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thank you [Music] oh Jesus Christ bro oh my God [Music] bro all right guys so in today's video as you can tell by the title and the thumbnail we're doing the kokoshi book progression I know I don't look too much like him right now but as you can see in the thumbnail that's what we're going to be looking like at the end of this um instead of getting vampirism intron uh someone told me to get nemesis in China because it literally has eyeballs on the sword so like that's like perfect in my opinion um the original plan for this build was to get all the right Gods tapped on slow uh Shrine of order and then get 54 to the 80 ShadowCraft and 100 um medium and then one into Gale and I'll say like why I'm getting one to go later um but unfortunately I'm an idiot and instead of putting uh 65 into willpower I put 45 into intelligence so I can get master Craftsman um because I thought it was only 60 willpower 40 intelligence to get all the records but I was completely wrong so we basically just because of that initially just because of that we can't uh get a blood shatter anymore it's fine enough that anyways gonna get exoskeleton uh we're gonna get eight Shadow cost 100 medium use this freestyle Katana that I found gave to me earlier to shout out to that guy I didn't clip it though so I'm sorry but yeah all right so obviously we went um with experience we can get like the you know the true level could you put no the triple eyes Okay so that's why that's why I went to vesperian um I'm gonna be dyeing the hair uh purplish um the Megalodon code is the closest thing to his robe in my opinion so yeah I'm gonna die that purple we're using this uh vigil with like swordsman alfazol for like you know the samurai kind of look and I was going to be using the shy Katana this is a normal Katana but we have a free slash kind of here so hopefully we don't die before we can hook up it but you probably will um but we'll see um the end goal for this build I'm gonna actually read them out right now let me get up so we are going to be going first form Moon breathing is going to be wind blade okay so that's why we're getting one into girl breath so we can just get a wind blade which is actually a really good movie put away on it helps again people against the runners are you gonna just use it TP to them uh fifth form Moon breathing is dark blade um especially it's just going to be like like a triple triple Crescent Moon attack like that and then we're gonna have for the seventh form of the Moon breathing it's gonna be shadowbringer with a um shade bringing sorry with a multiplying Spike dark immune eruption is gonna be Shadow eruption and then that's like no I'm moving the anime property but I don't really care I'm making up my enemies radiant Moon kick is gonna be radiant kicks are going don't walk around this build Crescent Moon slash is gonna be Masters flourish life still was gonna be reinforced blood Shadow but unfortunately we can't be getting that anymore so I'm just gonna have reinforce and then I'm gonna for like like I'm calling it demonic rage it's gonna be shade devour because I wanted to use shade of our into life still but we're still going to use shade of our but we won't have reinforced anymore so we're just gonna have to like spill on them or something or like yeah we'll see we'll we'll make it work we'll make it work F4 winner damn it man we're on your health like look he thinks I'm like helping him out but in Raditz I'm just getting a quick health pack I'm willing to teach anyone how to mod their favorite game okay [ __ ] them up [ __ ] them up yup yup do you think punching me to erase bro rainbow [Music] because he'd be making some good Concepts they never use his Concepts though like he be designing everything himself bro I'm gonna put this in the [ __ ] progression video if I kill this guy oh my God no way this guy dies bro [Music] it was like I'm taking damage that hasn't rain [Music] Ed oh my God no way no [ __ ] nice it's probably his friends or something why don't you do the lobby bro that's the word answer yeah [Music] we can do this we can do this yeah my shares for the lagging bro I can't even know what's going on garbage but why does it keep freezing on my screen oh my God oh [Music] my God just record fist he must be he must be making a dress car to build just Carter [Music] we cannot power what do you mean he must be funny haha just gotta build that's how you know he's his friend bro oh my God he's so bad [Music] oh gee oh Jesus Christ bro oh my god oh one bro he has bunny hair bruh I better watch out oh yeah yo first framework 's gonna go crazy it's gonna go crazy yes oh crazy one Skipper the game he made the gang teammate oh he's old that little damage he did Big play foreign for some reason [Music] yeah that's a banger video right there okay lizoo oh my God I'm [ __ ] this guy up so badly bro he's landed one M1 I mean it's in sci-fi okay never mind yeah oh okay he's going crazy now I think I took a shower really Chad showers in 2023 bro stop it super oh how do you think he sounds like super I don't know I can never mind he doesn't sound supervisor the other day sometimes he does how the [ __ ] is this guy on dead I was about to say yo all right cool we leveled up I'm gonna get pressure close all right let's see what else we get 11th Hour endurance run I'm gonna yeah I'm getting insurance right now actually I see people ganking over there I'm gonna go and like get involved in that oh it's not gonna be good for chime though I mean I'm not bigger for ganks I'm gonna get that should I go aggressive posture as well to be honest all right then we're gonna get into our Edition we're gonna just go to six air Edition on this build but we'll see we'll see all right so so far the drip is looking uh pretty nice obviously I'm gonna dye the head like you know red dog red purplish and then I'm gonna also dye this like like light purplish so it matches his actual quote color we've already got the fun and everything we have all the records with that good stuff all right we want one in this chapter e guy [Music] I don't know how good this guy's gonna be he has entrance like on his feet so I feel like he's a higher level I need to go up to us that's cool that is very cool man oh [ __ ] I have I haven't actually seen this new ice oh okay then that activates instant that's crazy I'm have to get all my like my main ice build there because that is kind of crazy I can't learn how the hell is instantly bro this guy's actually good at the game what the hell okay you couldn't Parry them like yeah you have to just like read into the future because they activate like instantly where okay his old device is gone now you can actually finally play a bit more aggressive around to run out of this up to us which is nice for us I need to rename my monsters as well I haven't done that yet oh [ __ ] you know that much is actually not even that good never mind I'm not picking it up what am I talking about bro that's just like so easy to read all right let me just against the shadow gun for that posture damage I'm like so slippery bro while we fighting on Ice Man Oh my days [Music] yeah if ain't into that [Music] into clutching Shadow it missed the Shadowgun yes into uppercut yes GG bro GG bro all right guys we found again we found again we found again yo this will look at my stream look at my stream look at my stream [ __ ] [Music] on afford a PC I mean his his PC cord hasn't come in yet man okay I didn't okay Joe deafening bro oh my [ __ ] god this guy is the laggiest [ __ ] I've seen in my life do you start trying to hold X or something I feel like he oh wait never mind okay wait who's that Demetrius oh that is Dizzle okay subscribe to the BBC progressions up to do so man oh [ __ ] of course bro KFC it is um what's wrong with this guy yeah what the [ __ ] is wrong with you does he think he's a rapper or something yeah demon oh my are you using are you using [ __ ] uh thingies ring yes oh you're actually a [ __ ] weirdo bro we found like a whole lot of gank at Starship bro they're all over there hold on I think he might be already getting ganked if I like never mind that's his friend okay okay okay possible 2V1 over here possible 2V1 this could be interesting this could be interesting I love how our overpowered gear is right now Gail is like unironically like the most uh like especially the best achievement in the game right now I was I'm like I'm in the top uh like 100 time Discord yeah and um in the Discord they literally have the uh agamasu son of Paul okay saying what do you think the best achievement is so far it was like a like a poll with all of them uh Gail was the highest rated for being the bestest human in the entire game bro like it's actually crazy how good Gators nowadays oh crap and With Champions well through the new wind passage move all that good stuff bro it's crazy man like Champions will throw insta guard breaks like that I'll be fine people sometimes and they'd be landing like m1's on me of like a dagger or like a like a just a weapon that swings for us in general and like I'm suffocated for like 10 million seconds bro it's actually ridiculous and his friend got absolutely destroyed by a different voidable cause I was wondering why he wasn't backing you but yeah no wind is actually crazy good right now damn so many gems holy [ __ ] all right could we just leveled up with power 14 already um for this video I decided to do something a little bit different I decided to start like making like the main recording of the video after I Shrine of ordered which I don't usually do I usually ramble for a bunch of the video on my prog videos until I get to the point where I was trying to order so let me know if you prefer seeing that or if you prefer seeing the proc videos where I just skipped them straight off the shrine of order because in my opinion before you Shrine is the most boring thing progressing ever it's just training stats um all the PDP comes after Ashana border so let me know which one you prefer uh let's see we get from our level UPS obviously you're gonna see a few stuff like you know from like you know pre-shine but yeah uh do I have observation your business yeah I think I think I can get this as well as observation I'm pretty sure I do already have open vision uh chronostasis I guess you won't post trauma take that I'll take that why the hell no it's another red Sun and I can switch out with Shadow roll Shadow change shadebringer yes that's what we needed shade bringer okay good [ __ ] good [ __ ] I'm gonna switch it out with uh I'm gonna shout out with Shadow gun the shotgun's like really bad right now if you don't have a blast book on it and I'm gonna put it where should I put it guys I'll put it like uh uh I'll put it yeah I'll put a yeah I don't even know where I want to put it bro yeah okay I'm gonna put it in my Facebook all right according to also rename my monster soon like as well uh so yeah let me quickly go and wait what the hell am I here no I'm supposed to be going to uh videos to unlock uh Gail just so I can get one point of Gail so I can literally get this singular girl Mantra which is winkov oh yeah I don't even talk wait no I didn't explain how much then yeah I'm pretty sure I already told you guys I'll watch some game but yeah we're getting that move um for like a crescent moon slash because there's no other move in the game other than win the blade that shoots like a crescent slash like where you like slash Horizons in your shoes like a crescent moon slash so like that's the only reason why I'm getting it I know it's gonna do like zero damage um but obviously we can just put like uh a wayward on it to make your own views or even a bloodless like I don't really know to be honest we put something on it to make your own views but it's mainly just for the Crescent Moon so it's like come on I had to add at least one range move so yeah I'm gonna name like dog Blade Let me let me just bring up the monsters again I'm naming dog blade uh the fifth form that's the fifth uh fifth breathing form uh the first form is gonna be wind blade obviously uh the seventh form is gonna be shade bringer and yeah the rest of the yeah Dark Moon eruption that's just all my custom [ __ ] that I like explained okay see I'm gonna quickly go and unlock Yale and then I'm gonna immediately I'm probably gonna immediately go back to the other aluminum or or I will go and farm at um miniature I'll go and kill the guards for a while uh at uh crypto The Unbroken because I can also get a bunch of loot from them as well which will help me level up my shadow marches as well also I just run as whilst we're here we can also get spell shout but like a lot of people probably gonna call me cringe like you know just shouting out like Moon breathing fifth form honestly I don't care you can suck my dick but like um yeah let's quickly unlock this uh yes bring me five Gale Stones here you go given the potion where is it where is it I've never done this one before all right let's see oh crap we've got these guys we go UPS all right quick we've got one Gail breath which is good that means we can finally get uh when the car for when the blade whatever is good which would be amazing so I'm gonna rename my mantras and I'm also gonna get special like right now all right cool um absolutely there we go spell shout let's go exhausted strike so yeah um all right I'm gonna go and rename all my munchers real quick damn bro what the hell I already have 400 HP because I've got like six fatality uh when we uncapped Shadow cost um we're gonna get another 10 HP from that as well we're gonna gain another 10 HP from uh getting exoskeleton as well we would have gained the number five if we got reinforce and bloodshot on all that good stuff but like unfortunately Khan um since the developers decide to make shattered Katana cost a hundred million points to lose like why do you need 100 medium like just make it 80 bro well at least 90 like 80 or 90 will be reasonable why a hundred it's more even a good weapon like it's one of the least used medium weapons in the entire game but like what the hell all right also another reason why like um I also want to get nemesis like as my intron is because I'm gonna be real like the katana the critical and the katana is terrible bro like it literally does like barely any poster damage so I'm like I'm kind of happy about um you know getting Nemesis because I'm I'm also a nemesis demon and it also has the katana critical effect as well like but it just TPS which is [ __ ] sick and it has eyeballs on it like bro this bill's gonna be so cool like I know I look stupid as hell right now but once I dye my hair like dark red and I die like my uh megalone coat like peaches and Peach sorry no my peach megalon code once I die I like you know dark purple Etc like you'll see bro it's like I'm actually gonna look a lot like uh kokoshiba especially when I cook the shark toner as well I'm getting Nemesis one and like we'll see bro um I might listen to her two part series we'll see um well it depends like if this video is like 40 minutes long probably going to be one part um but obviously if it's like a very long minute uh very long minute video um it's probably gonna be one part I'm gonna be real it's probably gonna be only one part but one part sorry I'm in two parts all right cool I just banged the three star shag Katana so I don't have to flip and worry about dying anymore which was like the most annoying thing ever that was like stopping me from like ganking people because like I just didn't want to die bro like I usually like I usually play like hella hella uh what's it called the Heller risk and try to gank people like twice my level but like I couldn't do that inside of freestyle shag a ton on me but I finally banked it um so yeah we should be good now what a session at camp if he won't win a single time wait this looks really bad on Bert's end why does it open are you gay [Music] I mean are you gay yes what hey hey I'm covering that right quick hey every YouTuber I'll pay hey pay me ten dollars I'll give you the clip gotcha you know what I'm saying maybe maybe 25. [Music] bro I'm clipping all of this AP this guy saying I'm aping as well over why does everyone say I'm aping bro what the [ __ ] bro I'm like here in the debugging Community come on now he's not a PVE Builder this is terrible dude this guy's on top again [Music] I bet Ahmad is gonna ping me after this video gets released like excuse me bro of course I'm aping bro all right Oh no you're just giving me free content what the hell yeah I'm gonna say I influenced this YouTuber's build yes okay super keep wrapping your mouth hey bro my video ideas are attached here I'm still wearing these ankle ways get off of me no way I was wearing them the entire fight oh my God no wonder also [ __ ] slow I just will conquer or what's a spell yeah you're getting crazy this YouTuber is illiterate no that's crazy that's crazy I would actually quit YouTube If someone made a video like that that's kind of mean though what you said about that guy he literally DM me after saying that he was laughing the entire video please please he was actually his heart was broken and T in pieces bro that's literally the reason that you were the reason I got to do YouTube why would you do this like how would you feel if like you actually made somebody like quit like that when you feel like any type of remorse like we'd be like that stuff I would you guys not answering my questions he's gonna die soon you'd wake up gargling and choking who is who's talking shut up what are you gonna do [ __ ] yeah is [Music] oh my God if the bishop takes he clearly doesn't play God guys wait oh oh my God no way you little spur no ways blood Shadow eyes and you lose to a power 10 that hasn't even Shrine avoided me that's crazy oh he does no damage bruh gratitude oh he can't even [Music] did you go to Chuck what are you talking about listen if this [Music] a little scared to go to the abyss because if I'm not gonna get out what do you know your ass oh crashes look how are you still talking to me like you're a fan bro you're a fan get on my tube go somewhere good like my video okay I was doing the summon cauldron combo I don't know I think that exists oh yeah that was funny literally you said he was started there's no way he started one by his capping his ass over there yeah one part of the NPCs how do you know what is he an avid complainer and a player Journal I played General as many as I got banned [Music] the [ __ ] are sissies just don't voice your opinions like come on now yeah bro all my days I'm doing um I'm doing Chase it's like 30 minutes like to be so long to kill him it was worth it bro 25 HP and seven percent physical ammo that's [ __ ] insane holy crap I'm so happy about that that's actually crazy good that is like like that that's actually I'm so happy bro I'm actually so happy I got that all right guys so straight up Layer Two finally did it it took us so long though I might just get drowned on the iron single so it's got 25 HP now I'll go and check in a second here's my drip I dyed my hair like red dark red so it looks really really nice and I also managed to it took me like five die packets like where's my diary of seven it's even like five or six dollar packets to get the exact time that I wanted it's really really hard to get this die um I go there I'm pretty happy with it also with like we transmogged I craft a black diver and I've transmogged the visual initiate I'm really liking the look of this drip all I need now is to get 100 medium so I can use the freestyle shy Katana and then put Nemesis and then that's pretty much it also I need a few more munchers I I managed to get muscles first but I still haven't got the wind curve uh I mean wind blade much which is what I already need um so yeah also I wanted to check the stats on my thingy how many stats what's the stats 35 HP and seven percent physical that's really really good five percent more than five percent the DVM that's not too bad okay that's actually pretty good all right so yeah now I'm gonna just going gank people for a bit oh and so I get to like 75 medium 75 Shadow cost and then I'm probably gonna go about down to the depths and do one more later two one uh to uncut both of those uh because that's just the easiest way to do it in my opinion nowadays all right go I'm bouncing on some guy but like like he's a full stop but he's in like a guild of like three people so this could uh this could end pretty badly for me so he's like actually in Wild so I'm not sure exactly where he is but um it's definitely gonna be somewhere like over here okay I just heard someone activate like Resurrection below what the hell there's that's not Resurrection but what even is that I said where is it oh here it is I'm gonna go crazy and order them [Music] oh yeah no that's what it is it's the vow of monstery I I woke up like an hour ago by the way so like if I play like [ __ ] that's why yo what the [ __ ] is this that lag you guys saw that right what the hell oh this guy's like that there yeah they're like Max Max builds oh sham taunted as well oh they have a [ __ ] like weird freshy guy [ __ ] just like using all the valve a monster show me and torn that's so [ __ ] annoying bro Earl Freshies man oh we're still going crazy though we're going crazy though can't lie okay oh my God he's so bad bro no [ __ ] way I'm losing to this guy most build carried person I've ever seen in my entire life I feel terrible at the game I'm spending back on my man bro these guys are weird all right bro you already had to you already know I have to run it back on the main bruh you already know I have to run it back on the main bro you already know it bruh you already know it you already know it bruh if I don't run it back on my man oh really nice Council right there buddy really [ __ ] nice Council bro 10 out of 10. and roholo moves that one bro f is to Parry by the way just uh it's just double checking that you know how to push that key let me close to my friend was pure while you're doing that all right come back foreign 's knocked all right never mind the reaper Bell misses because he gets flung into the ocean his boyfriend's here or girlfriend I don't [ __ ] know 2023 you can't be streaming people's genders nowadays sorry oh I'm so sorry bro I'm so sorry for this but has to be done man and then I'm gonna kill you off the heart GG bro did you gotta cut all his wins uh we the divers we must be known oh man I'm gonna kill this friend as well okay this person is like way way worse than the other guy I don't even know why you tried to help your friend bro that's crazy over a ton what are you trying to do bro [Music] nice one bro all right easy man and the fresh you can live because um I don't grow fresh he's like that we go again on a four-star I don't know where the hell he is I know when he's down there now I do know where he is that's like um incorrect information he's getting [ __ ] up by the ministry people what the hell oh how am I supposed to get down without taking like immense full damage I mean like Dash hey no where'd he go he's right here it's right here no don't know please thank you all right let's go there's an observocation kiss blade why would you get authentication on a weapon that already has Chip damage doesn't make sense but you know to each to that own you know if you want to run observocation you can run it but like don't see the point of doing that on a weapon that already has like five percent check damage I have that too buddy oh man oh my God professional track star over here sorry no one's as a track star he says me I'm sorry man I'm just so sorry bro maybe there was someone else you might have been able to run away but no with me I'm sorry please what bro why are you saying please man please why why all right it's not to do that that I gotta live because I feel like he's new to the game he's like please let me live I'm just waiting for my friend to get some enchants and um uh also good have some fun and I'm like okay bro I feel bad all right guys this is like time skip like three hours into the future live streams some lazy as [ __ ] and I can't be also delayed he runs by myself uh we on the top Bell we go Reaper Bell um I also ganked Madam bed you know uh [Music] um so yeah we have 100 medium now um I finally unlocked uh my Nemesis thingy we also got a 31 HP honestly heavy plate um from La T1 which is crazy um I'll show you the cup of that now um but yeah um what's the code I I I I like I'm oh I can't even speak I'm gibbering fam okay I I bro okay I transmogged it with the [ __ ] thingy and in my opinion the megalon code looks better and my entire streams that it looks better as well so yeah I'm gonna just bang it and put on a different build uh we're using a 25 HP one anyway with Samsung this is cool so they're basically the same roughly the same because like seven percent physical is really really good um so yeah I'm gonna go back to the world equip my free slot damage um and then the build's pretty much maxed I just need to get some I need to get like different mantras and like modify these ones also level them up obviously as well um I'll do that later I'm gonna just like equip Nemesis and big ganking but actually no no no first of all I need to remove I'm going to replace this with wind blade and then I'm gonna go ganking actually I'm gonna rename all my monches activate spell shout and then I'm gonna go yanking and I'm gonna put like footage of it that builds pretty much nice like um I can't lie this build like progression is becoming like so boring for me guys it's gone to the point but the only thing that's like interesting to show you guys is me ganking people that let me know in the comments like but be real okay what actually makes you enjoy the progression is it the ganking or is it like killing mobs and stuff like that because like most people most people prefer the ganking imma be real like even me personally like even this is just like ganking progression I'm not watching that [ __ ] bro but yeah furthermore I'm actually like I'm very happy with the drip to be honest like when you go hella close like you can see oh yeah we go on Earth by the way but all my days bro I forgot to max out bro why did she have enough medallions as well but yeah anyways I'm hella happy we got our Earth um we've got like the eyes with the whispering mask we have the exact hair combo that kokoshiba has uh we have the the red red doc Red Hat his has like red and black in the anime but we can't really get that so I just mean like dark red like your riches extension Brothers anyways and then we got the megalonko the megalon code looks hella hella good with the original thing here but then when you zoom out and look at the back like what the f what is this bro like cut this off and it'll be perfect but like the top is amazing in my opinion um so yeah I'm really I'm already really proud how this would have turned out and I'm excited to see what it's going to look like of a shag a ton of Nemesis on there as well oh yeah another thing I've got to mention I also I I also did kaido on stream so yeah I might link if I if I remember I'll link the stream in the description because like because this is a quick two hour stream but like we did we did like three layer two runs we got my Earth uh did a few Duke runs as well and then we also did kaido together so you have my memory as well so yeah we did a bunch of stuff on stream to be honest I'm probably gonna get radiant kick later I could have got it right now but like I'm not coming back down to the depths to get one Mantra I'll just do that somewhere all right cool we found a gank I've been attacking him for like a whole minute now okay yeah we just [ __ ] them up all right uh God you're thirsty bro what do you mean bro okay let me tell you the backstory of this fight bro this guy I I TP to him so I can get like a quick TV so there would be so I started running away just so I can like you know put on my guild base and he decided to chase me bro so of course I'm gonna grip you all right guys time for the Moment of Truth nemesis let's go man let's see what he looks like um it's actually a similar color to his sword as well it smells like dark reddish and it's got like eyes on his oh that looks jerky as [ __ ] bro even when his shift is low oh my [ __ ] this I'm actually so happy with this drip all right cool I'm gonna hope it ends up 2v2's Arenas and try and get a few matches I want to test the owl bear especially if Nemesis like if any of you like know me as a person like you'll know how much I love Nemesis I'm so happy with this drip bro I might even retake the phone number like Oh my days and the old thumbnail I had the vampirism in charm but not with this this looks so drip I'm actually so happy about with how the build turned out all right bro so I'll teach you this guy and he's like 20 million meters up in the sky I was gonna do twos but then I realized that you need to get a charm of conflict for that um which they should totally where is he bruh oh it says he's as close to escaping but I can't see where he is bro what oh wait I think I swear I think I saw her first second hold on I'm gonna just keep you up here then no I can see him all the way down there bruh please wait wait for me wait for me so we can move on to the death that will be the battle of the centuries man come on man please man later actually I can't tell if he's down here or he's in there I think he's inside the cave oh wait hold on this is Azo this is my other Target I'm gonna just I'm gonna just gank itself then and then he's gonna hopefully hopefully he calls his friend okay I'm actually so happy with um okay never mind no no no my praise escaping bro please come back bro oh he is coming back oh yeah they're gonna I'm gonna go crazy on me there's a pale assassin cooking everything [Music] I'm gonna go crazy man we're going demon mode man Angry demon mode right now anyway do uppercuts count for an M1 with uh Nemesis if they do that'll be crazy good that was a Parry demon bro [Music] [Music] opponents ones are so dumb man what the hell let me think I'm one into the M2 because Nemesis is just going like that into the closing shadow this guy's laggy as hell and then we we grip him with the corrupted Reaper about GG never mind he got up in like two seconds somehow that's awesome hey man and he insta died that's awesome man awesome and now on Instagram this guy here hold on let's go let's go [Music] Bro Dog blade is actually like low-key good for like fainting into this fainting into I mean sorry oh my [ __ ] god this guy does so much damage he's triple achievement as well what in the heck what in the heck are Rue okay another man bro Nemesis like Nemesis is cold and all but like I need to like rework into it bro because right now the way I'm using it is no good foreign things on like ears so bro bro bass Moss is flourished is so bad no way I lose this guy right so I was so laggy bro I'm pissed hey did you bro all right cool that guy's tanky as [ __ ] bro triple the human crazy bear crazy crazy probably doing Duke to uncap another achievement get another 10 HP uh okay it's Lewis pre-mid all right yeah I can't lie I need to upgrade I need to put like uh modifiers on my mantras because right now they are so bad bro I need to level up my shadow much as well because I do like no damage bro how much am I doing for M1 34 that's not too bad my M1 damage but my March my monster damage is terrible bro does not know who he's messing with yeah that that that demon stuff ain't gonna work with me zays man no matter what's with that guy but it will not work with me man I am not no average player man I'm the most embarrassing YouTuber of all time okay that answers my question it does why is blood still using burning silence bare burning songs is so ass now bro he really thinks that he's the fashion D member you are not the fashion demon though [Music] hey bro chill out a second man chill out for like a like one second bro literally yeah let me spit on you too man that is so [ __ ] rude of you man why the [ __ ] you spinning on me for man we're literally having a friendly 1v1 and you're spitting on me what the [ __ ] foreign [Music] [Music] man [Music] yo move the [ __ ] out to wear bacon hair I mean not bacon hair move the [ __ ] out of the way bro okay he's using running back bro I'll just wait a second then all right can't use clutching Shadow because it's just gonna hit some random gun then they're gonna get a free M1 number into the into the foreign what am I gonna do bro she's abusing his Bell bro I got Reaper Bell man what am I supposed to do bro this guy's not good bro you're not good at all man what do you mean run more you're using your running back bro okay stay here bro stay here bro I'm coming back on my man it's got a [ __ ] up man said run more of course I'm gonna [ __ ] run when you're using run it back bro like what you expect me to [ __ ] fight you during running back are you dumb hold on I'm I'm running the back I'm running the back [Music] [Music] all right let's see who's gonna [ __ ] run more when I'm gonna like a build that actually has like a Max Level mantras bro how are you gonna say run more when you're using run it back though bro you're actually a joke bro you're a joke yeah joke again someone that has a level one monsters oh that's crazy bro on that jerk like bro gosh that's actually crazy that's actually crazy all right where is he where is he bruh I'm [ __ ] this guy out bro where is he where is he bow there he is let's go run it back running bro come on here bro come on let's go run it run it run it run it oh look who's running now look who's running now bro or my bad Shut the [ __ ] up bro run more my eyes bro suck my [ __ ] mates yeah bro okay okay bro you can [ __ ] run now bro that's a joke I'm not even gonna chase after him bro run more and look what you're doing now bro you're a joke bro even if you're a fan of me bro how are you gonna say run more when you're spamming running back bro I'm actually pissed off about that [ __ ] bro okay bro okay okay man I'm on my floor then thingy bro you wanted to ask us okay I'm okay bro chill bro I'm not live I'm not I'm not like those YouTubers that I [ __ ] mean to that fans bro I'm gonna be real bro like as mad as I was bro like I'm instantly just not mad anymore because he just asked for an SS but I'm gonna be running man he said he sucks as well but like bro chill man okay bro I apologize okay I apologize but you need to apologize as well in my comment section if I don't see my comment sessions is saying sorry let's tell him run more because I wasn't [ __ ] running bro but yeah anyways all right uh I'm gonna go and try and find more gangs all right bro I'm gonna be real I've been up since like 4 a.m and it's like 4 P.M now bro I'm tired as [ __ ] I'm gonna go to sleep um my sleep schedule is [ __ ] bro if you guys want to see a part two of this video but I'm just gonna call it like cooking or something like that um let me know in the comments um this boat is pretty [ __ ] fire in my opinion I'd recommend you make it but um obviously instead of going 45 Intel and 60 willpower go 65 volt power and 40 Intel um so you can get the extra 50 I mean the extra like stat points you can get 50 uh fortitude um I'm pretty sure you can do that at least wait hold on let me check wait wait maybe you can't hold on I only have five points left yeah now if you go to 65 will pine I don't know bro I don't know I don't know bro I don't really care but yeah let's put this fire I recommend you make it they're both even Max yeah and it's still fun as [ __ ] to use it looks droopy as hell I really love how the builders turned out it looks really really good in my opinion um so yeah I hope you guys have a nice day and hope you enjoyed the video let me know if you want to see more ganking style Pro videos because I don't know bro I'm getting bored of like just recording me progressing as a normal bread is boring as hell bro progressing in deep is so boring I'm a b-roll but yeah I hope you guys have a nice day and I love you guys so much
Channel: vert
Views: 47,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deepwoken, layer 2, prog, progression, solo prog, solo progression, deepwoken progression, deepwoken solo prog, deepwoken solo progression, no life king, broken, insane, vampire, evamp, ironsing, NEW, META, GANK, build review, alloyblood, how to, vert, vert deepwoken, demon slayer, kokushibo, yoriichi, tanjiro
Id: X3i7cHCXVvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 40sec (2680 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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