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you would not believe how fervently people hate this Theory they don't play around they legitimately get heated but look guys I'm sitting here I'm biing my time I'm waiting for Oda to troll the entire fan base and just see the reaction when Zoro finally unlocks his sharing Gun there's going to be some people acting up but those who watch this video are going to know the truth this has always been a great Theory so buckle up hey YouTube Jo boy here so you guys already know that the Zoro Shing gun theories was a pretty popular thing like 10 years ago it's probably still popular to this day but it's just been shunned out of existence honestly I don't get it some of y'all have bad opinions like objectively bad opinions I can already hear the cries from the crowd one piece isn't Naruto Okay okay fair enough that's true one piece is also not the thousands the literal thousands of other shows that it takes inspiration from Oda sits down at his desk thinks about how he can incorporate dragon ball into the story of One Piece nodding to himself like yeah this is going to be so great rubs his hands together we cooking an editor slowly nervously scoots up to his desk he's like yo this thing that Naruto is doing with their eyes is pretty cool maybe we should use that the kids love it and so Oda looks up in indignation you really think so low of me bro Naruto is absolute trash going to need some new editors with taste so go to your corner while I finish up this GARP and Kobe scene which is clearly inspired by all might and deu from my hero Academia look guys maybe Oda does actually think that Naruto is trash I you know I don't think that's the case but like hypothetically okay use anything related to Naruto even though it's been over for like 10 years I certainly didn't think that Naruto was trash you guys remember the hok out Rushmore well Naruto itself is on my manga Mount Rushmore just honestly and no I haven't watched red boruto nor do I playing to sorry but I was there and equally hyped as everybody else about the cool eye Transformations it doesn't matter why it works it just works look guys one piece YouTube in 2016 was kind of a wild time to be alive the thumbnail game not that great but the meta at the time was just like take a normal panel of one piece and just give them funky eyes literally make the eyes glow boom got him 1 million views every time Shing G eyes was essentially the equivalent of Mr Beast titles today that's just reality and that tells you everything that you need to know but maybe you're an elite connoisseur of Art and don't like derivative things you know everything has to be like really creative from the author's own Pure Imagination no Inspirations you're reading the wrong m that's honestly Oda superpower let's be real Oda cops himself a copy of Game of Thrones gets into it it's like yo this is fun the Red Wedding went hard maybe we can utilize this in whole island is the Tea Party the actual red wedding from Game of Thrones no but is it very obvious that Oda took inspiration yes and I suppose that's kind of the art of it look at other popular media of the past of the present what were they doing and see if you can recreate the effect but of course adding your own twist to it so that it feels different even though it's not look at Dragon Ball as an example after they did KOIN toriyama's like hey I want to have my SS have a power up not sure how to do it brainstorm it's like yo let's just change the color of the hair and make it stand up somebody asks him how that makes sense in any universe and he's like um uh pretty cool though right meanwhile 25 years later Oda is designing gar Fifth and he's like yo what if we take Luffy but we change the color of his hair and make it stand up somebody asked him but like isn't that like Dragon Ball how are we doing anything different why does that even make sense I know was like hold up listen to me what if we Justified it using Freedom Also let's make the power of imagination an actual power in the world of One Piece maybe that's just your freaking Eternal Flame Luffy is a son right so suddenly we have white hair and free hair you know free hair just wants to stand up dude Monumental flams Oda done did it again so I hope that I've made myself clear I design ey changes that sort of stuff is just cool it's just cool people like it you don't need any other reason to include it in your story and Nota has already taken inspiration from it look at Hawk Eyes mihawk right he has unique eyes it's totally unexplained it may not have an explanation but Oda knows mihawk's existence and presence just goes a little bit harder because of it when Oda designed emu right emu has the very same strange eyes Oda is keeping this in mind he knows this this is even in play within the last couple of years Oda designed the seraphim's eyes to be unique they have little star pupils is it necess NE absolutely not is it cool Oda probably thinks so but so here's the thing Oda very rarely does anything without any justification whatsoever even if the concept boils down to I think that this is cool and I want to include this in my story because I've been inspired by something else or whatever right there's usually an in story reason for it like Luffy when gear second steam is coming off his body it's a cool visual but I to make sure to add in that layer of like Luffy is made out of rubber and he's pumping his blood so the reality of gear second is that Luffy's blood is probably literally burning and that steam cloud is also probably his blood coming through his skin oh jeez honestly and live action realistically that's horrific but Oda did include a justification so in my opinion it is actually logical to assume that there is also a justification for mihawk and emu in the seraphim's eyes Oda just needs a good time to reveal it believe it or not I have never actually made a Zoro Shing gun Theory video over the course of my entire channel in fact I made a joke about this before but it's time for Jo boy the's to step into the arena sit back grab yourself some popcorn don't forget to like And subscribe you guys already know let's begin so the premise to this theory if you are not aware which I understand most everybody is aware but the premise is is that Zoro has one closed eye and at some point it will open although there is a visible Scar the eye is in fact not damaged or at least not permanently Dam damaged and when he opens it that eye will look different and Zoro will have some kind of new power is Zoro actually going to reveal the Shing gun the technique from Naruto absolutely not I've seen some people mention this as a criticism before which is just pretty blatantly obtuse you've missed the assignment it will be called something else it will be uniquely explained in the world of One Piece based on the World building and the powers Etc but an interesting way to approach the theory and approach the idea itself is by looking at Naruto for instance have you ever wondered how and why Kishimoto the author of Naruto was inspired to design These Eyes in the first place if you were curious It's derivative of Shinto and Buddhist belief native to Japan maybe it'd be easier to explain if we move away from the Shing gun and instead focus on the renegon another very important eye power in the Naruto Universe the renegon literally translates as the samsara eye and samsara is essentially the cycle of life or the cycle of life and death within Hindu and Buddhist teachings I'm going to keep this to Buddhism for Simplicity sake and I'm going to approach approach this very simply in general just because you don't need to know the whole religion to understand the concept Buddhists essentially believe in reincarnation they also believe in karma based on your deeds in this life you were reborn into another and there's various places that your soul could be reborn these places are often referred to as paths and more specifically Paths of pain because Buddhists believe that life the cycle of samsar reincarnation rebirth is all suffering life is suffering this is the ultimate truth eventually how ever many lives it takes All Souls will come to understand this so you want to escape this cycle of samsar you want to escape the paths in order to reach nirvana that is Enlightenment so once again the renegon literally translates as the samsara I and the powers of the character nagato or pain are derived from this influence pain reanimates or reincarnates and controls corpses he then named each of these corpses after the six paths Nora praa animal human ashra and DVA in this way you can see how how Nag's Powers metaphorically make him the master of the Six Paths a master of life also the renegon of the power itself is referred to as like a Godlike power he walks all six with the natural understanding of pain and suffering which comes from this he then is metaphorically enlightened there is no such thing as a hockey man nagato is basically a Buddha or at the very least believes that to be true and has powers that are tangentially related remaining in the physical world as a body SATA basically this makes him a teacher trying to up other people Enlighten and he accomplishes this by making people realize that life is suffering or pain but the final goal for those that follow Buddhism is obviously to Enlighten reach nirvana and another way of phrasing this is that they desire to possess the eye of Buddha this is an incredibly famous symbol and are meant to convey the allseeing nature of the Buddha himself his ability to see beyond the Physical Realm and see truth itself along with various other things I believe that you can also think of this as a third ey but the basic concept is that you have physical eyes and then you have an inner eye the physical eye sees the material reality while the inner eye sees beyond and this is effectively what the specially designed eyes in Naruto achieve in very specific manga ways there's some bloodline elements to this that I definitely want to gloss over but essentially in order to acquire Shing gun you need to have experienced pain or suffering an intense moment incidentally the use of these eyes eventually leads the user to lose their vision of the physical world so I'm hopeful at this point in time that even if you haven't seen Naruto you can understand that the eye powers in it is very heavily influenced by Buddhism probably Buddhism is pretty influential and can be used as a source of inspiration Buddhism which also happens to be a very prevalent religious belief in Japan and coincidentally another famous fellow is also from Japan right the author of One Piece Aira Odo and we have a Buddhist character in the story of one piece and that character is Zoro Zoro who has literally stated on multiple occasions that he walks the paths of pain in fact his strongest abilities all relate to individual paths I've done several videos on this so I'll just go ahead and Link them in the description but long story short my speculation is is that as Zoro Masters each of these Paths of pain Embraces and understands them he unlocks new powers ashra being one of these but there are several others long story short is that Zoro is on a quest to become the master of the Six Paths just the same as nagato so maybe we shouldn't speculate that he will unlock the shark gun rather he will unlock the renegon inspired by the eye of Buddha but I suppose that it's time that we take this to the next level right you don't actually go from having regular eyes to the eye of Buddha it doesn't work that way um as far as I can gather there are five inner eyes and I believe that you acquire them like levels one before the other with the eye of Buddha being the final level this is also something shared with the lore of Naruto because the renegon is something that is usually achieved after after somebody already has the shingan it's considered a greater power so you have the eyes of ordinary people or the physical eye you have the Heavenly eye the wisdom eye the Dharma eye and then finally the Buddha eye as you guys will know Zoro follows Bushido Bushido which is the art of the sword of the Samurai but also has religious connotations it's related to the practice of Buddhism further Mastery of the sword was seen as a spiritual accomplishment but it should be noted that the spiritual accomplishment is not limited to the practice of the sword it's simply a particular manifestation likewise mihawk may not be Buddhist in the same way that Zoro is but he is a spiritual character and this is I think highlighted by the fact that we see that Dracula mihawk Bears a cross so I believe that he has obtained similar abilities as zoro's already demonstrated through the story and possibly others that he hasn't yet this takes us to the second eye or the Heavenly eye it's also called The Divine eye the simplest way to explain this is an eye that just simply sees better as if your eye possesses the capabilities of a telescope or a microscope essentially guys the Heavenly eye is a Hawkeye while in one piece this might be explained as a unique application of observation hockey we can still see in chapter 561 as mihawk fights Luffy the power the actual power of His Eyes Oda even focuses in on mihawk's Hawk Eyes as he observes Luffy running around with extreme Clarity even from great distances it is my opinion that when Oda designed mihawk and his Hawk Eyes he had heavenly eyes in mind but this leads us to the next set of eyes or the wisdom eyes this is a pretty tough concept to explain but the idea is is that everything is emptiness what our physical and Heavenly eyes perceive isn't really there this is actually related to current scientific ideas such as everything being energy you may see yourself as an impermanent physical being but instead you are a permanent emptiness or energy it should be reminded that the great goal of all this is to escape samsara or escape the cycle of life and suffering this suffering only exists with the attachment to the impermanent physical world thus an understanding of emptiness is seen as wisdom to me I would relate this to EMU who also possesses a permanent version of these same type of eyes the great cleansing erasing islands and light maybe emu has an understanding of emptiness or wisdom eyes but it should be noted that these eyes are a double-edged sword many Buddhists achieve this but Buddha cautions against not progressing past it because wisdom eyes cannot save other beings because wisdom eyes do not perceive other beings so perhaps emu is an extreme example of this the power to force others to understand and experience emptiness manifested as destruction but I think that as I say this a lot of people are going to have issues with this seeing emo as potentially a religious character maybe something is off here but I think that as Luffy and as na is deified in the story emu is kind of a foil a dark Prophet but I do want to note that in Buddhism there are eight distinct sufferings the goal is to escape these the eight sufferings are birth old age sickness death loss of loved ones and pleasant conditions associations with unpleasant persons and conditions failure to obtain what one wants and impermanence emu may be a false god who has achieved these things in the wrong way but as emu is now they have escaped all eight of these sufferings while remaining in the physical world emu is Immortal if you believe that reincarnation has its place in the world of One Piece emu does not get reborn emu also does not grow old get sick or die emu apparently has no loved ones so they cannot lose them emu does not associate with people that they do not want to EMU attains what they want and are permanent antithetically emu can be seen as a living being that has escaped samsara this would basically make emu the same as pain from Naruto an evil body SATA using suffering destruction and death as a way to teach truth and that seems to be the main difference between the wisdom eyes and the next level of eyes the Dharma eyes eyes those that possess the Dharma eye are B satas they remain in the physical world in order to help others enlightened but I assume in the right way not just fixated on the emptiness but with knowledge that what happens in the physical world matters maybe not Luffy but na could potentially be a being possessing the Dharma eyes certainly many have noticed that when Luffy awakened his delord his eyes did in fact change not the same as mihawk and emu but still definitely this is what Oda intended for the role of NAA and Luffy to be in the story whether he intends it or not possessing the Dharma eye is all about compassion and love without regard to oneself and it just makes you think about the most recent chapter with Sanji using the power of love in order to break the rules of physics with respect to Buddhism and the five eyes this accomplishment actually makes sense and of course the last eye is the Buddha eye another difficult one to explain but the Buddha eye is everything it perceives everything it is everything commonly presented in a way I think that more people understand time and space are not obstacles for those that possess the Buddha eye the singular manga superpower which would be associated with it is the ability to see the past present and future with no bounds and this takes us back to mihawk when Oda initially designed mihawk he didn't have Hawkeyes he was intended to be mihawk The Clairvoyant and perhaps this hints at the original direction that Oda intended to go with the character most likely the first character that Oda intended on having future sight hockey I'm sure that all of this is really interesting but most of you will have stumbled upon a problem entally with this Theory right this is supposed to be about Zoro opening his eye it looking different having a particular power and that's all well and good but like the double rings of mihawk and emu's eyes are seen elsewhere in ways that do not fit the spiritual enlightenment idea of this Theory like zo the creature zunisha possessing These Eyes is really interesting because Momo got flashes of their experiences from the past and that could be related in some way but like hakuba cavendish's altar having These Eyes you see them commonly throughout the story in ways that just don't make sense so what is the actual secret of hawkey I believe them to be eyes of pain and suffering or maybe eyes of extreme emotion or passion potentially desire now go through the entire story every possible example of a character demonstrating the double ringed eyes even characters who only showed them for a moment what is the commonality shock and pain sometimes rage and in my opinion this is what makes mihawk and emu's eyes unique they've captured a moment maybe an emotion and made it permanent through understanding and embracing pain in all forms or maybe an individual form these characters have been granted a superior sense the ability to see the world with greater Clarity I think it should be obvious by now but really the powers in the world of One Piece have already been explained to us what is the power of the Hawke eye well I think it's simply observation hockey whether you're following mihawk in his battle vers Luffy in Marine Ford or you see mihawk as The Clairvoyant as Odo originally intended these would be clearly derivative of what is now observation hockey so this is more accurately my theory the eyes are a conduit allowing the expression of the strongest form of observation hockey that we will ever see in the story look guys calmness is very important to the expression of observation hockey and I think we can gather that emu and mihok are two of the commonest individuals in the entire series when we eventually see mihawk fight all out at 100% I think that we'll discover that he has the strongest observation hockey and the unique appearance of his eyes is going to be a technique to help attain this level it's something like the perfect balance of passion and of calm passion is will or hockey a word to describe desire the eyes effectively solve the Paradox of observation hockey because calmness can often be associated with apathy the lack of caring or even a contentment but characters like emu and like mihok care more than anybody yet do so with this Zen Ambiance of calm but we've touched on this concept of like passion and desire this was also how Vega Punk described devil fruits Vega Punk's artificial devil fruit does not possess the normal swirl pattern instead a double ringed eye maybe the double ring is supposed to be a precursor or an incomplete form of natural desire when big mom loses her mind essentially loses her Consciousness when she desires something very strongly and is totally out of her mind her eyes swirled she effectively became a being of pure desire and interesting here later on when she has gathered some amount of her own wits the swirl is lost replaced by the double ring I just think that there may be something here pure desire is a spiral but controlled desire is a ring like I said guys I don't really know let me know if you think that I'm cooking in the comment section but let's just go ahead and switch gears and end this thing Luffy's observation hockey has begun to far surpass that of Zoros but I believe that if Zoro is ever going to fight and defeat mihawk or ever be on mihawk's level his observation hockey has to grow just as much and Beyond what Luffy's is now so Zoro essentially needs a mirror World future sight hockey training AR and that could be really boring and repetitive since we already got that for Luffy so in my opinion this is the reason why Oda gave Zoro one closed eye so that he will have effectively been training his observation hockey the entire Post Time Skip and when that PowerUp is finally delivered the entire Community will be hyped by it one of the reasons why the eye of Buddha is a unique symbol is that both eyes are partially closed and what this is meant to represent is the Buddha being able to see with both of his eyes simultaneously both the the inner world and the outer World Zoro obviously isn't exactly the same but there's definitely obvious parallels there similarities here with one open eye in one closed eye honestly even if zoro's eye is just simply injured I would still argue that this is inspired by the eyes of Buddha Zoro is a very fitting character to have one closed eye one is meant to observe the physical world while the other is observing the more spiritual aspects almost permanent meditation but my belief is is that Zoro is not allowed to open this eye until he has acquired the Hawkeye and he will somehow know when this has occurred while many believe that mihawk may have given Zoro this scar it's possible that Zoro gave it to himself because he opened it before it was ready so when the time comes that Zoro needs Advanced observation in the story that is when we'll see the eye open but yeah guys like I said at the very beginning of this I know that this theory is absolutely hated most who hate it probably haven't even reached the end of the video actually if you did make it to the end of the video go ahead and comment holy hell JB did it again even if you don't actually agree i' just like to see who actually watched it but I really hope that I was able to present this in a way that even if you were skeptic at the start you can at least you can see some possibility I've sat on this idea for literally years bringing it up only to roast Nu taku but this has been my honest opinion from the very start Zoro in some way Justified however Odo wants to do it opening his eye is insanely cool it would work and the majority of fans would love it for that reason alone it is worthy of speculating but just to tie some loose ends here guys not everyone who's ever shown These Eyes has insane advantage Ed observation hockey in my opinion it is just a flash of powerful desire or will will which is related to hockey so the eyes only really matter when you can control them and I know some people are going to bring up that Zoro already has future side hockey because we had his fight versus Mr one back in alabasta he could hear the breath of all things and I just disagree if Zoro possessed future side hockey or anything like that we would absolutely know so in my opinion a growth in observation is necessary it just depends on how Oda wants to do it but at the very least and as always you guys already know the goal is is just to make you think so I hope we are able to do that so go ahead and leave your thoughts in the comment section below remember to check out my book The booms links in the description if you guys happen to read it please leave a review let other people know what you thought about it just spread that message like subscribe click that Bell to be notified and as always guys have a wonderful day
Channel: Joy_Boy Theories
Views: 50,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece, zoro, mihawk, zoro's eye, joy boy, imu, one piece 1108, one piece 1109, one piece 1107
Id: R3NtYKHqzlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 48sec (1368 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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