The Great Pyramid Construction Theories That Made EVERYONE Sit Up and Take Notice

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hidden mysteries of the Giza pyramids looming over the landscape just outside of Cairo Egypt lies one of the most iconic wonders of the world the three Great Pyramids of Giza are some of the first things people outside the country think about when they hear the name ever since European explorers first came to the site in the early 1200s after the Crusades people in the Western world have grown increasingly curious about these gigantic structures as more and more mystery surrounding the three Great Pyramids of Giza come to light new ideas emerge about who really built them and how what their purpose was and what they still hide inside their massive stone walls explorers now use the latest technology to investigate the secrets held for thousands of years what they find still amazes them nowadays people who study Egyptology are in two camps academic and independent and both use the latest sensing and scanning equipment to look inside previously unknown parts of the Great Pyramids of Giza and find that there's more to the story than a boring theory of impressive tombs the unique facts about the pyramids materials alignment interior spaces and legends raise more questions than the answer just how old are the Pyramids of Giza the traditional explanations for pyramids ages stem from the Old Kingdom times and more specifically King Khufu himself as they're linking it to him Egyptology rest their case and that he ordered people to build it and therefore they apparently know the time it was built according to them this would put the timeframe for the pyramids construction around 2589 to 2566 pyramid but ones that were all older than previously thought the 400 years discrepancy disproves every angle the Egyptologist had on the Giza pyramid but we are still not allowed to look at any date that's older whether it's four hundred four thousand or otherwise the thought police are on the Giza Plateau to stay another problem arises where did this would come from of course there were some trees along the Nile River back in those days and the Egyptians undoubtedly made use of them however during the times originally thought to be in the range of the Giza pyramid building the Nile Valley was not covered with trees when was it more lush green and filled with trees before the last ice age some 11,000 years ago was it then that whoever created the massive pyramids built the structures using more wood then was there much later go back even farther and part of the lands was flooded which would have made it easier to move large blocks of stone some open-minded historians and researchers have connected the flooded Egypt with Atlantis the pyramid would rise above the flood waters much like the two prominent mounts in the Atlantis story were said to other more tangible proof of older pyramids exist a carved ostrich egg shell dated around 7,000 years ago depicts trees ostriches and the three Giza pyramids a preserved papyrus scroll called the Turin King list includes earliest mentions of Half Men half animal rulers some eleven thousand years ago another historical artifact from roz had priests but the beginning of Egyptian civilization in the hands of demigods long before human pharaohs took over who on earth built the Giza pyramids real historical documents describing demigods and Half Men therianthrope beings that came to Egypt much earlier than people thought the civilization there began cannot help but bring to mind earlier tales of mysterious visitors the Anunnaki spoken of in earlier Sumerian historical records included Birdman and Fishman as well as a whole pantheon of deities that took different forms one look at some of the ancient Egyptians gods and goddesses reveals startling similarities raaah the Sun God had a bird head he could be the exiled son of the major Sumerian Anunnaki gods that was sent to a new land Isis the goddess associated with the throne and motherhood had bird wings her son Horus also had the head of a bird who served as protector to the Kings nowhere in standard Egyptian reports does it state that the gods and goddesses themselves built the Pyramids of Giza however as protectors guides and overseers of the entire ancient Egyptian society they had a hand in pretty much everything that went on did men alone build the pyramids or did they have help from either mysterious deities or other beings that could only be understood as gods and goddesses in long ago days as many civilizations do the Egyptians appear to have borrowed God's stories from the Mesopotamians and Sumerians let is if these beings only existed as figments of their imagination with the historical turn king lists clearly stating a succession of non-human beings ruling over the land it seems that the Anunnaki deities and half humans visited more places than just one mainstream Egyptology still makes wild claims their grand tombs built by architects and slaves to house the remains of Egyptian kings independent Egyptology researchers show evidence for claims they're constructed as portals to the ancient gods maybe they're signposts or spaceships left behind by some benevolent force not of this world by examining the most mysterious aspects of the pyramids of giza in egypt new truths and imaginative possibilities emerge many historians outlandishly think it started with the afterlife plans of a pharaoh named Khufu some 4,500 years ago but there's more compelling reasons and evidence to believe it started much much earlier than that ancient Egypt pyramids rediscovered people have been rediscovering the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt for thousands of years the first were Egyptians themselves back in the times that modern people still call ancient the Giza pyramids sometimes attributed to King Khufu the largest of the pyramids attracted the most attention subsequent Pharaohs took most the fourth and come with sat wolf took part in restoration processes dozens or hundreds of years after they were built the ancient Greeks and Romans showed up next to explore and help restore the massive structures this happened in the 200s BCE these historical figures including the ptolemies also added to the egyptian landscape by adopting some of the architectural styles and building their own temples time marched on the Crusades happened and finally peaceful explorers from more northern parts of Europe appeared the early explorations involved a lot of dynamite to try to gain access which damaged parts of the pyramid in the years from approximately 1820 onward the modern age of Egyptology took over with more precise and scientific explorations the alien theory of the ancient gods is popular among those more likely to believe in intelligent life elsewhere the universe than magical deities these sumerian tablets that speak of Nibiru and how these beings that live there visited earth multiple times in the past provide some compelling evidence of this when it comes to the Egyptian pyramids at giza the sheer size precision and meaning behind the construction materials and layouts points to an otherworldly source advanced technology would certainly help cut mathematically correct 70-ton blocks of stone move them a long distance and then position them with precision up the side of a 480 foot tall structure if it was the people who lived there how did they get it done in a relatively short amount of time with such precise details and in perfect alignment to things not even discovered until much later also what happened to the knowledge needed to do it all in the years since then giants and the Book of Enoch an interesting part of the Dead Sea Scrolls called the Book of Enoch was a biblical era text left out of the Christian Canon for one reason or another it was popular throughout history with Orthodox Jewish teachings Enoch was Noah's grandfather and Methuselah swather the book covers the stories of the Nephilim and Giants who were born to human women and angelic fathers there are considerable similarities between these beings the Anunnaki of Sumerian lore and the Egyptian gods and goddesses what is the winged goddess if not an angel who were the Anunnaki Watchers if not the collection of beings with strange appearances and otherworldly powers seen in the Egyptian pantheon in epic of gilgamesh could the pyramids be the fabled throne to the gods purposely built to withstand the massive floods that came in those days such as in the story of Noah no one can argue that Giants with godlike powers would have been very useful in building the gigantic Pyramids of Giza with exceptional strength and stature men of prodigious size could have more easily moved the massive stone blocks and hoisted them into position combine their strength with the possibility of advanced technology brought by their angelic or alien parents and the pyramids become a more reasonable endeavor other than the historical records and stories inscribed on papyrus and clay tablets there are examples of actual physical evidence that Giants once walked the earth it begins with the remains of ancient rulers from Egypt for example the Pharaoh named Sal nacht was eight inches taller than average other mummies have ranged from seven feet to even 14 feet tall obscure sources of ancient writing and historical papers and news accounts of explorers speak of these extra tall beings that appear human they also show up in the Christian Bible such as in the story of Goliath an early Explorer and Baghdad Sultan named al Mamoon wrote about 832 seee met the people who lived there were giants and that various named ones not only built the pyramids but also placed secrets in the pyramids stories from Egypt itself revealed that a race of unique beings before the times of the Pharaohs engaged in pyramid building these followers of Horus were reported to be important to rulers and the aristocracy taller and heavier than Egyptians of the time had larger skulls on average and pale hair they were recorded in the Ed foo building texts as standing up with gods who were over 15 feet in height gigantic knife blades mace heads and other artifacts have been on earth the combination of the ancient stories from the ancient Sumerian to the Christian Bible to the Egyptians on papyrus scrolls speak of the same type of beings coming to Earth involving themselves with the lives of humans and getting offspring by them these giants were different and advanced and helped form civilizations more advanced than any the world had ever seen did they build the pyramids - why would they bother themselves with the tomb of a much later pharaoh Khufu chops and his coffin the last question above can be answered easily when you know that Khufu's body or coffin were never found inside the largest Pyramid of Giza although the generally accepted historical records show that Khufu was the one that had the largest pyramid built no one has actually found his body or a sarcophagus that's clearly his yet in fact no one ever found any regular evidence of burials in the Great Pyramid at all there's been more evidence of fabrication than anything else instead of downward steps or ramps its passageways go upward instead of simple small rooms or chambers it holds a large Grand Gallery room even though known Egyptian tombs like the Valley of the Kings 700 miles away were full of items belonging to the ruler in his life none had any reason for something as large as the gallery in this pyramid it was sized much like a resonator acoustic hall instead also another mysterious fact about the Great Pyramid at Giza was the lack of hieroglyphs pictures or inscriptions inside on the walls doorways or ceilings as in other tombs could the builders and artisans have left these out because Khufu was not well-liked during his reign it seems very unlikely as other pharaohs all had glyphs and paintings telling of their lives there are some hieroglyphs that were discovered in the 1830s on an expedition by Howard vice and company they opened up four of the relieving chambers inside the pyramid but never reach the ones previously found by another group suspiciously he did not mention the marks in his journal at all until he went into the chambers a second time with other people as witnesses the whole Howard Fiasco stinks of ego fabrication desperation and lies these hieroglyphs seemed to spell Khufu's name and tell of his rule which are common things found in other pyramids why then were they only found in the four chambers that Vice entered why did he not mention them immediately if these two things were not suspicious enough the glyphs spelled Khufu's name wrong and formed by a mixture of glyphic styles used in different times of Egypt's history commonly known in Egyptology as Howard's concoction although they'll not publicly State this the claim that they were plain forgery is debated among historians even though both sides know the truth the fact remains that the Great Pyramid at Giza was highly different than the others in which pharaohs were entombed through the ages although Egyptology knows they are likely fake they defend this territory as if it's an enigma because it suits their control over history mysterious voids inside with current scanning technology researchers can find even more evidence of unique structures inside the pyramid the Great Pyramid is already quite unique for having a 153 foot long passageway called the Grand Gallery that leads to what's known as the King's Chamber this new scanned void inside the pyramid is very similar in structure in size the technique to find this empty space is quite amazing on its own unique detectors the paths of particles from space called moons these are created when cosmic rays come in contact with our atmosphere and fly through all the matter on earth all the time and lose a bit of energy on the way of course when they fly through an empty space they don't lose energy this is how the scientists discovered a void inside the pyramid once they figured out just how big this new chamber or passageway was nearly 100 feet more questions arose the most boring gases that the space was simply a path to move the large stones over the King's Chamber into place and then sealed off when builders did not need it anymore another option was that it was purposely left empty to alleviate weight problems although this is poor engineering and science another Egyptology fantasy the fact remains that no one knows what's in there no plans are currently being made up to go find out either in fear of the true function of the pyramid being revealed this opens up the mind do some intriguing possibilities in light of Khufu's tomb nonsense and the signs that he was in the King's Chamber being likely forgeries some believe one of the upper level chambers may hold his Hall of Records because of the massive height and meaning behind the Great Pyramid most people expect to find something in there if an entrance is ever found or made without real purpose the existence of the voids feeds into the ancient stories of who helped build the pyramids to begin with the alien hand directing and assisting with construction would have needed hidden areas to communicate with their ships or home planet or orchestrate new advancements the culmination of all the stories from various connected cultures makes any new find more mysterious massive and mysterious materials at a glance it's easy to see that the Great Pyramids of Giza are gigantic and would take an awful lot of effort to build the largest contains approximately 2.5 million stone blocks that weigh a total of almost 6 million tons the blocks come in various sizes between 2 and 20 times each if you cannot visualize those weights in your head just consider the average car weighs just over two tonnes things that weigh 20 tonnes include approximately three elephants or 250 people archaeologists and other researchers have long studied how it could be possible for people alone to not only move 20 ton blocks of stone but also to lift them and position them with incredible precision many suggestions have been made such as massive ramps slave labor and even using water to somehow float the blocks along their way not only is it difficult for us to imagine how people did this on their own it seems logistical II impossible for some of the heavier stones a block that measures three to four feet on each side could weigh four tonnes or more there simply would not be room on any side for enough men to stand to lift the block even if they use long poles to spread it around it would require more than ten men to fit the next question becomes how many blocks of stone could this many people move in a day according to standard records all three of the Pyramids of Giza were built in approximately 80 years for the largest alone that would require moving over 30,000 blocks every day and that's not even taking into consideration the coating of white limestone that used to cover the entire 490 foot tall structure this unbelievable engineering and building feat seems impossible even with the explanations put forth by modern scientists however when you look at the evidence that points to the pyramids being built much earlier than first thought a new idea emerges Egyptian tales themselves are full of man-beast hybrids that oversee our world and rule it as gods and goddesses as mentioned above these align quite neatly with the earlier deities from Sumer and other ancient civilizations tales of the Anunnaki and the watchers points to them being extraterrestrial beings with a special interest in developing more advanced humans and using them for their own purposes the giant offspring of these beings and early humans would definitely help in a large-scale construction project the splendor of the pyramids cannot be doubted the fact that anyone used so many heavy stones to construct a tomb with no one interred in it seems suspicious and ludicrous to say the least pyramid alignment moving heavy blocks is one thing that seems to make high-tech intervention likely the truly amazing indications of naki alien or God intervention is the precise alignment that the Pyramids of Giza have based on the knowledge of the time and the levels of math enjoyed by people of ancient Egypt the alignment and measurements found at the sites would be impossible in fact the ways the Great Pyramid of Giza are aligned could only be possible if the ancient Egyptians had some way of seeing their construction project and the surrounding land from above according to regular historical records this was impossible during those times but how can the alignments be explained the first unexplainable alignment is apparent when you look down on the Great Pyramid from the air if the diagonal lines crossing the points of the pyramid are extended across the Nile River Delta they touch the eastern and western edges of the Nile River waterways almost exactly did the builders somehow measure how wide it was and use it mathematically to form the pyramid or was something else at work unusual alignment with the position of the Sun at special times of year has also been noted this is common with constructions of old such as Stonehenge since the pyramids are in a collection of structures with the Sphinx the alignments are more complex on the summer solstice the Sun appears at the center point between the largest and second largest pyramids from the point of view of someone standing at the door of the Sphinx if you stand at the door of the largest pyramid on the winter solstice the Sun traces the curve of the Sphinx as stone head as it moves across the sky how was this precision completed without advanced knowledge of the sun's positioning astronomical math the Egyptians of the time were in advanced society with interest in the Stars and early mathematics however the advanced ideas evident in their construction of the pyramids are light-years beyond what they supposedly knew at the time or indeed what anyone knew for even hundreds of years afterward who gave them this knowledge or who used their own knowledge to design the construction and used human labour complete it while experts have found many complex equations that astound them some of the most intriguing have to do with the number pi 3.1415 the idea of pi was discovered in ancient Babylonia but they generally thought it to be just three later a more precise 3.125 value was written on a clay tablet ancient Egyptians generally accepted pious 3.1 6:05 when it comes to the pyramids using PI seemed a popular concept the ratio between the perimeter of the Great Pyramid and its height is PI to the 15th actual digit supposedly something they didn't know back then other math facts surrounding the pyramids are more obscure for example the distance between the Earth and Sun divided by 1 billion equals the height of the pyramid the pyramids perimeter is a 100 millionth of the Sun circumference of course the Egyptians worship the Sun God raaah was it he or his Anunnaki counterpart who told them exactly how big and far away the Sun was from the ground and while standing on top of the largest pyramid it looks four-sided like all the rest actually it's the only one with eight sides though these Center angles on each side are very slight in fact the only way to see them easily is to wait for either the vernal or autumnal equinox --is get in the air above the pyramid and wait for dawn and sunset for the shadows to highlight the angles this has been shown using instruments in math in modern times of course but how did the Egyptians create these slight angles with such precision the above-mentioned diagonal lines that stretch from the pyramid corners across the Nile Delta show exceptional knowledge of the land around the Egyptian Empire of long ago extending that type of knowledge to cover the entire globe seems ludicrous for an early civilization yet there's evidence that somehow the Egyptians knew impossible things about the whole earth for example in those days the average height of land on all the earth that's above the sea level is equal to the height of the Great Pyramid at five thousand four hundred forty nine inches its position is amazing too in that it lies on the precise longitude and latitude lines that contain more land and less ocean than anywhere else on the planet these astounding facts simply seem impossible unless there was outside help involved more suspicious evidence of pyramid intervention taken together all the above information is enough to make the most die-hard historian pause the unexplained mysteries surrounding the Great Pyramids of Giza and the nearby Sphinx open up a world of possibilities for just who or what helped in their construction for every find in or around the Great Pyramids of Giza there are numerous people discounting it as anything unusual this is especially true for the researchers from and government of Egypt itself understandably they want all credit for these fantasy wonders of the world to go to their ancestors long ago when unusual artifacts writings or amazing coincidences keep adding up however it becomes increasingly difficult to imagine them away as simply flukes other unusual finds in the area add to the mysteries well these are less compelling than things mentioned above they still add intrigue and curiosity to the overall mystery of just who or what influenced the ancient Egyptian civilization mysterious alien black boxes approximately twelve miles away from the pyramid group explorers discovered a cave system carved out of solid limestone hills inside the hollowed-out chambers lies a collection of massive black stone boxes or coffins raised up on other massive blocks when found the initial thought was that they were coffins for APIs balls which were much revered in that ancient time a similar spot had been found by Auguste Mariette in 1850 Sarah pium of Saqqara the first word of the name referred to Serapis a humanoid god who walks a three-headed dog from a combined Egyptian and Greek pantheon however if this was a temple of some sort to that God there were no hieroglyphs or other items inside that gave a clue instead all that exists as black granite boxes fashion with meticulous precision with around 100 tons of solid stone each each rests neatly aligned on another block of stone higher than a person's head none have been opened nothing more than ancient graffiti marks the coffins or graves and the sheer size and weight of the materials makes them seem impossible to build and move by human hands alone even if these bowls were honored with such a burial after their death or sacrifice why was there no hieroglyphics paintings or carvings added to the meticulously carved coffins and passageways unexpected heat signatures as archaeologists and other researchers delve into the mysteries of the pyramids of giza more closely they use increasingly advanced technology to explore many air shafts and narrow passageways have been explored by robots for example they show things that cannot be accessed by people for various reasons one of the latest techniques is to use heat sensing equipment the stone used to construct the pyramids invariably shows up as cool greens and blues on the monitor recently however new scans have shown orange and red spots that are much warmer than the stone around them what could it mean the answer to that question ranged from the purely mundane to one's much more fantastical first scientists were careful to scan at various times of day and night to prevent the sun's warmth from causing incorrect readings the hot spots were constant on three large blocks in the lower level of the eastern side further exploration discovered a passageway on the ground that seems to lead to this location other hot spots in the upper half of the pyramid have no known entrances at this time speculation about what could be hidden inside the pyramid goes on some say it could be trapped hot air in an empty chamber others surmise they will soon discover ancient technology brought by ancient helpers for another world they wonder if tangible clues to advanced assistance will finally come to light secrets in the nearby hieroglyphs the most commonly recognized of the high-tech hieroglyphics spoke of an unexplained mystery groups include what appear to be a spaceship jet airplane and helicopter these appear not in a pyramid but in a nearby temple of Abydos however closer scrutiny has led many to believe they're simply odd shapes created by layering new carvings over old ones one such instance appears to show Ramses the second carving his name and titles over one put there by his father some people assume he was trying to make himself look better by making the claim that he did these things as well if that was the only unusual occurrence it could be dismissed with that explanation however other seemingly advanced apparatus are rendered there at the temple of hathor a carved depiction of an important event includes what appears to be large light bulbs plugged into sockets that illuminate an important space the artwork shows a small chamber under the temple itself the space was dark since it was underground and used for various experiments and material preparation spots for religious rites and rituals the goddess Hathor herself was closely associated with the stars above it would make sense that the goddess of the stars would share her alien knowledge with the priests employed with carrying out experiments and procedures for her benefit other hieroglyphs seemed to show lightning rods what are now called Tesla coils mechanical diagrams a flying saucer carrying a long tube or scroll of knowledge and even a diagram about a method to power up a pyramid unfortunately all there is to go on are these unusual hieroglyphic writings and artwork no definite artifacts that match the diagrams have been found of course few things exist on earth still from over 10,000 years ago as more secrets come to light there may finally be proof of the connection between the enigmatic Pyramids of Giza and the Anunnaki gods or alien intervention forces to the people living in Cairo Egypt the three Great Pyramids of Giza are simply landmarks on the horizon or a unique view into their far past when you see something every day it's easy to become immune to the mystery and intrigue that surrounds these gigantic structures however as more people delve deeper into these pyramids pour over ancient scrolls and clay tablets and map the connections between various civilizations of the past the interest ramps up considerably [Music] [Music]
Channel: DTTV Studios
Views: 134,931
Rating: 4.3869734 out of 5
Keywords: egypt, 4k, documentary, giza, pyramids
Id: nkj99Nw7Q50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 43sec (2083 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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