THE GREAT MONORAIL - How Railroads Work! | Minecraft Guide Episode 13 (Minecraft 1.15.1 Lets Play)

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[Music] hey there everyone how's it going it's me your guy waddles and welcome back to the Minecraft guy to lucky episode number 13 today today the star of the show is actually waiting for us inside so let's go ahead and ring your doorbell hmm doesn't answer the door of course because it's busy spinning in circles well not really today's episode is going to be all about mine carts and rail lines and fun things like that last episode we went down into the abandoned mineshaft and collected quite a bit of rails today I'd like to connect the mob farm that we built a few episodes back up with our base over here cents ups a little bit of a ways away the plan is to set up a cool monorail system and talk all about mine carts and some of their properties while we do that eh so you've done your job you've got to go now goodbye buddy and hello all of these other rails so we're gonna start this project by talking a little bit about what I'd like to do over here at the base in the future I think it would make sense to kind of lay the grounds for what I'm planning on doing in this world in this world I'd like to connect everything that we build that's close to our base up with a rail line today will be the first step in that big process this process will be done over a long time as we start to create more builds that aren't at the base we'll need more realizes I think it'll be pretty cool not at school and all but that'll probably mean we need some sort of centralized train hub or rail station the plan is to put that right behind me now I obviously have no clue how many rail lines we'll end up having when we're done with this project so for now we'll plan on having one rail station but if we need more than one then we can build more around the base that really shouldn't be a problem at all so that means today's monorail the thing that'll link up the mob farm and our base will start from this area over here but now I think it's time for a little bit of a minecart tutorial some of our things first say hello to the minecart my carts can be used for transportation as well as a few other things for example with the chests my cart you can move items and with a hopper minecart you can pick up items hopper mine carts are particularly useful for mid to late game farms so that's a minecart but on its own it's not that special to use minecart so you'll need a rail lines but with just the plain old rail line your minecart is not going to move very fast and it won't be able to go up inclines to speed things up you'll need to use powered rails with a single powered rail and empty minecart will move about ten rails if the player decides to get inside of that minecart with a single powered rail that same minecart can move about two hundred and sixteen blocks but it won't be a very fast process you'll definitely want to incorporate more powered rails into your rail line if you're trying to get anywhere fast the fastest speed a minecart can move in a straight line is eight meters per second and it dies on line however things get sped up a little bit on diagonals minecarts can move up to eleven meters per second as a reminder one meter is one block to achieve the maximum minecart speed in the straight line you'll need three powered rails right next to each other something just like this when you're creating a minecart line that you're using for transportation I always recommend doing something like this near the beginning of it and that's definitely our plan today now normal rails and powered rails aren't the only kinds of rails out there detector rails and activator rails are also a thing a detector rail will output a redstone signal when a minecart moves across it activator rails can be used to activate things such as TNT or command blocks if you have access to those now obviously there's more to know about minecart so than just that stuff but those are pretty much the basics so it's all we need to know for now and so that brings us to the monorail yeah so the monorail well they actually the platform will start with the platform that everything will start on so this thing should definitely be raised off with the ground how high well II probably this high that that would probably be fine now in all honesty this platform will probably be heavily changed later on once we actually build the real building but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't like to at least make it someone nice because I really don't know when I plan on building the proper train station building so we're gonna go ahead and try and take some time and put some details into this thing so how should we do our way up hmm I mean we could just do oak staircase that's right that would that would work and it would make sense but I think I'd like to do something a little fancier what if below this platform we tried to make some sort of stone brick base well that'd look good and then we have these corner beams I think that would look good um it might look like heavily structured I don't know if I really want a structure to look like that but you know what that might look good let's start with a stone brick base stone bricks are always they're always nice building blocks but I want to go get my cracked stone bricks the more and more that I used to own bricks guys the more and more that I realized I still really need a vine part we need those mossy variants so bad because they make things look a million times better like no joke mossy bricks are their the way to go whenever you're using stone bricks but yeah no mines yet so maybe we need to to set out on an adventure soon to go find vines I feel like I saw some somewhere in this world but I don't really remember where that would have been it obviously would have been while I was exploring but I just don't remember where that could have possibly been I don't know um this is probably one of those times were hardly imagining things that happened and it never actually happened I trust me I'm good guys I'm good another block that goes really well with these two is polished andesite polished andesite when mixed in randomly with stone bricks looks are really really good I feel like it adds a little bit more of a pattern breakup right because all of the stone brick variants they they clearly shared the same pattern and it's the same block by adding andesite in that pattern it's it's broken up and I think that's nice sometimes so we're gonna do that just a little bit on here - yeah something like that and boom it's nighttime but hey hey hey I don't know where I left my bed yeah no no no no it was my inventory the whole time next to the iron no what the hey how did I not see that really so the way up pretty straightforward we'll do a couple staircases one block out so we have some room to do whatever we're gonna do with this whole platform something just like this will we find them one of the platform connect over to the staircase so now this platform we've got a solid blocks on the corners and I like that look but I think on the inside like past the corners we could do staircases upside down I really really like the look of things kind of going into their support walls is so we're gonna go ahead and do that look and we'll turn the staircases on each corner to blend this block out a little bit more I think that adds an interesting look this corner block though that one might go we might have to do something different there but for now I'm just gonna leave it there I don't know if I like how how block is build is is looking on the corner so it kind of looks a little goofy and then after I finished the staircases the job will be coming up on top of this thing and filling this in with slabs so we have a solid platform to actually work with so that's all I think kind of fleshed out I think we know what we're doing so I'm gonna go ahead and get us to the point where we can actually focus on the monorail instead it's a little more interesting on the platform oh hey hey patrol over there that reminds me that I really need to get an enchanted bow so I can take those controls out the spot bar away he were they going I think they're gonna miss me actually okay so the platform is good and done that means it's finally time to start talking about our rail line so this rail line is going to be I think maybe like 200 blocks long that should be about it I think I don't have an exact measurement but yeah I'm guessing about 200 blocks so to start we of course need somewhere to start this whole rail line I think that we could space this thing maybe two blocks in from from the side in case I put a railing so we'll say maybe right there is the exact start now at the start of any rail line I always reckon placing a solid block and then placing a powered rail right next to that block on top of the solid block you should place a button just like that and then when you press the button the powered rail will turn on that's how we'll get things going now after that powered rail I recommend placing a few normal rails and then three powered rails to add the boost to get you up to that max speed of eight meters per second that means below those rails we need to put something to to keep those rails constantly powered that thing well a lever levers are the cheapest way to power rails because you only need a stick and a piece of cobblestone not bad not bad at all no I need out of here so there we go this will get us started and then get us up to maximum speed right away now to maintain this maximum speed we'll need to continually put powered rails in every so often now how often well it really depends on how much speed loss you want I want a pretty much eight guys keep moving hey what are they doing I want pretty much zero speed loss my plan is to place a single powered rail every thirty four blocks so starting right here this would be one two three and so on and then on our thirty fourth block we get one of these in the only one and that will keep our speed up at the max speed or at least it should we'll have to do a little bit of experimentation just to make sure I'm right on that one but I should be a thirty four is the number that I've always used since well well since a long time now this thing is it's gonna be a monorail which means it'll be raised up off of the ground we're raising it up off of the ground to keep things safe if this is on the ground and I like rode through it at nighttime and a creeper walked over to it well that would be a big problem I definitely don't want something like that so keeping this raised up like this that will completely avoid that problem now I have a really cool design but I I think the design will start in the well I guess it'll kind of start above the river maybe I I'm not too sure what we're gonna do is we're actually gonna raise the track up right here by one block and then we're gonna go for it I think okay just place a bunch of solid blocks and then later we're probably actually going to come back and place some of these blocks with stairs and some of them with slabs to create an interesting shape because a solid block line a that's not going to look very good now we're also definitely going to need supports on this as well because an unsupported floating solid black line well that's even worse than just a solid line of blocks so yeah we're gonna make it look good don't worry but first things first this area over here so powered rails actually don't work on corners they can't turn but they will work right after the corner we have an incline right here even though it's light so we're gonna add an extra little boost right there to keep things moving along nice and smoothly so our 34 thing that'll actually start right here I lied before so you know what this is the way that I like to do it if we split our rails into stacks of 34 we don't even have to count we just have to place blocks and that's good that's exactly what I like so we're just gonna do that and you know what if for good measure we're gonna actually go ahead and make this go up one more block just to keep things nice and high like way above the ground I think I like that idea better than something that ends up getting a little close to the ground once the thing gets going I'd like you to keep it at a constant height like I don't really want to go up and down so if we raise this now we should be good forever and rain hey that's the first time I think it's rained in this world it's just beautiful but it's it's over it's over before it even started okay so these two Patrol dudes they're like yeah inspecting the pig over there and I don't know if I'm really here for that so we're gonna go ahead and just we're just gonna get rid of them I think their whole patrol pasture anyways they're kind of just trying the deer so you guys yeah I don't know what you're doing but you got to go away you you really got to go no right so boom we're down to one rail and this would be the 34th rail so right here we do a powered rail and then we repeat the process again and again and again but I'm gonna be out of rails so we're gonna have to go back to the base and first grab some more supplies to crap around powered rails are made with gold ingots sticks and redstone they're actually pretty cheap to craft late game but early on they can be kind of expensive this is all the gold that we have now thankfully we don't have to go too far so I'm not really all that worried about it but yeah we don't really have the crazy access of gold so hopefully this should get the job done mmm if it doesn't a Ike's we're gonna have to go mining but now I'm gonna go ahead and get all the rail line in and again as always separate stacks to keep things nice and easy but this time I'm actually just gonna go with stacks of 33 so then I know exactly what I'm done now below these powered rails I I think each time we get to one I'm gonna jump down and put a lever to keep things powered and then I guess I'm just gonna build back up yeah but before we get too far into the project we're actually gonna go ahead and do a test run so we get in the minecart press the button we go and do we maintain the speed it looks like just about perfect so we're good to go now I can go ahead and finish this rail line up oh right well I've reached the turning point like literally a turning point we turn right here and go over to to the actual mob farm it's right on the other side of that hill I did a really good job of making sure it was hidden but yeah actually so far so good now I am I think out of normal rails unless I have a little bit left in the chest back home so we might need to make more of those but that's really not a big deal either now that we have a bunch of iron to make 16 normal rails you'll need six iron and a steak I think that's the recipe yeah that is the recipe so not bad not too expensive at all but it looks like I have a little bit more rails and thankfully we're definitely going to be set on the gold rails too so far so good and I've got a shortcut back too which makes things even better so yeah back to work [Music] no right so rolling back into station number one here we are good the rail line connects all the way over to the mob farm I'll show you guys to the mob farm a little bit later in the episode though so and now that that's all good now it's time to talk about the support beams so this track it looks really really goofy as is right now I have a cool design in mind that should work it'll be really expensive we'll have to farm a lot of the the Giants bursaries because yeah expensive but I I think it'll look good so I think we need stone bricks will need dispersed trapdoors walls when these furros fences and will actually be using acacia logs as well so hmm let's start this support thing eh we'll start it back here I think on this flat land so we can see what we're trying to do so below each lever we'll do a log and a log and then however many logs it takes to go all the way down to the ground so like over there we'll need more logs than just two then after the logs will go eh I think trap door like that or you know what no no no let's do it like this we'll do a trap door on the inside and a trap door on the inside just like that then on the sides we'll do an upside down staircase upside down staircase just like that then we need to tower up a little bit more so you can see what we're doing on top of the staircase will do stone brick and then a another stone brick just like that and then finally to cap everything off chiseled stone brick chiseled stone brick to make everything fancy so there's that that's how that'll work then ah after this stone brick we'll do like fences connecting over towards the first support beam but somewhere in the middle I'd like to do other support beams as well these middle beams will probably be done a little bit differently I forgot to get the walls I wanted stone brick walls because I think what we'll do is we'll go 12 blocks from here and then we'll do another support beam and this time it'll have acacia acacia wall wall wherever goes oh wow I was perfect so that's 12 right there that's good now on these inclines things will probably be a little bit different just because I mean it's an incline it's not how we're normally doing things I think maybe on the incline we'll just use trapdoors and we can go like up with them on all sides even the underside because I really don't know about doing the the cobblestone walls on these inclines I think that might look a little weird so probably something like that now this is going to be a long step and oh also in the step I might change some of these some of these solid blocks into staircases and then maybe even some of them into slabs do to add more shape but yeah this is gonna be a long step so I don't think I'm gonna do this on camera what I'm gonna do is kind of just get I think a lot of this in and then we'll come back and if it's done it'll be done if not then we'll have more to do later on [Music] okay so I wanted to jump back in and show you guys what I have so far I'd say we're about 75% done with this project I basically just need to finish up the other end but would you take a look at that monorail I think that is really really cool-looking I think it adds a lot to the world especially looking over at the enchanting tree like I don't know I think it looks pretty cool now this thing is taking a lot of fences it is very very fence heavy and yeah that's that's kind of painful I've been replanting giant spruce trees and chopping them down for fences and back again to turn another stack of spruce logs into spruce fences a YAG say it doesn't get any less painful each time at all like it just doesn't but thankfully I have a feeling that was my last batch of Susa fences because this thing is almost done now the only thing that I'm kind of unsure about right now is what to do with this whole line once it gets into the desert I I think it definitely shouldn't change in style that would look weird but it's right next to the ground over there and I don't know if I should just lower it and have it run on the ground or if I should raise it up and have it go higher up above the ground or finally it should just stay as is I'm kind of leaning towards just keeping it as is right now it does kind of get a little higher when this Hill goes down on the other side but I don't know it doesn't have too much distance in between the ground and the rail line not that that's a problem but I'm just not sure if I like it or not yet now I haven't tested this at all with all of these side things on I don't think they should affect the minecart at all if anything we might get a minor slowdown where these trap doors are and if that does become a problem I'll turn where we have one rail into three powered rails once we have an access of gold we won't be able to really do that today I don't think it would be smart to use up all of our gold on this build you never know where we might it soon so basically if there is a problem because mine carts are affected by friction and if they hit blocks they can slow down and if that becomes a problem then what we'll have to do is basically just come back and add more powered rails not that big of a problem really it's an easy traders oh right so whatta lures tell me this why is a minecart considered a friendly creature yeah that's weird mm-hmm I think there's something suspicious to be looked at in here that's that's pretty weird but anyways we're back the entire rail line is now finished and I am so so happy with it I really think this build looks it looks pretty good maybe it's one of my favorite builds of the whole world so far and it's literally just a rail line but I think it's also time to also show off the mob farm and the changes that have been made to it since the last stream so right now the rail line comes over here and then it just sort of ends maybe eventually we should put a building here but for now I think we're good now this is the mob farm it is now pretty big and now there's not actually that many mobs underneath it right now but this thing gets going crazy sometimes now I did put stone brick all the way around the edge here because Anderman were actually picking up the sand and making it light in here and that's a big problem definitely don't want that happening so that's why that has been changed this thing over here is actually for getting rid of Enderman we can stand under here and look at the Enderman and they'll be pulled all the way over to here way way way far away from any of the mobs that would spawn under there and we can get rid of them in safety now during the stream we made our first bow and enchanted it with a level 30 enchant and got a power 4 that's it I mean power 4 is pretty good but like no one breaking no infinity so yeah kind of a bummer now also on the stream we got over first bow related advancement take aim right here which we get for shooting something with an arrow it's pretty easy to get but I thought you guys should know about that the plan is to eventually get all of these advancements probably because I think that would be cool and that's something that I've actually never done in a world but this is the mob farm as a stance No now also in this room we did a lot of caving these cave systems that are under really this whole area are a lot more lit up but they're not quite finished we actually found another mineshaft on the ground which was was that was pretty cool we'll have to go back down there and explore it later because we never got back to it on the stream but I think that's just about everything to do with this mob farm this thing is pretty much good to go now we're gonna use this to find ender pearls we actually already have five from just during the stream and for experience as well and I mean seriously take a look at this thing it's crazy the spawns well they basically just keep happening which is so so nice now what we ride all the way back to spawn I'd like to talk about one more thing that thing is the hardcore series I've seen a lot of questions about it the hardcore series is definitely still not over is just kind of coming out a lot slower when compared to the guide I'm having a lot of fun with this series so I think it would be smart to definitely focus on the one that I'm having more fun in the next hardcore episode we'll be out sometime soon ish the plan is still definitely to fight the dragon in that world so yeah you can keep your eyes out for it the episodes are just being posted it kind of slow right now that's all but for a monorail I would say that's a pretty good start I've really really loved the design on it I hope you guys like it you definitely vote on the poll on screen now what do you think about the monorail if you were gonna change something what would you change definitely tell me and who knows maybe we'll end up changing it and comments of the day should be starting soon but thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed the video as always smash like smash subscribe smash notification bellow so you get notified when I post a video and as always all of my links are down below the video there's merchants on there so ayyy check it out a if you'd like today I'd like to send a big shout out to my patron ground crazy May thank you for supporting me and that's about it I'll see you next time it elites goodbye everyone stay cool [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: wattles
Views: 521,925
Rating: 4.9191918 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft rail basics, minecraft railroads, minecraft rail line tutorial, minecraft rail tutorial, minecraft monorail, minecraft monorail design, minecraft 1.15.1, minecraft lets play 1.15, minecraft guide rails, minecraft, minecraft transport systems, minecraft railway, how rails work minecraft, minecraft minecart mechanics, how far will a minecart move with one rail
Id: eMKqqkbc4hE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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