MamaRissa's sudden french accent while saying JDON my soul caught Nerissa off guard

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oh let me just squeeze right past there can you say something random for me jidon my soul Jon my soul no J jidon Jon my soul don't don't try to say it with an accent Just J I'm not trying yeah you are you're try let me look at your mouth J J like J Dawn Dawn yeah Jadon Jon Jadon J done J J it's a j you're like they're bored of this no they're not they're sping it what does it say don't worry about it just say Jon my soul is that you are my soul no what does it mean join my soul guys what does it mean she's asking me what it means don't worry about it does it mean oh my soul it doesn't mean anything it's nonsensical okay so Jon my soul why are you becoming French because it's the only word I could think of that started with the J sound it's not a j it's a j sound J J like a j Jadon G Jadon Jadon Jon why are you saying okay let's go let's go let's go as in let's move on the next let's move on
Channel: Reivus ch.
Views: 9,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 26sec (86 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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