SANJI'S ETERNAL FLAME | "The Energy of All Things"

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In Chapter 1107 of One Piece, we see Sanji  literally kick a laser. Written as a bullet point,   just something with text without any context, I  wouldn't say that this is the biggest deal ever.   The world of One Piece is a notoriously wacky  place where we see some pretty fantastical feats,   people cutting mountains, they jump on air, they  see the future and throw literal ocean currents.   Kicking a laser beam? Sure, but that was in fact,  not the reaction that we got from everybody else.   Kizaru, the light laser beam guy acted like he'd  never seen such a thing occur before. Franky, who   also utilizes a laser beam as a primary weapon, is  simultaneously utterly shocked. So I believe that   we know that something special is occurring here.  And in the pursuit of an answer here, I might have   stumbled upon something game changing. Hey Youtube, Joyboy here.   So, I saw this excellent Reddit thread which  perfectly explained why Sanji kicking a laser   is a big deal. I'll go ahead and link that  thread in the description. We see in Wano,   Zoro compare one of King's attacks to a laser beam  and he says “how can you block that, it's a laser   beam” obviously we know that nobody's ever blocked  Kizaru’s lasers just based on Kizaru’s reaction   to it. But going back to Marineford, his fight  with Marco, Marco regenerated from the lasers,   he did not block them. Likewise Rayleigh kicked  Kizaru’s leg, not the actual laser. Even thinking   back to the Pacifista and their laser powers we've  never seen someone actually block the lasers they   just dodged them. Honestly this one scene added so  much more context to the creation of the Pacifista   in the first place. Why Vegapunk and the World  government thought it was awesome to give them   laser beams because it is really a formidable  power even going into the beginning of Egghead,   Edison freaks out when Franky is preparing to  shoot a laser beam at S-Shark the Seraphim. He   says “dodge that S-Shark” and seems very relieved  that it missed. The Seraphim are obviously very   tough. Known armament haki users have faced  them, and so far have done very little damage   to them. But Vegapunk thinks a laser is one step  too far. So what's so scary about a laser?   But before I explain that I want to let you guys  know this video is sponsored by Kalshi. The new   anime stock market where you can put money on  your opinions regarding anime and manga. It’s   the only place where you can trade on anime in  all 50 states! The anime awards are this week,   if you think you already know who will win  awards such as anime of the year, best film,   best main character and best new series,  check out Kalshi and ante up today. So use   my link in the description and earn 20 dollars in  trading credits after you make your first trade,   and always remember to gamble responsibly. Let's talk some science for a moment. I just   asked for your patience. If you already know  this stuff. Obviously, not all laser beams   are created the same. You guys might possess  a laser pointer and use it to play with your   cat. So what's the difference between that and an  actual dangerous weapon? And the simple answer is   energy. The higher the energy the light, the more  powerful the weapon, that's pretty intuitive.   So with a higher energy light is it just like  brighter? No Light is electromagnetic radiation,   just the same that is present in a microwave or  that you hear through the radio or you hear about   UV radiation from the sun or X rays. All that is  essentially the same thing. It's all light, but at   different energy levels. What makes visible light  special is really simply because we can see it.   Our eyes possess the ability to translate these  electromagnetic waves into what we see as colors.   Similarly, but different, we don't see infrared  light, but we can feel it as heat. It’s not that   infrared intrinsically possesses the qualities of  heat. It's just how our bodies interact with it,   kind of how UV radiation is primarily responsible  for sunburn, but you don't actually feel it. But   in essence, electromagnetic radiation is a very  common form of energy. When you set wood on fire,   electromagnetic radiation is produced, some of  which we see as light, some of which we feel as   heat, and some of which we don't really interact  with at all but exist. So outside of the realm   of science fiction, when you're actually talking  about a laser beam, you're really talking about   high energy light that we cannot see. This has  been big in the news of the last 10 years or so,   advancements in technology have allowed for the  creation of directed energy weapons. They are   laser beams utilizing, for instance, microwaves  and they are now being commonly used in global   warfare. As a side note, there's some interesting  conspiracy theories related to this if you're into   that. So you have these energy beams, energy is  loosely defined as the ability to make change.   The more energy, the more change. When you fire a  directed energy weapon at, for instance, a ship or   a car with fuel, you provide that fuel with enough  energy to combust, it explodes. But I don't think   that there's actually a theoretical limit to what  you could actually do with this. Fuel combusting   makes sense to people, but with the hypothetical  energy of a star, things like heavy metals would   only exist in a gaseous form meaning if you fired  a weapon with this level of energy, something   like a car would just vaporize, which is truly  frightening. Now consider the weapon that Imu used   in order to destroy Lulusia, yeah, that my friends  is the power of the sun. So generally speaking,   it makes sense for Vegapunk to be afraid of  lasers. But of course, most lasers even within the   world of One Piece do not possess this level of  energy. That's what makes Imu’s weapons special,   but even less potent lasers can cause harm.  And in my opinion, this is what Vegapunk was   afraid of. Not necessarily that Franky's laser  was going to totally obliterate the Seraphim,   rather radiation can have an effect on your  actual DNA or in One Piece terms may be your   lineage factor. Radiation commonly causes cancer,  cancer is caused by damage to your DNA. It's just   like the example the directed energy weapon  pointing at a car. The actual metal or chassis   of the car may be relatively unaffected, but the  fuel explodes. Likewise, the same sort of thing   can occur within your very own body in ways you  don't immediately feel. Radiation poisoning is   no joke. So I believe that we have established  lasers are scary, but we are still left with the   question of how and why Sanji can kick them?  This is gonna be wild guys, so buckle up,   don't forget to subscribe, hit the like button,  click the bell to be notified. You guys already   know this one is why you are here. I find it fitting that all of this has   taken center stage in the story in the Egghead  arc. The Egghead arc where our main protagonists   of the island is Vegapunk designed based on Albert  Einstein. I'm sure you guys are already familiar,   the famous equation of Einstein: E equals MC  squared, but maybe some of you are wondering what   the equation actually means. And in simple terms,  this is energy is matter or matter is energy.   Different states of the same thing you, yes, you,  I'm talking to through the screen right now, you,   your physical person, you are energy, it's  kind of overwhelming if you really sit down   and think about it, but you are composed of a  lot of different things brought. Your DNA is a   sort of blueprint, but the actual building blocks  are acquired through your life and sometimes your   parent's life. It's why we need to eat food, we  break down matter, and we convert it into usable   energy. But all of this matter or all of this  energy really originates from somewhere else,   for the Earth itself and the beings on it, this  is the sun. How were you actually made inside of   a star just like light? Light is energy. Energy  is matter. Matter is light, simply existing in a   different state. Maybe you think this is a wildly  stupid equivalence, but at the very least Imu and   the Gorosei seem to agree with me. They refer to  specific lives as light needing to be erased. Life   is light. Maybe you could say that we're all like  little very dim stars. If you strip it back all   the way to its ancient roots. What even is a star  I can already hear people furiously typing based   on our current understanding of like, well star  is a sun like ours, but elsewhere. Some bigger,   some smaller, some dimmer, some brighter, some we  can only see with the most advanced technology,   some we still can't see but assuredly exist. But  in a more classical sense, a star is simply a   light in the sky at night. And for many thousands  of years, this included things like planets. Venus   is one of the brightest stars in the sky, despite  not technically being a star or a sun. If the Moon   were a little bit farther away, I think that  it probably would have also been classified   as a star, the brightest in the sky. But think  about planets elsewhere orbiting in distant solar   systems. Are they stars? Most would tell you no,  but if you were a bit closer to them, they would   be, they are simply too dim to see with the naked  eye in our night sky. And in fact, many of them,   most of them, all of them practically, are too dim  to be seen with the greatest technology possible   currently, but if we could see quite a bit better  than your perspective would change. And this is   precisely the point, put an astronaut somewhere  in the middle of deep space. If you could see well   enough, it would also be a star we do in fact emit  a very tiny amount of light. So the Gorosei are   in fact elder stars and everybody else a little  bit younger. And so this brings us back to Sanji,   Sanji the same as everybody else is a light or  a star, the only difference is that you can see   it. The journey of following Sanji's power  throughout the series is crazy. Initially,   Sanji was just a chef having some resistance to  fire as a chef made a lot of sense. It also wasn't   that deep. Then of course Enies Lobby happened  and suddenly Sanji's foot is catching fire. The   thought at the time was that this was a result of  friction doesn't really make all that much sense,   but okay. A fan even posed this question  to Oda which he included in SBS of like why   doesn't Sanji’s flames actually burn him? As  was rightfully logical to assume fire is hot,   fire burns and Oda had the audacity to troll this  fellow. Sanji’s flames do not burn him because his   heart burns so much hotter. Thank you, Oda-san.  Seemingly encouraged also probably amused, he dug   his heels in deeper. In Thriller Bark, now all  of Sanji is just spontaneously combusting. He's   literally on fire and it's definitely related to  his emotional state. So at this point, we get it,   it's a joke. It's a joke right? Right? Power of  love, Oda is having himself a laugh. Theorizing   this is pointless, right? Wrong, love is a very  real power in the world of One Piece. I know   that you guys have been waiting for me to say  it. E equals MC squared, matter is energy. All   lives are light, light is energy. Sanji himself  burns like a star. Sanji somehow has tapped into   the power latent within all life. He can actively  convert his matter into energy and this is in some   way related to love. What's convenient about this  theory is it’s not necessarily restricted to Sanji   specifically, Big Mom also catches fire and is  seemingly not burning. Love is also very important   to Big Mom's character even though she expresses  it in a way that many people do not understand,   you can definitely argue that Big Mom is full of  love, just like Sanji. When Luffy uses Red Hawk   or Red Roc he's thinking about Ace, a person he  loves. When Sanji kicks Kizaru’s laser he gives an   explanation “love is greater than light”. While we've approached this theory more   scientifically up until this point, you guys  know that I talk a lot about Buddhism and I've   talked about so much because I believe the story  of One Piece itself is a parable for Buddhism.   Through its themes, it teaches it in a very not  obvious way, but just like we've been talking   about with Albert Einstein, E=MC squared matter  is energy. Buddhists have a similar belief. Yet   also within this, we find the softer Science of  Love. Buddhists believe that love is the essence   of all energy. Love, according to Buddhism,  is unending because the energy it gives you   comes from the cosmos. I don't really want  to get all into this discussion and frankly,   I don't think that I'm capable of doing that.  But as far as One Piece is concerned, I believe   that you should think of love as energy, a form  of it similar to electromagnetic radiation. So   when Sanji talks about the power of love, he means  this quite literally. But despite saying this and   potentially having this understanding, you know,  does it fully make sense yet? And I would argue,   no, we still need a reason, like an actual reason  why Sanji possesses this power to a greater extent   than most everybody else. Is it simply because he  loves more than everyone else. He is kinder than   anyone else. Yeah, that could be part of it, but  maybe not all of it. So let's evolve this theory   by adding a new dimension to it. Let's explain  the true nature of the Vinsmoke children.   We know that Judge Vinsmoke altered his children's  lineage factors. He made them superhuman. But with   Sanji it's a little bit confusing because we're  led to believe that Sora, Sanji's mother, also   utilized the power of science in order to prevent  Sanji's transformation. So rather than him being   augmented, Sanji from the very beginning has just  been a normal human with an intrinsic capacity for   love. However, I think that this notion has become  questionable from the moment that Sanji wore the   Germa raid suit, and then literally unlocked the  power of science within him. Clearly, it's not as   straightforward as we thought Sanji is certainly  not a regular human. So it's time for a theory you   have probably never heard before. Sora didn't  actually undo the Vinsmoke technology within   Sanji. Instead she added to it while all the other  siblings are made in the image of Judge Vinsmoke,   Sanji was truly created scientifically by both  of his parents. Maybe to best express this,   we have to begin with the Sanji that never was.  We all know that each of the Vinsmoke children   possess unique specific powers. They all don't  have the same power, but all the powers share the   same theme, and that theme is energy. Remember  guys, energy exists in many different states,   and with the right methods you can convert one  form into another. A big component of possibly   the biggest component of human advancement has  been the ability to convert different kinds of   energy into electricity. Without this you wouldn't  be watching me right now. This is the secret of   the Vinsmoke siblings, Niji is intrinsically  affiliated with electrical energy. Yonji is   mechanical energy. Reiju might appear as though  she has poison based abilities, but I believe that   her actual power is chemical energy. And of course  Sparking Red Ichiji is heat or light energy. Now   it's actually still curious how these powers work.  Reiju, for instance, has to actually eat reactive   chemicals in order to power her poison. But  Reiju was also a prototype made before the other   siblings, we don't see Niji eating electricity as  an example. So maybe Judge Vinsmoke improved this   technology by allowing Ichiji to eat essentially  everyday regular human food and then convert it   into usable electrical energy. So with this being  said, right, we have the opportunity for a very   interesting thought, what was the type of energy  that Sanji was supposed to possess? But what   we know for a fact is that all of the Vinsmoke  epithets, all of their designs, their suits are   built around the powers that they are supposed  to have. Our clue for Sanji is Stealth Black,   and the ability that he has showcased so far is  the power of invisibility. To me, this implies   that the energy that Sanji was supposed to be  able to utilize is gravitational energy. I know   that most understand what a black hole is. But for  those who don't, a black hole is the greatest feat   of gravity. When a supermassive star dies and can  no longer support its own mass, it collapses into   a singularity. The gravity around this point is  so extreme that not even light can escape. But   even with a less extreme example, objects  of great mass or objects of great gravity,   bend light and through the bending of light you  can create invisibility so this is what I think   that Stealth Black is supposed to mean, black in  reference to black holes, they're gravity. Sanji,   utilizing this at a lesser level in order  to become invisible. So now I think we have   a better explanation for how Sanji was able to  kick Kizaru’s laser beam. He possesses the power   of gravity, he can convert his own energy into  gravitational energy and is capable of bending   light. But some of you might be wondering, doesn't  this contradict what we said before what Sanji   even stated in the story, he kicked the light  because the power of love is greater than light.   Where does love fall into all of this? So I think  it's prudent to remind you guys that this was what   Sanji was initially intended to be. But Sora made  him so much more. I think that a lot of people get   this confused but the physical children are not  lacking in emotion. They possess emotions very   clearly at certain times, such as anger, lust,  really Judge Vinsmoke removed their compassion,   their love. Sora was a scientist on the same level  as Judge Vinsmoke and she was obviously intimately   aware of his research. In part they designed the  children together. I would also guess that she   had an understanding of how Judge Vinsmoke removed  the siblings' capacity for love. So she attempted   to return it the only way that she knew how, she  treated love as a distinct form of energy. This is   effectively the six different Vinsmoke powers.  Sanji is stronger than all of his siblings,   because he possesses the ability to manipulate  two different kinds of energy, gravity and love.   But you may be wondering, and certainly I was  wondering why only Sanji, why didn't the other   Vinsmoke children also possess the attribute of  love to go along with their native power? This   is even more headcanon than everything else,  but it's a cool thought in my mind. Blackbeard   is another character in the story associated with  gravity, the powers of gravity suck everything in.   Maybe then it's fitting for Sanji, the Vinsmoke  who can manipulate gravitational energy to have   been the only one to consume Sora’s love. And  with this surprising connection, Sanji became   the Vinsmoke’s greatest achievement, but I'll have  you know, guys, we're not done yet. I still don't   think that we have made Sanji strong enough. The law of conservation of energy, simply stated’   this law means that energy can neither be created  nor destroyed. If you imagine the entire universe,   all of the energy that would exist within, you  would probably tell me that the total amount   is infinite. The number is assuredly very,  very large, but it's probably finite energy   is not added or removed from the system. It merely  changes its form. Sanji as it seems to me, appears   to be a contradiction to this law, the hotter  Sanji burns, the more energy he is producing   or consuming, not really sure. Either way it's  implied and Sanji’s fight versus Queen when he   debuted the power of Ifrit, that he always could  have burned hotter it was his body which held   him back. How is this possible? Where did this  energy come from? Why is Sanji’s power seemingly   unlimited? Well, guys to address this problem, I  think it's important to bring up another thing in   the world of One Piece, which also seemingly does  this and that is The Devil Fruit. Sanji’s eyebrows   have been a mystery since the very beginning  of the story. Readers saw and questioned like,   why does he have weird eyebrows? Theories have  existed for a long time, many years, comparing   Sanji’s eyebrows to the swirls that are seen on  Devil Fruit. We've obviously spent this whole   theory talking about energy and all of its various  forms. For the Vinsmoke and the power of science,   these are energy forms that real life science  commonly accepts. But then when talking about   Buddhism, we've included this new form of energy,  love, so maybe we can take this further. Guys,   what if for a second everything that is a  Devil Fruit, what if all of these things are   a distinct form of energy, which actually exists.  Typically we like to classify energy as energy and   matter as matter but matter is energy. In fact,  everything that exists is essentially the same,   simply existing in a different state. Maybe this  is how the Devil Fruit work. Each Devil Fruit   contains the energy the wavelength of a particular  whatever you can conceive of. I believe this is   actually alluded to in the story. When talking  about Buddhism, of course, you need to talk   about Zoro the Buddhist character in One Piece  and in Alabasta as he fought Mr. 1, he unlocked   the ability to hear the breath of all things.  Inanimate objects and possibly intangible concepts   have their own presence or energy. As Zoro was  in this near death state, some sort of boundary   between life and death, Heaven and Hell, he had  the ability to perceive this. so Devil Fruits   which channel this energy possess a swirl the same  as Sanji's eyebrows. Perhaps this world is meant   to represent energy. And in SBS volume seven, when  a reader asked Oda about Sanji’s curly eyebrows,   he said this, " Hey!! You there, sit down!! Now  listen!! Everyone lives in circles!! The sun, the   moon, the Earth all spin in circles!! And!! If the  earth suddenly stopped spinning!! The planet would   be covered in tidal waves!! It would be terrible!!  Now remember that Sanji's eyebrows channel the   same powerful circular energy!! Reflect upon  this!! You may go!!” As I was making this theory,   my first instinct was that this didn't really fit  into what I was speculating. Stealth Black Sanji   is more so gravitational energy. Also don't know  how circles relate to love. Maybe Oda's original   idea was to give Sanji rotational energy. When he  first unlocked his fire like he had to spin. Maybe   Oda just simply changed his mind. But then digging  a little deeper, I found a different connection,   the Zen Buddhist symbol of Enso. The Enso circle  is one of the deepest symbols in Japanese Zen.   And essentially, the symbol conveys everything  that we've already been talking about, in this   entire video, the oneness of the cosmos, it is the  symbol of enlightenment or the realization that   everything is energy or spirit. It is The Heart  Sutra, if you're familiar with that, but this   symbol also bleeds into another. A famous form of  Enso is the Sun Enso. The sun likewise is depicted   as a circle. It is also an incredibly common  symbol in the story of One Piece. Here's some   things that I found, in broad daylight everything  comes together in a circle, and bears fruit. The   brilliance of the truth reveals all, nothing can  be hidden. And one’s fruit will be known. We now   know that Luffy’s Devil Fruit is the Sun God Nika,  the sun as a symbol and the story of One Piece is   related to him, but there's a curious connection  between Luffy as Nika and energy. In Egghead,   we were introduced to ancient kingdom technology,  the ancient giant robot, and we're told that in   the past, it was powered using the eternal flame.  Vegapunk unsuccessfully attempted to recreate this   technology in the form of the Mother Flame, which  Imu got their hands on and presumably utilized it   to turn on the weapon, which destroyed Lulusia a  weapon which at the very beginning of this video,   we argued contained to the power of the sun,  everything vaporized. But then on Egghead,   something strange happened Luffy went Gear 5th,  he activated his Nika powers, and his heartbeat   seemingly has turned the robot back on. Luffy’s  Devil Fruit is in some way related to the Eternal   Flame, everything that exists, everything was made  inside of a star. And when Luffy goes Gear 5th,   he believes that he can do anything. I believe that everything that is everything   that exists can be found within Luffy. If he can  dream it up, it can be done, the energy of Nika   is special. So let's put a bow on top of this  theory. I've mentioned this in prior theories,   but I really think that the Nika fruit was  the original Devil Fruit, all the other ones   spawn because it is its powers, or at the very  least Nika’s powers relate to whatever spawned   the Devil Fruit. Guys, it is very clear that Nika  is the god of joy, right? Nika itself means it's   a sound effect for smiling and in Buddhism,  Dharma is the doctrine, the universal truth,   common to all individuals at all times. Dharma is  what our souls seek it is the Buddha's teachings,   the path to enlightenment, and the symbol which  represents it is a wheel. It looks a lot like   a pirate ship wheel, and it's at this point that  the story starts to come alive and you can almost   physically feel the importance of adventure. What  that means in the story, the pursuit of freedom,   the Buddha described the purpose of the Dharma,  his teachings, as the liberation of the heart,   which is love. You need to throw aside your  western conceptions of the word love or think of   it in a more godly sense. Buddhism cultivates four  kinds of love, called the boundless states or the   four immeasurables. Loving kindness, compassion,  equanimity, and of course, Joy. It is my opinion   that the eternal flame in the story of One Piece  is love. This is why Vegapunk called his version,   the Mother Flame, related to a mother's love and  it is this boundless energy which powers Nika   the Sun God as well as Sanji the Cook. For a moment I want you to think about the   seraphim and their weird star pupils. Vegapunk has  created something very close to the eternal flame,   with the mother flame, but it isn’t quite right.  I believe that the seraphim are powered using a   distinct form of energy, and their eyes are  a clue in the same way as Sanji’s eyebrows. I   believe their power to be derivative of light.  Kizaru’s light. But as Sanji tells us, love is   stronger. With Sanji, based on his hairstyle, one  eyebrow is always covered and recently we've seen   his eyebrows change direction, but I think that  as he further taps into his powers, it will be   revealed that his two eyebrows together will form  the symbol of the heart swirling with the energy   of the eternal flame. Guys, I really hope that  you enjoyed this theory. It was kind of a task in   order to figure out how to put this together, but  I feel pretty happy with the result. If you like   it as much as I enjoyed creating it, please share  it. If any one video I've ever made takes off I   really hope that it's this one, but that can't  happen without your help. The algorithm is not   a big fan of me, but either way, I'm curious as to  what you think. Leave your thoughts in the comment   section below. Feel free to check out my book The  Booms, link in the description. Like the video,   subscribe, click the bell to be notified, join the  squad, and, as always guys, have a wonderful day.
Channel: Joy_Boy Theories
Views: 90,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece, Joy Boy theories, sanji, egghead, vegapunk, one piece 1109, one piece 1110, one piece 1111, one piece theory, gear 5th, nika, luffy, zoro
Id: yIdmb2gHjOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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