The Greatest Title Sequence in TV History

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The man does it again. I can always notice more when I watch his videos

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/KrisSimsters ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 21 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/DeafTelemarketer ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 21 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] bojack horseman has the greatest title sequence of all time and you're gonna have a really hard time convincing me otherwise it's one of those intros that i absolutely refuse to skip anytime i'm watching the show but this incredible sequence isn't just an amazing work of art in itself it's also jam-packed with show accurate details that change alongside the events of the series some of these details are small some are big but all of them correspond to something in the actual narrative of the show adult animation has a long history of episodic changes in their title sequences the most obvious example being the simpsons couch gags but bojack's take on this practice is as unique as the series itself and often the details actually offer incredible insight into the story and themes so let's dive into this legendary title sequence and break down every tiny detail it has to offer spoilers ahead for the entire bojack horseman series and yes i have talked about these details before but i missed some and i know i can do it better now so there alright i'm not going to hit you with any fancy ad segues today but here's the deal i've been seeing ads for rape shadow legends for so long and honestly i never gave them a second thought but when they approached me for a sponsorship decided to give the game a fair shake and honestly it's pretty sick for the last week i spent a couple hours a day playing rage shadow legends and it has really satisfied that love of old school turn-based battle systems that i really feel like modern games are missing i miss this kind of stuff you can customize upgrade and level up your unique champions and put together a team with a solid diverse skill set check this out i am destroying this terrifying forest dragon and there are so many ways you can play the game campaign dungeons clans pvp you name it raid just passed their two-year anniversary and the game is bigger and better than ever before they've just had a month and a half of awesome events and tournaments and there's no sign of them slowing down anytime soon this month they're releasing a new batch of epic and legendary champions which look amazing and there are even more coming up in the future raid also released the second rotation of the doom tower that means new rewards new gear to win to customize your champions but also two brutal looking bosses to take on the celestial griffin and the eternal dragon can't wait to try and take him down the coolest thing is that if you want to check it out you can get a huge head start with this free epic champion jotun 100k silver 50 gems and three ancient summoning shards for new champions just use the link in the description or scan this qr code and click the chest in the top right corner use the link in the description and i'll see you on the next raid the title sequence for bojack horseman is already brilliant on its own season after season bojack continues going through the same motions over and over again as his surroundings change as people in his life come and go bojack stays the same it's a beautiful representation of bojack's own journey throughout most of the series the ongoing cycle of self-destruction and of course the intro sequence itself doesn't change fundamentally until season six the season where bojack actually works to better himself and make those changes that he desperately needs but while we can appreciate this work of art on a larger scale let's dive into the tiny details in episode 103 we see todd jumping on bojack's bed breaking one of the legs of the bed as a result starting in 104 the title sequence replaces the bed's leg with a stack of books or magazines in that same episode we also see sarah lynn light bojack's ottoman on fire and of course in the title sequence following this episode the ottoman is burned as well in episode 106 our a story is a d story bojack steals the d from the hollywood sign in an attempt to win over diane in subsequent title sequences the d is missing from the sign in the background and of course hollywood is referred to as hollywoo for the rest of the series these are the only changes we see in season 1's title sequence but they start to ramp it up in subsequent years there is one major difference in season two's title sequence instead of moving through a grocery store we see bojack moving through the set for the movie secretariat a part that he booked at the end of season one a minor change is that instead of the books or papers that were propping up bojack's bed we now see the golden globe that he won at the end of season one another is in the party scene of the title sequence saralin's music video changes to news anchor tom jumbo grumbo interviewing activist sebastian st claire we also see that bojack's old couch has been replaced with a nice new red couch an event that happens in the very first episode of season 2 aptly titled brand new couch in episode 202 yesterday land bojack starts dating an owl named wanda played by the legend lisa kudrow and in the second episode of the season the two decide very suddenly that they should move in together so of course starting at episode 3 we see wanda hanging out in the living room of bojack's house during the titles in episode 206 higher love bojack actually fixes the leg of his bed which of course fixes the bed in the title sequence episode 206 also ends on a tragic note as bojack secretariat co-star corduroy jackson jackson is found dead in his trailer starting in episode 207's titles corduroy disappears from the secretariat film set at the end of episode 207 hank after dark mr peanut butter urges diane to leave hollywood and help people in war-torn cordovia with war hero sebastian sinclair diana mr peanut butter then disappear from the set of secretariat as a result in episode 209 the shot bojack and the director of secretariat kelsey jennings attempt to shoot a scene of the film on their own despite being prohibited from doing so by producer lenny turtletop because of this kelsey is fired from the project by lenny and replaced with abe to catfish which is also represented on the sectarian film set in the titles in episode 210 yes and wanda and bojack break up so of course wanda is gone from all the title sequences thereafter episode 211 actually takes place in new mexico in a situation completely new to bojack so we actually get an entirely new sitcom like title sequence for this episode [Music] and that does it for season two so let's move on to season three the major scene change from season two to three is the set of secretariat is now the red carpet premiere of secretariat the first minor change we see is on the tv during the party scene tom jumbo grumbo's interview now changes to an interview with pop sensation sextina aquafina who's featured more heavily this season and the last minor change between seasons is that the boat bojack buys in new mexico in season 2 can now be seen sitting in his driveway this next one is really tough to catch in episode 305 love and or marriage diane breaks her arm so if you look very closely in the title sequence for 306 you can see she's wearing her blue cast under her jacket that is ridiculous attention to detail next is episode 307 stop the presses and this one actually has a few first often stop the presses todd and emily start a new ride share business called cabrakadabra and set up shop in bojack's house so as you would expect in the intro for 308 the business is in bojack's living room as he moves through it second it appears that diane has disappeared from bojack's house diane does say in the season that she's been avoiding spending as much time with bojack because he brings out some of her bad tendencies but that doesn't happen in 306 so i'm not 100 sure why they removed her here but it still fits with her character at least and lastly at the end of episode 307 character actress margo martindale steals bojack's boat and therefore it disappears from his driveway in subsequent episodes next in episode 308 old acquaintances todd hires the orca dancers from whale world to become the new drivers for cabrakadabra so in 309 all of the human employees are replaced with orcas in 309 best thing that ever happened bojack fires princess caroline as his agent because of a major mess up in booking him some roles so starting in episode 310 princess caroline can no longer be seen in bojack's kitchen in episode 310 it's you bojack is told he's been nominated for an oscar and goes on a massive party binge to celebrate during the spin she backs a car through his glass windows and into his pool and then at the end of the episode he and todd have a major falling out starting in episode 311 there is a mess in the living room massive hole in his windows and todd is of course gone man what else is there to say johnny that cartoon it just cursed yeah i i know tariq talk about the podcast cartoons that curse is a podcast that hosts my good friend tune rev trick where we talk about all of our favorite adult animated series one season at a time we've been talking about futurama and we'll definitely be covering bojack horseman at some point so make sure to check it out on spotify apple podcast stitcher google or watch the video version here on youtube thank you sorry about tariq that was kind of rude of him to interrupt you johnny love you too okay where were we oh right and finally the absolute saddest example of these title sequence easter eggs in episode 311 that's too much man bojack and saralyn go on a massive drug bender that lasts weeks and in the end of course cyrillin dies of an overdose at the planetarium in the final episode of the season cerelyn can no longer be seen in the party segment of the title sequence which she's been in for the first three seasons throughout season three bojack alienates everyone close to him in his life and fittingly at the end of the season he's all alone in the title sequence one other thing i noticed is that in seasons one through three in the grocery store secretariat set and secretariat premier todd is always knocking something over or falling i thought this was just a fun recurring gag but the end of season 3 is also when todd significantly removes himself from bojack's life and interestingly todd stops stumbling and falling in the title sequence after this it's a pretty smart representation of the growth that todd is exhibiting on to season four one of the most interesting title sequences in the show there are a couple very minor changes from season three's finale his house is still a mess however the only difference in this scene for season 4 is that cabrakadabra's sign from todd's business has now disappeared the next minor changes we see are in the party scene the empty space that was previously occupied by sarah lynn now features katrina peanut butter who plays a much bigger role in this season and the last minor change we see is that instead of the interview with tom jumbo grumbo and 16 aquafina we see a clip of california governor woodchuck could chuck berkowitz who of course runs against mr peanut butter for the duration of this season next is the major change we see in the title sequence this season normally we get a scene change between bojack's kitchen and the party every year but this time we get something much stranger an incredibly trippy kaleidoscope-like sequence showcasing many of the people who have shaped bojack's life among these people we see princess caroline todd herb kazaz bojack's tv children from horsing around bojack's parents beatrice and butterscott next to a very young bojack and finally kelsey jannings most of these seem to be people that bojack has heard in his life except for of course beatrice and butterscotch who probably hurt bojack more than he hurt them the first continuity change we see comes between episode 403 and 404 in 403 todd meets a young horse named hollyhock who thinks bojack might be her father the two of them pretend that hollyhock is bojack's maid which leads to todd cleaning the entirety of bojack's house as well as fixing his window this is of course then reflected in the title sequence by the end of the episode we find out that bojack and hollyhock do indeed share dna and in the cold open of 404 bojack tells hollyhocks she can stay with him after this we can see hollyhock on the couch in bojack's living room as well as eating a toaster strudel in the kitchen the next changes happen between episodes 405 and 406. in 405 titled thoughts and prayers bojack upsets beatrice in her nursing home and she subsequently pushes over another patient because of this incident she's kicked out of the nursing home after this she and her nurse tina move in with bojack so we can see her various belongings throughout bojack's house now we also see tina and beatrice in the living room and then again in the kitchen additionally instead of eating a toaster strudel hollyhock is now drinking coffee that has been served to her by beatrice this comes into play in a big way later the coffee maker can also now be seen on bojack's counter and hollyoak has moved some of her stuff in as well we can see two of her bags her carrot pillow and a little photo collage taped to bojack's window the final changes we see come between episodes 4 10 and 4 11. in episode 410 titled love in that cali lifestyle hollyhock overdoses on amphetamines and is taken home by her dads here is where this year's title sequence gets really interesting remember how we see beatrice serving hollyhock coffee in the title sequence well it turns out that she had been spiking the coffee with weight loss amphetamines this is what caused hollyhock to overdose but i think this could also explain why the new scene in this year's intro is this trippy sequence after bojack takes a sip of the coffee his eyes dilate and the visuals come into play and as he passes through the kaleidoscope he looks increasingly worried sure seems to me like this is a hint that the coffee was drugged when bojack finds out that beatrice drugged hollyhock he takes beatrice to live in a new nursing home from here on out in the title sequence we can see that beatrice tina and hollyhock have all disappeared from bojack's house leaving him alone once again they have however left some things behind beatrice's belongings and box of mail can still be seen we also see that hollyhock's carrot pillow was left behind as well as the leftover tape on bojack's window from her collage and lastly the coffee maker remains on the counter but now the coffee pot sits inside of it let's move along to season five the first difference we're gonna see is that instead of horsing around playing on bojack's tv we actually get a little memorial for ralph carney ralph was a legendary musician who died before the season and his nephew patrick carney actually produced the amazing bojack horseman theme song that we all know and love second beatrice's belongings have been removed for this season also hollyhock's carrot pillow has disappeared as well as the tape that was left all over the window from the photos of her family the last thing in this scene is that the coffee maker beatrice used to drug hollyhock is no longer on the counter the major scene change in this year's intro is that instead of the trippy drug sequence from season 4 we see the set of filbert bojack's brand new tv show of course the set of filbert looks pretty much exactly like bojack's house even down to the burned ottoman they actually explained that the production designer was inspired by david boreana's house a callback to when todd pretended bojack's house was boreanna's house genius callback the set scene also features bojack's co-star gina who's listening to a corn-centric musical on her ipod this ostrich crew member philbert showrunner flip mcvicker princess caroline on two phones as she struggles to balance her personal life and professional life and of course todd in the party scene we've got a couple small changes instead of katrina peanut butter we see mr peanut butter's soon to be girlfriend pickles the pug additionally here on the tv we lose the shot of woodchuck coutchuck berkowitz which is replaced with an episode of morning time hollywood with orion seacrest type who is talking about bojack's new series filbert then between episodes 501 and 502 instead of ralph kearney's and memoriam on the tv we actually see a clip of philbert in the filbert set scene todd's clothes change from his normal get up to his suit after he gets a new job as president of adsails for what time is it right he's also signing some paperwork given to him by his secretary todd is also seen wearing the same suit in the party scene from here on out and the last change in this episode is that when diane and mr peanut butter are looking down on bojack in the pool diane now has her spiffy new post divorce haircut we don't see any more changes until between episodes 503 and 504 bojack starts seeing his new filbert co-star gina so as expected gina can now be seen in bojack's house in the living room listening to her headphones and in the kitchen eating an apple then between episodes 504 and 505 we get a lot of changes to the filbert set scene some new crew members joined the set including the squid production assistant mr peanut butter who is cast as filbert's partner fritz the sound guy boom operator who is a snake good physical comedy and also diane who is hired as a consultant for filbert to help prevent sexism in the writing of the series between episodes 506 and 507 we get probably the most fun intro changes we've ever seen this episode is framed around diane's therapist telling her why the story about bojack diane and the crew but due to doctor patient confidentiality she changes the names and identities of the characters for this reason bojack becomes bobo the angsty zebra and so in our intro sequence bojack is now a zebra instead of a horse this gets pretty detailed too the frame photos and magazines on his wall used to show bojack but now feature bobo the angsty zebra the name of his show is also changed from horse and around to striping around bojack also changes the bobo in the scene of filbert seen on his tv in both the living room and in the party scene and finally the title of the series changes from bojack horseman to bobo the angsty zebra then between episodes 507 and 508 bobo changes back to bojack for the duration and the only other change we see is during the party scene in this shot you can now see mr peanut butter at bojack's party but he's actually dressed up as his character fritz from their show philbert this is to illustrate that the lines between bojack's show in real life are continuing to blur this party scene is part of his normal life not his tv life yet a character from his tv life is infiltrating it's a really cool detail then between episodes 508 and 509 we get another similar life blurring detail instead of wearing his robe through his house in the morning bojack is now wearing his costume from filbert so like i said further illustrations that the lines between his real life and tv life are increasingly unclear we actually start to see bojack wearing his filbert costume offset throughout the end of the season as well then in episode 511 we get a unique intro sequence instead of the normal bojack titles we get an intro for the series philbert this is a really cool title sequence and in general i really love seeing the tv series that exist within the bojack universe and finally between episodes 5 11 and the final episode of the season we see a couple last changes gina has now left bo jack's house she broke up with him because of his drug problem and of course the horrifying choking incident on the set of filbert next we see that diane is no longer on the set of filbert either she quit the show after season one because she disagreed with the content they were putting out there she also has a big falling out with bojack and the last change we see is that princess caroline is no longer on set nothing happens between episodes 5 11 and 512 to make pc leave the set but i think this has to do with the fact that in the final episode of the season princess caroline bails pretty quickly instead of finding a new home for philbert after the show is cancelled she also finally adopts a child and her priorities change significantly with this major life event and then we're on the final season which is a whole different journey title-wise the very first episode's title sequence is definitely the most unique it starts with the old title sequence we remember from the first five seasons before it burns away like a piece of old film this might appear to be just a trippy remix but it actually ties in thematically to the season really closely throughout the first episode we see sad and regretful memories of bojack's past every time one of these painful flashback memories ends it burns away in the same way we saw in the title sequence this essentially implies that the old title sequence and really the entirety of the first five seasons of the show also represent painful memories for bojack this first episode shows that old title sequence burn away making way for the brand new one starting in episode 2. now obviously up until this point we've dealt with continuity details found in the title sequence but there's really actually only one of those to break down this season but the new title sequence does represent incredibly important moments from bojack's history so let's dive into what those mean right off the bat the new sequence showcases this trippy colorful starscape which is from the planetarium the night cerelyn died in bojack's arms this season deals a lot with bojack's guilt from his part in saralin's death and the starscape imagery recurs during moments of regret and weakness throughout the season the first scene we see is bojack in his dressing room for horsing around sporting his longer hair and horsing around sweater this moves into the set of horses around and we see sarah lynn who appears to be somewhere around 7 or eight years old staring vacantly and sadly while sitting at the set's table bojack's expression becomes sad during this section again due to the part he played in saralin's death next we see herb kazaz step out of the director's chair and turn to camera this places the scene somewhere in the early 90s before herb was fired in 1994 bojack concertedly looks at herb when the painful memory burns away revealing the next another shot of herb in his malibu bedroom skinny and frail from his battle with cancer this represents another of bojack's major regrets he never made up with herb after he was fired from and around bojack abandoned herb when he was unfairly fired and in episode 108 the telescope bojack attempts to make up with her here in his malibu home herb dies without ever forgiving bojack next a few balloons filled with glow sticks float by wiping the screen revealing tsuka new mexico these are the events of 211 escape from la when bojack went to prom with penny this episode features some of the most shameful things in bojack's life and in the series that burns away to reveal the dark and dingy hallway of whale world from the season 3 episode bojack kills the words bojack kills are also written on the wall here which is in reference to the strain of heroin named after bojack the same strain of heroin that cerelyn overdosed on in 311 that's too much man some water flows upwards placing bojack under the sea 304 is fish out of water when bojack goes to pacific ocean city for a film festival this is famously an episode almost entirely devoid of dialogue and it also represents some of bojack's regrets it is a relationship with film director kelsey jannings who was fired from the movie secretariat similar to her bojack was scared to reach out and connect after her firing this burns again to reveal episode 402 the old sugarman place my personal favorite episode of the series this takes place at his family's abandoned lake house following the events of saralyn's overdose it's a house filled with traumatic memories and history for both bojack and his mother beatrice and at the end of the episode bojack tears it down this burns away revealing beatrice horseman in a nursing home where bojack took her in episode 411 time zero this was also the last moment bojack ever connected with his mother and where he left her shortly before her death bojack's face clearly still carries anger and resentment here this burns away to reveal the funeral in 506 free churro the emmy nominated episode where bojack eulogizes his mother for the entire 25 minute run time next we see 510 head in the clouds the premiere of bojack's tv show philbert this was an evening where bojack was berated and called out for his actions by his best friend diane it's also the night that he went public with his relationship with co-star gina casador and probably the saddest thing about this section is the sad look on gina's face as her gaze follows bojack across the frame this then jumps to the griffith observatory the starscape from the night of saralin's death has returned this place is incredibly significant for bojack it's where herb told him that they were going to make horse in a round together it's where bojack contemplated his life at the end of season 1 after winning his golden globe and it's where sarah lynn died in his arms next we see bojack fall off the ledge of the observatory in the same way he used to fall off the balcony of his house and lands back in the pool once again just like in the old title sequence and then between 7 and 8 we get our only continuity changes for season 6. in one scene we see diane now living in chicago with her boyfriend guy she's sporting a new jacket and is looking a bit heavier than before i know from experience how easy it can be to gain weight living in a place like chicago but the real implication here is that diane started taking her antidepressants she struggled with depression in season six and mentions to bojack that the medication usually makes or gain weight and this was the last continuity change we ever see in the bojack horseman title sequence but let's talk about these final moments that have been in the title sequence all along bojack falling backwards into his pool this has literally been a part of every single season's title sequence even season 6 when everything changed fundamentally bojack falls backwards and sinks down into the depths of his pool while his friends watch helplessly from above this is a great metaphor for bojack drowning in his own self-destruction but this of course would ultimately hold incredible significance as the events of the penultimate episode of the series the view from halfway down all take place in bojack's mind as he nearly drowns in this very pool bojack would survive the incident but the fact that this detail was here for the duration is pretty wild i stand by the title this is the greatest title sequence of all time not just because it's incredibly cool but because it's meaningful and has the closest attention to detail of any title sequence i've ever seen in my life it's representative of how much each and every team member of bojack horseman poured into this show it's incredible that even in its title sequence bojack horseman manages to be a mind-blowing series i don't think we'll ever see anything like this ever again hey folks thanks for tuning in i hope you enjoyed this video please do not forget to give my podcast cartoons that curse a listen wherever you get your podcasts or watch the video version on our youtube channel you know the drill like comment subscribe i'll see you next time peace [Music]
Channel: Johnny 2 Cellos
Views: 556,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BoJack, BoJack Horseman, BoJack Horseman Theme, BoJack Horseman Intro, BoJack Horseman Intro Song, BoJack Horseman Title Sequence, BoJack Horseman Intro Sequence, BoJack Horseman Opening, BoJack Horseman Credits, BoJack Horseman Opening Credits, BoJack Horseman Easter Eggs, BoJack Horseman Intro Easter Eggs, BoJack Horseman Song, best TV Theme songs, best TV theme song of all time, best tv opening credits, The View from Halfway Down, BoJack Foreshadowing, Free Churro
Id: uUwspM8rXDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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