missed opportunity // Remember Me (2010) movie review

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morning um it's kind of a weird start to the day this morning because my work has delayed their start because the roads the roads iced over this morning and so just going to start late uh to let the ice get off the roads so that's kind of weird because you know work will start late so that means I'll be there longer and later than usual so this morning I'm starting on school work which usually my uh my schedule has been you know go to work and then go do school work but now it's like school workk and then I'll go to work so it's kind of throwing me off and hope that's work they're trying to figure out the schedule for today anyways in other news I did sign up for a half marathon this morning it was it's it's local U half marathon and that will be April 6 that's a Saturday and I haven't looked up to see like how many weeks that is but hopefully that's hopefully between now and then it's January 22nd right now so I got about like two and a half months kind of to prepare for this thing and I'm already I can already run at least like two or three miles like no problem but my problem is that I want to be able to like run this thing pretty fast and the goal is to run a half marathon in an hour and 30 minutes and that is booking it um the uh my run in Chicago I forget what my time was it was like 155 156 and so I would like to get down to an hour and 30 minutes I don't think I'll achieve that though this half marathon maybe the half marathon after CU I do want to travel and go do another half marathon somewhere else but we'll see um and plus you know just my knee my joints like they're giving me grief uh I'm rambling but yeah it's exciting stuff and will I run today yeah I I'll try to run today cuz I think it's supposed to warm up later even though it iced over this morning but that also depends on when I get off work it might be dark by the time I get off work I don't know we'll see [ __ ] training outside no run to today okay it's uh Missing outside but uh I need to go for this run do the cool down um I went to work went to class and I literally just got home and I changed my clothes and now I'm going to go for this 15-minute cool down run and I need to hustle up cuz I can get back home and shower cuz I'm going to the theater tonight meeting some people for dinner and then we're going to the theater um I'm not going to pass up on that even though I should be like studying and doing some more class workk but uh you know trying to make the most opportunity and what's life without little risk you know so it'll be all right it's uh several hours later uh run was good just a 15minute cool off run got about a mile and a half in but uh showered went ate and went to the theater and stayed out way later than I planned on staying out it's almost 10:00 um I usually in bed at this time and I need to start settling down and so I I snuck in some studying before class today so but I think I need to wake try to wake up early in the morning to finish my lectures I haven't finished my lectures yet first of all they learned the sound of their mother's voices because sounds from the outside world have to travel through the mother's abdominal tissue no run today I'm thinking I'll do that in the morning um just been doing homework the whole time and trying to get this stuff down it's hard though um this chapter this week is over the heart I'm curious to see how I do on the test because like right now it's like I'm not grasping it at all it's like I'm not getting it um it's just not making sense to me and I've studied the heart before but you know this uh chapter and I think just my professor who's great I love him I think he's great but just it's a lot of information so now it's on me as the student to just put that information like up here but like it's a lot of information trying to make it make sense that's where things get tricky and so that's where the challenge comes in as like a student uh so there's no excuse of why I shouldn't like have this information in my head it's just a lot of information and the heart is just complex and I I'm over here thinking like man this ain't even the hardest chapter it's not I don't think it's going to be the hardest chapter uh this semester so it's like wow just calm down dton it's only day three of the second week and you're just overwhelmed right now man just trying to juggle a lot of things um like I said about making sacrifices like I'm not kidding about that and what what I mean by that is uh I mostly am talking about like video projects that I'm kind of working on in the background that's just like volunteer work and so it's like you know even though I said I would you do those projects I might have to just say like hey look I'm about to postpone them or just totally scrap them cuz I ain't got time U I need to cuz I really need to hanker hanker Here I Go Again hanker down and get this material I'm I'm curious to see how I do it on the test I have a test every week I can't remember if I said that last week but yeah it's 5:15 in the morning halfway through my workout I decided to do it early in the morning because I uh just a't got time in the evenings doing school work and working so I got to start squeezing them in in the morning when I can so almost done with my recovery run let's go I survived my run this morning glad that went good I might try to go run again in the morning tomorrow will be a speedrun we'll see if I wake up and whatnot just kind of discouraged right now you know I'm in school you trying to do school and I had this audition I was going to go do um and I knew it was later in January and here we are at the end of January and I've been caught up doing schoolwork and juggling things training and working and I go to check the dates for the audition U just to double check cuz I knew they were coming up here at the end of January and they were two days ago so I missed the audition and it's like oh damn it dton you um you missed your opportunity man you missed the you know opportunities don't come that often like they're they're kind of rare they're just they're there and then they're just just gone and so whenever an opportunity comes you kind of just need to go for it U and be responsible and I was not responsible um it's okay I mean I mean I didn't really want it uh what was but uh I wish I could at least tried for it and built that skill a little bit more so just keep doing them I mean auditions will come and go but um just i' like to try to do everyone that comes around cuz I mean there few and far between so anyways I'm just I'm disappointed myself and I thought I'd share that so oh one second let me get my coffee there we go survived another week of school of work in school I have not forgive me I have not survived another week of running yet uh I will finish my running for the week this evening whenever it warms up a little bit more uh it's a long run today and know I'll talk more about that later but I passed my test this morning which was good cuz I was really stressing about and was having a hard time grasping the material and then it's weird because you know at the beginning of the week it's like oh I have no idea I'm not no way I'm going to be able to understand all this but then by the end of the week you get more confident and you're like oh oh it's like making sense like I understand this now and then you take your test and I wish I would have done a little bit better I got an 82 on the test um which which is all right but then I go back and this professor like he uh he shows you like the questions you missed and looking at the questions I missed I'm like oh it was this that was the correct answer this was the correct answer he doesn't give you the correct answers but whenever I look I'm like oh I should have chose this and this and this and I just wasn't thinking or I don't know maybe my test anxiety got to me but anyways we're going to continue these movie reviews and uh just hopefully they just get better and better um and I'm trying to go into these with a little prep preparation uh which I'm starting to think like maybe I should go into I'm a little bit more prepared than what I am but I'm just relying on my knowledge already have of the movie so and I think it makes it more raw and makes it more appealing but we'll see and cuz I do want these things to get better and better but you know we're not going any particular order here and the next movie like on the Shelf was uh remember me which stars Robert patson he did this this movie in between filming the Twilight movies and looking back if you've ever watched interviews of Robert Patterson like he despises the Twilight movies and he's like the main star of the movies and he just you know hates them probably more than anyone in the world and so he was trying to like Branch off and do his own things and so one of the things he did was he he did this movie you know he's just like this average dude who's in college you know he's not really in school he's just like odd and he has this job this dead end job and it's really interesting because his best friend is his little sister him and his little sister they're still going through the trauma of like losing their older brother and the family's just trying to like keep together and just trying to figure things out and you know Tyler especially he's lost and one of the things I do love about this movie is you know his uh so we have Tyler and we have his little sister Caroline and they're like the best of friends and they hang out all the time and they had these really profound conversations like Tyler's really smart but his little sister is also very wise for her age and she's like almost helping to guide him Tyler just thinks the world of her and you know things happen with his little sister and he has to be there to protect her or he lets his guard down and things happen to his little sister and then he has to show up and like pick her up and I just love the dynamic mostly because you know I have a little sister and whenever I see Tyler and Caroline I see me and my little sister and has made this movie like mean so much more to me I actually memorized a monologue from this movie whenever uh cuz there's this like dynamic between Tyler and his dad where they just like don't get along because his dad's constantly working to provide and Tyler is saying like hey you need to spend time with the family cuz you know we matter but you know his dad's like well I need to provide for the family so I have to work you think you just get whatever you want no I have to like work and provide and Tyler's like no man you need to like show up for the family fight in her world and yours that doesn't mean you could just shatter it whenever you feel when whenever there's something better to do who the hell do you think you're talking to your pedal down here in your bike for Christ's sake you got to take care of nothing you're responsible for no one you're a kid um should I should I try to recite it I haven't done it for like a year or two um let me see so Tyler rushes in and that's when he starts like yelling at his dad here I'll make it I'll make this uh the dad Mr Hawkins she she Drew you a picture she Drew you a picture and you didn't come you have a daughter who sincerely believes that you don't like her she's speaking trying to communicate but why aren't you listening why are you not riveted why is this not the most important thing for one night maybe she doesn't understand because there's your world and then there's hers but that does not mean you can just shatter it whatever you feel whenever there's something better to do and you did not find Michael see I found him and you're just so tragically blind that the rest of your children are going to hang themselves on your watch you little piece of what Tyler get out of here get out of here that's the monologue and I love that monologue a little bit of context there you know like I was saying like his his dad's constantly working and Caroline his little sister believes that you know their father doesn't like her and so she puts on this art show where she like does all these paintings of him but he doesn't show up because he has to work and then so Tyler barges in there and like hey what the hell like why were you not at the show why didn't you see all the pictures she Drew for you and at the end of the monologue whenever Tyler says the rest of your children are going to hang themselves on your watch uh he says that because um Tyler's older brother Michael actually hung himself and committed suicide um and and it doesn't they don't really say why but I think it has something to do with like the father and you know you don't see that in the movie you just learn that as you watch the movie and this is kind of like a spoiler for the movie um and this is like the biggest controversy of the movie which is they incorporate the 9/11 attacks in the movie to like help tell the story and I can see why they did it kind of I think it was more of like a gut punch to the audience but um in the commentary one of The Producers says you know our goal was like humanize the people of 9/11 and it's I mean I don't have a problem with it but it did get a lot of backlash cuz people are like oh I love the movie but I you know did not like the ending but um it's a really good movie I I recommend it uh especially you want to see like this like if you're one of those people who likes like kind of like the boner characters and like they're just kind of lost and they have minimal friends and they have like these unique relationships like this is a a movie for you and it's funny because like they filmed a lot of it in New York City so this last trip I was at New York City I went and toured all the locations where they filmed and it just was cool to be like oh wow like I'm sitting right where Robert Patterson sits and I'm doing like redoing like the scene or trying to and it was just like a a moment like wow U this a small world but you know this is one movie that I could watch over and over again because I just relate to it a lot and I just enjoy the characters and their Journey but yeah uh now I will wait and do this long ass run later getting ready to do my long run it is uh 6.2 miles and I am nervous about it mostly because my knee is aching and I just don't know if I'll be able to do [Music] [Music] it almost done just got a little over a mile to go come on dog 6.2 that's it workout complete 6.2 miles exhausted that's it for this week anyways just keep on getting the miles in and school and work and managing the relationships and all that good stuff so and just hopefully make these videos better and better that's the that's the goal and just have the best attitude anyways that's it all right see you next week
Channel: Dalton Hays
Views: 72
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c7l6CXj83R0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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