The Greatest One Piece Theory Ever Made

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800 years ago a magnificent great kingdom of progress disappeared off the face of the earth and with it a hundred years of the world's foundational history it's a miracle such a place ever existed a model for the future to strive towards and yet we aren't allowed to know anything about it in its place the world government was born and any and all knowledge of this original dynasty is forbidden but why what is it we aren't supposed to know what is the new world order so afraid of as a one-piece fan smack in the middle of the manga's home stretch you and me both have likely seen many theories come to the forefront attempting to answer the story's greatest and most pressing questions what happened in the void century what is the name of the ancient kingdom who are the clan of d and most importantly the holy grail of mysteries what is the one piece today i will be attempting to answer these questions maybe not accurately but at the very least logically my name is hidden and to you ladies and gentlemen i say welcome once again to the hidden island where we'll be discussing the truth about everything [Music] i'd like to preface this by talking about the videos that this will probably be compared with i've seen a bunch of very popular theories trying to answer these same questions but no matter how entertaining those theories are to think about they never sat right with me as satisfying answers the removal and re-addition of the letter d from important names and locations the island of laughtale being the missing left eye or the one missing piece of jaya an interesting idea at first glance but it fails to explain why the world government has put its subjects through 800 years of misery it doesn't give me a satisfying answer as to why they have gone to such brutal lengths to cover up the one piece or the will of dee's existence sure it fits as a potentially missing puzzle piece but it doesn't carry with it the context that a reveal of that magnitude should i feel the same way about another popular theory suggesting that the one piece is a bottle of sake yes a bottle of sake would line up with the themes of the story yes a bottle of sake may be such a plain and anticlimactic treasure that it would probably make someone laugh but it doesn't feel like the answers the free world is seeking at laugh tale would be provided by such an object i can't logically find a way for the bottle of sake itself to be the catalyst of worldwide change especially when a majority of the people in the world of one piece who the government wish to keep in the dark would have no clue what that bottle even represented whatever the one piece is whatever the will of d represents and whatever the world government is hiding must be something that the people of the world would rally behind something a lot bigger a lot more obvious and more in your face so much so that even your local mayor or milkmaid could not ignore it and so while this theory will make a lot of overlapping points with or use a lot of the same evidence as these other mega theories the conclusions that will be reached today are completely different this is a theory that is heavily predicated on context the story of the void century has been told to us in befores and afters but the events there within are completely unknown so in order to figure out what happened our best bet is to look at what happened elsewhere in the story in a comparable context in other words the only way for us to fill in the blanks is to look at how the story has been written so far and in order to answer questions about the void century we need to first answer a very important question about the circumstances that caused it to happen in the first place what was the world government before they were the world government the answer to this is what they don't want people to know it's why they don't want people to find the one piece because in doing so they would learn the history that would expose something about the government's identity that would threaten their authority over the world so what is it the short answer is the world government was started and founded by pirates it was a pirate alliance all of the world nobles are actually descendants of the original 20 pirate captains that banded together against the ancient kingdom and if this were true then that would mean that the celestial dragons are not gods at all they are not divine and hold no claim to superiority over everyone else news like that would surely inspire mass outcry and more importantly worldwide revolution which would also mean that the reason they hunt pirates so intensely is because they deeply fear someone else forming an alliance of their own and repeating the history of 800 years ago does this all sound familiar rox de zebek is a pirate who was erased from all records and said to have been one of the strongest in history 40 years ago one fateful meeting between a collection of powerful pirates on fola led island was followed by an alliance turned crew captained by rox himself but their ambition went beyond just king of the pirates rox di zabek wanted to be king of the world it was because he broke such a major taboo that his existence was covered up if a man only truly dies when he has forgotten then the world government did everything in their power to make sure that this man and his legacy stayed dead they erased him from not only the present but from the past as well unfortunately for them fools who don't respect the past are doomed to repeat it another example we see in the story is the new onigima project created by big mom and kaido where they form a pirate alliance with the intention of you guessed it taking over the world more specifically they chose wano as the base of their new pirate empire because it's a natural fortress high above the sea and nearly impenetrable their intention was to move the island of onigima drop it on the flower capital rename the country and enslave its populace and from there they would start and lead a world war and an era of violence doesn't that sound a lot like what the world nobles did the original 20 kings took part in some war or conflict that wiped out the great kingdom prior to forming a new government and taking over the world they then relocated their original kingdoms to the top of the red line a natural fortress the land of gods where the kingdom of lunarians formerly stood now stands a kingdom of violence and slave labor or how about inel who wanted to destroy skypea and take his chosen few with him to live in what he considered the land of the gods up on the moon he believed he was special when in reality he was just a usurper destroying a kingdom and attempting to create his own in its place once again history threatening to repeat itself who runs the world government now eem the person who sits on the empty throne and the person who sits on the empty throne is the king of the world and becoming king of the world seems to be the ultimate treasure for the most corrupted of pirates and if history has repeated itself here then what does that say about the current king of the world that eem was once a pirate with ambitions just like rocks that where rox and kaido and big mom once failed eem had succeeded maybe you might be thinking hidden the creators were explicitly stated to have been the kings of various countries including alabasta and dressrosa how could they have been pirates well why trust the history we've been told when we've only heard it from the guys who made a career of erasing the truth and besides i never said that pirates and kings are mutually exclusive the theme of pirate kingdoms and empires comes up time and time again in the story let's find a point of comparison the world government is a corrupt kingdom with corrupted leadership they are an authoritarian regime can we think of any other places or kingdoms like this in the story off the top of my head dressrosa totalland and wano are great examples and what do these places have in common they are ruled by pirates each of these countries belonged to another monarch before they were invaded and overthrown by a pirate crew who would then go on to replace them as the new governing body so what if i told you that oda has shown us the events of the void century already multiple times that throughout one piece he has been telling us the story of joy boy and emu over and over again there is a recurring theme and pattern in the arcs of one piece that has stayed consistent from the beginning of the story up until now almost every major arc taking place on the islands most relevant to the void century follow this pattern there is a prosperous kingdom with a righteous king the people of this kingdom are subverted or outright invaded by a group of villains usually pirates there is a hero character who fights against the new order and ultimately fails the hero's legacy and the legacy of the rightful king are tarnished or outright erased the country is then ruled by these invaders until luffy finally arrives and succeeds the legacy of the fallen hero character freeing the country from a tyrannical regime in basically every arc there was always peace followed by invasion followed by resistance followed by failure there is almost always a pirate captain turned king and always a hero who tries to change things only to ultimately fail in other words there is almost always a parallel to emu and a parallel to joy boy you'll see this all over the series arlong and bellamir wapol and hiraluke crocodile and vivi hodie and fisher tiger doflamingo and kiros kaido and odin every villain i just named these men who all parallel imu are or at one point were pirates pirates are just as capable of becoming the kings of nations as any other actual king in fact the two most relevant fully named descendants of the original 20 kings so far nefertari vivi and don quixote doflamingo both spent time as royalty and as pirates in dofi's case he was not only king but a pirate warlord at the same time the biggest faction of pirates in the power balance of the world are the four emperors pirates who became so powerful that they are the literal emperors of various countries and territories big mom is the queen of whole cake island kaido controlled wano through shogun orochi the rock's crew was made up of the future emperors of the sea so is it so crazy to suggest that the original 20 kings were likewise powerful pirates in command of their own territories and kingdoms the example has been laid out for us many times before in dressrosa the tantata tribe tell us about one of these kings the original king don quixote from over 900 years ago one of the very few pre-void century looks we get in the series and it is made very clear to us that this original king was a very evil man enslaving the tantada for many years in the modern age aside from the world government themselves who else is responsible for slavery kaido built his empire off slave labor big mom uses the souls of others to create loyal servants doflamingo was the head of a slave trading racket slavery is a tool of the evil and the evil in some way or another tend to be involved with piracy and what exactly are pirates organized groups of criminals who take to the seas disregarding the law who rob and attack and steal from others they oftentimes take their own territory and within those territories they collect tribute from the people who live there if we think about things such as buster calling an island with a fleet of ships or collecting the heavenly tribute or giving certain groups of pirates free reign to loot and pillage as much as they like the world government doesn't seem that much different from the likes of arlong and big mom oda has already demonstrated to us that there's an extremely thin line between the world of pirates and the world of marines well what if there wasn't a line at all the only thing differentiating the two is who writes the history books if we look at the world government through a pirate's lens then certain things about their structure start to make a lot more sense the three admirals mirroring the typical three yonko commanders the vice admirals and their fleet of ships are not so different from the grand fleets of pirates the heavenly tribute is just a fancy version of a pirate's tribute money maybe it's a stretch but even the flag of the world government is suspicious it's said to represent the unity of the kings from each of the four seas and the grand line but it could just as easily represent the alliance of pirates from each of the four c's if you turn the flag just 45 degrees it almost becomes a simplified version of the skull and crossbones seen on a typical pirate flag the power balance of the world is made up of the emperors the warlords and the marines meaning in ordinary context the marines are the only ones in this balance that aren't pirates but if they technically were as i'm suggesting then all three factions in the balance of power would be pirates fighting over who gets to be boss if that's the case then the title of pirate king would be a lot more important to the balance of power than it may at first seem so we have a possible answer for what the world government is great that's one half of the story but what about the other half if the 20 kings the creators were actually just frauds pirates overthrowing the world's greatest kingdom then who the hell were they replacing [Music] let's plug in our pieces back in the ohara flashback professor clover speaks of what he and his colleagues learned while studying the ponoglyphs he states that the greatest truth we seek in the world today is not the poneglyph but the reason for its existence the people of the past wrote their history on stone because they feared their message would be eradicated proving that those people had an enemy the birth of the world government coincides with the annihilation of those ancient people thus giving us our enemy and this means that the void century must contain an inconvenient truth for the world government in my opinion the pirate stuff that we discussed before but after this clover mentions something incredibly important he and the other scholars through the poneglyphs discovered the existence of a nation of which no trace remains within the poneglyphs is a history proving the existence of an immense kingdom a massive thriving nation with incredible power responsible for the creation or at least the possession of the ancient weapons but here's the kicker clover asserts that while the government claims the threat of the ancient weapons are their reason for covering up the past that is merely a facade a lie the truth is that the very existence and idea of this kingdom is what the government finds to be so threatening and just as he's about to say the name of this kingdom he is hastily shot and interrupted why why stop him from saying the kingdom's name it's because the name of this kingdom must be greatly significant so significant that just the name alone is enough to reveal some of the truth if it was a name that was erased with the void century then what's the danger if it was a name that no one would recognize then why cover it up let's say the ancient kingdom was called bingo bongo no one in or out of the one-piece world would have any clue what that means or what makes it significant they would have no need to hide it therefore the name of this kingdom definitely not bingo bongo must still be relevant even 800 years later this tells us that whatever professor clover was about to say would have been instantly recognizable by a majority of people in the world of one piece it is a name that any person anywhere noble or commoner would hear and then immediately make the connection they would instantly learn something about the truth of the world and there's only one name i can think of in the entire story that would fit this criteria the kingdom of one piece the name of the kingdom that clover was about to speak are the very words on the front of every volume every piece of merchandise and every statement to become pirate king we've been conditioned to think for so long that one piece is an object something you can hold in your hands we always say the one piece that the in the front making it sound as if it's an object but in japanese they don't have an equivalent for the word the they don't have a distinction it's just one piece oda himself said that one piece is not something like the journey itself was the real treasure but it has never been stated to be an object or thing it has only been stated to be a physical reward and i guess when we think of physical rewards we imagine something we can carry with us but if that were the case then why would roger leave it behind his crew wasn't deathly ill only he was wouldn't it be better to leave something of such great importance with someone he trusts rather than leave it there exposed to the elements or is it maybe because one piece is something physical but also something which cannot be moved in other words one piece is not a thing but a place what we've been searching for the whole time the greatest treasure in the world is a lost civilization a forgotten kingdom not just any kingdom but the true kingdom of the world and of the true gods i think that oda has been foreshadowing this quite a lot starting all the way back in jaya during a conversation about dreams luffy is trying to go to sky island and bellamy is trying to chastise and belittle luffy for believing in myths and legends and while doing so he names a bunch of popular legends including el dorado the emerald city and curiously one piece notice anything strange the first two el dorado and the emerald city are locations if we continue their pattern then the third thing bellamy mentioned would make sense to be a location as well if not then it would be like me saying haha luffy you believe in such crazy things narnia hogwarts and the easter bunny how dumb see how the third option being a different type of noun just comes off wrong how it would make more sense for one piece to be a mythical location just like the other two there's a bunch of other foreshadowing done in the form of symbolism involving the right eye but we'll talk more about this later anyway if you want to take it further i believe that one piece is only a homophone and the actual name of the kingdom while sounding the same is spelled like this the kingdom of one piece i think the word peace is oda's typical word play at work much like how raftel was actually laugh tale the name of the kingdom has only been spread from ear to ear because the government sure as hell won't write about it so it's easy to see the name being written as peace because of hundreds of years of people playing telephone and like i said earlier the association with treasure and a physical holdable reward might incline people to think of this version of peace instead one piece is also referred to as the great hitotsunagi treasure in japanese however the meaning of hitotsunagi has not yet been clarified the most upfront meaning translates to in one piece if you've seen o'hara's video you'd know that another interpretation of this is the rope linking all men however there's a third possible reading of hitotsunagi that can translate to one c at peace with the kanji for nagi here meaning tranquility or peace with an a in the prototype manga for one piece romance dawn oda gives us a rough outline of what the world of one piece would later be like in this manga there are two types of pirates in the world morgan ears the rough and tumble greedy pirates that tend to be the bad guys and peace manes good pirates who only seek freedom and adventure notice how before the title of one piece ever became a thing oda had peace on the mind but not peace with an eye it's the other spelling and also notice the lack of a marine aspect in this prototype it's just good pirates and bad pirates in the situation where this is all true and the world government were originally pirates then maybe romance dawn shows us what oda was thinking back in 1997 the world government are just an abstract version of the morgan ears idea a group of morganeers turned kings 800 years ago and the straw hats are the peace main pirates trying to find one piece and take back the world and think about this the world has come to associate the hunt for the one piece with the ambitions of pirates if it were revealed to the world that the kingdom attacked by the world government was one piece and that the celestial dragons themselves sought out the same treasure as pirates then what does that tell us about the world government their pirate history would be revealed all perfectly good reasons for the name of this kingdom alone to be a major threat to their power things coming together there's another running theme in the story wherein after the leaders of a country are replaced the deposed royalty take to the sea as pirates we see vivi go from princess to pirate momo as well even wapol became a pirate after he was kicked out of his own kingdom when you lose a war the victors decide who's good and who's evil and as always with the world government anyone who stands in opposition to them are labeled monsters criminals and pirates most of all perhaps the kingdom was mislabeled as evil a kingdom without law and order a kingdom of pirates and the survivors of this ancient kingdom were labeled as pirates to be hunted down and the search for this kingdom was outlawed as an act of piracy so i ask you what is the reward for the man who finds one piece if you stumbled upon a completely empty kingdom with no civilization and no one there to object you can effectively claim it for yourself think of an astronaut sticking their country's flags somewhere on the moon because they were the first ones there you don't even need an astronaut for an example we have one in the story just think of an l in other words the one who finds it inherits this so-called lost kingdom of pirates and by extension its future a kingdom for a king a pirate king maybe an ironic name to take away from how important of a king that actually is in certain instances the pirate king has been made synonymous with the king of the sea and uh there's a lot of sea in the world if the person who finds and claims the kingdom of one piece becomes the king of the pirates and if the king of the pirates is also the ruler of the sea then who was the original king who was the true king of the one piece world [Music] before we continue with the theory if you like what you've seen so far please don't forget to like and subscribe to keep the music alive and if you're looking to give some extra support to the channel with some extra content in return consider subscribing to my patreon link in the description this is probably a great time to talk about my existing patrons i just wanted to give a shout out and a thank you to them because they did actually play a part in the making of this video i do talk to my patrons a lot and a lot of the ideas that you're hearing now in this video i did bounce off of them originally they've been super supportive and super helpful from the beginning so i just want to give a big thank you to zagrash adria dill lazos reverse all of you guys are awesome super super cool and i just wanted to show my appreciation there anyway before we can talk about the pirate king we need to talk about eyes eyes seem to be rather important in one piece whether we're talking about scars conquerors hockey or whatever the hell is up with mihawk while o'hara's mega theory focused on the left eye symbolism present in one piece i think we should be looking at the other side of the proverbial face here after the segment i want to see how many of you guys prefer the right eye theory to the left eye theory who knows maybe it's both but there are countless examples in the story of the right eye being used to symbolize something and that can also be traced back to skypia where the city of shandora which literally translates to the skull's right eye is situated in the right eye of jaya shandora is a parallel to the one piece shandora is jaya's treasure a fabled city of gold el dorado the treasure that nolan found and was ultimately executed for just like roger the point i'm trying to make is that shandora is to jaya what one piece is to laugh tale and suddenly seemingly innocuous things like this dog with the one on its head and an x over its right eye become a lot more suspicious this dog is one poco and he's from dressrosa interestingly there's other overt references to an open or marked right eye throughout the dressrosa arc jola created this artwork with her devil fruit displaying an open right eye and there's more to this image that we'll talk about later viola's devil fruit allows her to use her eyes to see the truth and our first introduction to her devil fruit is her appearing into sanji's mind with her right eye later she uses the same power to locate the thousand sunny and look at this a familiar image when we first see the truth about doflamingo's past he awakes from his rest in a panic and here we get our first and only look at one of his eyes the right eye coming up yet again even later the first time we see imu we only see his or her right eye so what is my point wasn't this supposed to be a section about the pirate king bear with me just a second it'll all make sense the right eye why does it keep coming up again and again what could it mean well if we go back to our friend one poco x marks the spot we see an x over the right eye below the mysterious word one possibly in reference to one piece viola's right eye allows her to see the truth and the right eye of the skull is the location of jaya's treasure the place where the truth about the island is revealed so there is a connection being made between three things the one piece the truth and right eyes well if we do a quick search for the symbology of right eyes in the real world one of the most popular and immediate results will show you it's symbolically associated with the right eye of the egyptian god ra one of the most important egyptian gods and more importantly it's his right eye that is said to represent the sun as a matter of fact ra himself is the sun god of egypt so what if this is the message that oda is sending us the truth lies in the right eye the kingdom is there in the eye of the sun the truth in other words one piece is the kingdom of the sun god and there's only one sun god in the one piece story nica this theory is going to assume nika and joyboy are one and the same as the announcement of joyboy's return coincided with the awakening of the nika fruit and i don't have any good reason to assume they're separate people at the time of making this video so let's finally try and answer the question who was the original king of the seas joy boy naturally fitting then the ones to carry on his will are goldie roger king of the pirates and luffy the future king of the pirates i think joy boy also known as the sun god nika was once the king of the great kingdom the kingdom of one peace i think that nika was a benevolent king and that the tales of him being a great liberator are true i believe that the ancient kingdom was the strongest kingdom in the world as large and expansive as the world government however it was the opposite in nature rather than annexing and enslaving nations i theorized that joyboy would go from island to island defeating evil kings and pirates and freeing slaves from their captors and the newly freed people would then go on to live in peace becoming another part of the great kingdom of one peace after all the king of one peace the pirate king is the freest man in the world and his nation was one likewise centered around freedom an idea that would likely upset a certain group of 20 slave-owning kings who would ally together and begin a war for supremacy that would last a century and while we're talking about joy boy what's the deal with this hat first let me explain with certainty why this hat belongs to joyboy luffy has some heavy associations with the sun and so does goldie roger who is the original owner of luffy's signature straw hat luffy's ship the thousand sunny and its sunline figureheads speak for themselves and ignoring the fact that he is the literal second coming of joy boy another interesting point is the straw hat itself which when viewed from the side looks almost like a sun rising up over the horizon the hat looks like the dawn itself reinforced by how luffy comes from and gets his hat on dawn island if we go back to our friend one poco yet again we'll see our other friend thundersoldier another toy with another message on his head and this one looks like a sunrise but the word soul is written across it in red letters giving it the appearance of luffy's straw hat soul by the way is not only the spanish word for sun but also the name of the roman god of the sun this is not just any straw hat this hat belongs to the king of one piece this is the crown of the sun god if you haven't seen it yet i made a video about how laughtale and the ancient kingdom may have been inspired by the roman empire one of the largest empires in ancient history that is equally famous for its eventual downfall such a thing would explain the naming conventions of the ancient weapons and one thing i didn't mention in that video was that it also explains the giant straw hat being a crown in rome the highest and rarest honor one could receive was the grass crown a crown typically given to generals or commanders whose actions saved an army or a large number of people remember this part the crown would be given to them by the army they had saved the most important detail however is what the crown was made of they would make the crown not from gold or silver but out of plants taken from the earth more specifically grass flowers and wheat the very same ingredients used to make straw the straw crown of the pirate king think back to when luffy first got his hat luffy stated that he will be pirate king and in response shanks placed this upon his head this is the same man who luffy got the nika fruit from 12 years later and joy boy has returned crown and all go figure thus the goals of luffy and blackbeard roger and sebeck are diametrically opposed luffy wants to become pirate king succeeding the legacy of joy boy and his kingdom while blackbeard presumably wants to be king of the world succeeding and replacing emo and his kingdom one wants to break free from the cycle and the other wants to start the cycle anew the only thing connecting the two of them being a single mysterious letter now i'm sure you're ready to talk about the willa d because i sure am i'll save you some explanation and cut right to what i think that theory that's been floating around for a while that the d is actually a half moon or han getsu in japanese i believe it but for different reasons than the ones we've been given before let's start with a safe assumption nica joy boy is the originator of the will of d the will of d is nika's will one that has been passed down for generations through the d clan if we're going to figure out what the d means then maybe we should start with what it could mean in the context of its originator nica well what do we know about nika so far he was considered a god sometime in the past possibly like how the people of skype call their king god or maybe like how people referred to lunarians the fiery god-like beings who once lived on top of the red line whether it's the skypians or the lunarians the connection between the winged races and the sun god is there and i think nico was a lunarian based on his devil fruit we can conclude that he had fire on his head was incredibly resilient and also primarily white a color associated not only with the hair of lunarians but with the soolong transformations of the minx all tied to the moon you might say hidden he doesn't have any wings well nl didn't have any wings gone fall didn't have any wings and neither did this guy coincidentally all three of these people once served as god of skypia so if nico was a lunarian and nika and the lunarians are gone how did his will pass forward through his children we already know that the will of d is a hereditary thing it passes from parent to child well if that's the case then there has to have been a first parent who else besides nika but that's strange isn't it most of the d clans seem to have a different hair color than lunarians typically black or red they don't all have tan skin wings and can't naturally conjure fire so how could they be nika's descendants they look nothing like him well what if nika had children with a human woman what if his offspring the first members of the d clan were half lunarian half human in other words half moon people thus a half moon in the shape of a d but who was nika's bride perhaps the woman was a kozuki a woman who'd come to be known as the moon princess and that's why the symbol of the moon is so important to the kozuki as well maybe that's why odin also smiled in his final moments just like a d member maybe wano and the lunarian kingdom were married nations in a way that's why they've been waiting so long and so adamantly for joyboy's return despite wano being an isolated country it would make sense for the d clan to come from there and be scattered around the world at least 800 years ago toki is a character we meet who actually came from the void century and despite being part of the amatsuki family she hadn't ever been to wano herself does that mean that during joyboy's rule wanna was an open country or were the people of wano somewhere else worth considering once again half human half lunarian over the generations their lineage factor would dilute enough to not possess any of nika's visual characteristics so in order to let his name carry forward into the future a sign of the rebellion much like the kozuki moon tattoo nika's lineage would carry the d the half moon the symbol of their clan the half moon claim the original and rightful heirs to the kingdom of one piece the d clan is the true royalty not the celestial dragons and that's why they're the enemies of the gods because the gods of this modern world are not the real gods maybe this all sounds silly but let me ask you why is it that the d-clan are always able to smile in the face of death luffy couldn't seem to control his own laughter in his nika form a hereditary feature maybe why did two of these guys get fire related abilities two brothers no less maybe oda is trying to tell us something what's with this weird tattoo that dragon decided to get why is it that we've seen nearly every d-clan member somehow rise to the top why do they all draw people under their command is it just charisma looking at this list almost everyone here is or has at one point captained a crew of people they're at the top of each of their respective chains of command garp and saul are both vice admirals the highest position one can reach in the marines without having to answer to the gods dragon is the leader of a revolutionary movement outright at war with the gods rox was the strongest pirate in the world followed by roger and soon to be followed by luffy ace was hard tracked for the same thing and even in his death he catalyzed the end of an era law is a captain of his own with a three billion berry bounty and blackbeard is an emperor of the sea rouge well she didn't captain anything but she did curiously hold a baby inside her for 20 months something most people write off as contrived but what if it wasn't just plot armor what if the d-clan are actually just extra resilient by nature nika and luffy by extension seem to be incredibly durable we've seen other d-clan members take incredible beatings stuff that would kill most people maybe rouge was only able to keep ace in for 20 months because she was a d because she had that lunarian in her what about saul he's a giant right well look i'm not a geneticist or a biologist or anything but that hat and mary jo looks pretty damn big so if there's any other race in the one piece world that i could see possessing a d name it would be the giants also back in the chapter 70 sbs oda is asked what the d stands for and he said he can't answer but to just read it as a d for now curious wording right the just read as a d for now kind of implies that the d itself can be read in a different way if so then the idea of the d being a symbol rather than a letter makes more sense a symbol to be read as the half moon was passed down over the generations to mark nika's lineage a family secret that was kept for years and years a name you weren't supposed to tell people until finally many figures with the letter d in their name began to rise up all at the same time and the world couldn't help but notice maybe that's why the gorosei are suddenly panicking about putting nika's likeness on a wanted poster with the letter d in there maybe some of the d clan like marshall d teach or rox d zebek knew the truth of their heritage and because of this they felt that they were the rightful kings of the world is that why they chose full lead island as their base yet another island with that right eye of the skull symbolism what about the cover of one piece volume 27 where luffy is depicted with wings and his right eye open obviously in reference to the skypia arc but this could also be a hint regarding luffy's connection to nika after some recent revelations i honestly wouldn't put it past oda to do such a thing maybe other examples just like this one are hiding around the story in plain sight [Music] so now we have our man joy boy also known as nika the sun god and the former ruler of the lost kingdom of one piece the legendary treasure that the world is looking for the straw hat was his crown and the clan of d are his ancestors and they were all wiped out by a collective of pirates who now call themselves the world government but where is laughtale the world government would have had it erased by now if they could and even if they could read the ponoglyphs each of the necessary road poneglyphs are either very well hidden constantly moving or in the possession of a pirate what i'm saying is that even if they once tried to destroy or capture one piece they obviously weren't successful if so then that means laugh tale and the one piece must have been hidden from them and what would make that possible how do you hide an entire island or series of islands or an entire continent for that matter beneath the sea the ancient tale of atlantis is a story in greek mythology where the people of this mythical city defied the gods and their island was sunk into the ocean never to be seen again the lost city of atlantis was possibly a major influence on the lost island of laughtale and also a big influence on the concept of fishman island and what do we have on fishman island an ancient weapon known as poseidon with the power to command the sea kings a power so great apparently that it can sink islands beneath the waves if laughtail were in the water then it would make a lot more sense as to why people can't find it because the grand line is a very turbulent unpredictable place you could sail right over it countless times without noticing and you could lose your way very easily because it can't be seen above the surface with the naked eye to reach it you'd need to not only coat your ship but also know the exact spot to dive down and on an ocean as vast and unpredictable as that it would be next to impossible unless you had coordinates if you had let's say four specific coordinates that would cross and create an x the exact point where you would have to sail and dive down in order to reach laughtale then things would be a lot more manageable and if laughtale really is down there it would also bring devil fruits into a new light potentially if by chance devil fruits came from the ancient kingdom of one piece and if this ancient kingdom is buried beneath the sea then maybe the reason devil fruit users sink in water is because their fruits power is trying to return home many potential ways to go with this one we do know that joy boy had a close relationship with poseidon the mermaid princess of 800 years ago and we know that the current poseidon tends to activate her powers when she cries did the original poseidon shed tears for joy boy after he died did those tears sink his kingdom into the sea an event that would earn her power the title of ancient weapon maybe it was done in order to protect their history from being destroyed not unlike how during the buster call the scholars of o'hara threw their books out of the tree and into the lake to prevent them from burning is it possible that she sank many islands with this power for a similar purpose why are all the most important locations in relation to the ancient kingdom elevated so high above sea level zou is on the back of a giant elephant lunarians lived on top of the red line and wano is on top of a mountain elbath seems like it's going to feature a massively tall tree and even water 7 the birthplace of pluton is an island constantly building upward to avoid sinking into the ocean was there a mass sinking of islands or a great flooding were all these nations trying to avoid following laughtail beneath the waves in order to preserve some history or in order to keep moving forward it definitely makes sense as to why the celestial dragons moved from their respective kingdoms to the top of the red line kind of like how wapol left his country the moment blackbeard arrived and abandoned his people maybe the celestial dragons once the world started to flood left the ocean abandoned their people and went to the top of the red line looking back on how vivi complained when wapol did just this action maybe the original nefertari king saw the tragedy in all this destruction and chose to stay behind as well maybe he chose not to abandon his people with one piece gone it's king presumably dead and much of the world sinking beneath the sea the nineteen kings took flight to the top of marijua where it was safe and the mysteries hidden at laftail would remain there for 800 years let's look again at this beautiful work of art we got back in dressrosa i told you guys we would come back to this look at what we have here and try to apply this to the context of our theory today a son a sad king underneath towards the side with the open eye the right eye he has a single wing coming out from behind him and above him chopper sports some interesting wings and he's accompanied by rabbits commonly thought to be from the moon in japanese folklore lunarians perhaps maybe the big chopper creature on the lunarian side with the half-colored spiral pattern is trying to block out or hide the sun maybe this symbolizes hiding the kingdom of the sun while the blocky rigid nami creature on the other side is being held back from the sun by the tears of the left eye maybe representing the tears of poseidon sinking the kingdom of the sun beneath the waves and hiding it from those who would harm it maybe in just this panel alone oda told us everything the ancient pirate alliance the sun god the sun crown the half moon clan and the great kingdom of one piece or maybe i'm just overthinking things after all there's no way oda planned it all out this far right well that was a lot to go over if you're still here thanks for sticking around there's so much more to talk about but unfortunately this is the entire story of one piece we're trying to unravel so we can only talk about so much in just one video but i hope that over the course of this channel's life we'll get to talk about everything else one piece at a time if you found today's theory interesting don't forget to like and subscribe to see more like this in the future and if you believe nick is a lunarian and want to hear my theory on where devil fruits came from check out my ultimate devil fruit theory it might help to hold you over until my next upload because this will be my last major upload before my five-week trip to japan so i hope it was worth the wait starting next week i'll be over in wano myself and working on some fresh new one-piece vlog content straight from the source so look forward to that and finally thank you once again for stopping by the hidden island i hope you've enjoyed today's show because we sure enjoyed putting it on and until next time have a beautiful day a pleasant night and a wonderful romance dawn [Music] you
Channel: The Hidden Island
Views: 293,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oda TOLD US what the ONE PIECE IS!, The Truth About Everything, The Hidden Island, One Piece Megatheory, One Piece Theory, One Piece Analysis, The One Piece is, One Peace, Solved., Lunarians, Nika, Strawhat is a crown, The kingdom of one peace, the kingdom of one piece, one piece is the ancient kingdom, half moon clan, d clan, void century, secrets revealed, laughtale, laugh tale, raftel, laugh tale is underwater, megatheory, mind blown, ODA, GODA, GOAT, Anime, Will of D, Joy Boy
Id: GYpz4hQfISc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 46sec (2626 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2022
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