Derren Brown - Apocalypse | Full Episode

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if the world ended tomorrow would you be happy with how you've lived your life would you've done yourself justice or would you just let him pass you by over the next two one-hour episodes I'm going to give one unsuspecting person a second chance at life by creating the end of the world welcome to apocalypse [Music] [Applause] [Music] before creating the apocalypse I need to find the right candidate someone who currently leads a self-centered existence and takes his life his friends his family material comforts all for granted I'm hoping he'll be able to learn from the meticulously crafted experience I'm going to put him through and by taking everything away from him I hope to make him recognize the value of what he has to set my plan in motion I sent out a tweet last spring asking for volunteers to take part in a new unspecified show over 8,000 replied out of which hundreds were put through a series of rigorous tests and interviews designed to highlight certain aspects of their personalities through this selection process I've identified one candidate who seems to fit the bill perfectly 21-year old Steven from Buckinghamshire I've chosen him because his character makes him particularly suited to this project I'm lazy I'm more or less irresponsible no point in me trying as hard as I can and then going to fail I've never put my head down and just done what I want to do Stevens also independently assessed by a psychiatrist as being robust enough for what lies ahead he's also tested to check that his suggesting as I will need to put him to sleep at two key points during the program what I need to move him from A to B this suggestibility also allows me a safety measure as it means I can use hypnosis to bring him down if either I or the psychiatric team that will be watching him ever feel he is reacting to adversely if that does need to happen we will include it in the show in order for this to succeed it's essential that Stephen has no idea that he's been selected as a result he's been told that he failed the audition several weeks have gone by and it's time to put the plan into operation I want to observe Stephen going about his daily life to get a real sense of who he is so with the help of his family my crew is installing 19 hidden cameras in and around his house he mustn't have any idea that is being filmed currently in a dead-end job Stephen lives at home with his parents older brother and sister having secretly watched him for several days it seems Stephen is stuck in a rut but lacks the motivation to do anything about it I want to find out what it's like being around Stephen from his friends and family Stephen takes things for granted he takes life for granted he takes everybody for granted she cooks the dinner for him she tired his up after him she doesn't wash him for him fruit sir sir like fruit it's always a chore to get anything out of him just made he should be a man and he should be more grown off Stephen can act like a strawberry teenager still mom and dad won't be sitting down watching TV and it'll come in to change the channel there are supportive parents and they don't want to look at now for his best interests so I don't know why he's not as grateful gaily or the day he wanted to get married it is quite obsessive and I'd love him to change his attitude I'd love him to appreciate me I'd love him too long to love me more sometimes I feel he doesn't love me Stephens home away from home is the local pub where he spends most of his evenings we all call him to pipe brosnan cuz here coriander history it really grew yeah a lot of time now that turns him into a big pie filling to see Stephen in full flow I got one of his mates to film him on a typical night out we sort of take it in terms of looking after you got Rosa yeah nine to twelve is me yeah twelve to one at the worst time I hope he appreciates it wasn't anything Stephens had several jobs most of witch's mums found for him and none of which was stuck out for very long he's been a gun safe maker he worked at Heathrow like I'll be a doing as a devoted Jam buster he called it works at dominoes people trained to be an oven cleaner he's done while I wasn't so far he's not fine hard enough to make the best of himself having secretly filmed him for four weeks and talked to the people closest to him I've established that Stephen can be selfish and lacks a sense of responsibility and drive most of all he needs to develop some compassion towards his friends and family Hey okay so what is out at work I'm gonna try and find clues about how to best help him by snooping around his room this is the room of somebody who doesn't have a lot of order or control over their life this is essentially the room of a teenager Stephens in his twenties but he is the youngest of the family so he's grown up being treated as the youngest in the family and hasn't quite made the move away from there now people need to find their own role models and authority figures I found this on a shelf as a book called how to be a mind magician which makes my heart go out to him you get into magic really Vickers because you want to impress people and you only want to impress people if you don't feel impressive yourself I know all this figures obviously I've been there myself Steven is in my mind symptomatic of a general malaise where people feel a sense of I guess entitlement when we take things are granted we forget to desire the things that we already have and that's really what this is about the stoic philosopher Seneca recommended learning to do this by mentally rehearsing the loss of everything you valued such as friends home and family to make yourself appreciate them more I'm gonna go one step further with Steven by really taking away everything he has in order to do this and they can believe the world has ended but first he needs to believe that the apocalypse is imminent and that a potentially catastrophic meteor shower is on a collision course with earth [Music] tonight I'm going to take Stephen someone who like many people takes his life for granted and attempt to make him believe that the world has ended I want to give him the opportunity to change in a powerful and positive way and to realize the value of what he has to start this process I have to find a way of controlling his access to news and information the first stage is to hack into his phone so that I can place fake news stories on websites that he uses Stephens brother Barry has volunteered to sneak into his bedroom in the middle of the night to steal it how was it I'll put it so it's all fine it was pretty intense trying to sneak into someone's bedroom in the middle of the night but it was all smooth they didn't notice you we weren't aware of any every sort of breath and shift he took this is quite unnerving so this morning will happen this morning this morning he was just really confused - where's your shirt it's all the same owner he's in the house somewhere I thought he'd be quite angry that he couldn't find his phone EB was just up and down search in every known cranny but I'd said to reassure him that I do remember the frame being in a house and it wasn't out that is important as the danger is that he either tries to block this if he thinks it's stolen although he comes home at lunchtime and tries to look for it again which is a worry because it but that won't give us enough time to do what we need to do and we've got somebody stationed up by his work who won't let us know if he does try and leave I need to take this through to Ben who is our hacker when you two go make this do what we want it to do thank you so much all right Ben is a top technology whiz kid who gets paid by big corporations to test the security of their communication systems he's agreed to come to Stephens house while he's at work and hack into his phone for me Ben won't let me stay in the room to observe his hacking secrets so I've left him to work his magic alone yeah nearly done oh yeah pretty much they're just a little bit's hiding up now I'm gonna show you some cool stuff that we've actually been able to achieve grab all of that press the button on the phone okay there we go oh well say you've got on the screen what his phone cause if I open that will that open the screen okay well indeed everything's real time okay so we can now see what is - on this phone we can how have you actually done this I guess we can call it a man-in-the-middle attack if that how can what does that so it means instead of having his data go from A to B we know B in men in the middle C mm-hm and causing everything that he does on the phone to go virus because of that we can see it and we can interact with it so this means that I can now make my own made-up news items appear to be on legitimate websites that Steven uses so these are all real stories and this one here is a test news story it is indeed about a kitten this is first steps towards intercepting the stories you can see we can replace our own content our own pictures and that just sits there with in the news net as if it's supposed to be there that's fantastic and this now allows us to ratchet things up a little bit and we can start to feed these stories into his life for good measure we've also hacked into Stephens computer and I can feed news items to his family's phones too so with that done it's time to let him find his mobile again now that I can effectively control the information that Steven is accessing I can start to introduce the idea that the world could end and to do that I'm going to create a meteor strike that could wipe out civilization conveniently for me there's something called the Perseid meteor shower that can be seen over Britain every year I'm going to use this natural occurrence to plant in Stevens mind the idea of a possible sudden impact to start with I'm gonna control what Steven hears on the radio and I've enlisted the help of its favorite XFM DJ Danny Wallace and newsman Matt Dyson in this live broadcast they're discussing end of world prophecies are there so gentlemen gentlemen wasn't as happy as me and the other sandwich board on the end of the world is nigh well it's a bold move isn't it of a sandwich board saying it and he had all these people who say that 2012 is gonna be at the end of who was at the Mahamaya nigh and see wasn't I mean they were always saying that 2012 would be the end of the world they're gonna in the world gap you know because mine's been predicting into the world that's just when the calendar ends what happens when they come under incised art whatever again it's important that whatever information I feed - Stephen is credible so I've arranged to meet scientific guru and TV astronomer Mark Thompson to persuade him to take part in my plan we'd love to include you in some TV shows we're gonna kind of piggyback on some TV that we know he watches I like you happy for us to do this for so now I get you into these programs and have you as an expert yeah absolutely I think it's a fantastic idea it's great fun yeah let's do it with Mark on board I've arranged for him to be a guest on a specially recorded edition of channel for Sunday brunch in a segment where he'll be interviewed by presenters Tim Lovejoy and Simon Rimmer using our technology this segment will be shown only on Stephens TV and will be used to feed him his first lie that the very real phenomenon of the Perseid shower is masking a larger more dangerous set of meteors that could be heading for Earth we're also just coming out at the end of the Perseid meteor shower which happens every August and the earth has gone through the orbit of Comet swift-tuttle but we have found there's actually another concrete material which we didn't know about which looks like it's got some larger pieces of rock there and so we will see a secondary peak which we don't ordinarily get but the question is simply how big there any virus issues up in the atmosphere whether they'll actually land or not the only virus issues some scientists think that there are bacteria living on some of these pieces of rock on theory could we all be why Peters in theory could we all be wiped out in theory yes but and to back up the information in Mark's interview I'm sending faked articles about the second meteor shower from credible websites to Stevens hack mobile this would be on the NASA website which we know he looks at NEOWISE finds three large fragments of swift-tuttle and this finishes it'll take a few more days of observation to understand if the rocks are a real threat to earth or whether they will fly harmlessly by so the sense of threat is just slowly being seeded and I can enable that one by doing that [Music] got on NASA was always nice about top stories someone like NASA's talking about so it must be something genuine I am going to place a fake tweet on his timeline I'm gonna tweet as Professor Brian Cox whom he follows so it would look like Brian has tweeted his apologies Brian if you're watching this a hooker to mine looks like we are headed for a major asteroid hit exclamation mark that then is sent good it seems Steven is finally beginning to absorb the information I've been feeding him the end of the world is rapidly approaching for Steven now he needs evidence that the rogue meteors are coming close enough to earth to start causing problems once again ex FM's Danny Wallace and map Dyson are on hand to lay the groundwork Stephens dad drops him off at a cafe where he can hear the fake broadcast and the effect it's having on on magnetism and and static thankfully for me it's it's more your area than mine to bring the mood down well what the Civil Aviation Authority releasing right they won't be able to communicate with planes if the NRA's own traffic control following the XFM item about unexpected magnetic disturbances I decided to create some of my own Stephen and his family are beginning to encounter problems with the television and their phones they start a doesn't [Music] again study again the next day Stephen gets into his van ready to go to work [Music] [Applause] [Music] unknown to him his dad make the secretly taken out the fuse of the starter motor mica cause a mechanic whom I have briefed he's been prepped to say that the problem with the engine is caused by the meteors come across a few at the moment this is the ECU basis computer and there they can be influenced by things in your surroundings I was talking to a friend of mine he's a radio it's in he says it's all something to do with this something in the atmosphere they've had all these meat is showers and stuff yeah yeah yeah I think it's all connected yeah it's all gonna happen let's give that a go anyway Wow it looks as if the drip-feeding of information to Steven about the impending meteor strike is finally paying off is beginning to believe that it really is possible so it's Steven now fully prepared the time has finally come for the apocalypse welcome back to apocalypse Steven is about to undergo a dramatic and truly transformative 48 hours through an end of world experience that's been created especially for him this has been done in an effort to show him the value of the life he already has a life we know he's been wasting and taking for granted over the last few weeks Steven has been fed stories we've placed on his computer his phone and television that have led him to believe that the earth could be hit by a meteor shower today is the day the world will end it's also the day before Stevens birthday and I've asked his brother Barry to tell him they've got tickets to see one of his favorite bands The Killers perform at a private gig at a secret location miles from anywhere Stephen doesn't realize they'll never arrive six members of my crew armed with hidden cameras are covertly tailing Stephen and Barry and they take the opportunity to drop in a few final hints about the impending apocalypse [Music] Stephen will be travelling to the concert in a specially chartered coach rigged with hidden cameras he has no idea I'm on board or that all his fellow passengers are actors the key thing about today is I just need you guys to be as natural as possible he needs to be convinced that you guys are going to Achilles concert with him I'm gonna set you all down in certain seats and kind of give you your setups as some of you might be a couple some of you might just be groups of friends my rule on this is that as soon as that guy arrives I'm basically the PR person for the concert so enjoy it and just go with her as he steps on the coach and begins his journey he is unaware that further magnetic disturbances will soon cause it to break down and his end of world adventure will begin Stephen is on his way to a thousand-acre former nuclear weapons site that we've rigged with over 60 hidden cameras a hundred and fifty microphones and 2,000 meters of cable a cast and crew of more than 250 people have devoted thousands of hours in the preparation and execution of this project it is vital that Stephen has no idea who's being filmed all right going so let's go there I think maybe we should get comfy we're interrupting this program to bring you a special news announcement here's no dicen a statement from the government has been released saying that a meteorite collision with earth is imminent this is a statement from Cabinet Office briefing room a for the attention of women citizens of Great Britain and Northern Ireland the new teal Swift a is predicted to collide with the British Isles imminently a short while ago Parliament declared an official state of level-3 emergency the overwhelming likelihood is that communications networks will be severely disrupted if not destroyed in this event police services will be supported by the armed forces to ensure civil order is maintained in major cities and areas of dense population [Music] [Music] [Music] just [ __ ] Falls are getting changed and into bed just sleep deeply throughout the night okay so first things first we're gonna put you into some Jonas and Kevin get into bed looking a little bit different from you about half that's good now you can save TV deeply and fully until the lights come on in the morning and wake you up a night in this new post-apocalyptic world Stephen will meet actors playing characters who've been specifically created to bring out the best in him through them he'll learn about forever II of making decisions and compassion that's courage a brain and a heart what are you about to witness will sometimes appear extreme but I can assure you that during this entire process our concern for Stephens welfare is paramount he's been vetted by an independent psychiatrist as being robust and mentally stable and will be monitored at all times by an on-site psychiatrist and medical professionals to ensure his physical mental and emotional well-being are always it [Applause] okay if the actors earpiece is working okay sound bye everybody we roll the emergency broadcast and cue lights four seconds [Music] [Music] [Music] Hey [Music] but it's URL see these are the facts meteorites quite the planets over the level description the likes of which you've never seen implemented my shelter at night head to any main roads in the outskirts whatever city you are in look for and five marks and color-coded routes that will lead to your entrance safe zones the red routes in the north and east of the country which leads to Scotland and the yellow route in the south and west which leads to Wales we urge you to be smart and we urge you to be successful this is the final forecast for the British Armed Forces through the communication relay a communication services it is now in 14 days since a number of metres heavier as you know a state of emergency is in operation throughout the United Kingdom in the wake of the current task you think we are aware of reports of unknown virus currently affecting a growing number of survivors at an alarming rates be advised with theory is that an unknown organism carried on the rocks appears resources practically the thousand humans the incubation period for this infection can be up to three days those shorter infection cycles have been through further notice burn or dead human and animal all four converts these observations it's been noted that once infected an individual can't be reasoned with if you believe someone to impress his do not approach them is highly dangerous and prone to extreme sweat saliva and other bodily fluids it's also believed that the impetus the price volatility Americans are hostile to things grab their their article pages do not touch them all and touch you if you're thinking of contacted the infected alone first opportunity remember who are you you do know who are you see are you thick are you infected what kind of impact do you have blue why sorry lad okay Leona remember you have to encourage him to take responsibility for you know tell him your story where did you come from just buy a copy the room what mean like that have you seen my mum I don't know I've seen anybody do you work you're a nurse we were evacuated after the meteor shower and I wasn't feeling well so my mom brought me here all of a sudden people started panicking so I hid and when I came out they don't gone and lock the place up what does the blue wristband mean you know does it mean when you got brought here they tested you and if you were alright they gave you a blue tag and you got to stay but if they gave you a red type then you went ok so they took you away come with me come on come in which I find a way out come on [Music] [Music] there what do we do it's me it's for my brother Leona we're all set so you can take him in [Music] [Music] [Music] but tux we need to leave we need to leave maybe doesn't weigh out that okay [Music] [Music] [Applause] Stephen is currently living in a world I've created just for him a world where life as he knows it has been wiped out by a meteor strike and a deadly virus the characters Stephen meets will make him powerfully change his self-image Leona the little girl is going to make him view himself as somebody with courage and responsibility but I also need him to learn about decisiveness and leadership and that will come through the next character he meets called show me show me your tags get the back in the back pocket door cannot go much close that door that's right while Jesus was everywhere depends [Music] [Music] [Music] since I sang what it in fact you did it rookie said that said then what so got back to go alright my name is Ian I'm a paramedic okay what's your name son Steve Stevie watching him down Liyana Leona right okay I'm sorry bit of rush drivin to setting out the road to them okay but just generate down there I don't split up in as soon as I can [Music] right and he's come guys just stand here okay just stand right there and don't touch anything don't touch him right listen to me we're gonna gonna get you changed all right because you can't wear that stop in here because the high chance that could be infected all right but don't worry about that see you know his compound you're really really safe in here all right [Music] Steven needs some time to calm down and get used to the new safe surroundings of Ian's compound he will over the course of this weekend experience events designed to make him reconsider the value of the life we know he takes for granted long to love me more sometimes I feel he doesn't love me the threat of the highly contagious infected an organism carried on the rocks is the source and the influence of his fellow survivors should make Steven achieve a new levels of courage selflessness leadership and most of all compassion back in the safe compound ian is laying out Stevens options before him those two routes so England as the yellow route which teaching wheels and as a red rope with teach you the Scotland and actually I'm taking I'm going to Scotland all right they're gonna be shot in the barrios to England within the next couple of days nothing comes out or in there after all right so that said yeah so can we send him to the message board please take away water in the compound but she didn't nobody get to the left hand safe I call it the Wonderwall it's just a big wall people that were passing through it left messages for the families so maybe you guys can about have you look at that later on all right your walls down here so if he's wanted can you can never look there if you want to go news illusion or both and then just come and meet already fionna can you give us more about how you haven't found your mom I just want to see if he starts to look after you thank you do you think there'll be something for my mom [Music] let's try that who are you looking for your brother I wish I had a brother Stephen yeah until that fog my mother me make sure I'm okay she promised yeah iPod you want boy okay [Applause] that's you yes a [Music] [Music] what does it say so then I'll head into the breakin from holidays okay well maybe Ian knows where is okay told you probably the first lawyer to bills yeah hey here's some soup for you just know Leona outside we want to give Steven time to think so that's brilliant swords as addicting that I didn't want around for that nothing like I see anything yeah love you they don't know how'd you got one down I couldn't see here that if you look toward the whole board not really okay hold on Stevie's said don't make it a little dog drink your soup all right there's more soup in that pot you need it why don't we didn't have a view look that one [Music] tonight the concluding part of a highly ambitious project I've convinced Stephen from Buckinghamshire that a meteor strike has devastated the planet and he'll be forced to fight for his survival in the hope that he can discover the true value of his life Stephen is not an actor and he has no idea he's taking part in a TV show welcome back to Apocalypse [Music] previously on apocalypse Stephen like many people has been leading a selfish irresponsible life and taking everything for granted Stephen can act like a stroppy teenager still don't you love me more sometimes I feel he doesn't love me he's not fine hard enough to make the best of yourself I don't think I will change anything about my ways I'm pretty sure that I just won't do it in an effort to help Stephen realize the value of the things he has like his family home and friends I took them all away from him by creating the end of the world through the deadly media strike awaking in bleak post-apocalyptic hospital surroundings on his 22nd birthday Stephen learned that the meteor strike walked withered a deadly and highly contagious virus it is now in 14 days since a number of meteors hit the earth which left survivors threatened by the infected if they gave you a red type then you ant okay Stephen also encountered Leona an abandoned 14 year old girl who's asked him to look after her she's been planted there to try to bring out the sense of responsibility he laughs which I found a way out in their attempt to escape the military hospital they had their first encounter with the infected mentor we need to leave Stephen and Leona were rescued from the infected by Ian a paramedic who worked on the military base and who represents decisive action and the leadership qualities Stephen needs to find those two routes okay England the yellow route with fishing wheels and as a red roof with chiefly Scotland a sort of Mt Franklin Scotland when we left him Stephen had discovered that his family had been evacuated to Brecon in Wales but with him and his ambulance heading for Scotland he'll need to find another way of getting to them in this final episode of apocalypse Stephen will face demanding challenges in his efforts to be reunited with his family although so what you're about to witness will appear extreme Stephen is being monitored at all times by a psychiatrist and medical professionals to ensure his mental emotional and physical well-being are intact and he's surrounded by actors with whom I'll be in constant contact through their hidden here pieces I've created each character Stephen leaps to bring out the best in him the girl Leona and paramedic Ian are there to bring out his sense of responsibility and leadership but according to his family Stephen also needs to learn about compassion so it's time to see if he has a heart we joined the new friends in the military base where they're sheltering while they're deciding what to do ian is explaining to Stephen that he's waiting me his wife Sarah to turn up before driving them to safety in Scotland and on the borders are closed I promised her that we came for her with her meanwhile Stephen has just found Brecon where his family had been evacuated on the map they have only two days before the borders to Wales and Scotland are closed I need to get to breakin you mean breaking and Will's the yellow route he had the yellow route right so what you thinking guys so you get now to take the van I need that my nice try though come up with something okay yeah that York and as Lutheran faith should be with there all right it's bloody scary okay in it's time to introduce the existence of the shortwave radio in another building outside of the fence look I think I know where you can find a shortwave radio could be closer than that you could use it send out a signal on there mergency frequency there's only one problem though some say the compound I've gone there before but just stop going because too many of 80 people what do you think we should do stay in it you don't get that try and contact someone really you going yeah okay yeah what are you going to do a few an uninfected people no eye contact no contact at all nor touch nothing you're in a stealth mode if you see them you freeze if they start getting agitated at all you freeze okay they will count down again when the countdown very very tiny footsteps to get away Oh Phyllis yeah yeah guna all right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] even saying what have you been saying whoever stayed in the compound why are you in the middle of an event D Daniel I was out I was looking to stuff for some Swedes okay now I missed evacuation different few days oh you just did about three four days yeah I'm [ __ ] clean okay look at me well how come you didn't you just see there so you be ready yes look you keep my phone in it's not safe here Ian let Steven decide just want to say if he takes pity on Dani then she went home with us I haven't got everything here right I haven't got any water I'm got a food left I can't meet them why do you come with us it's a good idea boy your movie is amazing [Music] I probably do like a bit of self-belief I think that there's always going to be someone better than me let's think no point in me trying as hard as I can and then going to fail so far in apocalypse steven has encountered a third character Danny who's been created to reflect his selfish qualities and inspire Steven to alter his behavior Danny's been allowed to join the group because Steven showed him compassion now I'm going to ask Ian who represents the decision making quality Steven lacks to start it withdraw from his dominant role this is in the hope that it will bring out Stevens own capacity for leadership but without Ian to guide him will Steven take control [Music] okay Ian the ambulance is now out of action you've lost your one chance to get to Scotland with Sarah you're going to start to shut down now [Music] and Steve Doocy stunning something we've run along what's the crazy happy the ambulance don't even talk to me about the ambulance God knows how I'm gonna get to store know well just get back to the shelter Ari Jesus Christ you always like who are you darling yeah uh-huh [Music] yeah Eve night one you back one is that one are we gonna get a message out try and get a message out what you starting it no what's up that ah what is that so scratch how did you get that Harlen through a window at the Kong's base you think I'm stupid well that is not a scratch me glass that that is a scratch that's actually fingernails what you're infected uh-huh oh yeah no I know I climbed through a window I've got the pane of glass in the window right and then I said there was a bit Jay I smashed it off climbed through in a brush mom against me yeah oh yeah you can't just chuck him out there what it brings going I'm John I'm just gonna like did you just leave me alone all right that's great Ian just stand back Stephen is starting to take charge that's great right now Stephens attempting to make contact with emerald communications the Army HQ to see if the group can be airlifted to safety if there's anybody out there please respond this is Stephen Brosnan with three other people here we have a 14 year old goalies her name's Leona I've Dani here with me too and I've got Ian if there's anybody out there please respond hello if there's anybody out there please respond this is Stephen Brosnan I need to get back to my family please respond we are in need of help thank you you've been waiting for her to come what's up it's live infidel diarrhoea and keeps a leave and say that turns off I know it's daft and all that sort of stuff but just good to put your feelings didn't sometimes hello darlin it's me really desperate to see you two days left before the shadow board alone I don't know what I'll do if you don't turn up [Music] maybe you salty that my bad that's important how are we gonna sleep faster better Oscar [ __ ] hell Laoghaire come in the race this is it like one this is this is a back one here like one reading load and clear over can you give me your names repeat can you give me your names Roger my name is in Jackson and mohab Steven Steve Breslin stay Steven Brosnan Danny came up as I read over [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh I think I clothespin up a wheeze celebration yeah back on that bottle of beer enjoy it while you can tomorrow is another day Oh Oh a skirt is that tisket got that taste cute [Music] [Music] thing Steven off [Music] so it's coming at all 1600 yeah just should get everything ready sell it by at least what a half past right yeah I guess you want to like make a big use of sheets or something to make a we are here sign or something like that just get a big know maybe SOS is something good I'd you and yeah we are here yeah yeah let's get you should get a set up [Music] all right what do we want to do start with the s here I guess and then we'll curved round okay sounds good [Music] okay time to send her in [Music] Stephen yeah there's someone else whoa whoa get back closer don't even come at me this is my back what are you doing showing some sugar in our church Silla hold on darlin Sarah you okay though I knew you would come then I say we come I told you you'd come what's yeah what calm down you look at me look at me right mrs. Madison you're okay right yeah you're gonna get that Marie yeah okay okay you're gonna take them did you already get a makeup on me Jimmy Jimmy let's go back then it seemed or analogy Disko okay Sonya you're the man you gonna take care of and you're gonna go and see your mom and you're gonna change your life you're going to change your life okay you get on the helicopter you hear me even here you two guys standing Union me you play do it you can do it you give it you can say it up [Music] okay Danny Leona just step back from this now let's see if Stephen takes control fine fine let's get aside not really set up up we need to open space for the silicon for land well you would be Danny you all right I need to be strong too right right right [Music] you're gonna be okay help me yeah yeah gonna be fun but a tee and go he wanted to be with his his wife God knows I didn't wanted to go and even thank him for all he's done does that mean Ian's infected now [Music] Ian's gone yeah it's gone now so hits in church now my hands [Music] until I [ __ ] my mom we make sure I'm okay I'm lazy I'm irresponsible what I do is I put responsibility on other people to be responsible for me welcome back to apocalypse Steven our unwitting participant has met three characters in a world devastated by a meteor strike Ian Danny and Leona are there to bring our bravery and responsibility decisiveness and compassion courage a brain and a heart is already demonstrated that he has a heart by agreeing to keep Danny in the compound instead of leaving him at the mercy of the infected and is also show that is prepared to lead the group following Ian's departure but soon his decision-making skills and sense of responsibility are to be severely tested will he be willing to risk everything to keep his promise to look after the owner [Music] you want to make your video first off okay Leona that's great he's suggesting you make a video for your family in case you don't make it make sure you tell them that you're gonna be the best person you can possibly be hi mum hey I just wanna let you know how much I love you I appreciate everything you do for me I don't think I tell you that enough I just wanted to let you know I found someone he helped him hurt a lot his name's Steven and if I'm honest I don't think I would have gotten this far without him I'm sorry I haven't been all that helpful but I posted I see you again I'll help out more I'm gonna be the best possible person I can be love here [Music] Mayday Mayday we're looking for a helicopter pick up at evac 1 there is anybody out there please respond we have two males and one 14 year old female please respond [Music] Danny we're holding the helicopter I want to give Stephen a bit more time to think things through just don't wait to get back and see my family and then just start over I guess chuckle Chile's second chance yeah [Music] you're just wasting wasting the life you got don't believe [Music] - in the past in the past [Music] when they turned to Rico on the classroom let's go klaxon holy [ __ ] we did helicopter helicopter [Music] for just that they just an that's not how your culture where you hear it can you read come here all right well well GT will you do they're not in there no they in hotter okay slowly slowly what are they going helicopter ignore the SOS you are handing outside the compound and don't wake probably infected that is outside the compound thank you which is great how're we gonna get to that okay Danny let's see if Stephen is brave enough to distract the world children one of us can distract them there we can run past and then whoever's left has to like run round faster I'll get the end of that okay Danny run to the helicopter Leona you're too scared so you run and hide in that gatehouse the owner it can't see you you need to get back to the base go back to the base in the owner [Music] what are you wrong I've got a menu [Music] all right can you know well you know gopher Oh every day Cody just went in to having fun at that time the helicopters gonna go get the helicopter and then bring the helicopter back into the compound yes and they've been yeah so Leona tell Stephan to get into the helicopter and bring it back into the compound to pick you up you're too scared to run through the infected I can't even take it but you can't you can run and get light in here if I stay here I'm not gonna be safe I mean you can if you just go to the trouble you can get into auntie my door I don't want to run through them I can't do it see my hair what is all this sighs I'm trying by the day well not live in there now to be honest any time at least any choice you would carry these [ __ ] that I didn't doctor I'm not that guy only the more that goes back to culture right you are but I know that okay I'm selfish I always have been always will be I just don't have a heart and you do I'm never gonna change me look at me you're in saver [Music] so this mental service go mental Yesi I'd love him to change his attitude I'd love him to appreciate me I'd love him to love me more sometimes I feel he doesn't love me this is the final chapter of Apocalypse in order to rescue Leona Steven has sacrificed a chance of escape to find his family in Wales and during his journey through this post-apocalyptic world he has shown the qualities of courage compassion leadership and responsibility but as he know the true lesson of this experience to value and desire the family and life that he already has we're about to find out [Music] okay tie my fridge okay that's where they'll just baby I just mean sale of living of you that we've always been too kind to me you you've always helped me out um I like then they always try to try to make me small God used to beat the crap out my nose anger but um we like best friends now he's taking down the Pope Carly you must try to understand what I'm talking about you always try to get interested I've nothing it means I can take my things I'm interested in [Music] [Music] are you okay yeah [Music] [Music] thank you right yeah it don't worry about it as long as we're safe for now yeah but you came back for me I told you I wasn't gonna leave you like to stick to myself okay one option now which is to move to Wales this is a big journey for you both it's a big journey how don't you think what take maybe two days [Music] do you want a weapon you're made we have cleared the compound of infected so when you come out remember to turn left at the gate thinking well done [Music] are you ready [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when I woke up I thought it was just some really really intense dream and I think the one thing I wanted to do was just to go downstairs and see my family and when I saw them it was just the biggest relief I saw my mom and I just wanted to hug her and let go I've never been more relieved and happy I had this love for them that I've never really felt before go in there go enough to go in the living room a minute [Music] when I walked into the living room I saw Darren it was a different kind of relief just now in that it was real and it wasn't a dream and those emotions that I felt were real it was reassuring honestly the dream you had it wasn't a dream right it did happen but it was it was set up for a good reason you blew a huge amount a lot of things have changed in you and the point of it every second of it was to let you find those changes it still you it's just the best possible Steven Osmond feel good [Music] [Music] alright Sleater isn't it Jordan death Jordan here today so how old are you the Eternity actually older than you [Applause] our consumer determination in him wasn't there before he's more driven he's more confident you'll go through life thinking I'm gonna better myself and I think this will be a great help for him yeah [Music] it's been a month since your little adventures how's it been for you how I was the last month theme yes been fairly good I've been feeling a lot better about life and the way things are going now and you're the only person that can really answer this has it really changed you oh yeah of course it's made me feel a lot more confident feel like now it's more more engaged with life and I feel like I can actually take more chances now without the fear of failing I look back at myself and the way I was it was a realizes it's waste in the days and lazing around in front the TV and just not doing anything in my life for the family generally there's been a change do you think anything we've ever been closer as a family to be honest I just could believe the efforts that they would go to just to just to try and help me out this is a really great feeling please do it's all over please happy relieved excellent that you're safe yes thank you excellent [Applause] you
Channel: Derren Brown
Views: 334,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Derren Brown, Derren, Brown, magic, hypnosis, mind control, mind, mind trick, trick, uk, British, Derren brown trick, Derren brown watch online, Derren brown new, Derren brown 2017, Derren brown 2018, Derren brown mind control, Derren brown tricks, apocalypse, zombie apocalypse, virus, end of the world, disease apocalypse, zombie, post apocalyptic, health, contamination, quarantine, infection, infectious disease quarantine, disease, humanity, virus spread, doomsday
Id: x09PDP6YX7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 49sec (5629 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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