The GTA Trilogy - The Definitive Edition: One Year Later

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Grand Theft Auto the trilogy Definitive Edition this is a situation that just seems to get worse and worse the Grand Theft Auto trilogy Definitive Edition is out and uh we have some notes this is not a personal attack against them they work for a company that signed up for a responsibility they had no right signing on for [Music] [Applause] [Music] this bullet these were not cartoon characters these games never felt like cartoons in my opinion these are pretty bad remasters I feel that for everything that it's trying to do right it just misses the mark in other words Then There Are The Bugs which were waiting to Ambush me around every corner like a bunch of game breaking gang bangers [Music] more money how can y'all make that happen more money we already printing Millions every second because of Grand Theft Auto 5 online but how do we make even more money [Music] [Applause] it's hard to imagine a world without Grand Theft Auto series that paved the way for open worlds as we know them today [Music] he first released in 2001 it took new ideas at the time and combined them into one massive package GTA 3 gave us complete freedom to play in any way we wanted we could Sprint shoot and drive in a time when most games were linear whereas other games asked us to jump from point A to point B GTA 3 said do whatever you want over the following three years Rockstar would build on the series with each new release the vice city was released the following year with more action-orientated missions and infectious 80s setting but it wasn't until 2004 when Rockstar perfected the formula with GTA San Andreas although San Andreas tried to do too much it succeeded far more than it failed the original GTA Trilogy changed the face of gaming and I'm sure you remember playing them many years ago we all hold this Trilogy dear to our hearts and personally they are some of my favorite games when I reviewed each game last year I saw how the trilogy evolved with each new release I saw Rockstar as pioneers of the open world genre with quality that other developers struggle to match even to this day I saw how each game still holds up even though there's a lot of room for improvements so if Rockstar were to remaster each game and fix some of these issues then that would be great wouldn't it well what sounded like a Surefire hit for Rockstar turned into a Monumental disaster when the GTA Trilogy definitive editions released on November the 11th 2021. all three games were buggy riddled with technical issues and for all intents and purposes did not pass the most basic QA testing Rockstar was so set on releasing the trilogy on the 20th anniversary of GTA 3 that they were willing to release an unfinished project out into the world we see this time and time again in modern gaming but no one seems to be learning their lesson and this comes from Rockstar a studio that's known for their polish as I started to research and play these games I saw more and more evidence that this project was mismanaged and as someone who loves these games the more I learn about the remasters the more frustrated I became throughout this video we'll look at everything surrounding the trilogy before finishing with my review of all three games one year later we'll see how each game has improved since launch and why I think this project was doomed from the start but first [Music] leading up to the release of the GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition rumors of a remaster began to surface for years people had said that the original GTA games needed updating as replaying them today highlights a lot of their issues the old games especially GTA 3 and Vice City have not aged well their controls are outdated and both games fall victim to unfair difficulty and archaic game design people hoped that a remaster would fix these issues and update all three games to Modern standards as the year went on the speculation grew take two the parent company of Rockstar started taking down popular mods for the original GTA Trilogy including GTA Liberty City a mod from over 15 years ago that took the map from GTA 3 and ported it into Vice City's engine it seemed an odd move if Rockstar and take two weren't working on their own remasters a couple of months later and take two let it slip when they published an investor presentation to their website naturally people looking for confirmation of the remasters found this presentation and discovered something interesting on slide 25 a line of text highlighted the Rockstar was working on new iterations of previous games that describes ports and remasters and does not include sequels this one line of text in a routine presentation was the final piece of the puzzle it confirmed that Rockstar were looking back at all projects to create something new something like a remastered version of the old GTA games on the 12th of August Kotaku published an article that unofficially announced the remasters were real Kotaku were confident in their reports and hinted that the games were in their final stage of development the good news was that Rockstar Dundee were leading the projects and everyone was hopeful based on their track record Rockstar Dundee were previously Ruffian games who had experience of remastering console games due to their work on halo the Master Chief Collection with the studio experienced in remastering old games to new consoles it seemed like the perfect package hello following the release of a teaser trailer in early October Rockstar showed off some gameplay and released an official blog post one of the biggest surprises was the Rockstar Dundee when not involved instead Grove Street games were at the helm with Rockstar Games providing a publishing role although you would never realize this from the trailer as there's no indication of Grove Street games involvement their logo or name is nowhere to be seen even the official post on Rockstar's website doesn't mention Grove Street games until the seventh paragraph this whether intentional or not created the impression that Rockstar were developing the remasters on their own many people were even asking who Grove Street games were while other outlets were confident they were the right studio for the job it turned out that Grove Street games were formerly known as war drum Studios who worked on the mobile ports of the GTA trilogy they seemed like a great choice for the project while at the same time being absolutely terrible on one hand Grove Street games have experience of remastering their GTA Trilogy as well as the Xbox 360 HD ports of San Andreas but on the other they are best known for working on mobile games and their original GTA ports had a ton of issues the portfolio of Grove Street games is also less than Stellar with a serious lack of console games shown on their website they are experienced in mobile games however like the groundbreaking Turtle Tumble from 2015 total tumble was the game that revolutionized Turtle golf simulators on mobile and is currently rated the second best game of all time or Metacritic on release IGM prays the game and gave it a rare 10 out of 10. but seriously Grove Street games have minimal experience of working on Console games it seems as if most of their experience comes from a supporting role on the port of the Ghostbusters game for PS2 and their work on a History Channel tie-in called great battles medieval for the PS3 and Xbox 360. [Music] as more information came to light everything sounded great Rockstar met with a handful of outlets and discussed how each game was remastered a core part of the remasters was preserving the original games while updating the visuals with a modern touch Rockstar and grow Street games wanted Modern visuals but they also wanted to retain the classic look from the early 2000s they decided that the best way to achieve this was to use Unreal Engine 4 rather than Rockstar's in-house rage engine this might seem like an odd Choice as Games built in Rage like Red Dead Redemption 2 have industry-leading visuals but for this type of projects a commercially available engine like unreal makes more sense as an external studio is handling the remasters they'd be more familiar with unreal as it's used across the gaming industry on top of this the rage engine creates hyper realistic Graphics which didn't line up with the goals of the projects Rockstar also wanted to release each game on switch so rage wouldn't be a good choice for Nintendo's weaker Hardware at the time there were rumors that Rockstar were trying to adapt the rage engine to run on switch but during the development of the remasters it wasn't quite ready and so the project started with unreal 4 as the game engine of choice and Grove streets began development Rockstar and Grove Street started searching their archives for the original files of each game and quickly faced their first problem it'd been 20 years since the original games and game preservation wasn't as well developed as it is today this meant that some of the original files were missing the original audio files were missing as only the compressed versions had been backed up and assets like textures and character models were completely missing which meant certain visuals had to be rebuilt from scratch a lot of signs were recreated including the casino signs in downtown Las Venturas as well as key buildings and character models but as Grove streets imported their new designs into unreal it created further problems the new hand-drawn assets looked jarring compared to older textures present in the original codes it was a contrast between old and new that didn't look right and both Rockstar and Grocery Games knew it had to be fixed in an interview with for the win USA Today on 11th of November 2021 Rockstar producer Rick Rosado explains how this was a Monumental task he highlights that to improve the jarring visuals by hand will take an obscene amount of work as there are three massive games which include well over a hundred thousand textures that's a hundred thousand textures to manually improve by hand check against each other and then sign off obviously no development Studio should ever be asked to attempt this so Rockstar on Grove streets came up with a clever solution both parties decided that machine learning would be used to automatically update every asset in each of the three games the AI went over every texture sign and building and updated them to be in line with the handcrafted assets then grow Street games checked over each asset and tweaked them if they needed more work mostly this was a success as old textures were given a fresh lick of paint but the AI wasn't perfect generally it struggled with certain assets like Signs Rich Rosado even said that the AI hated signs and would screw them up for the signs that were screwed up Grove Street games had to manually fix them and this is on top of checking the quality of every other asset in each game even with machine learning it was still a mammoth task for any development Studio because when players got their hands on the game it would instantly spot any mistakes something like an odd texture or a sign that didn't make sense or even the look of each character whether or not Grove Street games were successful would not be clear until the official trailer in late October but for now development continued and the original titles were updated with modern touches [Music] in the original trilogy the lighting effects were not the same as we have today Lighting in older GTA games isn't as realistic as scenes or environments were lit up using bakes lighting bakes lighting is often called Static lighting with a light source in a game is fixed to a certain object it could be something like the sun in a game that doesn't have a day and night cycle or it could be a fixed light like a street lamp in a game where light bulbs aren't destructible in modern open World Games Dynamic lighting is more frequently used to light the world you'll notice that as the sun moves through the sky the light source moves with it and as it moves realistic Shadows are cast in the world it's a much more immersive technique that is essential for any modern open world so in order to bring the original GCA Trilogy up to Modern standards Grove Street removed the bait lighting and assigned light to sunrises and sunsets they also included realistic Moon cycles at night along with stars to light up the sky but as was common during the project fixing one problem created another because baked lighting was removed from the game some areas were inadvertently plundered Into Darkness we gotta go hit up the hood hey CJ let them know you back on the set the Johnson Brothers Rowan McGee when this problem came to light Grove Street realized they needed to add new light sources to each map in order to replace the baked lighting from the original as you can imagine this exercise alone is another Monumental piece of work but when this is combined with checking every texture and sign in the game the workload began to grow not only did Grove Street have to check every pixel for their quality they now had to check if each part of the map had enough light and this was on top of adding in new assets like trees and decoration although a lot of these assets were ported over from GTA 5 to save time on October 22nd when the official trailer was released we saw these updated visuals for the first time people generally agreed that the new lighting the reflections and environments look great with some going as far to say as this is how they remembered the games from their Charters which was exactly the response that Rockstar on Grove Street wanted however just as Grove Street and Rockstar feared there was controversy surrounding the new character models many people highlighted the quality was inconsistent with supporting characters looking especially odd some people also weren't happy with the new designs for Claude or Tommy saying they looked too different and too cartoony perhaps because they were using the same engine as fortnite and Roblox two games that are designed for a younger audience as the trailer was released pre-orders for the remasters opened up with a hefty 60 price tag which for three games that are nearly 20 years old is a lot even with the updated visuals there was also no option to buy the games individually so if you only wanted to play Vice City or San Andreas you had no choice but to put down your money for the full asking price things then turn from bad to worse when another option was removed from players globally shortly after releasing the trailer Rockstar took down the original games from All Digital storefronts previously on Steam you could buy each game for around 10 and a Trilogy bundle for around 20 but due to the new remastered versions this option was no longer available which meant we had no way of buying the original games if you wanted to play GTA 3 Vice City or San Andreas then you better put down your money and buy these new versions the San Andreas remaster did make its way onto game pass on release but there was still no option to buy it individually it left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths as Rockstar were using questionable business practices to force us into the remasters what was originally sold as a trip down memory lane updated to Modern standards soon turned sour people soon caught wind of Rockstar's plan and started calling the trilogy a baseless cash grab the fact that Grove Street games simply copied and pasted the original code into a new engine now in hindsight seemed like a way to cut Corners new information made the situation worse when Thomas Williamson the CEO of Grove Street games revealed the project had been in development for just over two years that's two years to remaster three huge games with over a hundred thousand assets and a brand new lighting engine for comparison GTA 5 was in development for three years while Red Dead Redemption 2 was in development for AIDS arguably the remastered Trilogy doesn't have to factor in the pre-production stage or spend time developing complex mechanics but they still had three games to work on including the massive San Andreas which is 60 to 100 hours long to provide more insight to this point I've researched Grove Street games in more detail to try and find out how many people worked on the projects and according to the company's LinkedIn profile there are 25 people registered working at Grocery Games and the company size is given as between 11 and 50 people hello 25 people to work on a project of this size is not good to put that in context again over a thousand people worked on GTA 5 and over 3 000 people worked on Red Dead Redemption 2. other massive games were developed by less people like Skyrim which was made by around 100 Bethesda game studios developers but even then Skyrim took six years to make sure there could have been developers from Rockstar that chipped in to increase the team size but this information isn't available it's not clear who worked on the project whether it was all Grocery Games or a combination of Rockstar and Grove streets from my research though it seems as if Grove streets were the only developers and Rockstar were producers Rockstar guided the project but didn't do much if any of the legwork overall though the reception to the trilogy following the official trailer was positive the new additions like GTA 5 style controls a checkpoint system for each Mission and the updated visuals all sounded great so what could possibly go wrong [Music] on the 11th of November 2021 the GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition was officially released it was sold as a modern update to the classic 3D GTA games and people were excited to jump back in and replay each game although going in there were a lot of questions surrounding the release how would the old games play with controls they were never designed for how immersive would it be exploring San Andreas with increased draw distance would it still feel the same driving down ocean beach with the updated visuals we saw in the trailer only Rockstar and Grove Street games knew the answer to this as everybody outside the company was left in the dark Rockstar on Grove Street decided not to show any extended footage of the trilogy and refused to send out review codes before the games launched in the past these tactics did not bode well for a game we saw this a couple of years ago when CD projekt Red didn't send out review codes for the console versions of cyberpunk 2077 and when cyberpunk finally launched people quickly realized why the console version were broken unplayable and a complete waste of money if Rockstar likes CD projekt Red won't be transparent then did that mean the GTA Trilogy was also broken when the trilogy launched on 11th of November it was broken it was full of baffling design choices technical issues and a ton of bugs that in some cases broke the games it was a bit of pill to swallow as Rockstar chose not to delay the games as they wanted to release them on the 20th anniversary of GTA 3. their Shady moves along with take two behind the scenes funneled everyone towards a 60 price tag with no other options available it was disgusting behavior for a company that had created so many incredible moments for players over the years but now on the 11th of November it was too late to change anything people's worst fears were already realized I would be or something I'll catch up with you firstly the technical performance was atrocious with constant frame rate drops in each game driving around the world could be slowed to a crawl with the Xbox series X and PS5 versions frequently dropping below 40 FPS and the switch version hitting 19 and lower Matthew Byrd from den of geek said it was one of the worst switch ports he'd ever seen and the digital Foundry tech review said they wouldn't recommend the switch version to anyone it's just sort of Muddy ugly and choppy it's not a good version I cannot stress that enough if players somehow managed to Wade through the frame rate drops they were then met with countless bugs some bugs were so bad they broke the game and restricted Mission progress reports came in of broken missions some that automatically failed or would have their progress Frozen a bug stopped people saving at their safe house which meant outside of missions and without the new also save you couldn't end your session and save your progress if one of your auto save slots was bugged and there was no way to reload an older save and the game was broken without the option to save there was also no way to fast forward time so if you had to wait for an activity say your girlfriend being home in San Andreas you had to sit there and watch the clock tick over manually for a Trilogy of games that originally pushed the open world genre forward it was hard to be immersed in these new definitive editions every time people sat down to play they'd be faced with a bug or a technical issue or some baffling visuals certain characters had limbs that were stretched completely out of proportion While others looked like they were ripped straight from a Saturday morning kids cartoon as images of weird character models flooded in people rightly questioned how anyone at Rockstar could sign these games off the worst bugs were captured and released by annoyed players as word quickly spread about the broken Trilogy one of these bugs was the now Infamous CJ's Facebook which would project CJ's face onto the screen if we look backwards in a vehicle in first person or how the game wall around us didn't stop during a cut scene so characters would constantly get run over by a row car mid-conversation sue your boss see the great thing about [Music] during the development of the GTA Trilogy Grove Street had a mammoth task as they use machine learning to update the visuals and added a brand new lighting system well when the definitive editions launched it was clear that both methods were not a success as people began to spot mistakes across each game there were endless technical issues due to the AI learning which we already know struggled with signs some signs were so low resolution in the original game that the AI couldn't read them properly so when a sign was blurry and its letters or numbers weren't clear the AI made a judgment call and outputted something that was closest to the shape it was reading and a lot of the time this wasn't correct a lot of the time these mistakes had knock-on effects and ruined fan favorite jokes in each game you can see that here in Vice Point mall where the AI changed the word meet to heat which completely ruins the joke other times the AI would output a texture that was wrong too with the most controversial error associated with tough nut Donuts in San Andreas for some reason the AI thought the nut on the tough nut sign was actually a donut and outputted it as a gray Circle some new changes were made with good intentions though as Grove Street and Rockstar wanted to bring each game up to Modern standards in the original trilogy for example the draw distance was limited due to the power of the ps2's hardware we could only see to the end of the road in GTA 3 and Vice City and the massive map in San Andreas was never visible as Rockstar added dense fog to hide the game's technical limitations in the definitive editions the draw distance has improved and now we can see the environment ahead of us in Greater detail than ever before instead of looking into a constant fog we can now see skyscrapers and cities in the distance but the problem is when Grove Street removed the weather effects like the San Andreas fog a lot of the atmosphere was removed with them the sense of scale is completely gone as now we can see the edges of the map in front of us what once felt like a state-sprolling epic adventure now felt like we were playing in a toy box other features that were added to make the game more immersive also fell flat the new day and night cycle was an improvement on the original games but compared to Modern open worlds it was significantly behind many players noted that each night cycle was the same as the moon only had one phase so rather than the moon changing to signify we were moving through the year we actually repeat the same day like we're trapped in a Time Loop and although the dynamic lighting look great in some areas it was clear these Maps were never designed with this in mind some areas were fine either because the light from the sun could reach it easily or where grocery added in new light sources but then other areas were a complete nightmare their baked light source had been removed yet Grove streets either ran out of time to add new lighting or miss these areas when they checked each game even key parts of the game were poorly lit as many people highlighted that some cut scenes were so dark that you couldn't see the expression on a character's face I was just wondering what took y'all so long get in the car elsewhere some of the new effects had the opposite issue they could be seen too clearly the weather effects which were sold as a massive improvement over the original game also needed more work the rain in particular looks so bad that it gave people headaches for some reason the rain was completely opaque with bright white lines that darted down our screen some people found it so hard to see every time it rained that they stopped playing to let the in-game time take over and returned when the rain had stopped clearly this wasn't right or what Grove Street was going for outside of the bugs and technical issues the definitive editions also shipped with missing features core features like the Cinematic camera were removed without any explanation and certain songs were removed from the radio stations in Vice City and San Andreas each game in the trilogy is based on films and the Cinematic camera was purposefully built to link in with this idea but on release in the definitive editions this feature was no longer available the removal of several songs also made it hard to sell each game as the definitive editions arguably the radio soundtrack is one of the most important aspects of the entire game it's one of the reasons that Vice City is so infectious because we drive around 80s Miami listening to 80s tunes and taking in the neon lights I even spoke to enemy about this very topic earlier this year and I saw so many comments on my review of Vice City about the incredible soundtrack these songs clearly mean a lot of fans of the series but if you bought the definitive editions of Vice City and San Andreas there's a chance your favorite song didn't make the cuts the songs were removed as their licenses have run out over the past 20 years and Rockstar didn't want to spend extra cash to renew them but this is a company that makes an annual revenue of 1.4 billion dollars why didn't they even entertain the idea of renewing each song you cannot simply remove a core part of the game without replacing it and then try to sell it as a definitive edition The Cinematic camera the songs oh and also co-op in San Andreas which was removed with no explanation as the reviews flooded in it was clear that pre-ordering the trilogy was the wrong choice Gamespot gave the trilogy a 4 out of 10 whereas IGN gave it a slightly higher 5 out of 10 which for context is exactly the same score both Outlets gave to Fallout 76 on launch the Metacritic user score was unfortunately not as kind as it sits below 1 out of 10 even at the time of recording major Outlets were unimpressed whereas an army of fangs were Furious one week later on November 22nd Rockstar tried to weather the storm with an official apology they sincerely apologize for what they called unexpected technical issues and assured fans they were committed to fixing each game apologies like this often don't help the bigger picture especially when a company says they were unaware of these issues as we all know development Studios QA test their games where all of these issues will have been raised it's then up to the development Studio to either listen to the QA team and change their release schedule or Supply One obnoxiously thinking they can be fixed before launch we saw this with cyberpunk and unfortunately we saw it with the GTA trilogy as the apology fell flat over the following week another piece of big news was about to ruin Rockstar's day when on the 27th of November YouTuber vladim found evidence that the mobile versions of each GTA will used to Port the definitive editions into one reel vladim found an unused menu screen hidden in the PC files that was designed to customize touch controls for driving if the mobile versions were used as a jumping off point then this might explain all of the issues we see the gamer stressed in an article published on the same day that the Mobile screen might be there as mobile ports of the definitive editions were planned at some point so maybe the screen would be used later down the line this turned out not to be true in another article published recently the article clearly shows that the definitive editions were developed using the mobile ports when a grow Street games developer posted screenshots on artstation showing how the definitive editions were built the screenshots have now been taken offline but you can see here they show a mobile user interface on each image in hindsight this makes complete sense the fact there was no cinematic camera on launch wasn't because Grocery Games removed it it was because the Cinematic camera was never present in the mobile versions it seemed like nothing was going Rockstar's way their apology fell flat and more details of the rocky development were coming to light in unplanned ways the only way Rockstar could restore the faith in their fans was to fix each game we needed to see updates that got the trilogy in the states it should have launched in a game should of course release like this in the first place but now it was up to Rockstar and Grove Street games to act fast and fix this mess foreign of the definitive editions when Grove Street games released two large patches the patches aimed to bring each game up to the standard we expect they fixed over a hundred bugs updated numerous signs including tough nut Donuts added in the Cinematic camera and fixed the weather Effects by adding in ground Haze and fog and making the rain less opaque there was clearly so much more that was fixed on top of this but in 19 days Rockstar and Grove Street had fixed a lot of the complaints that were present on launch each game was now more playable even though more work was needed work that would take a long time to produce a finished version of each game and more importantly build up trust in Rockstar Games once again work that should be completed over the following year foreign [Applause] it's now just over a year after the definitive editions launched and I'm sure you'd expect that a year is enough to fix a broken game right so what of Grove Street games achieved over the past year in the space of a year growth Street games have not fixed any of the definitive editions of the GTA Trilogy I am absolutely stunned to reports that there are still a stupid amount of bugs and technical issues that should never exist in a game on launch never mind one year later the amount of issues still present is astounding and I worry they will never be fixed due to the amount of work that's required I doubt we will see any improvements in the near future sure the definitive editions are better than they were a year ago and I've heard people say that now is a good time to pick up the trilogy but personally I completely disagree with this statement because saying the GTA Trilogy is now more playable is like saying the food you've just burnt is more edible because you've managed to scrape some of the charcoal off how they call these games have fundamental issues with their technical performance visuals mechanics and baffling design choices that suggest Grove Street games have a complete misunderstanding of what makes these games great now I want to break everything down for you to not only give these games the respect they deserve but to show you why you should stay clear of them like the plague I want to highlight that all the footage you're seeing is from the Xbox series X version and that version 1.04.5 was released as I made my way through each game this means my footage from GTA 3 is from the previous version however I have been back to replay the new GTA 3 version and the issues I saw were still present all of the footage you'll see from Vice City and San Andreas is from the most recent version though okay first off let's start with the visuals the visuals across all three games are the areas that show the most promise we have a better resolution HDR which looks great on new TVs and modern effects like Ray tracing when all of these elements come together and work properly each game can look great overall though the visuals are different from the original game as Grove Street chose to go with a more cartoony art style it's probably the biggest point of contention in the definitive editions and I can see it splitting people down the middle personally I don't think the visuals match the tone of GTA 3 or San Andreas as both games cover some pretty heavy subject matter GTA 3 is supposed to be a gritty crime drama influenced by films like The Godfather and Goodfellas so Rockstar made sure the visuals match this tone everything was purposefully gray and rainy now though everything is much brighter more colorful and cartoony and it just doesn't work with the more serious themes and even though San Andreas has a lot of ridiculous moments it has serious moments that take the game into dark areas like early on when we go see bear one of our old acquaintances from Grove streets we see that bear is now a drug addict and is being held hostage against his will to clean his drug dealer's house it's an extremely dark moment that in the definitive edition feels in bad taste as the vibrant aesthetic doesn't match the tone of what we're seeing on screen I mean there's a moment in San Andreas that touches on the 1992 LA riots and police corruption yet we've been shown by the visuals that this is a light-hearted vibrant game I do appreciate how Grove Street tried to add more dirt and grits to the world but they didn't go far enough it's like they were fighting an uphill battle trying to keep back the tide generated by the cartoony visuals of unreal 4. it's so frustrating because this issue could have been easily avoided by giving us the option to revert back to the old Graphics say if we didn't like the new art style we could have pressed a button and flipped the visuals back to their original look a bit like we see in the Master Chief Collection or in the more recent Diablo 2 remaster it's great having this option available in both of these games but in the GTA Trilogy we're never given the choice I will say that the visuals work much better in Vice City as it's a more colorful game we have the bright neon of the 1980s the sun-soaked setting based off Miami and the theme of 80 success Vice City is based on Scarface and Miami Vice which are both intentionally over the top and don't mind getting silly so these visuals work with this tone it's just a shame the other two games aren't as strong in this respect overall though there are a lot of positives here for one the new lighting effects look incredible as they cast realistic shadows in the world we see Shadows of in-game assets generated by moving sunlight or we can see the shadow of a character projected by a set of car headlights you can see here the claw Shadow changes depending on his position in relation to the headlights which is a nice touch this also makes driving at night one of the best parts of the trilogy these moments ooze with atmosphere as the new lighting effects poured out into the world to light up the environment or be reflected in puddles that have formed on the road even though GTA 3 looks too cartoony in the day it does come together at night with these new effects we also have to praise grow streets for nailing key areas in each game with some seriously impressive environments along the way I was astounded the first time I saw Ocean Beach in Vice City with its bright neon that lit up the beachfront or when I went to Las Venturas in San Andreas and saw the glitz and glamor of the theme casinos and the best part about all of this is the way the lights reflects off car bodies to add that extra layer of realism it's so far above anything we had in the original games and these moments gave me hope that the trilogy can be saved elsewhere we see improvements to the detail of each game Grove Street really has gone to town here with tiny details like more trash on the street to huge details like brand new forests in the countryside in San Andreas now when we go inside any building it's packed with detail too you can see that here in the shop in San Andreas which has its shelves packed full of individual assets like we see in GTA 5. the best part about this is that these new details breathe life into classic areas from the original games North Point Mall is a great example of this because now it is full of arcade machines jewelry cabinets vending machines and realistic shops where Grove Street is handcrafted their Interiors it's a massive step up from the original games where North Point Mall was extremely basic it's this big open area where most of the shop fronts are a 2d texture unlack any detail these moments and these moments alone were enough to convince me to keep playing although a lot of what I saw wasn't up to scratch these little pockets show what the team is capable of when they put their mind to it in fact part of the fun in the definitive editions is playing through each game and seeing how everything has changed for this new release a bit like playing Saints Row 2 and seeing how volition upgraded Stillwater for their second outing unfortunately though nine times out of ten I was disappointed I was disappointed by the complete lack of effort and time that was spent improving these games since launch it's hard to escape the feeling that this entire release is a low effort cash grab hey grab all of that bed over here on a serious mission now we already know that the new assets like vegetation were taken from GTA 5. Grove Street games copied them over and added them into the definitive editions to pad out the world like you know how I said that shop in San Andreas is more detailed now well they are only more detailed because all of these assets have been copied over from GTA 5. look at this cereal box does this look familiar to you well if you've played GTA 5 recently you'll know that this is the exact same cereal box that's used inside Franklin's house in GTA 5. and you know those details in North Point Mall I'm sure they're from GTA 5 too I'm convinced the jewelry cabinets are taken from the first heist in GTA 5. more broadly these assets don't work in this engine as each asset was designed in Rockstar's rage engine it creates this weird contrast between the cartoony visuals of the definitive editions and the super realistic visuals of GTA 5. the vegetation doesn't match its surroundings like when we see dark green bushes plonked down on bright green grass or it looks out of place due to its different art style it's something that's hard to explain but once you see it it's hard to unsee some assets have also been placed down without thinking about their implications in the world this probably happens when Grove Street were rushing to pad out the world as the release date was around the corner it seemed like they were frantically placing down assets everywhere and not checking they were right you can see here that we have trees growing out of concrete in Vice City or we have desert vegetation in San Andreas that is submerged underwater or we have textures that were placed down and not lined up with the rest of the map as these assets were also never in the original games we see characters in missions phase through trees or we see assets blocking the camera in cutscenes how no one has checked any of this even one year later is a mystery to me the worst thing though about Grocery Games is approach to padding out the worlds is that it's all superficial none of the bigger issues in the original games have been fixed we still have issues with the open worlds being bare compared to Modern games especially in GTA 3 and Vice City the pedestrians in GTA 3 are also shockingly bad I mean look at this this sort of stuff was acceptable in 2001 but it needs updating if you're going to release the game with modern features there's definitely a conversation around what constitutes a remake or a remaster and as these definitive editions are remasters rather than remakes should we give Grocery Games a break I don't think so because mechanics can be introduced and tweaked for a remaster without redesigning the game from the ground up take the remaster of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 and 2 as an example when vicarious Visions remastered both games they added new mechanics like a glitch effect whenever we take a dive by pressing a button we activate the glitch and in less than a second we're back on our board and skating forwards vicarious Visions understood that Tony Hawks is about flow and that being able to instantly get back on our board is good for gameplay to me the GTA Trilogy Falls within the Realms of remasters like Tony Hawks as Grove Street games has massively improved graphics and given us new features they've already changed core parts of the game so why not go a step further and change it a bit more if they truly wanted to preserve the feel of the original games then why didn't they go with a more basic approach something like the remaster of Perfect Dark on Xbox 360. the perfect dark remaster increased resolution and gave us modern first person shooter controls this way we can play the game as it was originally intended just with a better resolution and a less frustrating control scheme as it currently stands the GTA Trilogy is an odd Middle Ground between both approaches we have this high-res open world with modern effects and controls but then we have ai programming ripped straight from the early 2000s it just doesn't work as I mentioned earlier when the definitive editions launched there were errors with signs and textures where the machine learning had misinterpreted Rockstar's original work one year later this aspect of the game has significantly improved I'd say 99 of the signs are now fixed and it's great to see them updated with a higher resolution I hate to say it though but we're not quite where we should be in terms of quality we still have some errors on signs with words that aren't correct you can see here that this pain spray in GTA 3 sells bear boxes rather than gearboxes and generally there are sentences without spaces in them some signs are also written in the most basic text like they were processed in Microsoft Word some of them I'm even sure were written in Comic Sans like someone is trying to make a parody of an open world game it doesn't look good for a game released in 2021. I mean look at this here this is exactly what I mean you can see here that the star sign for Star shoes in Vice City is written as a keyboard asterisk like come on guys to be fair we do see some great looking signs where Grove Street has redesigned them with a higher resolution these signs do look great but they only make up a small portion of each game it's clear that Grove streets hasn't had time or resources to fix all of these as I'd often see a sign that was so low resolution it was practically unreadable GTA 3 is the worst for this and it's clear it's received less attention compared to Vice City and San Andreas the textures are no better and wouldn't even pass for a PS2 Release so many textures a reportingly low resolution that ruins the rest of the open world one minute I'd be really impressed with the visuals on screen and the next I'd go around a corner and see something like this 2D clothes hanging on the line in San Andreas or a solid Blue Block to represent water in a swimming pool in GTA 3 and so much more if this was in one or two areas then I'd be happy to overlook it if these poor textures were tucked away on the edges of the map then it wouldn't be as big of an issue but the problem is we see poor Textures in key areas of all three games I cannot believe this but CJ's house in San Andreas has not been fixed over the past year look at this this is a main area in the game that everyone will see Rockstar even said they updated the hero buildings first so what the hell happened here hello oh this is the case in cutscenes 2 where we have shocking Textures in areas that everyone will see it makes no sense surely you would make sure these textures are updated first because everyone will see your mistakes if you don't but no even one year after launch Grove Street games still haven't fixed this it's lazy amateur-ish and it makes each cutscene look cheap the cut scenes in particular have so many issues that it's hard to be engaged in the narrative in each game and this is a combination of technical issues and the questionable art style I personally don't hate the art style as when character models are handcrafted in this engine I do think they look good I thought the majority of main characters in Vice City and San Andreas had been updated to a high standard sweet is how I imagined him so is Caesar and CJ and a lot of the characters in Vice City work with the cartoonish visuals like Ken Rosenberg or Avery Carrington but you can probably see where I'm going with this as the handful of good looking characters are seriously outnumbered by the amount of bad ones this is of course subjective but I don't think Tommy looks right or even like the same person in the original game he was this disgruntled aging gangster who's been through the ringer due to his extended sentence in prison he was a pretty angry guy at times he wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty to gain more power in Vice City the way he looked in the original game complemented these traits his brow was for roads and his eyes were pierced like he's constantly pissed off at the world now he looks completely different his eyes are massive and his hair has almost doubled in size he looks less like Tommy Vercetti and more like a constantly surprised Elvis the eyes in general are not right with most people with characters looking like they're ripped straight from a kid's cartoon while characters with misaligned pupils making them look cross-eyed Catalina and Kendall are also bad for this which makes them look odd compared to the more realistic main characters sure the original 3D GTA games were a caricature of modern life but they were more like graphic novels rather than a kid's comic there were also issues with the animation for each character which hasn't been updated from the original games it's clear we're looking at outdated work here as people rarely blink in cut scenes they simply stare dead-eyed into space and rarely move any part of their face sometimes Grove Street games have added animation to certain characters but every time they go too far mouths are too accentuated to make these people seem real and one time I saw Catalina's eyebrows raise up so high they nearly left her face yeah whatever have a good time I will okay go I ain't gonna miss you goodbye this is a recurring issue in San Andreas where people's body parts move in strange ways Ryder still looks like a hunchback on his BMX in the opening Mission and on the whole there's something seriously wrong with everyone's neck the heads of certain characters move before the rest of their body which makes their neck stretch out like a snake look at this what the hell is happening here the Danang boys are arriving today on a container ship little Lion's gone to check it out I really gotta go to hey I got unfinished business Big Love that moon break your heart over and out Carl I need you to do me a favor on top of this we have a ton of audio books that are still in the game the audio and cut scenes is sometimes delayed which puts everyone's mouth movements out of sync with their lines business a gentleman they have a load of product coming in offshore really good stuff we take it and we finish them you take and I look after you like my brother like my son I think I prefer the cash to being bounced on your knee let me go and other times a cut scene will cut off early before a character has finished speaking see that the cut scenes are not properly lit so many cutscenes are so dark that it's difficult to see a character's face or what's actually happening on screen his eyes worst when cut scenes are set outside because Grove Street is forced to rely on the sun to light the scene but then this just means if the Sun is behind a character they are so backlit you can't see anything it's absolutely heartbreaking because some of my favorite moments in each game are ruined by these mistakes like the drive-through mission in San Andreas or when we drive through the sprunk billboard even claude's Cameo is ruined because we can't see his face and have no idea who he's supposed to be I bet anyone playing San Andreas for the first time wouldn't get this reference without knowing it's supposed to be clawed all of these issues make it so hard to be engaged in any of these games we have characters with an inconsistent art style who don't fit in with the world around them we have characters with dead eyes Who Stare endlessly into the abyss we have technical issues like desinking and ending the cutscene too early we have body parts that move independently from the rest of the character and the majority of cutscenes are so dark we can't tell what's going on this is not acceptable in other areas the environment also needs more lighting as we have combat spaces that are so dark you can't see your enemies and as our enemies aren't shown on the minimap we literally have to rely on their muzzle flash to see where we should be aiming I really think Grove Street games could have been more inventive to solve this problem you know like why not give us a flashlight on our weapon we have that in GTA 5. why not just copy it over because currently we have sections of the game that are so dark they are almost unplayable [Music] okay let's talk about gameplay when I reviewed the original GTA Trilogy last year it was clear to see that parts of the gameplay were seriously outdated we can't use the right thumbstick to move the camera like we can in every modern game and we have to lock onto our Target manually then press Circle or B to shoot more broadly though there are serious issues with the missions especially in GTA 3 and Vice City both games come from a time where difficulty in video games was designed to punish you unfairly I noticed this recently with time Splitters too which has enemies that move in silence are insanely accurate and are always hiding behind Corners waiting to shoot you in the back this was also true for gca3 and vice city which meant that we failed most missions the first time we attempt them and then have to spend multiple attempts trying to perfect our strategy mostly this involves trying to cheese the game by placing vehicles in positions to give us temporary cover or by lobbying grenades randomly into an arena to thin out enemy numbers this in itself isn't bad as trying to perfect a strategy is rewarding in its own right but the problem with the old games is that there's no checkpoint system whatsoever so every time we die we have to spend five to ten minutes preparing for another attempt driving from the hospital to an ammunition and then back to the start of the mission in GTA 3 this issue was compounded due to the absence of an in-game map it's hard to imagine this today but to navigate through the world we literally had to use a paper map that came in the box with GTA 3. we had to chart our own path by learning roads building locations and shortcuts through the world just to make the game more manageable it's clear that these issues needed updating for a modern release and to be fair Grove Street games have done an okay job here the biggest Improvement is the new in-game maps for each game which have been hand drawn and given a fresh lick of paint now it's much easier to see where we need to go as all of the locations are labeled in game and if we need to get to an icon we use the brand new GPS like we do in modern games we no longer have to drive around for 10 minutes trying to find the tunnel or the bridge in GTA 3 or spending 5 minutes in the menus in San Andreas trying to figure out how to drive from San Fierro to Los Santos alongside these accessibility improvements comes the GTA 5 style controls now we can use the right thumbstick to move the camera in any direction we want we can hold down the left trigger to Target an enemy and then move our reticle to Target a specific body parts and we also have an option for free aim if we prefer to play with less assistance now there are a lot of issues with everything I've just said as at best these improvements don't go far enough and at worst they suggest growth streets don't understand what makes the original GTA games great take combat for example the combat is an improvement over the original games but it is still behind what we expect from a modern shooter because simply porting over the GTA 5 controls isn't enough the controls needed fine-tuning on top of this to iron out some key issues but for some reason Grove Street didn't attempt any of this first off the camera is shocking every time we lock onto someone the camera Zooms in slightly which is a nice touch but then as soon as we defeat the enemy and stop aiming the camera instantly zooms back out again so if you try snapping between targets like you can in something like Red Dead Redemption 2 the camera Zooms in and out and around the arena so quickly it makes it hard to see what's happening on screen this gets much worse when we're aiming vertically down as an enemy if we're locked onto a Target below us the camera immediately snaps back to the horizontal once we've defeated them the issue with the camera is made much worse by the targeting system which constantly targets the wrong person say if we're fighting enemies in the open world then our aim will automatically Target the nearest person to us even if they're not involved in combat this means that we constantly Target pedestrians by accident have to stop aiming which we know zooms out our camera again then try and reposition our aim on the person we wanted to shoot strafing is also something that needed fine-tuning for the definitive editions which again is a core part of any shooter sure we can strafe side to side like in every other game but when we try to strafe backwards our character turns around and we can no longer Shoot To be clear this happened all the time in the original San Andreas but this was something we could forgive in a game from 2004 not in a game from 2021 we could use free aims to bypass this problem but honestly the free aim is not good here I'm not sure what it is whether there's no aim assist or Auto targeting or some other feature we have for Shooters on Console but this feels so janky it would have been great to have full customization to tweak the aiming however we like you know like we do in GTA 5 where we can customize our Dead Zone and aim acceleration it makes no sense I actually thought the aiming in the original San Andreas was snappier than what we have here whereas before I could switch between targets instantly by pressing a button now there's a slight delay what's most insulting about this is the fact we can get all of this for free on PC the PC versions of the original games can be updated with modern GTA 5 controls that work much better than an official release by a professional developer if I had to choose between the definitive editions of San Andreas or the PC version that's patched with modern controls I know which one I would choose there is one big thing that makes the definitive edition Stand Out compared to the originals and that's the addition of the new checkpoint system the new system saves us a lot of time as we simply hit restart from the checkpoints and don't waste time restocking our ammo and driving across the map but as with the control scheme the checkpoint system doesn't go far enough either and in the case of GTA 3 and Vice City calling this a checkpoint system is an insults because in no area of the game do we ever get checkpoints this is a restart mission system because all it does is put us back at the start of the mission and for some reason before the cutscene to be fair in San Andreas it's much better as we do have checkpoints throughout the mission we complete an objective and get a checkpoint to save our progress but why wasn't this system used in GTA 3 and Vice City if Grove Street developed a checkpoint system for San Andreas then why not implement it in the first two games well recently I found this out and honestly I'm just fed up by this stage it turns out that Grove Street games made no effort to develop a checkpoint system for the definitive editions of the GTA Trilogy instead all they've done is Port over their checkpoint system for the definitive edition of San Andreas they released on the Xbox 360. seriously look at these two clips from both games you can see here that the checkpoint triggers are exactly the same point like what the hell it's so lazy even with something like the GPS something that should be positive for the game has unintentional negative effects one of the best things about the original games is how we get to know each map like the back of our hands I said in my GTA 3 review the modding games are like guided tours where we follow a predetermined route through the world thanks to waypoints laid down by the developer and sometimes it's like we're tourists visiting these areas the classic GTA games are completely different because we don't have a GPS we're forced to study the map and our surroundings and learn our way around just like we've moved to a new city I said at the end of my GTA 3 review the one of its strongest points was how we feel like a resident of Liberty City are never a tourist now that's simply not true we no longer have to learn the map as we simply add a marker and follow the GPS it is definitely less frustrating but I think we've sacrificed too much to remove that frustration more broadly the GPS fundamentally changes how Missions play in every game so often we're asked to drive across the map to get to our objective and sometimes we have a time limit to add to the pressure in GTA 3 this made the mission so intense because it tests our knowledge of the map under a strict time limit well all of this is now gone as we just follow the GPS it's the same for one of my favorite parts of San Andreas 2 where we pretend to be a trucker and deliver packages across the countryside previously this activity had an almost role-playing like quality where we put country music on the radio and plan the best roads to take but again all of this is gone as we just use the GPS sometimes the GPS is disabled like a mission for Asuka when we have to drive to Portland but I just wish Grove Street were bold enough to disable it in more places to retain that classic GTA feel it's hard to escape the feeling that we're getting a lesser product for reasons like this the radio for example is much worse than what we had in the original games it frequently skips a beat at random [Music] sometimes it cuts out for three seconds before turning back on so there's a pretty good chance you can sleep with it other times it turns itself down so quietly that you can't hear what anyone is saying cameras and this is on top of the missing songs that we've already discussed what's funny about that last point is that one of the songs that the license ran out for was used for the girlfriend's side content in San Andreas previously in San Andreas when we went on a bad date Killing In The Name Of would play as an audio cue to indicate we'd messed up but as this song is no longer available I wondered how Grove Street would handle this problem I wondered whether they'd carefully select another song to replace it or even ask someone at Rockstar to record an original piece of music well instead of putting in any effort whatsoever Grove Street games just use the music that's used for a good date [Music] thank you it's seriously low efforts in a game full of low efforts oh and this completely broke the game by the way as after this scene I couldn't drop Denise off back at her house so she ended up following me everywhere until I went on the next mission so many of these downgrades create worse versions of each game where I struggle to see how Rockstar can sell this as a more immersive experience we have rain effects happening when we're undercover or lightning that flashes when we're inside a tunnel which is the complete opposite the weather effects in general are executed poorly in every game the new realistic sunrise and sunsets are not realistic in the slightests the Shadows don't move gradually in the world you can see here that they move incrementally like Grove Street games are magically fast forward in time this is just not acceptable compared to Modern games as good developers make sure this process is smooth to add to the immersion we see this with weather effects too that instantly start and stop with no transition as soon as a certain time triggers in San Andreas this Sandstorm starts and then a few hours later it instantly stops I have so many more issues with the game that I want to discuss but before we move on to the bugs and technical issues I want to talk about one final thing I saw in Vice City this is in an ammunition in Vice City you can see that Grove Street games have added new light sources into each ammunition to replace the removal of the baked lighting you can see here that when we go to buy a weapon the new lighting casts a shadow showing us that each gun is floating in midair and when we go to buy body armor we see the body armor pickup we find in the open worlds spinning in mid-air and casting green light onto the ground below it Grove Street games didn't even bother to create a new asset here they simply copy and pasted the pickup we find in the open world it's so lazy it's appalling that these issues haven't been fixed even after a year I had a theory when I started playing the trilogy and saw a lot of issues in GTA 3. I thought that GTA 3 had received the least amount of attention as most people would probably play Vice City then San Andreas or skip straight to San Andreas well you've probably guessed from the issues I've discussed that this Theory turned out to be false in fact the games got worse as I went on with San Andreas having some serious issues that will ruin the game for you in every game there's something wrong with the pedestrians and vehicle pathing cars turn around corners at insane speeds without taking their foot off the pedal but they also don't look right in the open worlds there's a bug which makes them float about six feet off the road as a start while other cars look like they're skating on ice you can see that here in Vice City when a group of cars accidentally spawned on the runway at the airport which isn't right this happens a lot by the way with NPCs spawning in places they're not supposed to randomly a group of pedestrians will spawn behind you and because their pathing is broken they just bump into each other over and over again the funniest one of these I saw was during a cut scene with Lance it was a great moment until the camera panned around to reveal a group of NPCs on the roof of Diaz's mansion pedestrians also get stuck behind new assets but Grove Street is placed in the world with no thoughts they'll be trapped behind a new rope decoration or behind a fence that was never previously there pedestrians also throw themselves into the sea in Vice City or they'll get trapped in a room they shouldn't be in I even had enemies that were supposed to be attacking me but instead they were running around in circles as their pathing broke arguably these are minor compared to a handful of potentially game breaking bugs let's just say it's a good idea to save often because if you encounter any of these you could lose hours of progress one of these bugs is in Vice City during the naval assault mission where every time we kill the enemies on their Yachts the mission doesn't progress there was nothing I could do here because we still can't swim in Vice City which meant I was stuck on this boat in GTA 3 there was a bug during the plaster Blaster mission where I phase through our Target's cast and couldn't beat the mission and probably the worst bug was during the bank robbery Mission with Catalina in San Andreas there's a bug here when we try to escape the bank as Catalina doesn't run out the back door to trigger the next sequence I checked outside and no cops had spawned which meant the mission couldn't be beaten so I killed Catalina to fail the mission and then revert back to the checkpoints which unfortunately didn't work because when I returned here Not only was the mission bugged but there was Catalina's dead body on the floor next to us oh and you can see another bug here too as Catalina's mouth is rotating like she's just got back from an all-night rave [Music] unfortunately things get much worse due to the abysmal optimization for each game and this is really to do with the amount of popping in the open world in every single game the environment constantly popped in I'd always see an asset pop in in the distance or I'd see a huge skyscraper that hadn't fully loaded on the horizon by far the worst technical performance comes with San Andreas though which is so poor it makes cyberpunk look like a Nintendo game you can see here that the vegetation in both the countryside and the desert is popping in about 10 feet in front of us this just means that it's so hard to be immersed every time we drive through these areas as we literally watch the world load in front of our eyes some of these issues come with the newly increased draw distance sure the increased draw distance is a good idea as most modern open world games have this feature but you have to make sure the environments in the distance looks good too having the landscape in this state is not acceptable basically what happens here is that Grove streets couldn't figure out how to make the map in the distance load with the map that's close to us this means we see the detail of the new tree assets on top of extremely low quality unloaded textures other games with a Hydra distance don't make this mistake they either use weather effects to Cloud the dodgy visuals or they take time to make sure the background is similar quality to the foregrounds I know I don't have to say this but this is the basics of game development that any developer should know I mean I didn't think things could get much worse than this but look what happens when we take to the skies whenever we fly across the map in San Andreas we see these low resolution unloaded textures everywhere sometimes even with visible gaps in the map to me this screams of mismanagement or under-resourcing or both as there's evidence in these games that Grove Street can do great things but the strange thing about this is that they always put effort into areas that don't matter they'll add detail to a minor building in the map or change the camera angle in the lighthouse in Vice City for no reason it's such an odd thing to try and update when the foundations of each game are still broken like it's really cool that Grove Street added slippery conditions to the road when it's raining but was this really necessary when most of the trilogy is still a mess as we come to the end of this video I want to end on a positive note I still think these games have the potential to be the definitive editions of the GTA Trilogy even though I saw so many issues I still think with more work we can get there the two-year development window coupled with the size of Grove Street games meant this project was doomed from the starts clearly each game needs a couple of years more work with other Studios brought in for supports as it stands though I cannot see how it's possible for Grove Street games with their small team to work through all of these issues it took cdpr over a year to fix cyberpunk and they have far more developers than Grove Street ever will at this stage it's not clear if Grove Street games are even involved or if any developers are even working on the trilogy with this in mind I don't know what the future holds for these classic games but if you are thinking of buying them I strongly recommend you don't I wish that modern gaming didn't have episodes like this where games are released well below what's acceptable I hope that Rockstar does the right thing and does the trilogy justice but as a huge fan of both Rockstar and GTA I really don't know anymore all I know is that if I want to replay these classic games and relive all of the incredible memories I have of them from my childhood I know which versions I'll be playing foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Twin Sticks
Views: 1,245,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gta trilogy, grand theft auto, gta trilogy definitive edition, gta trilogy one year later, gta trilogy 1 year later, gta trilogy review, gta trilogy review 2022, gta trilogy review 2023, is the gta trilogy worth it, is the gta trilogy fixed, is the gta trilogy good now, gta trilogy the definitive edition one year later, san andreas definitive edition, vice city definitive edition, gta 3 definitive edition, gta san andreas, gta trilogy remastered, grand theft auto trilogy
Id: n6GrSBJNAaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 26sec (4226 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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