of it should be fun okay so my mastery let's have a look at what we're going to learn take away with this today there is no way I am going to show even for fun even for a laugh there shoplifting should be done or condoned [Music] my task over the next two weeks is to see if I can influence a group of middle management business men and women to steal 100,000 pounds in an armed robbery the process begins with a motivational seminar I have five hours to plant the seeds that will lead to the heist along the way there are various levels at which I'm working make yourself feel confident about something simply by playing to their natural suggestibility I encourage them to believe that hypnosis is a real tool which I'm using to cement their new skills their belief that I might be secretly hypnotizing them makes them feel that they are learning more which is a trick employed by many speakers in this industry whoo can you feel it on one level I'm teaching them useful skills they'll go away with a basic understanding of how to read people's unconscious cues you can tell from the movement of the eyes whether or not somebody is making an image in the head of something that's happened they're remembering an image or whether they're making something up your mother's maiden name Edwards thank you little look up there and to the right don't believe a word of it allows you to go and sit down again thank you I'm saying it's this hand here however faces front for me and just open the hand that contains the coin show them the coin and the power behind good to do that two minutes it helps if you stand up as well that one's lower down my friend for me louts I was doing that the coin in the hand trick analyzed again I was 9 or 10 times in a row and I wouldn't tell her how it was done and it she was so utterly vexed by it was great also I showed them how to use certain language patterns to change people's behavior and confuse aggressors on the street at the wall outside my house isn't for for hi and of course if someone says that to you your action is to just look wool wool I also show them powerful memory techniques in one exercise I have them call out 20 words at random motorbike okay somebody give me a number between 1 and 20 poor 4 as a cloud 15 15 carousel 1919 radio 9 9 go ok 10 minutes now you better do it in the speed it took to write them down the the linking method was so quick to learn and it is such an amazing thing and I'm gonna teach all my friends how to do it it was quite impressive that you know I'm basically learned that the technique in the seminar now it's like sort of a week later I can still remember now and that's something that I could never have done solo you go to the list of the top dollar takes you to wall very good what does wall now take you to our cloud owl cloud toaster toaster avocado avocado then takes you to escalator joist goal pyramid portrait purse goal pyramid portrait purse biscuit snow 15 was carousel 16 was laptop laptop steak steak spanner radio and motorbike radio motorbike after radio comes motorbike give yourselves a round of applause well though for things knowledge attitude skills now on a second level I'm using metaphorical language to implant important pieces of the jigsaw puzzle connected with stealing and a romanticized view of criminality throughout the seminar people's guard those things that seemed very kind of intimidating and impenetrable that people put up it takes nothing it can be effortless just to move those guards out the way and take this sort of loyal ode of kind of opportunities and skills and and strategies that they have up to you that anchoring that's great anchoring is stealing and emotion stealing a response importantly and on a third level I introduced the idea of triggering emotional states this will be of central importance to the persuasion process I tell them to remember times when they felt highly motivated and then to amplify the feeling can you feel it it amplifies as it goes around each time that it goes around it boosts you and you get the feeling more and more and then attach it to the trigger of rubbing their legs hold that feeling as you rub your leg keep the feeling they're getting stronger after a few repetitions they can create the motivated state on command just by rubbing and the more they do it the stronger the Association becomes all adverts do this it's classic staff it's show you sexy sexy people make those just bigger brighter closer bring you into it that sort of thing elicits the emotion that we'd like you to attach to this product got their feeling that great and there's the product name and I think goes away that's an anchor you can to give you a gifts these will be the abuse later on don't the now but these will represent something important to you so thank you very much I give them a realistic toy gun each - apparently symbolize their new role as thought criminals four of the subjects will need these guns in a couple of weeks I also give them a CD each which I say contains subliminal messages they must listen to every day their belief that I can influence them without them being aware of it is vital to the process the CDs are in fact blank they're all pretty similar but when you load it on your iPod yes oh yes yes absolutely you put on your iPod what I want to do now if he was just a consolidation kind of exercise before you go in the style of such seminars we finish with a group visualization here I shift the focus of the seminar towards motivation and an attitude of just do it and reiterate the language of criminality when a toddler just sees something wants it and goes and gets it nothing kind of stands in its way there's just that sense of just do it just get it and it's like a green light that just says go just do it I also transfer the rubbing leg trigger across to a piece of music getting the feeling back whenever you hear that music in your head you can just go for it so they practice that a few times and then I know that just by playing that piece of music can you feel it by the Jackson 5 that it will trigger a very motivational state in them and then much of the process to come will have to do with manipulating that association for my real agenda but for now the piece of music and the color green and that duet phrase are all very powerful triggers for them what I'd like you to do after we've done this and we've finished here you're going to go off and they're sort of a little way down you're gonna Goffin have a drink there is a sweet shop just over the road I want you to go steal a couple of sweets bring them back to the pub to just reclaim that very childlike attitude which is at the heart of this that's what I want you to do okay [Music] it was fantastic that's what I thought about the whole day was great it was brilliantly organized and it was wonderfully well presented definitely and myself I feel a lot more positive as I'm going about just not everyday stuff and especially at work I really like my toy gun it's brilliant I get to run around my fat making bangbang noises it's like being 10 again it's really really good there's a bit of a puzzle with it all I mean it is a bit funny it's not gonna make primetime TV watching proud of us learn a few of his simpler tricks and techniques I have to get them to cross the line into deviant and criminal behavior but in a way which can be framed to sound fun and harmless purely because an authority figure has told me to will they make the decision to walk into the shop steal goods and frame it as a positive experience for themselves I'm watching the action through hidden cameras installed in the news agents across the road the shop owner is aware that we're filming but the assistants know nothing that wasn't thinking it was gonna be a real shop when I got in there I realized that it wasn't as easy as a thought it'd be with all the staff were standing right by the Suites we were being asked to do something that's actually against the law they don't know that this is being filmed for the show but they are aware that they may be caught on the shop security cameras and that what they're doing is illegal [Music] [Music] my initial reaction when I came back into the park was actually euphoria it was like the woman had won got six numbers on the lottery she was so hyper and high about it and proud of herself I think that's something that I hope will actually stay with me because I think I could probably do with the taking a few more risks in life [Music] [Music] Oh I felt really good actually it's bad to say I felt and I know obviously stealing's wrong and that's what I want to say camera a stealing is wrong I have a young daughter a teenage daughter and there is no way I am going to show even for fun even for a laugh that shoplifting should be done or condoned don't explain that was taking us back to our inner child and by taking me back to my inner child I had the opposite effect and remember this of love it put the fear of God in me really in terms of the repercussion so there's no way I was going to steal anything from that shop [Applause] [Music] I didn't feel guilty which normally I thought I would have done but but no not at all which was much does that reflects anything at much character one of the things I remember that Darren said was if you do something with enough confidence it will work which clearly does for him [Music] yes that's the fourth one tonight nice no all these suits is home there's something going on that's why I asked him I said let me just ban big messes I felt its bitter failure actually because I hadn't done it so out of the 13 people that attended the seminar I've decided to eliminate four of them Paul first of all because he was a little too controlling it also mentioned that he had a daughter and he didn't want his daughter seeing him do anything criminal on TV so that was fair enough Pam and Helen I didn't feel was suitable to take through the highest experience really and Sula as well sooner had admitted to filling out the wrong job on her application form she isn't really an accountant and a real job doesn't fall within the criteria of the show so those are eliminated but all the people that do get eliminated will take with them a very powerful motivational state which they can tap into as well as certain genuine skills which they've learnt learnt from me at the seminar so those are gone but there are nine people left he's in a lot of pain welcome back there are nine subjects left I can only use four for the heist so week after the seminar I arranged to test the limits of their responsiveness to Authority so a week ago I arranged for them to take part in what they now think is a piece of unfilmed academic research at a university and nothing to do with the show supposedly looking into the effects of punishment on learning and they believe now that this is part of their growth process in fact it was a reenactment of a powerful experiment conducted by Stanley Milgram in 1963 to look at how normal people can commit atrocious acts simply because they're following orders Milgram's parents were Jewish refugees in World War two and his pioneering work speaks volumes about the nature of responsibility it's being filmed with covert cameras thank you they're introduced to an actor pretending to be another participant you didn't come from the same room we don't actually know how punishment affects learning after a brief introduction our subjects are tricked into thinking they've chosen their role as teachers in the experiment and if you just tell me what your positions are teaching our subjects observe the learner being instructed by the scientist who is just another actor this electrode is connected to a generator in the second room with the teacher okay just ensure that we have a good contact with the skin and so it doesn't cause any blistering of burning is that comfortable that's okay again we just place these straps around drugs just to avoid avoid any excess movement those aren't too tight no that's okay no the teacher we would read out some word pairs to you the learner is told is going to be asked a series of memory questions by the teacher he will have to remember word pairs and then correctly remember them when offered multiple choices if the answers incorrect you will receive an electric shock the teacher is then taken next door and shown the generator which ranges from 15 volts all the way up to a lethal 450 volts the domestic electricity supply in the UK is of course 240 volts our teachers are given the list of questions and told to increase the voltage each time the learner gets a question wrong they are then given an example of a low voltage shock and try and estimate in volts okay shoe horn steam the point of this test is to see whether the teachers our subjects will call a stop to the experiments or continue to the point where they are administering seemingly lethal electric shocks to the victims simply because the scientist is telling them to that's correct the next weighted bicycle the options tire race helmet shorts that's incorrect so there'll be 120 volts I don't want to do this anymore as you continue postage there is not anything weird anymore requires you to continue yeah even so I don't think I'm gonna do any more correct according to plan our accomplice provided many wrong answers each protest was coordinated to a particular shock voltage on the generator and his responses were played via a CD that's wrong 150 volts correct the correct answers captain Xiu cup that's wrong 225 volts [Music] he's in a lot of pain continue please that he's not he's not comfortable we must continue to be in the experiment a little nice a lot yes to go on until he's learnt the words correctly okay forest that's wrong 240 volts are you sure that's not causing any lasting damage he sounds in like he's in a lot of pain well it's not smoking people are not harmful what does that mean though they're not harmful sorry I'm not I'm not getting you when you say that there might be painful but not harmful tickles no long-term damage okay so what does that mean that there doesn't leave any scars it causes no damage this seems very that seems very cold and calculated to me this doesn't seem like a very anyway golden that's wrong may 300 volts staple the options diet jar balcony bowl if the learner doesn't answer a reasonable time say four to five seconds and you have to treat the answer is wrong and follow that procedure did you hear that learner just any response may come on well guess please continue 345 volts if you're still with me I'm sorry I can't do this honestly can we stop this experiment because I can't do this listen continue we'll have to discontinue the experiment yeah okay fine that's fine I'm not gonna do this incorrect 405 volts sorry I then it's someone wanna check him it says he's got make a noise now and he was before him I'm quite happy to go on but just a little bit worried about she would continue yeah just a bit worried because he was like he was good like complaining before about that but no harm no harm will come to visit he's not making a noise now it's essential that we continue with the experiment balcony incorrect 450 volts if we promise he's not one please continue with the procedure you say it hurts but isn't because it's like it says they're dangerous irrational they'll be alright yeah please continue okay I think just continue the experiment then all of the subjects were told the true nature of the experiment was to see how they would respond to Authority and that it would eventually form part of this show is a game I can tell you it's absolutely fired you actually weren't administering electric shocks in the original Milgram experiment psychologists were asked to predict how many people would continue to the point that they were administering the highest shock on the board their prediction was one-tenth of one percent they were wrong the results of our experiment were almost identical to the original over 50% of participants continued up to 450 volts the majority of people will administer lethal electric shocks just because a guy in a white coat is telling them to 450 volts 450 volts 450 volts 50 so after the results of the Milgram experiment I've now chosen my four subjects that will go forward for the heist phil was impressively resourceful when he was caught stealing sweets and held in his anguish during the Milgram experiment rather than defy the scientists I did want to include a woman in the group Jenn was the only subject to take a long time to recover after the Milgram experiment so I felt I shouldn't use her Veronica didn't steal from the shop so that left Vicki of all the subjects she was the only one to have known the original Milgram experiment and call a halt to her involvement in it can I just say I can't do this because I've so I think she'll be quite interesting to use although I don't know if to actually take the bait or not Ally's stole most from the shop seems to be highly responsive most outgoing and seemed most happy to continue the experiment until he was stopped washing it made more notches on the thing Danny stopped the experiment but in such an outspoken way that I suspected he would have real strength of character to bring out that's not even reacting any more so this now brings them all up to yesterday afternoon and there are a couple more pieces of the jigsaw puzzle I need to put into place the motivated state in itself isn't quite enough so I need to turn it a little more aggressive for them but without ringing any alarm bells so I have them create a feeling of aggression and attach it to the trigger of a squeezed fist and you take the whole of it in that hand and you anchor it to that feeling of that hand just there squeezing as you take all that aggression as you move that around and around inside of it it doubles and triples and moves around inside of your building up that feeling then I have them trigger off the motivated state by rubbing the leg at the same time to combine both states together you are he's powerful inextricably together good they try this a couple of times and are now able to tap into a darker state and they still feel this is entirely for their benefit this is your most powerful state that you as a human being can achieve that's what it does that's what the music does that's what the words do that's what the that green intensity does all of those things that are triggering this off that's what you get how's that good before the heist itself one last piece of the puzzle they need to believe they have it within them to overpower a security guard and to know what to say and how to say it without thinking about it so without ever mentioning security guards I teach them an esoteric martial arts exercise where a person can be pushed over using the power of Chi you two are going to find yourself being pushed over knocked backwards being forced off your feet this will serve as a powerful experience for them a resource for them to draw from tomorrow when they come across our security guard in the city it's more infill they can feel what you're going to do is when I tell you to you're going to start to create that state inside of yourself and you build it to a people when you reach that peak the only instruction I want you to give just the words down on the floor just those words alone they're going to carry the full weight of that emotional state that's behind it okay just do it now just get into that state just start to build that up inside of you now [Music] when you feel it peak just say those words down on the floor now that's all you say and you keep it focused and you push and you push those two back Danny nalli try not to let it push you over keep pushing back against it just pushing down on the floor now of course it's not chi or energy at all in reality the person expecting to fall over succumbs to the suggestion and topples off balance but the people apparently pushing come to believe that they have a powerful an invincible state to tap into down on the floor that's what I want them to believe I thought very tense it's almost as if I could physically push him without actually touching him saying down on the floor was like passing the energy across like throwing it throwing something at him what I felt was just this sort of invisible energy just you know it was a really it sort of just it just sort of crashed against my chest you followed every aspect of the persuasion process for the last couple of weeks a certain phrase a certain color certain piece of music have been used to induce a state of wanton recklessness and aggression and I just do it attitude but the factors also support the process the titles on the screen and the language used at the seminar the supposedly subliminal CDs which left them feeling malleable the toy plastic gun which romanticizes the idea of a criminal the green security van the animosity felt towards a security man in a green uniform already who happened to be wearing the same badge as our guard in the street finally the oil painting of a security van hidden on the wall at the seminar [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everything should now be in place [Music] so if you missed the start of the show this is Gresham Street in the City of London the Bank of England it's just down there we have a fake security van a fake security guard and a hundred thousand pounds of real money there are 15 cameras watching for this area we have no idea what's going to happen or if anything's going to happen we just hope to cover it as best as we can you have followed every aspect of the persuasion process so far nothing has been added or taken away it is the linking of certain emotional states to certain triggers piece of music color certain words and so on our participants have no idea that they're going to be filmed or that anything has been set up and we don't know what they're going to do this is nothing we've been able to rehearse and if it doesn't work we will just show it you've not working four times in a row there's really no way of knowing [Music] this whole area has been cordoned off from the public and is being supervised by the police our four subjects have been told to expect a phone call and that they'll have to travel into the City of London for final motivational session hey how you doing it's Darren hello just about to pick you up there's a car just around the corners going to come and get you so if you can grab your stuff and I will see you in a bit I think the cars going to drop you just down the road you would walk up the last bit by yourself as with everyday you know as I say time and time again this is about everyday finding some opportunity to experience something that makes you feel great and exhilarated yeah so you make that decision to steel yourself and grab the opportunity to make a list work really really pay off it's just about standing in the face of security in life isn't it and making it do what you want it to do because ultimately I suppose all of this is about you knowing that you're the one with the weapon of absolute pointed aggressive unquestioning power they're also told to bring with them their toy guns that they were given at the seminar all of our cameras and crew are well hidden none can be seen by our four subjects targeted laying one on camera and Lachlan in position my car now remember that two weeks ago Victoria was an ordinary business woman a press officer at a motivational seminar [Music] now Thank You auntie just the target has been tropes at corner grocery streets [Music] talking to that one then become [Laughter] [Music] kids gone excuse me sir and sorry to interrupt your CDs but this is a hold on get down on the floor [Applause] get away get off get off it's okay Felix Tara what happened why did you do that I still the guy coming out the thing I think it was like just for I said hey is there something coming out it was just like a split anything like when I'm playing rugby field got an important match or something yeah so I think hundred times better coming coming instead again the call now and he comes [Music] [Music] excuse me mate put down this and put down down get down floors down on the floor down on your back on your front when you're right over right over stop looking at me right over top looking face front look forward look forwards tell you what mate for with my all look forward look forward mate if you move I swear to god you're dead mate if you've got family [Applause] Jenny alright okay ii love it okay come on they gonna make sure you're okay all right here come with me a pendulum target saw his on grocery street [Music] [Music] god honey stealing sweets is one thing they're stealing boxes of money from the Bank of England there's a completely different kind of fish I'm a good person I'm a good person you put yourself up on that bed they're from the place [Music] okay close your eyes for me as you start to undo the aggression or as you start to undo those aspects of it that would have led you to hold up security now [Music] so they even think back to the necessary distance to just take them in everything's good [Music] the last couple of weeks have been most of the fun I've had in ages it's been brilliant I've taken away a sense of power a sense of achievement I sense that anything is possible really that's the really amazing experience something I can kind of look back on and think about how I was able to really push myself and perhaps and I'll be able to do that from now on I think I realize now that I'm a lot stronger willed and I thought I was and the fact that I didn't go through with the steel itself I'm very pleased on myself I think the last couple of weeks have been absolute rollercoaster it's been such a positive experience and I'm going to absolute hi at the moment just like you were before except for all the good stuff that you want to take with you which you've now created and created for yourself and that's a way of thanking you for everything that you've done [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Derren Brown
Views: 272,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Derren Brown, Derren, Brown, magic, hypnosis, mind control, mind, mind trick, trick, uk, British, Derren brown trick, Derren brown watch online, Derren brown new, Derren brown 2017, Derren brown 2018, Derren brown mind control, Derren brown tricks, Bank robbery, Money, The Heist, mental manipulation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 32sec (2912 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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