The GRAYL ACCESSORY You Might Not Know About

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Grail is a really cool company that has some really cool water filtration devices this is their Geo press their Ultra press and then this one here is the same size as the ultra but this one's titanium you can use the outer container to boil water but what if you wanted this size but you also wanted the functionality of a metal container that's all encompassing that goes with it check this out what's up internet Cur 1776 here on a nice 97 98 is degree day here in South Georgia so obviously consuming water is a big deal especially when it's hot like this but it doesn't matter if it's hot out you still need to stay hydrated so in a survival situation you've got to have water to survive no if ands or butts about it end of story you've got to be able to stay hydrated and there's many products on the market out there to help you with that there's powders there's tablets You' guys seen my videos I've shared many different types of water filtration devices some are more fitting for certain situations like if you're trying to do bulk storage or if you're trying to clean a metric ton of water like you're staying in a place at a base camp or something like that and you need to have a lot of water some products take forever for them to actually work and some products just aren't feasible for on the go you actually have to use it right then and there at a spot and then you can't really take the water with you of course you can use fire to purify your water and clean your water up okay we all know that but that's not always something that can be done you may not have a container to actually boil the water in you may be in an area where you can't start a fire so what I would like to do is show you some of the offerings for from Grail so we're just going to briefly talk about these three items here and then I got a Bonus item I'm going to show you here in a minute what so cool about it is is the fact that it is its own container so you can very quickly come up onto a water source filter it and go you can take this with you you can fill this up and you can refill other containers that you may have with you and then fill this up again and then you've got multiple containers there's a few differences obviously as you can see here is size this right here is a 32 o capacity right here this is the Geo press and you got the ultra press which is a little bit smaller right this is a 16.9 o like this this will fit in the cup holder of your vehicle things like that um and then this one here is the same size as the ultra but this one's titanium these come in all kinds of different colors I mean even white you can get them in white but they all have the same functionality okay you you've got an outer container you've got an inner container you got your tops and then on the bottoms you got your filter essentially all you do is you take your outer cup that's what you get your water in there's a line right here that you fill it up to and then you simply take your inner container with the filter you crack the top that way some air can pass through and you press this down and while you're pressing this down the water is going through the filter and entering into the inner container what's cool about this is it really cuts down the possibility of cross-contamination a lot of water filter systems out there you can very easily accidentally cross-contaminate your dirty water into your clean water okay these are completely separate the enters your clean the outer is your dirty and you don't have to boil it you can drink directly from the bottle now so the GR products remove viruses bacteria protozoa and it even improves The Taste and the smell of the water it filters micr Plastics pfas and lead and the water filters on the bottom of course are replaceable they just screw off there's a o-ring there you know to keep the water from cross-contaminating I think it's somewhere 300 a little more than 300 presses and they got a pretty good shelf life on them too so you can buy extra filters and just have them in your Supply and obviously the filters are different as far as the size Ultra versus Geo and I'm sure some of you have seen the viral video on Tik Tok uh when I was using a gril like this in my mud hole back here of course you don't want to be filtering mud holes okay if you can absolutely help it I guess in a real true survival situation you're going to take whatever you can get but obviously you're going to clog up your filter quicker with a very silty dirty dirty dirty water right you want to be able to find the most clean visibly clean and clear hopefully moving water as possible that's going to cut down on the amount of crap that your filter is going to have to you know catch and get clogged up with and all that okay but it'll do a mud hole I proved that yeaw so again you do not have to boil your water after using these things it does the work for you Ultra press exact same thing works the same way the Top's a little bit different designed okay this has a a handle that actually moves up and down the cap comes completely off with a Geo press it stays attached but it's the same deal you've got an inner container with a filter on the bottom and your outer container and then we've got the titanium version this is really cool this is a game changer okay so one of the things I would say would be a con of these is if you don't have a separate metal container and you wanted to boil water for you know cleaning yourself off or rehydrating food or something like that if you don't have a metal container the these are strictly just for drinking right with this one you can use the outer container to boil water so now you have a way to boil water to rehydrate food to heat up water for cleaning or whatever else you may need hot water for and you've got that functionality with the titanium version other than that same thing metal inner bottle got your plastic filter plastic top and it works just like the two others what's great about the ultrapress sizes is is convenient okay so a lot of people carry around water bottles with them a lot of people are drinking water from the water fountains or the water ceg at work things like that you can use this fill up your bottle and purify that water to be absolutely sure that you've got great clean Crystal Clear clean water even at work so this is a great size for everyday just in and out of your vehicle at work things like that this is a great size for hiking backpacking you know spending a good amount of time it holds a little bit more water capacity is really the only difference here so what if you wanted the large capacity Geo press but you also wanted the function ity of this and you wanted it all to work together well check this out we all know who Dave canterberry is Right Pathfinder self-reliance he and Grail got together and they made this nesting cup okay it's got Pathfinder logo there on it also the Grail logo and this is specifically designed to go with the Geo press I love this combo right here great combo because when I'm out and about like actually out in the woods or you know on on a hike or something like that or camping or something I I want a little bit more capacity but also you know have to boil water at times so this is a great ad right here glad that Dave Canterbury and Grail got together on this because that joker just Nest right inside of that cup no problem so you can keep this in the side pouch of your pack just take your top here it's got a top with strainer holes on it so when you're boiling water you can put a top on there you just put this at the bottom of that pouch and then put the the nesting Cup right on top of it that way you got your you got your lid there but this is a 30 Oz nesting cup it's got the handles and everything on it as well to go along with the Grail Geo press it's freaking perfect it's absolutely perfect the only way this could be any better is if gril ever you know made a titanium version of this size I don't know if that's in the cards or not but that would be really cool cuz I do like this this is a great product right here and you really need to be thinking about this even if you're bugging in okay like right now we got hurricane situations going on in California Southern California slam with a tropical storm the first to move across the region National Weather Service warns of FL flooding River all the debr clogged up the drains and now you've got the water flowing right over the road there's flooding going on there's things like that people are having trouble access to water the water that's everywhere around that they could get is freaking polluted and tainted and God knows what's floating around in that water you you don't want to drink it water can kill you just as quickly as it can D um keep you alive okay having stuff like this even at home in a bug end situation where you can go outside and scoop up some of that water that's floating by and and and filter it and purify it and and be able to drink it to stay alive so water filtration is not just a survival thing or when you're out and about and stuff like that I mean God knows what's in our water systems right it's not a bad idea to filter your water anyway let me know what you guys think down in the comments do you have a gril do you use it do you like it do you not have one do you want one now let me know down in the comments below and I'll see you next time with another VI Yeehaw I need to fill this back up so I can rehydrate cuz my back is sweating really bad Sun's hot love you mean it bye fire in that's water from a glacia in Alaska it was blessed by a an Eskimo medicine man it's cold yes it's always cold that that's why it's so speci
Channel: BattlBox
Views: 30,117
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Id: H51zLJdSL2I
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Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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