This New Version is INSANE! - Sepbox v7 - Under-World

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[Music] how's it going everyone my name is azerus welcome back to some more incredibox today we're going to be switching it up I know a lot of people have been waiting for version three of colorbox it will come of course when I heard version 7 of setbox came out I had to check it out so here we are with the new mod called underworld also before we begin I do want to share with you some more fan art that we got in the channel in the Discord channel of course if you want to join it it'll be down in the description it's chill here I promise so first off we got the fan art that I showed in the previous video now I know you've heard this many times from me already but these are absolutely astonishing so once again thank you for sharing your work taking a look at the first one for for today we got one by Lex it's like pixel azerus how awesome is that to be honest I absolutely love pixel art and this is incredible dude they got me wearing the sunglasses they got me wearing a shirt with bread with sunglasses on it they even got me with a loaf of bread and a baguette on the top of my head got one coming in from silly now this art was based off of the version two of uh colorbox remember the uh game kid yeah seems like a similar kind of art style with me as bread going into the next one we got one from suji if you don't know this was was the thumbnail for the Breakthrough mod when I covered that and to be honest I really enjoy making like the horror style thumbnails a lot and this one right here dope as hell dude I love the chain I love the glowing eyes bro moving on to the next one we got one from Chief Fable and yes you're seeing that right it is me versus the cursed bread I would like to know which one you think would win dude a fight like that played on like the recursed soundtrack oh my God got another one coming in from suji this one was based off of I think it was the evacuate one dude I love these Recreations of the thumbnails it is so dope last but not least we got one coming in from Robin absolutely loving these artworks man I definitely got lost in the void with that artwork again thank you so much for sharing your artwork it means so much to me seeing these let's get into some underworld I'm actually curious to see what this one's going to sound like all right so just like every single mod I have no idea what this is going to sound like I am pretty damn excited for it though I really enjoyed the last few versions of setbox and I have been eagerly awaiting uh version set so here we are so just like every single mod we're going to be going over every single Polo then we're going over the Beats effects Melodies and voices but I think you should already know this by now so without further Ado let me make sure there's no hidden things I don't I don't think no hidden uh polos no nothing let's start off with the first beat ooh already starting off strong the animation was nice nice fast-paced beat for the start I was trying to take a look at his outfit I'm not not really too sure what kind of style this is going to be moving on what is that B2 whatever whatever this is yo why was that so detailed that was like crazy like the bone the whole skull that he was in was like super detailed again great start to the beats the I'm I'm really flabbergasted by the the the artwork on that one moving on to beat 3 the glasses dude I'm I'm really liking their designs and the gas mask definitely reminds me of a few mods that we've gone over previously different type of mask though again the detail is insane moving on to beat 4 I can only guess that's a drum I think I was right with the drums I don't know what was going on with that one though that was like a base beat beat going on damn that beat was like kind of powerful too right kind of vibrated my headphones there all right moving on to the tiger yeah okay those are some solid beats crazy detail on these the artwork for these polos are incredible all right moving on to the effects now this is where we hear the base the first [Music] one [Music] definitely like a deep synth type of Bas I like that again I feel like I'm going to say it every single Polo but like the designs for these are crazy that one was cool all right cool moving on to effect two I don't I don't know what that is [Music] [Music] so the TV the TV I don't know if you've realized this but uh a lot of my intros are based off of TV screens so I love when they bring TV style polos into this that one was crazy it like affected the the lighting on The Mod moving on to the [Music] chains all right hold on I have to collect myself here just give me a second I have my volume full blast in my headphones so that scared the hell out of me looking beyond that dope ass effect on that note let's move over to effect four that was cool it sounded like a clock but it almost it also sound like a flip being switched on and off super cool effect moving on to the book dude this is this is good this is good that was like some more synth I was here and there moving on to the Melodies now is that a crown or something I [Music] don't all right that one was a nice melody I haven't uh went over the seox versions in a hot minute but I am almost positive that that I Polo was in most versions of setbox moving on to the it looks like an arrow yeah like the the back of an [Music] arrow the melody was dope I love the Archer style that they're going with too all right moving on to the third one third Melody here I'm not even goingon to guess what that is because I have no [Music] idea haven't heard one bad Polo yet so far that one was very Majestic it was nice I I still have yet to know what that Polo is moving on to the cheese greater I actually no it's a mask okay [Music] yeah who created these polos looks bro I'm telling you they are crazy moving on to the oh we know that mask it was the chanting what version was that was that version like four yeah this Polo was chanting and it was a voice before all right let's hear it [Music] not what I was expecting am I tripping or does that not look like the skull mask okay maybe it was solid melodies the animation for that was also dope moving on to the voices now looks like a hair clip Maybe that one seems like it's going to like set the tone also I feel like I've seen that Polo too I'm sorry if I don't remember solid start to the voices but I am curious are we going to have lyrics so let's move on to the second one I'm thrown away to the darkness now your life depends on me I made a deal with the heartless you oh that duo was nice also that first it's part to the voice he sounds like uh doesn't he sound like tribal right tribal move forward stay strong moving on to the third one looks like a star Christmas tree is it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Christmas okay yeah I was I was waiting for AP poloo to be really fast-paced like that no it was not a Christmas tree star moving on to the second to last voice here not really too sure what that is although I do see some eyes maybe waiting in the silence for the day that cannot be waiting in the shadows for the ones that cannot see okay all right we definitely got some lyrics in here all right I'm excited to see what they're going to sound like with everything else moving on to the last one here this is definitely a necklace not bad not bad at all so let's move on to the Beats let's hear it dude sell Beats man those are those sound good the beats are hitting hard moving on to the effects [Music] [Music] a all right yeah dude this sounds like some kind of horror film also this uh that TV reminds me of the phone right moving on to the Melodies let's hear [Music] it [Music] [Music] I do have to say I really love when they introduce like the string instruments in there let's move on to the voices now see what we're working with here I made a deal with the heartless no one will remember you I'm thrown away to the [Music] [Applause] darkness definitely a lot going on there we might have to split that up though when we're doing the uh mix here either way you know what time it is now let's go and make a [Music] beat [Music] d [Music] [Music] I'm thrown away to the darkness made a deal with the heart youting inide for the day and canot be waiting in the shadows for [Music] the [Music] yeah another fantastic version to setbox I can definitely say I really enjoyed the whole setbox series that I went over and I'm super glad I was able to cover version 7 and again with the animations and the artwork for these posos are just they're just absolutely crazy so either way I think that's going to wrap it up thank you so much for watching I hope you guys enjoyed because I surely did please let me know how you think of this mod down in the comments thank you for all the members of the channel thank you for all the people whove joined the Discord and for those of you thinking of joining I will be awaiting your arrival thank you so much for watching I'll see you guys in the next [Music] [Music] video a
Channel: Azarus
Views: 19,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: azarus, azarus yt, azerus, azarus incredibox, incredibox mod, incredibox mods, incredibox review, incredibox scratch mod, incredibox scratch, incredibox, scratch incredibox mod, incredibox scratch sepbox, sepbox incredibox, incredibox sep box, azarus sepbox, sepbox scratch, underworld, incredibox underworld, incredibox under world, sepbox underworld, sepbox v7, underworld mod, underworld sepbox, v7 sepbox, sepbox, sepbox underworld v7, sepbox v7 review, sepbox underworld mod
Id: H4yo2sHiGvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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