LAPLUS Conoce a YASUO Por Primera Vez en League of Legends | [hololive/Laplus Darknesss]

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a Sorry. LoL has shut itself down. What am I supposed to do now? Oh, wait. It's back on. I'm glad the game was able to turn on again. We haven't started the match yet, right? When does it begin? Right now. Ah, thank goodness. This is it--- I heard there's a dangerous character lurking around here. I will unleash the power of my zanpakuto all over you! [Instant transmission] [There's no need to be upset (yet)] What's up with him? I'll use my flames. Oh, no. What's up with this guy? wwwwww 🀣🀣 Take this, weirdo. Those weapons certainly are scary, huh? This is dangerous,.... 🫨 It's so strong! Nani (Translator's note: ''nani'' means ''what'') What is this character? He's disgusting. Yasuo? πŸ˜’ Everybody dislikes him. Gross. Hey you, stop doing that! Neeeee, the range of his attacks is way too big. Haha, you missed me. You dumb stupid idiot. 😜 Huh? (squid got yeeted) Is everyone doing alright? Yes, I'm fine. I'm casting a spell. That's good. What's up with that guy? It's ove-- DIEDIEDIEDIEDIE. Let's gooo *Laplus_engine_laugh.mp3* Lap-sama, are you able to do this? That darn Viego... Go ahead, try it and see what happens. Wait for me, Uruca. Blast, he ran away! Should I stop then? Yeah, it's not worth it. Don't try. I will wait if Uruca tells me so. Hey, I was able to avoid his attack but what the hell is up with this kind of barrier of some sort? Hey, you You're just a murderer with a very long sword. I wonder where he could be. 😩 useless.... Worthless! What is wrong with this freak? Wha? OH NO, OH NO, OH NO! THIS IS VERY BAD SERIOUSLY WAITWAITWAITWAITWAITWAITWAI.... *whoosh* (Bet you didn't expect a Space Ghost reference, did you?) Nice use of pyromagic. Oioioioioi This is bad Uwaaa! Nice, but please forgive me. Seriously? Are you for real right now? There's no way I can even leave a scratch on this guy. Nun nun nun nun nun nun (Sora-senpai?) They ask you how you are and you just have to say that you're fine but you're not really fine but you just can't get into it because they would never understand Where does this wall even come from? Stop using that!! Fight! you can't be serious, come on, this certainly must be a joke comeoncomeoncomeoncomeon LOOK OUT! EMBRACE FOR IMPACT! I'M DEAD!!! What's the problem with this guy? 😭😭 No kidding, he's crazy strong Hey, haven't you had enough with that wall? Stop with the wall! That wall is lame. What is wrong with you? You're worthless! He's really unfair towards mids. He's unfair towards everyone. Stop using your weapon as a baseball bat. Quit messing around. You're starting to get on my nerves πŸ’’ Stolen, I have retrieved it. That was quick. Aren't you too close to me? But thIS DUDE... IT'S USELESS TO DEAL WITH HIM! What is wrong with this man? Disgusting, isn't he? Go for it, you're able to catch up to him. Let's do this. He must be stopped. Oi you moron, stoP GETTING AWAY!! You can't escape me, idiot! Don't flee! Nice 😎 I have finally done it. You may be strong but see how it doesn't matter when you're not alive. There's a stranger I don't recognize here. Viego, Viego, that certainly is Viego. Oh wait, there's 2 of them. It's better if you get away from Viego. Understood. Seriously, aren't you done with the KYUN! nor the BAM! or the ZOOM! Cut it off! I advice we should probably better get away from here. Go home? Let's all go together at once! I have had enough of this bozo, he's making me cry. What is wrong with you? LoL Announcer: *Your turret has been destroyed* I know someone has planted a ward here, but I don't know how to destroy it. Nowaynowaynowaynoway, you disgust me, you're awful, you're worthless No way I'm playing with you! Why, why do you have to stun me all the time? Why are you so mean? Try to ambush him from behind. Somehow that bastard ran away again Oh no, he's back again 😨 He ate my attack straight away! There you go, idiot! He's stunned. You managed to do it. Nicenicenice... You fool, big fat dumb stupid idiot! I'm strong. Your legs are too quick to come up here, huh? Why do you always have to approach me? I don't understand. What have I done to you? Your kneecaps are too fast 😭😭😭 Bad news, my score is of 0 (kills), 6 (deaths) and 0 (assists). *thank you for telling me in the comments* *Lapsama cries into the distance* STOP IT WITH THE SHORYUKEN!! LoL Announcement: ''Ally has been defeated'' Stop. Apologize. LoL Announcement: *Ally turret has been destroyed* There's a lot of very hideous people already getting in. Go for it, you can do it! πŸ‘ It's not like I have a choice, do I? OH, NO!! YOU....TAKE THIS.... YOU MORONS! Come and try me. Ultra-Team Shot 😭😭😭😭😭 Stupid idiot! Oh, the mid has been awakened. The idiot is alive. The idiot is here. Be careful. Have you defeated that fool? This dumbass keeps trying to reunite with me. NO, THE IDIOT'S GETTING CLOSER! Idiot is closer, roger that. Stupid 😩 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 (Seriously somebody should give this girl a hug, please) Hey guys. If anyone can hear my voice, I just came back because I hadn't eaten still. Oh, welcome back. I'm here. You want to play? Everybody do your best This must be like Pandora's Box, right? So this is Pandora, huh? πŸ€” Is there a hurricane or something? Ok, I can't teleport. Oh, no! This is very bad! Why are these guys invincible? Nah, it's hopeless... Oh crap, they're coming. Those guys are coming here. WHY ARE THOSE GUYS SO LAME?? Stop this nonsense! Huh, where does that sound come from? LoL Announcement: *Enemy Triple Kill* (yeah, I'm not gonna bother trying to translate this mess) I understand these matches rely on luck? FF (I give up) First Blood (I'm voting first) a (Gooba jumpscare) A ? Nice match, everybody. We did our best. Our opponents on the other side win this match. That was a close call. Is this LoL underground or what? So this is LoL.... Seriously speaking, Yasuo is a very annoying opponent to have against you. It's very bad. So, see you all tomorrow. Yay, let's all meet each other. cya 'morrow. So....Who wants to play Valorant? Good job, thank you for your hard work!! Hey, everyone. WAIT! Umph, it's always the same outcome... All of them... Just like that.... Why.... Goshdamnit!! Yeah, League of Legends can truly be difficult, is that so? Seriously, though it changes depending on which opponent you clash with. So that's that. Oh my goodness.. Let's meet each other again.^^ Anyway... I really have the need to pee right now. Bye Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (We await for your return. Stay healthy, Lap-sama!)
Channel: K-Capo2000, El Loro MÑs Gordo del Za Warudo 🦜🌍
Views: 20,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hololive, League of Legends, La+ Darknesss, Laplus, Yasuo
Id: qSuRvXpKr9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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