The GROOVIEST Incredibox Mod I've Heard! - BEATNIK

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[Music] how's it going everyone my name is azerus welcome back to some more incred box today we're going to be playing a brand new mod called beatnick now I was lucky enough to get an early copy from the creators of this mod so thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to try this out of course if you want to download it it will be in the description just a real quick look this mod was created by Boo and seal and apparently it's a jazz style mod so before we get into the mod I do want to share with you all the fan art that we've gotten to the channel so far now I know I say this every single time I see them but these are absolutely incredible to see so I do want to quickly go over the the new ones that we've gotten so far so we got one coming in from killer wolf instead of artwork this is a Minecraft skin of me of azerus pretty damn dope got the purple shirt with the bread on it got the headphones now if I still played Minecraft to this day you know damn well I'm going to be rocking that skin got one coming in from some dude this one reminds me of something is this like based off of One Piece I think it I think it is I've never watched a show pretty damn awesome and I got a sword made out of bread too if you uh haven't noticed yet got one coming in from Holly this one looks like I can go out like feel it dude the texture on it is crazy like it looks like something made on fabric doesn't it that's cool got one coming in from winded this one was inspired by the Orin IO and the Breakthrough mod thumbnails which is pretty cool I've never I've never actually played Roblox before last one coming in from turmeric Tunes this artwork is based off of one of my old pictures that I had and the shading style specifically on this artwork reminds me of something too like a style artwork that I've seen before so once again thank you guys for sharing your artwork these are incredible let's move on to the mods now I'm going just jump right into it o I kind of like the vibe going on oh in the background kind of like clothes you see that that's kind of nice you can see the sparkles in the background jazz themed apparently this should be fun so just like oh wait a minute there's three bonuses so of course I have no idea what this mod sounds like what it's going to be about apparently it's Jazz we're going to go over every single Polo then the Beats effects Melodies and voices and then make a beat at the end and then check out the bonuses because I'm pretty damn excited for those the overall Vibe of this is awesome and I love that deep red color either way moving on to the Beats let's go on to the beat one this one looks like a drum so let's check it [Music] out dude that's awesome I love how it's based off of the actual instrument and an animation to that was smooth honestly a solid start all right so moving on to beat two I think those might be like symbols man the animations for these are pretty nice so far so correct me if I'm wrong I think that is the snare drum right let's move on to the symbol [Music] now oh oh that was that was nice I'm going to I'm going to like this beat aren't I once again the animations were clean I'm liking how all these instruments have like clothes on too which is which is interesting moving on to the is that a [Music] metronome not what I was expecting at all I don't even I don't even know what instrument that is that tune does sound familiar though like from an actual song once again crazy animations to that that was awesome I'm getting excited to throw these beats together so let's move on to the hand now see what this holds what an interesting design for AP poloo they are hands clapping definitely I don't know what was going on with all those hands though again though I'm liking the designs to these polos so far all right let's move on to the effects now this one's usually the base but from what it looks like it looks like a record right so I'm curious to see what this one's going to [Laughter] be okay that was not the base interesting is there even going to be a base it might be in the melm either way dude that effect was crazy pretty dope start to the effects honestly I'm like I like the uh the outfit that he had on too so we're going to move on to the bow tie I honestly don't or maybe a clock right all right it's not it's not a clock [Music] interesting I was trying to determine what that Polo was I think these are fitting pretty well for the Jazz theme that they're going for okay let's move on to the light bulb I'm pretty sure that's not a light bulb but we're going to [Music] see [Music] first off cool I was I was right with the light bulb that pole design was really cool I like how the lights lit up with the tune I'm trying to think of the instrument that is and I feel like it starts with a B it's not a clarinet but it's something along the lines of that let me know if I'm close if you know all right so moving on to Effect 4 no idea what that is uh I I can't even guess it so we're just going to we're just going to roll with it all right I don't know what that instrument is called but I I think I know what it looks like this is cool like trying to see what the Po's instrument is that's really cool I like the animation for that too all right effects are pretty solid so far I'm liking them they're not super crazy but it's a nice touch so moving on to the is that a [Applause] cassette [Applause] go that Distortion at the end was nice did you hear that all right it sounds like literally like a like a laugh almost like a laugh track I think I was right with the cassette too right or something along those L like a recorder so moving on to the Melodies now so move I think those are glasses so let's uh yeah let's hear it that's what I was expecting to be in effect one I was waiting for the Bas to come in that Polo looked cool as hell I love that hat too let's move on to melody 2 the bow [Music] tie dude I'm so excited to put these together I'm I'm so curious what this is going to sound like together animation was cool I think those were like a collection of trumpets moving on to the crown is that a crown I love when they Implement posos into these polos I've never heard a bad piano Polo that one was Majestic what a solid Melody okay I was I was so enthralled by the music I honestly didn't even look at the uh animations for him hold on dude again with the animations man this is a pretty clean mod all right moving on to Melody 4 it looks like a CD but it's [Music] not [Music] dude I love this I love this bro you can tell that it has that jazz beat to it it's so nice and dude the animation for that it's like it's like a neon lights dude I'm loving the vibe of this moving on to the all right that looks like a dog collar I I know it's not but let's get into it that just like vibrated my whole existence that should be the base it's between this one and this one let's move on to the voices now [Music] they in black and white too which is cool oh okay that sounded amazing all right moving on to the second one come on come on come on come on got to beat it sounds like ad libs right that was the second one yeah so I feel like one of these are going to be like the main voice super clean voice let's move on to the third one [Music] [Laughter] [Music] super interesting voice I'm I I'm really curious to see what that's going to sound like with everything else all right so moving on to the fourth one [Music] here [Music] that is a very interesting what choir I think all right all right moving on to the last one here I'm [Music] curious [Music] okay yeah I like that all right all right okay let's move on to the Beats now I'm excited to see what these sound like together let's hear [Music] it [Music] [Music] yeah this is crazy I was vibing out with that beat dude the beats are fire like absolutely fire okay all right moving on to the effects yeah [Laughter] [Music] he [Music] dude I love those effects bro they sound wild uh and I'm excited to put them into the Main Music going to move on to the Melodies here I'm really excited to hear these [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that might be like one of my favorite Melody sets I've heard like I've never heard like a jazz style incredibox mod amazing okay moving on to the voices now come on come on yeah you got to be it come on come [Music] on yeah come on come [Music] on you got to be come on come [Applause] on [Music] on got be well of course on that note you know what time it is let's go ahead and get ourselves a nice groovy [Music] beat [Music] [Applause] he [Music] go there go yeah come on come on on yeah got to beat [Music] this [Music] [Applause] [Music] la [Music] [Applause] [Music] p [Music] dude I was really grooving with that this mod must be the grooviest mod I have ever gone over I didn't even know I like jazz like that that was incredible so it's really cool to see like a different theme going on here even like the animations and the pole designs and everything like that super awesome so on that note we're going to go check out the bonuses so let's check out bonus one [Music] [Applause] n [Music] oh my God the piano on that bonus was Majestic first off second off dude that bonus was awesome the whole animation thing to that was crazy okay let's let's move on to the second one now I'm I'm pretty damn excited [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] yeah dude these bonuses are incredible I honestly have no words for them dude did you see how like the polo like switch Styles in between the animations are top tier for this I um let's move on to bonus 3 and check that [Applause] out we're going to do something fun now it's cool and response so I'm going to sing something so what do I got here then you're going to sing something oh yeah that's right feel free to join [Music] in [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] sing [Music] [Music] [Music] the [Applause] that was good that long like WR lyrics for it when like gen damn that went hard dude it was like so interactive with that one okay that one was super long too that one was that one was a few Loops itself not only did this mod sound fantastic but the bonuses for it were incredible either way on that note I think it's going to wrap it up of course I would like to know what you guys think of the modart cuz personally I thought I thought it was incredible thank you guys so much for watching and thank you to the creators for letting me check this out early it was absolutely incredible I cannot wait to release this video and I'm curious to see what my intro is going to be like clearly Jazz themed thank you to all the people who have joined the Discord and thank you to all my members out there I really appreciate the support but uh on that note I guess I'll uh catch you guys in the next one stay [Music] groovy
Channel: Azarus
Views: 19,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: azarus, azarus yt, azerus, azarus ytp, incredibox mod, incredibox mods, incredibox, beatnik, incredibox beatnik, beatnik mod, beatnik incredibox, incredibox beatnik mod, beatnik incredibox mod, jazz incredibox, incredibox jazz, azarus beatnik, azarus incredibox, boogo x seal, incredibox jazz mod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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