The Complete Diane Nguyen Timeline | BoJack Horseman

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today's video is brought to you by squarespace diane nguyen is one of the most prominent and important characters in bojack horseman and she's also one of the most nuanced and complex she's a character that like many of the characters in bojack endured many childhood traumas that would affect the way she approached life the world and her relationships diane's life was incredibly intertwined with bojack horsemans for better and for worse and over the course of the series the pair of them go through countless highs and lows it's not an accident that the final episode of the show ends with a 10 minute conversation between diane and bojack so join me as we explore the complete timeline of diane nguyen and also remember folks if you like these bojack timelines i've actually made four of them already so go check those out especially the herb kazazz timeline because that one deserves a little more love thanks but before we get started let's talk about today's video sponsor squarespace squarespace is the all-in-one platform to build your online presence run your business or make a personal website it's seriously so user friendly i threw this cool page together pretty quickly it was easy to use and there are so many different customization options my website looks professional and it matches the aesthetic of my brand and youtube channel highlighting some of my favorite video essays i've worked on as well as some of the recent productions i've worked on professionally complete with links to my work and contact info i seriously can't express how easy squarespace is to use head over to for a free trial and when you're ready to push the website public use my link johnny2cellos to save 10 off your first purchase of a website or domain diane nguyen was born on march 19 1980 and grew up in boston massachusetts she actually wasn't given a name by her parents until she was four years old eventually being named after diane chambers from the tv show cheers hi kinko i'm diane it means my parents liked the show cheers diane's childhood was not easy she had four brothers all of whom were quite mean to her for entire life in 1996 when diane was 16 years old her brothers began writing her letters as a secret pen pal named leo who invited diane to homecoming they then hired a hobo to play leo and film diane's devastated reaction to this revelation they called the video the kryan video diane's father would often prioritize her brother's confidence and happiness over her own diane claimed that her father was mean and sadistic and delighted in her failure her mother treated her poorly in other ways including guilt-tripping her for leaving boston to start her own life queen deity blesses us with a presence to what do i owe the honor diane didn't have a good experience at school either in high school diane was stuffed in a locker by cheerleaders who wrote the word virgin on her forehead a rude oxymoron and she was often bullied by a classmate named chrissy keating she did have a friend named abby but that friend proceeded to abandon diane when she was adopted by a cooler crowd and then joined in on making fun of diane even using her knowledge of her life against her despite this diane provided abby with emotional support when abby's mother got sick because of her difficulties at home and at school diane found comfort in the series horsing around and watched it weekly wishing that her family could be as loving and supportive as they were sometime around 1998 diane began attending boston university where she majored in literature and equine studies during this time diane had her first experience with depression and began taking prozac but she stopped taking it when she struggled with the side effects such as acne breakouts weight gain and dawson's creek becoming bad after college diane moved to los angeles california and by 2007 she was working as a barista at a starbucks with her friend roxy and boyfriend wayne she also moonlit as a caterer with these friends while applying as a writer for various publications during this time she learned a piece she wrote was rejected by the new yorker while working at starbucks diane met tv actor mr peanut butter who was with his then wife jessica biel shortly after this diane also saw mr peanut butter in an event that she was catering during this event jessica biel broke up with mr peanut butter and shortly after this mr peanut butter and diane began dating add me on myspace okay sure all right guess i'll see you around in 2009 diane went with mr peanut butter to bojack horseman's annual halloween party diane being a big fan of bojack through horse and around attempted to introduce herself to him this went poorly and embarrassed diane though she was unaware that he had just learned of his own father's death i'm on the phone right now oh uh sorry yeah mom i'm still here between 2009 and 2014 diane spent three years researching and writing secretariat a life a biography on the racehorse secretariat she also authored the rise and fall of strongheart and tracing zippo pine bear in 2014 diane attends another party at bojack horseman's house this time as a candidate to ghostwrite his memoirs the two hit it off and bojack decides to work with her on his book before learning that she is dating mr peanut butter oh my god work on bojack's memoir was rocky and it took a bit for bojack to open up to diane after a drawn out conflict with neil mcbeal the navy seal bojack finally starts to reveal real details about his path to diane while diane and bojack are meeting with their publisher pinky at penguin books diane gets a call and learns that her father has died though she is seemingly not upset by it the pair of them then make a pit stop in boston before leaving the east coast while in boston diane learns that her family has done literally nothing to deal with the death of her father leaving all of the work up to her meanwhile bojack bonds with all of her brothers after making all of the arrangements for her father's funeral none of her family shows up to the service including her father's corpse it turns out that the family had gotten mr nguyen chummed hoping to throw it in derek jeter's face and instead of going to the service they drank at a bar while watching sports this sends diane into an absolute furious rage and she drives off in frustration bojack locates diane and gives her a letter written as leo her secret pen pal he tells her she's too good for her family and she shouldn't waste her energy impressing them the two share a nice moment together and go back to los angeles when they arrive back in la mr peanut butter expresses concern that diane and bojack are becoming closer though bojack denies it the pair of them begin to compete in what becomes an incredibly dumb pissing contest during which diane falls asleep bojack ends up taking it even further stealing the d from the hollywood sign for diane mr peanut butter tells bojack he'll help him return the d but instead actually takes credit for stealing the d as a grand gesture for diane that night bojack leaves a voicemail for diane confessing his feelings for her while he was leaving the voicemail mr peanut butter proposes to diane and she accepts she said yes let's kick it erica did you say yes come on in here shortly after diane joins bojack on his trip to malibu to see herb kazaz and enjoys a mostly nice afternoon with them before bojack and herb get into a actual physical fight on the way back from malibu bojack stops the car and gets out on the pacific coast highway in an attempt to collect himself while diane gets out to see if he's okay bojack kisses her deeply uncomfortable diane retreats back to the car after this awkward encounter diane tells bojack that she has enough to write the book and begins avoiding him listen i was looking over my notes and i think i have enough to go write the book now spending more time with mr peanut butter the pair decide to move their wedding to take place within a month unbeknownst to diane during this time bojack is attempting to sabotage the wedding and even goes so far as to hire character actress margot martindale to stage a bank robbery and steal diane's wedding ring but this goes very wrong leading to diane and pb moving their wedding up to the following week we could get married saturday am i crazy yes don't do it on june 13th 2014 diane nguyen and mr peanut butter get married a couple of months later diane finishes her book about bojack titled one trick pony and unfortunately bojack hates it and tells her to fix it instead she leaks the first few chapters which leads to a very positive reaction from readers despite this bojack fires diane maybe you're right really no you're fired one week later after attempting to write the book himself bojack attends diane's panel of ghost writers and apologizes publicly he tells her they can publish the book and asks her one question i i guess my question is do you do you think it's too late for me diane stares back at bojack in silence no response in 2015 one trick pony has become a massive success and helped catapult bojack back into the spotlight it even wins a golden globe for best comedy or musical film diane is contacted by philanthropist sebastian st claire who asks her to write his memoir as he does humanitarian work in war-torn codovia she is also offered a job to be a character consultant on the film production secretariat given her experience writing secretariat's biography ironically the role of secretariat actually goes to bojack partially due to the success of one trick pony diane is torn between the two job opportunities but mr peanut butter convinces her to stay home and work on secretariat you know i support you whatever you want to do but you're not gonna find what you're looking for in these awful made up places diane ends up running into bojack at mr peanut butter's launch party for his new pb live adventure smoothies the two of them retreat to the roof where bojack first opened up to diane and they have another heart to heart diane apologizes for leaving bojack hanging at the ghost rider panel and opens up about her own beliefs i don't think i believe in deep down i kind of think all you are is just the things that you do well that's depressing the two commiserate over the fact that they will soon be co-workers on secretariat one month later production begins on secretariat diane and bojack actually decide to carpool together unfortunately for diane she hasn't given much room to character consult on set instead being told to babysit a large cable so people don't trip diane is still being courted by sebastian st claire and she tells him that she plans to come write his memoir after filming on secretariat is finished on march 19 2015 diane celebrates her 35th birthday with a great day out with mr peanut butter she considers it a perfect birthday until she learns that pb planned a surprise party for her that night during the party diane gets in a huge fight with pb about whether tony curtis is dead or not ending the festivities early the two of them have a big conversation about their relationship and how mr peanut butter doesn't seem to listen to what she needs or wants she doesn't like parties or big gestures and his surprise for her was both while disgusting their relationship diane realizes that mr peanut butter really doesn't want her to go to cordovia but she expresses how important it is for her to feel like she's helping people and making a difference she also expresses fears over falling into a routine as a couple i wake up in the morning and i feel like i have no purpose and i'm 35 and if i don't make some change in my life then this is how i'm gonna feel forever not long after the surprise party diane helps todd try to hide a chicken who was engineered to become food from the authorities meat is kind of complicated in the bojack universe they later try to break her out of further captivity though they break the law bojack actually gets them out simply by being famous after mr peanut butter's company pb living goes bankrupt diane becomes incredibly concerned that they're going to lose their house and resorts to penny pinching and even stealing from work pb of course finds a job in the luckiest most happenstance way possible and these fears are put to rest soon diane goes on tour with bojack to promote the release of the paperback edition of one trick pony during the q a with journalists diane answers a question about bojack's reputation taking a hit following the release of the book were you worried at all that it would hurt bojack or his career that's a great question diane ends up citing a series of celebrities who have done much worse than bojack including hank hippopopolous this accusation makes diane public enemy number one in the media and people begin attacking her for her comments on hank it completely overshadows the book tour and even leads to mr peanut butter begging diane not to take it any further as his new job and tv series shares a network with hank's show despite this diane ends up on various news programs debating the hing hippopopopolis situation and even goes to manatee fair to try and blow the story up once more this leads to a dramatic discussion with hank himself in a parking garage in which he intimidates diane into backing down look you had your phone so why don't you call it a day and go home to your husband diane and bojack end up having a major conversation about their friendship and working relationship after this diane ends up apologizing to bojack for hurting his feelings through the book they wrote later that night mr peanut butter confronts diane about the hank situation and asks why she made things worse which actually leads to him telling diane that she should go to cordovia with sebastian st claire reversing how he felt about it previously shortly after this diane leaves la for cordovia in cordovia diane follows around sebastian and attempts to write about him but is incredibly disappointed to discover that he doesn't seem to care about the people he's helping he only cares about his image being bolstered so that more people will donate to his organization after this diane returns to la but instead of returning home diane crashes at bojack's house without telling mr peanut butter that she's back diane goes down a bit of a depressive spiral while staying with bojack and her presence puts a huge strain on bojack's relationship with his girlfriend wanda wanda and bojack end up breaking up after this diane opens up about her fears about going home to mr peanut butter and the nature of happiness she later calls mr peanut butter and says she can't talk with him on the phone anymore she spends the next two months continuing to crash a bojack's house without contacting mr peanut butter after these two months princess carolyn calls diane and offers her a job at her new agency ghostwriting celebrity tweets which she accepts while meeting with one of her new clients sixteen aquafina she and mr peanut butter spot each other from across the restaurant pb calls diane and she agrees to come home though they have made up diana mister peanut butters start couples counseling to help their relationship while diane continues to work for vim running their socials not long after this bojack ropes diane into a mystery adventure searching for his old showrunner cuddly whiskers from when he was on the bojack horseman show which leads to them discovering a dead body of a dancer from whale world in his pool this mystery leads them across la eventually discovering that there's a brand of heroine called bojack and then up to ojai where they find cuddly whiskers during this adventure mr peanut butter angrily chastises diane for not coming home and getting caught up in another bojack adventure you have to call me it doesn't matter what's happening it doesn't matter if it's the middle of the night you can't keep doing this to me diana and mr peanut butter attempt to deal with this at couples therapy and their therapist tells diane that she should try to work on putting her feelings into words which is difficult for her because she wasn't given the space or support to express herself as a child diane is contacted by a hugely popular actor alexei brocifino who leads an entourage known as the snatch batch alexi actually texts diane to come over and hang out which was a huge surprise to her she goes over and meets the crew carlos david and show and they all do a new drug together called gush while tripping balls with alexi diane learns that alexi never actually meant to text her to hang out and that he meant to text a different diane but he just went with it after she showed up diane goes through a bit of a freak out which then transitions into an existential revelation and she rushes home to see mr peanut butter the revelation and the drugs help her express herself to mr peanut butter who she attempts to physically pick up which leads to her breaking her wrist while at the hospital for the broken wrist diane learns that she is pregnant not long after this diane stress about her job pregnancy and planned abortion lead to her accidentally tweeting i'm getting an abortion on sextina aquafina's twitter account though she expects to get fired this blunder actually leads to positive press for sextina and diane helps her lean into the abortion angle sixteen releases a song about abortion called get that fetus killed at fetus though diane is very concerned over this approach sixteena and princess caroline then hatch a plan to broadcast her fake abortion live on pay-per-view despite diane's protests while in the waiting room for her own abortion diane talks to a young woman the clinic who expresses that sixteen sextina's music made her feel empowered to make the right decision for herself which helps diane see the value in what sextina is doing diana mr peanut butter end up going to the labrador peninsula for new year's 2016 where they spend time with mr peanut butter's brother captain peanut butter captain peanut butter continually says existential things to diane when they're alone which pushes diane to tell mr peanut butter to press his brother about what's wrong this leads to a big fight between the two of them just because you have a shitty relationship with your family doesn't mean every other family has to have drama too in early 2016 bojack is nominated for an oscar for secretariat and throws a huge party knowing bojack well diane comes to the party to see if he's handling it okay bojack takes exception to this and insults diane telling her she fetishizes her own sadness diane angrily responds in turn with an equally painful insult about what will happen after he wins his oscar you're gonna be so miserable you'll want to kill yourself and you're gonna have nobody left to stop you later that day diane is unfortunately fired from vim which is failing as an agency diane then goes to grab food with her friend roxy and rants about how self-centered people can be this is what's wrong with society diane nobody thinks about the world outside themselves ironically in this moment she is being incredibly self-centered and ignoring her friend roxy sometime between mid-january and late february 2016 diana mr peanut butter arrived home to find bojack and sarah lynn drunken high wearing their clothes they had also eaten everything in the house as they run out of the house they shove diane over and she breaks her wrist again which had just healed after sarah lynn's tragic death diane goes to bojack's to comfort him she opens up to bojack and reveals that she actually used to watch horse and around a lot as a kid and it brought her comfort through her painful home life and for half an hour every week i had a home and it helped me survive bojack in turn tells diane that she's too good to be writing instagram captions while at dinner with princess carol and her new boyfriend ralph dianne learns that ralph's sister stefani is starting a new feminist website called girl crush and diane is given an interview during the interview stefani asks some hard questions about what diana would be willing to write about relating to her personal relationships given that bojack and mr peanut butter haven't been free of scandals and diane seemingly acknowledges that she might have to write pieces critical of her loved ones she then accepts the job diane and pb celebrate together and toast to their success as mr peanut butter's ex katrina knocks on the door and asks mr peanut butter if he's interested in running for the governor of california shortly after saralin's funeral bojack disappears and over the next several months diane continually calls him and leaves messages in october 2016 mr peanut butter's campaign for governor is heating up diane is supportive but secretly hopeful that it will end sooner than later as she doesn't think mr peanut butter will be a good governor in early 2017 mr peanut butter's campaign somehow ends up creating a literal ski race for the governorship of california which he loses but his opponent woodchuck kutchuk berkowitz does not win either when the winner todd chavez immediately resigns a special election is triggered leading to further campaigning from mr peanut butter this causes diane to panic pretty severely and as she tries to leave another message for bojack the phone responds that his mailbox is full in summer 2017 while working at girl cruise diane finally receives a call back from bojack who is panicking he apologizes to diane for being gone for a year and a half and the two catch up and fall back into their old banter and say that they miss each other diane is very worried that mr peanut butter is going to become a pro fracking candidate in his campaign and begs him not to do it unfortunately he does anyways and todd goes out of his way to distract diane from learning about this development todd gives diane a phony story about channing tatum's illegitimate daughter and has diane chase the story by testing dna which actually belongs to bojack and his alleged daughter holly hawk who came to la seeking out bojack diana mr peanut butter start having difficulties in the bedroom around this time and they blame the campaign diane is understandably very upset that pb is pro fracking and eventually decides to write pieces criticizing that decision in girl krush starting a public feud between diana mr peanut butter pb ends up approving fracking to start happening in their literal backyard pb confronts diane about the articles and criticizes her for airing their dirty laundry in public diane tells him that she thinks he would be a bad governor and publishes another article right in front of him they get into a physical altercation which leads to equally physical angry sex solving their sex problem after a mass shooting threatens the success of the hollywood film mistaken princess caroline asks diane to write a puff piece to help give it good press diane meets with the star of the film courtney portnoy and when leaving the restaurant somebody attempts to mug them both courtney pulls out a gun and stops the mugger on their tracks this leads to diane trying out guns at a shooting range and ultimately writing a girl cruci piece about having a handgun the piece blows up and inspires women everywhere to buy guns to protect themselves it also leads to mr peanut butter having another public feud with diane as he hates guns and they even debated on live television the rise in gun sales to women leads to massive overhauling and gun laws in california outlawing them entirely i can't believe this country hates women more than it loves guns while talking to her friend roxy diane pointedly ignores her to give todd advice on his potential sham marriage with courtney portnoy showing once again that she is not a very good friend to roxy shortly after this bojack finally calls diane even though he has been back in la for a while diane is upset that it took him so long bojack goes to see diane at their house where a fundraising dinner is going on as everyone arrives the fracking in their yard causes the entire house to collapse underground trapping the entire party diane is understandably furious at pb and she and bojack end up getting really drunk and having a heart to heart while trapped diana is very upset about the state of her life and her sense of self and tells bojack she's really upset that he didn't call her bojack tells her that he wanted to be better for her bojack opens up about the situation with his potential daughter hollyhock and diane suggests mutual consent forms from the adoption agency bojack gives diane the secret to being happy just pretend you are happy and eventually you'll forget you're pretending after they escape the underground diane and mr peanut butter begin staying in the hotel kangaroos about during which diane enjoys many poolside massages she tries to give bojack advice about hollyhock during this time but is mostly ignored diane soon learns that jessica biel has taken mr peanut butter's place running for governor and she convinces mr peanut butter that he has to campaign for woodchuck to stop beal from being elected not long after this diane tries to help bojack find hollyhock's birth certificate at city hall though they give up when they find how long the lines are diane is asked by stefani to write a piece on jessica beale for girl crush and diane deviously plants the fact that beale hates avocado this revelation in the article causes her support to plummet and tanks her campaign in january 2018 diana mr peanut butter decided to take the new bridge to hawaii for a vacation but this doesn't go very well the massive amounts of traffic causes major tension they decide to stop the trip and pull over to stay in a motel while there diane explains to pb that she always wanted a bell room like the library that bell had in beauty and the beast the two returned to la and mr peanut butter reveals that he had a bell room installed in their new house which infuriates diane why would you think i would like this because you told me this is what you've always dreamed of she says this fantasy was personal and that she feels like he ruined it she laments the fact that mr peanut butter can't seem to grasp that she hates big grand gestures like this and she said it over and over again mr peanut butter explains that he's trying really hard with these kinds of gestures because he's afraid diane will leave him like his other ex-wives they discuss their relationship and the hardships they've faced and diane expresses that she's really exhausted trying to make it work the two end up separating and diane moves into a small apartment the two of them try to remain friends and even have occasional dinners together on one such occasion diane struggles with the fact that their waitress a pug named pickles aplenty is successfully flirting with mr peanut butter pb has a housewarming party at diane's suggestion and she attends sporting a fresh new haircut though she invited bojack she ends up attending the house warming party alone while at the party diane sees mr peanut butter kiss pickles but is really bothered when she sees him place his hand on the small of her back pulling her in closer this triggers diane immensely and she leaves the party sobbing diane immediately leaves la and flies to vietnam to get away though she is quickly asked to write for girl crush while she's there she writes a piece called 10 reasons to go to vietnam a girl crush personal travel guide diane struggles with her time in vietnam as she doesn't actually speak the language while there she meets a crew member on a film who assumes she's vietnamese and can't speak english and she actually goes along with it it eventually falls apart and they argue before she leaves you were just pretending this whole time i was actually feeling something special here really diane flies back to la and mr peanut butter picks her up from the airport they catch up and when they arrive back at diane's apartment they sign the papers to finalize the divorce mr peanut butter tells diane that he's now dating pickles and diane tells him that she's happy for him shortly after this princess caroline and flip mcvicker cast cancelled actor vance wagner to play fritz on bojack's new series filbert diane questions and disagrees with this decision immensely after vance eventually turns down philbert pc changes her tune and wants to cancel him so she puts diane and bojack together to speak out against him with diane's talking points bojack successfully becomes a feminist media talking head diane is then confronted by anasponicopeta about the takedown of vance and diane gets heated about the lack of accountability in hollywood woman to woman can't you admit this is screwed up after this vance wagner says that he left filbert because it was sexist so diane and bojack review scripts and diane claims that the show is in fact sexist she makes some really important points about how philbert seems to use its deconstruction of toxic masculinity merely as an excuse to relish in toxic masculinity bojack largely writes off what she says later after a revelation on orion seacrest types podcast bojack asks diane to come work on filbert and help fix the issues with the scripts she's hired on the show and mr peanut butter is then cast as fritz on diane's first day on set the creator flip mcbicker basically tells her to keep quiet and cash her checks sit in my office don't chew too loud and collect your paycheck when diane leaves set she finds honest banacopada in her car anna plays an audio tape of bojack vaguely admitting to something that happened between him and a girl in new mexico on a boat what i keep asking myself if her mother didn't walk in would i have done it diane continues to struggle to get flipped to listen to her suggestions on pc's advice she manipulates flip into thinking the ideas were actually his one of the ideas leads to a stunt that gets bojack heard on set and diane feels really guilty about this diane also continues to struggle with what to do about the tape she heard of bojack she consults her therapist and works through her feelings on it diane's changed behavior towards bojack leads him to seeing diane's therapist himself which eventually leads to the doctor cutting tides with diane and keeping bojack as a client diane actually comes to terms with this and tells bojack he needs more help than she does but bojack writes off the entire concept of therapy and claims he's too smart for it he also tells diane that they're the same this sends diane into an incredibly angry state as a response diane actually writes blatant references to the new mexico tape into the next filbert script without telling bojack when bojack performs the scene he's incredibly uncomfortable and distraught over these references on halloween 2018 diane goes to drop off script pages for bojack having forgotten about his annual halloween party in her short time there her car gets blocked in between two other cars mr peanut butter's new girlfriend pickles approaches diane and tells her it's okay if she's jealous diane tells her that she isn't jealous diane runs into bojack who is uncomfortable after the previous episode of filbert and diane ends up having a very hard time getting out of his driveway with all of the cars in the way pickles now upset at mr peanut butter locks herself in the bathroom and pb expresses his fears about his love life to diane diane tells him that he needs to stop dating women so much younger than him or grow up himself because his girlfriends simply outgrow his maturity level diane then has a heart to heart with pickles she actually gives pickles some very sweet advice and reassurance about mr peanut butter and he loved me so much for 10 years if there's one thing i know about that guy it's that he loves the person he's with deeply and unconditionally diane ends up taking a helicopter home just to get out of the party in early 2019 diane attends the filbert premiere she bumps into bojack who she hasn't had much contact with since filbert finished shooting bojack gives a speech about how philbert makes him feel better about the bad things he's done in his past which triggers diane and she leaves the premiere while leaving she ends up stopping to talk to bojack and tells him she doesn't want the show to justify people's shitty actions the two get in a huge fight where diane brings up tons about bojack's past that he needs to reconcile with including new mexico and sarah lynn she angrily leaves after this fight please let go of me diane please you're hurting me and i would like you to let go now on the way out diane runs into mr peanut butter who drives her home he ends up going inside with her and they have sex diane quits filbert for season 2 which begins shooting shortly after however production is shut down after a gruesome incident between bojack and gina casador on set later in 2019 mr peanut butter visits diane and tries to get her to tell pickles about their affair but diane refuses their argument leads to another round of angry sex mr peanut butter thinks this means that they're getting back together but diane immediately denies this she convinces mr peanut butter to tell pickles the truth but instead mr peanut butter proposes to pickles diane then meets with stefani about girl krush which is pivoting to video and stefani wants diane to be the face of their video team shortly after this bojack goes to see diane at her house and he asks her to write a takedown of him and reveal the truth of everything he's ever done wrong she refuses and tells him he needs to take accountability for himself this results in diane driving bojack to a rehab center in malibu called pesticias as they arrive diane opens up to bojack about her friend abby who abandoned her in high school and relates it to her relationship with bojack you're here and i hate you but you're my best friend and you need me bojack walks into rehab and diane drives off into the sunset diane spends much of 2019 traveling around the country making video content for girl cruise with a cameraman named guy eventually the two start a romantic relationship the pair stop in guy's hometown chicago diane and guy go through some awkward stages while determining what their relationship means guy doesn't want to introduce diane to her son unless it's serious and also doesn't seem to know how to introduce her to his friends stefani tries to convince diane to start chasing more feel-good stories which she tries to do but ultimately ends up chasing a scandal surrounding the white whale corporation while chasing the story guy and diane argue about aspects of her life and guy wonders why diane doesn't leave la if she's so miserable there she in turn criticizes him for his wishy-washy feelings on their relationship am i your girlfriend am i the um you know woman that i work with they end up going to the white whale building where the ceo reveals the full scope of their scandal in power it's also revealed that congress passed a bill that makes murder legal for billionaires protecting him from prosecution after this failure diane decides to go back to la and she waits at the train station with guy he wants her to stay in chicago but diane refuses as soon as she arrives back in la dayan has the realization that she made a mistake she calls guy back and tells him that she wants to move to chicago before diane leaves la for good she goes to see bojack bojack has been in rehab this entire time but is out on a day pass for mr peanut butter and pickles surprise wedding being thrown by todd diane meets him there unfortunately mr peanut butter reveals the truth about him and diane de pickles right before the surprise leading to everyone at the party hiding from the couple including diane and bojack who have a heart-to-heart while hiding when i got my two-month chip i thought i wish diane could see this diane wants to make sure bojack will be okay without her and he tells her that he will be diane moves to chicago in mid to late 2019 and struggles immensely to write her new book on personal essays she then begins to struggle with depression she's worried that going on antidepressants will have negative side effects like the ones she dealt with in college despite this guy gently pushes diane towards taking the meds i'd feel better if you just tried the medication your doctor prescribed well i'd feel worse while guys on a work trip to the galapagos islands in late 2019 diane gets a surprise visit from bojack who is now out of rehab her apartment is a disaster and is littered with trash and cigarette butts diane opens up about her struggles with her book and her insecurities about her relationship and what might happen if she takes antidepressants that if she takes them it will just reveal the real her to the world and to herself the messy struggling writer who she feels she is in this very moment bojack tells diane something she really needed to hear i wanted to thank you for believing in me when i didn't and for encouraging me to accept the help i needed this helps shift diane's perspective and she decides to start taking the antidepressants in early 2020 the antidepressants are having a mostly positive effect on diane though she is still struggling to write her memoir she tries really hard to access and write about her trauma but with little luck while working on her book at the mall she ends up writing a young adult mystery story called ivy tran mall court detective inspired by what she saw at the mall but she thinks this kind of story is beneath her and wants to write about her trauma when she continues to struggle writing her memoir she goes off her meds which sends her spiraling guy encourages diane to continue taking her meds and also without her knowledge sends princess caroline the pages of her ivy trans story which gets an incredible response from pc diane is of course furious about this and still wants to write her deep gritty memoir in may 2020 diane goes to visit bojack at wesleyan university where he's now teaching she goes there to see his drama classes end of semester performance after the performance diane has a deep conversation with princess caroline about what it would mean to write about her trauma as a coping mechanism as a way for her pain and suffering to make sense and to be turned into something useful that means that all the damage i got isn't good damage it's just damage eventually diane decides that she's going to write the ivy tran book instead after this diane pc and todd discover bojack passed out in front of the theater and they help him back to his office he reveals that there are reporters looking into his past and planning to run a story about him they just don't know what the group racks their brains trying to figure out what the story could be about one of the reporters paige sinclair ends up calling diane and asks about bojack's relationship with ceralyn pc wants to try and spin the story but diane knows this is a bad idea she even questions bojack's involvement with sarah lynn knowing certain details that others didn't she died of a heroin overdose yeah you had heroin bojack brand you kept it in your glove compartment bojack reveals that he did give her the heroine that killed her and diane tells them she doesn't want any part of what's happening and she leaves bojack ends up having a tv interview with biscuits braxby about his part in saralin's death but diane doesn't want to watch it the interview ends up going well and bojack schedules a second interview for the following evening the day after the interview diane meets guy's son sunny for the first time and immediately makes him cry when talking about his parents later that night diane is struggling to write and decides to turn on bojack's second interview she catches the end where biscuits tears into bojack about being a selfish and careless person bojack actually agrees with biscuits and diane shows a look of discomfort and conflict three months later diane is still revising her book but has an advanced copy she considers writing more adult content but pc presses her to try and write a sequel to ivy tran sunny actually reveals that he read her advanced copy of the book and that he loved it he has a really nice conversation with diane about some of the inspiration for the characters like ivy and moose's relationship mirroring diane and bojacks sunny says he thinks the book will be good for girls with low self-esteem and diane says she'll start working on the sequel weeks later the book is released but also guy's ex-wife lady is moving to houston with sunny and guy asks diane to move there with them so he can stay with his son while diane is doing book signings she finds a book written by mr peanut butter she calls him and the two catch up and get some much needed closure and perspective on their relationship mr peanut butter tells diane something important that she takes to heart if we hadn't met each other until now we wouldn't be the people we are now yeah not long after this diane gets a drunken phone call from bojack who leaves a message basically telling her that he's going to go swimming while drunken high with little regard for his own safety unless she calls him back she woke up to the message and called the police to try and check on him bojack nearly drowned in his old pool which struck diane with heavy guilt bojack is actually tried and sent to prison for breaking and entering into his old house this guilt made diane question her entire relationship and all of the decisions she's made and almost caused her to not move to houston with guy she eventually changes her mind and the two of them get married in 2021 diane runs into bojack at princess carolyn's wedding bojack meets diane on the roof similar to where bojack first opened up to diane when they were writing one trick pony diane vented about everything bojack's voicemail did to her and opened up about her life since then she expresses something important to her that the people we meet and the relationships in our lives are all a part of who we are and how we become ourselves she doesn't regret being with mr peanut butter because he helped make her who she is and implicitly she feels the same way about bojack even if their relationship is coming to an end she's happy to have met him she says one last thing that she needs to say it's going to be okay and i'm sorry and thank you diane gets up to leave but bojack stops her to tell her one last story he gives her a funny anecdote about prison and the pair of them fall back into their old playful banter in a very sweet conversation eventually the conversation ends they sit together and they look up at the stars in the sky in silence and that is the complete diane nguyen timeline diane is an amazing character and has one of the most significant and well-threaded arcs in all of bojack horsemen her journey is one of identity and self-discovery but also of self-acceptance one thing we learned through diane's story from live fast day and win to the dog days are over to good damage to nice while it lasted is the idea that the hardships we faced the failures we've endured the struggles and victories and everything in between they're all a part of who we are it's the rain that has weathered us into the shape we find ourselves and it's important for us to accept that we wouldn't be the people we are if it weren't for those experiences diane's story taught me a lot about myself and i know so many people see themselves in her so here's the diane nguyen folks thanks for tuning in to another massive bojack timeline if you liked this one please make sure to check out the other four i've released so far especially that herb because as one i would really appreciate if more people watched it and of course stay tuned for more because i'm gonna do more peace [Music] you
Channel: Johnny 2 Cellos
Views: 381,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BoJack, BoJack Horseman, BoJack Horseman Diane, Diane Nguyen, BoJack Diane, Diane Nguyen Timeline, diane nguyen good damage, diane nguyen vietnam, Good Damage, The Dog Days Are Over, Live Fast Diane Nguyen, Feel Good Story BoJack, BoJack Timeline, Bojack Analysis, Diane Nguyen Analysis, BoJack History, Complete BoJack Timeline, BoJack Horseman Ending, Diane Nguyen Ending, Diane Nguyen Explained, diane, Mr. Peanutbutter, Nice While it Lasted, Nice While it Lasted Bojack
Id: Ou-UYuJt7ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 28sec (2248 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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