The Grim Reaper Build Progression In Deepwoken.. [Finale]

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um okay the powers okay let's see if I get C I'll keep that as well [Music] like all right guys this is going to be the last part to the Grim re progression well hopefully this is going to be the last part if it says finale in the title then it's going to be the last part but if it says hash two then it's going to be part two and then I'm have to do a fady which is going to be kind of annoying but I'm hoping to Finish the build in this video all right so in the last video we we did quite a lot we got all the way to power 16 in one video we also got like these are our stats so far so in this video we need to get 80 Shadow C 65 agility 40 strength for show so and then with the rest we put into heavy weapon I don't really care about upgrading heavy weapon right now that's the last thing we're going to do um also on the wiki to get like we need blood Shadow we got reinforced the end of the last video and we really need blood Shadow uh but I'm talking to Mystic and I looked it up and apparently you have to you have to say to the um Mystic I am a friend to others but like that's just not there like it's literally just not here so I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to say uh I'm going be real uh wait let me see if it's in the in the montrous option let's see nope okay yeah it's just it's just not there I don't know why it's never there whenever I need a dialogue it's like mytic just never has it so I guess we're going to just have to get lucky with that um so yeah also I really want to get the drip sort out in this video cuz a lot of people are complaining on lastly that I don't look like a grim reaper at one I kind of agree but I do like this drip but um uh it's supposed to be a gmy progression so we're definitely to try and get a drip I'm probably going to go for profit cloak uh there's also some like dark hoods that you can get as well I'm definitely going to try and get like a dark Hood um and then I'm also going to try and get some like you know robe looking thing people recommend it to me the pale assassin cloak and just dye it like black so I'm probably going to do that okay these guys just starts asking me if convert and then I immediately start getting ganged okay this is this is what you get for being a YouTuber nowadays bro this is what you get for being a YouTuber bro all right come here okay shadowa okay hit him again broke break him again Onslaught okay onsl is still my favorite mono okay I need to stop gessing up onso in the last video everyone was saying oh you should just rename this to the onso progession cuz I was gessing up the whole video chill bro I is it illegal to like a MCH or something like what's going on bro okay UT okay I really want to kill this guy cuz if I do this will be a very very very very embarrassing let's Dash in Block break unfortunately we didn't land the block break cuz I suck at this game okay block break again uppercut into dark blade okay missed the shadow gun okay okay par that that's fine on S again okay he's getting better at powering okay I had a had a minor lag Spike there oh yeah I need ground support as well bro I need Grand support cuz uh my reinforce does not heal me right now okay I that was sick I predicted the event I love it when you predict the event it's like the most satisfying thing in the game okay he's actually getting [ __ ] destroyed bro oh my God all right let's see if he had anything good on him he had some bless chems and stuff like that you know matter of fact I'm going just take everything he had on him bro I don't care I'm taking everything all right I joined a different server and there's like four five stars that are chilling at Mina okay and I bro I love okay I can see them down there bro and whenever I Cod to Min I can never see them cuz it's just like they blend them with the snow all right hopefully they're not all together cuz I'm not trying to get um like 4v1 at the same time I would have mind it if I had blood Shadow but I don't have blood Shadow yet so uh yeah this guy doesn't look like he has a any one with him though okay let's see he's probably going to look though I feel like this guy's going to look he's the type of guy that he looks like the type of guy that would look okay he has s heart okay oh wait that's perfect actually oh wait never mind I don't have the flowers on me um all right come here oh okay oh all right okay now these MPS are going to be like hella annoying bro these MPC are going going be hella annoying I can already tell okay you know I'm I'm going just let him kill the NPCs all right cool I guess we we are definitely not going contractor on this build all right I'm going to let him kill that NPC and then I'm going to start ganking him how has he not killed the NPC yet bro I bro I kind of feel bad this guy is not that good at the game all right cool okay okay he's finally knocked it all right let's go let's One V one put the Dem mask away let's go M2 okay it's a silaw so I have to be very careful cuz they do a [ __ ] ton of damage oh my God okay and this server is not helping at all with the lag okay this server is so laggy oh my God all right come here all right M2 uppercut into dark blade uppercut into dark blade is just one of my favorite things in this build it's so satisfying all right I want to try and land an onslaught Onslaught oh it doesn't inst the guard break anymore I thought in I thought on oh wait maybe it's cuz that's silent h okay never mind never mind it's cuz that's Sil my bad all right cool GG wait let's not grab them in the Vo I don't want to be toxic all right cool with SH then bro uh yeah I I don't know I just don't want to grip people in vo zones I feel kind of bad uh all right let's see oh we going an inchant how much HP okay that's really really bad though uh yeah that's not as good as man definitely not uh do you have anything good on him had a blue Jem that's some decent stuff to be fair I'm going just grab everything and just set it like I always do yeah unfortunately once she gets like power 16 it starts getting like hella long to level up as a void Walker since I don't I don't know bro it just gets so long like every five star gang grants you like two or three investment points is like really really bad oh my God all right guys I'm going to keep it Buck I died okay I died and I deleted the footage cuz the guy was five stars and I got destroyed okay the server was 200 Ping Man like what the why why is Roblox putting me in Singapore servers for no reason I don't understand what's wrong with Roblox so like I'm always going I like I need to just remember to always check my [ __ ] region before I gang people yeah I just got a Quick Grip over here uh let's see if we got any investment points that we should have got like at least two all right cool two three oh okay three that's Cal Four okay wait oh no never mind that didn't count all right let's just Spam this all right cool yeah we we did get two all right that's fine um I'm going to try and find another grip in the server I don't think I will be able to do cuz all the fire stars are ching and monkeys PO for some weird reason all I have a perfect idea if I can kill the guy at ancient Rance and then I can go all the way sail over to monkeys po kill all the people at monkeys Po and steal all their pale assassin cloes and then die them black bro that's just the method right now okay never mind plan failed the guy loged uh let's see okay there bro there's just no one else to gank in the server I'm actually going to have to run all the way to monkeys point I'm not doing that bro I want like I wanted to get a TP to like song Seeker but unfortunately they guy all right there are a bunch of people some out in the server all five star so I'm going to try and yank them I'm probably going to get my [ __ ] rooked but um you know it's worth the try all right is this guy by himself I can't tell okay how am I supposed to get over there without dying um I can probably try and wait hold on I have a glider all right let's go this why you always need to get gliders on your builds all right come here come here dust Mo oh you have a scyth as well why you running no way where did they go don't tell me they did they l there's no [ __ ] way they just look for me that's actually crazy all right cool I guess D dice it is let's see if this person is in reach okay they're in reach let's hope that this person doesn't look bro they're both five stars they literally power 20 builds and they're high higher level than me all right let's use the Strat to get uh up to where it was last time I love gliders so much bro every time I'm making a progression I'm always crafting a glider bro people keep on telling me to do it but I always forget like I just never craft it bro all right let's see we need to go around and find this guy it's going to be so hard to find him now cuz I don't have the [ __ ] like the ESP thing anymore oh never mind he's right over here wait is that him please tell me that's dust I'm ganking him anyways yeah it's dust let's [ __ ] go all right come here dust okay par that crit nope I'm upping you [ __ ] all right come here okay into into un okay I missed the ons oh he has on as well that's cold Dodge into an M2 okay never mind this guy's actually good at the game this guy is actually good at the game Let's activate our shade with to put him off you feel me okay into Shadow SL never mind he hit me canceled it M2 Shadow soul I mean Shadow gun oh [ __ ] oh oh my no no no no no no no no no no no okay which them which them okay M two please okay this guy's actually really good holy [ __ ] okay okay damn this guy's actually good okay hold on this is going to be a very difficult fight okay spit M2 I need to like I need to land on M2 okay oh my god let's not get hit by that okay okay yeah that's going to definitely blow braid me all right hit him with a shadow gun not hit him with anything bro oh my God this guy's actually a [ __ ] demon on oh all right shadowa okay never mind I have an ether bro oh this is such a painful thing not having ether bro like ganking Max builds I don't mind ganking Max builds oh he says y can I get that event one sec all right all right cool we're resuming the fight off to the event finished bro okay uh upper cut into dark blade perfect M two again okay never mind we [ __ ] it up we [ __ ] up we [ __ ] it up on yep perfect all right cool Dash into with this Shadow gun oh [ __ ] my shadow gun missed M2 upper kind of dark blade again okay have money P it I'm a [ __ ] all right come here oh Shadow Sal that was good par that oh my God bro yo we're actually going to win we actually might win this hold on hold on okay never mind we're we're going to [ __ ] lose we're going to [ __ ] lose I can't jump I can't jump what the [ __ ] he has the [ __ ] Talent where you can't jump you hit crit someone okay okay and that let's not get off the edge M2 again uh Shadow gun okay par that okay come on come on bro come on I believe in myself we can win this I believe I believe I believe I believe himit with that okay bro my shadow munchers do no damage right now though I do need to level them up people telling me that you can level up at song Seeker now so I'm going to have to definitely Jo and try Okay power up okay no we're dead [ __ ] oh my God okay that didn't do that that much damage actually I don't think he has it leveled up to level five where is he chilling up here all right come on okay on s k kick him down all right bro oh this going to be this is so difficult I don't have any forms of regeneration yeah oh my god oh yeah no I'm dead you can't par that [ __ ] okay spit uper car into darkg blade again come on bro no way we win this fight if we win this fight I'm actually going to be so guess come here okay no yeah we're dead [ __ ] GG bro I just don't have any forms of regen this guy's got like so much more Health than me yeah bro it's just painful not having any erudition at all or nothing like that I have no like like I don't have any Tempo at any point in time I just don't have any ether cuz we're such a low level and all that [ __ ] like it's just difficult as hell finding power FS um especially with no forms of regeneration but as soon as we get blood Shadow and Grand support we're definitely like be up to fight five stars like that guy a lot easier I guarantee you if I if I had blood Shadow during that fight I probably could have won um I'm pretty sure he was decently low he was probably like at least one B but yeah I definitely need to level up my shadow Cass moners cuz right now they're 100% dealing like no damage cuz they're level one um so I'm going to escape the deps sew all my [ __ ] probably get a decent amount from it and then hopefully we spawn in at SSE I think we're going to spawn in Sun car um yeah and then I'm going to level up all my MERS I don't actually know what the trainer is someone told me that it's at song Seeker like near the church just they they said it's to the left of the church so I'm going have to go on a [ __ ] I'm have to go on a treasure hun and try and find it myself but yeah actually while we're in the depths let's check if scribo is here cuz I do need to get an all tentacle so I can actually craft my endgame armor uh please be here scribo he is not here okay that's interesting bro I swear scribble is just never here all right I'm feeling a bit um I'm feeling a bit risky today so I'm going to press this thingy over here I've never actually press this before apparently if you press it it just makes your travel way harder and I'm I'm feeling a bit like I'm feeling like a bit of a level today so yeah let's see and plus I've got a decently good weapon and it has an insta guard break crit so what could really go wrong yeah now we definitely do not have tap da so I'm trying to spam it right now yeah I need to get tap Dan to ASAP bro like playing without tap Dan is just so disgusting like I feel off I just don't feel good without tap Dan you get what I mean all right let's see what this Tri actually is oh a bone keeper okay interesting why is a bone Keeper in floor one I mean layer one sorry okay let's Dodge that give me the shot gun this going to be hella hella easy hopefully this gives me some exp actually hopefully this gives me a decent amount of exp that'll be very very nice let's hope let's hope all right does that okay never mind okay I forgot you can't roll cancel those moves cuz even if you roll cancel it perfectly it still doesn't Dodge it Parry that come here all right and want to make oh already blow broken Dam oh my God we do so much clure damage heavy weapons that's why I love heavy weapons so much they're so good for PVE all right those that okay yeah okay we've already got agility as potential this guy has so much health though bro without train of perfection I would never ever even think of trying this bro train of perfection Perfection just makes you like this like way way easier all right cool he's already dead okay now we have to fight is that a king thha okay it's a king ther I'm pretty sure the king th is going to be a lot harder than the um than the B keeper but we see okay th that Doge that perfect all right cool P that okay it's bugging out the monsters have to move more guys the monsters have to move more please bro I don't know why they made threshes move move this much around bro like they back up every 2 seconds bro that's the only thing that actually makes thres difficult the fact that they back up every two seconds for no reason okay the S lagged a little bit there interesting all right cool we're still chilling we're still chilling I feel like we can beat this come here okay yep give me my health back perfect damn is that o is that it no way that's it all okay that's actually easiest heal oh my God bro we just got like six investment points from that one trial I'm always doing that trial when I'm Escaping The Depths now what the hell oh gun support finally all right all I need now is tap dancer and blood Shadow and we're chilling come on give me blood Shadow or tap dancer okay nothing good uh being block broken I'm going to get B trap actually B trap is a very very annoying talent to fight against uh dark syy EXO oh I needed EXO as well actually that's good I'm happy that I got EXO to be honest uh okay but we do not have blood Shadow or tap down here which is also very very annoying uh and then we have four air addition now all okay perfect all right you know what I actually kind of forgot where I lost voided um but if it's like if it's at um star swept I'm going to just run over to for mer and I'm actually just going to switch talents cuz I have a [ __ ] ton of knowledge and I really want to get blood Shadow and tap down like there's someone like yeah okay we're in BL R yeah I'm going to uh format real quick but yeah now bro it's just so annoying not having tapon and not having blood Shadow as all oh there's a stone goem over there actually I'm I'm going to kill there okay never mind the two freshes are off to me as well okay okay relax relax relax relax relax relax relax relax relax relax okay we need to kill these freshers ASAP bro I'm going trying to die I'm not trying to die okay yo chill chill chill chill okay yep go crazy Stone Golem go crazy okay cool one's dead okay yeah no we're chilling we're chilling we're chilling bro Stone Golem for the win's helping me out all right cool oh and I'm getting void walk I interesting wait I think I'm am I getting void War I I think I am oh he's on the knives of Elis all right let's kill this all right all right cool perfect oh he dropped the Relic X Perfect all Co I'm getting ganked by some I'm getting banked by he said ver question mark I said what's up and then he starts ganking me all right let's see if we can win this fight we should be able to win this fight this guy doesn't look too high of a level um but he is also ganking for I'm a four star so he he's very confident in his skills I respect that he's kind of like me all right all right let's Dodge that and then Onslaught him [ __ ] love Onslaught so much upper into dark blade again all right he vented it fair enough he is iron sying so he is going to be doing a lot of damage but we're actually chilling right now never mind his his M all level one I'm pretty sure same with mine so we're both doing like equal amounts of damage but he has a really bad weapon unfor unfortunately for him Onslaught okay he dodged that uppercut into shadowa never mind he's getting better at the getting better at powering uppercuts okay let's uh hit him with the dark blade okay never mind go damn he's actually yeah he is good aarion up never mind I [ __ ] it up oh we hit him with that that's nice that's nice all right bro oh wait oh yeah I forgot I have grand support now all right heal me oh my God it's so nice having heals bro you guys don't understand how nice it is having heels finally after not having it for so long on slau okay let's try on the shadow I maned all of it bro vent please I was spamming G okay oh my okay okay nah n okay okay okay okay I forgot how much damage needle barage does I into dark blade okay I want to hit him with an onslaught so that's like I'm going to dodge one of his attacks and then I'm going to hit move on okay it works every time but unfortunately it doesn't like insta guard break anymore I need to level also up uh I'm definitely going to do that probably yeah I'm definitely going to do that in today's episode I'm going to try and get all the way to Hive and do all the share iive cuz I do really want a level five on spot or a level four for now but I'll get level five eventually once I get a heavy weapon come here all right do that bro this fight has been going on for so long this guy is definitely not on no low level I'm pretty sure he's like like he's like one of the he's doing like a shine of aut build 100% all right cool GG BR God damn that fight lasted so long he was actually way more tankier GG big fan thank you I appreciate it all right did he have anything good on him oh wait I needed a good scuff yeah that's definitely better than mine let me equip that uh did he have anything else no he didn't have anything good on him all right cool I'm going to take these diamonds all right cool let's go and make our way over to for merit now and switch out our talents I want to I need to see uh once I get that I'm going to put on a campfire pit cuz I actually need to see what talents that I don't need um that I can switch out for thingy oh there's red sh as well all right cool we got a pale assassin's Hood but we didn't get the pale assassin's clo I think this is the hood that I might be using let me know in the comments guys this is this the right Hood like is like I'm pretty sure this is the right hood that I'm going to have to D black and use um to make me look like a a grim reaper I'm probably going to use this and the pale assassin's cloak die them both black uh which means I have to do a floor two run which I'm only going to do one flow to I'm just going to turn everything into diet packet and then um yeah yeah that should be good cuz yeah I do really want to make up myself look like a actual Grim Reaper in this progression I also need to get profess C so yeah let's uh there's a lot of stuff I need to do in this video but I can definitely get it all done 100% damnn they even made like the floor of the inside of former red as well that's cool as hell all right let me put down my CH dwelling cuz I don't have any wood on me for some weird reason uh and I need to see what talents I don't need like what talents I do not mind giving up for now um hello okay cool we're chilling and cuz this is a uh this isn't a shrine of order build that means that we don't have to worry about getting rid of rare talents cuz we can get them back again later so yeah let's see wait why do I have 15 free points huh wait bro I'm so confused why do I have 15 free points okay I'm so confused I don't know why I have this I I have no clue why I have this okay that's very very weird cuz someone tell me in the comments bro I'm so confused I don't have Auto detect or anything I'm so confused why do I have okay you know what let let not let's not look into it um all right uh let's see what we don't need uh Fishman I could get rid of Fishman and get it back later but also Fishman is pretty good cuz it gives 5 HP um I'm probably going to get rid of I'm going to get rid of loot skipper for now and I'm also going to get rid of let's see what else do I not need as well uh loot Skipper and the Wy score yeah okay I'm going to get rid of loot Skipper and Wy score CU I don't need every of them right now um and I can get them back later very very easily um so yeah loot Skipper first 100% let's get rid of that okay come on give me blood Shadow come on okay you know what we got both of these I'm going to get tap Daner all right now let's get rid of what was the other one that I need to get rid of it was uh wy's CLW here we go all right let's see what we get please give me blood Shadow chronostasis hey blood shadow let's go all right cool now we need cheap shot but I don't need cheap shot like right now it's just a nice thing to have but I definitely did need uh tab down set and blood Shadows yeah now now we're going to be able to do gangs a lot easier I'm very very happy with that um so yeah I'm going to go and make my way over to S Seeker so I can start leveling up my mantras cuz I do need to get uh level uh I think I get level three maners with this yeah I should be able to get level three MERS all right cool I'm assuming this is the person that okay yeah this is the person that changed your shadow moves I'm definitely going to level up Shadow gun first how many times I can up twice yeah yeah okay level three okay once I get to 60 Shadow cost I'm going to come back here 100% so yeah I'm going to get I'm going to just get everything to level three and then I'm going to go to padon I'm in the content PS right now so I don't get the sub the primon because usually people do that they're like really weird um so I'm going to go primon kill uh a few pons until I get a pair of assassin Coke and then I'm going to go to the depths do a layer two run floor two run uh get some die packets and then we're finally going to start looking like an actual Grim Reaper another thing that I really want to do is is I want to get profits Coke so I have all the [ __ ] on an all that I need to craft it but I just need the schematic so hopefully we get the profits Coke schematic from PR as well that that'll make my day bro why does it cost 2,000 notes for an iron singer that's actually insane bro they should make it like BR bro nah 2.3k is crazy I would rather sound like 500 600 but 2.3k is actually insane he should almost be dead I hope at least he's been in his second place for a good like 3 to 4 minutes like I'm scared that he's going to despawn like it's it's that bad bro I'm scared that he's going to despawn I do like like no damage to him at is crazy um but yeah hopefully we can kill him cuz I do want to get his rewards very very badly and plus we get knowledge as well not like I need it but we do get knowledge in him um so yeah I definitely okay hey let's go we [ __ ] beat him all right perfect wait what did he drop Eternal lone all right cool let's see if we get a uh pale assassin cloak um from the chest wa like all all right let's see what we get uh um obsidian Dam that's a lot of um obsidian uh nothing too good you know I'm going just take all the cuz it doesn't even take up space in my inventory um okay nothing good so far I'm kind of mad that we're not we haven't got a single pa assassin cak yet black de broken cloak I'll take that I guess uh nothing good nothing good still oh okay okay never mind that's terrible wait hold on the helmet n the the t is the helmet is terrible as well not even a deep gem damn bro all right nothing good nothing good again oh a frear visual I do not want that bro no way we don't get a single p ass Coke from this right okay two star I'll take that I guess damn we didn't get a single P ass Coke that's actually crazy all right cool we finally power 18 two more levels then we're finally a Max build well not Max build we finally got the good stuff okay and I got loot Skipper again I'm just going to [ __ ] bur Lo skip bro give me fair fair is a very very good TI that's shitty um St as bulldozer Shadow overflow [ __ ] get bulldozer why the hell not from the deep Shadow Vex oh E clips kick that is exactly what I wanted bro give me clips kick uh shade whis yeah [ __ ] it bro I do not even like shade wh bro I can't lie I haven't used shade with ever since I realized what it does someone told me all it does is literally just make you surrounded in darkness I do not care about that at all I'm going to put Clips K here do I have a spring Spock on me no no I do not I need to get that definitely though cuz Clips Kake over a spring Spock is [ __ ] amazing uh Onslaught I'm going to put yeah I'm going to put Onslaught there why the hell not all right cool we have blood shot everything all right I'm going to keep on killing Pon I'm even kiding I've killed him another three times and I still haven't got a single P assassin CL I don't know why it's so rare but it is what it is all right cool I find got a pale assassin cloak from pron bro that took like that took way too long to get I've been fing with my friend for like literally the past like half an hour all right let's see okay cool nothing else that's good but I also need to get a prophet oh my God yo okay cool I got a prophet clak as well okay we got everything we need now all right cool we have absolutely everything we need I need to get uh some good armor though because I do not want to like you know I don't want to make this a schematic actually wait that's better than mine you know I'm going just use this for now all right cool that's perfect um so yeah now I need to go down to the depths and do a layer two run I also need to get profit Coke I'm going to craft profit Coke right now cuz I have everything that I need to craft on on all um which is perfect so yeah we're going to like bro we're getting so close to being Max all I need to do now is get Bell get my oath um I'm I'm like I'm I going to be getting oess or link Strider cuz I really can't be asked to get contract I would be so rare of you um so yeah I'm leaning more towards getting oess but I feel like the viewers would probably want me to get um link trer so I don't know we'll see we'll see but yeah I'm definitely going to get an oath in this video uh and then we need to get d as well so there's a lot of things that we need to do um so yeah let's uh's I need I need to hurry up bro cuz I'm trying to get this video out today all right cool this is what the drip is going to look like but this just with profits cloak and this is going to be fully black as well I can't lie I actually do like this drip bro whoever told me in the a bunch of people telling me to get P ass assassin cloak in the last video but like I didn't I forgot how drippy P assassin cloak actually is and especially when it's going to be black as well it's going to be so [ __ ] drip um also I use the 15 investment points to the campfire and I put it into strength and Shadow cost as well um so yeah we're getting very very close to maxing the build out I'm going to be completely honest with you we're definitely going to be able to max out on this video so um yeah I'm I'm happy this is going to be a two-part PR instead of a three part cuz three part progs are the worst bro I [ __ ] hate doing free po progs so much I have a one or two parts those are my favorite all right cool we should finally be able to craft black di let's see uh okay never we we're missing five okay wait that's the wrong thing okay yeah yeah we can craft it all right cool perfect I thought get scared for a second oh my God we're actually looking so [ __ ] drip all right cool all we need to do now is just uh uh die the armor fully black and then we like we're set Bro the drip is the drip is finished bro we're actually looking so good though I'm actually very very happy with this and yeah we also need to get our Bell I'm probably going to D the Bell black as well or I'll just keep the color of it if it looks nice um so yeah we'll see I'm going to go all the way to uh layer 2 and do one floor two one I'll just cut so when I kill ethon cuz uh none of you guys want to watch me uh do floor one all right I may have made a very severe lapse in my judgment I am very close to running out of food and hunger so I'm praying that I level up randomly like you know uh mid e run but I don't know bro it's going to be scary as [ __ ] I hate I bro I hate how you can't get food and water like I wish they like made it so you can get there like like a [ __ ] water place outside the E that would be like very very helpful to next but let's just hope that I I level up or I or I don't die or I kill him fast enough I paid five medallions for the damage boost and I also have an is ring on so I should be able to kill him fast enough but I'm just praying that I don't die bro hunging that would be the most depressing death the time all right cool we killed ethon and we leveled up as soon as we killed him bro so I'm guess we we're not dying today let's [ __ ] go uh Cent stasis l in Sor uh I'm going to get l in Sor I don't really want Cent stasis right now I'm trying to get other talents Meador dark Synergy yes I'm trying to get all the [ __ ] Shadow talents I really want to get shadow travel as well let's uh go a kiss okay we got a [ __ ] kiss e of gluton wow how how how convenient bro how convenient okay let me take all these [ __ ] gems uh okay let's run away now all right let's continue opening on Talent shade bring a strong left uh I don't think I'm going to get any of the I want get shade Brer though 100% I'm going to get this and replace it with dark blade for now cuz dark blade is getting kind of ass I'm not going to lie and then I'm going to get uh yeah yeah I'm getting six out Edition all right cool come all right so we have a bunch of medallions 29 I'm going to see if I can get like one chest on the way out if not I don't really care to be honest cuz all I need is D packets anyways and then after that all I need to do now is get power 20 and get Bell finally out of T Layer Two let's start to Claris all right cool show anything about these what do you have to offer okay let's get two equipment guys here we go all right cool equipment die uh p and cloak let's see how dark can we actually make it bro okay okay okay I thought I thought I'll be able to make it like black bro I can't lie okay you know what let's see can we make the helmet do at least we it like okay that's it's okay that didn't even change the helmet at all what the [ __ ] is going on okay let me try that again oh it's cuz I did the wrong thing by accident all right cool you know what it's like dark gray you know it does actually look kind of drip I do like this it's definitely not black though but um you can't make it Black on unfortunately cuz these developers don't want us to have drip for some weird reason it still does look very [ __ ] good though I do like this it's a very very good outfit um so yeah all I need to do now is get Bell so I'm going to go and do a [ __ ] ton of dukes and uh I think wait that's uncapped our heavy weapon now finally right okay cool I'm going start tring my heavy weapon as well uh no more dumbbell let's look that and okay we're chilling all right cool what I need to do now is just do a [ __ ] ton of Dukes until I get bow so I'm going just I'm going just cut uh uh when I'm doing the Dukes so if I get anything good from Dukes all right cool I'm power finally power 20 bro after it took me five Dukes to get like 10 investment points I'm not even kidding I don't know why they made him give so XP but you know is what it is uh L your mind yo wait what I might I might actually get man on this on this build you know I don't think I'm ever going to use that but I might get it nah I'm not going to get it I'm going to get the shadow t for now I don't need man I don't even have her TR uh Berserker dark rift oh yeah dark rift is absolutely amazing I think it Stacks with ghost as well oh shadow travel I needed that as well wait how do I still not have shift lock I mean uh not shift lock sorry uh um kickoff I don't know what this is actually Rising Shadow is very very good though I'm definitely going to get that uh I'm going switch out with Onslaught but when I get uh I'm definitely going to get on back don't worry I'm I'm not switching up now okay now I need to do like I'm going to do like two more dukes and then I'm finally going to go and Bell check myself cuz I should definitely have it after that I finally got Bell uh I got I didn't get draw of Soul somehow uh even though it's like I usually get like every single time so I'm going to quickly R my bell and see what I get I'm really hoping that I get a draw of souls cuz like I want to and then after that I need to quickly level up all my mantras I'm not going to bother leveling up rainforce I can't lie cuz I use it only for blood Shadow as well um and yeah I want to get level five mantras since I I've got eight Shadow C now cuz I want to absolutely destroy everybody all right cool let's not make the same mistake I did in the last uh the last progression where I accidentally escaped the D through theal wish um okay the powers okay let's see if I get C I'll keep that as well [Music] like this is the first time I've ever got me in my entire life no [ __ ] way I'm actually so happy bro this is actually just completed the entire build all right cool we finally uncorrupted ourwe Bel I'm actually still so [ __ ] happy I got that Bel this is the first time I ever got kwi in my entire like two years of playing [ __ ] de all right let's uh level up our Muse 100% I'm going to max out Eclipse kick first cuz that's our highest highest damage dealing Mantra by far uh Eclipse kick and the clips kick again all right cool it should be level five now right all right cool with ch now I'm going to start leveling up shadow gone I don't really care about leveling up Shadow assault or shade bringer I'm going to be real okay and then Rising Shadow as well I'm going to get both of those max out I think I can get a Mex out can I is it level five hey all right cool we're chilling all right we've got level five Rising Shadow level five eclip kick level five Shadow gun how much does it take not that much all right cool now let's go [ __ ] ganking with our k bro now that the build's max all I need to do now is get contractor and I Chang my yeah I'm going to be getting contractor on this build but I'm too I'm too lazy to do it in this video I can't lie and I want to get this video out by today so I'm going to go I'm going to go g k him with K all right we have a bunch of five stars and like two of them are s Seeker chilling together so I'm pretty sure they're like okay never mind he wait is he holding someone come here come here let me kill this guy okay activate the blood Shadow okay I didn't activate blood Shadow unfortunately cuz I'm really like bad at the game okay he's using guns okay yeah guns are so balanced bro guns are so balanced okay M2 Dodge that into a clipse kick okay never mind okay I'm actually getting my [ __ ] smoked bro what developer design to me guns this good I missed pre-layer two guns man okay now I don't know okay and I don't know why they gave guns rang bullets as well this is like actually ridiculous how good guns are they need a Nerf I'm pretty sure everyone can agree that guns need a Nerf bro guns like do ridiculous damage okay okay Rising Shadow come here M2 perfect into Shadow gun okay never mind he bought that okay M2M again oh my God he's getting [ __ ] destroyed though even though he's like the most broken build in the entire game the most cringe build in the entire game holy crap oh my God you're so cringe how is this fa in anyway all right come here into CP kick okay gays as well nice really balanced by the way I don't know why they ever decide to give guns uh uh what's it called [ __ ] rang bullets I don't know what the devs are smoking on the day they decide to do that but you know is what it is I guess into a c kick okay and he's just he's just the speed of light oh my God I can't he's just walking backwards and shooting me with a bow I don't know what developer fo is good good idea to make guns have range bullets and you still died you still [ __ ] die with the most broken build in the entire game I'm still going to say GG but I'm mad I'm not even mad at you I'm mad at the developers bro for making that build even a thing all right uh okay nothing good rip all right we've got another five star gank this guy's a star swep this time and I have no clue where he is all right he's all the way over here okay he's Gliding Over to somewhere where is he gliding to okay let's not Agro that sh that would be very very annoying all right cool I'm going to go glider glider Chase we're doing a glider Chase right now I don't know where he's trying to go like oh he's trying oh he's going up there oh he didn't get up there on time okay we're gonna we're going to dive we're going to dive on him bro I wish that K didn't like you know get away from your Bounty which is it's pretty annoying but you know that's what it is I guess bro what is he doing oh he put on a guil base oh [ __ ] wa I need to get into that guil base oh he's using the Gil base to climb okay come here let's go let's go crazy okay Rin Shadow okay he powered up he's good okay do I still not have tap Downs there's no way I don't have tap down so still I'm pretty sure I got it yeah I got it what am I talking about I'm tripping P that into a CPS kick Dodge P that oh my God he does so much damage all right okay dark rift is very very overpowered I love dark rift so much okay I really want to bloodshot of this guy okay we got the blood Shadow going on oh [ __ ] that could have been really really bad P that upper cut into Clips kick I should uppercut into eclip kick more I think that like that would actually be a good way to land it but I can't land an eclipse kick on this guy cuz this guy I mean uppercut on this guy cuz he's actually good at Power in Rising Shadow okay we missed the Rising Shadow again I'm actually so bad I need to get used to Rising Shadow okay I could have spine C there actually I don't I don't think I even have spine cter bro I need to get that as well there's a bunch of things I'm going to do off camera on this build but it's pretty much maxed and it's very very fun I'm enjoying this build quite a lot this is probably the most fun I've had on a build so far progressing like to this day okay Dodge that I don't know what he's trying to do oh okay oh my God if he got ped off the edge I was about to be so [ __ ] mad you know what I'm not going to grip him I'm going get I'm going let him live cuz he was progressing bro I kind of feel bad like he came came all the way up here even though he's a Max build almost but you know is what it is there's no point gripping him bro I let him live and he says this is worse than someone saying easy fight me please it's okay bro don't worry all right I'm not going to grip him bro this guy's cool as [ __ ] I'm going to try and find another gank now I want to do at least two more successful ganks and I actually want to gank like people with bells and Sh like that like that guy doesn't even have BT or anything I lowy feel bad for him he's good at the game though but I still feel bad though I want to gank people with bells like maxed out Bells okay this guy like actually wants me f him okay let's go all right he actually wants me to grip him okay fine if I knock him again I I'll definitely grip him I kind of bro this guy is cool as [ __ ] bro he actually like wants me to fight him to the death he's like this is worse than saying easy that's funny as [ __ ] bro all right let me okay bro my Rising Shadow Never Lands all right upper into Eclipse kick oh my God I know that hurts okay Shadow gun Dodge that okay what the what just happened all right Shadow so yep and KCK ooh GG bro you want me to grip all right I got a five star bouncy let's hope that this guy doesn't log or anything okay he's chilling over there wait no no no no no get call me quick bro okay oh my no get oh my God I'm actually such an idiot bro I completely forgot about that wait hold on let me go back yeah now the developers really need to make it so if you go into com it's kind of like a Gil based thing like it doesn't actually [ __ ] uh take you uh like you know TP you away cuz that [ __ ] is so annoying oh okay we're already at s Seeker uh let's see if I can go on find them cuz I really want to gank this guy oh yeah I really want to try something um it's where you [ __ ] go into your K yeah and then you type like SL e teleport and then their username and then you come out of the com like exactly where they are like I want to try that [ __ ] so badly all right cool I really need to learn how to use Ki bro cuz I don't know where the hell I am right now okay I'm I'm right above like the place over here I'm pretty sure I can hear people fighting down there so I really want to like oh I really want to do that to finish the progression I really want to do that like SL e teleport thingy bro that would be so [ __ ] cool let me see if I can find anyone uh is there anyone down here I swear I just heard someone punching something maybe it's the same guy that was over there oh wait over here okay okay we're trying it we're trying to we're trying to we're trying to all right hold on where where do this TP me to let me hold down and see okay that TPS me there okay let's TP over here okay we're chilling we're chilling SL e teleport teleport wait I need to know his name though that's that's so depressing all right come here let's go come here okay M2 okay attack again yep okay I need to blood Shadow him he's a sound H so he's going to be doing a lot of damage so I can't really get I don't want to get hit by this guy up into Eclipse kick okay he vented it obviously bro why is vents not right I'm so confused I swear I thought sart's thingies were supposed to be red okay and one again upper cut again into shade of out into oh wait that would have been cold par that uper cut into Eclipse K again oh where'd he go oh he's behind me I'm an IDI M two uper shade ofour okay we're chilling bro I'm not going to grip him I feel bad all right unfortunately we couldn't find like any people with bels a gank it's like really hard to find good ganks nowadays especially like in good ping servers like I can join a high poop server but the Ping's going be like 200 cuz the stupid ass event hopefully when the Halloween event is over the servers will be fixed again but yeah I really jooin this progression I'm going to rate this build like an like like this progression I'm going to name I'm I'm 10 out of 10 we got come we Fam I'm guessed this progression was like fun as H and I managed to complete in two videos we didn't get an oath sadly but you really don't need an oath on this build I'm definitely going to get contract to though cuz it kind of goes with the whole like you know G Reaper Vibe but yeah I really [ __ ] love this build uh 9 out of 10 in the build and then 10 out of 10 on the prog I love this prog so much um if you guys enjoyed it as well remember to leave a like on the video If you guys get this video to 1K likes overnight I'll actually I I'll make sure to make the next progression that I'm going to be doing tomorrow which is the Necromancer progression um I'll make sure to do it tomorrow I'll upload it tomorrow if you get this video to 1K likes um also yeah subscribe as well I'm trying to hit 50k we're like 44k already which is [ __ ] crazy I love you guys and I hope you guys have a wonderful day
Channel: vert
Views: 51,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deepwoken, layer 2, prog, progression, solo prog, solo progression, deepwoken progression, deepwoken solo prog, deepwoken solo progression, broken, insane, vampire, NEW, META, GANK, build review, how to, vert, vert deepwoken, new roblox anime game, new roblox game, cc game roblox, peroxide, type soul, peroxide new game, bleach game roblox, best game on roblox
Id: uQ9Hf8rrKMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 37sec (2317 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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