The Great Download - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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[Music] this is Pentecost Sunday for some people you really understand what that means to other people you don't really have a clue what that's about but hopefully we can add some integrity to the Word of God today and kind of share with you some things as the Lord laid on my heart I want you to go to the Gospels Saint John chapter 16 verse 7 through 15 the Gospel of st. John chapter 16 verse 7 through 15 and there you will find the reading of God's Word and it reads this way nevertheless I tell you the truth that it is expedient for you that I go away this is Jesus talking for if I go not away the comforter will not come unto you but if I depart I will send him unto you listen carefully and when he has come he will reprove the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment of sin because they believe not on me of righteousness because I go to my father as you see me no more of judgment because the prince of this world is judged I have yet many things to say unto you now this is where I want you to really really hone in real tight I have yet many things to say unto you but ye cannot bear them now howbeit when he the Spirit of Truth has come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you and he will show you things to come he shall glorify me for he shall receive a mind and he shall show it unto you God my God all things that the father has are mine therefore said I that he shall take of mine he shall take of mind he shall take of mine and shall show it unto you can you say man now listen I got this I want to share with you if you're in the house are you with your kids and you're sitting with your husband just touch your neighbor and say the great download' that's what we're gonna talk about the great the great download because that's what this text is talking about is the great download there's a great download he shall take of mine and show it unto you it's a it's a download that's what we're celebrating today is the the greatest download that has ever been done came before Apple came before Microsoft came before Texas Instruments came before technology came before electricity came before lights the greatest download came down from above and that's what we're celebrating when we celebrate Pentecost is a glorious download where heaven downloads to earth where the celestial downloads to the terrestrial where the divine downloads to the human that's what Pentecost is all about we're gonna have a good time get ready for the great download somebody shout a man let's pray spirit of the Living God fall afresh over your word right now let it be made flesh while it's being preached ministered to the needs of your people great God that you are I thank you for increase in Jesus name somebody who loves him shouting a man you may be seated in his presence it occurred to me being the passive being the pastor of this this great church and I love this church and I love all of our members and I love all of our members and I love all of our partner I love God's people in general that that that you cannot assume that everybody understands what Pentecost Sunday is my father's people were all AME my mother's people were all Baptists I grew up Baptist in the early years of my life and they've got spirit-filled and joined an apostolic Pentecostal church and it was there that I was introduced to Pentecost Sunday as a little boy I never heard anything about Pentecost Sunday we talked a lot about Easter they didn't even call it Resurrection Sunday like they do now they call that Easter we talked a lot about the death burial and resurrection of our Lord but we didn't talk much about Pentecost at all and so there was no celebration of Pentecost Sunday so to those of you that have come from other Reformation I don't want to assume that you have been taught about Pentecost Sunday some some denominational churches do some people don't talk about it at all and then amongst those of you of the Pentecostal persuasion we celebrated Pentecost Sunday but we celebrated it primarily from the book of Acts we talked about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the coming and the filling of God's people with the Holy Spirit and we talked about Pentecost Sunday as if Pentecost Sunday had no roots as if it derived this origin in the book of Acts but I want to go a little bit deeper and put it in context this morning and I'm gonna take my time for some of you it might be new information for some of you it might be just stirring up your memory about information that has already pre existed but I want to take my time and really get down into a deeper and richer understanding of what this is all about I perhaps I should start by defining what a download is because you may have come from my generation and I don't want to assume that you necessarily know what a download the definition of a download is a doubt is to download past tense downloaded particularly to copy from one computer system to another typically over the internet to download in other words this data on the internet you want to download it into your computer door there's information on one computer you want to download it onto another system and it is the ability to take that that was not there existed somewhere else and possess it by downloading in the noun sense it's an act or process of downloading data like a downloading a movie for example the movie exists you want to download it you're capturing it and bringing it down into the realm of your reach that's what it means to to download to a large degree what happened in the book of Acts is the download but it did not start there and it has deeper implications than just that you must begin to understand first of all when we start talking about what I just read to you you you get some sort of clue and beginning to understand that Jesus is trying to prepare his disciples for a download that what is in him is about to be download into them and in order for it to be downloaded he has to go away and that if he goes not away the comforter which is the download will not be able to come he says in another place he says here before I have been with you but I'm getting ready to download and I shall be in you there nature of the relationship is going to be internal and not just external you've been with me but I shall be in you he told woman I shall be one woman I shall be in you a well of living water springing up into everlasting life Jesus is preparing them for the download anytime a relationship shifts you to prepare people for a change it doesn't mean that it ends it just means that it shifted it takes on a new dimension it takes on a different continuity it takes on a different relativity I will not be the voice in your ear but I'm going to be the voice in your spirit I will not be the voice externally I will be the voice internally I have been with you you're used to watching me this he said you will see me no more but I will be in you you won't see me but you're gonna have to sense me in Hebrews we talked about having our census talking about our spiritual senses exercised by reason of use a lot of church people have a lot of noise make a lot of noise a lot of shouting a lot of dancing but they have not had their census exercise by reason of use what do you mean census since there's a sight and hearing and taste and smell what do you make yeah those are all natural senses but the Bible teaches us that we have spiritual senses as well and that when we use our spiritual senses they get exercised by reason of use the more we use them the more they become relevant in our lives after while you can hear God better after a while you can see his handiwork in your situation after a while you can sense him in your house you become more sensitive by reason of use the whole notion of fasting is to deny the outer man so that the inner man is strengthened the more you cut down the physical senses the more you increase the spiritual cysts are you getting what I'm saying to you this notion I want you to realize when we start in the book of Acts as we hear the word from the book of Acts I want you to realize that Acts represents the book of Acts really represents the beginning of the New Testament not Matthew Mark Luke and John because Matthew Mark Luke and John all writings recorded about Jesus who lived during the Old Testament how can you say that I can say it this way because you cannot have a New Testament until the testator dies so everything that Jesus did while he was living before prior to the cross though it is chronologically placed in your New Testament Bible it is still up under the Old Testament covenant we can't have a New Testament because Christ is the testator and he can't download the New Testament until he goes to the cross when he goes to the cross he sets some things in motion that create a download for us to step out of Old Testament over into New Testament and start to walk in the newness of life are you seeing what I'm saying to you now if you can chew that up and say I got some stuff for you this one I hope you're ready for it if you can chew that up then the book of Acts becomes the beginning of the New Testament okay let's go deeper the book of Acts is to the New Testament what the book of Genesis is to the Old Testament yeah the book of Acts how can you say that in the book of Genesis the first thing when God is introduced to us he is introduced to us by the moving of the Spirit in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth as the earth was without form and void and darkness covered the face of the deep watch this and the spirit moved that's the first thing we hear about the spirit and the spirit move you can't get through Genesis 1 2 and through without the spirit move it was the moving of the Holy Spirit that starts to create oriole process in the book of Genesis when the spirit moved God to speak out of the moving of the holy spirit so as the spirit moved the spirit spoke man as the spirit spoke it created things let there be light let there be firmament above the waters and beneath the waters let there be light lesser lights and greater lights let's separate the firmament so above from the firmaments beneath the Spirit moved the spirit spoke and then it became in the book of Genesis in the book of Genesis of spirit established order out of disorder its families consistency out of chaos separating this from that it began to set things in order okay let's go to the book of Acts in the book of Acts when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were in one place with one Accord suddenly there came a sound from heaven like a mighty rushing wind cloven tongues appear like it's on fire and the spirit sat upon each of them so I give the spirit moved again it moved in Genesis for creation it moved in acts for recreation it moved her unity to get that it moved in Genesis for creation it moved in acts for recreation it all starts with the moving of the holy spirit so we see the spirit move suddenly there came a sound from heaven like a mighty rushing wind closing tongues appeared like as a fire and sat upon the each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost after the spirit moves then the spirit spoke and they spake as the Spirit of God gave them utter the same spirit that moved and spoke in Genesis it's the same spirit that moved and spoke in the book of Acts wherever there is a move of the Spirit there will be a language of the Spirit because God's Spirit is not muted it has all of its senses if it's poked in the Old Testament it speaks in the New Testament this time it speaks through us before it spoke in the earth now it's speaking through the earth well y'all hear what I'm saying yeah yeah it spoke to the earth now an axis speaks through the earth and they spake with tongues as the Spirit of God gave them utterance so in Genesis he's speaking to it in acts he's speaking through it but it is the same spirit that is doing both things are you hearing what I'm saying why the in Bishop is important it is important because the Friends of my pivot of the mistakes that my Pentecostal friends make they think everything starts on the day of Pentecost as if it is an afterthought of God when in fact God has planned the end from the beginning when you begin to go back to the beginning you begin to understand that your God had a strategy before the enemy had an attack Oh y'all hear what I'm saying God had a strategy before the enemy had an attack everybody will be surprised before God is surprised oh the government all FBI all the CIA all the presidents and kings and monarchies and Kingdom will all be surprised before God he surprised nothing surprises him he's never caught off guard he knows what's going to happen he worketh all things after the counsel of his all over will and you don't understand the beauty of Pentecost without you understanding that Pentecost is not something that God did off the spur of the moment that God did because he was in a situation that God did so you could have a great service that God did so you could dance as a service that God did so you could walk the peels that God did so you could clap your hand that God did so you can have revival service that God did so that you could be a great preacher though Pentecost is a divine strategy that goes from one end of the book to the other spirit moved the spirit spoke the spirit moved the spirit spoke then the spirit start calling things to order and I all throughout the book of Acts the spirit moved the spirit spoke and then the spirit started calling things to order let there be apostles and prophets and pastors and teachers and evangelists it's all calling things to order let the Deacons take care of the widows this caller dings to order because the same God who stopped the chaos in the creation is stopping the chaos of the New Testament church and it started on the day of Pentecost when Jesus was crucified and they pierced him in the side he was pregnant with the church and out of his side came blood and water any mother will tell you the water breaks before the baby is born and when the water broke it was a sign that he had gone into labor and he was starting the price of making a download are you hearing what I'm saying see I want you to understand this so that you're just not walking around with words on a speeding car Sunday but you really don't know what it means it's good innit I want you to get this as about says it all that getting get an understanding it also helps you to understand being intelligence of God that God is not just energy as my Jehovah Witness brothers suggest that God is a force or energy No wind is a force lightning is a force you can have force and not have intelligence God is not just a force God is intelligent he is intellectual he has a strategy he determined the end from the beginning he works all things after the counsel of his own will when God was saying let there be he knew it was gonna be Pentecost in fact everything you read about him in Genesis is just a shadow of everything you're going to see in the book of Acts and they are both the books of beginnings one of them is the beginning of the earth the other one is the beginning of the church but there are both books of beginnings so when you read the book of Acts understand that God has added again oh can you prove it yes I can prove with the Apostle Paul's here God who spake in some of the times and in divers places had in this last days spoken unto us by the Holy Ghost he also talks about there's the same God that said let there be light has crossed the light of the glory of God at the face of Jesus Christ has shine in our hearts the same God who said let there be light has crossed the glory of the grace of Jesus Christ to shine in our heart Paul compares the creation to the recreation the redemption process to God really inhabiting the earth it is God at it again look at your neighbor and say he's at it again don't worry if you're in a chaotic situation don't worry if you don't have everything you need don't worry if everything looks kind of money don't worry if it's a mess right now because wherever the spirit moves the spirit speaks and when the spirit speaks in a straight out of the chaos it'll bring order it'll set up boundaries it'll breathe instruction it'll bring formation you know you don't hear what I'm saying to you Oh let there be in my house let there be in my final answer let there be in my marriage let there be in my church let there be in my body if your body cigs it said let there be let there be it's chaotic right now it's infected right now it's disease right now but I call it into order in the name of jihad my God my God my God this is good this is good you have to understand this you have to eat this because what I don't want to happen is for the church to continue to get weaker and weaker in its understanding of its God the reason we're getting weaker and weaker is that we had a church today who has fallen in love with cliches yeah we're preaching off for tweets yeah we don't study now we get we get something that's tweeted and we take a tweet and start preaching offer we're taking fragments of other people's sermons and feeding it to the flock you cannot be polluted food to your children and raise healthy children you have to break down and study to show thyself approved a workman under God that need not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth hallelujah Pentecost is not just something we do it means something and every piece of it means something and I want you to understand what it means oh my god I feel it I feel it I feel it something something is about to happen in this place something is about to happen in you I'm glad you have the Holy Ghost but if you don't understand what's your hand you can't use what you got you can have a car but if you can't drive it you're not going nowhere it's not enough to have it if you don't understand how it operates in your life I can give you something but if you don't learn how to manage it you won't get the benefit out of the gift that you have and God's got you too did right now cuz you're gonna get some understanding it's more than goose pimples it's more than chill bumps it's more than hitting hard loves you can get goose pimples listen to that somebody singing a love song if they see it well enough the Holy Ghost is not your reaction to your mother the Holy Ghost is Christ download his intelligence his power his enthusiasm his ability his might and his strategy has been downloaded into your life don't you know you need God's download you spent years trying to figure it out on your own spent years trying to do it your way when are you gonna hum bow down and say not my will but thine be done give me a download Who am I where am I supposed to be what am I supposed to be door get ready for download somebody give him 30 seconds a break in this place now you must understand that we do not see the word Pentecost in the book of Genesis we just see the work of the Holy Spirit in the book of Genesis we do not hear anything about Pentecost until we get to the book of Exodus in the book of Exodus we begin got introduced to us the tournament across and Pentecost is provoked by the Passover okay so then you must realize that when they took the blood of the animal and of the lamb and placed it on the doorposts and the lintel it was so that the death angel could pass over and I talked about it when she died in battle fire and the Death Angel passed over that is the Passover the Paschal Lamb the sacrifice of God the offering of God was designed not so that we could be escaped death but that through substitution death was already applied to the house the blood was a sign that death had already visited the house and so the Death Angel passed over because the work was done by the blood of the Lamb do you hear what I'm saying to you so that's where the Passover starts from Pentecost sets its watch from Passover because in order to be Pentecost which means 15 in order to be Pentecost it starts counting at Passover 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 everybody gets a 15 which incidentally is 7 weeks 7 times 7 is 49 but they couldn't celebrate at the end of the seven weeks on the 49th day because it was the Sabbath day but on the 50th that means the Pentecost had fully come are you hearing what I'm saying that's why sometimes you will hear the Bible say the Feast of the Passover and other places it will call it the feast of weeks the feast of weeks of the feast of Passover are the same thing it's just that the feast of weeks is counting out in weeks what the feast of Pentecost is counting out in days the feast of weeks is seven weeks that's why the Book of Daniel it'll start talking about the feast of weeks you start talking about the weeks it's all about seven times seven we're gonna see that in eschatology we're gonna see it in Old Testament theology because God does count God does count God does count God is Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end the first and the last he does count you have a day to get in trouble you got a day to get out of trouble you got a day to go in the store you got a date and come out of the store God does keep tell he told Abraham your children are gonna serve in a strange crunching for for a hundred years but afterwards I'm gonna bring them out I came to bring good news to somebody God has counted the days of your affliction everything that has a beginning has an end don't die till you get to your last day God does keep count he's a book keeper he's an accountant he's the Leviticus he's a writer he keeps cancer he keeps schedule he keeps it on cause he keeps it on time he does count for everything are you hearing what I'm saying to you so when we start talking about the Feast of Pentecost or the feast of weeks we begin to understand what God has in mind one of the other things is that it's called is the feast of firstfruits you have to realize that Pentecost comes to mean firstfruits because it is the harvest or the beginning of the harvest from a seed that was planted just put a little footnote on that and we'll come back to that again in a minute and let's go back to stay around Egypt where the blood is on the doorpost and the children of Israel escape and they take the wealth of the unjust is later for the just and they take it with them and they escape out on the eagle's wings and God brings them out they are going from being slaves to sons they're going from being a servant to becoming a nation and according to Old Testament theology of the 50th day God gave them the law which made them a people he gave them an order it gave them a structure he gave them a constitution it made them elation he brought them to Mount Sinai he gave them power there he legitimize him at Sinai in the celebration continued to recognize we're not just a wandering slaves we are a nation some of you are still wandering walking around like wandering slaves and you just shouted because you escaped Pharaoh but until you have Pentecost you don't really become a people and the Bible said God has made us a people who were not a people he will legitimize you you might have been a streetwalker you might have been a whoremonger you might have been a dope dealer you might have been a stripper you might be a liar you might have been a legitimate but when God comes in your life he legitimizes the illegitimate he makes right the wrong he makes some cooking paths straight he sets things in order God would give you a new name he'll give you a new credit he'll give you a new order he'll give you a new structure he'll put his name on your head he'll write your name in his hand he will legitimize you he will make you his son oh my god do you hear what I'm saying to you I'm talking to somebody that never fit in with anybody God is about to give you a pentacle experience his colberto Zafar I gotta legitimize you is his brand on you he branded you with the holy ghost he owned you with the holy ghost he legitimize you with the holy God or the Bible said he sealed you with the holy God you know it's Campbell Soup not because of the can but because of the seal you know y'all don't hear what I'm saying it's the seal that makes you know who you belong to when God gives you the Holy Ghost he puts his seal of you to authenticate so that every devil in hell were though not that child that would be lost to me not that girl she belongs to me not that house that belongs to me oh this is good this is good because we need to understand this all right anthology are a antiquity our structure our order our background our origin now people are paying all kind of money to get DNA testing so that they can find out where they came from because if you don't appreciate where you came from you cannot appreciate where you're going there's something to be said about tradition there's something to be said about tradition tradition establishes of you it gives you order a few Christmases ago I dug out one of my mother's old recipes had I literally had not tasted it since I was 8 years old and she had baked this son this this dessert this sir the lady finger dessert with a cheese cake sinner that she made when I was a little boy and I found the recipe and I dug it out and I made it again and I started passing it to my children why it's just a little thing but it's tradition tradition lets you know that you're not here by yourself traditionalists you know that there was somebody who came before you tradition identifies you and set you apart it all seemed like but in a world where the devil is trying to tell you you're nothing and you're nobody tradition is a sign that somebody suffered and fought and gave and bled and died for me to have the privileges that I got right now and I refuse to let your hair what my grandmother left me what my great-grandfather left me is my talk about generational blessings I'm talking about generation of wisdom I'm talking about generational gymnastics I'm talking about generational fight do you think I'm preaching by myself you blind my mama is standing here my grandmama was standing here my grandfather's standing here my great-great-grandfather is standing here all of my teachers and all of my mentors and anybody who poured anything into me they're all still standing here most of them are dead but then they're not dead that's why the Bible says that you can't get paid for your work when you die for your works you follow you I'm still using what they put down inside of me that's why y'all to touch did you get that I'm still using what you put down inside of me the work continues the vessel has changed but the oil is still flowing y'all didn't get that I said the vessel has changed but the oil is still floor if you know your mama the Bible said God throw the widow get you a bunch of Brussels and borrow a lot of fuel and as long as it was a vessel the oil skill float they kept changing the vessels but the oils never broke God will change the vessel but they all will never break from generation to generation from everlasting to everlasting thou art God somebody who understands what I'm preaching give him a praise right [Applause] so then you must realize you must realize then that when we're talking about Pentecost we are also understanding that Pentecost is about harvest yeah it's about seed time and harvest it is considered the feast of harvest it is it is the residual on a seed planted yeah the the harvest comes from the sacrifice of a seed now I see why Jesus kept referring to himself as a seed he said except a grain of seed if wheat fall into the ground and die it about alone but if it die it bringeth forth much fruit no wonder he asked the Passover lamb when they hung him high and stretched him wide the Bible said he rose from the dead for 30 days showed himself alive for 40 days and then told them to wait for Pentecost which came on the fiftieth day because that is the seventh week and that is the time of the horrors and when the day of Pentecost was fully come the first harvest was three thousand souls got the download it was Christ in you the hope of glory it's a download oh my god that's what I'm trying to do right now I'm trying to download into you what was downloaded into me so it will pass the vessels may change but the oil still flows the vessels of a change but the oil still flows the vessels of a chain but the oil still flows the vessels may change but the oil still flow the vessels may change but the oil still flow the vessels may change but they're all still flow their vessels may change but the oil still flows that vessels might change but the oil still flow Christ said I'm here but the vessels may change but the oil is still gonna flow I don't hear when I say my spirit is gonna flow into you I have been with you the vessels may change you'll see me no more but the oil will still flow and so they had to wait because it was illegal for God to fill them on the 40th day so that they went to Jerusalem to wait for it to be legal for the download sometimes when my phone tells me I got a download it'll let me know that the download is gonna take a certain amount of time and I know that in order to make the download I have to leave the phone hooked up to Wi-Fi and leave it plugged in overnight because this is a big download I can't download a big download in a short time for what God was about to download to the church they had to wait though it Terry wait for it my god I feel the power of the Holy Ghost God is about to give you a major download that's why the devil is fighting you that's why sicknesses fighting you that's why beer is fighting you that's why the president's fighting you the bigger the fight the bigger the download the bigger the fight the ring of the barrel oh I don't know who I'm talking to but the bigger the fight the bigger the download if you've been in a big fight you are appraising like you lost your mind cuz you getting ready for a big download [Applause] so the Bible says that they were in one place with one Accord 70 souls sitting around waiting what are they waiting on they're waiting on the download the download there the little lion is going yeah yeah it's going it's going it's going it's going it's going it's going and Jesus for sins while it's downloading he has sins and he has sins on a cloud and he's still downloading and he says don't try to preach cuz the download is still going on don't try to teach cuz the download is still going on don't lay hands on nobody cuz the download is still going on you know you can't get on your phone while you downloading you can't call nobody why are you download you can't take pictures while you're downloading you gotta wait for the download to finish and the phone will let you know when the download is over cuz it'll go off and it'll come on again and when you see the sign coming you know the download is over so I don't hear what I'm saying so when the day of Pentecost was fully come here comes God's logo like Apple on the phone when the day of Pentecost was fully come and they were in one place with one Accord suddenly there came a sound from heaven like a mighty rushing wind cloven tons of it like a sapphire and set upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost that's the download [Music] [Applause] now I want you to see how real this is God wanted it to be on the Feast of the Passover because devout men from every nation were coming to Jerusalem with their harvests to celebrate the Feast of Pentecost they didn't just happen to be in town they were in town bringing their wagons full of their harvests so it's harvest time when I tell you is Pentecost Sunday I'm telling you it's harvest time it's it's the early harvest it's the beginning of the harvest coming here and so when the Pentecost happened and the Holy Ghost fell that were devout men from Samaria and Judea and the uttermost parts of the earth were all gathered in Jerusalem because it was the Feast of Pentecost but what they were doing was celebrating in the natural what God was doing in the spiritual they came with one kind of harvest but they left with another one because God was downloading on the day of and when the day of Pentecost was fully come and all of a sudden they're they're operating on one level they're dead down in Jerusalem operating in the earth realm and gods up in the upper room operating on another level he's operating on a higher dimension what you going down here doesn't even compare with what God is doing up there and they heard those men in the upper room and they thought they were drunk and Peter said these men are not drunk as she supposed seeing as it is the third of the hour of the day but this is that which the Prophet jor-el spoke of that in the last days I will do a download I will do a download on my sons and my daughters on my handmaidens ed my server I'm gonna do a download and that's how you gonna know you're in the last days cuz you've got to get it download don't be a shocked by Co V at 19 and all of this stuff if you read your Bible if you read your Bible everything happening is in your Bible everything in your newspaper is in your Bible all of the plagues and all of the wars and all of the chaos and all of the racial malice and hatred is in your Bible one of the signs of the last days the Bible says generations shall be against generation in the original language in his ethnos against ethanol's or ethnicity against ethnicity it is a sign of the end time the killings in the street are a sign of the end time : right wrong is a sign of the entire the return of injustice is a sign of the entire playing said nobody can cure is a sign of the entire body bags stacked up in the street is a sign of the entire inflation with food is a sign of the entire the Bible said it it takes a bag of gold to buy a loaf of bread that's inflation it's a sign of the entire the shortage of food is a sign of the end time don't be shocked all these years we've been preaching it then when it happens you're walking around with your mouth hanging over the Bible say [Music] in the last days it would be a great falling away so you're talking about the nuns generation and there's a falling away and many people are not believing and they don't believe in church that is shocking the Bible said in the last days there'd be a great falling away it's a sign of the end time it's a sign of the engine it's a sign of the end time every time you see somebody with the knee on somebody's neck it's a sign of the end time and you see a justice system that goes blind and looks the other way it's a sign of it every time you see a Killi like that it's a sign of the entire every time you see a mother shooter baby it's a sign of the entire every time you see a child turn against a parent and the parent turn against a child is that mothers our biggest daughters and fathers our biggest sir it's all prophetic it's a sign can you handle this kind of preacher it's a sign of the end time God is making a download the download is so profound the download is so powerful God is downloading information now I gotta go deeper and want you to understand what's gonna happen I want you to understand what God is doing I want you understand what it means to be filled with the spirit I want you to understand you've been walking in your flesh so long that your your senses are weak your sense is a weak because you don't use a much but now you don't have to use your senses cuz you're locked up in your house you gotta use your senses you can't lean on somebody else's anointing you gotta use your senses you gotta activate your prayer life you gotta clap your hands you gotta get down by your bed and leave the blood for yourself oh my god you can't just walk up and have somebody lay their hands on you you got to get God to lay his hands on you we're coming into the entire by the way the laying of hands is a sign of a download glory to God it's a it's the sign of a download and the Bible said lay hands suddenly oh no man don't download what you got to just anybody don't cast your pearls to the swine don't give that which is holy to the dog they have to earn the right to get what you got you suffered for it you fought for it you're bled for it your dad for it you're cried for it now you think you all come up and get it in a bag like a bunch of chicken mcnuggets the devil is a lie you got to go through something to get this [Applause] somebody help me praise Him in here Jesus says I have yet many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them now I got intelligence that I want to give you but you're not ready for it now he didn't say you're not gonna ever get it you're not ready for it when now you're not ready for it now howbeit or howsoever with he the Spirit of Truth has come he will guide you into everything I didn't tell you all truth for he shall not speak of himself now I want you to underline that he shall not speak of himself he shall not speak of himself he shall not speak of himself these shall not speak of himself I want you to understand what that means you got to understand that because that one of the names of the Holy Spirit is comforter when we think a comforter we think that God is a motivational speaker and that he's just saying stuff to make you feel good but the Holy Spirit cannot speak of himself he can't just say something of his own accord he cannot speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak so if he didn't hear you are healed he cannot say you were healed if he did not hear you are coming out he did not say you were coming out see see God when he gives you the Holy Ghost he's giving you classified information because the Holy Ghost is the only one who's been sitting at the board room in heaven who overheard the conversation as to what she shall be and so when he speaks into you and says something he cannot he cannot speak oh sure he cannot speak but whatsoever he hear that shall he speak you cannot he cannot download something that one there if the download says you're healed if the download fish you're blessed if the download says you're the head it's a download says you're an overcomer he's not just saying that to make you feel better to help you get some rest tonight he had not speak of himself he can only speak whatsoever he hears if he didn't hear it in the boardroom of heaven he cannot speak it in the earth realm the Holy Spirit is in your life to give you classified information are y'all getting what I'm saying to you put it back up err I'm not through with it he shall not speak of himself he shall not speak of himself everything here oh you was something he overheard if he said is not a sickness unto death it's because he heard is not a sickness unto death if he said you're gonna be alright it's because he heard you're gonna be alright if he said you're gonna come over is because he heard you were gonna come over he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so while you are praying about what is he is answering about what is to come and that's why you're having a breakdown in your conversation cuz you're praying about what you're going through and he's answering about what you're going to he will show you things to come while you worried about things that are he's talking about things to come yeah sure yeah I never will forget I was little boy sitting in the back of the car and I was riding back with my mother and my mother had spoken for her sorority meeting and I was sitting in the back of a green Chrysler and I told my mother I said right now I'm going to hear you speak and they called me miss Jackson but the time will come you'll come to hear me speak and they'll call you Tom Jake's mother I don't know how I knew it but it was a download a phase to come is there anybody in here that keeps getting flashes of things to come and it doesn't fit your situation and you don't see it in your second stare but every time you get ready to give up you'll get a download that says if you hold out a little while longer God look at somebody I got a download I want to frame it but I got a download I would have back slid but I got a download I wouldn't give up but I got a download I want to walk the way but I got a download [Music] [Applause] the Holy Ghost Jesus said there's a lot more I want to tell you I'm not finished yet but you can't bear them now howbeit when the Spirit of Truth has come you gonna get a download and every time the enemy thinks he's got your back to the corner I'm gonna give you a download is there anybody in here that's never been back to the corner and you didn't know what to do and I always said you're headed down low and God told you what to do or who to call or what to do to change the situation all of that is Pentecost all of that is for the cause I will show you one more thing and I'm going close so in Acts chapter 1 I believe it's verse 8 he says ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you you shall download receive power you ain't got to be powerful all you gotta do is accept the download if you accept the download you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you Jesus is talking to his disciples now this is good let me come back here this is the good kind of come down here I'm gonna come back here yeah I want come down here once you're seated listen this is real good Jesus is talking to his disciples and he said to his disciples he says you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you and this is what blew my mind he says and ye shall be Nessus unto me and I thought wait a minute what do you mean they shall be witnesses are they already witnesses are they witnesses to you already wait a minute they were there when you call them they were there when you heal the woman with Asia blood they were there when you heal blind bartimaeus they were there when you call Lazarus out of the grave aren't they already witnesses they were there when Judas prayed you they were there when they took you from judgment all the judgment all they were there when they nail you to the cross they were there with you hung you ha and stretch you out aren't they already witnesses they were there when the tomb was empty they saw you come out of the grave they know that the tomb is empty if anybody ought to be witnesses these boys are to be witnesses and yet he said yeesh this is under me are you hearing what I'm saying you shall be witnesses unto me all of a sudden you say no no no no no no no they're not witnesses because of the things they saw me do because the things they saw me do don't define who I am then in order to be a witness unto me you have to receive the witness on the inside the Holy Ghost is the only one who can be a witness under me because the Bible says that the lamb was slain from the foundations of the world and you weren't there from the foundations of the world but the Holy Ghost was there from the foundations of the world and the reason you are witnesses is because the witness is coming [Applause] the witness is coming you see that the witness the witness witness witness the witness witness witness the witness witness witness the witness that was there when I said let there be the witness that was made when I was setting up in the counsel of God and said let us make man in our own likeness and in our ever the witness that was there before there was a well weird or this or that the witness was coming the witnesses come look at your neighbor and say the witness is coming now you shall be witnesses unto me after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you when the Holy Ghost comes up on you he shall testify of me cuz you you only see through a glass darkly you only got partial information you don't even know the facts but when he wishes practice God you shall be witnesses on a level you were never a witness before so he says don't preach nothing yet because you're not ready until the Holy Ghost has come upon you because the Holy Ghost knows my roots the Holy Ghost goes into my Ancient of Days the Holy Ghost goes back into the corridors of heaven the Holy Ghost was there when Lucifer fell from heaven the Holy Ghost was there before I cast the first star out into the sky he can be a witness of me and the only way you can be a witness is to receive the witness witness witness witness witness witness witness witness witness witness witness witness and with you y'all don't know nothing about that witness witness my soul is witness from my lord my soul is a witness from our look he made me a witness for my look I'm a certified with it I love I'm a witness a witness for my love i'ma say to fight with it for my look imma born again with me her mother my soul the witness he made me a witness he made your witness he made your witness he made me witness I'm about as witness I'm a centum had witness have a certified witness he may he be a witness he witness witness witness witness witness witness he made me a witness [Applause] let's witness witness witness witness witness witness witness a witness witness a witness witness oh and this witness a witness a witness a witness witness a witness to it so witness mr. Whitman with Levi to witness I witness witness I witness the witness witness witness [Applause] with witness there the car that's witness that's always fast give him a prize somebody further calls here hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] what I'm trying to tell you is that you got a whole lot of Passover but not enough Pentecost you got a whole lot of Passover but not enough Pentecost there by my side yeah oh excuse me you got a whole lot of Passover yeah you you got that part down to our death bear resurrection you got all of that down down pat but you you you miss the download and the reason you haven't heard much about the Feast of Pentecost is that you still stuck at the Passover you stuck back there and the Passover and all of your songs and all your celebrations and all your festivities and all of your faith is back there where God was and not where God is this is the rain of the Holy Spirit for the entire show you will have to have the Holy Spirit is the Holy Spirit that with spans the spirit of the hands of Christ Thessaloniki that let us show continue to let until he be taken us out of the way that a hand of Christ could never take over as long as the Holy Spirit is raining this is the rain they shouldn't know that he'll see our side he said that oh I'm about to mess up a good Sunday morning service this is the rain this is the rain and the rulership of the Holy Spirit i'ma prove it to you in Acts chapter 2 there was a sound from heaven like a mighty rushing wind cloven tongues appeared like in the fire set upon each of them they were all filled with the Holy Ghost now they were filled again in Acts chapter 10 verse 44 through 48 but no wind no fire no sound just feel they were filled again in acts after 19 one through five no wind no fire no processional of any kind why did the precession happen in two but it didn't happen in 10 and it didn't happen in 19 because in Acts chapter 2 it was more than filling with the Holy Ghost it was the beginning of the reign of the Holy Spirit over this era and you still back at the cross talking about the Passover and we have come into Pentecost and you're missing it and this is not a denomination this is not a denomination this is no more denomination in the Passover Wars this is not a doctrine it's no more doctrine in the Passover Wars it's for every believer every believer God got a download for every believer it's just like your phone they have notify everybody got off the phone get a download at the same time ain't my phone if you don't download it you get the notification that it's bad but you gotta do the download and I think the notify you [Music] [Applause] [Music] is here and for these Devils we're fighting right now these covet Devils be suicide Devils these depression Devils this is a spouse abusing devil that is loose in this earth right now this crazy devil is loose in this her pregnant women all of your life have you seen the whole world shut down at the same time and you couldn't go nowhere or fly nowhere or drive anywhere to escape it don't you know this is not ordinary you run around talking about this is the flu I've never seen the flu shut down the planet you need to download you need to download this god only knows what's gonna happen next god only knows what's gonna happen next god only knows what's going to happen next and now is the time if you got a notification you better take this download if he is knocking at the door in your heart you better take this download cuz this last whoopin that came to this earth I don't care if you had a black card you couldn't pay it off I don't he was a billionaire you couldn't fix it I don't care if he was the prettiest woman in the world you couldn't fix it I don't care if he was a king and a potentate you couldn't fix it nobody can fix it and there's nothing that God showing you when I get ready to do something can't nobody handle me all your doctors and all your sizes are all your stuff and all your learning can't do nothing with me if I shut it down shut it down I'll shut it down you need to download you need to download everything else and trust me I don't believe in God I don't believe in God I believe in science that's nice how's that working for you I don't believe in God I don't even what I can see and what I can touch it what I can count how's that working for how the stock market working for you how's that working for you how's the airport working for you an airline and the cruise cruise industry how's that working for you all the stuff that you believe in because you didn't believe in God cuz you couldn't see and you couldn't touch him how is the stuff you believe in working for you now do they work it at all it ain't none of it working none of it's working just I want to pray for you see I'm almost glad that most of the churches are closed because too many people have a relationship with the church and not with God you real good at church but you real poor in Jesus you got a big name in the trash haha but no name in the book of life for years we've hidden behind who we were up front how many people we had how bad our quarrels how many degrees our pastor had how many locations we had across the country all um shut down now and then this opening up they open it up but I know about a common gone and over all that all you want to I checked I looked you open but two thirds of your people ain't there you think you have the power to open a door that God has closed or close the door that God has opened don't you know this is out of your hands [Music] when God says it's over it'll be over until he says this hole all we gotta do is humble down and get some places sit down and shut up shut up I'm glad I was raised by old folks because when it was thunder than lightning Oh folks a shout out God is talking [Music] Colin is talking God is talking America God is talking Russia God is talking Great Britain God is talking all over the world South America God is talking North Korea God is talking Japan God is talking China Ghana topic I don't care whether you believe it or not he don't care what you post Oh Instagram Twitter and Facebook God instead of you deleting it your unbelief does not make God's Word of no effect you're so used to being past I did tell blue who care I just had God you had nothing the Lord is in his holy temple let all the earth keep silence before I told him whatever you do I'm good whatever you do I'm good whatever you don't do I'm good with you I trust you I have to trust you I got no choice but to trust you ain't nothing I can do about it I gotta trust I'm not bragging about having faith ain't got nothing else to have I got a hair fish you do - you do - I know you in the big office uptown in New York overlooking the city got all the little employee you gotta trust him - just like the janitor downstairs in the basement with the mop in the bucket you will see faith is a great equalizer it don't belong to the lead it don't belong to the mighty and don't belong to the political it don't belong to the great white folk so own it black folks don't only braunfels dog face it's a great equalizer it may be the only thing that's fair illiterate or intellectual you don't come through this door cause you're smart you come through this door because you'll be me what do you believe where do you stand with God on this Pentecost Sunday and I hope I gave you enough word for you to begin to understand what Pentecost means what it really means I hope somebody studies it and that sets it and breaks it apart I hope I wet your appetite to go deeper cuz even those of us who come from the tradition really lack understanding and some of us have been filled with the Holy Spirit but we don't understand what we got it's just like having a car and not being able to run it a dog can chase down a car but he can't drive you must understand this is a moment for you to come into an understanding that you need a personal encounter with God it ain't based on your goodness ain't nobody good but God nobody's good but God that's why he said except you become like a child and just believe me cuz you can't earn it you have to receive it be honest with you when I get a download I don't know how they do it I don't understand it I don't know what its algorithm to jakka rhythm all I know it's how to receive it God is going to do some things that you don't understand and you have to have faith to receive it can I pray for you today that God will just humble down all your need to control and understand and see and be convinced and be in power humble all of that down and you just come to the garden like Jesus and say not my will but thine be done I'm trying to control everybody you can't control your kids you can't control yourself trying to boss everybody around and fix everybody you're fixing this foolishness how can you know what everybody ought to do and you can't figure out what you ought to do shut up get down on your knees somewhere and can I pray for you that God would this let you receive who I feel a breeze the wind of the Holy Spirit is blowing your way I hear it knocking at the door of your heart he's knocking were you open father and whoever's out there that that can hear what their inner ear they can see what their inner eye that can sense in their spirit the tug of God draw them closer played Romani / father draw them closer with with none of us are where we need to be want to be gotta be but did they draw us closer to that precious bleeding said draw me mirin Jesus that sitter that's closest to hell that max ladder that angry that confused it heard that broken individual drawn to you Jesus [Music] don't fight it don't fight it don't fight it let him bro you let it dry open your heart open your heart open your heart open your heart come on open your heart open your heart over the wire draw [Music] [Music] [Music] he'll come right in your house right now right now draw you [Music] he loves you nearer blessed Lord to the rose [Applause] try [Music] you are I am bad old Lord Here I am I heard [Music] tell me about your love yes Lord yes Lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] right man yeah how singer try [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this before I close if you accepted Christ as your personal Savior I want you to start reading scriptures about being filled with the Spirit of God I want to walk you from Passover to Pentecost I want you to start reading it I've got books and materials about the Holy Spirit how to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit if you are filled with the Holy Spirit I want you by reason of use to start praying in the spirit listening for the Spirit walking in the spirit come out of your feelings if you were in the spirit like you were in your feelings you would have peace you live in your feelings and not in your spirit come out of your feelings you can't trust them you can't trust your feelings they'll lead you to the cliffs and drop you off they'll take your life there's still your peace come out of your feelings and start coming into the spirit there are things that God wants to tell you he wants to show you things to come he wants to download some things that you need to know you need to know it's the great download if this message just blessed you in any kind of way I want to hear from you hit me up on twitter facebook instagram if it's bless you or you know somebody who needs to hear this level of word I know it was kind of meaning for Sunday morning it felt like we didn't act but but I want to leave it with if you know somebody who needs to hear it share with him if you bless your life in a special way so into it Pentecost is about harvest you need a harvest I need a harvest Oh God America needs a harvest it's the only thing I've seen left the only way that we're gonna love each other and walk together and be in peace it's for America to get down on his knees and humble itself it's the only thing that's gonna keep us from going off the cliff eaten up with pride and vanity and arrogance foolishness we eat more news than we do word you hear what I said we eat more news and we do word we got to get down on our knees and see what God says and I want you to receive that harvest in your life in your business in your company some of you're not opening some of your half open some of your quarter open your corner open but you got a hundred percent bills you need a miracle from God so into the kingdom of God and let's touch and agree for God to open up a special blessing for your business for your life for your future sweetheart ain't nothing else worked here we got a little to try try Jesus any nothing else working nobody else knows what they're doing they're all talking like they lost their mind the just shall live by faith I touch it agree with every business on or every company every unemployed person every person who's wondering about tomorrow I speak piece to your fingers into your doubts and I challenge you to walk by faith I pray over every seed you sow everything that's planted into the kingdom that you would find a fertile place an abundant place that whatever you have a supply of that you would find someone who needs what you have for every job seeker I pray for you right now in the name of Jesus for every person who's been worried to death about how you're gonna make it I pray for you right now in the name of Jesus I declare increase over your life I declare harvest this is the Feast of Pentecost I declare a harvest over your seed right now press down shaken together running over and I pray that you get more than you expect in Jesus name Amen god bless you I love you have a great week thank you for being here thank you my little congregation don't matter just a handful of us look we still going on hallelujah here in the little bear a little but we still going on I got a feeling everything is gonna be all right you get a download I got one too [Music] I want to be close to you [Music] you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 390,393
Rating: 4.843225 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, td jakes sunday, td jakes 2020, td jakes sermons 2020, the great download, george floyd, justice for george floyd, justice for floyd, Pentecost, covid19, faith in crisis, staying spiritual during a pandemic
Id: b-O_HaCGhJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 14sec (5234 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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